Projects of open and closed summer kitchen. Do-it-yourself summer kitchen in the country: functional features and types Build a summer kitchen in the country

No matter how convenient and thoughtful the device is country house, it’s rare that a country house can be built without creating a summer kitchen with your own hands. WITH early spring Before the deep autumn cold, most of the cooking, preparation, processing and preservation of the harvest takes place in summer kitchen. Here they prepare food for the whole family, relax in the summer in the evening hours, so the kitchen can rightfully be called central place in the country.

How to find the right solution for a summer kitchen

Summer projects and options country kitchen about the same number as the dachas themselves. Often, to save money, owners choose the most simple circuits open summer kitchen in the form of a rebuilt gazebo or terrace. A summer kitchen is usually used as an auxiliary room in order to rid the house of odors and streams of hot air from the stove, and the owners and guests from the suffocating atmosphere of the summer. Most of the premises are protected from rain and sun by awnings and false walls, but still the open summer kitchens, very beautiful and elegant in the pictures, actually remain inhabited only three to four months a year. In cool and rainy seasons, the open summer kitchen turns into country canopy for equipment, and the owners have to move into the house, forgetting about outdoor recreation.

WITH practical point In terms of view, closed summer kitchens in the country are more convenient. Properly selected dimensions and arrangement of space will ensure comfortable conditions in the kitchen no worse than in the open version. The kitchen area at the dacha is a living organism in which everything is important, from the location of the building to the nuances of the interior; every detail must be thought through, drawn on paper and even look at photos of projects for a closed summer kitchen at the dacha given in available sources.

Initially, before putting the main idea of ​​the project on paper, formulate for yourself options for solving the most fundamental technical problems:

  • The nature of the construction of the closed summer kitchen, its size and the location of the building relative to the dacha and the site;
  • How and from what materials it is most convenient to build a summer kitchen;
  • Arrangement of drainage and water supply systems, power supply lines, ventilation;
  • How to arrange a closed summer kitchen, arrange the main kitchen attributes - stove, refrigerator, hood and kitchen furniture.

Advice! Most rational decision will plan the summer kitchen premises at the stage of designing the country house and the location of the main buildings.

In this case, two buildings can be built on the same foundation and even with a common wall, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of construction estimates.

Where to build an enclosed kitchen

Unlike open version a kitchen space that can be placed under a canopy or in a gazebo, without much regard for its location, closed circuit assumes the presence of an insulated foundation, ceiling and walls, which means it needs to be installed on the leeward side, closer to the well, away from the septic tank or drainage pit.

There are few options for the location of a closed summer kitchen:

Important! A closed kitchen, unlike an open version, will require a full foundation that holds relatively massive structure the buildings.

The construction of an outdoor closed kitchen is a little more expensive, but there are no problems with leveling the foundations and roofs of two buildings; moreover, the design of the summer catering unit can be made completely different from the main building of the dacha.

In such a room you can install a small gas stove with a propane cylinder, which will be enough to warm the room and prepare food for the family.

We build a closed kitchen with our own hands

Setting up a summer kitchen closed type selected depending on the climate and whether the dacha is used from November to March. For middle zone And northern latitudes It may be advisable to build an enclosed kitchen space in the form of an extension to the dacha from foam blocks, on a solid foundation. Walls made of foam concrete perfectly retain heat in a room, even with a significant temperature difference, and during the summer heat they work like a thermos.

For southern regions a frame structure made of wood with large area glazing and, importantly, high ceilings. This arrangement of a closed kitchen provides excellent ventilation, even if the walls are lined with plasterboard or OSB boards. In addition, in the summer heat it is much more pleasant to be in a house made of wood than in a building made of concrete, stone or corrugated board.

Summer kitchen made of foam block

The technology for adding a closed summer kitchen made of foam concrete is practically no different from the construction scheme for any other small extensions made of foam concrete. The material for the kitchen box will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and with proper design, you won’t even need independent heating; a small cast-iron stove-stove will be enough.

It will be possible to start working on a closed kitchen no earlier than in the fourth or fifth year of completion of the construction of the dacha. We make the foundation for the kitchen according to the same scheme as for the dacha. Most often this is a shallow shallow foundation reinforced with steel reinforcement, which will need to be connected to steel frame the foundation of the dacha. At the same time, it will be necessary to lay channels under sewer pipe and plumbing.

