How to insulate the interior walls of a house. Instructions for insulating the internal walls of a private house. We are trying to find the advantages of the technique

Most of the built panel and brick houses did not provide for insulation of facades. Concrete and brick have high density and low thermal insulation properties. The consequence is cold walls and uncomfortable temperatures. There are several ways to insulate from the inside, the main thing is to avoid the appearance of dampness.

Dew point - physics of the phenomenon

A cold wall is not the only drawback of panel or brick houses. Often dampness and accompanying fungus and mold appear on it. The best way struggle - insulating the wall from the outside (this is also a requirement of SNiP), but this is not always possible. Therefore, we have to deal with the cold wall by insulating it from the inside. But there are pitfalls here.

Even if the cold wall was previously dry, when insulating it from the inside, dampness may appear. And the so-called dew point will be to blame.

The dew point is a conditional boundary at which the temperature of water vapor becomes equal to the temperature of condensation formation. It naturally appears during the cold season. With proper design of the house (taking into account the characteristics of the region), it is located approximately in the middle of the thickness of the facade made of a material of uniform density.

If insulation is carried out from the outside, then the dew point shifts towards decreasing density (that is, towards outer surface walls). When insulating from the inside, it moves inward, and condensation may appear on the surface of the main wall or inside the insulation.

And to assess the scale of possible damage, it is enough to say that as a result of the life activity of one person, about 4 liters of water evaporate per day (cooking, wet cleaning, personal hygiene, washing, etc.).

Features of insulating a cold wall from the inside

There are several ways to prevent condensation from appearing on an internally insulated wall:

  1. Creating a layer of heat-insulating material with vapor permeability lower than that of the facade material.
  2. Insulation using materials with minimal water absorption.
  3. Application of ventilated facade technology (taking into account internal placement).

Liquid thermal insulation

Polyurethane foam

PPU insulation meets all requirements for vapor barrier, water absorption and absence of seams. Therefore, even if there is a dew point inside the layer, it will remain “conditional”, since there is no condensation in vapor-tight materials. This results in a completely sealed thermal insulation layer from the room side.

The environmental friendliness of polyurethane foam after hardening meets the requirements for residential premises. Harmful fumes are present only when the components are mixed during the spraying process - after polymerization, the structure of the material remains stable.

Apply thermal insulation between the sheathing and sew up with moisture-resistant sheet materials(gypsum board, OSB or plywood). Essentially, it's like a large prefabricated sandwich panel.

The disadvantage of this method is the use of special equipment.

Liquid ceramics

This is a relatively young thermal insulation material, the action of which is based on the use of two principles - the creation of a thin layer with high resistance to heat transfer and the reflection of heat towards the radiation source.

Of course, a thin thermal insulation layer cannot provide good thermal insulation- This is an auxiliary, but mandatory factor. Although it gives a fairly high effect - the wall becomes much “warmer” to the touch.

The main task of reducing heat loss is performed by microscopic ceramic spheres that reflect infrared radiation.

According to the manufacturers, the effect of a 1.5 mm layer can be compared with thermal insulation with 5 cm thick foam plastic or 6.5 cm mineral wool.

The application method is the same as for acrylic paint (the base is the same). After polymerization, a dense and durable film is formed on the surface, and latex additives improve waterproofing properties.

Rolled thermal insulation


Penofol is a combination of polyethylene foam with aluminum foil. This is a whole series of materials (including single-sided, double-sided, laminated, with an adhesive layer). Moreover, it can be used both in combination with other heat-insulating materials, and independently. By the way, penofol is popular for insulating a bathhouse from the inside, and there is much more steam there than in an ordinary living room.

To insulate a cold wall, use penofol with one layer of foil (one-sided) and up to 5 mm thick.

In the case, as with liquid ceramics, the effect is achieved due to the low thermal conductivity of foamed polyethylene, as well as its low vapor permeability and high reflective properties of foil (up to 97%).

But unlike seamless coatings, complete sealing and prevention of cold bridges cannot be achieved. Consequently, condensation may form on the surface of the foil. Even the obligatory sealing of the joints with adhesive aluminum foil will still leave gaps inside between adjacent sheets.

The traditional method of combating the formation of condensation on foil is lathing with a ventilated gap between the penofol and the outer cladding.


Another version of foamed polyethylene, but already made in the form of a kind of wallpaper - there is a layer of paper on both sides. Polyfoam and is intended for gluing wallpaper onto it.

Of course, its thermal insulation properties are not as high as those of penofol, but to make cold wall warmer to the touch, they are quite enough.

In most cases, the insignificant thickness of the insulation does not lead to the dew point moving to the inner surface.

The disadvantage of this method is that only a dry wall is insulated.

Insulation with polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene (or extruded polystyrene foam) is glued to the prepared and leveled wall. Both materials have very low water absorption (especially extruded polystyrene foam), so the formation of condensation in the insulation layer is excluded. The main danger is its appearance on the surface of the insulated wall.

Therefore, it is best to glue the sheets to special hydrophobic adhesive mixtures applied over the entire surface of the sheets. And to prevent the penetration of water vapor from the side of the room, treat the seams with sealant (you can also use polystyrene foam with a step or a tongue-and-groove connection).

Finishing can be done in two ways:

  • mesh reinforcement and plaster application;
  • paneling on a supporting frame fixed to the floor, ceiling and adjacent walls (false wall made of plasterboard).

