Bale and automation operator job description. etc. instrumentation and automation adjuster (5th category). Education required for work

Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision necessary equipment, equipment, workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc. 4.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights. 4.6. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities. 4.7. Increase your professional qualifications. 4.8. [Other rights provided for by labor legislation Russian Federation]. 5. Responsibility The adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 5th category is responsible for: 5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties provided for in this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2.

Error 404 page does not exist

For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

Instrumentation and automation adjuster

Industrial television equipment, electronic engraving machines - adjustment. 4. Telecontrol equipment for contactless and relay systems - setup and adjustment.
5. Ultrasonic industrial equipment and flaw detection of medical equipment, photo telegraphs - adjustment. 6. Blocks on semiconductor devices - adjustment. 7. Blocks, units of complex chemical-thermal and electric-vacuum equipment - adjustment.
8. Vibrating stands with an electronic control system - adjustment, testing. 9. Relay protection - adjustment. 10. Machines, automatic recording devices, electrical and electronic - adjustment and testing.


Automated washing machines - repair and adjustment of software devices. 12. Open hearth furnaces, hardening furnaces, induction furnaces - adjustment of automation circuits.

Oxygen and pyrometric devices - adjustment and testing. 14. Corrective and software devices - adjustment.

Instrument technician: what kind of profession, ranks, training


Industrial gas installations (oxygen, hydrogen and acetylene stations) - adjustment of equipment, automation and circuits. 12. Electrical circuits - oscillography of current and voltage.

Instrumentation and automation adjuster, 5th category. Characteristics of work. Adjustment of devices and installations automatic regulation medium complexity with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings.

Adjustment, testing and delivery of medium-complexity units and power systems for electronic computing and control machines, instruments and information-measuring systems. Examination electrical parameters adjustable equipment using all kinds of control and measuring instruments.
Drawing up prototype circuits for regulation and testing complex mechanisms, devices, systems.

etc. instrumentation and automation adjuster (5th category)

Autonomous and comprehensive adjustment of electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic systems control and protection, computer technology, automated systems regulation with “P” and “I” regulation law. 7th category. Characteristics of the work. Pre-installation check, autonomous and comprehensive adjustment of complex devices and equipment for automatic monitoring, regulation and control.


Pre-installation testing and regulation of autoregulators, automatic analyzers of the composition of liquids and gases, electronic equipment, oxygen meters, electronic level meters, sensors of radiation monitoring systems, equipment containing radioactive substances. Autonomous and comprehensive adjustment of control and protection systems based on contactless devices.

The adjuster of instruments, equipment and automatic control systems (instrumentation and automation adjuster) (hereinafter referred to as the Worker) is classified as a worker. 1.2. Real job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the Employee when performing work in their specialty and directly at the workplace in the "" (hereinafter referred to as the Employer).
1.3. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the Employer in the manner prescribed by current labor legislation. 1.4. The employee reports directly. 1.5.

Instrument adjuster 5th grade job description

Industrial gas installations (oxygen, hydrogen and acetylene stations) - adjustment of equipment, automation and circuits. 3.12. Electrical circuits - oscillography of current and voltage.

3.13. Automation of power supply, pressure and temperature - adjustment and testing. 3.14. In-plant dispatch communication equipment for radio stations and intercoms - setup and adjustment. 3.15. Industrial television equipment, electronic engraving machines - adjustment. 3.16. Telecontrol equipment for contactless and relay systems - setup and adjustment. 3.17. Ultrasonic industrial equipment and flaw detection of medical equipment, photo telegraphs - adjustment. 3.18. Blocks on semiconductor devices - adjustment. 3.19.
Blocks, units of complex chemical-thermal and electric-vacuum equipment - adjustment. 3.20. Vibrating stands with an electronic control system - adjustment, testing.
Instrumentation and A with a lower category; 5.19 be able to use all laboratory and standard instruments, stands necessary for the production of work and follow the rules of their operation; 5.20 treat tools, standard and calibration instruments with care; 5.21 do not make any experiments and changes in SBS circuits ;5.22 consider tasks related to the repair of SBS completed after: - completion of the work is documented by the relevant entries of the work manufacturer in the “Logbook” Maintenance SBS”, passport for SBS, form of gas alarm; - gas alarms have been verified with appropriate documentation; - the work order is fully completed and closed - admission; - testing was carried out by the SBS commission and act 5.23 was issued to constantly improve your professional level, learn new equipment.

Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the Employer. 4.4. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions.

Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees. 4.5. Failure to comply with labor discipline. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Employer. 5.2. Due to production needs, the Employee is required to go on business trips (incl.
local significance). The job description was developed on the basis of (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit (initials, surname) (signature) » » g. Agreed: legal service (initials, surname) (signature) » » g.
B) 16 PUE Rules for the installation of electrical installations 17 T-29 Instructions for organizing safe traffic Vehicle and pedestrians on the territory of the joint-stock company18 Regulations on the system of organizing work on operation, maintenance and checking the serviceability of SBS (locking and alarm systems)19 Instructions on safety measures when working with methanol at enterprises and organizations of MNHP20 Regulations on the delimitation of functions for metrological support of production between workshops and divisions of JSC21 Regulations on the industrial safety and labor protection management system in JSC 4 QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: 4.1 Level of required professional training of the employee. An instrumentation mechanic must have a document on specialized education or undergo training at the enterprise by a course method according to a program agreed with Rostechnadzor.
An adjuster of instrumentation and automation must know: - the principles of establishing operating modes of individual devices, instruments and units; — principles of regulation of blocks of medium complexity and stabilized power supplies; — principles of encoding and decoding in telemechanics systems; — techniques for setting up digital tracking systems; — design, purpose and principle of operation of complex mechanisms of radio systems and devices; — methods and methods of electrical, mechanical and complex adjustment of complex devices and the technological sequence of adjustment; — prototyping complex circuits with processing of their elements; — fundamentals of mechanics. 2. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 6. The adjuster of instrumentation and automation is entrusted with: 6.1. Setting up automatic control devices and installations of medium complexity with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings.

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Managing Director of the Qualifications Development Department

All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs"

Yu. V. Smirnova


adjuster of instrumentation and automation, 8th category

Divisions "Complex Technologies"

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional, job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the 8th category instrumentation and automation adjuster of the “Complex Technologies” division (hereinafter referred to as the 8th category instrumentation and automation adjuster) All-Russian public organization “Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs” ( hereinafter Institution).

1.2. A person who meets the following education and training requirements is appointed to the position of instrumentation and automation adjuster of the 8th category:

  • Average professional education- training program for mid-level specialists and additional professional education - advanced training programs;
  • with practical work experience:

  • At least three years as an adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 7th category;
  • Special conditions for admission to work as an adjuster of instrumentation and automation equipment of the 8th category:

  • Completing training on labor protection in the workplace;
  • Completing fire safety training;
  • Passing mandatory preliminary (upon employment) and periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • 1.3. An adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category must know:

  • Failure system analysis methods;
  • Methodology and procedure for conducting periodic operational tests;
  • Methodology and procedure for conducting preliminary control tests;
  • Standard and special unique equipment and programs for testing;
  • Methods for calculating individual elements of instrumentation and automatic devices;
  • Types and frequency of testing;
  • Regulatory documents for the preparation of test reports;
  • Standard programs for processing data obtained during testing;
  • Methodology and procedure for conducting complex tests;
  • Standards for testing conditions;
  • Rules for preparing test reports;
  • Methodology and procedure for conducting acceptance tests;
  • Measures to comply with the test program;
  • State and industry standards for testing;
  • Labor protection requirements in the workplace;
  • Principles and rules for regulating devices and automation during operation and repair;
  • The main programming languages ​​used in specific equipment;
  • Principles and methods for setting up automation of metalworking equipment and industrial robots;
  • Basic programs for automated development of printed circuit boards;
  • Principles and rules of compilation wiring diagrams for automation systems;
  • Methods and methods for setting up control systems based on microprocessor technology, micro- and mini-computers, peripheral equipment;
  • Setting principles and methods automatic lines technological equipment;
  • Design, purpose and principle of operation of adjusted automatic devices, lines, control systems for devices, complexes and equipment;
  • Basic regulations to carry out the adjustment of instrumentation and automation equipment;
  • The design and principle of operation of microelectronics elements, mnemonic circuits, printed circuit boards;
  • Types of adjustments;
  • Operating modes of specific equipment;
  • Basic principles of constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology;
  • Technical conditions for the operation of adjusted automatic devices, lines, control systems for devices, complexes and equipment;
  • 1.4. An 8th grade instrumentation and automation technician must be able to:

