Technical equipment and organization of the hairdresser's workplace. Workplace for hairdressers: comfortable and functional. Work organization rules

Workplace The hairdresser is the “face” of the master, so you need to take care of the cleanliness of the workplace as well as you take care of yourself. Before talking about safety precautions, it is necessary to say what a hairdresser’s workplace consists of. A hairdresser's workplace consists of a variety of equipment. And these are not only armchairs, sofas, cabinets and bedside tables, but also mirrors, chairs for the master, sinks, hairdresser's chairs, dryers, climate zones, furniture for the hall and hairdressing salon, reception desks, display cases, tables, equipment and lamps for manicurists, chairs and equipment for a pedicure room, massage chairs, tables, couches, as well as cosmetology equipment.

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and a chair. There are many designs of hairdressing vanities. Usually this is a table lined with plastic, with or without a sink built into it. The table contains drawers for tools, fixtures, perfumes and linen. An oval or rectangular mirror measuring at least 60 x 100 cm is installed above the table. The hairdressing chair must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstery made of waterproof materials and rotate freely around a vertical axis. It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift, which allows, depending on the client’s height, to raise or lower the chair, as well as turn it in the desired direction. For the convenience of clients, the chair must be equipped special stand for legs.

The location of dressing tables and chairs in the workroom of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed against the wall or in the center of the room. You can also group them in groups of two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing the equipment is maintaining the established distances between the chairs. Work zone The hairdresser should not be more than 90 cm away from the vertical axis of the chair; therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm. If the working chair is located against the wall, the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm. For each working chair hairdresser's place sanitary standards at least 4.5 m2 of area is allocated.

On the dressing table, the tools and devices used are placed in a certain order (from right to left), taking into account the rule: the more often an item is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and, therefore, reduce his fatigue. If the tabletop is small, you can install special carts with tools next to it. For more ergonomic work, craftsmen use special work chairs. The master is obliged to keep his workplace and tools clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be thoroughly disinfected.


When cutting and styling your hair, you need to comb your hair to ensure even distribution. Combs are used for this purpose, components which are the butt and teeth. Combs vary in length, width and frequency of teeth. Wide combs are used when working with wide strands of hair, small combs are used when working with small strands or when doing very short haircuts. A frequent arrangement of teeth causes strong tension on the hair, which does not occur with a sparser arrangement of teeth.

Based on the material from which combs are made, they are divided into metal, wood, bone and plastic. Metal combs, when combing wet hair, damage its outer scaly layer, as a result of which the hair becomes brittle, brittle and splits into two or more parts. Due to the fact that the hairdresser most often works with wet hair, the use of metal combs in hairdressing salons is strictly prohibited. Wooden combs do not harm hair, but they are not suitable for use in hairdressing salons. Bone combs are very expensive and most often come in the form of combs and various clips used as decorative elements. Plastic combs are the most common type of tool today. They differ in the quality of plastic. All combs used for hairdressing must be made of plastic High Quality, having antistatic properties, in addition, they must be flexible and durable.

The scissors consist of three parts: two identical halves and a fastening screw. Each half of the scissors consists of a ring, a lever and a working blade. The working blade has a tip, an end and a butt.

There are three types of hairdressing scissors: straight, thinning and flag.

Straight scissors are designed for cutting hair, beards and mustaches, as well as for thinning. They differ from ordinary (household) scissors in the quality of the steel from which they are made, the sharpening angle of the working blades, and the presence of sharp tips.

Straight scissors can be with long, medium and short working blade. Scissors with a long working blade are most often used for haircuts in the men's room. Scissors with a medium working blade are universal and are used in both men's and women's rooms. Scissors with a short working blade are used for work only in the women's room, since cutting a strand when cutting women's hair is often done with inside fingers.

Thinning scissors are used to thin and shade hair. They come in two types: one-sided and two-sided. Double-sided thinning scissors have teeth on two working blades, while single-sided thinning scissors have teeth on only one blade. When working with thinning scissors, the hair that falls between the teeth remains long, and the hair that falls on the teeth is cut off. Therefore, single-sided scissors allow you to cut more hair than double-sided scissors.

