DIY suspended ceilings in the hallway. Ceilings in the hallway: design in various options. Stretch ceilings: ready-made structures will make repairs easier

Ceiling insulation using polystyrene foam may be necessary both in a private house and in an apartment, garage, country house or bathhouse. After this operation, the room will be much warmer, and its owners will spend less Money for heating. Of course, the thermal insulation of walls and floors also provides good heat retention, but you need to know that about 20% of the heat escapes through the ceiling

Currently exists a large assortment insulation materials, but the most used is polystyrene foam.

Foam boards

Photo wallpapers are a bright solution for decorating the ceiling of your home, apartment or office; with their help you can create coziness, visually expand the space of your home and raise the height ceiling. Photo wallpaper for the ceiling is much more convenient and profitable than plastic and other materials that are a thing of the past. We can safely say that with the advent of all kinds of photo wallpapers, ceiling design has taken a rapid step forward.

Photo wallpaper “Starry sky”

The ceiling is an integral part of every room. Sometimes he plays the role of his “highlight”, and sometimes he plays a secondary role. However, in both the first and second cases, it is the ceiling that helps to logically complete the interior. Its design affects the coziness and comfort of the room. In this case, the location of the lamps on the suspended ceiling plays an important role.

The location and type of lighting is the main component correct design interior

Frescoes on the ceiling are unique look painting, which involves painting an image onto wet plaster. The most popular frescoes were during the Renaissance, but even today they are very often used to decorate the interior of the most different rooms: living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, offices, etc.

Fresco on canvas

A plasterboard ceiling is a relatively cheap and ultra-modern coating option. To make it amazingly beautiful and modern, you need to imagine appearance the finished plasterboard structure, the location of all lamps and lighting, paying attention to the design of the room. Since everything, even small elements in interior design, are always in harmony with each other and combined with each other.

Beautiful plasterboard ceiling in the living room

Your Guide Ceiling;)

When starting a home renovation, we all think about the design of the hallway, so the question often arises about how to decorate the ceiling. Its area is usually small, so modern technologies mastering finishing on it is much easier and much faster. In addition, you can see the results of your work very quickly.

Ceiling design

Often, when designing a ceiling in a hallway, people completely forget about the role of design. And completely in vain. After all, it has long been known that using design techniques, you can decorate a small room by hiding and sometimes correcting existing flaws.

Finishing secrets

When decorating a low ceiling in the hallway, you should use light colors. They will go well with light walls and darker floors. This way you will visually increase the height of the room.

If the ceiling in the hallway is too high, the room has a somewhat disproportionate appearance. The situation can be improved dark color, then the hallway will become more comfortable and harmonious.

When choosing a finishing method, you can leave the area of ​​the room unchanged. For example, if you choose and position the ceiling tiles correctly.

In any case, before starting work, you need to think about the implementation of the design idea - it can radically change the room.

Plastic ceiling in the hallway

This material has won the recognition of many of our compatriots. It is widely used in the design of residential premises, offices, and shops.

For those who are afraid of various innovations, you can suggest painting the ceiling with high-quality paint (fortunately, the choice is now huge), whitewash it or cover it with foam panels. The last method is probably the most affordable and does not require complex installation. And the range of such slabs in stores selling finishing materials is quite diverse.

They do not require complex surface preparation before starting work. You just need to clean it thoroughly from the previous coating (if any), from dust and dirt. Mark the middle of the ceiling and stick the first four tiles from there in the shape of a cross. And then, focusing on them, glue the next slabs. detailed instructions for this material is on the packaging.

This ceiling does not require complex care- When it gets dirty, just wipe it with a damp cloth. In addition, anyone, even those very far from construction, can do it with their own hands.

Don't be afraid to experiment - your hallway will only benefit from it. The main thing is that the result of your work pleases you for many years.

The corridor is the first room that “meets” us and, so that there is no desire to quickly leave it and go to other rooms, I want to decorate it in an original and tasteful way. And if you add small dimensions and a layout with corners and turns, then everything matters: the walls, the floor, the furniture, and the ceiling in the hallway.

