What is the optimal relative humidity. How to choose a humidifier for your home? What types of humidifiers are there?

Air humidity is the saturation of air with water molecules. Humidity is a variable value that depends primarily on air temperature. The condition of all living things depends on moisture, so it is important to know what its level is in the room where you live or work.
Too dry air dries out the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes, and respiratory tract. In this case, a person first feels discomfort, and later this can lead to rapid fatigue, decreased immunity and frequent colds. The skin does not suffer when the air humidity in the apartment is normal. What should be the normal level of moisture in rooms?

Many people notice that in winter, when the humidity is lower, the skin looks tired and needs hydration. Too high a moisture level is also not comfortable for humans. High humidity makes it more difficult to tolerate heat. Long-term residence in an area with high humidity can lead to asthma, rhinitis and allergies. If you have a hygrometer, you will know what the air humidity is in the apartment at the moment.

The optimal room humidity is approximately 45-50% for an adult and 60-70% for a child. Air humidity in an apartment is considered normal when it is above 40%.

The child's body is most susceptible to changes in humidity. It does not yet have a mechanism for independent thermoregulation. It must be remembered that the norm of air humidity in an apartment for a child is higher than that of an adult. During the first year of life, a child quickly overheats and becomes hypothermic, so parents must monitor not only the air temperature and room temperature, but also the humidity.

What affects indoor humidity

However, humidity levels vary depending on the season and heating devices in the apartment, so you should try to regulate it to normal levels. In winter, indoor air is dried by batteries and electric heating devices In summer, the air conditioner removes moisture from the air. There have been cases where the humidity in an apartment in winter was below 30%, which is much lower than normal.

If you can’t buy a humidifier, you can put a wet towel on the radiator. As moisture evaporates from it, it enters the air. It is also believed that a large aquarium increases the humidity of the room. An indicator of normal humidity is also houseplants. In rooms with low humidity, leaves change color and many plants die. By spraying plants with water from a spray bottle, you not only care for them, but also increase the humidity in the apartment. Excessive moisture is just as harmful as dry air. Fungus and mold appear on the walls, furniture becomes deformed over time, parquet floors lose their attractive appearance, painted surfaces can swell and dry out.

Types of hygrometers

It has been noticed that in private houses the air humidity is higher than in high-rise apartments.

If you want to be aware of the humidity in your apartment, purchase a hygrometer.

Hygrometers are available in three types:

  • mechanical (need periodic verification);
  • digital hygrometers (give the most accurate readings, usually combined with thermometers);
  • hygrometers-psychometers (usually used in hospitals and pharmacies, fragile, made of glass).

Can't decide which humidifier you need? This article will tell you how to do right choice and not only. In general, is it worth buying this device and why is it needed? Perhaps you can do without it.

What air humidity is considered normal for humans and why?

As you know, a person needs to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water per day to maintain a normal level of water-salt balance in the body. But there are situations when this amount is not enough, for example, in hot weather or in a too dry room, when strong evaporation of moisture occurs. The human body is made up of 70% water, so even if we drink a lot of fluids, it may not be enough in certain situations. A lack of water in the body negatively affects the condition of the skin and respiratory organs, and overall health may worsen. In too dry a room, it accumulates on the surface of objects. large quantity static electricity than in rooms with normal humidity.

Based on the above, we conclude that a certain air humidity is of no small importance for human health, as well as for normal work and living comfort. To determine the relative air humidity suitable for normal human life, consider the table of temperature and air humidity standards for residential premises, developed by SanPiN, according to the recommendations of experts in this field:

You should also know that air with a humidity level below 50% is considered dry, 50-70% is considered moderate humidity, and above 70% is considered humid. Following the recommendations of children's doctors, it is necessary to maintain air humidity in the children's room within 50-60%. Such humidity parameters reduce the risk of child colds associated with irritation of the very sensitive mucous membranes of the respiratory system caused by too dry air.

Here are some reasons why humidification is essential:

  • dry air in the room, at any time of the year, which causes irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, skin and eyes;
  • breeding moisture-loving plants, which, if there is a lack of moisture, can die or become sickly.