Devices for hairdressing

The following devices are most often used for hairdressing work.

Spray bottle - for wetting hair when cutting and styling, as well as applying various lotions that create volume to the hairstyle.

Bowls - for preparing dyes, fixatives for perms and other hair care products.

Brushes - for diluting and applying dyes and other preparations.

Shaker - for mixing dyes.

Plastic and metal clips - for dividing hair into zones and strands when cutting, styling, treating and coloring.

A mask used to fix the hairstyle.

A timer, special collars, beakers, and rubber gloves are also used.

Hairdressing is one of the oldest crafts known to mankind.

Task modern masters- know not only the classic techniques of using a tool, performing classic haircuts, but also boldly introduce new equipment and new technologies.

Hairdressing services are among the most in demand in everyday life of citizens, therefore they occupy the largest volume in the labor market.

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and a chair. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen; an oval or rectangular mirror measuring at least 60 by 100 cm is installed above the table. The hairdressing chair must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstery made of waterproof materials and freely rotate around the vertical axes It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift. For the convenience of clients, the chair should be equipped with a special footrest. The hairdresser's working area should not be more than 90 cm away from the vertical axis of the chair; therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm. If the working chair is located against a wall, then the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm. According to sanitary standards, each hairdresser’s workplace is allocated at least 4.5 m2 of area. On the dressing table, the tools and devices used are placed in a certain order (from right to left), taking into account the rule: the more often an item is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and therefore reduce his fatigue; if the tabletop is not large, you can install special carts with tools next to it. For more economical operation craftsmen, special work chairs are used.

Rice. 1.

Table 2.1

Basic sanitary and hygienic requirements for a hairdresser’s workplace

Primary requirements


Requirements for premises and linen

The premises must be cleaned throughout the working day. And keep it clean. After finishing the work done wet cleaning. Within a month, the hairdresser must be closed for sanitization with a 1.5% chloramine solution. When working, clean linen is used (towels, napkins, negligees, dressing gowns); they can be either disposable or reusable. Disposable underwear should be disposed of after use. After use, reusable underwear must be washed and treated with a 1.5% chloramine solution.

Requirements for water supply and sewerage.

All salons must be equipped with an internal plumbing system for hot and cold water supply and sewerage. If there is no hot water supply, it is necessary to install instantaneous water heater with connection to the water supply system. Hot and cold water carried out to all sinks.

Requirements for heating, ventilation and air exchange

The heating and ventilation system must provide standard microclimate parameters. The difference in air temperature horizontally (from the external walls to any point inside the room) and vertically

Primary requirements


(between the floor and a height of 1.5 m) should not exceed 2ºC. Content of harmful chemical substances in the air of the working area should not exceed hygienic standards. The ventilation system must be placed in special rooms and isolated from ventilation systems residential and public buildings.

Requirement for artificial and natural light

A room with permanent workplaces should have natural light due to window openings. Lighting in workplaces must comply with established hygienic standards. It is advisable to equip general light sources with fluorescent lamps, the luminous flux of which is similar to natural light. Fluorescent lamps emit virtually no heat when illuminated, which distinguishes them from conventional light sources. In addition to general lighting in the hairdressing salon, it is necessary to provide local lighting at each workplace - wall sconces, installed at a distance of 1.8-2 m from the floor.

Disinfection of instruments

To prevent instruments from becoming a source of infection, they must be periodically disinfected. There are two types of disinfection - sterilization and disinfection. Sterilization is the most effective method killing bacteria using high temperature. To do this, use a tightly closed autoclave vessel. Disinfection is the destruction of bacteria using special solutions - disinfectants. Some of them have only bactericidal properties (destroy fungi), while others have both qualities. To completely disinfect instruments, they must be immersed in the solution. Before immersion, all objects should be cleaned of hair, cream, oils, etc., since the instruments to be sterilized must be clean and dry, figure. Nowadays, many salons use sterilizers with ultraviolet irradiation that disinfect the surface of instruments within 30 minutes.

