Loggia in a private house under the roof. Do-it-yourself construction of a balcony in a private house: technical requirements, materials and construction technology. Wooden device


Projects of private houses do not always include balconies. Typically this is architectural structure then you have to create and finish it yourself. You can build a balcony with your own hands in a private house, but the method of creating it will be somewhat different from the traditional one.

How to create and arrange a structure?

First of all, before starting any work, you need to decide where and what size the structure will be, after which you can choose a structure suitable for your case. As a rule, it is a suspended structure that forms a single whole system with the facade of the building. In a private, ready-made building, for obvious reasons, it is no longer possible to install a solid slab, so you have to use other available options.

The types of balconies in private houses can be different. This may be a structure located on the first or second floor. For the first floor, a balcony is usually called an open terrace, but this is not entirely true, since structurally these are different things, since the terrace is located on the ground, and the balcony is a suspended structure. There are two ways to create a balcony: the first is that the structure will be suspended, using special fastenings clings to the wall. For example, this way you can place a French balcony. A large and heavy design is not suitable for this method. If you need a full-fledged one, it can be installed on columns; in fact, it will be a separate building on poles, closely adjacent to the house. However, other projects may also occur.

Before choosing a design, it is worth studying the types of balconies in private houses; the photo will help you decide whether you can build something similar or not and determine how it will look in combination with your facade.

Pros and cons of a balcony

Beautiful balconies in private houses can decorate the facade and even fulfill certain useful features However, before you begin a rather complex and expensive job, you should firmly decide whether you need a balcony and, if so, which one. The structure has both pros and cons. The first include the following:

  • The design can decorate the facade, make it aesthetically more attractive and complete; you can improve the design of your home and make it unusual.
  • On the balcony you can store various items that take up space in the house, but cannot be placed, for example, in a barn.
  • If you smoke, it is not necessary to go outside; you can do it on the balcony or open balcony door.
  • If there are people living in the house who cannot go out into the yard without outside help but need fresh air, for example, pensioners or the disabled, a canopy structure can be useful for them.
  • On the balcony you can arrange a room for relaxation or sleep in hot weather.
  • in a private home it is also useful from the point of view fire safety, as it is an additional exit in case of smoke or fire.
  • On the constructed structure, you can organize a winter garden and not take up space on the site for this.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the downsides. These include the following:

  • Design work will cost more, as will construction work, since the design is more complex.
  • Even if you build a balcony yourself, you will have to purchase materials for it, and this is a considerable expense.
  • If the structure is open, the house will lose heat through the balcony door.
  • Quite difficult to determine comfortable place where the balcony should be located.
  • If the house is already ready, and there was no balcony in the project, you will have to break through the wall for the doorway.

Construction on your own: nuances of the procedure

If you need balconies in a private house, an external version can be built without the involvement of outside labor. This will save enough money, while creating the desired design with a relatively small amount of time. When calculating the fastenings, you need to take into account not only the weight of the balcony itself, but also the weight of the people and furniture that will be on it.

Based on the type of construction, balconies are divided into cantilever and attached; the latter types can be supported by columns or a wall. The cantilever structure does not require additional supports, but has restrictions on the width; it should not be more than 2 meters. The cantilever balcony is secured using brackets.

It is easiest to build a wooden balcony with your own hands, since wood is a fairly affordable and easy-to-work material, and such a balcony will look attractive in combination with any facade. To make it more convenient to attach such a balcony, it is recommended that when building a house, you leave supporting beams that will protrude beyond the wall. If the house is already ready, then you will not be able to use the ceiling as a basis for the balcony. You will have to create support posts from timber; For this purpose, material 150x50 mm is used. The beam is attached using anchors and metal consoles. You need to choose them according to the characteristics of the wall of the house. The reliability of the structure will depend on the quality of the fasteners, so they will need to be given special attention.

If you use a structure with columns, you can use timber with a section of 100x100 mm for their construction. It is important to monitor the vertical position of the columns. To fix them correctly, you can use struts, which will need to be removed after completion of the work. A wooden balcony has a small mass, so a columnar foundation is suitable for it. You can attach the columns to it using corners. The longer the balcony, the more columns will be required.

After the products are ready, install the cross beam. It will be required for the supporting beams of the floor of the structure. It is better to mount the beam from above; this method is more reliable than end-to-end. The timber is installed on columns below the support beam, which extends from the wall of the house. The flooring is made with a slight slope of about two degrees. It needs to be lower than the floor of the house, otherwise moisture will leak into the room.

In a private house it is not necessary, but if it is needed, it can also be secured using beams with a section of 150x50 mm. It is better to attach them using roofing consoles; they are fixed to support beams in increments of 50 cm. As a material for the roof, you can use corrugated sheeting or, by stuffing plywood, place a soft roof.

Creation of a protective structure

Plays in a private house important role, since without suitable railings a balcony is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. In addition, thanks to the railings, the structure looks complete. You can use wood as a fence or order forged grilles, which fit well with a wooden frame and make the structure more interesting from a design point of view.

To connect fence posts and load-bearing beams, self-tapping studs, angles or brackets are used; the fence must withstand heavy loads, especially if you plan to install glazing. Railings are best installed at a height of 1200 mm.

The balcony-veranda of a private house can also become quite interesting solution. Since the veranda already has supports, you can use them as a base for the balcony. In this case, its floor will become a roof over the veranda, but it is advisable to also place a canopy over the balcony itself. You can build it from lightweight materials such as polycarbonate. This material will reliably protect the balcony floor from precipitation, it weighs little and is easily mounted on a wooden base using self-tapping screws.

In a private house , in fact, it is not limited by anything, and you can proceed from your own taste, financial capabilities, and façade style. The wooden structure is not only convenient for installation, but also compatible with almost any facade, with the exception of High-Tech style and other modern trends. However, if it is painted and decorated correctly, it will fit into this style. Forged metal elements go well with wooden balconies; each detail can be painted in any color or decorated in other ways.

Knowing how to make a balcony in a private house, you can add a convenient zest to your home, spending a minimum of money and getting an interesting design structure. It doesn’t matter at what stage of construction your building is: a balcony on columns can be installed even after the house has been built.

Balcony in a private house - quite complex element from an architectural point of view, a balcony in a private house is a rare phenomenon and can rather be classified as an element of architectural excess. However, sometimes when creating a project for a new house, the customer expresses a desire to see a balcony in his future home, guided by various reasons. As a rule, in such cases, the architect tries to explain to the customer the complexity and cost of such an idea, and suggests replacing the idea of ​​a balcony with a spacious and comfortable terrace. And if, nevertheless, the future homeowner considers it necessary and expedient to install a balcony, the architect begins to design a balcony structure that best suits the stated functional purpose, the architectural composition of the entire building and the existing safety requirements.

Do you need a balcony in a private house: all the pros and cons

First, you need to decide what kind of structure is a balcony. So, regardless of the type of construction and material of manufacture, a balcony is a hanging structure on the facade of a building that allows you to access the open air directly from the room without leaving the house itself. As a rule, closed balconies are not installed in a private house.