If your winter Garden takes up a small area on the windowsill or in the corner of the room; it is enough to purchase one humidifier with a small service area.

But don't be too zealous - too wet air in warm damp areas promotes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, and in cold and damp rooms there is a danger of colds.

How to increase indoor humidity?

IN summer period time when the air conditioner is running, as well as in winter when it turns on central heating, relative air humidity tends to decrease. To correct the situation, you can use the “grandmother’s” method by placing bowls of water around the apartment and hanging wet towels, or you can follow the latest technological progress, which offers its own, more advanced methods of air humidification. Let's look at some of them.

Cold action humidifier. The principle of operation of this humidifier is to distill dry air through a filter or cartridge, which is half placed in a container of water. To speed up the process, air is specially pumped into the humidifier and, passing through the filter, is moistened and distributed throughout the room.

For such humidifiers, manufacturers advise using only distilled water, but practice has shown that tap water is no worse. The main thing is not to forget to rinse the water container and the filter itself once every two weeks.

Cold humidifiers have low power - 20 - 60 W, are easy to use, but at the same time they have a fairly large (up to 150 sq.m.) service area. Water evaporates at a rate of 300 - 400 g/hour. The rate of evaporation depends on the air humidity in the room. Due to their low performance, these humidifiers cannot bring the humidity to the required level, and when the humidity approaches 60%, their productivity drops to zero. This has its advantages - this device will never make the air excessively humid. Hence the conclusion - cold humidifiers are ideal for rooms where the air humidity is only slightly below normal.

Inexpensive cold humidifiers are offered by companies Bionaire, Delonghi starting at $45.

Humidifiers can be equipped with an ionizer or air purifier, which allows you to get rid of dust, odors, pollen, dust mites, tobacco smoke. The ionizer monitors the correct balance of positive and negative ions in the air, which also has a positive effect on reducing harmful impurities and dust in the air. For household use Ionizers with corona discharge are suitable. Such devices are offered by companies Neo-Tec, AirComfort, Chung-Pung. The cost of a humidifier equipped with an ionizer will be more than $120.

Steam humidifiers. Compared to cold humidifiers, these devices are much more powerful - 200 - 500 W. The operating principle of these humidifiers is to evaporate water by heating it. When purchasing such a humidifier model, you need to make sure that it has an automatic shutdown function in the event of complete evaporation of the liquid. Also, choose a model of such a shape that it cannot be accidentally knocked over.

The advantage of a steam humidifier over other models is its high performance resulting from greater power (up to 700 g/hour). But this involves a lot of energy consumption, so high performance is not always justified.

When choosing a steam humidifier, make sure it has a built-in hygrostat that measures air humidity. If it is present, the humidifier will automatically turn off when the air humidity reaches the value you set, and the microclimate will be constantly maintained at this level.

Please note that the escaping steam is very hot, so the humidifier should not be installed near furniture, and if there are small children in the house, then for their safety you need to think about purchasing another, less dangerous device.

Steam humidifiers kill pathogenic bacteria by boiling water. It is necessary to periodically descale the humidifier tank. You can use ordinary tap water. These humidifiers can be used in medical purposes like an inhaler that simultaneously maintains humidity at a certain level. These devices are offered by the company Bionaire. Humidifiers can also be equipped with such additional functions as aromatization of the room. Aromatherapy is supported by manufacturers' devices Delonghi, Boneco. There are models equipped with backlighting, electronically controlled, liquid indicator.

Ultrasonic humidifiers. These devices are the most popular among household humidifiers. Have high efficiency, thanks to low power and high productivity.

The basis of their action lies in the ability to convert electrical vibrations using a piezoelectric into vibration. Vibrating piezoelectric element produces fine mist of water room temperature, or within 35 degrees.

The power consumption of ultrasonic humidifiers is 150 W, while they have a capacity of 6-15 liters per day. Such humidifiers are equipped with a hygrometer, which should monitor the level of humidity in the room.

It is important to note that for ultrasonic humidifiers it is necessary to use only distilled water. It also uses pre-filters, which need to be changed periodically due to wear and tear, as white spots may appear on surrounding objects due to accumulated salts in the water. Another important advice: Never ignore the manufacturer's advice, do not leave water in the humidifier if you for a long time do not use it, because as a result, bacteria will begin to multiply in stagnant water, which will lead to unpleasant smell after turning on the humidifier. If you still forgot to pour out the water, then before turning on the humidifier you need to wash it thoroughly, including the filter, and refill clean water. This applies to almost all household humidifiers.

Ultrasonic humidifiers can be expensive or not very expensive. When choosing an inexpensive model, you can safely trust such manufacturers as Vitek, Scarlett, Tefal, VES, Polaris. These manufacturers also produce more expensive models (up to $250) equipped with a humidity regulator, aromatization function, timer, control panel and liquid crystal display.

When choosing a specific model, you should always pay attention to the following important points:

  • The service area of ​​a household humidifier should not be larger than the area of ​​the room in which it is located. There is no point in buying a device with a spray area of ​​50-60 sq.m. if the room is only 15 sq.m. In addition, you will not be able to use one humidifier to establish the microclimate in all rooms of the room at once. In any case, you will have to move the device from place to place.
  • Compact ultrasonic humidifiers have a small water tank - up to 5 liters. With a larger capacity, the device will be larger in size. 5 liters is enough to keep the humidifier running all night. In addition, if the instructions for use indicate how much air the humidifier can pass through itself, then it is advisable that all the air in the room passes through it at least 2 times per hour.
  • By maintaining humidity at a given level, a humidifier allows you not to over-humidify the air and prevents the occurrence of dampness in the room.
  • The power consumption of household humidifiers varies, although they are generally economical. The higher the power, the faster the room is humidified and the microclimate is adjusted. But this results in greater energy consumption. So, when choosing a humidifier model, you need to decide what is more important to you - efficiency or performance.
  • The water consumption of most humidifiers ranges from 8 to 12 liters per day, and this is quite enough to maintain a normal microclimate in the room. The amount of water evaporated is measured in grams per hour or liters per day.
  • For convenience, some humidifiers are equipped with timers, for example to turn off the device after a set period of time.
  • The noise level can range from 5 to 70 dB, depending on the fan speed and the design of the device. The quietest appliances are designed for the bedroom. The quieter the device, the more comfortable it will be to sleep with the humidifier running. Some models are equipped with switches for quieter operation. For example, the Air Comfort D-103 humidifier has a “sleep” mode.
  • The humidifier may be equipped with a pre-filter, which is a coarse mechanical filter to retain large impurities. To clean the air from pathogenic bacteria, fungal spores, dust mites, etc. Thinner photocatalytic and electrostatic filters are intended. Photocatalytic filters are new modern technologies, and are considered the best of all filters invented, and are also distinguished by their reliability and durability.
  • When using a humidifier, use the water recommended by the manufacturer. Can't fill tap water into a device designed to use distilled water only.

When choosing a humidifier for your home, the first thing you need to pay attention to is its efficiency and reliability. But sometimes one of the decisive moments in choosing a device can also be its appearance, which simply must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. Modern market offers technical innovations wide choose household humidifiers for your home, having a range useful functions, all kinds of shapes and colors. Make the right choice, and your home will always have a good microclimate!

Comfort and health safety are 2 main qualities that must be ensured in your home. There are many various nuances, not even noticeable at first glance, which form the atmosphere in the house. One of the most important indicators that must be strictly observed in any home is normal air humidity. This is the amount of moisture in air masses inside the apartment, which allows you to live comfortably and without harm to human health.

Comfortable air humidity

Why is it important to have comfortable air humidity in the room?

Many people think that air humidity is an almost invisible indicator in the house, but this is not so. Surely many have seen the formation of condensation on glass during the cold season. This condensate is the excess moisture in the air. It tends to condense where objects are coldest. This is why we see droplets on the windows.