The floor in a closed kitchen must be insulated by filling expanded clay under concrete screed or laying sheet EPS. If the dimensions of the closed kitchen box do not exceed 3x4 m, then the number of reinforcing belts made of rod can be reduced to two, one each in the top and bottom harness walls

In about six months the box will settle, and it will be possible to lay the roof, install windows, carry out decorative finishing. A closed summer kitchen of this type in the autumn winter period can be used as an additional room for flowers and seedlings. In a similar way, you can build a closed kitchen, located separately from the main building of the dacha. But in practice, such projects are implemented less often, since they cost much more than an extension.

Interior walls can be coated sand-cement plaster, and cover the ceiling with plasterboard and paint it with water-based emulsion, as in the living quarters of a dacha, but not everything is so simple. Any experienced summer resident will confirm that the interior design of a closed summer kitchen is seriously different from a regular kitchen:

Important! In the stone room of a closed summer kitchen, you can easily build a fireplace or wood-burning stove. Often, for the sake of being able to use a brick or stone wood-burning stove in the summer, a summer kitchen is built in the country.

Considering the fact that in a relatively short period of harvesting, procurement and conservation, a huge amount of gas and electricity is wasted, such a solution will help seriously save on energy resources.

In addition, the extension to the house can be made on a pile or columnar basis; by connecting it to the load-bearing wall of the dacha, the necessary rigidity of the box can be ensured without the use of traditional reinforcing belts for foam concrete. If you assemble an extension from a steel profile, then the walls can be made entirely of glass, or in this case from double-glazed windows, as in the photo.

Combined and wooden closed summer kitchens

The summer kitchen box does not have to be built entirely from stone and foam concrete. Often a full-fledged foundation and part of the walls are built from concrete and brick to the level window openings. The rest of the walls from the middle are made using frame technology from metal profile, steel pipes or wooden beam. Such designs allow you to build a brick oven or install a cast iron firebox, abandon ceiling, and make the roof with high angle slope of the gable roof.

High ceilings guarantee comfortable living conditions in the kitchen at any time of the year, in the summer heat and winter cold.

The designs of closed kitchens are not limited to stone and combined buildings. There is no point in building a closed catering unit from stone and brick if the dacha is used only in the spring and summer. It’s easier and cheaper to assemble a frame or completely wooden version, it will be cheaper and more convenient.

One of the most popular solutions is to use it for a summer residence finished projects and structures of closed wooden gazebos. This simplifies the development of a summer kitchen layout and reduces the cost of designing a building. One can cite as an example one of the most popular Finnish buildings designed by the Villa Albatross project, often used as a summer wooden house, closed wooden gazebo, and of course, a summer kitchen.

The advantages of using such a scheme are obvious:

  1. The structure of the summer kitchen building is almost entirely made of pine boards and timber. This simplifies construction and allows you to assemble a room box in a matter of days;
  2. The closed kitchen has a huge glass area. IN good weather open windows allow you to get the atmosphere and conditions in an enclosed summer kitchen at a level comparable to open areas and awnings;
  3. The foundation is made of piles and asbestos-cement pipes. In one fell swoop, the problem of waterproofing and insulating a closed building is solved by filling it with expanded clay and laying a sheet of extruded polystyrene.

For your information! The octagonal shape of the building was chosen very well. In addition to optimal use internal space, rounded side walls give additional stability frame structure even in open, well-ventilated areas of the dacha.

The unusual shape of the walls requires the use of a special form of strapping and joists for the plank floor, such as the one shown in the diagram. The roof of the structure has to be assembled from eight separate slopes, but using the original dome technology, as in the video:

The floor inside the enclosed space of the summer kitchen can be left plank or laid with laminated OSB plate or linoleum. If wooden beams and boards treated with an antiseptic and preservative are used for a summer kitchen, then there are no problems with removing excess moisture from the atmosphere of the room. Otherwise, after a few months the wood will begin to rapidly absorb water and deform with the formation of cracks and crevices.