The hairdresser's workplace is equipped with a dressing table and a chair. There are many designs for hairdressing vanities (see Figure 2). Usually this is a table lined with plastic, with or without a sink built into it. The table has drawers for tools, accessories, perfumes and linen. An oval or rectangular mirror measuring at least 60x100 cm is installed above the table.

Rice. 2

The hairdressing chair (see Fig. 3) must have a semi-soft seat with a back and armrests, upholstery made of waterproof materials and rotate freely around a vertical axis. It is also desirable that it be equipped with a hydraulic lift, which allows, depending on the height of the client, to raise or lower the chair, as well as turn it in the desired direction. For the convenience of clients, the chair must be equipped with a special footrest.

Rice. 3

The location of dressing tables and chairs in the workroom of a hairdressing salon may vary depending on the area of ​​the room and its shape. Dressing tables are placed against the wall or in the center of the room. You can also group them in groups of two or three, etc. The main condition that must be met when placing equipment is maintaining the established distances between chairs. The hairdresser's working area should not be more than 90 cm away from the vertical axis of the chair; therefore, the minimum distance between the axes of two chairs should be 180 cm. If the working chair is located against a wall, the distance between it and the wall should be at least 70 cm. According to sanitary standards, each hairdresser’s workplace is allocated at least 4.5 m2 of area.

Rice. 4

On the dressing table, the tools and devices used are placed in a certain order (from right to left), taking into account the rule: the more often an item is used in work, the closer it should be to the master. This makes it possible to reduce the number of movements of the hairdresser and, therefore, reduce his fatigue. If the tabletop is small, you can install special carts with tools next to it (see Fig. 4). For more ergonomic work of craftsmen, special work chairs are used (see Fig. 5). The master is obliged to keep his workplace and tools clean. At the end of the working day, the dressing table and all accessories must be thoroughly disinfected.

When visiting a beauty salon, the first thing clients pay attention to is the interior, in which every little detail must be thought out. The visitor may not understand the characteristics of electrical appliances and tools, but he will definitely appreciate the comfort of the chair, the quality of the mirror and the design of the shelves. That is why a hairdresser’s workplace should be as comfortable, functional and stylish as possible. When choosing this special equipment, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the master’s work and the list of services he provides.

Most beauty salons employ several hairdressers and to create harmonious interior their workplaces are equipped almost identically. To a greater extent, this applies to mirrors, tables and chairs for clients. You can buy a hairdresser’s workplace as a set or select different components yourself.

How to properly equip a hairdresser's workplace?

To ensure comfortable work of a hairdresser, the maximum functional furniture with various drawers, shelves, stands. This is due to the fact that in the process of work the master uses many different instruments, devices, hair care cosmetics, accessories, combs and all this needs to be placed somewhere. Because of this, the hairdresser’s workplace is often equipped with additional cabinets and mobile carts.

When choosing a workplace with different components, it is important to consider that it performs the following functions:

  • Helps the hairdresser control the process of working on the hairstyle from different angles;
  • Provides the client with the opportunity to feel comfortable during procedures;
  • Contains all items necessary for work;
  • Emphasizes the style of the room.

Furniture for beauty salons is highly resistant to disinfectants. For its production, MADISON uses exceptionally high quality materials with enhanced moisture-repellent characteristics. The range of items is so large that every beauty salon owner can easily find a suitable hairdresser’s workplace at an affordable price. The cost of the kits depends on the complexity of the designs and the number of components.

Mirror for a hairdresser's workplace

It’s difficult to imagine a hairdresser’s workplace without a mirror, because it is the most important and necessary element. When choosing a mirror for a beauty salon, first of all you need to pay attention to the mirror surface. It should be perfectly flat and display the image as accurately as possible, without the slightest distortion. With the help of a well-chosen mirror, you can visually expand the room and emphasize the interior design.

The mirror of the hairdresser's workplace can have different design. Models with additional shelves and drawers where you can place the necessary accessories and work tools are very popular. For additional comfort and improved lighting, you should pay attention to backlit products. By choosing such a hairdressing mirror, you can highlight the design of the room with a stylish and practical item.

