Permissible vibration level LPDS. Vibration diagnostics of pumping units. Options. Vibration standards. Vibration control criteria. List of regulatory and technical documents used in the development of this RD

Vibration standards are very important when diagnosing rotary equipment. Dynamic (rotary) equipment occupies a large percentage of the total equipment of an industrial enterprise: electric motors, pumps, compressors, fans, gearboxes, turbines, etc. The task of the chief mechanic and chief power engineer service is to determine with sufficient accuracy the moment when carrying out maintenance work is technically, and most importantly, economically justified. One of best methods definitions technical condition rotating components is vibration monitoring with BALTECH VP-3410 vibration meters or vibration diagnostics using BALTECH CSI 2130 vibration analyzers, which allow you to reduce unreasonable costs of material resources for operation and maintenance of equipment, as well as assess the likelihood and prevent the possibility of unscheduled failure. However, this is only possible if vibration monitoring is carried out systematically, then it is possible to detect in time: wear of bearings (rolling, sliding), shaft misalignment, rotor imbalance, problems with machine lubrication and many other deviations and malfunctions.

GOST ISO 10816-1-97 establishes two main criteria for the general assessment of the vibration state of machines and mechanisms various classes depending on the power of the unit. According to one criterion, I compare the absolute values ​​of the vibration parameter in a wide frequency band, and according to another, changes in this parameter.

Resistance to mechanical deformation (for example, falling).

vrms, mm/s Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4
0.28 A A A A
1.12 B
1.8 B
2.8 WITH B
4.5 C B
7.1 D C
11.2 D C
18 D
28 D

The first criterion is the absolute vibration values. It is associated with determining the boundaries for the absolute value of the vibration parameter, established from the conditions of permissible dynamic loads on bearings and permissible vibration transmitted externally to the supports and foundation. The maximum parameter value measured at each bearing or support is compared with the zone boundaries for that machine. In the devices and programs of the BALTECH company, you can specify (select) your vibration standards or accept the international one included in the Proton-Expert program from the list of standards.

Class 1 - Separate parts of engines and machines connected to the unit and operating in their normal mode (serial electric motors with a power of up to 15 kW are typical machines in this category).

Class 2 - Medium-sized machines (typical electric motors with power from 15 to 875 kW) without special foundations, rigidly mounted engines or machines (up to 300 kW) on special foundations.

Class 3 - Powerful prime movers and other powerful machines with rotating masses mounted on massive foundations that are relatively rigid in the direction of vibration measurement.

Class 4 - Powerful prime movers and other powerful machines with rotating masses mounted on foundations that are relatively compliant in the direction of vibration measurement (for example, turbine generators and gas turbines with an output power of more than 10 MW).

To qualitatively assess machine vibration and make decisions about necessary actions In a specific situation, the following status zones are set.

  • Zone A- As a rule, new machines that have just been put into operation fall into this zone (the vibration of these machines is normalized, as a rule, by the manufacturer).
  • Zone B- Machines falling within this area are generally considered suitable for further exploitation no time limit.
  • Zone C- Machines falling into this zone are generally considered unsuitable for long-term continuous operation. Typically, these machines can operate for a limited period of time until a suitable opportunity arises to carry out repair work.
  • Zone D- Vibration levels in this area are generally considered to be severe enough to cause damage to the machine.

The second criterion is the change in vibration values. This criterion is based on comparing the measured vibration value in steady state operation of the machine with a preset value. Such changes may be rapid or gradually increasing over time and indicate early damage to the machine or other problems. A vibration change of 25% is usually considered significant.

If significant changes in vibration are detected, it is necessary to investigate possible reasons such changes in order to identify the causes of such changes and determine what measures need to be taken to prevent the occurrence dangerous situations. And first of all, it is necessary to find out whether this is a consequence of incorrect measurement of the vibration value.

Users of vibration measuring equipment and devices themselves often find themselves in a sticky situation when they try to compare readings between similar devices. Initial surprise often gives way to indignation when a discrepancy in readings is discovered that exceeds the permissible measurement error of the instruments. There are several reasons for this:

It is incorrect to compare the readings of devices whose vibration sensors are installed in different places, even close enough;

It is incorrect to compare the readings of devices whose vibration sensors have various ways fastening to an object (magnet, pin, probe, glue, etc.);

It must be taken into account that piezoelectric vibration sensors are sensitive to temperature, magnetic and electric fields and are able to change their electrical resistance in case of mechanical deformation (for example, a fall).

