Workplace for working with electrical equipment. Organization of an electrician's workplace: characteristics, safety requirements, instruction. Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. Safety requirements in emergency situations

There are rules for organizing workplaces that all organizations are required to comply with. The main requirement: workplace safety. But this is not carried out in all areas, because in many of them it is sometimes extremely difficult to reduce danger and harm. Most often, such industries include (mechanical engineering, metalworking production, mining, etc.), construction, transport, communications. In these areas, as a rule, the largest number of accidents occurs, and the degree of development of occupational diseases among workers is high.

The work of an electrician is considered one of "risky". Already the console itself "electro" indicates that the work is directly related to electricity, which, as is known, is a source of increased danger. If affected by it, a person is exposed to electrical burns, electrical marks, metallization of the skin, and mechanical damage. Metallization of the skin (occurs when short circuits, when turning off the switches that are under high load) involves the penetration of small molten metal particles into the upper layers of the skin. Electrical signs are also formed under the influence of current, but not too much high voltage and are characterized hard marks on the skin, like calluses. Mechanical damage occurs due to convulsions under the influence of current. The force of the damage is so strong that it can lead to to tendon rupture, joint dislocations, bone fractures.

It is important for the employee to follow safety precautions. But even despite this, accidents occur, usually associated with violations of the organization of the workplace, insufficient provision of collective protective equipment, and lack of periodic control. By such control is meant (AWS, – ed.). With its help, an in-depth analysis of the working conditions created in the workplace is carried out. is one of the measures that not only reduces the impact of harmful production factors on the employee, but also prevents the occurrence dangerous situations which may lead to the death of an employee.

Electricians carry out:

  • disassembly, major renovation, assembly, installation, adjustment of high-voltage electric machines, electrical appliances, electrical circuits and electrical devices various types and voltage systems over 15 kV;
  • repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines;
  • testing of electric motors, transformers and electrical devices;
  • instructing workers on the rules for operating equipment, etc.

Certification is carried out on the basis. The automated workplace is carried out by the employer together with the certifying organization. The certifying organization carries out instrumental measurements of working environment factors, assesses the risk of injury and the provision of collective protective equipment. , which are provided to the state labor inspection authorities, must reflect the real picture of working conditions. The further condition of the employee and the production facility itself depends on reliability.

Work plan:

2. Profession electrician
3. Workplace electrician

5. Protective equipment designed to ensure electrical safety.
6. Posters and safety signs.
7. Basic regulations establishing electrical safety requirements for work in electrical installations.
8. Groups on electrical safety of electrical personnel and conditions for their assignment.

9. Frequency and procedure for testing knowledge of electrical personnel.
10. Conclusion.

1. Brief description of the industry.
Housing and communal services (HCS) is a field of activity aimed at servicing urban apartment buildings.
Housing and communal services implies:

    Plumbing - installation and repair water pipes, water intake, purification and delivery of water to apartment buildings and industrial facilities, incl.
    for subsequent heating for hot water supply and heating needs. Sewerage
    - wastewater disposal Heat supply - ensuring supplies to residents hot water and heat, ensuring the operation of boiler rooms and CHP
    . Disruption of work can cause a fuel and energy crisis.
    Major renovation of buildings Maintenance internal common buildings engineering communications
    and systems (buildings) Collection, removal and disposal
    Routine cleaning of common areas. Content adjacent areas
Electricity supply Housing stock accounts for more than 30% of the country's total renewable real estate, which totals 2.85 billion square meters. meters of total area, including: municipal housing stock - 642.5 million square meters. m or 22.5%, state - 199.2 million sq. m. m or 7.0%, private - 1980.0 million sq. m. m or 69.4%, public - 1.5 million sq. m or 0.1%, mixed ownership - 29.6 million sq. m. m or 1.0%. The area of ​​dilapidated and dilapidated housing in the country as a whole is 91 million square meters. m. Today, the wear and tear of utility networks in Russia's housing and communal services is 50%, and sewerage - 30%. The state currently spends 10% of GDP on subsidies in the housing and communal services sector.
The number of housing and communal services enterprises is more than 52 thousand, the number of employees in them is over 4.2 million people, the average annual production volume is about 6% of GDP. The cost of fixed assets is 14% of total cost fixed assets of the Russian Federation. The housing and communal services system of Russia is at the stage of reform. The authorities identify four directions for implementing the reform: transferring the utility industry to market relations; attracting private business (and private investment), stimulating competition, improving the quality of public services; modernization of the entire housing and communal services complex. The cost of the reform is estimated at 3 trillion rubles.
Industry benefits: demand for services, huge market volume.
Industry problems: deterioration of communal infrastructure, lack of real competition, regulation by the state.

The main professions of workers: carpenter, electrician, welder, plumber, painter, cleaner (industrial premises, staircases, territory), etc.