Insulation with mineral wool

Mineral wool does not meet the requirements for vapor permeability and water absorption for insulation from the inside. But it can be used.

The main thing is to provide maximum protection against humid air from the side of the room and weathering of water vapor from the insulation layer. That is, create a ventilated facade, but in the reverse order: wall, gap, vapor-permeable membrane, mineral wool, vapor barrier film, decorative cladding indoors.

It is necessary to create a false wall at a distance of 2-3 cm from the main wall. And to ventilate water vapor, make ventilation holes at the bottom and top.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. 11 years of experience in design and construction.

Question about internal insulation causes a lot of controversy and has its ardent opponents. But there are those who believe that this option will help make the building more comfortable for living. Both sides are right. In every situation there are reasons for taking one position or another. But before choosing this method for interior decoration private home, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons, study the features, and choose safe insulation.

In what cases is this relevant?

Insulating walls from the inside certainly improves the thermal performance of a house. But this is an unconventional technology, because they usually try to do . However, there are situations when there is no other choice.

Internal thermal insulation is recommended only when external insulation is not possible

This option is also relevant for apartment buildings. It helps not only to increase the comfort of your home, but also to prevent the occurrence of troubles such as mold or mildew.


This method has whole line shortcomings. It is for this reason that the method has many opponents. Insulating walls from the inside can cause the following problems:

  • The walls are not protected from the cold. The supporting structure of the building continues to be in contact with the outside air. This can lead to its gradual destruction. Cracks will begin to appear on the surface. This measure not only does not protect the outer wall from the cold, but also takes away some of the heat from it, because before insulation, part of the heat from the room heated the wall, but now this flow is blocked.
  • Condensation. It forms on a cold surface upon contact with warm air. Heating engineers call the place where condensation forms the dew point. The main task of thermal insulation is to move the dew point outside the wall. Insulation “from the inside” ensures that the dew point shifts to the boundary between the wall and the insulation. This process is hidden, so home owners do not notice it. But humidity will be an excellent condition for the proliferation of various microorganisms.
  • Reducing the area of ​​premises. Modern types of insulation have good efficiency. But science hasn't figured it out yet good stuff so that its thickness is minimal. To insulate a house from the room side, you will need 5 to 10 cm of insulation. This eats up the area quite a lot. This is not so noticeable to the eye, but if you calculate the losses for the entire building, the figure turns out to be significant.

With internal insulation, the dew point shifts to the boundary between the wall and the insulation

Therefore, before deciding on internal insulation of the walls of the house, we recommend that you carefully think about the listed problems. In this case, ignorance does not exempt you from responsibility, since the result of inattention will make itself felt in the first years of operation.

Material selection

The technology allows the use of different types of insulation. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The most commonly used options for insulating walls from the inside are:

  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex type);
  • mineral wool;


Polystyrene foam is inexpensive and has good performance. In most cases, 5 cm will be enough to ensure a comfortable microclimate. It allows you to complete work quickly, without complex processing and additional tool.

Foam plastic is an inexpensive and effective heat insulator

But this material has significant disadvantages:

  • low strength;
  • flammability;
  • poor vapor permeability - polystyrene foam can turn a house into a real greenhouse.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The closest relative of polystyrene foam is extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex type). It is very similar in appearance, but is orange in color instead of white. It is also worth noting that it has greater strength and durability. But such disadvantages as flammability and poor vapor permeability have not gone away. Such insulation of the wall will not allow it to breathe and will require additional ventilation.

Penoplex is stronger than polystyrene foam and lasts longer

Is it possible to carry out internal insulation using polystyrene foam? Yes, you can. But you need to prepare for negative consequences and eliminate them in time. This option is more suitable for brick or lightweight concrete. Wood for walls is usually chosen precisely for its ability to breathe. Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam will easily block air flow and negate all the benefits of wood.

Mineral wool

This type of insulation has become widespread. It costs a little more, but has high vapor permeability. It is recommended to choose basalt mineral wool, which is produced in rigid slabs. It is easy to install, does not burn, and has fairly high strength.

But you should be careful when placing the insulating layer inside the room. This material has low moisture resistance. Vata absorbs water perfectly, after which it practically ceases to perform its direct functions. For reliable protection from moisture, a vapor barrier should be provided on the warm air side and waterproofing on the cold air side.


The walls of the house can be insulated with inside. The option does not guarantee that the difficulties listed earlier will not appear in the future, but it has the following advantages:

  • good thermal insulation and noise absorption;
  • unattractive to insects and rodents;
  • good resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • ease of processing, you can use any tools;
  • easy installation;
  • Convenient for wiring.

Fibreboard is resistant to temperature changes and high humidity

Material selection criteria

Insulation of the walls of a house from the inside must meet the following criteria:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • fire resistance (for materials that are not resistant to high temperatures, select the appropriate finish);
  • durability;
  • efficiency, low thermal conductivity;
  • good resistance to moisture (or the presence of additional protection against it).

The material for internal thermal insulation must have good vapor permeability

It is also worth checking the vapor permeability. How to insulate a house for many years? Good ventilation needs to be considered. Without this, the building will suffer from high humidity and microclimate disturbances. The problem can be solved, but you need to think about it initial stage.


For a private home, two methods of securing the material are used. Both of them are relevant:

  • for glue;
  • according to the frame.