If necessary, a closed summer kitchen can be insulated along the outer surface of the walls using traditional technology shown in the diagram. Mineral felt is laid on the walls and secured plaster mesh and a layer of primer and decorative plaster is applied. The corners and the base part are lined artificial stone.

In a similar way, you can perform decorative finishing in the style of a Danish house, when the surface of the kitchen walls is finished with waterproof plasterboard, and the elements of the planks and beams of the frame and ceiling are left open, as in the photo.

Interesting solutions for building an enclosed kitchen

Often, when building a summer kitchen, you have to look for original solutions to the most painful problems associated with the arrangement and layout of the room. Perhaps, from a design point of view, such buildings are not masterpieces of design, but in practical terms, without a doubt, these are the most convenient and thoughtful solutions.

Optimal location of the stove in a closed kitchen

For example, the rules fire safety It is required to move barbecues, barbecues, and Finnish braziers with an open firebox flame to a distance of at least two meters from wooden and flammable materials. If you need to install a barbecue with a hood in your summer kitchen, the easiest way to do this is according to the diagram shown in the photo.

The design of the closed kitchen is made in the form of an extension to a frame dacha. This solution allows summer construction to be very light and rigid. Installed on pile foundation the strength of the frame is enough to make one of the side walls in the form glass panel to the entire height of the ceilings. the main problem- a heavy stove or fireplace wall with a chimney was moved outside summer building and are lined with natural stone and painted steel corrugated sheets.

Traditional wood stove requires some modification interior design In a summer kitchen, for example, the walls and ceilings are usually lined with wood in the style of a log house made of logs or timber. The area around the stove in the project must be lined with non-combustible materials, especially in the adjacent area chimney to the floor beams and in front of the ash pit and firebox.

An excellent option would be to install a summer kitchen in your dacha. electric stove and an oven. The availability of electricity is critical for processing and storing food, but the light in the country can go out for many hours, so the interior often contains a gas stove with a cylinder along with a microwave and a conventional electric stove. In addition, experienced summer residents know that it is difficult to preserve and process harvested crops into salads and jams with an electric stove in the country due to the low thermal power.

Glazing and interior options for a closed summer kitchen

In the summer heat, a closed kitchen in a country house can turn into a real hell if the size of the windows and the operation of the ventilation systems leave much to be desired. The simplest solution involves installing four to five windows for a wooden frame building instead of the traditional two window openings.

The doors can be opened in ventilation mode or swung wide open, depending on the weather conditions and air temperature in the country house.

In addition, the traditional stone closed kitchen has always been inferior to the open plan in terms of illumination and quantity. sunlight penetrating into the room. Today, for a modern dacha and summer kitchen, the maximum amount of natural light is becoming an unrecognized standard in the construction of summer country houses.

Regardless of whether the closed kitchen is attached to the cottage premises or is designed as a separate building, the larger the windows, the higher the comfort inside the building. In this case, it is important not just to glaze the closed kitchen, but to correctly position the window openings in the structure of the building.

Traditionally, a closed summer kitchen in a country house is divided into two main zones - dining and working. The place where family members sit for lunch or relax with a cup of tea should be open to the sun's rays as much as possible. Equip the work area large windows does not make sense, since due to high humidity and temperature changes, the glass will regularly fog up with condensation and fumes from everything that is cooked on the stove.

In addition, it is important to correctly install the window for brick stove, if there is one in the summer room. Such a window is installed to take in air from outside the kitchen during cold times to avoid drafts and heat loss inside the room.

For small summer kitchens, often combined with a closed veranda, as an exception, the size of the windows can be increased to the maximum.

For a summer kitchen room combined with a gazebo and dining room, the size of the windows is increased to the maximum; the larger the room, the more difficult it is to achieve a good level of illumination. The window can reach the basement and occupy more than half the surface of the walls.

The interior and interior design of the summer kitchen is very nice, finishing with stained wood and natural stone. Often, such solutions are resorted to if the summer kitchen is part of a summer cottage built from timber or rounded logs.

For more traditional stone and frame buildings, interior trim with clapboard or decorative plaster. Part of the walls adjacent to the stove or stove can be lined tiles or ceramic mosaic.