Good to know→New on this site

Many people are planning to open a beauty salon today. This is very profitable business, if everything is done correctly. However, there are a thousand little things that not everyone manages to take into account in advance. At the last minute, it may be necessary to modify the premises so that they can pass all inspections by regulatory authorities. Beauty salons are inspected by the fire department, Rospotrebnadzor and other organizations. They all make their own demands.

Often, owners of a new business forget about the “Consumer Corner”. This is an ordinary stand that must be present in hairdressing salons, beauty salons and other establishments working with individuals. There is no problem with purchasing such structures, but it is extremely important that this stand fits into the interior. So that legislative formalities can be completed while simultaneously receiving decoration of the premises. At the stand you will need to collect all the information that may be useful to customers. A high-quality and attractive consumer corner in a beauty salon will not only meet all the requirements of regulatory authorities, but will also fit perfectly into the interior.

Non-standard design will allow even with small sizes attract attention.

The pictures offered by the stand manufacturer can be replaced with others completely free of charge, by offering, for example, your own. Standard options will good decision in the event that everything needs to be arranged as quickly as possible. As a temporary measure, you can also place all required documents in a regular office folder of sufficient size. Next, all that remains is to put the desired title on it and hang it in such a way that visitors have access to it.

It is worth considering that there are no requirements for the appearance of consumer corners. The main thing is that for buyers everything important information was available. You can look at other examples of stands and choose something suitable for a particular establishment. Of course, it is also possible to make a “Consumer Corner” stand yourself, but in terms of quality and appearance it will most likely be inferior to the products of professionals. Such stands are quite cheap, so even novice businessmen, whose financial difficulties are common, can afford to buy them. Once you buy a high-quality design, you can use it for a very long time in the future. Update appearance it will be easy if this is provided in advance by the manufacturer.

beauty salon, business, salons, opening, salon, interior

10/13/2017, 391 views.

Sanitary and hygienic rules for hairdressing salons

It is necessary to carefully carry out sanitary and hygienic measures. Hairdressing services must be provided in exemplary sanitary and hygienic conditions. The temperature of the working premises of hairdressing salons is 18-20 °C. When using devices - hair dryers, dryers, hot water When washing your hair, additional heating of the air is created and the atmosphere in the room is humidified.

A large amount of gaseous products from the products used in hair treatment requires good ventilation of the room.

Power supply and exhaust ventilation must provide normal conditions work in the halls.

In small hairdressing salons, ventilation is carried out naturally through vents, transoms, windows, etc.

When using an air conditioning system, you should monitor the condition of the surface of the filters, visually assess their contamination and promptly clean or replace them.

Work control ventilation units should be carried out by special organizations at least once a year.

Tables and chairs should be wiped before starting work and after each client. wet wipe, and after finishing work - with a napkin soaked in a 1% chloramine solution. Cleaning work and disinfecting furniture should be done with gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

There are the following sanitary and hygienic rules for all hairdressing salons:

  • The hairdressing salon must be separate, kept clean and tidy, and frequently ventilated.
  • The walls must be light, the ceiling height must be at least 2 m; their surface should be smooth and easy to clean. The floor should be made of smooth, moisture-proof material, without cracks.
  • Surface of equipment used by the enterprise consumer services, should be smooth. Cushioned furniture must be completely covered with material that does not collect dust.
  • The enterprise must have running water.
  • The hairdresser must have enough exact amount linen Clean linen is stored in special storage rooms.
  • Employees' clothing must be kept in special closets.
  • Tools and devices must be disinfected and sterilized before use. At the client's request, this procedure is performed in his presence.
  • Hairdressing instruments are sterilized by heating in sterilizers and disinfected for 10 minutes in 70% alcohol, 5% formaldehyde solution.
  • Cotton wool should be kept in closed containers.
  • Workers at consumer service establishments must undergo a medical examination every six months.
  • If the client is injured, the cut site should be washed with 70% alcohol or 3% hydrogen peroxide (H 2 0 2)

Nowadays, everyone should be able to earn money. Everyone somehow spins around, finds solutions and makes money. But what should you do and what business should you choose? The answer is simple - to open your own hairdresser. Down with the bosses, now we will be independent, because now we work for ourselves - no one can tell us. You need to take everything into your own hands and tell yourself - “I am smart and gluttonous,” I will succeed and I will be a successful businessman!
Don't consider yourself inferior to others. Don't you see yourself as a businessman? Nothing - it will pass after you earn your first hundred thousand rubles, or maybe more, I’m not familiar with your potential. Now let's get down to business.