The second option allows you not to carefully level the insulated surface. In addition, it allows you to attach without problems Decoration Materials. For example, for plasterboard cladding, you will in any case need to build a frame. You can insulate the wall under plywood or under plaster. Then there is no need to use a frame. The choice of installation method for insulation largely depends on the method of further finishing. It is definitely worth considering what kind of foundation is required.

Glue mount

The surface must be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease and dust, otherwise this can significantly reduce the quality of adhesion of the heat-insulating material to the base. Further work is performed in the following order:

  • level the surface, knock down protrusions, cover up cracks and depressions;
  • treat the surface with an antiseptic composition;
  • apply a layer of primer;
  • glue the sheet, adhesive composition applied with a roller to the wall and material;
  • allow the glue to dry;
  • fix the material to the wall with dowels.

Expanded polystyrene sheets and mineral wool slabs are fixed in a checkerboard pattern. After fixing the insulation, you can begin finishing.

Frame mounting

This option can be called more labor-intensive, but also more reliable. It allows you to protect the insulation from mechanical influences. This is especially true when using fragile foam.

Before starting work, the wall is cleaned of dirt and treated with an antiseptic. After this you need to build good frame made of wooden blocks or metal aluminum profile. The racks are fastened to the wall using self-tapping screws. The pitch of the elements is selected depending on the width of the insulation. For mineral wool, a step will be required so that 58 cm remains in the light. For foam plastic and penoplex, the distance in the light should be exactly 60 cm.

After installing the frame, the insulation is laid between the racks. The joints between polystyrene foam and the frame are filled polyurethane foam. After this, you can begin finishing.

When performing work using any of these technologies using mineral wool, it is important not to forget about insulation from moisture. The waterproofing is attached directly to the wall before installing the wool, and the vapor barrier covers the material and protects it from internal steam. Fastening the layers is usually done with a construction stapler. The length of the material overlap must be at least 10 cm.

Insulation of the house from the inside is the least labor-intensive method problem solving low temperatures in room. However, this method of insulation is fraught with a pitfall, ignorance of which can lead to very serious consequences. What is this pitfall? First, a short excursion into the school physics course.

Insidious dew

Some people remember, others don’t, that three points are associated with different states of matter: the freezing point (melting point), the boiling point and the dew point. During the first of them, the substance freezes (thaws or melts), during the second it turns into a vapor state, and during the third it condenses into a liquid state. This third point is the stumbling block in the issue of the possibility of insulating the room from the inside.

The difficulty is that if everything is simple with the first two points - they are fixed for each substance - then the dew point “walks” over a very wide range depending on the humidity and air temperature.

But what, exactly, does this “walking” point have to do with the issue of insulation? The most direct: if the temperature of the inner surface of the wall under the insulation is below the dew point or even equal to it, the wall will become wet due to condensation. Under such conditions, mold will inevitably appear on it over time, and in the worst case, fungus (people who know what we are talking about will shudder at the mention of the latter). Result - bad smell, unhealthy air, and in the case of fungus - destruction of walls.

Here comes the insidious dew! You need to think seven times before deciding to insulate your home from the inside. In addition, it is necessary to at least approximately calculate the dew point value for your specific conditions. Detailed Guide for calculating the dew point you can find in the article “How to insulate - from the outside or from the inside?”

The general principle is this: the less relative humidity indoors in winter period, the lower the dew point value and the lower the likelihood of these problems occurring.

It should, however, be noted that, as with any rule, there is one exception: problems associated with the position of the dew point are relevant for all thermal insulation materials, except for one - sprayed polyurethane foam.

The point is that everyone else thermal insulation materials more or less leave a gap between themselves and the wall. It is in this gap that moisture condenses on the cold surface of the wall.

Sprayed polyurethane foam does not leave any gap: it becomes an extension of the wall, as happens, for example, with plaster. And this, by the way, is not the only thing unique property this insulation. If you are interested in the topic of sprayed polyurethane foam, you can find detailed information on this issue on the website

To summarize, we can say that in only one case do you not risk anything when insulating a house from the inside: if sprayed polyurethane foam is used as the insulation material.

Added: 01/20/2015 11:37:41

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  • insulation from inside the room;
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Insulating a wooden house from the outside with mineral wool or polystyrene foam

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Methods for insulating walls from the inside

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Insulating the basement from the inside

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Do-it-yourself insulation of a wooden floor

In theory, the floor temperature should not differ from the air temperature by more than two degrees.

I mean, the floor needs to be a couple of degrees colder. Then it will not harm the health of the residents. But very cold floors (by the way, just like very warm ones), on the contrary, are harmful.

If the floor is made of a “warm” material—wooden—but is very cold (you can’t walk on it barefoot all year round), then you need to insulate it.

Insulation of concrete floor

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Do-it-yourself insulation of wooden windows

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Insulation of earthen floors

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How to dry boards at home?

(personal experience)

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how to properly insulate a house

Most specialists in finishing works are inclined to choose external insulation of the house, believing that insulating walls from the inside should be resorted to only in extreme cases. In fact, internal insulation premises contributes to the creation of comfort and warm atmosphere in the house, you just need to choose the right one best option finishing.

Read also: How to insulate floors in a private house with your own hands

Internal thermal insulation prevents the penetration of warm air into the wall itself, and in cases without insulation air masses penetrate deep into the walls, thereby warming them up, so in the first case there is a risk of cracks appearing.