I reviewed the profession of an electrician, the workplace, the requirements for permission to work, the main harmful and dangerous factors affecting an electrician, and protective equipment for working in the profession in accordance with GOST.
2. Profession electrician
Electrician - a specialist working in the field of electrical engineering, engaged in the installation, operation or repair of electrical equipment. Special education required. The activity involves constant risk, care and knowledge of how to protect yourself from injury. electric shock, methods of providing first aid to victims of electric current. Special education, periodic retraining and skill monitoring are required to ensure safety at work.
An electrician is a specialist who assembles, sets up and repairs electrical equipment, electrical networks and systems. This is an in-demand technical profession. The position of an electrician exists in almost every company, plant, factory, because without electricity and electrical appliances not enough. An electrician can work in both
indoors , and outdoors, at height, as part of a team or alone, depending on the work being performed.
Electrician Responsibilities:
- laying power cables and electrical wiring;
- connecting electrical equipment;
- calculation of the required size of cables for power supply of equipment;
- drawing up a plan for the placement of power supply and electrical wiring;
- participation in preventive and current repairs of electrical equipment;
- implementation of installation and other work during reconstruction and implementation of newelectrical equipment;
- installation work secondary circuits(control, protection, alarm, measurement);
- cable routingand wires in channels, boxes and trays;
- pressing the tips and welding them to the cores of cables and wires;
- installation of couplings, cables and networks grounding;
- installation of insulators, marking of installation sites and installation of protection and control devices;
- calling mounted circuits and measuring insulation resistance;
- preparing instruments and devices for switching on and setting up;
- repair and troubleshooting when wiring is shorted.
The main task of an electrician is to organize an uninterrupted supply of electricity. premises , streets, production processes. An electrician is a specialist in a wide range of fields: hecan be engaged in power supply to facilities, repair of household electrical appliances, industrial electrical equipment, replacement of electrical wiring, and provision of street lighting.
Requirements for the profession: ( General requirements, skills, personal and psychological qualities, qualifications), these are important aspects, since the specialty in question relates to particularly dangerous work in production.
Must know the basics of electrical engineering, applied mechanics, basic electronics and automation.
Personal qualities
Being an electrician is a risky profession because you have to deal with high voltage. Therefore, the profession of an electrician requires such qualities as attentiveness, caution, vigilance, concentration, accuracy, and responsibility.
An electrician must have secondary specialized education and skills in working with various types of special devices and tools.
Medical restrictions
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For certain specialties - diseases of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, eyes, nervous system. Depending on the conditions and severity of work in a number of specialties, training and work are acceptable in the presence of certain heart diseases (without circulatory disorders),hypertension P first and second degrees, low and moderate myopia.

Electrician qualifications

The qualification level of an electrician is determined by the education received, work experience and is expressed in the form of rank and tolerance group. In total, there are six categories and five groups of admission for electricians. The category reflects the degree of knowledge of the electrician, and the tolerance group determines the degree of complexity and danger of the work that can be entrusted to him.
In addition to knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and electricians, electricians must have first aid skills in case of electric shock. The basic education of an electrician leads to completion of the corresponding specialty in vocational schools. Further improvement of qualifications occurs in the course of gaining experience and taking retraining courses.

Places of work
There is an electrician position in any enterprise.
Level wages electrician depends on the place of work and its specialization. The electrician profession has career advancement opportunities to the position of foreman. An electrician can also organize his own business and earn extra money privately.

3. Electrician's workplace
For execution electrical installation work A special workplace and a set of electrical installation tools are required.
Electrician's workplace must be equipped with a special table with a dielectric plastic coating, and a dielectric (rubber) mat must be placed on the floor. This workstation contains a special 42 V electrical outlet and a stand for
soldering iron and tools, on which trays for solder and flux can be located (Fig. 1). Various designs of stands are possible.
Included in the set electrical tools includes (Fig. 2): mounting knife or device for removing insulation; narrow-nose pliers or tweezers to hold the ends of the conductors in the desired position; side cutters; flat and Phillips screwdrivers; round nose pliers; insulating tape; fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers).
In addition, other tools and devices may be located at the electrician’s workplace: a small bench vice, a hammer, a center punch, a set of small drills (1-4 mm in diameter), needle files, files, sandpaper, a brace or hand drill, electrical measuring instruments, an awl , a device for fastening electrical circuits, a local lighting lamp, etc.

Rice. 1. Stand for soldering iron and electrical tools at the electrician’s workplace

Rice. 2. Electrical tools: 1 - mounting knife; 2- device for removing insulation; 3 - pliers; 4 - side cutters; 5- round nose pliers; 6-screwdrivers; 7-insulating tape; 8 - fasteners

4. Dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the use of electrical energy.

Factors of dangerous and harmful effects on humans associated with the use of electrical energy are:
the flow of electric current through the human body;
exposure to an electric arc;
exposure to a biologically active electric field;
exposure to a biologically active magnetic field;
exposure to an electrostatic field;
exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
Electrical and magnetic fields are biologically active, the intensity of which exceeds the maximum permissible levels (MAL) - hygienic standards for working conditions.
Dangerous and harmful consequences for humans from exposure to electric current, electric arc, electric and magnetic fields, electrostatic fields and EMR manifest themselves in the form of electrical injuries, mechanical damage and occupational diseases. The degree of impact depends on the exposure factor, including: the type and magnitude of voltage and current, the frequency of the electric current, the path of the current through the human body, the duration of exposure to the electric current or electric and magnetic fields on the human body, conditions external environment.
Exposure is a quantitative characteristic of the intensity and duration of action of a harmful factor.
Electrical injuries: local tissue damage (metallization of the skin, electrical marks and burns) and organs (sudden muscle contractions, cardiac fibrillation, electroophthalmia, blood electrolysis) are the result of exposure to an electric current or electric arc on a person.
There are four stages according to the degree of impact on the human body:
I – weak, convulsive muscle contractions;
II – convulsive muscle contractions, loss of consciousness;
III - loss of consciousness, disturbance of cardiac and respiratory activity;
IV – clinical death, i.e. lack of breathing and blood circulation.
Mechanical damage resulting from exposure to harmful factors associated with the use of electrical energy (falls from a height, bruises) can also be classified as electrical injuries. In addition, electric current causes involuntary muscle contractions (cramps), which makes it difficult for a person to free himself from contact with live parts.
Occupational diseases manifest themselves, as a rule, in disturbances in the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. People working in areas exposed to electric and magnetic fields, electrostatic fields, electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies experience irritability, headaches, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, impaired reproductive function, etc. Exposure to harmful factors may result in eye diseases or leukemia (bleeding) .

5. Protective equipment designed to ensure electrical safety .


    mobile table; Workbench; wardrobe - shelving; portable bag

Technical and accounting documentation is located at the workplace.

    technical documentation - electrical circuits of the most complex machines, handling equipment, workshop power supply circuits, etc.

    accounting documentation - operational journal, safety instructions for an electrician.

2. Maintenance and repair of power transformers.

A transformer is a static electromagnetic device that converts alternating current one voltage into alternating current of the same purity, but a different voltage.

The action of the transformer is based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Power transformer - a transformer used to convert electricity in electrical networks and in installations intended for its use.

Maintenance of power transformers consists of periodic inspections of transformers.

When inspecting power transformers, check the readings of thermometers and pressure and vacuum gauges; condition of transformers; no oil leakage; the presence of oil in the oil of inhalations; oil level in the expanders, condition of insulators, spikes and cables, lack of heating of contact connections, condition of the grounding network.

3. Damaging factors of electric current acting on the human body.

Electric shock to a person is affected by the amount of current passing through his body, the type of current, the frequency, the path of the current, the duration of its exposure, the environment (humidity and air temperature. In case of electric shock, the main factors are the path of the current through the human body and the time of its exposure .

Ticket No. 7.

1. Current transformers, operating principle, main feature.

A current transformer is a transformer in which, under normal conditions of use, the electric current is practically proportional to the primary current and, when turned on correctly, is moved in phase with respect to it at an angle close to zero.

According to the magnitude of the error, current transformers are divided into 5 accuracy classes 0.2;0.5;1;3;10.

Current transformers:

0.2 precision laboratory measurements

0.5 - for powering electricity meters

1-for power supply of wattmeters, meters, panel devices.

3-for power supply of protection relays, devices, indicating devices.

10 - transformers of classes 1-3 are not specially manufactured in this class.

2. Classification of measuring instruments, measuring instruments.

Measurements - finding the value of a physical quantity experimentally using special technical means.


When driving to and from work on the territory of the plant, you should move along pedestrian sidewalks, bridges, passages and tunnels specially designed for pedestrian traffic.

You should walk around the workshop along established routes and do not go beyond the fences of operating equipment.

In the event of an accident or sudden illness, the victim must be given first aid, go to the first aid station, call an ambulance, and immediately inform the immediate supervisor - the foreman, the shift foreman.

If a malfunction of equipment, protective equipment, or other factors harmful or dangerous to the health and life of people are detected, measures should be taken to eliminate these factors and immediately inform the technician.

An electrician must know the rules for freeing a victim from electric current and the rules for providing first aid.

When providing first medical care you must proceed in the following sequence:

Eliminate the impact of damaging factors on the victim’s body (free from electric current, remove from a gas-contaminated area, extinguish burning clothing, etc.);

Assess the nature and severity of the injury, the condition of the victim, the greatest threat to his life, determine the sequence of actions to save him;

Carry out the necessary measures to save the victim (indirect cardiac massage, artificial respiration, stopping bleeding, applying a bandage, splints, etc.);

Maintain the victim's vital functions until a medical professional arrives.

Only perform work assigned by your supervisor if you know the safety conditions for doing it.

Do not start work if the conditions for its implementation contradict the requirements of labor protection instructions or other documents regulating the procedure for the safe performance of work, as well as without instructions on labor protection at the workplace when transferring to another place of work.


Before starting work, the electrician must put his overalls in order so that they do not cause an accident, and tuck his hair under his headdress. Overalls must be clean, repaired and in proper shape.

2.2. To operational service electrical installations Persons who meet the requirements described in clause 1.3 and who know the operational circuits and equipment of the electrical installation are allowed.

Persons from the operating personnel who service electrical installations individually and who are senior in the shift or team assigned to this electrical installation must have a safety group of at least IV in electrical installations above 1000V and III in installations with voltages up to 1000V.

A person from the operational staff, having come on duty, must take over the shift from the previous person on duty.