At first glance, comparing specifications two devices, we can say that the second device is much better than the first. Let's take a closer look:

For example, consider a mechanism whose rotor speed is 12.5 Hz (750 rpm), and the vibration level is 4 mm/s, the following instrument readings are possible:

a) for the first device, error at a frequency of 12.5 Hz and a level of 4 mm/s, in accordance with technical requirements, no more than ±10%, i.e. the device reading will be in the range from 3.6 to 4.4 mm/s;

b) for the second, the error at a frequency of 12.5 Hz will be ±15%, the error at a vibration level of 4 mm/s will be 20/4*5=25%. In most cases, both errors are systematic, so they are arithmetically summed. We obtain a measurement error of ±40%, i.e. the device reading is probably from 2.4 to 5.6 mm/s;

At the same time, if vibration is assessed in the vibration frequency spectrum of the mechanism components with a frequency below 10 Hz and above 1 kHz, the readings of the second device will be better compared to the first.

It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of an RMS detector in the device. Replacing the RMS detector with an average or amplitude detector can result in an additional error of up to 30% when measuring a polyharmonic signal.

Thus, if we look at the readings of two instruments when measuring the vibration of a real mechanism, we can find that the real error in measuring the vibration of real mechanisms under real conditions is no less than ± (15-25)%. It is for this reason that it is necessary to be careful when choosing a manufacturer of vibration measuring equipment and even more attentive to the constant improvement of qualifications of a vibration diagnostics specialist. Since, first of all, how exactly these measurements are carried out, we can talk about the result of the diagnosis. One of the most effective and versatile devices for vibration monitoring and dynamic balancing rotors in their own supports is the “Proton-Balance-II” set, produced by BALTECH in standard and maximum modifications. Vibration standards can be measured by vibration displacement or vibration velocity, and the error in assessing the vibration state of equipment has a minimum value in accordance with international standards IORS and ISO.

Technological processes in the Kaltasy LPDS pumping station are accompanied by significant noise and vibration. Sources of intense noise and vibration include booster (20NDsN) and main (NM 2500-230, NM1250-260) pumps, elements ventilation systems, pipelines for moving oil, electric motors (VAO - 630m, 2AZMV1 2000/6000) and other technological equipment.

Noise affects the hearing organs, leading to partial or complete deafness, i.e. to occupational hearing loss. This disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems, resulting in chronic diseases. Noise increases a person’s energy expenditure, causes fatigue, which reduces production activities labor and increases defects in work.

Prolonged exposure to vibration on a person causes occupational vibration disease. The impact of vibration on biological tissue and the nervous system leads to muscle atrophy, loss of elasticity of blood vessels, ossification of tendons, disruption of the vestibular apparatus, decreased hearing acuity, deterioration of vision, which leads to a decrease in labor productivity by 10-15% and is partly the cause of injuries. Noise standards in workplaces, general requirements for the noise characteristics of units, mechanisms and other equipment are established in accordance with GOST 12.1.003-83.

Table 4. - Permissible values ​​of sound pressure level in the pumping shop and vibration of the pumping unit

Measurement location

Sound level, dB

Acceptable by standard, dB

Maximum speed, mm/s

Emergency maximum, mm/s

Pumping station

Bearing vibration:

  • a) pump
  • b) engine

Body vibration:

  • a) pump
  • b) engine

Foundation vibration

Protection from noise and vibration is provided by SN-2.2.4./, let’s consider the most typical measures for a pumping shop:

  • 1. remote control of equipment;
  • 2. sealing windows, openings, doors;
  • 3. elimination of technical deficiencies and equipment malfunctions that are a source of noise;
  • 4. timely preventive maintenance according to the schedule, replacement of worn parts, regular lubrication of rubbing parts.

As individual funds Headphones or antiphons are used to protect against noise.

To reduce or eliminate vibration, CH-2.2.4./ provides the following measures:

  • 1. correct design of foundations for equipment, taking into account dynamic loads and insulating them from load-bearing structures and engineering communications;
  • 2. alignment and balancing of rotating parts of units.