Insulating a house from the inside or how to make life more comfortable and reduce heating bills

Despite such prospects, most homeowners are increasingly resorting to insulation from the inside in order to preserve heat and save on heating costs.

Insulation options

How to insulate walls from the inside in a private house?

This question is very relevant today. There is a wide range of materials used for such purposes and having different properties, advantages and disadvantages. Each consumer is able to choose for himself the most suitable option, taking into account the features of the building.

Read also: How to properly insulate a steam room in a bathhouse from the inside with your own hands

How can you insulate walls:

  1. Mineral wool is a light and fibrous material.

    A special advantage in this case will be the presence of a certain layer of air between the wall and the insulation layer, provided that it is installed correctly. To do this, you will need to build a frame made of wood, dividing its entire area into certain sections (compartments), which will subsequently be filled with mineral wool.

  2. Penoplex is a material intended for both external and internal insulation of premises, distinguished by its thickness and density.

    It is attached to a special adhesive base and has special grooves on the edges of the plates, which allows them to be connected to each other like a puzzle without forming gaps. When thermally insulating with penoplex from the inside, it is best to use slabs 2-3 cm thick, this will reduce the likelihood of condensation forming.

  3. Foam insulation is the most cheap way, and quite effective.

    The use of this material does not require special skills, knowledge and abilities, and the thermal insulation is decent.

  4. Cover the walls with penofol - one of the most simple ways thermal insulation, which can be easily done with your own hands. It's polymer porous material, covered with a layer of foil, used for insulation of premises for various purposes. Installation work include wall placement wooden slats to form a gap between the coatings, onto which penofol is subsequently attached.
  5. Thermal insulation of walls with plasterboard involves placing some kind of insulation underneath (glass wool, polystyrene foam, etc.).

    Initially, the frame is mounted, in the sections of which the insulation material, only then the sheet of drywall is attached.

Read also: How to properly insulate iron front door with your own hands

Today, more and more people are resorting to building a house from foam blocks; this material is quite durable, but at the same time affordable.

When insulating such a building, it is best to use balsa wood. This insulation can be purchased in the form of plates or in a roll.

It is fixed to pre-prepared walls with special glue. It is necessary that the stopper is in the room when room temperature at least one day before the start of work.

While focusing on thermal insulation, do not forget about floor insulation.

IN one-story houses Significant heat leakage occurs through an uninsulated ceiling. IN multi-storey building the situation is somewhat different, on the second floor you don’t have to insulate the floor, and on the first floor you don’t have to insulate the ceiling, since this ceiling will not be a source of heat loss.

To date alternative option special mixtures are used for insulation various manufacturers who have thermal insulation properties.

Applying even a small layer of the product will reduce heat loss.

Disadvantages of insulation from the inside:

  • reducing the area of ​​the room due to the thickness of the insulation;
  • the need to completely free the space from furniture and other objects, which means the impossibility of living in it for a certain period of time;
  • implementation of related measures - additional ventilation, as well as protecting the heat insulator from excess moisture and condensation;
  • decent financial costs to comply with all standards when performing installation work.

For acceptance the right decision when choosing the type of wall insulation, it is necessary to weigh all the positive and negative points, assess how much the acquired benefit will exceed the possible losses from undesirable consequences.

Insulation of a brick wall from the inside with mineral wool

Modern construction market has an incredibly rich range of materials from which private houses are built. These include foam blocks, wooden materials, aerated concrete, etc. Building bricks are no less popular.

A brick wall does not retain heat well, and therefore additional insulation its simply a must.

The main advantages of the building brick house are practicality and durability.

Such material will delight more than one generation of residents, and this is what homeowners are guided in their calculations when choosing brick as a basis. Despite the fact that brick houses are more expensive to build than, for example, wooden houses, all additional costs pay off over time. U brickwork There are practically no shortcomings. The only significant disadvantage that many builders note is that a brick wall does not retain home heat well.

Therefore, when building a brick house, first of all you need to take care of high-quality heat and waterproofing.

Insulation of house walls

Insulating the walls of a house is an important issue when solving the problem of heat preservation in residential premises.

A visual diagram of how insulation works inside and outside the house.

Brick walls without insulation are susceptible to freezing and destruction under the influence of moisture.

Insulation can be carried out outside and inside the room.

External insulation is used in cases where the building is old and requires cladding with frame, block or wood covering. At the same time, insulation from the outside is better, more reliable and easier to carry out than from the inside. It does not reduce the internal area of ​​the premises, does not require additional ventilation and does not create a “greenhouse” effect indoors.

If the house was built recently, the walls are made of expensive and beautiful brick or the external decoration of the building is prohibited due to the preservation of the architectural appearance of the building, then it is better to use internal insulation.

In addition, insulation from the inside is used in cases where it is impossible to insulate only one wall of a living space from the outside in an old apartment building that does not meet modern requirements thermal protection. In this case, external thermal insulation of the entire house is required, since a single external insulation will not be of much use.

Scheme of insulation of a brick wall from the outside.

External insulation is easier and cheaper to carry out, but in practice it is not always feasible.

It should be borne in mind that with internal insulation the area of ​​the room is reduced, but this inconvenience is compensated by other advantages of this method. Insulating a house from the inside is cheaper than insulating it from the outside, and you do not need to obtain any permits to carry out insulation works or invite specialists in external work.

