Cheap insulation for a frame house. What insulation is best to use for a frame house. Options for insulating a frame house

Frame houses have become an excellent innovation in our country - inexpensive and quick way construction of individual buildings.

But, despite the large number of advantages, these buildings have one important drawback: these buildings require additional thermal insulation, since the climatic conditions in Russia are very harsh.

Let's consider which insulation is better for a frame house? How to properly carry out thermal insulation work, and what insulation is best to use.

Materials for thermal insulation of houses made according to Finnish technology a lot of. Everyone has their shortcomings and positive sides, therefore, in order to understand how to choose insulation for a frame house and apply the optimal thermal insulation option, it is worth examining in detail the most popular thermal insulators on the construction market.

Mineral wool for insulating frame structures

How to properly insulate a frame house with mineral wool? This material is often used not only by construction companies, but also by private developers.

This is understandable - the insulation has excellent sound absorption and retains heat excellently. Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly, fire-resistant material. An insulating layer of 5 cm is capable of retaining heat as well as brickwork half a meter thick.

The main nuance during installation basalt insulation– arrangement of a vapor barrier to protect the material from moisture. The fact is that when mineral wool gets wet, it loses its thermal insulation properties.

If you decide to use this insulation for insulation, then do not spare money on purchasing vapor barrier material and special membranes.

How to insulate with mineral wool

The insulation of the walls of a frame house is carried out using lathing, the cells of which should be spaced 60 cm apart - this is important, since stone wool is produced in a roll of this size. The insulator must be cut so that the wool fits between the bars with force and does not sag.

The thickness of the material is selected based on weather conditions in the region. If the climate is harsh, then it is better to use layers 20 cm thick; in mild climates, 5–10 cm is enough.

With multi-layer insulation, cold bridges may appear; to eliminate them, 5 cm slabs are laid in two layers, in cells. It is worth understanding that the guide bars must have a cross-section of 10x10. The second two layers of material are laid on top of the frame bars.

Insulating a frame house with mineral wool requires a mandatory vapor barrier, but since outer wall Since the building is already equipped with this material, it does not need to be used before installing the insulation.

After laying the insulator, care must be taken to protect the mineral wool from condensation fumes. Vapor barrier material It is sold in rolls, and it will not be possible to lay it in one sheet, so we purchase construction tape to seal the joints.

Floor insulation in a frame house is done with the same basalt wool. Only in this case, the insulator layer must be at least 20 cm. The work is carried out as with insulation frame walls.

Ecowool insulation

An environmentally friendly and affordable insulation for frame houses, the production of which uses waste from the production of cellulose products: paper, cardboard. Ecowool consists of 80% fiber and 10% antiseptic, which protects against the development of fungal formations and microorganisms.

To make the insulation less flammable, 10% special additives were introduced into its composition.

Ecowool - disadvantages

Private developers very rarely use this material to insulate their buildings. Ecowool has a number of features that some builders consider as disadvantages:

Strictly follow the standards for filling surfaces with insulation recommended by the manufacturer, otherwise during the shrinkage process areas without insulation may form.

Positive characteristics of ecowool

Many may think that such a process as insulating a frame house for winter living using ecowool is impractical, since this material has a lot of disadvantages.

  • But with strict adherence to application processes, the positive characteristics of the material are significantly enhanced:
  • Low material consumption makes it cost-effective.
  • Ecowool has good noise-absorbing properties. Most best insulation
  • The composition gains resistance to combustion thanks to additives, and it is worth studying the composition of the product before purchasing. If the composition contains components such as boric acid and ammonium sulfate, then it is better to abandon its use. These components give ecowool an unpleasant and persistent odor, while the fire resistance of the material practically does not decrease. You should only buy a product that contains borax.
  • The material is laid without seams, which is a huge advantage, since there are no cold bridges, and insulation wooden house It turns out to be of high quality and reliable.

But decisive factor, which speaks of the importance of using cross-insulation of a frame house from the inside with this material, is an inexpensive duet with positive characteristics.

Insulation of a frame house with ecowool - technological process

As is already known, there are two ways to insulate a frame house – “wet” and “dry”. You can simply spray the material on the walls by diluting it with water or glue, then you will get a great result. But most private developers follow a simpler path and use the “dry” method of insulation, which we will consider.

So, we insulate the frame house with our own hands using ecowool according to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, let's begin to thermally insulate the floor in the house, for this a pressed briquette of material weighing 15 kg needs to be loosened well, for this you can use a regular drill with special nozzle. After these steps, the volume of material will increase three times;
  • thermal insulation of the floor of a frame house is quite simple - the material is poured onto the rough covering between the beams with a slight excess, which will be pressed down by the weight of the board for finishing;
  • Let's move on to the walls. Before insulation begins, a frame is constructed from bars of the required cross-section. A vapor barrier is attached to the racks, a mandatory element when insulating with ecowool. The frame is sheathed with OSB sheets so that there is a gap on top for filling in insulation. The material will compact under its own weight as it falls asleep, and the top should be well compacted.

When working on thermal insulation of a frame house with ecowool, it is worth stocking up on protective equipment: gloves, goggles and a respirator. You can significantly optimize the process by renting equipment that loosens the material and blows it out in finished form.

Linen based insulation

Linen has excellent heat-retaining parameters, this is achieved thanks to the optimal combination of density and porosity of the material.

Linen insulation is produced in several configurations:

  • slabs can be used to insulate a frame house from the inside;
  • linen strips of laminated veneer lumber construction;
  • oakum is used to caulk the walls made of logs.

Thanks to high density This insulator is used for insulation of roofs, floors, partitions and attic floors, in which recreation areas are set up.