  • Correct and enter values ​​into test reports;
  • Take characteristics during testing;
  • Conduct compliance of values ​​and quantities with technical regulations;
  • Process the characteristics obtained during testing;
  • Draw up test reports;
  • Analyze the performance of instrumentation and automation equipment during operation;
  • Carry out acceptance and delivery work;
  • Carry out activities to identify deficiencies in instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems;
  • Create test models for instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems;
  • Assess the performance of instrumentation and automation equipment by conducting tests;
  • Draw up commissioning reports;
  • Carry out autonomous and comprehensive adjustment of control systems for complexes, equipment and automatic lines;
  • enjoy software products for the development of non-standard boards for control systems;
  • Carry out system adjustments during the operation of automatic lines and equipment control systems;
  • Regulate and coordinate the actions of all units of the system;
  • Carry out system adjustments after overhaul, restoration and modernization of instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems;
  • Draw up special diagrams for setting up unique equipment;
  • Convert electronic devices to domestic denominations;
  • 1.5. An adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the managing director of the qualifications development department of the Institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The instrumentation and automation adjuster of the 8th category reports to the managing director of the qualifications development department of the Institution and the head of the “Complex technologies” department

    2. Labor functions

  • 2.1. Testing and commissioning of complex instrumentation and automation.
  • 2.2. Setting up complex instrumentation and A.
  • 3. Job responsibilities

  • 3.1. Certification tests for compliance of unique instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems with international standards.
  • 3.2. Conducting acceptance tests of instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems.
  • 3.3. Conducting special research tests of instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems.
  • 3.4. Running-in of all elements and components of the system.
  • 3.5. Comprehensive operational testing of unique instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems.
  • 3.6. Supervision of work performed by less qualified specialists.
  • 3.7. Preliminary testing of unique instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems before commissioning.
  • 3.8. Type testing of new and modernized instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial control systems.
  • 3.9. Installation of non-standard boards for industrial equipment control systems.
  • 3.10. Complex adjustment of automatic devices, lines, control systems for instrumentation, complexes and industrial equipment.
  • 3.11. Supervision of work performed by less qualified specialists.
  • 3.12. Modernization of control systems for automatic devices, lines, instruments and equipment.
  • 3.13. Setting up unique industrial equipment.
  • 3.14. Adjustment after overhaul, restoration and modernization of instrumentation, automatic devices, industrial equipment and industrial equipment control systems.
  • 4. Rights

    An adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category has the right to:

    4.1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to the activities of an adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category.

    4.2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining).

    4.3. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve issues within the competence of an adjuster of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category.

    4.4. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

    4.5. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of ​​work.

    4.6. Contact the relevant local government bodies or the court to resolve disputes arising during the performance of functional duties.

    4.7. Use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    4.8. Pass certification in the prescribed manner.

    5. Responsibility

    The instrumentation and automation adjuster of the 8th category is responsible for:

    5.1. Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s functional duties.

    5.2. Failure to comply with orders and instructions from the Managing Director of the Qualifications Development Department of the Institution.

    5.3. Inaccurate information about the status of fulfillment of assigned tasks and instructions, violation of deadlines for their execution.

    5.4. Violation of internal labor regulations, rules against fire safety and safety precautions established in the Institution.

    5.5. Causing material damage within the limits established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.6. Disclosure of information that has become known in connection with the performance of official duties.

    For the above violations, an operator of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative, civil and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.