If a decision is made to carry out internal thermal insulation of a house, then it is necessary to take into account other difficulties that arise during the work.

The main difficulty of thermal insulation

It lies in the appearance of condensation between the wall and the insulation.

And it doesn’t matter which side the wall was insulated on. If the measures are carried out incorrectly, condensation will appear after a short period of time. The resulting moisture will harm not only the insulation, but also other materials used in finishing the room. Firstly, when moisture gets into the insulation, its effectiveness as an insulator is significantly reduced.

Secondly, condensation causes the appearance of mold or mildew, which has a bad effect both on the operation of the entire insulation system and on the health of people and animals living in the room.

Finally, moisture settling on the wall of the house from the inside leads to corrosion of materials, which affects not only the insulation, but also the durability of the building itself.

Scheme of insulating a brick wall from the inside. Before starting insulation, you should consider methods of dealing with condensation.

Therefore, before starting work on thermal insulation of a room, you should think about how to prevent condensation.

Usually, two calculations are made for this: the required thickness of the insulation and the location of the dew point (condensation point) in the wall. If the dew point hits the wall, then there will be no problem. If it is located between the wall of the house and the insulation or inside the insulation, then such a room cannot be insulated from the inside. The difference in the temperature of the wall and the insulation design will lead to the wall freezing more strongly and condensation forming on it, which will lead to the problems described earlier.

Various materials are used to insulate a room from the inside.

The most common methods are insulation with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam, plaster, and mineral wool. Cork panels are used less frequently for wall insulation. concrete plates with special heat-insulating fillers, etc.

Is it possible to insulate your home from the inside?

Let's look at these materials in more detail.

Materials used

Expanded polystyrene is attached to a special glue solution, which forms a moisture-proof layer.

  • insulation with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

The most affordable, popular and reliable insulation for home. Foamed polystyrene materials (foam plastic, expanded polystyrene, penoplex) are often used as insulation for the inner surface of walls, including brickwork.

In addition to low thermal conductivity, foam insulation also has noise-absorbing functions. In addition, it is affordable, easy to install, and can be done with your own hands without any special construction skills.

The only drawback of foam insulation is the space it takes up. However, if the room allows you not to think about its area, then foam insulation is one of the best options;

Insulating brick walls with plaster mortar is a time-tested method. It is quite inexpensive and one of the simplest methods of insulation, like foam insulation, but at the same time the longest and “dirtiest”.

The work of insulating from the inside consists of stretching the mounting mesh onto the wall and then applying several layers of plaster mortar to it;

Insulating a brick wall with plaster is the most budget-friendly, but at the same time the most labor-intensive method.

  • insulation with mineral wool.

It is a natural material made from silica or basalt. If mineral wool is treated with special hydrophobic substances, it effectively repels water, which makes it possible to use it in conditions of high humidity.

For insulation of brick walls, semi-solid or solid slabs based on mineral wool.

The use of mineral wool as insulation is also due to the fact that this does not require preliminary leveling of the walls, as with foam insulation. Mineral wool can stick to the wall, filling all the recesses.

The thickness of the insulation depends on the temperature conditions of the room and the area, but is at least 10 cm. The insulation is sold in slabs (100x60 cm) or in rolls up to 9 m long and from 50 to 120 cm wide with a density of 80 to 150 kg/m 3 .

Insulation of walls with mineral wool

The material is quite easy to work with, as it lends itself to bends and kinks, something that foam insulation cannot boast of.

The only condition: it cannot be cut with scissors, since squeezing breaks the thermal insulation structure. It is best to use a saw or sharp knife. When adjusting the size of the slabs, it is necessary to leave up to 2 cm of margin at the edges so that the insulation fits tightly into the designated sections.

As a vapor barrier, it is better to choose film membranes that have a two-layer structure.

In order to insulate a brick wall with mineral wool from the inside, you will need a frame, as when working with polystyrene foam, which will later be covered with plasterboard or other suitable material.

The frame consists of cells wooden sheathing, into which insulator slabs are laid so that their height does not exceed the height of the sheathing. You should not compact the mineral wool too hard, as the thermal insulation properties are lost.

Instead of wooden sheathing, you can use a metal profile frame.

On top of the sheathing there is a layer waterproofing material. Next, each cell of the resulting frame is filled with mineral wool in one or two layers, depending on the calculated thickness of the insulator.

A layer of vapor barrier is placed on the mineral wool with the foil side facing towards the room. Both hydro- and vapor barrier materials are attached directly to wooden or metal frame. Well, in the future the frame itself is covered with plasterboard or other materials that will form the design of your interior.

Insulating brick walls with mineral wool or polystyrene foam is an optional process, but highly desirable for improving the comfort of living in the house.

The question of whether it is worth insulating the walls of a house from the inside still does not have a clear answer. Some experts are ardent opponents of this option. Others, on the contrary, believe that such a solution will create the most comfortable conditions for people’s lives. It is worth noting that both are right. It all depends on the specific situation, according to which this or that decision should be made. But even before starting work on insulating the walls of a house from the inside, it is important to study the features of the process and select a safe material.