Thermal insulation made from flax fiber can be considered the most preferable for insulating a house from the inside - it is environmentally friendly, lasts for more than 70 years, does not rot, and mold does not form on it. Unlike ecowool, it is not subject to shrinkage.

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam - which is more practical?

Choosing insulation for a frame house is not an easy task; many nuances need to be taken into account. As for heat insulators such as expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam, both materials are successfully used to insulate a house from the inside and outside.

Foam plastic, of course, is inferior to its counterpart in some positive properties, but it is so cheap that many private developers prefer to use this material for home insulation.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • low level of sound insulation;
  • when burning, toxins are released;
  • the material is susceptible to attacks by rodents.

Thermal insulation of the facade with foam plastic

  • Insulating a frame house from the outside begins with preparing the surface, which needs to be leveled, cracks repaired, and primed with deep penetration impregnation.
  • After the facade has dried, you need to install direct hangers on it, which will prevent the slabs from moving off the surface; they will be securely fixed.
  • Five points of glue are applied to the foam, the edges are coated around the perimeter.
  • The slab with glue is pressed tightly to the surface, working from corner to corner.
  • Second row foam boards stacked in a checkerboard pattern.

The glue composition is prepared in such a way that it can be produced in an hour.

Inconsistencies in the material are adjusted with a heated knife; when gaps form, they are sealed with the following compounds:

For structural strength, the heat insulator should be attached to the surface with plastic dowels, 5 pieces each. on the stove. After this, you can apply any facing material.

Thermal insulation of a frame structure from the inside

The insulation scheme for a frame house from the room side is similar to the previous version. The only difference is in the soil used - you need a composition for interior work with antiseptic properties.

When using an insulating insulator on the inside, simple tile adhesive is used as an adhesive along with dowels.

The installed foam plastic slabs are covered with overlapping reinforcing mesh if the surface is to be puttyed, but plasterboard is often used for wall cladding. This method of thermal insulation is much simpler than insulating a frame house using ecowool.


Don’t know what is the best way to insulate a frame house? Buy penoplex - an analogue of polystyrene foam, only with a denser structure, which is why it costs a little more. It is also worth noting that this material is much more demanding during installation - you need to protect it from moisture and sunlight.

In custody

We built a frame house - insulation can be done either independently or with the help of a team of specialists. Is the building located in a harsh climate? Apply cross insulation, and we described in detail above how to choose an insulator and how to properly insulate a frame house.

Over the past half century frame house construction spread and became common technology in Western Europe and America. The technology achieved such rapid (on a historical scale) success thanks to the properties of buildings - economy during construction and practicality during operation.

Worldwide frame construction did not go unnoticed in Russian spaces. An increasing number of owners of suburban areas are choosing a frame option for construction. The choice of thermal insulation material is critical for such a building. Expertly selected insulation for the walls of a frame house will allow you to get comfortable and warm housing without going beyond your budget. In our article we will tell you which insulation is better for a frame house, and which one should not be used.

Works on external insulation walls of a frame house Source

Types of frame houses and the principle of their insulation

Houses that fall under the definition of frame houses are built using several similar technologies that do not have fundamental differences. In addition to traditional half-timbering and high-tech frame-panel technology (which includes buildings using German and SIP panels), other methods are actively used. The most popular options for frames include the following varieties:

    Frame-panel houses. They are often called shield, Canadian or Finnish houses. Panels (boards) of a given size are manufactured in the factory. This preparation saves time construction site. The panels are quickly fixed to the frame and then insulated.

    Post-frame houses. Insulation for the walls of a frame house is distributed between the racks, and sheathing is placed on top. Then wind and waterproofing is installed, the walls are sewn up, and interior and exterior decorative finishing is carried out.

One of the technologies for insulating the roof of a frame house Source

Which insulation is better for the walls of a frame house in each special case is thought out at the planning stage, and the issue must be approached competently; A house in which not only the walls, but also the roof and foundation are insulated will be truly warm. It should be taken into account that for different surfaces will be required thermal insulation materials with different properties.

The optimal way to insulate a frame is to use cross technology, when the wall is formed by two frames - the main one (power frame, serving as a load-bearing structure) with vertical posts, and cross (external), with horizontal ones. With such an organization of the walls, the probability of the formation of cold bridges (in case of shrinkage) becomes vanishingly small, and the energy efficiency of the building increases significantly. Work on insulating a frame house is carried out in the following order:

    External insulation. Only carried out under favorable weather conditions. Work will have to be delayed if it rains or snows.

    Internal insulation. It is carried out using the crossover method. Its disadvantages are considered to be a shift in the dew point into the room (in case of errors in the construction of the wall) and a reduction in precious living space.

    Thermal insulation of floors, ceilings, windows and doors.

Double cross frame; the main circuit is not insulated Source:

Insulation for a frame house: selection criteria

Having set out to choose the best option for insulation, you should decide on the selection criteria, as well as familiarize yourself with the offers available on the market. After comparing these two categories, you can determine which insulation is better for a frame house. Thermal insulation of frame walls is selected according to the following parameters:

    Life time. The operating time of the structure and insulation must coincide.

    Thermal conductivity. The lower this indicator (expressed through the thermal conductivity coefficient), the more reliably the building saves heat. The thermal conductivity coefficient is used to calculate the necessary and sufficient thickness of thermal insulation; The value of the coefficient is indicated by the manufacturer.

    Water absorption. The lower, the better, since wet (moisture-absorbed) insulation can significantly increase the thermal conductivity of walls. You can say goodbye to the thermal efficiency of a home with wet insulation in its walls.