Workers exposed to vibration should undergo regular medical examinations.

When putting a facility into operation, it is mandatory to inspect the pumping station by representatives of the fire department and local services of the State Mining and Technical Supervision Service. Changes in the category of power supply when putting the pumping station into operation are agreed upon with representatives of the district's energy networks. After controlled operation of the pump station, an act of acceptance for operation is drawn up.


13.1. Operation, repair, installation of equipment at oil trunk pipeline facilities, technical diagnostics and monitoring of equipment using non-destructive testing methods must be carried out by organizations that have a special permit (license) from the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies of Russia to carry out these types of activities. Licenses are issued in the manner established by the “Regulations on the procedure for issuing special permits (licenses) for activities associated with increased danger industrial production(objects) and work, as well as ensuring safety during the use of subsoil" dated 07/03/93, registration No. 296.

13.2. Operation, maintenance and repair of equipment at oil pumping stations (OPS) of main oil pipelines should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the “Rules for the technical operation of main oil pipelines” [], “Safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines” [], "Rules fire safety during operationtions of main oil product pipelines”, “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels” and this Guide.

13.3. Responsibility for carrying out repair work and diagnostic inspections of pumping station equipment lies with facility managers. A work permit must be issued for all types of work.

13.4. Employees of repair shops and areas must be provided with means in accordance with established lists and standards personal protection(PPE), special clothing, special food. The issued protective clothing and safety footwear must meet the requirements.

13.5. Noise levels in workplaces of production and auxiliary premises and on the territory of the pumping station must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in. Areas with sound levels or equivalent sound levels above 85 dB must be marked with safety signs according to . Those working in these areas must be provided with PPE in accordance with GOST 12.4.051-87.

13.6. Vibration levels at workplaces should not exceed the values ​​specified in.

13.7. The illumination of the PS territory, as well as the illumination inside production premises anywhere, must comply with established standards and guarantee the safety of repair work. Portable hand-held lamps must be powered from a mains voltage no higher than 42 V, and if there is an increased risk of electric shock - no higher than 12 V. The use of fluorescent lamps that are not mounted on rigid supports for portable lighting is prohibited.

13.8. Lifting and transport machines and mechanisms used in the repair of pump station equipment should be operated in accordance with the requirements of PB-10-14-92.

13.9. Mechanisms and devices used during repairs must be subjected to periodic testing. The list of mechanisms and devices, frequency and type of tests must be determined by the heads of the relevant services and approved by the chief engineer of the RNU.

Foreign instruments, equipment, tools used during repair work and diagnostic checks must have a permit for use issued by the State Mining and Technical Supervision Authority of Russia in the manner established by RD 08-59-94 “Regulations on the procedure for development (design), admission to testing and serial production of a new drilling rig , oil and gas field, geological exploration equipment, equipment for pipeline transport and design of technological processes included in the list of objects controlled by the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia" dated 03.21.94.

13.10. Ventilation installations of production premises must be in good condition and operate according to automatic or remote control and reservations. If ventilation fails or is ineffective, no work can be carried out.

13.11. The air monitoring system must generate a signal at a concentration of oil vapors and gases corresponding to 20% of their lower flammability limit. Stationary gas detectors must have an audio and light signal with output to the control center and at the location where the sensors are installed, be in good condition, and their performance must be checked at least once a month.

13.12. To carry out temporary hot work in explosive and fire-hazardous premises (facilities), in all cases, a permit is issued, which provides for the entire scope of work for the period specified therein. Before starting, after each break and during hot work, periodically (at least every 1 hour) it is necessary to monitor the state of the environment in the hazardous area near the equipment on which the specified work is carried out, in the hazardous area of ​​the production premises (territory) using portable gas analyzers.

13.13. When stopping the pumping unit for repairs (short-term technical inspection), it is necessary to post posters with the inscription “Do not turn on, people are working!” on a de-energized electric drive, starting device and closed valves at the oil outlet (inlet) of the pump, remove the fuses.

When stopping pumps in automated pumping stations, if the automation fails, the valves on the suction and discharge pipelines should be immediately closed manually.