In private houses, where the size and height of the room are larger, it will not be difficult to make the corridor interesting and memorable for guests. Well, to the owners small apartments Soviet buildings, where the ceiling height is a maximum of 2.4 m, diversify and increase narrow room It will be difficult without windows. The finishing features of the latter option also include the fact that during construction apartment building The ceiling in the corridor receives the least attention and often has many defects that need to be hidden. By the way, we would like to add that when calculating the budget for renovations in an apartment or house, you need to remember about the hallway, since it is finished last, and you don’t want the design of the corridor to suffer from a lack of funds.

Options for finishing the ceiling in the hallway

You can expand and lift a narrow, long room by correctly combining colors and tones, using modern materials, and combining different textures. General rule for low ceilings there will be: dark walls - light top, for high ones - multi-tiered structures, for dark rooms– use of mirror materials. These and other nuances should be taken into account, along with your own preferences and financial capabilities.

There are many methods of ceiling cladding. We list the most common of them:

  • whitewash;
  • painting;
  • processing with decorative plaster;
  • wallpapering;
  • pasting with polystyrene boards or PVC;
  • paneling;
  • installation of a suspended ceiling;
  • installation of stretch ceiling;
  • combined option (gypsum plasterboard + tension fabric, plasterboard + decorative plaster).

Features of each type

Let's consider each type separately from simple to complex. For example, if 30 years ago the common method of finishing the ceiling was putty with whitewash and painting, then later gluing wallpaper and polystyrene tiles became widespread, and traditional methods also remained.


This method of covering the ceiling with a solution of lime or chalk is the cheapest, although somewhat labor-intensive. Lime has excellent antiseptic properties; this coating does not form mold and is absolutely harmless. But it is impossible to remove dirt from the whitened top; it can only be whitened. With the advent of new building materials, whitewashing is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

The main disadvantage of whitewashing is its boring appearance and labor-intensive work. After all, in order to whitewash the top, you need to prepare it: remove cracks, unevenness, plaster, putty. But the result will still not be the same.


This is the same whitewash, but with the use of modern dyes that have various properties, thanks to chemical additives. Current mixtures are resistant to abrasion and moisture, have no chemical odor, do not mold, and “breathe.” Used inside the house water-based paints, which are not harmful to health, dry quickly, wash with water and provide a uniformly colored, beautiful surface.

The preparatory work before painting is the same as in the first case, but the result is much more beautiful and durable.

Pasting with PVC plates or polystyrene

The first option is also the cheapest, since foam sheets are cheap, are installed with glue, simply and quickly, and provide a well-maintained white surface. Another thing is that such a ceiling will definitely not be expensive and stylish, and the corridor will have an old-fashioned look.

Polystyrene boards are denser and can be different colors, and stick even to an unputtyed base, the main thing is that there are no large differences or bulges. Tiles with mirror film- This cheap option mirror ceiling, in this way you can profitably increase the space and make it much lighter.


This type of room decoration has been known since ancient times, only once upon a time the walls were draped with expensive fabrics such as linen, velvet, and silk. Now they use wallpaper that is not so chic, but also not ordinary paper, as in Soviet times.

Modern wallpapers are different high density and texture. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • paper-based wallpaper;
  • non-woven wallpaper;
  • vinyl based;

There are also textile (fabric) wallpapers that look very rich, are expensive, but very impractical, since they cannot be washed or cleaned.

Decorative plaster

Such finishing will also not be very expensive (if you use inexpensive mixtures). It also requires surface leveling. Moreover, if the differences ceiling tiles exceed 15 mm, then ordinary putty cannot be used; first you need to cover the entire surface with starting plaster, and then with decorative plaster.