Why a hairdresser?

You've probably heard something like this: why open a hairdressing salon, they are there at every turn? Yes, that’s true, there are a lot of hairdressers now. But there is another one, positive side these statements. If there are so many of them, it means it is profitable to open them. Even those hairdressing salons that are located close to each other compete with each other, but still earn good money. Why is this happening? Because clients do not like to change hairdressers, which they have been going to for a long time, since they are already accustomed to the old ones and so there are familiar and trusted hairdressers. In one of his articles about how to open grocery store, I said that people will always eat, regardless of environmental conditions, financial situation and other influential factors. So, it’s a similar case with hairdressers, because people will always get their hair cut and try to look good. Imagine girls with unkempt or disheveled hair walking around the city - yes, it’s hard to imagine. It seems to me that the girl will probably be hungry, but she will look good. So open a hairdresser- this is wonderful and current idea, which brings good income to its owners!

Dimensions of the hair salon

First you need to decide, so to speak, the “dimensions” of the future hairdressing salon. After all, in the future you have to expect that you will have to expand. If finances allow, then I would advise opening a hairdressing salon with four jobs at once, but if you have a small amount of money, then two places will be enough. According to the rule, there must be at least seven per person square meters, which means that two workplaces must have at least 14 square meters, plus a waiting room (8 square meters), a restroom room where there will be a washbasin, etc. (10 sq. meters) and a place, for example, for an office. We come to the conclusion that we need a room of 35-40 square meters, for two workplaces. I repeat once again, if the starting capital is small, then there is no need to rent a room that is more than 40 square meters! You simply won't be able to afford the rent. And so, we have decided on the dimensions of our future hairdressing salon, now let’s move on directly to choosing a location.

Which place to choose for a hairdresser?

A competent choice of location is already 30% of success, but I would give all 50%. Do you think that to be successful you need to locate your hair salon in the city center? In fact, everything is not like that. The hairdresser should be located where these services are actually provided in abundance. The best option The location of the hairdresser is: in a residential area, where there are no or almost no competitors, next to a bus stop and convenient access (convenient place, so that you can drive up, for example, by car). This is all ideal, of course, but why not maintain all the ideal proportions of a hairdressing salon. Let's take a closer look. A residential area is an area containing from 5 to 10 residential buildings (the more, the better). The residents of these houses will be your clients, who will form your profit. If for these 5-10 houses there is one - your hairdressing salon, then we can say with confidence that you will not be left without bread, that’s for sure! The location next to the bus stop is a very good “aspect”, because people waiting for the bus at the bus stop or getting off the bus will always see your hairdresser (it will catch the eye of your potential clients - but I’ll write more about this a little lower). Hairdressing salons equipped with convenient access for cars and other Vehicle, will have higher potential, because they will have more clients. If you have a car and want to get a haircut, it will probably be more convenient for you to leave your car in front of the hairdresser than to drive it to the parking lot. All these factors of the location of the hairdresser can be called the basis for your future business. Let's break down all these placement factors:

  • Location in a residential area;
  • Minimum competition;
  • Near the bus stop;
  • Equipped with convenient access for cars;

We've decided on the location, let's move on to the staff.

Hair salon staff

You need to approach the choice of personnel very seriously, because the prestige of your hairdressing salon will depend on the work of the hairdresser. Sometimes people go to this or that hairdresser only because a hairdresser works there who cuts hair well. I would advise hiring hairdressers not from school, but from already experienced and mature professional hairdressers. Be attentive and honest to your subordinates, because there are cases of hiding money from the owner.

For example, a hairdresser served 20 visitors, but earned money from 17 clients. Unfortunately, this does not happen rarely. In such cases, it is best to get an accountant, then you will know the exact number of visitors to your hairdresser.