To get rid of the disadvantages inherent in closed and open circuits summer catering unit, often built at the dacha combined options, in which part of the walls and window frames are removable. At the same time, the walls, floor and ceiling are insulated, and after the removed glazing is returned, such rooms can easily be converted into closed or winter option.


The most unusual and practical of all closed summer kitchens can be called a building in a country house, assembled from a 20-foot sea container, photo. It is difficult to stay in such a room in the heat, but in spring and autumn the construction fully lives up to expectations. If the site for the future dacha has just been purchased and does not have full-fledged buildings suitable for temporary use, such as a kitchen, such a closed building can simultaneously serve as a storage place at the dacha for equipment and some accessories, even a scooter or walk-behind tractor. Subsequently, it is enough to cover the room with bricks, make a full-fledged oven and sewer system, and you can perfectly prepare dinners and preserve fruits and vegetables in the country for many years to come.

Surely, every person who has spent time in nature has noticed more than once how their appetite develops in the fresh air. This is especially true when there is s. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to use in the cold season. For this reason, people who plan to travel to their dacha all year round need to insulate it in advance or build a kitchen that is suitable for all-season use.

A set for a country kitchen differs from a simple one, first of all, in that it is most often done in

Ideally suited to the overall appearance of a country house. Before you try to make this a reality, it is worth paying attention to a number of certain factors:

  1. Yours must have free space for construction winter kitchen, the area of ​​which will be at least 25 m2, including indentations.
  2. Do not forget about - it is advisable that the kitchen sewer be combined with the common house sewer. If it is separate, then you need to think in advance so that your neighbors do not experience any inconvenience.
  3. Decide what time of year the kitchen will be used.

If it is not possible to equip a full-fledged winter kitchen, you can solve this issue in other ways:

Construction technology directly depends on what time of year your kitchen will be used. Country kitchen for winter conditions must have good thermal insulation, insulated ceiling, walls, and floor. In this case, the kitchen no longer becomes just a place for cooking in the open air, but turns into a full-fledged, separate room, whose interior is complemented kitchen set(albeit not the same as in a city apartment).

For winter kitchen great solution will become . To do this, you need to install double-glazed windows of a dark shade, made to look like wood, and capable of retaining heat well. It is advisable to give preference to double-glazed windows that can be removed without much effort as soon as summer weather arrives.

During construction, you should pay attention to. It must be concreted as high quality as possible. At the same time, try not to lose sight of the fact that concrete laying must be done in accordance with all technical rules, with the presence of a foundation pit. It may not be too deep, but it must be present. Otherwise, after several long autumn rains, your kitchen may “float”.

Construction scheme columnar foundation for country kitchen

Wood is an excellent material for building a winter kitchen. When choosing a material, you should be very careful about the quality of the wood. The material must be thoroughly dried and treated with a special composition, which will prevent the development of mold fungi.

Winter kitchen insulation

Insulating a winter kitchen is a difficult technical process where there is no room for error. An incorrectly constructed structure can lead to quite a lot of damage, calling into question the very existence of the kitchen. In addition, it is necessary to carry out insulation work efficiently and carefully, since at first minor defects will not be too noticeable, but their further correction will be very labor-intensive and will take a lot of time.

The process of insulating interior walls in the kitchen can occur regardless of what material was originally used during construction. The whole difference concerns the process technology. Today, the range of insulation materials is very large, which allows it to be used in a wide variety of options. For insulation, as a rule, bulk and non-bulk materials are used.

Wall insulation process mineral wool

The kitchen can be insulated with mineral wool, sedge or sawdust. If the walls are insulated using bulk materials, then it is imperative that after laying the roofing material, the walls should be faced with boards.

In this video you can watch the process of insulating a kitchen in country house Isover insulation fiberglass based

In addition to treating the walls, it is necessary to insulate the ceiling and floor. The floor can be insulated using any insulating material. The heat insulator is laid on the subfloor on a layer of pre-laid roofing felt. Then a layer of roofing material is also laid on the insulation itself. After this, a wood-fiber protective layer is laid. Upon completion of all the work done, simple linoleum can be laid on the floor.

The ceiling is insulated in exactly the same way as the floor. When insulating interior walls, remember that there should be no gaps during work, otherwise cold air may enter the room through them.

A country house has a very significant advantage - it gives us the opportunity to dine in the fresh air. The dining area can be equipped in different ways.