Thus, from the definition itself it follows that a balcony can be built in a building with at least 2 floors.

Placing such a structure on the ground floor of a building is called an open terrace, this is a fundamentally different architectural element, which should not be confused with a balcony.

As a rule, there is no particular need to build a balcony in a private house, because if you want to breathe fresh air, you just need to go out into the courtyard of your home, where you can provide a place to relax, benches, sun loungers, etc.

Balcony and open terrace- these are two completely different designs

But, in fairness, it must be said that in some cases the construction of a balcony has proper justification and, in addition to numerous disadvantages, this idea also has its advantages.

The advantages of building a balcony in your home include::

  1. The ability to create sophisticated and unique design, give your home individuality and maximum comfort. Indeed, in fact, the presence of a thoughtful and beautiful balcony or loggia gives the architectural design of the building completeness and aesthetic advantage.
  2. Free access to the street. Sometimes having a balcony is an objective necessity, for example, if an elderly person or a disabled person lives in the house, for whom leaving the house is difficult or even impossible.
  3. Problem solution for smokers. If a smoker lives in the house, then a balcony is simply a necessary thing that will allow you to quickly go outside and not pollute the atmosphere of the entire house with tobacco smoke.
  4. Improving the fire safety of the building. In the event of a fire in the house and it is impossible or difficult to get to the stairs and go down to the exit, the balcony will allow you to quickly get out of the smoke zone and hide from the fire, and, depending on the circumstances, either go down the structural elements of the building, or gain time and wait for outside help .

There will be a balcony great solution from an aesthetic point of view, however, such a project and its implementation will require costs

Now it’s worth mentioning the disadvantages, which include:

  • Increasing complexity of design and construction work;
  • Additional significant financial costs;
  • Significant heat loss through the balcony door and, in the case of cantilever balconies, through long linear thermal bridges;
  • It is difficult at the design stage to determine the most optimal location for the balcony, which often makes the use of the balcony uncomfortable and impractical (for example, the balcony was intended as a place to relax, but over time, a garage or a noisy workshop appeared on the property of a neighboring household directly opposite the balcony, etc.) P.).

At the same time, design and construction hanging structures on the facade of the building are the most complex and expensive activities during the construction of a house.

Balcony designs in a private house (video)

How to make a balcony in a private house: designs for balconies in private houses

So, if, after weighing all the pros and cons, the future homeowner decides that it is still necessary to provide a balcony in a private house, even at the design stage it is necessary to decide on the purpose of the balcony, depending on which the size and location of this curtain will be chosen structures, with the materials from which the balcony will be made, and certain calculations of structural strength must be carried out and special regulatory requirements for the construction of balconies must be met.

As mentioned above, a balcony is a very important and complex element of a building, both in design and installation.

This design must meet the requirements of safety, stability and reliability, therefore, carry out design and construction works doing it yourself, if you are not an expert, is an extremely irresponsible decision.

Only a highly qualified specialist can design a balcony correctly

Perform structural, strength and other calculations, make architectural project should only be a highly qualified specialist, otherwise an incorrect calculation can cause the collapse of the balcony (and it’s good if at the time of the collapse there is no one on the balcony or under it, otherwise we won’t even talk about the consequences), incorrect calculation and installation can lead to damage to the structure the entire building, which will ultimately require additional financial costs to eliminate defects, or make the house unsuitable for use.

Therefore, it is better to spend money on good architect and high-quality materials in order to avoid numerous costs and problems later.

Beautiful balconies in private houses (video)

Balcony designs in a private house: a balcony over a porch or other extension

The design of any balcony includes mandatory elements.

  • Balcony slab;
  • Fencing or parapet;
  • Protective elements in the form of a visor and wind screens (not mandatory, but desirable elements).

Balcony slab is the main structural element, usually made of reinforced concrete or wood.

A balcony with a reinforced concrete slab can only be mounted on a building with walls made of heavy building materials(brick, ceramics, reinforced concrete blocks, etc.).

Due to the lightness of its structure, a wooden balcony can be mounted on a building made of almost any building material.

The balcony can be either based on a concrete slab or wooden

For private houses, the following main structural types of balconies are used, differing in the method of fastening balcony slab to the wall of the building:

  1. Balcony with a cantilever slab jammed into the wall. When making such a balcony, iron concrete slab it is embedded into the wall to a certain width, while the overhang of the slab (and, accordingly, the width of the balcony) cannot exceed 100 cm.
  2. Balcony with cantilever slab supported on beams. In this case, it is not the slab that is clamped into the wall of the building, but reinforced concrete beams, on top of which a balcony slab is laid, which can be made of either reinforced concrete or wood. Thanks to the beam support, the width of such a balcony can be up to 120 cm.
  3. Balcony with slab supported by triangular brackets. This design can also be used in the case when the house has already been built and the owners decided to acquire a balcony during the operation of the building. In this case, a frame is driven into the wall of the building, on which a balcony slab is laid, which can be either wooden or reinforced concrete. Metal or wooden triangular brackets are used as supporting elements for the slab. This design allows the installation of balconies up to 150 cm wide.
  4. Balcony with a slab standing on supports. In this case, the balcony slab rests on columns, walls, etc. In this case, the width and shape of the balcony are limited only by the designer’s imagination and cost construction materials. An attached balcony can also be made on supports, when the supporting elements are not connected in any way to the structure of the house and are attached separately. Such a balcony can also be attached to an already finished house.

A balcony above the porch will be a simple and practical solution for a country house

One of the options for a balcony on supports could be a balcony above the porch. With certain design features of the building, optimization of construction can be carried out. In the case where protruding structures are provided on the facade of the house (porch, terrace, garage, bay window, etc.) that require a roof, then this roof can be a balcony slab, and the construction of the balcony will be significantly reduced in cost.

Canopy or roof over the balcony: which is better?

The roof over the balcony is not mandatory element balcony structure, but its presence makes the use of the balcony space much more comfortable, thanks to protection from precipitation; in addition, the presence of a canopy protects the slab itself and the protective fences from destruction under the influence of precipitation and time.

A full roof over the balcony is much more durable option designs

The roof should cover the width of the balcony slab with a small margin and have a slope to prevent the retention of snow and rain.

Balcony in a private house (video)

Undoubtedly, building a balcony in a private house can cost a lot of money, but the result is still worth it!

Balcony design in a private house (photo)

Wooden balconies and loggias decorate boring typical building facades. They have vertical or cantilever special supports. Although, such special supports for wooden balconies do not always fit into the interior of the house and difficulties may arise with installing the foundation for vertical supports.

In these cases load-bearing base wooden balcony performed as a direct continuation of the interfloor floor beams. The main principles of the design of protruding wooden balconies in a frame house are the same in all cases, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Design flaws

Before you begin designing and installing a wooden balcony on protruding interfloor beams, evaluate all the disadvantages of this design choice:

1) The projection of these wooden balconies is quite small: from 0.6 to 2.2 m. The length of the balcony will depend on the cross-section and pitch of the beams, the specific type of balcony floor and weather conditions.