The person admitting is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the nature and place of work specified in the work order, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the instructions given to him. Operational or operational-repair workers are appointed as admitters. In electrical installations above 1000 V, the permitting ones must have group IV, and in electrical installations up to 1000 V - group III.

An observer is appointed to supervise teams of construction workers, general workers, riggers and other non-electrical workers when they perform work in electrical installations according to orders or orders.

A supervisor of electrical workers, including seconded workers, is appointed in the event of work being carried out in electrical installations in particularly hazardous conditions, determined by the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the workshop.

The supervisor controls the presence of grounding connections, fences, posters, and locking devices installed at the work site and is responsible for the safety of team members from electric shock.

Supervisors are prohibited from combining supervision with the performance of any work and leaving the team unsupervised during work.

Electrical workers with group III are appointed as observers.

Repair work in electrical installations and on separate electrical equipment is carried out according to work permits of the GE-11N form, orders or in the order of routine operation. Lists of such works are updated annually and approved by the chief power engineer.

The list of works performed during routine operation contains the necessary safety measures.


3.1. A person from the operational staff, during his duty, is responsible for the correct maintenance and trouble-free operation of his equipment in the area assigned to him.

3.2. Operational maintenance consists of:

Constant monitoring of the performance and operating mode of all electrical equipment;

Periodic inspections of equipment;

Production of operational switching;

Carrying out troubleshooting work in electrical installations and equipment, and maintaining sponsored equipment;

Preparing workplaces for repair teams, allowing them to work, supervising them during work and restoring the scheme after completion of all work.

Inspection of electrical installations can be performed individually by a person from the operational and repair personnel servicing this electrical installation with a group of at least III.

3.3. The electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of brigade 5 is required to walk around the assigned equipment at the beginning of the shift. Report any irregularities in the operation of the equipment to the technician.

3.4. When inspecting electrical installations with voltages over 1000V, it is strictly prohibited to penetrate the fence, enter switchgear chambers, or perform any work.

3.5. Work in electrical installations with regard to safety measures is divided into:

a) with stress relief, i.e. those works that are carried out in electrical installations (or parts thereof) in which the voltage is removed from live parts;

b) without relieving voltage on live parts and near them, i.e. work performed directly on these parts. In electrical installations with a voltage of 6 - 10 kV - work performed at a distance of less than 0.6 m from live parts. These works must be carried out by at least two persons, of whom the work manager must have an electrical safety group of at least IV, and the rest not lower than III.

c) without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized, those works are considered to be those in which accidental approach of working people and the repair equipment and tools they use to live parts is excluded at a distance of less than one meter and no technical or organizational measures are required (for example , continuous supervision) to prevent such an approach.

3.6. Work near unprotected rotating shafts, gears, pulleys and drive belts is only allowed after they are securely guarded.

3.7. When handling operating machines, protective clothing must be selected and hair must be tucked under a hat.

3.8. If possible, avoid prolonged stay near flange connections or fittings, steam pipes, water pipes drinking water, safety valves, hatches and gas pipelines, heating furnaces, steam safety valves, signal and overflow pipes and other places where burns and injuries to people are possible if the connections are not tight or the valves are activated.

3.9. Work on repairing lighting wiring of fittings and replacing lamps should be carried out with the voltage removed.

3.10. When repairing or installing electrical lighting. wiring, distribution el. lighting boards and other work related to lighting, you must remember:

a) fuses and switches must be installed on phase wires, and not at zero;

b) the fittings must be grounded or neutralized;

c) all wire connections must be insulated.

3.11. When making repairs inside large electrical machines, all metal objects must be removed from clothing pockets.

3.12. Measurement of insulation resistance in an electrical installation subject to repair must be carried out at least twice: before the repair and after its completion. Insulation resistance measurement is carried out under the following conditions:

a) the installation must be de-energized;

b) before measuring electrical insulation. the cable must be discharged while standing on a (rubber) mat and working with rubber gloves;

c) it is necessary to make sure that there are no people on the live parts on which the insulation resistance is measured - with a long cable route Place an observer at the other end of the cable.

d) megohmmeter wires should be connected to live parts using insulating rods, additionally using dielectric gloves;

d) after measuring the insulation of cables and electrical windings. cars, etc. they need to be discharged.

3.13. Work in electrical installations involving lifting to heights:

a) work at a height of 1.3 m and above the surface of the ground or ceilings refers to work performed at height. When carrying out this work, measures must be taken to prevent workers from falling from a height;

b) work performed at a height of >5 m from the ground surface, scaffolding, in which the main means of protection against falling from a height is a safety belt or are considered steeplejacks. The health status of persons permitted to carry out steeplejack work must meet medical requirements.

3.14. Working with power tools.

According to safety requirements, power tools are divided into three classes:

I - a power tool in which all live parts are insulated and the plug has a grounding contact;

II - a power tool in which all live parts have double or reinforced insulation. This power tool does not have grounding devices.

Unom. Classes I and II should be < 220V for DC power tools, 380V for AC power tools.

III - power tool Unom. < 42V, in which neither internal nor external circuits are under a different voltage.