You can just put it in the garden plastic furniture, but it is much more convenient to equip summer kitchen. Then cooking and dining outdoors will become a real pleasure.

A summer kitchen will be a salvation for owners of small country houses. It will help free up the stationary kitchen in the house for the whole summer and use it as additional room. And cooking in the garden is much more pleasant and convenient. You can continuously cook, treat and communicate with guests.

The summer kitchen is simply created for preparing barbecue, grilled meat, barbecue, canning and making jam. It is very convenient here to process the harvested crops without fear of littering the house. Here you can immediately “twist” jars of cucumbers and make jam for the winter, tempting your neighbors with their wonderful aroma.

How to arrange a summer kitchen in the garden and near the house

Today there are many ways to arrange a summer kitchen in the garden. It could be like separate room, so small gazebo or barbecue area. The main thing is that it is equipped with a fireplace on which you can cook food, continuously communicating with the guests sitting at the tables next to each other.

If you have a large enough garden, you can place it large-scale summer kitchen-pavilion. Typically, such structures are installed near the house to make it easier to provide the kitchen with water and electricity.

Summer kitchen: options

The design of a summer kitchen can be light, open on all or several sides. It is important to consider protection from bad weather. A roof or canopy will protect from rain, and removable partitions made of glass or wood, sliding structures or roller blinds - they will save you from the wind. Thanks to this, you can dine and cook even during bad weather.

You can also make the walls in the style of an openwork gazebo. And to protect from prying eyes and wind, plant nearby hedge. For example, you can plant herbs nearby or grow roses or climbing plants along the trellis. To make the dining area more romantic, you can hang air curtains.

If summer season If it lasts almost the whole year, then it’s worth building a more serious facility that will withstand any bad weather. In fact it's closed gazebo or small house-kitchen. There is another one convenient option arrangement of a summer kitchen - on open veranda house overlooking the garden. A stove, stove or fireplace, as well as tables and chairs, are installed on the veranda. This option is considered the most economical and simple. You can easily provide water for washing, gas for the stove or electricity, since the veranda is an extension to the house. On the veranda railings you can hang balcony boxes with herbs, then you will always have fresh herbs at hand.

Summer kitchen: cooking area

A small space in the kitchen will be used for cooking. It can be equipped with a traditional stove, a small gas or electric stove, stone oven or grill fireplace. In the same area there is a cutting table and small lockers for kitchen utensils. Well, the rest of the summer kitchen is dinner Zone, where tables, comfortable chairs or sofas are installed.

Summer kitchen - photo

Create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere It’s very simple - just equip a summer kitchen where you can cook food and organize friendly gatherings.

Construction of a summer kitchen is a rather painstaking and costly undertaking. However, if you wish, you can save a lot by choosing an inexpensive project and implementing it yourself.

Summer kitchen - a functional area for comfortable relaxation

The summer kitchen very often becomes the central object of a personal plot. The cooking process is transferred from a stuffy room to the street, and it becomes possible to combine business with pleasure - communicate with guests and at the same time set the table.

An improvised building can decorate a garden or complement the exterior of a residential building, and by building a summer kitchen yourself, using inexpensive materials, you can save a lot of money.

Advantages of arrangement " home cafe"in nature are obvious:

Of course, a summer kitchen is not a home, but its arrangement must also be approached responsibly, having thought through everything down to the smallest detail. Development individual project and turning it into reality is quite an expensive pleasure. However, you can significantly reduce costs:

Types of summer kitchens: choosing the optimal and inexpensive construction option

There are a lot of summer kitchen projects. The main parameter by which they are classified is openness kitchen space. There are three types of arrangement of home kitchens:

  • open kitchens;
  • semi-open kitchens;
  • closed kitchens.

Open summer kitchen, or the so-called “kitchen island” - resembles a gazebo or veranda. The main elements of the kitchen are a stove for cooking, a sink for dishes and kitchen furniture. Such a kitchen does not have side walls; at most, there can be decorative nets with climbing plants or sun-protection curtains. Often an open kitchen is equipped with a canopy.

“Kitchen island” is an economical summer kitchen project, since the structure does not require a “powerful” foundation and the construction of walls, the consumption of materials is minimal.