2) For protruding wooden balconies, all beams pass through the moisture-proofing materials of the external walls. And this will lead to damage caused by abundant accumulation of moisture and depressurization of all enclosing structures of the balcony. That is why it is quite important that the waterproofing around all balcony beams is done efficiently and reliably.

3) Wooden balconies with a projection are not suitable for facades that are often exposed to strong gusty winds that direct heavy rain in a strictly horizontal direction.

4) The construction of protruding wooden balconies requires special knowledge and skills, and also requires additional effort and time.

Wooden balconies with a base made from the continuation of floor beams between floors

Wooden balcony in a frame house

Let's take a closer look at the technology of constructing a wooden balcony in a frame house with our own hands. The construction of the balcony itself consists of the main frame, floor, canopy and protective fence. The support for a wooden balcony is provided by outrigger beams and support posts.

Let's consider options for constructing balconies in a frame house:

When building a balcony, floor beams are used for the base of the frame, which extend beyond the plane of the wall. Wooden beams with a cross section of 150 by 150 mm will be sufficient for a platform about two meters wide. The outrigger beams must be firmly fixed in the wall, and they will form a single unit with it. monolithic structure, which will not imply any future repair work, and will not need to control shrinkage at home. The ends of the beams are connected by a special crossbar, which will serve to construct the finished floor. The load-bearing capacity of the balcony can be increased by installing wooden struts in the form of a triangle, resting with one leg on the embedded parts in the wall.

When it is not possible to use all the elements and details of the floor as a base or remote platform, an independent structure of a wooden balcony on load-bearing posts is used. This structure will require additional financial expenses, but there are no restrictions on dimensions, and space is created for frame house with a terrace, utility room or car parking. In addition to wood, metal is used for supporting columns, sand-lime brick or reinforced concrete. The racks are placed on both sides of the balcony or under its outer edge, the inner part resting on a wooden beam fixed along the wall.

Balcony flooring

The columns of a wooden balcony are connected by a transverse beam laid on top of them, and placed slightly below the wall beam. The resulting slope of approximately 2° will ensure that all the water drains from the wall. Between the beams of the wooden frame, logs are installed in increments of 70 cm, which are fixed with special galvanized corners on the beam. Finish coating produced from planed wooden boards(thickness 50 mm), screwing all parts and elements on the sides with hidden fasteners with a gap of 7 mm. The best material for the floor on a wooden balcony, a terrace board with a special corrugated surface made from hardwood wood or wood-polymer composite.

Balcony fencing

The height of the railings on the balcony should not be less than 120 cm.
Handrails are assembled from carved or turned wooden blanks. Fence posts are attached to the load-bearing parts of the wooden frame using a tongue-and-groove connection, brackets and double-sided studs. On longer wooden balconies it is customary to install intermediate balusters.

Canopy device

The roof on a wooden balcony comes in two main types:

The roof is shared with the house; to do this, simply lengthen the ridge line or extend the rafter legs.

A canopy independent of the main roof, supported on a load-bearing wall through special supports or on pillars along the entire outer perimeter of a wooden balcony.

But the simplest and effective solution there will be application lightweight design, covered with plastic, fabric or polycarbonate.

Wood protection

All wooden balcony elements and parts are usually coated with special paint mixtures and impregnations that are resistant to fading and fluctuations in external temperatures. High-quality and reliable wood processing is carried out by a whole complex of the following operations: priming, impregnation and painting.

Installing and assembling a frame balcony with your own hands requires a lot of physical effort and financial costs, depending on the final dimensions of the building, the complexity of the entire structure and the specifics of the building materials. But for the sake of comfort and coziness, it’s worth trying hard to make a more convenient place for your relaxation and work in the fresh air.

How to make a frame balcony in a house with your own hands

Are you building a house and want to have a balcony in your house? This article will help you make a frame balcony in your house with your own hands, let's talk about the types, structure + photos!

Wooden house with a balcony: features of the work. Floor installation. Creating a canopy. Fencing installation

Increasingly, in suburban areas you can see wooden houses with a bay window and a balcony, as they combine high aesthetic characteristics and direct functionality. Such designs allow you to increase usable area dwellings. At the same time, they can act as decorative elements of the facade.

The photo shows an example of a wooden house with a balcony.

Pros and cons of buildings with balconies

Objects of this type deserve special attention, which is due to the presence of a structure protruding from the plane of the facade. Most often, such structures are fenced areas used as terraces, but if desired, they can be converted into premises for other purposes.

Main advantages

  • High decorative qualities provide the opportunity to build attractive buildings. The balcony above the veranda looks especially elegant wooden house.
  • This extension allows for additional space. It can accommodate both a regular recreation area and a children's playroom, a study or a greenhouse.
  • When getting rid of walls, this design allows you to expand living room. However, this option is not feasible in all cases. It all depends on the design solution.

The location of the structure above the entrance block.

Some disadvantages

  • Buildings with a balcony have a rather complex construction technology, so in most cases it is very difficult to carry out construction with your own hands.
  • The final price of real estate with a separate site of this type increases slightly. This is due to the acquisition additional materials for construction.
  • During the construction process, high demands are placed on safety, since the structure will protrude outward from the walls. If the basic rules are not followed, there is a risk of collapse.

Note! If an individual developer is more interested in the decorative qualities of the structure, then you can create a false balcony in a wooden house, which will serve as a rather attractive decoration.

Features of the work

Before making a balcony in a wooden house with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances. They will help you build an aesthetically attractive and at the same time safe structure for an open or closed type. Most often, for residential buildings, the first option is used with the opportunity to be in the fresh air.

Option for cutting the main beams.

Preparatory activities

At the initial stage, a plan is drawn up that shows the location of all premises, regardless of the functions performed. For permanent residence, it is worth considering the design of a 9x9 wooden house with a balcony. These sizes are considered the most optimal today.

Load-bearing part of the structure

The most suitable frames can be used as a supporting frame. various parts. The final choice depends on the operating conditions and the stage of construction. If the installation of a balcony in a wooden house was planned in advance, then properly prepared floor beams can act as load-bearing elements.

An example of a design on wooden struts.

The support is very often pillars installed vertically. Strapping beams are usually laid on them. This results in a fairly stable and attractive design.

Sometimes it is not possible to install such supports. In this case, special struts are used.

In terms of rigidity, the structure is inferior to analogues with lower pillars, but it looks very impressive. With this option, excessive loads are not allowed.

The methods discussed above allow you to understand how to attach a balcony to a wooden house.

Floor construction

Logs made of timber with a cross-section of 100×50 mm are laid directly on the harness in increments of no more than 40 cm. Fixation to the load-bearing part is carried out using nails no less than 120 mm long. You can also use special metal fasteners.

Tongue and groove boards with a thickness of at least 35 mm are attached to the joists. The nails are driven into the inside of the groove so that they are not visible.

The covering made from such boards does not require additional finishing. It is enough just to treat the surface with moisture-resistant paint.