13.14. When repairing pumps with opening in an existing pumping station, the electric drives of the valves must be de-energized and have a mechanical lock (mechanical lock) of the drive against their accidental opening. Work may only be performed with spark-proof (copper-plated, beryllium bronze, etc.) tools.

13.15. When repairing pumping units associated with dismantling the diaphragm between the pump room and the electrical room or when removing the intermediate shaft, the “window” between the rooms must be closed. When installing an intermediate shaft or diaphragm, carried out without stopping the running pumps, in work area Additional environmental monitoring should be carried out using portable gas analyzers.

13.16. Putting into operation the main and supporting pumping units Without enabling the appropriate protections on the NPS, it is prohibited.

13.17. It is prohibited to launch new ones put into operation after overhaul and main and booster pumping units of oil pipelines not in operation for more than 6 months without checking the serviceability of instrumentation equipment.

Checking the operation of blocking systems and automatic protection systems to a given value must be carried out according to a schedule approved by the chief engineer of the RNU and recorded in logs.

13.19. Instrumentation equipment automatic control and protection of PS equipment must have measurement limits corresponding to the range of controlled technical and technological parameters.

13.20. When performing repair work in manifold rooms, pressure control units and wells, they should be systematically cleaned of oil contamination and checked for the absence of explosive concentrations of vapors and gases.

Valves located in wells, chambers and trenches must have convenient drives that allow them to be opened (closed) without service personnel descending into the well or trench.

13.21. Used for repair work and maintenance the tool must be made of a material that does not produce sparks; percussion and cutting tool When used, it is necessary to lubricate with grease after each single use.

13.22. Opening and closing of capacitive valves should be done smoothly, without the use of levers.

If the tank fittings freeze, steam or hot water should be used to warm them up.

13.23. While repair work is being carried out using open fire, a fire post consisting of on-site fire protection personnel must be installed on the production site and the number of fire extinguishing equipment must be increased.

A safe method of performing hot work in containers (except water ones) can be applied after they have been degassed using a special ventilation unit. Hot work is permitted only after taking an analysis of the air inside the container and laboratory confirmation of its safety for performing this work.

Upon completion of hot work, the site must be carefully checked and cleaned of hot cinders, scale and smoldering objects, and, if necessary, watered.

13.24. Operation and repair of boilers, steam heaters and economizers must be carried out in accordance with the requirements [, ,].

Before inspecting and repairing elements operating under pressure, if there is a risk of burns to people by steam or water, the boiler must be separated from all pipelines by plugs or disconnected; disconnected pipelines must also be plugged.

When disconnecting the corresponding sections of pipes, steam, gas pipelines and gas ducts, as well as on the starting devices of smoke exhausters, blower fans and fuel feeders, posters “Do not turn on, people are working!” must be posted on valves, gate valves and dampers. In this case, the starting devices of the specified equipment must have the fuse-links removed.

13.25. When carrying out conservation work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements, guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Russia, and when using corrosion inhibitors - sanitary standards.

13.26. When repairing mechanical and technological equipment, measures must be taken to prevent direct and indirect impacts on environment. It is necessary to strictly comply with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of the Natural Environment” dated December 19, 1991, comply with the requirements of current regulatory and methodological documentation, and promptly eliminate the consequences of pollution.

regulatory and technical documents used in the development of this RD

1. RD 39-0147103-342-89. Methodology for assessing the operating parameters of pumping units at oil pumping stations of main oil pipelines. - Ufa: VNIISPTneft, 1989.

2. GOST 6134-87. Dynamic pumps. Test methods.

3. RD 153-39TN-010-96. Flaw detection of main shafts oil pumps. Methodology and technology. - Ufa: IPTER, 1997.

4. E. Valves for nominal pressure Ru 25 MPa (250 kgf/cm2). General technical conditions.

5. . Pipeline shut-off valves. Valve tightness standards.

6. GOST 1770-74E. Laboratory glassware. Cylinders, beakers, flasks, test tubes. Technical conditions.

7. Rules for the design and safe operation of stationary compressor units, air and gas pipelines. - M.: Metallurgy, 1973.

8. Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers. - M.: NPO OBT, 1993.

9. Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines. - M.: NPO OBT, 1994.

10. RD 3415.027-93. Welding, heat treatment and control of pipe systems of boilers and pipelines during installation and repair of power plant equipment (RMM-1s-93). - M.: NPO OBT, 1994.

11. . Guidelines for conducting technical inspection of steam and hot water boilers, vessels operating under pressure of steam pipelines and hot water. - M.: NPO OBT, 1994.

12. RD 39-0147103-360-89. Safety instructions welding work when repairing oil and oil product pipelines under pressure. - Ufa: VNIISPTneft, 1989.

13. Instructions for the technological process of major repairs of oil pipelines with replacement of the insulating coating and simultaneous deepening and re-laying in a new trench. - Ufa: VNIISPTneft, 1989.

14. . Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control.

15. Rules for the technical operation of water supply and sanitation systems in populated areas. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1979.

16. Rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by wastewater. - M.: Stroyizdat, 1985.

17. . ESZKS. Temporary anti-corrosion protection of products. General requirements.

18. GOST 23216-78. Electrical products. General requirements for storage, transportation, temporary anti-corrosion protection and packaging.

19. RD 39-30-114-78. Rules for technical operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1979.

20. Safety rules for the operation of main oil pipelines. - M.: Nedra, 1989.

21. Fire safety rules for the operation of main oil product pipelines. - Rosneftegaz Corporation, Transneft Company, 1992.

22. Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels. - M.: NPO OBT, 1994.

23. . SSBT. Protective equipment for workers. General requirements and classification.

24. . SSBT. Noise. General safety requirements.

25. . SSBT. Signal colors and safety signs.

26. GOST 12.4.051-87. SSBT. Personal hearing protection. General technical requirements and test methods.

27. . SSBT. Vibration safety. General requirements.

28. . Safety precautions in construction.

29. PB-10-14-92. Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes. - M.: NPO OBT, 1994.

30. . SSBT. General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area.

31. . Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises. - M.: Gosstroyizdat, 1972.

32. PPB-01-93. Fire safety rules in Russian Federation.

33. TU 39-00147105-01-96. Vibration-isolating complex compensation system (VKS) of the main NM unit. Technical conditions for installation and acceptance.

34. EIMA.302661.012.TO. Compensation pipe. Technical description and instruction manual. Severodvinsk. PA "Sevmash", 1993.

35. 1683.500 PS, 1683.600 PS, 1655.000 PS, 1652.000 PS, 1683.000 PS, 1688.000 PS. Passport and installation instructions for the elastic compensating coupling UKM of units 16ND10x1, 14N12x2, NM 500-300, NM 1250-260, NM 3600-230 (NM 7000-210), NM 10000-210, respectively. Ufa, IPTER, 1995-97.

36. Instructions for the use of welded rubber-metal shock absorbers arched type on ships. Issue 9406, chipboard.

37. Instructions for the use of welded rubber-metal arch-type shock absorbers APM on ships. Issue 11789, chipboard.

38. EIMA.304242.007 PS. Shock absorber AGP-2.1. Passport, Installation and operation instructions. Severodvinsk. PA "Sevmash", 1992

39. Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm2), hot water boilers and water heaters with a water heating temperature of no higher than 388 K (115 °C). NPO OBT, Moscow, 1992.

40. Rules for the technical operation of communal heating boiler houses. NPO OBT, Moscow, 1992.

41. . Standard technical specifications for the repair of steam and hot water boilers for industrial energy. Approved Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation July 4, 1994

42. . Guidelines for the inspection of enterprises operating steam and hot water boilers, pressure vessels, steam and hot water pipelines. Resolution of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of Russia dated December 30, 1992 No. 39 NPO OBT, Moscow, 1993.

43. Regulations on the system of technical diagnostics of steam and hot water boilers for industrial energy. acc. with Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia 06.15.92.

44. A-27750. Water heating boilers. Instructions for technical diagnostics. Developed NPO TSNTI, Dorogobuzh Boiler Plant.

45. Regulations on the procedure for extending the service life of vessels at energy enterprises of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation. Agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia on 02/09/93.