The advantages of an open kitchen include:

  • ease of construction;
  • significant savings;
  • excellent ventilation.

The disadvantage of an open-type kitchen is that the building can only be used in the summer when there is no wind.

Semi-open kitchen- a type of open type, but here the presence of one to three walls is already provided. Such a structure is more versatile than a “kitchen island”, but its construction will cost a little more.

One wall of the kitchen can belong to the house or bathhouse - this will reduce costs and time for building construction. An additional advantage of such a structure is the proximity of a water supply.

The presence of walls will make the kitchen more comfortable, and the feeling of closeness to nature will remain.

Closed summer kitchen- a full-fledged small house, which can be insulated or not. This building is multifunctional. The kitchen can be used as a guest house, dining room or pantry.

Equipping a closed kitchen is the most expensive option. But you can save money here too. For example, build a kitchen not from stone and brick, but from lining, plasterboard, plywood or slate. Of course, you won’t be able to use such a kitchen all year round, but during the spring-summer-autumn period it will become an indispensable helper in your summer cottage.

Requirements for the location of the summer kitchen

The following requirements are put forward for the location of the summer kitchen:

  1. Possibility of free supply of communications (electricity and water supply).
  2. The kitchen should be located away from compost pits, toilets, and utility buildings with pets.
  3. Preference should be given to a place with a slight slope for the outflow of rainwater and melted snow.
  4. Highly flammable buildings must be located at least 10 meters from the kitchen, coniferous trees and bushes - at least 2 meters.
  5. The open part of the kitchen should “look” to the north - this will protect it from the bright rays of the sun.

Whatever the configuration of the building, personal plot should be used rationally, and in front of the kitchen there should be a panoramic view of the garden or yard

Key points when designing a summer kitchen

The initial stage in the construction of summer kitchens, regardless of their type, is design. It is important to take into account all important issues as much as possible:

On general drawing buildings must indicate all the necessary dimensions, the name of the building materials used, and a diagram for connecting engineering equipment.

You need to think through the interior and exterior design of the kitchen in advance, select decorative elements and finishing materials.

Stages of building a “kitchen island” with your own hands

You can inexpensively set up a summer kitchen in your dacha by creating and installing a homemade one on a separate site. work surface. Let's consider the option of constructing " kitchen island» on a wooden frame.

preparation of materials and site arrangement

For work you need to prepare the following materials:

For an open kitchen it is not necessary to build a foundation; it is enough to arrange the area as follows:

construction of the base for the work area

Sequence of frame manufacturing " kitchen island» next:

Before finishing the frame, it is necessary to cut out the internal shelves and doors and check that they are installed correctly. If necessary, “adjust” the design.

finishing the "kitchen island"

All internal parts of the frame must be removed, after which you can begin finishing the working part of the kitchen:

The second layer of plaster can be made even if painting is used to finish the “kitchen island” or the base will be covered stainless steel

How to build an inexpensive semi-open summer kitchen

The most popular among summer residents are semi-open summer kitchens with a gazebo. Projects can be seen on the Internet or specialized magazines. To create a kitchen with a gazebo, aerated concrete or foam concrete is suitable - this is an excellent alternative to brick and wood. The main advantage of foam concrete is its affordable price and strength.

Work order:

Economical options for constructing closed kitchen buildings

If the budget is limited and the weather conditions of the region do not allow installing an open summer kitchen, you can experiment and build a closed building not from brick, but from more affordable materials.

Interesting and inexpensive option- closed kitchen made of polycarbonate. For small kitchen, size 3*3 m, pouring a foundation is not required. The entire construction process can be divided into several stages:

  1. Remove on site upper layer soil.
  2. Install a metal profile in the corners of the site, in the dug holes.
  3. Pour the base of the platform and the stand with concrete. The kitchen floor level should be 5 cm above the ground surface.
  4. Weld to the side posts cross beams, intended for roof installation. The transverse profile should protrude 5 cm beyond the kitchen area for normal water drainage.
  5. Using self-tapping screws, cover the frame with polycarbonate, using waterproofing gaskets and polyethylene washers. Sheathing the frame must begin from the roof.