It is best if you have 4 craftsmen, so that they can work on schedule - two after two. This is done in order to improve the quality of work and service, and so that they can replace each other, you never know what happens, and you have no one to serve your clients.

Staff uniform

It would be great if every hairdresser had a working apron and gloves - this would create working atmosphere person in circles, and the client will express confidence in the masters and in the hairdressing salon as a whole.

How much and how to pay staff?

The best wage option is a fee that is 30% of the total income of the hairdressing salon. Why is this so? But because if the total profit is small (and in the beginning it will be so), then the percentage allocated for wages will also be small. Yes, and it’s good for the masters, because they will have, sort of, career. The higher the total income, the more the hairdresser will receive. Let us summarize regarding the selection of personnel:

  • Choose experienced and already established universal masters;
  • Make a convenient work schedule for them;
  • It’s better to hire four craftsmen for two jobs;
  • Pay them 30% of total income;

Now that we've sorted out the payment, let's move on to the equipment.

Hair salon equipment

A hair salon requires special equipment, but not much of it. Whatever I recommend saving on is equipment, because the fate of your business will depend on it. Imagine a visitor comes to you, and not a single hairdryer works. Therefore, the choice of equipment should be taken seriously. Much attention should be paid to the furniture in the waiting room and, of course, to the chairs on which your visitors will sit. The chairs should be very comfortable and as comfortable as possible. Buy only high-quality equipment that is specifically designed for a hairdresser! let's consider necessary list Economy class hair salon equipment:

  • Hairdresser's wash;
  • Toilet furniture (this is what the client sees in front of him - a cabinet, a mirror, creams, varnishes, etc., etc.)
  • Electrical appliances (hair clipper, hair dryer, dryer)
  • Other items (scissors, combs...)

This is equipment that certainly concerns a hairdressing salon, which has already passed all the checks and has begun its work, but to obtain a permit to operate, you will need the initial equipment. I’ll write about this now, under the heading “requirements” for a hairdresser.

What is required to open a hairdressing salon?

In order to open a hairdresser, you must obtain permission from the territorial administration of your city, from the supervisory authorities and from the SES.

How can I pass the fire department inspection?

I will write down the main points that are necessary to pass the test. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to say, Hairdressing salons cannot be located in basements and semi-basements! This is the law! Here are the basic things , who must be present in the hairdressing salon:

  • Availability of air conditioning;
  • Roller shutters on bars;
  • Stickers Entrance And Exit;
  • Good room illumination;
  • Availability of a fire extinguisher;
  • Emergency exit;

All this will help firefighters pass the inspection. What will the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service require of you? Here's what you should have:

  • Garbage removal agreement;
  • Availability of uniforms for staff;
  • Hair disposal agreement;
  • Availability of a trash can in front of the entrance;

You will need all this to open a hairdressing salon. Just follow these rules and then you won't have any problems.

Barber shop sign

What should the sign be like?

The sign must be easy to read and visible from 50 meters or more. It should be eye-catching and attractive, colorful and enticing. Before you choose a sign, you must register it! Registration is required, otherwise a fine will be imposed! Registration will require a huge amount of documents, time, nerves and effort, so I suggest not spending all this, but simply paying for registration. On the spot, you can choose the desired sign (sign design), pay for the sign and for its registration.

After this, in about two weeks, the sign will be registered and ready for installation. In general, the sign will cost you (order, registration, installation) approximately 10 thousand rubles, not that expensive, considering that we saved a lot of nerves, time and effort.

How to differentiate yourself from your competitors?

In order to be competitive, every hair salon must have its own distinctive features. Some people come up with them, while others take ready-made ones. I'll give you examples of features that differentiate you from your competitors.

Waiting room:

  • Comfortable sofas;
  • Table;
  • Magazines on the table are popular;
  • Mirror;
  • TV;


  • Pleasant music;
  • Convenient places for clients;
  • Gift brochures;
  • A piece of paper with the inscription - clean tool(this immediately inspires confidence);

Section: Provision of services

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