    This job description has been developed in accordance with the provisions (requirements) Labor Code Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197 Federal Law (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (as amended and supplemented), professional standard“Specialist in the field of instrumentation and automation” approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation dated February 15, 2017 No. 181n and other legal acts governing labor relations.

    Unified tariff qualification directory works and professions of workers (ETKS), 2019
    Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 of ETKS
    The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45
    (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

    Instrumentation and automation adjuster

    § 53. Instrumentation and automation adjuster, 4th category

    Characteristics of work. Adjustment of simple electronic thermal devices, automatic gas analyzers, control and measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting and analytical mechanisms with adjustment and fine-tuning of parts and assemblies. Adjustment of control circuits for contact-relay, ion, electromagnetic and semiconductor electric drives. Adjustment, testing and delivery of elements and simple electronic units with characterization. Drawing up and prototyping of simple and medium complexity circuits.

    Must know: device, operating principle and methods of setting up the equipment being serviced; technical conditions for operation; rules for characterization during testing; the design and principle of operation of radio tubes, triodes, semiconductor diodes, transistors and their main characteristics; methods and methods of electrical and mechanical adjustment of elements and simple electronic units computers, gain generation principle; rules for receiving radio waves and setting up stations of medium complexity; purpose and use of instrumentation (oscilloscope, standard generator, cathode voltmeter, etc.); rules for taking measurements and drawing up graphs based on them; fundamentals of electrical engineering, electronics and radio engineering in the scope of the work performed.

    Work examples

    1. Automation in gas industry- adjustment.

    2. Automatic power supply units, contactors, limit switches, protection and interlocking elements - checking operation.

    3. Blocks, units and devices of chemical-thermal and electric-vacuum equipment - regulation.

    4. Tube generators - adjustment with selection of screen voltages, removal of graduated frequency curves of circuits with power measurement.

    5. Loop oscilloscopes - medium repair and adjustment.

    6. Electrical converters - circuit assembly, adjustment and elimination of defects.

    7. Counting and solving devices - regulation of units.

    8. Simple receivers with four to six stages - tuning with frequency response readings.

    9. Selsyns - regulation and coordination in the station diagram in accordance with technical specifications and instructions.

    10. Metal-cutting machines, electric drives for shut-off and control devices of all types - simple adjustment of the automation circuit.

    11. Industrial gas installations (oxygen, hydrogen and acetylene stations) - adjustment of equipment, automation and circuits.

    12. Electrical circuits - oscillography of current and voltage.

    § 54. Instrumentation and automation adjuster of the 5th category

    Characteristics of work. Setting up automatic control devices and installations of medium complexity with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings. Adjustment, testing and delivery of medium-complexity units and power systems for electronic computing and control machines, instruments and information-measuring systems. Checking the electrical parameters of adjustable equipment using all kinds of instrumentation. Drawing up prototype diagrams for regulating and testing complex mechanisms, devices, and systems.

    Must know: principles for establishing operating modes of individual devices, instruments and units; principles of regulation of medium complexity units and stabilized power supplies; principles of encoding and decoding in telemechanics systems; equipment for setting up digital tracking systems; design, purpose and principle of operation of complex mechanisms of radio systems and devices; methods and methods of electrical, mechanical and complex adjustment of complex devices and the technological sequence of adjustment; prototyping of complex circuits with processing of their elements; fundamentals of mechanics.

    Work examples

    1. Automation of power supply, pressure and temperature - adjustment and testing.

    2. In-plant dispatch communication equipment for radio stations and intercoms - setup and adjustment.

    3. Industrial television equipment, electronic engraving machines - adjustment.

    4. Telecontrol equipment for contactless and relay systems - setup and adjustment.

    5. Ultrasonic industrial equipment and flaw detection of medical equipment, photo telegraphs - adjustment.

    6. Blocks on semiconductor devices - adjustment.

    7. Blocks, units of complex chemical-thermal and electric-vacuum equipment - adjustment.

    8. Vibrating stands with an electronic control system - adjustment, testing.

    9. Relay protection - adjustment.

    10. Machines, automatic recording devices, electrical and electronic - adjustment and testing.

    11. Automated washing machines - repair and adjustment of software devices.

    12. Open hearth, hardening, induction furnaces - adjustment of automation circuits.

    13. Oxygen and pyrometric devices - adjustment and testing.

    14. Corrective and software devices - adjustment.

    15. Radio units - connecting the unit to the electrical network in a circuit with a power supply, adjusting the wavelength of the high-frequency part, removing the DC mode, checking the radio frequency gain.