Classic wireframe pie Source

    Shrinkage. A common problem with frame dwellings assembled by hand. Some types of insulation are subject to compaction, which is sometimes forgotten to be taken into account when choosing and installing. As a result of material subsidence, cold bridges appear and heating costs increase.

    Fire safety. Building materials are divided into groups according to flammability (ability to resist fire). For insulation of frame houses, materials of the NG group (non-flammable) are often chosen.

    Environmental friendliness. Since insulation occupies the bulk of the walls and surrounds the inhabitants of the house on all sides, the question of its harmlessness is of concern to any adequate owner. The main problem is that not all materials can boast of naturalness, and the best technical indicators belong to synthetics. But even here everything is not so bad: certified products do not have a dangerous effect on the health of the inhabitants of the house.

    Bioneutrality. Insulation for a frame house should not become a haven for rodents, insects, molds and microorganisms.

Insulation inner surface roll material Source

Knowing about the strong and weaknesses of each insulation, when choosing, they take into account not only the price, but also additional criteria:

    Climate of the region. Weather conditions (winter temperatures, duration of autumn rains) at the construction site country house influence the choice of not only the thermal conductivity coefficient, but also the size of the insulation for a frame house.

    Location of insulation. Materials with different densities are used for different surfaces. To insulate the floor, choose a denser (and, accordingly, more durable) insulation. This parameter can be ignored when insulating walls and roofs, where the use of denser (and more expensive) material will only increase the cost of construction.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer house insulation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Insulation materials: types and characteristics

Before choosing insulation for a frame house, you should familiarize yourself with its varieties. Materials used in construction are usually classified according to method of application:

    Backfill. Backfill method - insulation using ecowool, expanded clay, foam glass or sawdust.

    Sprayable. “Wet” technology is suitable for ecowool and polyurethane foam.

    Slab (roll). The thermal insulation layer is fixed between the racks or in the ceilings frame structure.

Proper floor insulation in a frame house is the key to comfort Source

Insulation materials are also divided into two large groups based on their origin:

    Natural. This includes materials of natural origin that have long been used in construction: moss, sawdust, peat, straw. They are available, cheap and environmentally friendly. The main disadvantages of natural insulators are flammability and high hygroscopicity, leading to the appearance of mold fungi. Do not discount insects and rodents, who also highly value naturalness and environmental friendliness.

    Synthetic. Materials that have emerged through progress and human ingenuity. They are often non-flammable, easy to transport and use, and biologically stable. And, although synthetics are not without their drawbacks (they are more expensive, and when burned they release dangerous toxic compounds), they are valued in construction for their convenience and valuable properties.

Synthetic insulation for frame walls is conventionally divided into soft and hard. The soft insulation is covered with sheathing on both sides; then you can install vapor and waterproofing, then decorative cladding.

Floor insulation scheme with synthetic material Source

Mineral wool materials

Mineral wool - common name universal and professional heat group insulating materials, the use of which in insulation reaches 70%. This spread of mineral wool is due to its advantages: low weight, non-flammability, thermal efficiency and sufficient vapor permeability. The basis of the material is fibers obtained from the melt of the feedstock; Cotton wool is produced in the form of mats and rolls.

One of the indicators of the quality of mineral wool is the acidity module. The higher this value, the more waterproof and durable the wool is. The quality of wool is also affected by the binder - the component that holds the fibers together into a single whole. Several types of binders are used in production:

    Based bitumen.

    Based bentonite clays.

    Synthetic. Based on phenol alcohol, phenol formaldehyde or urea resin

    Compositional(most common). The composition includes synthetic resins (up to 2% by weight) and additives with hydrophobic (water-repellent) properties.

Video description

About mineral wool in the following video:

There are several varieties of this fibrous material, differing in the method of production and properties:

    Stone wool. The starting materials are rocks (basalite, diarite, porphyrite), but more often basalt. In construction, a second name has taken root - basalt wool, although this particular variety is more often used for thermal insulation of industrial equipment and pipelines. Stone wool is a durable, non-flammable and environmentally friendly material with a high ability to retain heat. The small shrinkage of this slab material during operation prevents the formation of cold bridges.

    Glass wool. It is made from molten glass, produced in slabs and rolls, and has characteristics similar to mineral wool. Glass wool has increased strength, elasticity and vibration resistance. However, glass wool fibers are fragile, and debris poses a health hazard. Working with the material requires the use of a respirator and special clothing, as well as installation using special technology. Glass wool is cheaper than mineral wool, but its service life is shorter.

Glass wool requires careful handling Source

    Slag wool. The raw material is molten blast furnace slag. This type of filler is similar in properties to glass wool; It is recommended to use it only for dry rooms. The main advantage of slag wool is its low cost.

Walls, ceilings and roofs are insulated with cotton wool; The thickness of the layer in a country house for year-round use should be 200-250 mm. The peculiarity of cotton wool is that its hygroscopicity is neutralized by the use of steam and waterproofing membranes. The density and thickness of the material affects not only the cost, weight and load resistance, but also the way it is used:

    Rolled fabric(often laminated, foil-coated). Effective heat retaining material. Used for thermal insulation of horizontal surfaces, has a density of 35 kg/m 3.

    Plates. Material with a density of 75 kg/m 3 is used to insulate the floor, ceiling and interior partitions, with a density of 125 kg/m 3 - for facade insulation. More rigid slabs (200 kg/m 3) are used for interfloor ceilings, roofing and screed floors.

Element roofing pie- mineral wool with foil coating Source


Cellulose wool (known to the general public as ecowool) is an example of an environmentally friendly product. It consists of 80% of newspaper waste paper and waste from the cardboard and paper industry, and 20% of additives that perform a flame-extinguishing function (boric acid and sodium tetraborate). In appearance it is a loose material of various shades of gray.