If there is a room below, then thermal insulation is carried out according to this scheme.

Waterproofing open balcony in a wooden house is carried out if the space under it is used for any room. In this case, it can be laid between the joists thermal insulation material, which is covered on top roll materials like glassine or roofing felt.

When waterproofing a balcony in a wooden house with your own hands, the sheets are spread on the floor joists, after which they are fastened wooden slats 50x40 mm to provide space for ventilation.

Creating a canopy

A roof is not always installed over this structure. If you plan to spend time outdoors even in inclement weather, then this should be taken care of in advance.

First, a frame is made from 100x50 mm bars with a distance between elements of no more than 40 cm. Its dimensions must match the dimensions of the manufactured platform.

Waterproofing is laid on top of it. Additional installations are installed directly along the rafters. wooden blocks 50x40 mm.

This is roughly how a canopy is created.

A sheathing of edged boards is attached to the control slats. The pitch between the main elements will depend on the type roofing covering. If profiled sheets are used, the distance should be no more than 30 cm.

Such a canopy can be supported by support posts or struts. The choice of a specific option is made taking into account the dimensions of the structure.

Fencing installation

Support posts can be load-bearing pillars to support the roof or individual pedestals made of beams with an increased cross-section. In the latter case, the elements are installed using metal pins.

Balusters are also installed using metal rods, but with a reduced cross-section. A special rail is attached to them, onto which a convenient handrail is placed.

Some types of balusters are shown.

Attention! Pick up wooden fencing for a balcony in a country house or residential building should be taken into account general design buildings, otherwise they may not look very appropriate.

In conclusion

Unlike the construction of a conventional terrace, the construction of this structure is carried out without creating a foundation, since it is suspended. In this regard, special attention must be paid to the load-bearing part in order to achieve high level security. As for other points, the structures are very similar.

Wooden house with a balcony over the veranda and a 9x9 bay window: video instructions for do-it-yourself installation, how to install it, installation, waterproofing, project, photo and price

Wooden house with a balcony over the veranda and a 9x9 bay window: video instructions for do-it-yourself installation, how to install it, installation, waterproofing, project, photo and price

How to make a balcony of a wooden house

Give country house A balcony in a wooden house will add special beauty and attractiveness . Sometimes this design is an important element that decorates the entire house, but such construction requires considerable effort. For this reason, you should determine in advance what functions it will perform.

Preparatory stage

At this stage of construction, it is important to determine how to make a balcony and whether it will serve as a decorative structure? If yes, then it will be enough to install just one door. If clothes will be dried there and leisure time will be spent there, then it can be done with large sizes. To do this, you should move it forward a little and take into account that additional support posts will be needed.

Wood is the best option for this design, as it is an excellent heat insulator. The main elements that are used in the construction of a balcony are:

Frame and decking

The basis of the structure under study will be the floors between floors. Only the beams used should be moved forward by the required amount. When a reinforced concrete floor is being installed, then the balcony should be installed on several supports. A wooden beam is attached to the wall, and then a transverse console is mounted to the racks. It must be laid horizontally and thoroughly sanded beforehand. Place the platform below the floor in the room to prevent water from entering it. Such a platform will be clearly visible from below, so the frame must be mounted very carefully.

The floor is usually made of pine boards or larch. If there is no terrace under the balcony, it is necessary to lay the boards with a gap of 5 mm so that water does not collect, but can flow beyond it. Wood must be treated with special protective compounds: varnish, paint, etc.

If the house with a balcony is wooden, then the boards are mounted on support beams, the main thing is that they are of sufficient thickness and the correct spacing of the supports is observed.

They can also be fixed to a wooden structure if the supports are wide. When the balcony serves as a canopy over the veranda, then the flooring must be protected from precipitation. To do this, you should waterproof the balcony.

Waterproofing layer

First, make a continuous flooring of boards on top of the bars fixed to the frame. They should be laid at a slight slope to drain water. Then lay a layer of waterproofing: membrane or roll. Install the sheathing bars on top of it, maintaining a gap between the boards of about 7 mm. Instead of waterproofing material You can use roofing steel. In this case, use gutters and pipes to drain water.

Waterproofing for an open balcony

When performing such an element in a wooden house, you should maintain a slight slope to avoid the accumulation of water on the surface. As the wood floor absorbs moisture, it will gradually deteriorate. The slope must be maintained within 4 cm to avoid damage to the waterproofing.

Directly myself waterproofing layer performed with liquid, film or roll, as well as membrane materials. When performing this process, you should pay attention to the design of the balcony and what stage of execution it is in: finished or initial. If the balcony is already ready, the best option would be to use a concrete screed, which is mixed with liquid rubber. Or use special waterproofing boards installed under the floor covering.

Liquid rubber is an excellent waterproofing option

An excellent option for waterproofing is pouring liquid rubber onto wood using a special sprayer. Before using this material, all existing cracks located between the boards should be sealed with ordinary mastic. The disadvantage of this method is the need to purchase expensive equipment, which only specialists can have.

Waterproofing a closed balcony

The technique for performing waterproofing is practically no different from the process for an open balcony. You just need to take into account that the closed type has a ceiling and walls, which also need to be given attention.

A special polyurethane impregnation will help to provide excellent waterproofing of the ceiling.

If it is possible to get to outside ceiling, then you can waterproof it, similar to the floor. This way you will get a reliable coating.

Waterproofing walls

The process of waterproofing the surface of the walls of a completed balcony can be done using the following methods:

  1. Painting. The most common, but expensive option. Protective agents are applied to the surface: varnishes with rubber additives, which must be renewed regularly.
  2. Pasting. Such materials can stick due to the action high temperature or self-adhesive. The more common material is roofing felt. But the process of working with this material is labor-intensive.
  3. Powder. This includes the usual cement mixture to which is added liquid rubber, some types of plaster or tile adhesive. The disadvantage of this method is its low strength and resistance to mechanical damage.
  4. Water repellents. Represent ready-made mixtures, which have excellent water-repellent properties, providing protection against high humidity. The disadvantage is the rapid destruction from direct sunlight.

This method should only be used for hydraulic internal insulation.


For a balcony, it is important to have railings, as they will combine strength and attractiveness. appearance. In order for them to decorate the house, it is necessary to review the options for existing projects in advance to select the most optimal one. Railings are most often made of wood: turned or carved. Metal structures that harmonize perfectly with the overall background don’t look bad.

The racks are firmly attached to the installed supports using tongue-and-groove connections. Curly posts are mounted using brackets, as well as various corners. They are fixed directly to the walls of a wooden house.

Canopy device

When creating a project for a balcony, a canopy is not always provided. But, such an additional design will make leisure time more enjoyable and comfortable. From an economic point of view, the most optimal solution there will be a canopy as a continuation of the roof. In this case, you need to securely secure the support board and attach the rafters to it. Protect from bad weather with PVC film or an awning made of thick fabric. These are affordable and lightweight materials.

Balcony in a wooden house: how to make it

A balcony in a wooden house will help give a country house special beauty and attractiveness. Often this design is an important element that decorates the entire house.