Some craftsmen build inexpensive summer kitchens from scrap materials. For example, from old wooden window frames you can build an original “transparent” structure that protects from wind and rain.

Flat slate will make a more durable and warm closed kitchen, and if it is additionally insulated, it will be possible to use the kitchen in the cold season. You can give an old shipping container a second life by turning it into an original summer kitchen for your cottage.

You can make a summer kitchen from an old one small house, whose condition is already close to emergency.

Photo projects and design solutions for summer kitchens

Let's consider different variants external and interior design summer kitchens.

Summer kitchen in high-tech style. The main emphasis is a combination of comfort and restraint in design.

Summer kitchen in classic style.

A summer kitchen made of wood fills the garden with warmth natural material. Many elements can be replaced with wooden lining.

The construction of an original form can become the calling card of a personal plot.

A summer kitchen in a landscape style will become the central element landscape design garden

Summer kitchen in rustic style.

Setting up a summer kitchen on the terrace of a country house will cost much less than building a separate building.

The role of living plants in the design of a summer kitchen.

An economical option for a kitchen under a canopy made of corrugated sheets.

A kitchen attached to a Russian-style bathhouse.

Using photo wallpaper to decorate a summer kitchen.

As you can see, there are many options for arranging a summer kitchen, and even with a limited budget, you can create an original, durable and cozy summer kitchen. The main thing is to have enough time, approach the process creatively and not be afraid to experiment.

A comfortable holiday at the dacha cannot be complete without a summer kitchen. A building is ideal only after its main functions have been determined. This is a vacation with friends or family, or maybe canning food for the winter. How many people is the recreation area designed for? The projects are as follows: a separate building or an extension to the dacha. Financial side plays important role during construction, as well as individual imagination with golden hands. Summer kitchens in the photo:

It will be important to determine the type and type of heating: gas, stove, fireplace or electric; with water supply and sewerage.

Types of country summer kitchen in the fresh air

A variety of options for designing summer country kitchens can be divided into two main groups: closed and open. The choice of one group or another depends on the individual approach to recreation, climatic conditions. These will be short trips to the country or for a longer time.

Open kitchen

The feeling of space, freedom and unity with Mother Nature is achieved by the complete absence of any walls or partial. The location of the dacha in the southern zone with the appropriate climate allows the construction of an open-type kitchen overlooking the garden plot.

Kitchen - extension to the main house

Simple and reliable option– connection of a summer unheated kitchen to the main building. In this case, the roof can be a simple canopy or other structure suitable for the time of year. Economical option kitchen construction

In the spring-summer period, an open kitchen in the fresh air is relevant. What could it be better than breakfast or dinner for outdoors. Relevance decreases in winter. Cooking is not very comfortable in cold weather.

Kitchen - veranda

A harmonious combination of a summer kitchen on the veranda of the house will add sophistication to the overall design of the cottage. Special attention for this type of structure is paid to the foundation. It must correspond to the depth of the foundation for the house. Otherwise in winter time the veranda will be separated from the main wall of the house. Next, install the wall frame, decor, cladding and covering the roof, preferably a pitched one.

Kitchen - gazebo

The foundation for the kitchen - gazebo - is suitable for a strip or columnar type. Installation of corner frame racks can be brick, wood or stone. An excellent option is to sew up one of the openings between the racks to accommodate kitchen utensils.

The decor of gazebos can be not only aesthetic, but also multifunctional. The design of textile curtains looks great, wood panels or climbing plants. Removable and sliding panels are great for outdoor recreation.

In the kitchen-gazebo it is possible to install a stove, fireplace, barbecue or barbecue, there will be no smoke.

Closed summer kitchens with walls and roof

Weather conditions with frequent rains, winds, low air temperatures, and early frosts require the construction of indoor summer kitchens. This look is great for winter lovers country holiday. The kitchen can stand alone or be attached to the main wall of the house. This is a full-fledged small house with autonomous heating and all comfortable living conditions. Often they are added to such kitchens utility rooms, for example, for storing workpieces.

Block or brick buildings are used at any time of the year. Construction is also possible from plywood or lining. Combining Construction Materials, For simple project summer kitchen, it is possible to create some of the most interesting and original ideas.