Main advantages

Insulating the walls of a house from the inside is especially important in apartment buildings. It is sometimes the only option for creating comfortable conditions in those rooms that are adjacent to unheated, cold technical premises or with staircase. You can also insulate walls from the inside in a private house. Such a solution will preserve the original appearance of the facade or increase the amount of heat that will be stored in the building.

Such work refers to non-traditional technologies. Most often, they are recommended in cases where it is simply impossible to arrange external insulation. These are, for example, the same high-rise buildings. After all, sometimes it is very often necessary to keep the rooms warm panel house. Insulating the walls in an apartment from the inside will be the only option when the work can be carried out independently, in the shortest possible time and without obtaining the appropriate permits that are necessary when arranging the facade. As a result, the comfort of housing will increase, and the owners will forget about such troubles as fungus and mold.

Possible problems

Despite certain advantages, insulating the walls of a house from the inside also has a number of disadvantages. It was they who became the reason for the emergence of opponents of this decision. Thus, the presence of insulation on the internal walls of a building contributes to the emergence of such problems as:

-Walls exposed to cold. After all Basic structure at home does not get rid of contact with outside air. This leads to its rapid destruction. Cracks begin to appear on the surface of the walls, because their insulation from the inside takes away a certain part of the heat. And if before the activities the external structures of the building were heated from the inside, then upon completion of the work this process stops.

-Condensation. As you know, droplets of moisture form on a cold surface in contact with warm air. This phenomenon is called the “dew point”. the main objective, which stands in front of the thermal insulation of the house - moving such a point outside external structure. Insulating walls from the inside in a private house or in a high-rise apartment leads to the formation of condensation at the boundary between the insulation and its surface. In this regard, the process turns out to be hidden from the owners, and they simply do not notice it. Walls with high humidity become great place for the growth of mold and fungi.

-Reducing the area of ​​rooms. Today the construction industry produces different kinds the most modern materials, with fairly high efficiency. However, she has not yet come up with one that, while maintaining high technical characteristics, would be very small in thickness. Insulating a house from the inside will take away from the premises from 5 to 10 cm of their space, which will significantly reduce usable area. At first glance this is not too noticeable. But if you calculate it over the entire building, the figure will be quite impressive.

Based on all of the above, before starting work on insulating the walls of a house from the inside, it is advisable to carefully consider the negative aspects of such a decision. Get rid of possible problems necessary already at the initial stage, because otherwise the negative result will become noticeable already in the first years of such operation.


What allows you to use technology that involves insulating the surface of walls from inside the building? These can be a variety of materials, each with its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. As a rule, the most popular insulation options for such work are mineral wool and foam plastic, penoplex, as well as slabs made from wood fiber. Let's take a closer look at their advantages and disadvantages.


Very often, owners who decide to insulate a house from the inside opt for this material. After all, it is quite effective and, importantly, has a low cost. As a rule, 5 cm of such a protective layer is sufficient to ensure a comfortable microclimate in the premises.

Foam plastic is most often used to insulate walls in apartments in multi-storey buildings. The use of this material allows installation to be carried out quickly, without additional tools and complex processing.

Among the disadvantages of polystyrene foam are the following:

Low strength;


Poor vapor permeability.

The latest forecast helps turn the house into a real greenhouse. In order to avoid this problem, you will need to install forced ventilation, which will require additional labor and financial costs.


The closest relative of foam plastic is extruded polystyrene foam, also known as penoplex. Externally, these two materials are very similar to each other. However, foam boards have Orange color, not white. In addition, it is more durable, which determines its durability.

However, the disadvantages of polystyrene foam in the form of flammability and poor vapor permeability of this material still remain. Insulation internal surfaces When using it, the walls will not allow the house to “breathe”, which will require forced ventilation.

Is it possible to use expanded polystyrene to create comfortable indoor conditions? Yes, but you will need to prepare in advance for possible problems and eliminate them in time.

This option is more acceptable for a house, as well as one built from lightweight concrete. As for wood, it is usually chosen for the construction of buildings for its ability to “breathe”. But polystyrene foam and penoplex block air flows. This negates all the benefits of wood.

Mineral wool

These insulation materials are also widely used for internal lining. What is attractive about this material is its inexpensive price. Experts recommend using mineral wool in hard slabs to insulate the inside of a house wall. This material is easy to install, non-flammable and highly durable.

Rolled products are produced under such brands as Rockwool, Knauf, and Izover. She has good:

1. Thermal conductivity. This allows the use of a thin layer of insulation.
2. Soundproofing. The use of glass wool provides excellent protection against street noise. Such properties of the material are facilitated by the air gap between its fibers.
3. Vapor permeability.
4. Tensile strength.
5. Resistant to biological influences, for example, to rodents.

This insulation is also supported by its high service life. It has been successfully performing its functions for fifty years. In addition, mineral wool has low density and light weight.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that this material perfectly absorbs water, after which it ceases to function according to its intended purpose. To prevent this from happening, provide a vapor barrier and waterproofing in the form of a film or membrane. The first protects the insulation from the side of the incoming warm air, and the second - from the cold air.


Insulation from the inside can be carried out using They have:

Good noise absorption and thermal insulation;

Unattractive to rodents and insects;

Good resistance to moisture and temperature changes;

Easy to process using any tools;

Easy installation;

Convenient for wiring.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that fiberboard boards are subject to treatment with toxic substances. This poses a danger to humans. That is why this material is most often used for exterior decoration.