Decorative plaster mixtures come in cement, gypsum and limestone bases. A beautiful textured surface is provided by natural fillers, such as quartz, marble, granite, polymer chips, etc. With this material, all design fantasies can be realized. For example, the ceiling in narrow corridor, finished with “bark beetle” type plaster, looks like beetle-eaten tree bark, treated with “ liquid wallpaper» the granular surface can be of a wide variety of colors and shades at the same time, without visible differences. Using structural plaster, you can create volumetric stucco on the ceiling, if the height of the room allows. The desired texture is achieved using a figured spatula, stencil, stamp, sponge, grater, knife, rag, paper or any textured object.


Plastic panels were at the peak of popularity ten years ago. Now many people associate them with the office or bathroom, but in some cases, with skillful combination or, if you choose suitable color and the direction of the slats, then you can create interesting design in the hall.

For example, you can use plastic in combination with wood or with mirror filler between the slats. The direction of the slats also plays a role, so narrow passage can be expanded by installing panels across the corridor or diagonally. Plastic panels are installed either on hangers or directly on the base, using self-tapping screws or “liquid” nails. It is very easy to care for this ceiling.

Stretch ceiling in the corridor

This is an expensive way to decorate a room. It is a suspended structure made of tightly stretched fabric on a fabric or PVC base. Fabric ceilings matte, environmentally friendly and more expensive than film ones.

The PVC-based canvas has a mirror shine, is available in all sorts of colors and shades, but is installed in a special way (using a hot stream of air), and emits a chemical odor during installation. But such ceilings make it possible to make multi-level structures of various shapes. In tension, as well as in plasterboard ceiling, spotlights and strip lights are built in, which gives the ceiling height and a modern look.

Suspended ceiling

This suspended structure differs from tension material and installation. Installing such a ceiling is a little more expensive and takes longer, since you need to build hanging frame, on which the trim is attached. The suspended ceiling may consist of metal and wooden slats, but most often, from sheets of plasterboard.

The advantages of this material are environmental friendliness, low cost, speed and ease of installation, and a perfectly flat surface. Drywall on hangers also hides all communications and makes it possible to build multi-level ceiling varying degrees of complexity. Installed slabs puttied and painted in any desired color.

Combined ceiling

This option will be the most modern and expensive. Stretch fabric and plasterboard in a multi-tiered ceiling are perfectly combined. In this case, the main plane is made of one material, and the inserts are made of another, for example, PVC film. This type of top, in combination with hidden or spotlight lighting, looks great, visually increases the space and gives good taste owners.

Now you know that there are many options for decorating the ceiling in the hallway, and if you combine materials and installation methods, then even more. The main thing is to choose the finish in accordance with overall design corridor, with the peculiarities of the location of the room (for example, near the bathroom or kitchen, where there is more moisture), also take into account the condition of the ceiling, the cost of materials and your own preferences.

One of the final stages of renovation is finishing the hallway ceiling. And indeed, it is the hallway that we tackle last, so as not to disturb the integrity of the already repaired walls, floor and ceiling during the renovation of other rooms.

But despite the fact that the decoration of the hallway is carried out when the main part of the renovation is completed, it’s too early to relax!

Ceiling finishing options

Today, there are several dozen methods and varieties of finishing the ceiling in the hallway.

But to a first approximation, they can be divided into two groups:

  • A finish that is applied directly to the ceiling;
  • Finishing that requires the construction of additional structures.

The first group of finishing methods are:

  • Whitewash;
  • Painting;
  • Wallpapering;
  • Finishing ceiling tiles;
  • Finishing with decorative plaster.

All of these finishing options use the ceiling as a base. Naturally, in order for the finish to be of high quality, the floor must be properly prepared - cleaned of the old finish and primed (see).

The second group includes:

These types of ceilings in the hallway are mounted at some distance from the ceiling. Therefore, there are no special requirements for processing the floor.

Below we will take a closer look at the most common of the listed methods. After studying them, you can decide what kind of ceiling to make in your hallway.

Finishing ceilings on ceilings

Ceiling preparation

Before you start applying finishing material, the ceiling needs to be prepared.