How to attach a wooden balcony to a wooden house

When deciding to build a house or cottage, it is unlikely that any of the owners want it to be similar to the neighboring house. A cozy, beautiful and at the same time functional wooden balcony in a wooden house will become not only interesting design solution, but will also add additional space in the house for relaxing and drinking tea in pleasant company. And additional elements of a wooden balcony will give a wooden house a very attractive finished architectural look.

The functionality of the balcony of a country cottage is varied. This can be the role of a canopy over the entrance area to the room or a favorite resting place for the whole family, from where it is pleasant to observe the beauty of the landscape. But it must be noted that the ability to fully use the balcony without additional insulation will only be in spring-summer period, and the rest of the time it will have to be freed from snow and leaves. But these are minor details compared to how the balcony will decorate the appearance of the house.

So, let's look at the main stages of building a wooden balcony in a wooden house.

Forming a balcony frame

This stage of construction is very important and requires great diligence and accuracy.

Wood is also used to construct the frame of a wooden balcony. Firstly, to maintain a unified architectural style, and secondly, wood is a valuable thermal insulation building material.

We begin the construction of a balcony in a private house by creating a frame.

It is best to think about the shape, size and purpose of the balcony in advance.

Balconies in wooden buildings differ in the materials of the enclosing structures. They can be internal or external.

Sometimes the balcony is located between the corner walls of the house, which ensures high reliability of the fastenings. In addition, its base can simultaneously serve as a floor for a veranda.

If you are planning to build a balcony only as a decorative element, then only one door is enough. But if the balcony will still bear some load (for example, drying clothes, evening gatherings or smoking breaks), then depending on the size, support posts are installed.

When building a two- or three-story cottage, you can use wooden interfloor ceilings as the basis for a balcony. It is enough to extend the beams 1.5-2 m beyond the plane of the building. If the floors are made of reinforced concrete, then to build a wooden loggia it is necessary to install supports. To do this, a beam is attached to the wall of the house, and a strictly horizontal transverse beam is laid on top of it. Moreover, it is advisable to build a platform for the balcony slightly below the floor level of the room in order to eliminate the possibility of moisture accumulation.

Also, pay attention to one thing. The balcony area is always clearly visible from below, so all work on installing the frame must be done very carefully and accurately.

Basic methods of building a balcony

For buildings built from logs or timber, the technology for constructing a balcony is similar. The only difference is the method of support. Supports can be made:

  • beam-cantilever method;
  • beam-supported.

Diagram of types of balconies according to the method of construction in a private house.

In the first option, cantilever beams (logs) or simply outlets are located on lower crowns logs and are elements of the continuation of internal or external load-bearing walls. Among other things, such beams additionally decorate the facade of the house.

The cantilever method involves another option, in which the supports for the balcony are elongated beams of the interfloor floor, protruding to the required length beyond the facade. But many experts believe that this method does not correspond building regulations and requirements, since moisture may enter the support beams, which over time will lead to rotting of the wooden elements.

With the beam-support method of construction, the balcony is located above the veranda or terrace and serves as a roof for them. This option is much more often used in the construction of country wooden cottages.

The internal balcony is built mainly according to the French type, when it is arranged as window frame at full height. That is, this is a small fenced area located immediately outside the door.

Let's take a closer look at each method.

Console method

When using beam-cantilever technology, it is necessary, when preparing the project, to determine the location and height of the loggia in order to release beams in this place during construction. For greater reliability, the other end of the beam should be attached to the main wall of the house. The fastening must be rigid.

Construction of a balcony in a private house on consoles.

The beams are usually released at 1.5-2 m. The beams themselves can be made of rounded logs or profiled timber. It is important that the outlet beams form a monolithic structure with the wall. If the width of the balcony is greater, then additional support pillars are erected. At the same time, a special screw mechanism is placed in the pillars to reduce the height of the supporting element by the size of the building's settlement.

To further strengthen the console, wooden or metal slopes are installed. The latter, made using forging, can serve additional element facade decor. To strengthen the fastening of beams resting on the walls, battens are used.

The consoles, which are the basis of the design of a classic rectangular loggia, are connected by one beam, then a rough flooring is made and a finishing floor is laid on top of it. The outer floor beams are securely attached to the horizontal frame racks walls, and the rest on the battens.

The canopy over the loggia is made separately, or is a continuation of the roof of the cottage.

If the balcony is purely decorative and has a width of no more than 1 m, then in this case you can use it as a support wooden trusses. They are attached to the wall with special brackets. But there is a significant drawback. Over time, the fastening loses its appearance under the influence of precipitation and dirty rust stains appear in the fastening areas.

Construction of a balcony on racks

Owners of country cottages most often prefer to build balconies on racks that rest on the base of the veranda or terrace. In this case, the base of the balcony serves as a roof for them.

This method is used when the balcony is large, or it is not possible to use a ceiling under the base of the loggia. Of course, this option will require more significant costs, but the size of the balcony and, accordingly, the terrace under it can be any. You can place a parking lot under the balcony.

Attaching a balcony to a private house using the beam-support method.

Support posts with this method can be wooden, metal or brick. They are usually located along the outer edge or on both sides of the loggia. The inner part of the racks rests on a beam, which is rigidly attached to the wall.

Support posts are installed in accordance with the following technologies:

  1. The logs are taken slightly smaller than required. Initially, bars are placed under them, and after the house shrinks, they are removed, thus leveling the loggia. But, nevertheless, there should be an outward slope of about 2% so that the water does not stagnate, but flows freely.
  2. The racks are installed on jacks and then tightened as necessary.
  3. The beams or logs are set strictly according to size, and when the building shrinks, they are simply sawed down.

Arranging a wooden balcony

For the construction of floors on the balcony, planed boards 40mm thick are used. To prevent water from accumulating on the floor, it is better to lay boards with a gap of at least 2mm. You can use well-proven deck boards for the floor. They have great strength, but at the same time they are easy to drill for fasteners, and in addition they have a corrugated surface.

The structure of a wooden floor for a balcony in a private house

Fencing is of great importance when arranging a balcony. When making railings, you need to consider some rules:

  • the height of the fence must be at least 100 cm;
  • the distance between the balusters is made no more than 10 cm;
  • the railings must withstand a horizontal load of at least 100 kg/m;
  • The surface of the railing should be smooth, without nicks or burrs.

In addition to reliability and durability, the balcony fencing should have an attractive appearance that will be combined with general style Houses. Balusters made of turned or carved wood will decorate the facade of the house. Forged metal railings will also not spoil the appearance of the cottage.

We must not forget about protecting all wooden elements of the balcony from weather conditions and insects. We recommend taking comprehensive protection measures. They include treatment with primers, antiseptic impregnations and the application of a layer of special fade-resistant varnish.

Be sure to carry out work to protect the wooden elements of the balcony from the sun, moisture and insects.

When building a balcony, it is not always planned to create a canopy, but practice shows that such an element will provide more comfort. The easiest option is to use fabric awnings or PVC film. But it is better if the canopy is part of the roof of the house.

Whatever method of building a wooden balcony in a wooden house you choose, the main thing is that it is a reliable, durable and comfortable structure. At the same time, if it adds a certain element of architectural sophistication to your home, it will also not be out of place. Let relaxing on the balcony of your wooden house on quiet summer evenings bring joy to your whole family.

Balcony in a wooden house: we build it ourselves

A balcony in a wooden house can play not only an aesthetic, but also a functional role. Find out how to build a balcony in a wooden house yourself.

The facades of private houses are full of variety. You won’t see any kind of architectural delights on city streets and on the Internet.

Houses are decorated with small porches, massive terraces and verandas, sometimes even around the entire perimeter of the building, columns, statues and much, much more. Today we will talk about a balcony in a private house above the porch. Let's consider what it can be like, and whether it is possible to make it yourself.

And we will talk according to tradition - about the types of balconies, design, materials from which they can be made, not forgetting to remember what difficulties a person will face when undertaking such construction.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, it is important to know that building a balcony is only possible if the main building has at least two floors or at least has an attic. In addition to the aesthetic component, a balcony is also needed for exercise or entertainment. The balcony is an excellent place for house plants, which also decorate it further.

“Blooming balcony” - joy for a housewife

  • This is the first advantage of this design - the opportunity to decorate the facade and create a unique individual appearance of the building.
  • Among the functional features, we note that the balcony is an additional emergency exit from the building in case of fire.
  • Since there is a porch underneath, you can always carefully climb down the supports and beams if it is no longer possible to go through the main exit. Perhaps the people who come to your aid will be able to extend a ladder to you. Plus, if the room is heavily smoky, the balcony will allow you to get away from carbon monoxide and breathe oxygen. The balcony is also a great place for smoking.
  • Helps out when household members cannot stand the smell of tobacco. This aspect can also be considered an additional enhancement of fire safety at home. Access to Fresh air - if people with disabilities live in the house disabilities

For those who find it very difficult to get outside, a balcony may be the only way out.

It is better to budget for a balcony at the design stage of the building, since the price of work will increase if you start attaching a balcony to an already erected building.

This seems to be all; other aspects are either not worth attention or can be solved with a timely and competent approach.

Balcony designs

The balcony can be monolithically connected to the house or adjacent to it as an independent structure.

  • Both options include the following elements: Balcony slab
  • – made of reinforced concrete, metal or wood, is the main part; Supports
  • Fencing– additional load-bearing elements for long-distance flights;
  • – a parapet mounted for safety purposes along the entire perimeter of the balcony; Visor

  • A balcony with a cantilever slab embedded in the wall - as many have already guessed, such a slab is installed during the laying of the walls. It is embedded into the wall to a certain depth. It is important to know that the maximum reach of such a structure, due to its considerable weight, cannot exceed 1 meter.

  • Balcony supported by beams - in this case, the scheme is similar to the previous one, but the slab is replaced by two massive beams, on top of which boards or a concrete slab can be laid. The maximum width of such a structure does not exceed 1m 20 cm.

  • Balcony supported by triangular brackets - most often this scheme is used when adding a balcony over an open porch without a canopy. Wood or metal is used as the material for the supports; the platform frame is attached to the house and filled. Sometimes you can see that old cantilever balconies are strengthened in this way.

  • Triangular metal brackets can be beautifully decorated with figures cast from concrete. The width of the balcony is up to 150 centimeters.

  • A balcony on supports is another option for an attached balcony. The structure rests on columns that are firmly connected to separate foundation. The size of such a balcony is limited only by the space for it and the designer’s imagination, since it does not increase the load on the walls and foundation of the house.

Very often, the listed construction techniques can be combined with each other, which makes the structure more durable and original.

What can a balcony be built from?

The type of material from which you will build a balcony mainly depends on the facade of the house to which it is attached. Most often, materials of the same type are used, which, in harmony with each other, create a feeling of solidity and completeness of the overall composition.

Although many people prefer to combine different types of materials, making both the balcony and the porch a bright contrasting spot on common facade building.


If your house is built of brick and concrete, then the best solution would be to use reinforced concrete as the main material for the balcony.

Here are the main features associated with the use of this material:

  • The supporting platform or beams become pinched in the wall of the house. Their metal mortgages are connected by welding to the same floor elements, or powerful anchors that are securely fastened. If there is a possibility that the wall of the house cannot cope with the increased load, additional support pillars are installed.
  • Concrete slabs are inserted into brick walls along their entire length.
  • The top level of the slab should be 10 - 12 centimeters below the main floor level.
  • The surface of the slab is positioned in such a way as to form a 2% slope in relation to the main plane of the building walls to ensure natural drainage of liquid during rains.
  • A waterproofing layer is placed on the slab, on top of which a concrete screed is mounted.
  • The door threshold to the balcony should be 10 centimeters above the floor level.

Like any other balcony, a concrete one is equipped with railings. To make the structure monumental, they can also be made of reinforced concrete. Wooden, forged and simple metal fences are also suitable - the main thing is to maintain the general architectural style and avoid conspicuous mistakes.

Advice! Let us repeat again that such work without the proper experience and knowledge is carried out at great risk. Without imagining the final look in your head in advance, you are doing everything at random.


Wood is a lightweight material that is used mainly for attached balconies. However, if the house itself is made of timber, logs or a wooden frame, then consoles can be immediately provided in its design.

The following requirements and recommendations apply to wooden balconies:

  • For the manufacture of load-bearing elements of the structure, wooden beams with a cross-section of at least 100x200 mm are used.
  • All parts of the timber in contact with the ground, brick and concrete must be fired or coated bitumen mastics in order to obtain a water-repellent effect.
  • Beams should be placed at a distance of 80 cm from each other, in the absence of additional supports.
  • The supporting beams of the attached balconies are attached to the main walls using corners made of of stainless steel and powerful anchors that can withstand heavy loads.
  • The logs filling the space between the main beams should have a section of 50x100 mm. They are fastened with the same corners, or installed in grooves cut for them.
  • The load-bearing posts of the fence must also be able to easily support the weight of a person. For them it is better to use beams with a cross section of 40x100 mm. They are fastened with studs or bolts.
  • The flooring must also be durable and not sag under the weight of people walking on it. For an open balcony, it is recommended to use boards with a thickness of 4 centimeters.

We'll talk about the railings a little later.

It is very important to remember that wood suffers greatly from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and precipitation. Over time, it loses not only its visual appeal, but also its strength, which is unacceptable for hanging structures. Therefore, you must protect the wood flooring as much as possible.

  • Be sure to cover the wooden porch with a canopy to reduce the amount of precipitation that falls on it;
  • Treat the wood with fire retardants to make it resistant to fire;
  • Impregnations are applied to the surface of the timber and paints and varnishes to finally protect it from moisture, rot and mold. Such processing must be carried out periodically.
  • Treatment with an anti-insect agent is encouraged, as they can eat through the body of boards and beams until they form dust.