    16. Computer systems - adjustment.

    17. Metal-cutting machines of varying complexity and with program control, flexible equipment technological processes- setting up automation.

    18. Television and electronic-mechanical plotters - adjustment.

    19. High and low frequency amplifiers (two to five amplification stages) - adjustment with adjustment and adjustment of all parameters of incoming radio tubes, adjustment of local oscillator circuits and equalization of the frequency band in band-pass amplifiers and cut-off filters, adjustment of resonance, reading and plotting frequency characteristics.

    § 55. Instrumentation and automation adjuster, 6th category

    Characteristics of work. Adjustment, testing and commissioning of complex circuits of industrial automation, telemechanics, communications, electronic-mechanical testing and electro-hydraulic machines and stands equipped with information and measuring systems. Setting up cash counting machines with electronic counters and reject conveyors for checking and counting coins of different denominations. Comprehensive testing of an electronic computer control system with a testing machine. Adjustment and testing of circuits of electronic computer control machines. Drawing up schematic and wiring diagrams for adjusting and testing complex and prototype models of mechanisms, devices, systems. Development of setup methods and connection diagrams for adjustable equipment with instrumentation and power supplies. Adjustment and testing of equipment and units of radio stations, direction finders, radar installations and automatic electronic equipment.

    Must know: technology for assembling equipment units of any complexity; design, circuits and principles of operation of electronic counters of cash counting machines, rejection conveyors, counting and summing and computing control machines; methods and methods for setting up various electrical units and complex regulators; methods for calculating individual elements of control devices; rules for preparing delivery technical documentation; basics of telemechanics within the scope of the work performed.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    Work examples

    1. Complex automation of industrial installations for the production of oxygen, argon, hydrogen, acetylene and other gases - comprehensive setup.

    2. Medical electronic equipment - adjustment.

    3. Radio-electronic equipment, generators of all types, electronic oscilloscopes, complex non-contact telecontrol systems - adjustment with detection and elimination of damage.

    4. Ultrasonic equipment is complex - adjustment.

    5. Light-photometric, magnetoelectric, optical-acoustic gas analyzers - adjustment.

    6. Gas cutting machines with program control - adjustment.

    7. Experimental samples of equipment for the manufacture of electronic products - adjustment.

    8. Optical radiation pyrometers and potentiometers - adjustment and testing.

    9. Metal-cutting machines and machine tools with program control, equipment for flexible technological processes - setting up automation.

    10. Test installations - adjustment.

    11. Industrial television installations - setup.

    § 56. Instrumentation and automation adjuster, 7th category

    Characteristics of work. Setup, adjustment and commissioning complex systems devices and equipment control systems based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of restoration and repair work on elements of these systems, programming controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other electronic computer equipment, ensuring their output to the specified operating parameters. Diagnosis of equipment control systems using special test programs.

    Must know: basic principles of constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and structural diagrams of programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; design of microprocessor devices; basics of programming and theory of automated electric drive; methods of introducing technological and test programs; methodology for setting up systems in order to obtain the specified static and dynamic characteristics of devices and devices of converter technology; installation of basic instrumentation and diagnostic equipment created on the basis of microprocessor technology; methods and organization of building “memory” in control systems; methods for setting up electronic units various devices, methods for calculating individual rigged devices; rules for preparing delivery technical documentation.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    § 57. Installer of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category

    Characteristics of work. Comprehensive setup, adjustment and commissioning of complex and unique systems devices and control systems of equipment based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of restoration and repair work on these systems, programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other equipment of electronic computers, as well as peripheral equipment and their diagnosis using test programs and stands using computer facilities. Setup, repair, adjustment and commissioning of digital electric drives using “intelligent” sensors. Development of non-standard boards for control systems. Drawing up test corrections of technological equipment programs. Analysis, systematization of failures in the operation of technological equipment and development of recommendations for their elimination. Adjustment and repair of radio interference suppression devices for frequency generators with power over 1 kW. Recalculation of electronic devices to domestic denominations. Drawing up the necessary diagrams for setting up and repairing devices. Repair and adjustment of electronic units in ultrasonic installations.