At each regular issue of power tools at production, the person responsible for the preservation and serviceability of the power tool must check in the presence of the employee:

Completeness and reliability of fastening parts;

Serviceability of body parts, handles and brush holder covers,

presence of protective covers and their serviceability (external inspection);

Reliability of switch operation;

Satisfactory idle operation.

It is prohibited to insert the working part into the chuck and remove it from the chuck, as well as adjust it without disconnecting it from the mains. plug and complete stop of rotating parts.

It is prohibited to operate power tools from ladders.

3.15. Work with measuring instruments permitted with the use of protective equipment.

3.16. Before working on email. sharpening machine you need to make sure that it is in good working order and that there is a normal gap of 3 mm between the tool rest and the abrasive.

Work must be carried out only with glasses or protective screen. Do not press the sharpened part or tool tightly against the stone. Do not work on the side surface abrasive stone, standing in front of the machine.

3.17. When working on email drilling machine necessary: ​​securely fasten the part, remove chips using a hook when the machine is stopped. When drilling parts, it is prohibited to work in gloves.

3.18. When working with impact tools, in order to avoid injury to the eyes from metal fragments, it is necessary to use special safety glasses.

3.19. When processing a product made of hard or brittle metal, it is necessary to use nets (shields, screens) to protect other persons working nearby from fragments.

3.21. During work for operational personnel.

3.21.1. To prepare the workplace for work that requires stress relief, the following technical measures must be carried out in the specified order:

The necessary shutdowns have been made and measures have been taken to prevent

erroneous or spontaneous switching on of switching equipment;

Prohibiting posters were posted on manual drives and on keys remote control switching equipment;

The absence of voltage on live parts that must be grounded to protect people from electric shock has been checked;

Grounding is installed (grounding blades are turned on, portable grounding connections are installed);

If necessary, workplaces or live parts remaining energized are fenced and safety posters are posted on the fences. Depending on local conditions, live parts are fenced before or after they are grounded.

When performing operational maintenance of an electrical installation by two or more workers per shift, the activities listed in this paragraph must be performed by two people.

In the case of individual maintenance, they can be performed by one person, except for the application of portable grounding and switching carried out at two or more connections in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, which do not have operating devices for blocking disconnectors from incorrect actions.

3.21.2. When working on live parts that require voltage relief, the following must be turned off:

Live parts on which work will be carried out;

Unprotected live parts that can be approached by people with repair equipment and tools.

3.21.3. In electrical installations above 1000 V, on each side from which the switching device can supply voltage to the workplace, there must be a visible gap formed by disconnecting or removing busbars and wires, disconnecting disconnectors, removing fuses, and also disconnecting separators and load switches.

3.21.4. In electrical installations up to 1000 V, on all sides of live parts on which work will be carried out, the voltage must be removed by disconnecting the switching devices from manual drive, and if there are fuses in the circuit, remove them. If there are no fuses in the circuit, prevention of erroneous switching on of switching devices must be ensured by such measures as locking handles or cabinet doors, closing buttons, installing insulating pads between the contacts of the switching device, etc. When removing voltage from a switching device with a remote control, it is necessary to turn off the switching coil .

3.21.5. The disconnected position of switching devices up to 1000 V with contacts inaccessible for inspection (non-withdrawable type circuit breakers, package switches, closed switches, etc.) is determined by checking the absence of voltage at their terminals or at the outgoing busbars, wires or terminals of the equipment included these switching devices.

3.21.6. On the drives of disconnectors, separators and load switches with voltages above 1000 V, on keys and remote control buttons, on switching equipment up to 1000 V (automatic and other switches, circuit breakers), when turned on, voltage can be supplied to the workplace, must be posted posters - "Don't turn it on! People are working."

3.21.7. Live parts that are not disconnected and accessible to accidental contact must be fenced off during operation.

Temporary fences must be marked with the words “Stop! Voltage” or appropriate safety posters must be posted.

3.21.8. After turning on the grounding knives or installing portable grounding devices, a poster is posted - “Grounded”. “Stop! Voltage” posters must be posted on the mesh or solid fences of cells adjacent to the work site and located opposite.

3.21.9. In electrical installations, except for overhead lines and cable lines, at all prepared workplaces, after applying grounding and fencing the workplace, a poster must be hung - “Work here”.

3.21.10. It is necessary to check the absence of voltage using a factory-made voltage indicator, the serviceability of which must be established before use using special devices intended for this purpose or by approaching live parts located nearby and known to be energized.

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, it is necessary to use dielectric gloves when using the voltage indicator.

If the voltage indicator has been dropped or subjected to mechanical shock, it is prohibited to use it without re-checking it.

3.21.11. It is necessary to install grounding connections to live parts immediately after checking the absence of voltage.

Portable grounding connections must first be connected to a grounding device, and then, after checking that there is no voltage, installed on live parts.

It is necessary to remove portable grounding in the reverse order: first remove it from live parts, and then from the grounding device.

Installation and removal of portable grounding connections must be carried out wearing dielectric gloves and using an insulating rod in electrical installations above 1000V. The portable grounding clamps should be secured with the same rod or directly with hands wearing dielectric gloves.

It is prohibited to use conductors for grounding that are not intended for this purpose, as well as to connect grounding connections by twisting.