46. ​​Methodology for predicting the residual life of safe operation of vessels and apparatus based on changes in technical condition parameters. Developed by: Tsentrkhimmash. I agree. with Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia 04/05/93

General and local vibration have different effects on the human body, so different limits have been established for them. valid values.

The normalized parameters of general vibration are the root-mean-square values ​​of the oscillatory speed in octave frequency bands or the amplitude of movements excited by the operation of equipment (machines, machine tools, electric motors, fans, etc.) and transmitted to workplaces in production premises(floor, work platforms, seat). Adjustable parameters entered sanitary standards

CH 245-71.

They do not apply to vehicles and self-propelled vehicles in motion.

The permissible values ​​of vibration parameters given in the standards (Table 12) are intended for permanent workplaces in industrial premises with continuous exposure during the working day (8 hours).

Table 12 If the duration of exposure to vibration is less than 4 hours during the working day, the permissible values ​​of vibration parameters indicated in the table should be increased by 1.4 times (by 3 dB); when exposed to less than 2 hours - twice (by 6 dB); when exposed to less than 2 hours, three times (by 9 dB). The duration of vibration exposure must be justified by calculation or confirmed by technical documentation.

For manual machines, maximum permissible vibration levels were introduced by GOST 17770-72. Their parameters determine: the effective values ​​of the oscillatory speed or their levels in octave frequency bands at the points of contact of the machines with the hands of the worker; the pressing force (feed) applied to a manual machine by the hands of the worker during work; mass

manual machine

or its parts, perceived in the process of work by the hands of the worker. The permissible values ​​of oscillatory speed and their levels in octave frequency bands are given in table. 13.

Table 13

Note. In the octave band with a geometric mean frequency of 8 Hz, monitoring of oscillatory speed values ​​should be carried out only for hand-held machines with a number of revolutions or beats per second less than 11.2. The standards for manual machines also determine the pressing force and weight of the machine, and for pneumatic drives - the magnitude of the applied forces.

The pressing force (feed) applied by the hands of the worker to the manual machine and necessary for stable and productive work is established by standards and

technical specifications

The design of the machine must comply with the requirements of GOST 17770-72 with the following additions: the design of the machine must provide vibration protection for both hands of the operator; have working tool guards;

The location of the exhaust openings is such that the exhaust air does not interfere with the operator's work. Impact machines must be equipped with devices that prevent spontaneous ejection of the working tool during idle impacts. The use of machines to perform operations not provided for by their main purpose is permitted. However, if the vibration exceeds the established levels (GOST 17770-72), then the duration of work of one operator should not exceed that established by the “Recommendations for the development of work regimes for workers in vibration-hazardous professions”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health, the State Labor Committee and wages

USSR and All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions 1 -XII 1971

On manual controls for pneumatic actuators and devices, the amount of force during operation should not exceed: with the hand - 10 N; hand to the elbow - 40 N; whole hand - 150 N; with both hands -250 N.

Controls (handles, flywheels, etc.), with the exception of remote remote controls, must be placed relative to the platform from which control is performed at a height of 1000-1600 mm when servicing drives while standing and 600-1200 mm when servicing while sitting.

Technical requirements for means of measuring and monitoring vibrations at workplaces are established by GOST 12.4.012-75. Measuring instruments must provide measurement and control of vibration characteristics of workplaces (seats, work site

) and controls under operating conditions, as well as determining the root-mean-square value of vibration velocity averaged over the measurement time in absolute and relative values. It is allowed to measure root mean square values ​​of vibration acceleration in absolute and relative values ​​and vibration displacement in absolute values.

Measuring instruments must provide vibration detection in octave and third-octave frequency bands. The characteristics of octave and third-octave filters are accepted according to GOST 12.4.012-75, but the dynamic range of the filter must be at least 40 dB.

Measuring instruments must provide determination in octave frequency bands of root-mean-square values ​​of vibration velocity relative to 5*10 -8 m/s in accordance with Table. 14 and vibration acceleration relative to 3*10 -4 m/s 2 in accordance with table. 15.

Table 14

Measuring instruments are carried out in the form of portable instruments.