    Must know: methods for constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology; circuit diagrams programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; methods for correcting technological and test programs; organizing a set of works on setting up and troubleshooting devices and computer systems; design and diagnostics of unique measuring and control systems and complexes; theory of automatic control; the main programming "languages" used in a specific technological equipment; diagrams and principles of operation of electronic devices that suppress radio interference, rules for drawing up technical acceptance documentation; basics of telemechanics within the scope of the work performed.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    Unified qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees (UN), 2019
    Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
    The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

    Instrumentation and automation engineer

    Job responsibilities. Provides operation, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation equipment (CI&A) in accordance with rules, instructions and orders. Provides control over technical condition and safe operation of equipment, participates in the investigation of the causes of its failure. Keeps records and analyzes equipment failures and comments, summarizes equipment operating experience, and draws up reports. Develops measures to improve the operation, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation systems, compiles technical task and monitors its implementation. Considers technical documentation for new instrumentation and automation systems, prepares proposals to eliminate comments. Participates in the development and implementation of technological maps, programs, labor organization projects, standards and instructions for operation, maintenance and repair of equipment. Considers rationalization proposals and inventions, generalizes and disseminates best practices in the operation and repair of instrumentation and automation equipment. Develops proposals for standards for equipment maintenance and repair. Prepares requests for spare parts, materials, tools and measuring instruments. Organizes acceptance from installation and commissioning of newly installed instrumentation and automation equipment, conducts experimental work on the equipment. Draws up schedules for maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation systems, measuring instruments and automation. Ensures compliance with preventive inspection schedules and various types repair of instrumentation and automation equipment, takes part in checking the performance of instrumentation and automation systems. Organizes the introduction of advanced labor methods and techniques, carries out activities for certification and rationalization of workplaces. Conducts training and assists employees in mastering new instrumentation systems and measuring instruments. Participates in the pricing of work and assignment of qualification categories to workers.

    Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory documents on the operation, maintenance and repair of instrumentation and automation equipment; prospects for the development of instrumentation and automation schemes and systems; fundamentals of metrology, goals and objectives of metrological support; organization of equipment repair and maintenance; system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of instrument equipment; specifications, design features, purpose and operating principles of equipment, technical operation rules; principles of maintenance and repair planning; the procedure for drawing up applications for equipment, materials, spare parts, tools; the procedure for tariffication of work and workers, provisions for remuneration; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; security rules environment; labor protection and fire safety regulations; internal labor regulations.

    Qualification requirements.

    Instrumentation and automation engineer of category I: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an instrumentation and automation engineer of category II for at least 3 years.

    Instrumentation and automation engineer of category II: higher professional (technical) education and work experience as an instrumentation and automation engineer for at least 3 years.

    Instrumentation and automation engineer: higher professional (technical) education without any work experience requirements.

    Characteristics of work. Adjustment of simple electronic thermal devices, automatic gas analyzers, control and measuring, electromagnetic, electrodynamic, counting and analytical mechanisms with adjustment and fine-tuning of parts and assemblies. Adjustment of control circuits for contact-relay, ion, electromagnetic and semiconductor electric drives. Adjustment, testing and delivery of elements and simple electronic units with characterization. Drawing up and prototyping of simple and medium complexity circuits.