Insulation of frame houses

Anyone who has decided to improve the comfort of their home will need to check its condition. If any defects are detected, they will need to be eliminated before work begins. Insulating the walls of a frame house from the inside will require cleaning them and removing foreign objects. An important point It will also get rid of the gaps in the structural elements. To do this you will need to use polyurethane foam. If the wood of the walls is damp, then it is dried using a hair dryer.

When insulating the walls of a house from the inside with your own hands, you will need to go through two stages. The first of these is the installation of waterproofing. The second stage involves laying a layer of thermal insulation.

The waterproofing is pre-cut into strips corresponding to the size of the walls and attached to them. Next, the insulation is laid, placing it between the racks of the pre-arranged sheathing. Selected for creation comfortable temperature indoors, the material is pre-cut into strips corresponding to the area of ​​the walls. At the same time, their size may exceed the required by 5 cm. This nuance allows you to lay the insulation more tightly. This will increase the effectiveness of its use.

Insulation of wooden houses

Work in such buildings begins with the installation of sheathing, which is installed on the load-bearing walls. In this case, it is recommended to use timber. Insulation of the walls of a wooden house from the inside using metal profile It makes sense in cases where in the future they will be covered with moisture-resistant plasterboard.

To create even and correct angles, prepare corner posts made of timber with a section of 50 x 100 mm. Their height should be equal to the height of the room. Along the edge of such a beam, a second one with a smaller cross-section (50 x 50 mm) is reinforced with self-tapping screws. Such a solution will allow you to secure the selected material inside the created structure.

Insulating the walls of a wooden house from the inside will require their pre-treatment with a special liquid. This will protect the surface from rotting and burning.

The next stage of insulating the walls of a wooden house from the inside with your own hands is the installation of bars, which are attached in increments of 50 cm. After completing the arrangement of the sheathing, you can begin the process of attaching the material, which is most often mineral wool. The insulation is pre-cut to the height of the walls with a width exceeding the distance between the vertical parts of the structure by 2 cm.

Mineral wool is fixed inside the sheathing anchor bolts. It can be laid in 2 layers, between which the film should be placed.

After fixing the heat insulator, bars measuring 30x40 mm are mounted. Next, the sheathing is carried out using the one chosen by the owners decorative material, which could be, for example, lining. By the way, it will allow you to additionally insulate the house. At the same time, the interior will look very attractive.

Insulation of panel houses

In order to create a comfortable temperature in such a building, mineral wool is usually used. In addition, wall insulation in panel house the inside can be made of penofol and fiberboard, foamed polyurethane and balsa wood.

How is such work carried out? Insulating walls in a panel house from the inside will require cleaning them of old coatings. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt. The surface should be treated with a primer and antiseptic. After applying the next layer, the wall should be allowed to dry thoroughly. At the next stage, the surface is leveled with plaster, with all joints covered with mastic, sealant or moisture-resistant solution. Only after this they begin to arrange the heat insulator. The work is completed by installation facing material, to which the final finishing is applied.

Insulation of brick houses

Buildings made from this material are distinguished by durability and strength. However, brick retains heat much worse than, for example, wood. In order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the rooms, you will need to protect the walls from the cold.

Very often, owners insulate walls with isover from the inside in a brick house. is on the list of one of the most popular materials for performing such work. However, it is worth keeping in mind that you cannot leave it open. After all, over time, mineral wool will begin to emit dust, which negatively affects the health of residents. If brick house If this material is insulated correctly, then no problems will arise in the future. In this case, you will only need to waterproof the insulating layers, since they easily absorb moisture, get wet, and as a result lose their properties.

To install an insulating layer of mineral wool with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

Wooden slats;

Mineral wool;

Film for waterproofing;

Vapor barrier film;



Putty knife;

Plywood or drywall.

Installation of mineral wool is carried out after thorough preparation of the walls, which are plastered and primed. There is no need to level such a surface, because later the sheathing will be mounted on it.

After the walls have dried, a layer of waterproofing is attached to them. Next, they begin to form the sheathing, which is made from wooden slats, fastening them together with screws. At the next stage, insulation is installed. The sheathing is placed on top of it and the slats vapor barrier film. This structure is covered with sheets of plasterboard or plywood. The joints of the facing material are sealed with putty.

Insulate an apartment in a multi-storey building or a private house it is easier from the inside than to do this work from the outside. Thermal insulation from the inside has its undeniable advantages:

  • Work can be carried out at any temperature and weather.
  • The architectural appearance of the building is not disturbed.
  • IN apartment building no scaffolding or high-rise installers are required.
  • The insulation system itself is simplified, since protection of the insulation from the wind is not required.
  • You can carry out the work yourself.

Insulating walls from the inside - disadvantages

As for the disadvantages, overcoming them is technically more difficult or impossible:

  • Loss of part of the living space, since the most effective insulation will eat 5 cm along the insulated wall, and in corner room- along two walls.
  • Insulation from the inside will shift the dew point, at which condensation settles, to the boundary of the wall and the heat insulator, which will lead to gradual wetting of the insulation and loss of its heat-insulating qualities. To prevent this from happening, it is required forced ventilation premises.
  • Furniture will have to be removed during the renovation.

Material selection

When choosing how to insulate a house, homeowners often choose the following materials:

  • Expanded polystyrene.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Mineral wool slabs.
  • Polyurethane foam.