GOST 30576-98




Vibration standards and general requirements for measurements




1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 183 “Vibration and Shock” with the participation of the Ural Thermal Engineering Research Institute (JSC UralVTI) INTRODUCED by the State Standard of Russia2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol No. 13 - 98 of May 28, 1998 ) Voted for adoption: 3 Resolution State Committee Russian Federation on Standardization and Metrology dated December 23, 1999 No. 679-st interstate standard GOST 30576-98 was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 20004 INTRODUCED FOR THE FIRST TIME




Vibration standards and general requirements for measurements

Mechanical vibration. Centrifugal feed pumps for thermal stations.
Evaluation of machine vibration and requirements for the measurement of vibration

Date of introduction 2000-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to centrifugal feed pumps with a power of more than 10 MW driven by a steam turbine and an operating speed from 50 to 100 s -1. The standard sets standards for permissible vibrations of bearing supports of centrifugal feed pumps that are in operation and put into operation after installation or repairs, as well as general requirements for measurements. The standard does not apply to turbine drive supports for pumps.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST ISO 2954-97 Vibration of machines with reciprocating and rotary motion. Requirements for measuring instruments GOST 23269-78 Stationary steam turbines. Terms and definitions GOST 24346-80 Vibration. Terms and Definitions

3 Definitions

This standard uses terms with corresponding definitions in accordance with GOST 23269 and GOST 24346.

4 Vibration standards

4.1 The standard vibration parameter is set to the root mean square value of the vibration velocity in the operating frequency band from 10 to 1000 Hz during stationary operation of the pump. 4.2 The vibration state of feed pumps is assessed by highest value any vibration component measured in accordance with 5.2.1 in the operating range for feed water flow and pressure. 4.3 Acceptance of feed pumps from installation and overhaul is allowed with vibration of bearing supports not exceeding 7.1 mm s -1 throughout the entire operating range pump operation and for the total duration of operation determined by the acceptance rules. 4.4 Long-term operation of centrifugal feed pumps is allowed with vibration of the bearing supports not exceeding 11.2 mm s -1 .4.5 When vibration of the bearing supports exceeds the norm established in 4.4, a warning alarm must be triggered and measures must be taken to bring the vibration to the required level level for a period of no more than 30 days. 4.6 Operation of feed pumps with vibration above 18.0 mm s -1 is not allowed.

5 General requirements for measurements

5.1 Measuring equipment

5.1.1 Vibration of feed pumps is measured and recorded using stationary equipment for continuous monitoring of vibration of bearing supports, meeting the requirements of GOST ISO 2954.5.1.2 Before installing stationary equipment for continuous monitoring of vibration of pumps, it is allowed to use portable instruments whose metrological characteristics comply with the requirements of GOST ISO 2954.

5.2 Taking measurements

5.2.1 Vibration is measured for all bearing supports in three mutually perpendicular directions: vertical, horizontal transverse and horizontal axial with respect to the axis of the feed pump shaft. 5.2.2 Horizontal transverse and horizontal axial vibration components are measured at the level of the axis of the pump shaft unit against the middle of the length of the support liner on one side. Sensors for measuring the horizontal transverse and horizontal axial components of vibration are attached to the bearing housing or to special sites that do not have resonances in the frequency range from 10 to 1000 Hz and are rigidly connected to the support, in direct proximity to the horizontal connector.5.2.3 The vertical component of vibration is measured on the top of the bearing cover above the middle of the length of its liner.5.2.4 When using portable vibration equipment, the frequency of vibration monitoring is established local instructions operating instructions depending on the vibration state of the pump.

5.3 Registration of measurement results

5.3.1 The results of vibration measurements when putting a pumping unit into operation after installation or major repairs are documented in an acceptance certificate, which indicates: - the date of measurement, the names of the persons and the names of the organizations carrying out the measurements; - the operating parameters of the pumping unit at which the measurements were taken (inlet and outlet pressure, flow, rotation speed, feed water temperature, etc.); - diagram of vibration measurement points; - name of measuring instruments and date of their verification; - vibration value of bearing supports obtained during measurement. 5.3.2 During the operation of the pumping unit, the vibration measurement results are recorded by instruments and entered into the turbine unit operator’s operational record. In this case, the operating parameters of the turbine unit (load and fresh steam consumption) must be recorded. Key words: centrifugal feed pumps, standards, bearing supports, vibration, measurements, control

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Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photos
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites