There is no need to turn off developer mode. How to enable and disable Android developer mode. Useful features. Android Developer Mode - Multimedia

The Android mobile operating system has many hidden features that ordinary users do not need to know about. For example, a smartphone can show processor and memory load, record process and application statistics, simulate screen operation in various modes and resolutions, and do much more. All these and a number of other functions are available in developer mode on an Android smartphone or tablet. Anyone can enable developer mode on their device, and it's quite easy to do. In this article, we will look at how to enable and completely disable developer mode in Android.

How to enable developer mode in Android

Most often, an ordinary user may need developer mode if necessary to debug a device via USB. Below we will provide a standard scheme for enabling developer mode, but please note that it may differ slightly depending on the device. For example, on Chinese smartphones from Meizu and Xiaomi, menu items may be named differently or located in the “Advanced” section, and not directly in the settings.

To enable developer mode in Android 6.0, 7.1 and other versions of the mobile system, you need to do the following:

Important: If you activate a number of settings in developer mode, your smartphone may malfunction. In particular, there is a possibility of data loss on the device, so we recommend that you be extremely careful when enabling and disabling various settings in developer mode.

How to disable developer mode in Android and remove it from the menu

Disabling developer mode is extremely simple, just go to the “For Developers” menu item in the settings and move the switch in the upper right corner to the “Off” position.

But this will only disable this mode, while the section itself will remain in the settings. To completely remove it from the menu, you will need to do the following:

After completing the manipulations described above, the “For Developers” section will disappear from the settings menu.

Important: Not all smartphone and tablet models have the “Erase data” option in the settings. If there is no such item, you can remove developer mode from the settings only by completely resetting the smartphone.

In the settings of your device there is one interesting item “For Developers”. With its help, users can customize the behavior of the system, activate any functions, and developers can debug the operation of the desired application/game. For example, in this manual we will tell you how to enable “USB debugging mode”(see point 4 in the description of the functions of the developer menu), it views the error report, enables factory unlocking of the bootloader and much more.

Despite the fact that all Android devices have the same developer settings, device manufacturers may place this option in different sub-items of the Settings menu. Now we'll figure it out how exactly and where to enable/disable developer mode on an Android smartphone or tablet, and then we’ll tell you what functions and under what circumstances you can use it.

How to enable developer mode on Android:

For clarity, we have attached a video instruction that shows the process of activating the “For Developers” menu.

If you have Developer mode does not turn on on Android device- try clicking “all in a row” in the about phone section, in rare cases notifications may not appear, so just go through the menu, with a high probability you will find that the developer mode has been activated. Otherwise, indicate your device model and firmware/build version in the comments and we will help you.

How to remove or disable Developer Mode from the Settings menu:

It is worth noting that some devices do not allow this operation, but in most cases the item is hidden in one click.

Go to the menu "Settings", scroll to the item "For developers", go into it and uncheck the box next to the word "Enabled". The device will automatically return to the previous section and the “For Developers” item will disappear.

If for some reason you do not have a checkmark next to “Enabled”, then you should use the following instructions:

Open “Settings” -> “Applications” -> “Settings” -> Then go to “Storage” and select “Erase data, Clear Cache”. This method is suitable for most smartphones and tablets, so if it helped you, be sure to report it in the comments to the article.

Next will be useful functions and capabilities of the “For Developers” menu, which may be useful in certain situations.

  1. Don't turn off the screen

    If this option is activated, your device's screen will never go dark as long as the charger is connected. This feature will be useful for Android application developers who are forced to monitor their creation for a long time.

    The function may also be needed for social networks, where “live” updates occur and you do not have the time or desire to constantly press the screen so that the screen does not turn off. Owners of devices with AMOLED displays should be careful, as the so-called “burn” effect may occur on the screen. The image is imprinted on the display and cannot be removed in the future.

  2. Factory unlock

    Unlocking the bootloader on your smartphone/tablet allows you to use custom recovery and other goodies in the future. For example, on a device with a locked bootloader, there is no way to access the Android recovery menu and return the system to its original form/install a new OS.

    In fact, this option does not allow you to unlock the bootloader, but it does give “permission” to perform this action on your device. If you do not plan to perform the previously listed manipulations, you should not activate this function.
  3. Running Applications

    Everyone knows that Windows has a task manager, which displays which processes are currently running. This allows you to understand what is working at a particular moment and why the computer is not stable, which consumes most of the resources. You won’t find a similar analogue in the standard settings of Android devices, so the “Running Applications” function can be very useful.

    You can see which applications are running in the background, for how long, and the amount of RAM they are consuming. You should not forcefully terminate running processes; this may lead to unexpected consequences. You don’t have to worry, Android has long ago learned how to manage RAM and users rarely experience a lack of it.
  4. USB Debugging Mode

    One of the few functions that is primarily needed by developers. The main purpose of USB debugging mode is to perform specific actions on your device through commands sent from a personal computer. For example, by connecting to the Adnroid SDK, users will be able to install the application via a computer, obtain the necessary information, and even get ROOT access.

    How to enable USB debugging on Android

    To enable usb debugging mode on your Android device, go to the “For Developers” menu, find the “USB debugging” or “USB Debugging” item and activate it!

    Naturally, no one can deny the usefulness of this parameter, but for security, it is worth disabling USB debugging mode when you are not using it.
  5. Fictitious location

    It's no secret that Android phones and tablets can be tracked by learning your current location. But probably few people know that Android has a function that allows you to report the device’s fake location to services and applications. In other words, you should activate the function and then select a program for which the incorrect location of your device will be displayed.

  6. Disable absolute level

    If you search, you can come across many questions online about changing the volume of Bluetooth speakers, headsets and other devices using an Android smartphone. For unknown reasons, this does not always work; the sound becomes louder or quieter. If you encounter a similar problem and would like to get rid of it, then do not forget to activate the “disable absolute level” function. Otherwise, you should not touch this parameter to continue normal operation of the device.

  7. Visual response

    By activating this function, you will see small dots on the screen, allowing you to find out exactly where you pressed. Useful in several cases: for developers, for people who have problems with point movements, and also when recording video from the device screen for greater clarity.

In this article, we tried to explain what “Developer Mode” is, how to enable and disable it, and what useful functions you can use without fear of damaging your smartphone/tablet. Of course, there are a lot of other parameters in the developer settings, but most of them are of no practical importance for ordinary users, but are intended primarily for people involved in program development.

  • April 2, 2018


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The popular operating system for Android mobile gadgets has extensive specialized functionality that is used by programmers and application debuggers, hardware testers, as well as advanced users who want to get the most out of their device. In particular, the OS provides the ability to display the load on the processor and memory module, and record statistics on the use of individual processes and programs. You can also simulate the screen in a variety of resolutions and color schemes, which becomes a real lifesaver for site testers and other specialists responsible for the usability of applications and network resources. To access these options, you need to enable Android developer mode.

We will discuss in detail below how to do this, as well as how to turn off this environment. The described steps will be identical for almost all devices running Android, be it a top-end smartphone from a well-known brand or a simple and cheap handset from a little-known one.

How to enable Android developer mode?

To gain access to the OS engineering functionality, follow these steps:

Android Developer Mode - Basic Tools

We go up one menu level and go down to the very bottom. Before the point " About the device"we see a new section" For developers" From here you can access specialized settings.

Click on the added menu item and the Android developer mode will open directly. From here you can access the following options:

  • « Bug Report» — collects information about the current state of the device and sends a completed report by e-mail.
  • « Backup password»—allows you to protect the creation of copies of information stored on the device with an individual password.
  • « Don't turn off the screen"—if you check this box, the gadget will always be illuminated when charging.
  • « Select environment» - here you can set the working environment. Modern gadgets use environments ART And Dalvik– it is better to give preference to the first, it allows you to significantly increase the performance of the device and the programs used.
  • « Enable broadcast log of HCI Bluetooth operations"—when this option is activated, all Bluetooth data will be displayed in a single file.
  • « HDCP check»—using this tool you can set the procedure for checking copy protection.
  • « Process statistics"—With the help of this toolkit, Android developer mode makes it possible to obtain information about the operation of processes.

Functionality of the "Debugging" block

This menu block contains the following operating options:

  • « USB Debugging"—activate the ability to debug via a USB cable connecting the gadget and the computer.
  • « Revoke access for USB debugging"—if you activate this function through developer mode on Android, debugging from a computer will be prohibited.
  • « Generating a Error Report“—turn on this option and get the opportunity to record information about the operation of the device and problems that arise.
  • « Fictitious location"is a tool from a number of spy gadgets; when activated, false information will be provided when requesting coordinates.
  • « Selecting an application to debug"—this subsection allows you to select specific applications that require debugging.
  • « Waiting for debugger to connect"—by default, the function is inactive and indicates that the debugger device is not connected.
  • « Installation via USB"—allows you to install third-party programs via a USB cable.
  • « Log Buffer Size"—here you can set the maximum amount of memory for the system log.

Android Developer Mode - Networks section

The following functionality is implemented here:

  • « Wireless Monitor Certification»—Displays certificate information for connected wireless monitors.
  • « Wi-Fi log» is a tool that allows you to log RSSI information for each specific channel when connecting to a Wi-Fi network.
  • « Mobile network connection"—if the Wi-Fi connection signal is too weak, the device will automatically connect to the mobile Internet network.
  • « Legacy DHCP client"- thanks to this option, you can use a DHCP client of earlier versions, which is necessary for older devices.
  • « Saving data transfer"—if this menu item is active, the mobile network will not be disconnected when Wi-Fi is turned on, which will make it faster and easier to switch between data transfer channels.
  • « USB Configuration» — setting the standard procedure for connecting to a computer.

Engineering menu – “Text input” section

This section presents the following specific tools:

  • « Showing clicks"—if this tool is activated, then when you click on the device screen, a dot will be displayed in the appropriate place.
  • « Touch display"—when this option is enabled, even accidental touches will be visualized on the screen.

Android Developer Mode - Drawing Section

  • « Displaying updated surfaces»—updated windows are fully illuminated.
  • « Displaying Element Borders"—fields and objects presented on the screen are highlighted with individual fields.
  • « Text from right to left"—for all supported languages, text input from right to left is enabled.
  • « Animated windows"—turn on/off animation for windows, set the required scale.
  • « Animation duration» — setting the speed of animation effects.
  • « Emulation of additional screens»—the ability to turn on a duplicate screen. This option is convenient, for example, when testing mobile programs and websites.

Android developer menu – sector “Hardware acceleration of visualization effects”

The following tools are implemented here:

  • « GPU acceleration"—When this option is launched, the GPU resource will be used by default for 2D graphics.
  • « Screen update"—if this item is enabled, then when a picture is drawn on the display using the GPU, it will be highlighted.
  • « Displaying hardware updates" - Using this tool will highlight hardware updates.
  • « Debugging overlays"—Using this option, you can configure the display of screen overlays.
  • « Debugging non-rectangular trims"—function operation options: a) Off, b) Displaying non-rectangular sections, c) Testing the drawing environment.
  • « 4*MSAA" - activating this mod launches the "4*MSAA" option for applications using OpenGL ES version 2.0.
  • « Disabling hardware overlays" - If this tool is deactivated, then the GPU resource will be used for all layout operations.
  • « Anomaly simulation» — setting a color scheme for users with impaired color perception.

Functionality of the "Multimedia" section

  • « Disable audio transfer to USB devices»—prohibits automatic transmission of audio via a USB connection.

Submenu "Monitoring"

  • « Strict regime» — screen backlighting when performing long-term operations.
  • « CPU usage display"—this option displays information on the processor load level on the screen.
  • « GPU operating time» - generates a report on the duration of GPU usage.
  • « Enabling OpenGL Tracing"—activate various OpenGL tracing methods.

Android engineering menu – “Applications” section

Android Developer Mode allows you to perform the following operations on installed programs:

  • « Don't save actions"—when this option is activated, all information about actions in applications will be erased after they are closed.
  • « Limiting background processes"—allows you to set a limit on the number of processes running in the background, which has a positive effect on the performance of the device.
  • « All ANR"—if this tool is used, then when applications lag or freeze, the user will receive appropriate notifications.
  • « Inactive applications"—the option displays a list of running programs, allowing you to terminate those that are no longer needed.

This is how the Android engineering mod works. The names of the functions may change depending on the version of the system and the Russification package, but their purpose is always the same.

How to disable Android Developer Mode

When all the necessary operations are completed, you can shut down the developer environment. To do this, perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Open the menu “ Settings" and scroll to the very bottom to the section " For developers».
  • We go into it and see a switch at the very top.
  • Click on it - this turns off the settings block for Android developers.

The Android operating system has a developer mode option in the settings. This mode includes several additional features that are intended for Android software developers. Some of these functions are also in demand by ordinary users, for example, they needed USB debugging to recover data, or install something about third-party developers, and other purposes. First, let's see how the mode turns on.

Activate mode

In reality, there is nothing complicated about this; the standard settings menu of a smartphone or tablet is used. When this mode is enabled, the operation of the device itself does not change. So, how to enable:

  • In the settings of your gadget, scroll down the list of functions, find the line “About phone” if you have a smartphone, or “About tablet”, go there;
  • In the section, go to “Build number”, open information about the device;
  • We tap on the line several times, after a while notifications will appear, which means you are doing everything correctly;
  • The last notification will be an announcement that you are a developer, it is clear that the mode is activated from that moment on.

Now you can use additional functions: enjoy the additional construction “For Developers”. In some cases, you need to check the enabled checkbox or move the software switch. We will discuss how to disable Android developer mode below, first look at what is available in this section. I want to warn you right away, there is nothing supernatural there, developer mode is not god mode. And if you have something blocked, such as root rights, the bootloader, then using the developer mode this cannot be fixed.

How to turn off android developer mode

Now that we understand that this function is of little use, we need to remove it by turning off the mode. By the way, people want to turn it off more often than they want to turn it on. The very first thing is that right next to the line there is a switch for activation and deactivation. Let's turn it off here first.

  • We go to the standard settings of the application itself, and tap the tab where all applications are displayed;
  • There we go into the storage, where we erase all the data;
  • We ignore the warning that everything will be deleted, but your settings will remain;
  • After deleting the data, the “For Developers” line will automatically disappear from the list.

Some device models do not have the ability to delete data in the settings of this application. Then you will have to do a full reset to factory settings, and then configure the smartphone again. Remember, a full reset actually erases all data and settings along with files, so it’s better to save everything to the cloud or flash drive before doing this.

In Android 4.4 KitKat, many noticed that the “For Developers” item was missing. Actually, a similar situation will be with all versions of Android that came out after (and this is currently Android 5.0.1, 5.02, 5.1, etc.).
Thus, if the “For Developers” item has disappeared, then this article will come in handy for you.

How can I return or enable the option for developers?

  • 1) Settings -> About the phone(if the tablet is “ About Tablet PC»).

  • 2) Scroll down, you will see an item like “ Build number»

  • 3) Tap on it several times (that is, press, 7 times)

  • 4) A happy message will appear: “ You became a developer».


Now you can go to Settings->For Developers and enable USB debugging and other utilities.

P.S: point " For developers" is located in the section " System»

Why activate the “For Developers” option?

The most common option is when you get root rights, you need to enable USB debugging, which is located in the “For Developers” item.

How to turn off the “For Developers” option?

Settings-> section " System»-> For developers-> Off (switch at the top).

Thus, you understand why and where the “For Developers” item disappeared and now you know how to get it back.

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