Instructions for processing with all of these compounds are indicated on the manufacturer's label. Doing it yourself will not be difficult.


The frame for a balcony can be made not only of wood, but also of metal. Although this material is heavier, it is still significantly inferior in this parameter to reinforced concrete structures.

But at the same time:

  • The metal is very durable and retains this property for a very long time, even when exposed to corrosion. Well, if it is treated in time, such a structure can last a hundred years.
  • Connect metal parts welding, which makes the structures made of them monolithic.
  • It is possible to produce forged elements from metal that can be used to decorate any balconies.

  • Such balconies can be either permanent, with consoles made of channels, or attached, assembled from individual corners and pipes into a single frame.
  • The balcony area is filling up various materials— the main thing is to maintain the strength of the structure.

As you understand, balconies structurally differ little from each other, but when installing one, it is necessary to know exactly the maximum permissible dimensions and loads. All these values ​​are calculated by a professional designer.

Attention! By refusing to comply with the required standards, you take full responsibility for the collapse of the structure upon yourself. You should not save on such a dangerous element of the building as a balcony.

Other details of balconies

What else have we not mentioned when discussing the design of balconies? These are, of course, fencing and roofing.


The balcony parapets are a looped series of balustrades. This element is installed to ensure the safety of people on the balcony, but this does not mean that it cannot be beautiful and decorate the facade of the building. Since our balcony is located above the porch, that is, in plain sight, this applies to it to a greater extent.

The following requirements apply to the parapet:

  • The fence must be able to easily withstand vertical loads of 100 kg and above.
  • The use of horizontal balustrade filling elements is not recommended if small children can access the balcony. They can climb up them and fall.
  • The distance between the balusters at the widest point should not be more than 15 cm. If we are talking about a child again, then we reduce this value to 10, or use boards made of wood or glass as filling.
  • The height of the handrail at its peak can be from 90 cm and above.
  • All elements must be securely fastened without play or rotation.

Externally, you are free to design the parapet as you please, using any materials you like. Do not forget to take into account that the weight of the fence and other elements, together with the people on the balcony, should not exceed the maximum permissible values.

The roof of your house

Above the porch, the balcony is often equipped with an additional canopy. Although this element is not mandatory, like a parapet, its presence will definitely decorate the structure and increase its service life.

The canopy is designed to protect you and your home from the vagaries of the weather. They are made mainly from slate, polycarbonate, ondulin, corrugated sheets and metal tiles. Each material has its own installation features and price, which determines the design budget.

Polycarbonate is considered the simplest to make, as it is lightweight, easy to cut and bend. Anyone who knows how to hold a screwdriver can install such a canopy.

Canopies over the balcony can be of the following type:

  • The main roof of the building can overhang the balcony. Naturally, similar solutions- This is a pre-thought out, prepared project.

  • Single-pitched - the most simple design. The angle of inclination of the roof ensures unhindered outflow of rain and melt water.

  • Gable - a canopy with straight lines, which will allow precipitation to escape even more efficiently.

  • "Marquise" is light air solution, which will decorate the house and protect the balcony from the scorching sun.

  • Various variations of arched, domed and other curved surfaces - this solution is very original and reliable, but for its manufacture you will need to hire qualified craftsmen.

Balcony design

Well, in conclusion, here you go small photo a selection with beautiful original facades with balconies. After the presented gallery, you will also find a video in this article, where you can also learn a lot of interesting information on the topic.

Let's finish our story here. As you can see, a porch with a balcony in a private house is convenient, safe, beautiful and practical. We wish you flights of fancy when decorating your homes, but do not forget about the safety of this façade element.

How to make a balcony in a private house, how to properly arrange its fencing, floor and canopy - you will learn about all this from our article.

Many people like balconies; they give the facade a complete and harmonious look. But besides aesthetics, such an architectural design increases the comfort of living in the house. It gives you the opportunity to go outside, into the fresh air, without leaving the cottage. Often cozy corners for relaxing with the whole family are set up on balconies. If desired, you can make a small winter garden there. Balconies are also used to store some things that do not fit in the house or need to be stored in a cool place.

The balcony can increase daylight rooms many times. That is why they are often made in houses with an attic. like this architectural design can be placed on top of the terrace or veranda, which are located on the ground floor. This is also great savings funds, since in this case the floor of the balcony will also serve as a roof for the veranda.

What should a balcony be like and where should it be located?

DIY balcony in a private house It is quite possible to do, but it will require quite a lot of time and money. Remember that this design should not only be beautiful, but also safe, so that it can withstand the weight of several people who will stand on it. So that financial costs and efforts are not wasted, you need to think very carefully about where to place the balcony so that you really used it. There are often cases when such a design turns out to be unnecessary simply because it was made in the wrong place. For example, residents only after the construction of a house and its intro for exploitation We realized that the balcony, for example, is located on the side of the neighbor’s yard, and you don’t really want to relax there with your family so that all the neighbors can see you. There are cases when a balcony is located on the front side of the cottage, which faces a noisy road. Therefore, residents practically do not use it, since they do not want to relax while sitting above the highway.

In a word, you need to think very carefully about where a balcony would be appropriate in your home, on which side to place it, so that it really becomes a cozy relaxation corner, and not just an additional place for storing things. A balcony can be made between two walls of the house, which form right angle. In this case it will turn out really very cozy corner If such a balcony is glazed and heated, you can relax on it even in winter.

Think about what exactly you want to do DIY balcony in a private house. If it will be used, for example, as a place for smoking, so as not to go out into the yard every time, or if it will primarily just decorative element building, it can be made small with a protrusion from the wall of 70-100 cm. If you want to make a balcony for relaxation, keep in mind that you will need to place a small table and chairs there. The projection of such a balcony must be at least 1.5 meters. In this case, it must be supported from below by racks; without this, the structure will be dangerous.

Be sure to consider what material your home is built from. Wooden balconies look amazing, the weight of the wood is very light, it will not add significant load to the cottage foundation. But not always a balcony made of such building material will be appropriate, for example, if the building is built of brick or modern aerated concrete blocks in some fashionable loft, hi-tech or techno style. In this case, the balcony must be made of reinforced concrete with metal railings.

How to make a frame for a future balcony?

Do-it-yourself balconies in private houses are most often made of wood. Heavy reinforced concrete structures require special equipment for their installation. If a wooden balcony is made during the construction of the cottage, then the interfloor beams will become an excellent basis for it. In the place where the balcony is planned, the beams are made long and extended outside the wall to the distance that the future balcony structure should be. To prevent the frame from deforming and collapsing, it is necessary to use beams with a section of 150x80 mm for these purposes. The width of such a wooden balcony can be up to 2 meters.

If the interfloor ceilings in the house are made of reinforced concrete, it will not be possible to move such beams outside. In this case, the balcony structure is made on special supports. To do this, it is necessary to fix a beam on the wall, the cross-section of which must be at least 150x50 mm. It is secured with galvanized metal anchors or consoles. The method of installing the timber is selected depending on what the walls of the house are made of.