    Must know: device, operating principle and methods of setting up the equipment being serviced; technical conditions for operation; rules for characterization during testing; the design and principle of operation of radio tubes, triodes, semiconductor diodes, transistors and their main characteristics; methods and methods of electrical and mechanical adjustment of elements and simple blocks of electronic computers, the principle of generating amplification; rules for receiving radio waves and setting up stations of medium complexity; purpose and use of instrumentation (oscilloscope, standard generator, cathode voltmeter, etc.); rules for taking measurements and drawing up graphs based on them; fundamentals of electrical engineering, electronics and radio engineering in the scope of the work performed.

    Work examples

    1. Automation in the gas industry - adjustment.

    2. Automatic power supply units, contactors, limit switches, protection and interlocking elements - checking operation.

    3. Blocks, units and devices of chemical-thermal and electric-vacuum equipment - regulation.

    4. Tube generators - adjustment with selection of screen voltages, removal of graduated frequency curves of circuits with power measurement.

    5. Loop oscilloscopes - medium repair and adjustment.

    6. Electrical converters - circuit assembly, adjustment and elimination of defects.

    7. Counting and solving devices - regulation of units.

    8. Simple receivers with four to six stages - tuning with frequency response readings.

    9. Selsyns - regulation and coordination in the station diagram in accordance with technical conditions and instructions.

    10. Metal-cutting machines, electric drives for shut-off and control devices of all types - simple adjustment of the automation circuit.

    11. Industrial gas installations (oxygen, hydrogen and acetylene stations) - adjustment of equipment, automation and circuits.

    12. Electrical circuits - oscillography of current and voltage.

    § 54. Instrumentation and automation adjuster of the 5th category

    Characteristics of work. Setting up automatic control devices and installations of medium complexity with a summing mechanism and remote transmission of readings. Adjustment, testing and delivery of medium-complexity units and power systems for electronic computing and control machines, instruments and information-measuring systems. Checking the electrical parameters of adjustable equipment using all kinds of instrumentation. Drawing up prototype diagrams for regulating and testing complex mechanisms, devices, and systems.

    Must know: principles for establishing operating modes of individual devices, instruments and units; principles of regulation of medium complexity units and stabilized power supplies; principles of encoding and decoding in telemechanics systems; equipment for setting up digital tracking systems; design, purpose and principle of operation of complex mechanisms of radio systems and devices; methods and methods of electrical, mechanical and complex adjustment of complex devices and the technological sequence of adjustment; prototyping of complex circuits with processing of their elements; fundamentals of mechanics.

    Work examples

    1. Automation of power supply, pressure and temperature - adjustment and testing.

    2. In-plant dispatch communication equipment for radio stations and intercoms - setup and adjustment.

    3. Industrial television equipment, electronic engraving machines - adjustment.

    4. Telecontrol equipment for contactless and relay systems - setup and adjustment.

    5. Ultrasonic industrial equipment and flaw detection of medical equipment, photo telegraphs - adjustment.

    6. Blocks on semiconductor devices - adjustment.

    7. Blocks, units of complex chemical-thermal and electric-vacuum equipment - adjustment.

    8. Vibrating stands with an electronic control system - adjustment, testing.

    9. Relay protection - adjustment.

    10. Machines, automatic recording devices, electrical and electronic - adjustment and testing.

    11. Automated washing machines - repair and adjustment of software devices.

    12. Open hearth, hardening, induction furnaces - adjustment of automation circuits.

    13. Oxygen and pyrometric devices - adjustment and testing.

    14. Corrective and software devices - adjustment.

    15. Radio units - connecting the unit to the electrical network in a circuit with a power supply, adjusting the wavelength of the high-frequency part, removing the DC mode, checking the radio frequency gain.

    16. Computer systems - adjustment.

    17. Metal-cutting machines of varying complexity and with program control, equipment for flexible technological processes - adjustment of automation.

    18. Television and electronic-mechanical plotters - adjustment.

    19. High and low frequency amplifiers (two to five amplification stages) - adjustment with adjustment and adjustment of all parameters of incoming radio tubes, adjustment of local oscillator circuits and equalization of the frequency band in band-pass amplifiers and cut-off filters, adjustment of resonance, reading and plotting frequency characteristics.

    § 55. Instrumentation and automation adjuster, 6th category

    Characteristics of work. Adjustment, testing and commissioning of complex circuits of industrial automation, telemechanics, communications, electronic-mechanical testing and electro-hydraulic machines and stands equipped with information and measuring systems. Setting up cash counting machines with electronic counters and reject conveyors for checking and counting coins of different denominations. Comprehensive testing of an electronic computer control system with a testing machine. Adjustment and testing of circuits of electronic computer control machines. Drawing up schematic and wiring diagrams for adjusting and testing complex and prototype models of mechanisms, devices, systems. Development of setup methods and connection diagrams for adjustable equipment with instrumentation and power supplies. Adjustment and testing of equipment and units of radio stations, direction finders, radar installations and automatic electronic equipment.

    Must know: technology for assembling equipment units of any complexity; design, circuits and principles of operation of electronic counters of cash counting machines, rejection conveyors, counting and summing and computing control machines; methods and methods for setting up various electrical units and complex regulators; methods for calculating individual elements of control devices; rules for preparing delivery technical documentation; basics of telemechanics within the scope of the work performed.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    Work examples

    1. Complex automation of industrial installations for the production of oxygen, argon, hydrogen, acetylene and other gases - comprehensive setup.

    2. Medical electronic equipment - adjustment.

    3. Radio-electronic equipment, generators of all types, electronic oscilloscopes, complex non-contact telecontrol systems - adjustment with detection and elimination of damage.

    4. Ultrasonic equipment is complex - adjustment.

    5. Light-photometric, magnetoelectric, optical-acoustic gas analyzers - adjustment.

    6. Gas cutting machines with program control - adjustment.

    7. Experimental samples of equipment for the manufacture of electronic products - adjustment.

    8. Optical radiation pyrometers and potentiometers - adjustment and testing.

    9. Metal-cutting machines and machine tools with program control, equipment for flexible technological processes - setting up automation.

    10. Test installations - adjustment.

    11. Industrial television installations - setup.

    § 56. Instrumentation and automation adjuster, 7th category

    Characteristics of work. Setup, adjustment and commissioning of complex systems of devices and equipment control systems based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of restoration and repair work on elements of these systems, programming controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other equipment of electronic computers, ensuring their output to the specified operating parameters. Diagnosis of equipment control systems using special test programs.

    Must know: basic principles of constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and block diagrams of programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; design of microprocessor devices; basics of programming and theory of automated electric drive; methods of introducing technological and test programs; methodology for setting up systems in order to obtain the specified static and dynamic characteristics of devices and devices of converter technology; installation of basic instrumentation and diagnostic equipment created on the basis of microprocessor technology; methods and organization of building “memory” in control systems; methods for setting up electronic components of various devices, methods for calculating individual adjusted devices; rules for preparing delivery technical documentation.

    Secondary vocational education required.

    § 57. Installer of instrumentation and automation of the 8th category

    Characteristics of work. Comprehensive setup, adjustment and commissioning of complex and unique instrument systems and equipment control systems based on microprocessor technology with the implementation of restoration and repair work on these systems, programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other electronic computing equipment, as well as peripheral equipment and their diagnosis using test programs and stands using computer technology. Setup, repair, adjustment and commissioning of digital electric drives using “intelligent” sensors. Development of non-standard boards for control systems. Drawing up test corrections of technological equipment programs. Analysis, systematization of failures in the operation of technological equipment and development of recommendations for their elimination. Adjustment and repair of radio interference suppression devices for frequency generators with power over 1 kW. Recalculation of electronic devices to domestic denominations. Drawing up the necessary diagrams for setting up and repairing devices. Repair and adjustment of electronic units in ultrasonic installations.

    Must know: methods for constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology; schematic diagrams of programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers; methods for correcting technological and test programs; organizing a set of works on setting up and troubleshooting devices and computer systems; design and diagnostics of unique measuring and control systems and complexes; theory of automatic control; the main programming “languages” used in specific technological equipment; diagrams and principles of operation of electronic devices that suppress radio interference, rules for drawing up technical acceptance documentation; basics of telemechanics within the scope of the work performed.

    Secondary vocational education required.


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