If we are finishing the hallway in a typical high-rise building with concrete floors, then we prepare the ceiling like this::

  • We clean the ceiling down to the concrete: we wash it away old whitewash, remove the paint with a wire brush, and remove the old wallpaper with a spatula.
  • We treat the ceiling with a primer.
  • Using a level, we attach beacon profiles to the ceiling - we will use them to guide us when plastering the ceiling.
  • Using lighthouse profiles as a basis, we begin plastering the ceiling. To level the plaster layer, we use a long rule strip (see).

Note! Before completion plastering works beacon profiles are removed from the plaster layer. The cavities remaining from the profiles are filled with plaster composition.

After waiting for the plaster to dry (the period depends on the composition of the plaster mixture), we putty the ceiling. For whitewashing and decorative plastering There is no need for particularly thorough putty, but before painting the ceiling we putty the ceiling very carefully (see). When the preparation is completed, we move on to finishing.

Whitewashing and painting

Whitewashing and painting the ceiling in the hallway is one of the most simple ways. However, as we noted above, these methods are simple only in themselves - since at the stage of preparation for whitewashing they require serious efforts to level the surface.

Note! If you plan to whitewash or paint the ceiling in the hallway, it is important to level it very carefully using putty. In such small room like a hallway, any unevenness in the ceiling will not only not be masked by painting - it will be emphasized by it.

This decoration of hallway ceilings has proven itself in small hallways with relatively low ceilings.

The whole point is that both whitewashing and painting:

  • Minimally “eat up” space in height (where suspended ceiling you need 100-150 mm; for painting, including plaster, 10 is enough).
  • Visually increase the height of the corridor. Choosing wisely color scheme– a light ceiling, an intermediate shade of the wall and a dark floor – we can “stretch out” the hallway very much.

Naturally, both whitewashing and painting the ceiling are done before finishing the floor and walls in the hallway (see).

Decorative plastering

Decorative plaster is another way to quickly get a beautiful and even ceiling.

Plaster is applied according to the following scheme:

  • On a plastered base plaster mixture Apply the decorative mixture to the ceiling in an even layer several millimeters thick.
  • After applying the cut, before the plaster begins to polymerize, we apply a relief to the plaster using a sponge, grater or notched trowel. The relief can be furrows, dots, lines, waves - in general, here you are given complete creative freedom.
  • After polymerization decorative plaster we paint, or simply tint, passing with an almost dry brush over the protruding parts of the relief.

In addition to whitewashing, painting and plastering, the ceiling can be covered with wallpaper or ceiling tiles. These finishing methods are quite simple, so they should not cause you any particular difficulties (see).

Independent ceilings

Suspended ceiling made of plasterboard or plastic

The second group of ceilings consists of the so-called independent ceilings - structures that are fixed not on the ceiling itself, but on a frame made of wooden planks or a metal profile:

  • At a selected distance from the ceiling (most often it is 10-15 cm), we attach a starting profile or a base rail along the perimeter of the hallway.
  • We attach metal hangers made of galvanized iron to the ceiling itself.

  • We attach frame elements to the hangers, which we connect to starting profile and among themselves.
  • We attach sheets of drywall or plastic panels to the frame from below. To fasten drywall, we use self-tapping screws; we fasten plastic panels either with a construction stapler or with “liquid nails.”

The resulting ceiling made of plastic panels does not require additional finishing, but plasterboard sheathing most often putty and paint.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling - practically perfect option for finishing the hallway.

This ceiling is an elastic PVC sheet that stretches at a certain distance from the ceiling between the walls of the hallway:

  • First, we attach the canvas clamps to the walls.
  • Then, using a plastic spatula or special tool We place the edges of the canvas into the grooves of the clamps.
  • Using a heat gun or construction hair dryer heating the canvas, stretching it into a single plane.

Stretch ceilings have only one drawback: they are quite expensive, and only professionals can make them well.

There are a lot of answers to the question “How can I decorate the ceiling in the hallway?” So, when starting a renovation, don’t stop at considering just one option. It is quite possible that after reading this article, you will find exactly the method you needed!

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