The most effective polyurethane foam has the highest cost, but a 5 cm thick slab will be quite enough to create a comfortable temperature in the house.

Mineral wool slabs attract those who care most about safety; this material is non-flammable, unlike polystyrene foam; to insulate a house in central Russia you will need a slab 8 cm thick.

Expanded polystyrene foam, both regular and extruded, ranks second in efficiency after polyurethane foam, but their main drawback is the release of harmful substances during combustion. Thanks to the addition of fire retardant, the material is self-extinguishing, but at high temperatures it melts and smokes.

If you use plasterboard sheets as a fireproof screen, this will solve the problem, but will increase the loss of area. In addition, extruded polystyrene foam is not much cheaper than polyurethane foam.

Not so long ago appeared on the building materials market liquid insulation– paint created to protect the hulls of spacecraft and aircraft. Manufacturers guarantee that a 2-3 mm layer of paint will solve the problem of wall freezing, however, heating engineers consider it possible to use this paint as an addition to the main insulation to reduce the thickness.

Knowing all the features of the materials, it is easy to choose how to insulate the walls in the house.

Insulation systems

You can insulate the walls of a house from the inside using the “wet” method, which gets its name from “wet” plastering work, or you can use the “dry” method by lining the insulation with plasterboard, chipboard or other material.

The plaster method of thermal insulation consists of successively arranged layers:

  1. External wall.
  2. A layer of insulation glued to a special compound and secured with dowels.
  3. A layer of adhesive with embedded reinforcing mesh.
  4. Finishing layer optional.

The dry insulation method requires preliminary installation of a supporting frame made of a metal profile or antiseptic wooden beam:

  1. External wall.
  2. Load-bearing frame.
  3. A layer of insulation, when using a mini-slab, it must be additionally protected on both sides - from the inside with a vapor barrier, on the outside wall - with waterproofing material.
  4. Counter-lattice to create an air gap that allows water vapor to ventilate.
  5. Finishing cladding with the selected material followed by finishing.

Having chosen an insulation system, you can begin preparatory work and procurement of materials.

We carry out “wet” insulation

To complete the work you will need materials:

  • To prepare the wall - repair compound and adhesive primer for brick and concrete, antiseptic, fire retardant and fungicide or complex protective composition for a house made of wood.
  • Insulation, such as polystyrene foam.
    adhesive composition.
  • Dowel screws with a thermally insulated head (5-6 pcs. per 1 m2).
  • Plastic mesh with a cell no larger than 5x5 mm.
  • Finishing material.


  • Scaffold.
  • Capacious container for glue.
  • Drill with different attachments.
  • Spatula, rule.
  • Hacksaw or jigsaw.
  • Plumb and building level.

Let's look at how to insulate walls:

  • Preparation of the base - brick and concrete surfaces remove paint, smooth out uneven areas greater than 3 cm, prime the walls; Sand the wood walls, check the tightness of the joints, caulk and prime if necessary.
  • Dilute the adhesive according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Apply the mixture onto the heat insulation slab in marks every 30–45 cm in the center and in a continuous line at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the slab. Glue that gets onto the end of the slab forms a cold bridge, so it is important to remove it immediately.
  • We install the slabs starting from the bottom, with the vertical joints offset by at least 20 cm. Don't forget about insulating the slopes. We fill gaps between the plates up to 3 cm with polyurethane foam, and fill large gaps with scraps of insulating material.
  • After 2–3 days, we attach the heat insulator with dowels along the edges and center of the slab, slightly recessing the cap.
  • We apply the adhesive composition to the surface of the insulation in a layer of 3–4 mm, roll out the reinforcing mesh and embed it with a spatula into the glue.

After the glue has gained strength, we perform the final finishing.

Dry process technology

Surface preparation is carried out in the same way, the set of tools is the same.

Materials for work:

  • Antiseptic wooden beam with a section of 40x40 mm for the frame and sheathing.
  • It is advisable to lay the insulation in 2 layers, for example two 40 mm mineral wool slabs.
  • Vapor barrier film.
  • Waterproofing membrane.
  • Vapor barrier double-sided tape.
  • Adhesive composition.
  • Dowel - disc-type screws with metal cores and thermally insulated heads.
  • Drywall or other boards for finishing.
  • Finishing material.

How to properly insulate the walls of a house from the inside using a dry method:

  1. We prepare the base similarly to the wet method.
  2. We install the sheathing horizontally in increments of 600 mm (along the width of the slabs).
  3. We attach the waterproofing membrane to double-sided tape. We join the canvases with an overlap of 10-15 cm using double-sided vapor barrier tape.
  4. Prepare the adhesive composition; We temporarily fix the insulation with glue into the constructed frame.
  5. We mount the second level of the sheathing perpendicular to the first (vertically).
  6. We fix the second layer of slabs of insulating material with glue;
  7. After the glue has dried, we fix the insulation with dowels.
  8. We protect the insulation with a vapor barrier film.
  9. We install drywall with self-tapping screws.
  10. We do the finishing touches.

This installation method will solve the problem of cold bridges.


When deciding how to insulate a house from the inside, the main thing is to study all the pros and cons of this or that method, this or that material. Many large corporations create their own insulation systems, produce the appropriate materials and sell them as a set, in this case bearing responsibility for the quality of the entire insulation system. As for the proposed technologies, they have been tested by many homeowners with excellent results.

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