3.21.12. Operating personnel of sites and machine rooms are prohibited from turning on any production mechanisms for operation or testing, or controlling them from posts or consoles.

If it is necessary to scroll these mechanisms, they must be turned on by an operator or an electric driver. crane or worker who operates this mechanism during production process, with mandatory compliance with the token-tag system.

Operations staff When making operational switching, turning on and off, the workshop must firmly know which switches, circuit breakers, fuses and other switching devices should be turned off or on.

3.21.13. When working in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V without removing the voltage on or near live parts, you must:

Protect other live parts located near the workplace,

energized and subject to accidental contact:

Work in dielectric shoes or standing on an insulating stand or on a dielectric carpet;

Use tools with insulated handles (screwdrivers must also have an insulated shaft); If such a tool is not available, dielectric gloves should be used.

3.22. During operation for maintenance personnel.

When performing work according to work orders, the work manager is responsible for:

Implementation of security measures provided for in the order or order and their sufficiency;

Clarity and completeness of instructions to team members;

Availability, serviceability and correct application necessary funds

protection, tools, equipment and devices;

Safety and constant presence at the workplace of grounding, fences, safety signs and posters, locking devices during the work shift;

Organization and safe performance of work in compliance with safety regulations.

The work manager must have electrical safety group IV when performing work in electrical installations above 1000 V and group III in electrical installations up to 1000 V.

Team members are responsible for compliance with safety instructions, safety requirements stipulated by the order or order, for correct use during work, special clothing and equipment personal protection, as well as for compliance with labor and production discipline.

When performing work in the order of routine operation, safety measures are indicated in the list of works.

When moving to the workplace, from the workplace, through the workshop area, exercise personal caution.

3.23. During work for crane service electricians.

3.23.1. The qualifications of electrical personnel performing inspections, adjustments and repairs of electrical equipment and electric lifting machines must be at least Group III.

3.23.2. Stopping the crane for inspection must be agreed upon with the shift supervisor or site manager.

3.23.3. The crane is stopped for inspection and repair, as a rule, in permanent place in the area being repaired.

3.23.4. When working in particularly dangerous conditions (the crane cannot be installed at the repair site in an emergency), workers involved in the repair must be given additional safety training.

Persons performing periodic inspections and repairs of cranes must be trained in safe inspection techniques and repair work and have a certificate for the right to carry out these works.

3.23.5. Enter the crane for inspection and repair only through the landing platform, and where there is none, from specially installed landing places on the crane gallery, while entering the crane is allowed only when the crane operator goes out onto seat and will hand over a key tag for the right to operate the crane.

3.23.6. IN emergency cases It is allowed to enter the crane through the crane gallery, in this case:

a) the input switch must be turned off and a poster posted

“Don’t turn it on - people are working”;

b) the crane operator must go to the crane gallery and give the key tag to the electrician. The tag key can also be lowered on a string into the hands of an electrician. Only after this you can enter the tap.

3.23.7. Before proceeding with the inspection, the electrician must check that the main switch is turned off and that the fuses have been removed.

There should be a poster on the handle of the switch: “Do not turn it on - people are working.” Check whether the controllers are in the zero position. When exiting the bridge gallery, do not close the hatch cover.

3.23.8. Inspection of the electrical equipment of the crane must be carried out jointly with the crane operator, and all detected defects must be eliminated. If defects are detected that cannot be eliminated and impede the normal safe operation of the crane, the electrician must stop the crane, write down the prohibition of work in the driver’s shift acceptance book and report to the person responsible for the good condition of the crane’s electrical equipment.

3.23.9. After completing the inspection, the electrician, together with the crane operator, checks whether the parts and tools have been removed; records the operator's permission to operate the crane in the shift acceptance book; gets off the crane and hands the key tag for the right to operate the crane to the operator on the landing site.

3.23.10. After completing the inspection, the electrician must record its results in the operational log and report all detected defects to the person responsible for the good condition of the crane’s electrical equipment, who must certify by signing in the inspection log that measures have been taken to eliminate the detected defects.

3.23.11. During the inspection, the electrician must check:


Lighting and alarm;

The condition of the fence of all currents accessible to touch

blowing parts;

Grounding of electrical equipment and equipment housings.

If it is necessary to check the crane mechanisms during the inspection, the electrician foreman instructs the driver what mechanisms need to be tested, stand near the fence of the crane running gallery in safe place(outside the range of moving parts of mechanisms), always holding onto the fence with one hand, the second electrician is a signalman.

The mechanism is turned on by a command from the electrician foreman, transmitted to the driver through the signalman. Simultaneous testing of several mechanisms is prohibited. You can only try one mechanism. To transmit the command, the signalman uses the bridge entrance hatch. In this case, during testing, the signalman presses the hatch limit switch lever with his hand, and holds the fence with his other hand. Signals can be given from crane tracks if there is a walk-through gallery and visual communication between the signalman and the foreman-electrician and the crane operator.

3.23.12. It is prohibited to test the mechanisms during inspection if there is no 2nd electrician or other signalman, or if the mechanisms have faulty locks and guards.

3.23.13. When testing the mechanisms of the trolley, it is allowed to be on the trolley only if the latter has a platform with appropriate fencing for the safe placement of a person and if the height of the metal structures of the building floor above this platform is at least 1800 mm. The platform should be located on the side opposite to the auxiliary trolleys, at a distance that prevents accidental contact with them.

It is prohibited to carry out any troubleshooting work until testing is completed, or to touch moving parts of mechanisms with your hands. The testing is considered completed after the driver receives the “stop” command, turns off the crane, climbs onto the crane bridge and hands over the key tag to the electrician foreman.

3.23.14. Scheduled repairs of the crane are carried out according to the approval form ND-90 and GE-11N.

3.22.15 The work order is issued by the repair team master. A master can also qualify for ND-90.

Warn shift personnel and maintenance personnel about the stop and the location of its stop;

Instruct the crane operator to place the crane in the designated location;

Warn operators of neighboring cranes about the repair of the crane and the shutdown of the repair trolley section with a log entry;

Instruct the electrician on duty to turn off the trolley repair area, de-energize all the crane mechanisms by turning off the machine and the main switch of the protective panel, removing the fuses, locking the switch and hanging the poster “Do not turn on people working”;

Install dead ends at a distance of at least 3 meters from the place where the troll sections break on both sides to prevent entry. neighboring taps to the disconnected area;

Fence the area under the crane being repaired with the installation of posters “Crane - under repair”, “Crossing prohibited”.

Admission to the GE-11N order after completing the necessary measures is carried out by a replacement electrician. Both orders are issued to the same manager (manufacturer) of repair work.

3.22.16 After completing all technical measures and briefing the team, the permitting person signs the permit. The work manager takes the key tag for the right to operate the crane from the crane operator, checks the disconnection of the main switch, the protective panel circuit breaker, the installation of grounding on the trolleys, the closing of the switch and the presence of prohibitory posters. The crew begins repairs.

3.22.17 When performing repair work on the main trolleys, the repair team master issues outfits of the ND-90 and GE-11N forms. A master can also qualify for ND-90.

To obtain admission, you must complete the following steps:

Warn shift and repair personnel about the shutdown of the section of the trolls on which repairs are to be made;

Warn crane operators about the shutdown of the repair trolley section with a log entry;

Instruct the electrician on duty to turn off the trolley section, hang up prohibiting posters, install grounding on the trolleys, protect adjacent sections that remain energized with dielectric inserts in places where the trolls are broken according to the entry in work order GE-11N;

Install dead ends at a distance of at least 3 m from the break point of the troll sections on both sides to prevent neighboring cranes from entering the disconnected area;

Fence the area under the repaired area with the installation of “No Trespassing” posters.

Admission according to the GE11-N order after completing the necessary measures is carried out by a replacement electrician.

3.22.18 After completing the technical measures and briefing the team, the permitting person signs the permit. The work manager checks the disconnection of switches, the installation of grounding on trolleys, and the presence of posters. The team gets to work.

3.23 Safety requirements for the repair and replacement of electric lamps for overhead lighting of workshop spans using electric overhead cranes.

3.23.1 Repair and replacement of upper horizon lamps is carried out by electricians during daylight hours with the voltage removed and by at least 2 persons with qualifications of at least Group III according to the permit ND-90 (GE11Na).

3.23.2 Replacement of the upper horizon lamps is carried out from special platforms installed on the trolleys of electric bridge cranes. At a distance of more than 1600 mm from the floor of the crane trolley to the lamp, the trolleys must be equipped with a special platform. The site must have proper fencing and front door, locked with a bolt. The installation of any temporary scaffolding, decking, or ladders on a trolley is prohibited.

3.23.3 Before replacing the electric lamps of the upper horizon, the electrician master (leader of the electrician team), with the consent of the master technologist, determines from which crane the work must be performed and makes entries in the shift logs of neighboring cranes and in the logbook of the crane driver from which the work will be performed . The electrician foreman (leader of a team of electricians) familiarizes himself with the records of the crane drivers, gives them a brief briefing, followed by the drivers' signature in these logs.

3.23.4 When working in the span of several cranes, fence off the work area with dead ends.

3.23.5 The electrician gives a command to the operator of the electric crane from which the work will be carried out to stop the crane at the landing site.

3.23.6 At the crane landing site, the electrician exchanges tokens, i.e. gives a personal token to the crane driver and receives a driver’s token, while the crane diagram is disassembled.

3.23.7 ​​The work is carried out by two electricians with a qualification group for electrical safety of at least III. One of them is located on the crane bridge, and the second is below, and the driver is obliged to carry out commands only from the electrician located below.

3.23.8 The electrician located below has the right to give commands if:

Has a red bandage on his left sleeve;

The second electrician is in the safe area;

He sees both the driver and the second electrician well.

3.23.9 At the command of the electrician below, the driver turns on the crane and drives up to the work site, disassembles the crane diagram, hangs up a poster “Do not turn it on! People are working,” goes out to the crane gallery and gives the token to the electrician located on the crane.

3.23.10 At the command of the electrician located below, the electrician located on the crane enters the platform to replace electric lamps, closes the door and carries out repair work.

3.23.11 If there is a further need to move the crane, the electrician located on the crane descends from the platform onto the crane bridge and gives permission to the electrician located below to move the crane (trolley). Next, the sequence of work is carried out in accordance with clause 3.23.9.

3.23.12 After completing all work, the electrician must remove all burnt out electric lamps and take them downstairs. Throwing any objects from the crane is prohibited.

3.23.13 When the work is completely completed, the electrician and the driver exchange tokens. All operations for the exchange of tokens take place on the landing site, the crane circuit must be disassembled and the poster “Do not turn on! People are working” must be posted, the ND-90 outfit must be completely closed.

3.23.14 Upon completion of the work, the electrician master is obliged to make appropriate entries in the drivers’ logs and notify the latter of the completion of the work.

3.23.15 The master electrician (leader of the electrician team) is responsible for the proper organization and implementation of work on the repair and replacement of electric lamps. The driver and electricians are responsible for following these instructions.


For operational personnel.

Leaving duty without handing over your shift is prohibited. In exceptional cases, leaving the workplace is permitted with the permission of a superior person from among the operational employees.

Turning over a shift during emergency response, switching operations, or operations to turn equipment on and off is prohibited.

It is prohibited to hand over a shift if the work area is not cleaned or the equipment is dirty.

The work order is closed after the following are sequentially completed:

Removal of temporary fences and posters;

Removal of groundings;

Installation of permanent fences and posters in place, removal of fences and posters posted before the start of work.

If work was carried out on several orders at a disconnected connection, then it can be included in the work only after all orders have been closed.


Head of Legal

Office of V. S. Petrenko


in the labor protection department N. F. Shmatko








Electrician's workplace.

Electrician performs technical inspections fixed electrical equipment at the place of its installation, Maintenance and repairs at the installation site or at the repair site.

Work is carried out according to the established schedule or unscheduled when troubleshooting problems arise.

1.2. The main dangerous and harmful factors when performing work at the repair site are:

Moved equipment, spare parts, material, workpieces, etc.;

Falling objects from a height;

Splinters flying when working with impact tools;

Sharp edges, burrs on the surface of equipment, objects on the workshop floor;

Heated workpieces or parts of equipment;

Welding arc;

Low temperature ambient air.

Electricians servicing electrical equipment often have to perform various plumbing and assembly operations. Therefore, they must clearly know the safety rules when carrying out such work and be able to organize their safe implementation.

Before starting work, you should check the condition of the tool that will be used to do it. A tool that has defects must be replaced with a serviceable one. The hammer must be firmly seated on the handle, which is wedged with a wedge made of mild steel or wood. You cannot correct a hammer with a weakened handle by hitting it against miles or other objects, this leads to even greater loosening of the handle. The handles of scrapers, files and other tools must also be firmly attached. Loosely fitted handles easily jump off the tool during operation, and the sharp shank of the tool can seriously injure your hand. Hand tools It is prohibited to use without a handle.

Spanners must match the dimensions of the nuts and bolt heads; It is not allowed to use keys with wrinkled or cracked jaws, to extend keys with pipes, other keys or in any other way; it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of the vice and pullers.

Proper organization the workplace ensures rational movements of the worker and reduces to a minimum the amount of working time spent on finding and using tools and materials. At the electrician’s workplace there should be: technological equipment, organizational equipment, job description, electrical circuits main electrical installations, power supply diagrams, operational log, safety instructions.

A workplace is a part of space adapted for an employee to perform a production task. The workplace, as a rule, is equipped with basic and auxiliary equipment(machines, mechanisms, power plants, etc.), technological (tools, fixtures, instrumentation) equipment.

The workplaces where electrical workers work vary depending on what actions and operations they perform: installation, assembly, adjustment, etc. The electrician's workplace can be on outdoors, for example during the construction or repair of overhead and cable electrical networks, substations, etc.

In all cases, there must be an exemplary order at the workplace: the tools of the device (only working tools are allowed to be used) must be placed in the appropriate places, the tool must also be put there after finishing work with it, there should be nothing unnecessary at the workplace that is not required for the task of this work, the equipment and maintenance of the workplace must strictly meet all labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements and exclude the possibility of a fire.

Typically, the following tools are placed at the workplace: fastening and clamping tools - pliers, round nose pliers, pliers, a vice; cutting tools - mechanic's knife, wire cutters, hacksaw, impact hammer, chisel, punch. In addition, general metalworking tools are used, as well as many types of metal-cutting tools, since electrical work is often associated with chopping metal, bending pipes, cutting various materials, thread cutting, etc. Factories produce sets of tools for performing individual species electrical work. Each set is placed in a closed bag made of leatherette or in a folding bag made of artificial leather, the weight of the set is 3.25 kg. So, in a set of tools for performing electrical work general purpose includes the following: 200 mm universal pliers, electrical installation pliers with elastic covers, 150 mm needle nose pliers (nippers) with elastic covers; screwdriver for plumbing and installation, different (with plastic handles) - 3 pcs; bench hammer with handle weighing 0.8 kg; mechanic's knife; mechanic's awl; voltage indicator; meter folding metal ruler; light-colored safety glasses; plaster; ironer; twisted cord with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm and a length of 15 m.

Job responsibilities electrician are presented in Appendix D.

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