Ecowool has proven itself well as sound and heat insulation; it insulates all parts of the frame structure. The disadvantages of ecowool are its high cost and the use of special equipment during installation. Insulation frame structure ecowool is carried out in one of four ways:

    Dry backfill. Manual labor-intensive method, limited in application. Suitable for insulation and soundproofing of small-area interfloor ceilings, ground floor floors, and attic floors.

    Dry blowing. The most preferred (fast and high-quality) method, suitable for insulating any cavities. It is carried out using blow molding equipment.

Video description

About ecowool insulation of the second floor of a frame house in the following video:

    Wet glue method. It is used if it is necessary to insulate a large surface area or the project does not provide for cladding. In this case, water is added to ecowool if untreated wood is to be protected; or PVA glue, which increases the adhesive (adhesive) properties of the mixture. Can also be applied using a blow molding machine.

    Liquid plaster (liquid wallpaper). A type of wet method, applied using the trowel method. If the layer will serve not only as insulation, but also as a cladding, it is possible to add dyes.


Urea-formaldehyde foam, better known under the brand name Penoizol (aka Mettemplast or Poroplast), is a universal thermal insulator with low density and thermal conductivity. It is produced and poured into foam; after hardening, penoizol resembles polystyrene foam with its white fine-cell structure.

Penoizol has an impressive service life (up to 80 years); The composition of the material is based on nitrogen, so it is classified as a low-flammable substance. For thermal insulation, not only foam is used, but also a slab version, as well as crumbs (thermal wool), which allows you to create a seamless layer with excellent insulating and sound-proofing qualities.

Ceiling insulation with foam insulation Source

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Exists large group Polyurethane foam, with different properties and various areas of application, from filling car seats and toys, to bumpers and shoe elements. In construction, polyurethane foam is used in the form of ready-made sheets or a self-foaming composition for pouring with a density of 5-40 kg/m 3.

PPU is considered universal material, allowing you to effectively insulate a house from the basement to the roof. It is cheap, has low thermal conductivity and excellent adhesion, which allows it to be applied (sprayed) to surfaces of any quality, from brick and metal to wood and roofing felt. Solid varieties of polyurethane foam are produced using the slab method. Unlike soft insulation, they serve as the basis for waterproofing and facade cladding.


White material with a fine-mesh structure, fragile and short-lived. Despite this, it is considered a proven and convenient sound and heat insulating material due to its availability, low weight (15-35 kg/m3) and ease of installation (using glue). It is advantageous to use polystyrene foam for external insulation - it does not require additional vapor and waterproofing.

Elastic and resilient polyurethane foam is easy to use Source

Polystyrene foam used in construction (and for packaging) is not toxic, but when burned it emits extremely harmful substances to health. chemical compounds, knowledge of this feature forces many customers to choose another insulation.

Video description

We will dwell in more detail on insulating a house with polystyrene foam. Find out how safe polystyrene foam is in our video:

Expanded polystyrene (penoplex)

Expanded polystyrene is a popular thermal insulation material due to its long service life, low cost and excellent sound and heat-saving properties. The material demonstrates high hydrophobicity (absorption volume is no more than 3% of weight), compressive and bending strength, fire resistance and non-toxicity.

Penoplex boards are attached to the frame posts with glue. Experts advise protecting the material from solar ultraviolet radiation.

Expanded clay

The material is the most common and proven fill-type insulation; It is used in thermal insulation of floors, floors and walls. Expanded clay is based on refractory clays, which are subjected to heat treatment during the production process. The result is granules, crushed stone or sand with a characteristic porous structure and attractive parameters, which include good thermal insulation and low weight, environmental friendliness, chemical inertness and vapor permeability.

Various fractions of expanded clay Source

Expanded clay is not flammable and does not lose its thermal insulation properties when temperature fluctuates. The only drawback of expanded clay is that its heat-protective properties are inferior to synthetic materials.

Foam glass

Not only expanded clay is produced in the form of granules, but also foam glass - a material with more high level thermal protection. Sand and broken glass are used to make it, which automatically turns the material into the safest and cleanest product. Granulated foam glass is indifferent to bio- and chemical agents, moisture-resistant, and its only (and tangible) disadvantage can be considered its high cost.

Video description

About the insulation of an American frame house in the following video:

The importance of high-quality vapor barrier and wind protection of insulation

In order for mineral wool insulation to cope with its duties perfectly, they need well-designed steam, water and wind insulation:

    Vapor barrier. Serves as a barrier to moisture coming from the room. In the absence of such a protective layer, mineral wool absorbs moisture, and its ability to retain heat drops sharply.

    Hydrowind protection. Both a windbreaker worn over a sweater and a protective membrane on the outside of the wall help retain heat. This protective material has a complex multi-layer structure - it not only retains heat, but also allows water vapor to pass out, while at the same time preventing atmospheric moisture from penetrating inside.

Modern protective membranes are capable of maximally insulating the insulation (and, therefore, wall structure), which cannot be said about plastic film, which thrifty (or not familiar with physics) builders strive to use. Polyethylene will inevitably create the effect of a thermos inside the wall without the possibility of ventilation, which leads to damage to the insulating layer throughout the entire volume of the walls.

Wind protection of a frame house is an essential component of construction Source:


The final decision on the question of how best to insulate a frame house remains with the owner of the future home. To prevent the wrong choice of material and technology from leading to disappointment in a frame house, you should pay the most attention to the features of insulation. Correctly selected thermal insulation material and its installation, carried out taking into account technological requirements, will make the house truly warm and energy efficient.

One of the most important works When constructing a frame building, the installation of insulation is considered. Only with the help of correct and high-quality thermal insulation can you prevent heat from escaping through the building envelope, as well as reduce heating costs.

In our article we will try to answer in detail the question of which insulation is better for a frame house: walls, floor and roof.

Choice of insulation

It should be noted that the final choice of thermal insulation material will depend on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner of a country house or apartment.

Expanded polystyrene

  • Foam plastic is considered one of the most popular heat insulators on the domestic market. Such products have many advantages, for example:
  • Low cost;
  • Easy to lay slabs on leveled surfaces;

Light weight.

  • The disadvantages of polystyrene foam include:
  • Low strength;
  • Possibility of fire under the influence of open flame;

Insufficient sound insulation performance. Mineral wool is considered the most common thermal insulation for insulating frame country houses . Such products are supplied to hardware stores in the form of durable pressed rectangular slabs. The material cuts well sharp knife or hand saw

, which allows you to quickly create pieces of the desired size.

  • The main advantages of this material are:
  • High rates of heat and noise insulation;
  • Strength;

Mineral wool is the best option for insulating a frame structure

Also, a big advantage of the material is the ability to “breathe the house.” The disadvantage of the material is the loss of properties after moisture enters, so the slabs are protected from water by waterproofing. Note! For the production of mineral wool it is used a natural stone , for example, basalt. After melting the rock, fibers are obtained, which are knocked together into slabs or mats. Such products are not afraid of exposure high temperatures

and fire.

Glass wool The oldest type of thermal insulation is glass wool. The material in question is produced from glass industry waste and broken glass, dolomite, limestone

or sand.

  • Products are supplied to hardware stores in the form of rolls or slabs. The advantages of glass wool can be considered:
  • Fire resistance;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Resistance to chemicals;

Relatively cheap. The disadvantage of a heat insulator is the loss of properties under the influence of moisture, so the slabs must be protected from water ingress. It is also necessary to use special equipment (rubber gloves, respirator, safety glasses) when working with such products.


The first place among insulation materials in terms of environmental safety should be given to ecowool. According to experts, the main type of raw material for producing such a product is considered to be cellulose. Such thermal insulation is not afraid of moisture, but requires special equipment for embedding into the wall cavity.

With the dry installation method, the substance is compacted between the joints of the frame house. Other disadvantages of the material include high cost, the need for insulation works highly qualified specialists.

Polyurethane foam or penoizol

One of the best ways to insulate the walls of a frame house is the use of penoizol or polyurethane foam. To obtain a working solution, two components are used, which, when mixed in a special device, fill all the cells on the surface of the frame house.

Penoizol has good thermal insulation characteristics, but such a composition is applied with the participation of specialists. The price of polyurethane foam is quite high, so not everyone will be able to afford this method of insulating their home.

One of the simplest and available ways insulation is considered to be the use of sawdust. To prepare the working solution, wood particles are mixed with cement or other binder, as well as antiseptics that prevent rotting processes.

A mixture of sawdust and cement is used to insulate the floor or ceiling. This method has certain disadvantages. These are labor-intensive work, low efficiency, and the possibility of material subsidence when installed inside walls.

Park or Rockwool

Many developers are trying to determine which thermal insulation - Parok or Rockwool - has the best specifications. If many user reviews on the Internet point to Parok, then in our article we will provide a comparison of these two products.

Characteristic Park Rockwool
Coefficient of thermal conductivity 0.036 W/μ 0.036 W/μ
Vapor permeability indicator 0.55 mg/mchpa 0.3 mg/mchpa
Maximum Density 35 kg/m³: 35 kg/m³:
Fire resistance Incombustible Incombustible
Overall dimensions of products 1.2*0.6 m 1*0.6m
Total area of ​​slabs in one package 10.08m2 6m2
Packaging cost for a product thickness of 5 centimeters 800 rubles 550 rubles
Price m3 of thermal insulation 1600 rub. 1800 rub.

Note! Despite similar technical characteristics, Parok mineral wool does not tend to shrink, which cannot be said about Rockwool thermal insulation. In addition, such material has a lower cost.

Insulation technology

The structure of a frame house requires high-quality insulation. Next, we will describe how work is carried out to insulate the walls, floor and roof of a building.


Note! According to experts, insulation of the walls of a frame house should be carried out using mineral wool. A 5 centimeter layer of this material is equal in thermal conductivity to 60 centimeters of brickwork.

As we have already said, such products are afraid of moisture, so the slabs must be protected from condensation and water-saturated air using vapor barrier films and special membranes.

The insulation in question is attached between the vertical guides of the sheathing, which are installed every 59 centimeters, with a slab width of 60 cm. Thermal insulation materials are laid in several layers depending on the thickness of the frame guides, and the joints of each row of slabs should be at different heights

. Here, another layer of mineral wool located on the outside of the building is also taken into account. To lay thermal insulation, nail it to the frame. wooden blocks

5 centimeters thick in a horizontal position. The distance between the guides for high-quality joining of the plates should be 59 centimeters.

Laying insulation on walls At the next stage of work, mats are laid on the outside, after which the insulation is protected from external negative influences with a windproof film. The membrane is attached to wooden blocks using staplers; the joints of the film are sealed with tape. In the future, wooden blocks with a cross section of 5*5 centimeters will be placed on the surface of the walls with a windproof film to form ventilation gap

. At the final stage of work, finishing material will be attached to these guides. Now let's move on to internal insulation frame house. Here the guide bars are located vertically. For insulation, you can use mats of various thicknesses, for example, 5 and 10 centimeters with a frame support thickness of 15 centimeters. As we have already said, the joints of mineral wool slabs should be at different levels

, so the material is trimmed and the formed seams are covered with the next row of thermal insulation. Total: the thickness of all layers of insulation is at least 20 cm.

After filling the space between the frame posts, nail them to the wooden blocks. high-quality vapor barrier. In this case, the rough side of the film should be oriented towards the inside of the room. Next, the same wooden blocks with a cross-section of 5*5 centimeters are nailed to the racks to form an internal ventilation gap. Next, the finishing material will be attached to these guides.

Note! The rough surface of the vapor barrier film helps protect the insulation from moisture. Droplets of water will accumulate on the tubercles of the material.

The insulation of interior partitions is carried out in a similar way. In this case, mineral wool is used as sound insulation. Here, glassine is used instead of vapor barrier.

Nuances of wall insulation:

  • Mineral wool slabs must be carefully pushed into the constructed frame, avoiding bending and deformation;
  • The insulation cannot be compacted; use a layer greater than the thickness of the frame posts;
  • After laying the thermal insulation, areas of poor-quality installation of the material are determined and the cracks are sealed.


When insulating the floor in a frame building using joists, the structure is conventionally divided into two types: finishing and rough. At the initial stage of work on wooden beams unhewn boards are installed, which are pre-treated with antiseptics. Such materials need to be fitted as tightly as possible to each other, which will prevent the penetration of cold air.

To prevent the penetration of rodents, they are fixed on top of the boards. metal mesh with a fine mesh, then a windproof film, which is attached to the joists using a stapler or small nails. Now you can lay the mineral wool slabs. The joints between these materials are fastened using polyurethane foam.

Note! When laying mineral wool, a gap of 3-5 centimeters is left between the clean floor and the insulation boards, which will help remove moisture from the thermal insulation.


The main material for insulating the roof of a frame house is mineral wool. Similar work is carried out in cases where there is residential attic floor. At the initial stage of work it is necessary to inspect truss structure, treat the wood with an antiseptic.

Now they begin to install the sheathing on the inside of the rafters, nailing the boards every 20-30 centimeters. Mineral wool slabs are laid on the outside in several layers.

Note! When laying thermal insulation, ensure that the products are sealed at the joints. It is not recommended to leave gaps in the thermal insulation.

At the next stage of work, they are fixed on the outside of the rafters waterproofing film in such a way that the material can transmit water vapor in only one direction - upward. The panels are joined with an overlap of 15 centimeters, after which the products are additionally secured with tape.

For effective insulation, an air gap of 2-5 centimeters is left between the membrane and mineral wool. To form it, wooden blocks of the required thickness are used.

The film is nailed down with staplers or using thin wooden slats with small nails. At the location of the ridge they make several ventilation holes. Now the vapor barrier is secured and laid roofing material. The internal lining is made from block house, wooden lining or plywood sheets.

The main advantage of frame houses is the division of functions in them structural elements and insulation. This allows the use of products the best way suited to their task. To insulate a building of this type, the most effective thermal insulation materials are used. But each of them has its own operational and installation features, which should be taken into account when choosing a specific solution.

Properties of materials for insulating walls of frame buildings

Insulation for a frame house must meet several basic requirements:

  • be as efficient as possible;
  • do not release any substances into the surrounding space;
  • keep your initial properties during the entire period of operation.

Materials are also evaluated according to other criteria, for example, ease of installation or lack of attractiveness to rodents and insects. To date, a group of leaders has been formed that best meet all the needs:

  • stone or basalt wool;
  • expanded polystyrene boards.

As well as outsiders, who, for various reasons, have not gained widespread popularity, but are present in some market segments. These include:

  • insulation with sprayed or slab ecowool;
  • sprayed polyurethane foam;
  • environmentally friendly mixtures based on organic fillers;
  • exotic methods associated with the latest or hard-to-find materials.

Options for spraying insulation onto the walls of a building, despite their apparent attractiveness, cause too many technological difficulties that limit their use. Ecowool slabs, having good initial characteristics, partially lose them during operation, which is completely unacceptable when insulating a frame house.

Attempts to restore the use of outdated but environmentally friendly compounds at a new stage, using sawdust and straw mixed with minerals as insulation, are not widespread due to their extremely low manufacturability and high labor intensity.

Therefore, in reality, the question of choice is limited to only two widely used types of materials that belong to the group of leaders among insulation materials for frame houses.

Wall insulation with expanded polystyrene sheets

This material is often used to fill the frame. Its attractive aspects include the highest thermal characteristics, low cost, simplicity and ease of installation. Expanded polystyrene does not lose its properties over time under the influence of external factors. Behavior in the presence of open flames and exposure to rodents raise doubts.

Disadvantages include almost zero vapor permeability, which can lead to increased humidity in a room with weak or improperly organized air circulation.

Installing slabs into the gap between frame posts creates problems, increasing labor costs and the number of technological operations. An important role is played by the exact correspondence of the distance between their surfaces and the width of the insulation sheet. This option should be used only if it was planned and the frame was assembled while maintaining the necessary parameters.

However, end-to-end joints of considerable length occur along the perimeter of the sheet. To fill them, it is recommended to use glue with the addition of polystyrene granules or polyurethane foam. The stability of the geometric properties of the material, zero shrinkage during operation, allows us to provide reliable and continuous coverage with a responsible attitude to the matter. Obviously, even minor flaws will radically reduce the thermal efficiency of the wall.

An important role is played by the rigidity and stability of the building frame, which is exposed to wind loads during operation. Even minor structural movements can cause destruction of the material at the junctions of the heat insulator with wood and the formation of “cold bridges”.

If for small one-story houses, especially for periodic visits, this problem may not be significant, then buildings of two floors and higher, which have an insufficiently rigid frame, may lose their properties to a significant extent.