Summer kitchen with built-in fireplace

A multifunctional element of a summer kitchen is a fireplace installation, which can be used as an oven or barbecue. Various options for installing kitchen fireplaces in the photo are presented below:

Summer kitchens with barbecue function

Open type summer kitchen with ample barbecue area. This is an excellent option for noisy and large companies.

Summer kitchens with barbecue grills

To prepare a classic barbecue, you need a special grill. To protect from any weather conditions, it is advisable to place the grill under the roof.

Choice convenient place for the construction of a country summer kitchen

The comfort and process of building a country summer kitchen depends on the location. Some features need to be taken into account:

Availability of communications. Accessible location of water, gas, electricity, sewerage.

Distance from main roads. To exclude exhaust fumes, machine noise and dust.

Fire safety. Sufficient distance from flammable buildings.

Availability of landscaping. Creating shade and coolness indoors with the help of trees.

Distance from the main building - the house.

Construction sequence

1. Preparation

First, you should decide on a project for constructing a country summer kitchen. Based on the type of materials chosen, the size and shape of the building, the type of main base - the foundation - is selected. The most suitable are columnar and strip.

Building a closed kitchen from brick, block or other stone involves choosing strip foundation. Open kitchens or closed from beams can be built on the basis of a columnar foundation. Cast from cement mortar or made from cinder blocks. Under a light canopy the best option The site will be concreted of the required size, reinforced with metal rods or mesh.

Excavation; it is necessary to dig a foundation, the depth of which is calculated depending on the materials used. The rest of the construction site needs to be leveled.

Arrangement of the pillow. Before pouring concrete, the surface must be sprinkled with sand and spilled, but not washed away, with water.

Pouring the foundation, pillars or platform; When pouring concrete, it is necessary to make a frame of reinforcement, placing it evenly over the pouring area.

Floor arrangement; The floors can be left as earthen ones, but dampness, insects, and dirt are possible. It is better to lay wooden floors or fill the floors with concrete.

2. Construction of walls

The construction of walls depends on the chosen kitchen design. One way or another it is necessary to install and secure support pillars holding up a canopy or roof. The food preparation wall can be made of any materials.

Working with artificial stone. Based on the purpose of the building, a single brick wall is erected. When used in winter, the walls need to be insulated.

Working with wood. Fastening between structural elements metal corners or self-tapping screws. External cladding is made of siding or boards. Internal cladding - clapboard, tongue-and-groove board or plasterboard.

Flat pitched roof will be the cheapest and easiest option. The gable roof option is more attractive. For year-round use, a thermal insulation pad made of basalt fiber foam or glass wool is required. To extend the life of the building, it is necessary to have a long canopy so that the walls do not absorb moisture from rain or snow.

4. Interior decoration

Terrace board or ceramic tile perfect for flooring. The decking can be painted with any shade of paint or varnished. For protection from others natural conditions Ceilings and walls can be covered with drying oil.

The interior decoration of a summer country kitchen comes from general style of all country house design.

MDF panel finishing is economical and popular today. Affordable, durable and environmentally friendly material. Great for unheated summer kitchens. When heated, the material undergoes deformation. From budget materials– plasterboard, used for wallpaper, painting walls. It absorbs all excess moisture, which is also its main disadvantage.

Inexpensive materials include thin plastic boards or lining. Moisture resistant and high quality. Natural stone or a combination of several types of finishes is also used.

Furniture in a country summer kitchen

There is no place without furniture in the kitchen. At a minimum, there should be a kitchen table, chairs, the number of which depends on the number of family members, a bedside table for cooking, and racks for dishes.

1. Separation of the dining and cooking areas indoors. The relevance of the bar counter is not lost. You can delimit space using the correct supply of light, variations in the composition and color of the materials used.

2. The choice of furniture should be attributed to one design solution or lead to a competent combination. Preference should be given to non-stainable materials, warm and harmonious colors.

3. Regular use of an oven, grill or barbecue, electronic or gas burners for cooking. For safety purposes in load-bearing wall a separate niche is made.

5.Usage decorative items to create a cozy room environment. Various souvenir plates, fresh and artificial flowers, paintings, blankets for chairs.

A variety of ideas in the construction of a summer country kitchen, design, and design - a huge space for imagination and creativity.

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