After this, a cross beam is attached to the wooden balcony posts. It is on this that all load-bearing beams will rest. The design will be reliable and strong if cross beam will rest on top of the columns, do not screw it onto the cover. Please note that it should be installed slightly lower than the wall support beam. This is done in order to create a slope of 2-3 degrees from the wall of the house, this will prevent the accumulation of moisture. The balcony area should be located 50 cm lower than the floor in the second floor room. This will prevent moisture from melting snow from entering the house. After this, it is necessary to attach the balcony beams, the cross-section of which is 150x50 mm, to the support beams using corner consoles made of galvanized metal. In this case, the step should be within 500-700 mm.

How to make struts and columns for a balcony?

If desired DIY balconies in private houses You can make not only small ones, but also large ones that can accommodate a table and chairs. But such a structure must be secured with the help of special struts that strengthen the base. We are talking about balconies that will protrude significantly from the wall. Such a brace can be made from a strong beam, which must be cut into the outer beams and made to rest against the embedded elements of the wall. A wooden brace is made in the form right triangle. In this case, one of its legs will be located on the facade of the house, it is attached with anchors, and the other must be securely screwed to the beams of the balcony platform. Forged metal struts are very durable and beautiful. They are perfect for almost any wooden balcony structure.

If you want to make a large balcony using a beam-and-post system, it outer part must be supported with pillars. Like struts, there must be at least two such pillars. But if the balcony structure is large, they are made even larger to make it safe and strong. Columns supporting a large balcony must be placed on columnar foundation. Only in this case can their subsidence be prevented. The ideal option is if such a base for the columns is poured simultaneously with the foundation structure of the entire building. She must be one with her. Only in this case will any distortions be completely eliminated.

If you want to know how to make a balcony in a private house that is built of wood, remember that the best option is the simultaneous construction of a balcony structure and the entire cottage. Wood shrinks significantly; if you first remove the walls and roof, and then begin to attach a balcony to the house that rests on columns, there is a high probability that the entire structure will warp due to shrinkage, and gaps will form between the wall and the balcony.

To make strong wooden columns, you need dry timber with a cross-section of 100x100 mm. They are fixed strictly vertically. To do this, you can use auxiliary struts, which are removed after the balcony frame is fully assembled. You can attach wooden columns to the foundation using box-shaped consoles for mounting racks, which were previously walled up in concrete. You can also use corners for secure fastening. But in the best possible way However, there are box-shaped consoles, their size is chosen depending on the cross-section of the beam. To completely eliminate the lateral vibrations of the columns, you can make inclined braces that will support them. Such additional fastenings are necessary if the balcony is very large and heavy.

What to make a durable balcony floor from?

Terrace boards are very popular now. This modern material made from wood fiber and plastic. It looks exactly the same as wood. This board is easy and quick to cut and process. The surface of this material is polished and imitates beautiful wood species. It is best to purchase a decking board that has hidden fasteners, in which case the floor will be perfectly smooth and aesthetically pleasing.

This board is good because it is not afraid of moisture at all, it will never crack, bark beetles or mold will not grow in it. It does not need to be hidden with varnish, paints or antifungal treatment. But it is quite possible to make the flooring from ordinary wooden boards. In order for them to serve for a long time, they must be pre-treated with antifungal impregnations and then hidden with varnish or paint. Please note that these materials must be designed for outdoor use and for use in high humidity conditions.

How to make a balcony fence?

Balcony railings are not just decoration, they must be very reliable and strong so that you can lean on them without fear of falling. If the entire balcony is made of wood, then the fence is most often also made of wood, but in some cases it is quite suitable forged metal. Remember that the balcony railings must be combined with the overall architecture of the building. For example, a wooden carved fence will look out of place in a house whose facade is covered with plastic panels, or in the case where the cottage is built in a modern minimalist, hi-tech or similar style. The best option for such houses would be fences made of metal.

If you are interested in how to make a balcony in a private house with wooden railings, you will learn about this further from our article. The fence posts are attached to the load-bearing beams using tenon connection. You can also use self-tapping studs. To securely attach all the balustrade posts, corners, metal struts, and brackets are used. Safety standards require that the balcony railings can withstand a horizontal load of 100 kg/m. To do this, the distance between the posts and other elements of the railing is made at least 10-12 cm, so that even small children cannot get through them. Regardless of the material from which the balcony fencing is made, its height should be at least 1 meter, and even better though would be 1.2 meters. Only such railings will be truly reliable.

How to make a good canopy for a balcony?

This design is not required; some customers when developing individual house project on the contrary, they ask that the balcony be made completely open without a canopy. But if you want to relax there in any weather, even on a hot summer day, it is better to make a canopy. In this case, you will be able to be on the balcony, even if it is raining a little outside without strong wind. The canopy will protect the furniture you place on the balcony from rain, snow, and scorching rays of the sun. Thanks to this design, it will be possible to dry things there on a rainy day, when this cannot be done in the yard. In a word, the canopy will make the balcony even more comfortable and functional.

Often a balcony is made directly under the roof of the house, in which case it will act as a canopy. If you are wondering how to make just such a balcony with your own hands in a private house, the photo will help you figure it out.

But it is quite possible to make a canopy independent of the roof. To do this on load-bearing wall attach a support board to which the rafters are mounted. The front part of the canopy must be supported by struts that extend from the wall. You can also make a support on pillars, which can be balcony columns protruding beyond the level of the platform.

It is advisable to cover the balcony canopy with the same roofing material as the roof of the building. In this case general form will be truly harmonious. You can completely do without installing a durable canopy. There are fabric or PVC awnings, they require lightweight frame. There are summer models of such canopies; they need to be removed for the winter so that they do not tear from strong winds and the weight of snow.

How to choose a protective coating for balcony structures?

In order for all the structural elements of your balcony to serve for many years and maintain its aesthetic appearance, they must be protected from the effects of climatic factors. Remember that the balcony is located outside, so it must withstand heavy rain, hail, snowfall, strong winds and scorching sun, while remaining durable, reliable and beautiful. Alkyd-urethane varnishes are currently considered the best for outdoor work. When they harden, an elastic, heavy-duty film is obtained that is resistant to absolutely any atmospheric influences.

Remember that varnish or paint, as well as impregnation and primer, must be selected from the same manufacturer so that their composition is compatible with each other. Wooden balcony structures are treated with putty, sealing all cracks. After it dries, the layer is sanded, making it perfectly smooth. After this, a special primer is applied, which will ensure excellent adhesion of the subsequent layer of material. There are tinting impregnations that can make wood darker and emphasize its beauty. They are used if a special varnish is applied on top instead of paint.

Finishing all wooden structures balcony is carried out in several stages. To begin, apply the first layer of paint or varnish using a sprayer or brush. After it dries, you need to sand it using a fine abrasive. After this, a second layer is applied, which, thanks to sanding, will look perfectly smooth, the color will be rich. Metal structures also need to be coated with a special paint, which is intended specifically for this material and for outdoor use. They are pre-treated with primers, which prevent the formation of rust and ensure excellent adhesion of the paint layer and metal.

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