Despite the popularity of insulation with rigid polystyrene sheets, this technology should be treated with caution, since it is dependent on subjective and difficult-to-control circumstances. Without completely rejecting it, we can give it a place in the arrangement of country and summer houses, preferably one-story ones, with a small number of complex components and a small windage.

It looks too risky for insulating a frame house for year-round use. These conclusions can be extended to all rigid thermal insulating materials installed in the frame during the construction process.

Insulation based on semi-rigid stone wool

This option is the most common and most rational. As in the case of solid polymer material, sheets of basalt or stone wool are installed between the frame posts and secured in the design position. The insulation is attached to the internal or external panels using glue or fixed with sheathing sheets, sometimes with sheathing strips.

The rigidity of the material ensures that the height of the sheet is maintained under the influence of its own weight and the mass of the slabs installed above. Slight shrinkage that may occur over time will occur at the top of the wall. To eliminate it, during the construction process, soft mineral wool should be placed in this section, which will fill the subsequently formed gap.

Unlike hard and fragile polymer materials, mineral wool is able to shrink and restore its shape after removing the load. Therefore, when mounting the sheets, they are slightly compressed in the transverse direction. This ensures a tight filling without any gaps.

Even with deformations from external influences, no cracks will appear and the material will not be damaged due to its elasticity. The properties of semi-rigid stone wool make it possible to avoid strict compliance with the distances between the posts.

All joints can be caulked stone wool soft type to create dense filling in transverse seams and hard to reach places, for example, in window sills and frames of openings. By laying two or three thin sheets of stone wool instead of one thick layer, you can avoid the risk of through gaps and not have to resort to filling the joints soft variety material. In the same way, insulation of the space between the rafters, attic and ceiling floors can be carried out.

The advantages of mineral wool include its significant vapor permeability, which helps regulate humidity in the room. Among the disadvantages, the relatively high price should be mentioned, although it can be considered that it is compensated by the low cost of the frame and manufacturability.

Soft mineral wool as insulation

This option is classic for the North American continent. It was glass wool that initially frame houses were insulated using Canadian technology. Important constructive solution, which made it possible to use insulation with minimal rigidity, was to divide the wall using transverse membranes into separate compartments with a height of half a meter. The cotton wool is pushed into them after installing the outer skin, and then covered with internal finishing sheets.

The meaning of this design is that soft material, located below, does not have sufficient rigidity to withstand the weight of the volume located above it. To divide the mineral wool into sections with a small mass that does not cause significant settlement and to provide support for it, transverse boards of the same width are inserted and secured between the posts. This good decision, but with the advent of semi-rigid and rigid stone wool, it is no longer unnecessary, although it can be used if desired.


To insulate a wooden frame house, it is better to use slab products made of polystyrene, polyurethane or stone, basalt wool. The remaining options are too labor-intensive or involve the use of special equipment. Choosing which one better insulation for a frame house, you need to focus on the entire set of operational, price and technological factors.

It is more reasonable to use rigid slabs made of synthetic foam materials in one-story buildings of periodic use, during the construction of which special attention should be paid to the rigidity of the timber frame. In all other cases, it is more rational to use semi-rigid stone wool slabs as insulation for the walls of a frame house.

An important point in the process of building a house on a frame basis is. High-quality thermal insulation guarantees the maintenance of optimal temperature regime. Competent is challenging task. There are many options for protecting your home, and it is possible to insulate the walls both outside and inside.

Which insulation to choose for a frame house?

This actual question, because a frame-based structure has a high loss rate. With the help of high-quality material, you can provide maximum protection against heat transfer.

Foam insulation

Foam plastic is considered one of the most popular insulating materials. The popularity is due to the advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • affordable price;
  • a light weight;
  • does not require a special moisture-proof coating;
  • ease of installation;
  • there is no need for additional insulation.

This cheap insulation for a frame house also has its drawbacks. It ignites easily, has low noise insulation and is very brittle.

Tip: To insulate a building with an area of ​​6 m2 with foam plastic, you need about 3 m2 of material, the thickness of which is 50 mm.

Polystyrene foam and mineral wool

Mineral wool as insulation

High-quality insulator, which is in growing demand, is dense compressed slabs. They have rectangular shape and are easy to cut, which allows you to create a piece of insulation of the required size using a saw and knife.

Mineral wool is produced by heat treatment and the process of pressing basalt or blast furnace slag. The structure in the form of fibers traps air, so a protective barrier is formed for the penetration of cold air.

Mineral wool is different:

  • light weight;
  • good sound insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability;
  • tolerate deformation well;
  • excellent thermal insulation.

The material contains substances harmful to human health. Of particular danger are fine particles, they can enter through the respiratory tract and cause various diseases.

Advice: To prevent the negative influence of cotton wool, the walls of the building must be covered from the inside with special vapor barrier films.

Mineral wool is susceptible negative influence moisture, under the influence of which it loses its excellent thermal insulation properties and succumbs to rot. Therefore, when insulating walls, openings frame block should be protected from the outside with special waterproofing materials.

Insulating the facade of a frame house using Rockwool insulation - step by step

Insulating walls with mineral wool is not a difficult task:

  1. It is necessary to make a vapor barrier, since wood breathes, the insulation must be protected from condensation.
  2. Mineral wool is placed between the frame posts. It is recommended to mark and cut the slabs of material with a margin.
  3. Install thermal insulation between the posts as tightly as possible.
  4. Mineral wool strips of small width should be used to cover the joints between the thermal insulation and the drains of the frame.

The same method can be used to insulate the outer surfaces of a building. Only in this case is it necessary to apply a waterproofing film over the mineral wool.

When asked which insulation is best for a frame house, reviews confirm this; experts are inclined towards mineral wool, subject to proper installation.

Insulation of a frame house with TechnoNIKOL stone wool

Glass wool for home insulation

Fiber material has been used in construction for a long time. Glass wool is produced by melting waste from glass production, limestone, soda, sand, borax and dolomite. The material is produced in the form of plates and rolls.

When contacting the material, it is necessary to use protective items: gloves, respirators and goggles, since sharp and thin fibers of glass wool pose a danger to humans.

Glass wool has its own advantages:

  • excellent heat resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • resistance to chemical degradation.

Wall insulation for a frame house has excellent thermal insulation properties and does not emit harmful toxic substances in the event of a fire. The material is inexpensive, so it is popular.

When insulating a room, it is recommended to cover the glass wool with a windproof film. This operation allows heat to remain inside the building for a long period of time.

Video - technology for insulating a frame house (wall thickness, vapor barrier layer) - step-by-step instructions

Ecowool insulation

High-quality environmentally friendly insulation for a frame house is modern material, which is made from cellulose.

It has a number of features:

  • To carry out the work, you need a special device, which during the insulation process mixes the insulation with water, and then drives the material into the wall cavity - this method is called wet;
  • the dry method involves the process of pouring material into the frame space and then compacting it;
  • insulation is not afraid high humidity, so there is no need to lay a special film.

This is not the best insulation for a frame house, since ecowool is very expensive and it is recommended to use the services of specialists to work with it.

The thickness of the insulation must be calculated taking into account the requirements for thermal insulation. This affects the amount of material that needs to be purchased. It is recommended to invite a professional who will take the necessary measurements and be able to calculate exact amount mineral wool required for a specific frame house.

Video - insulation of a frame house with ecowool instructions

About Rockwool insulation for the walls of a frame house

Polyurethane foam or penoizol - quality material

Reliable and excellent insulation consists of two components that are mixed together. The resulting mixture is used to fill the cells of the building. frame type. The result is a monolithic surface. Working with the material can be compared to manipulations carried out with polyurethane foam.

PPU or polyurethane foam has excellent thermal insulation properties, but requires certain skills, experience and knowledge. Therefore, professionals work with the material. The cost of polyurethane foam is relatively high, so if the question is which insulation is better to insulate a frame house and at the same time save money, then you should abandon polyurethane foam.

Thermal conductivity of insulation and building materials

Clay - a proven method

To insulate the room, you can use ordinary clay. This is the most environmentally friendly method. To carry out the work, special clay is used, which has a specific fat content coefficient. Low-fat material does not have the necessary adhesion, so plaster made from it will crumble and crack after a certain period of time.

After creating a thick mixture of clay, you can test its suitability by rolling a ball and then pressing it between two boards:

  • if the ball is cracked by about 50%, then sand should be added;
  • if the cracks are about 30%, then the plaster is ideal for further use;
  • if the ball crumbles, then the material is not at all suitable for high-quality work.

Clay mortar is the answer to the question of which insulation is best for a frame house; reviews from people who have used this method confirm this if the naturalness of the materials is important to the owner of the house.

Worth knowing: There is no specific method for making clay mortar. The composition of the components: lime, cement, water, sawdust, sand, clay, and their ratio may be different.

The technique for working with the material is similar to manipulating ordinary plaster:

  1. the wall is covered with a primer;
  2. beacons are installed;
  3. a rough layer of plaster is applied, the thickness of which should not exceed five centimeters;
  4. After the previous layer has dried, a finishing layer is applied and finishing work is carried out.

How to insulate a house with clay? Wall insulated with clay

Fibrolite – quality and reliability

Fiberboards are produced by drying and pressing wood shavings, which are mixed with a binder: magnesium salt or Portland cement. For best preservation thermal insulation characteristics It is recommended to use additional waterproofing. The material is used for insulation interior walls and floors.

The popularity of fiberboard is determined by its excellent performance characteristics:

  • is fireproof due to the presence of special impregnation with binders;
  • has excellent moisture resistance and is able to withstand constant and regular exposure to high humidity;
  • having the ability to resist various kinds deformations. Pressed wood shavings acts as a damper, and cement or other binder provides them with stability;
  • is not biologically active, therefore it is not subject to the unwanted process of decay, since the spread of microorganisms and insects does not occur within the material;
  • has high rate soundproofing;
  • is environmentally friendly;
  • able to withstand severe cold and frost, therefore it is actively used in various climatic zones;
  • is durable - service life is at least 50 years.

Sawdust - old method

How to choose insulation for a frame house if there are no specialized materials available and the goal is to save a lot? The answer is quite simple - it's sawdust. Thermal insulation is not produced by sawdust itself, but by a mixture with other building materials: cement, antiseptic or lime.

An approximate technology for preparing insulation is as follows:

When pouring water, it is recommended to use a watering can to evenly moisten the resulting mixture.

In most cases, the space between the beams or beams in the floor is filled with sawdust. Sometimes they are used to insulate walls. In this case, the composition is poured into small layers and compacted thoroughly.

This method of thermal insulation has disadvantages:

  • labor intensity during work;
  • high degree of fire hazard;
  • low efficiency rate;
  • settling of material over time inside the walls.
The method may be more effective for a frame house if expanded clay is used.

Exists big choice materials with which you can insulate a frame house. They differ in their scope of application: inside and outside, method of operation, cost, efficiency and environmental friendliness.

What insulation should I use in a frame house?

The decision remains with the owner of the frame housing. The most environmentally friendly and cheapest method is clay plaster. Modern methods work allows us to perform the work with the highest quality and aesthetics.

Video Insulation of a frame house

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