Deviations from normal humidity are Negative consequences. Thus, a low liquid content in the air leads to a large amount of liquid in the room. This is harmful not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also due to negative impact on health, especially for those with allergies. Dry and dusty air can cause serious illnesses! In addition, excessive dryness is fraught with damage to the skin and mucous membranes. If the comfortable air humidity is exceeded, a person will feel uncomfortable, furniture and antique items will be stored much worse than with normal liquid content in the room. And also excessively humid air will become a real haven for all kinds of bacteria, including pathogenic ones. It causes the appearance of fungus and mold, dampness.

Normal humidity for a comfortable and healthy life

In order for a person, plant or animal to be comfortable in a room, air humidity must be within certain limits:

  • for people: 40-70%
  • for plants: 50-75%
  • for books, equipment, furniture: 40-60%

Methods for measuring the amount of liquid in the air

Depending on what is in the room, you can calculate how much normal air humidity in the room is. In order to determine this indicator, you need to use a special device - a hygrometer.

It shows how humidified the air is in a particular room. In addition, air conditioners are often equipped with humidity indicators. But if you do not have such devices, then you can find out the liquid content in the air folk ways. Of course, indicators obtained in this way will be inaccurate.

You can use a regular fir cone, placing it away from the heating elements. If the humidity is high, the scales of the cone will press together, and if the liquid content in the air is high, they will begin to open.

Another popular method is to measure using a glass and water. To do this, place the vessel in the refrigerator for several hours, cooling the water. The glass is then pulled out and placed away from the heat source. Next, the vessel is observed for 5 minutes. If the water first condensed along the walls and then dried out, then the air is excessively dry. If droplets of condensation remain on the glass, then the humidity is average. And the high content of liquid in the air is indicated by streams of water sliding down the walls of the glass. So it’s not that difficult to find out how humidified the air is in a particular room.

Normal air humidity in different rooms

It is extremely important to know how much moisture should be in each room. After all, different areas of the apartment are humidified differently, so the indicator that is optimal for one room will be unsuitable for another. As scientists have found, it is best to maintain the following humidity levels in rooms:

  • children's room requires 50-70% liquid content in the air.
  • It is advisable to maintain the humidity in the hall at around 50%.
  • In the bedroom, the optimal humidity will be 45-60%.

This is the comfortable air humidity in different rooms apartments or houses. The average desired level in a room is about 50%. By maintaining this level of liquid in the air, residents will feel as comfortable as possible.

Individual heating - how it works

Previously, we wrote about how to make individual heating yourself in apartment building, what legal and technical formalities should be observed. We advise you to read this material

What to do if the humidity is too high?

If the indicator in your apartment is higher than normal air humidity, then it must be lowered by removing excess liquid. This can be done folk remedies. One of the most common ways to make the air less humid is to thoroughly ventilate the room. Fresh air flows normalize humidity and make staying indoors more comfortable. After all, everyone has noticed how pleasant it is to breathe after airing a room. All thanks to the normalization of humidity. You need to ventilate the room regularly, then you can achieve normal air humidity.

In addition, regular Sunbeam. Simply open the curtains to let the sun shine directly into the room. Excess moisture will evaporate, thereby achieving comfortable air humidity.

From modern methods normalization of the amount of liquid air is released. This device is usually installed in the kitchen, as well as in the bathroom and toilet. In the first room, it serves not only to remove excess moisture, but also to get rid of odors. The hood is very convenient and easy to use, but it is quite difficult to install. But it is vital, for example, in bathrooms. Comfortable air humidity here can only be achieved with the help of a hood.

For other rooms it is better to use a radiator. Such oil units perfectly dry the air by warming it up. An air conditioner, which regulates not only the amount of liquid, but also the temperature, can also help maintain normal air quality in the room. There are also specialized equipment eg dehumidifier. It has a special operating principle. Inside the device, the air cools and condenses, and the resulting condensate accumulates in a special vessel. The air, completely free of moisture, is sent back into the room.

A typical dehumidifier can absorb several tens of liters of moisture from the air. As soon as the vessel inside the device is filled with water, the dehumidifier stops working automatically. This device comes in two types: stationary and portable. If you need to maintain the same level of moisture in one room, then the first type of dehumidifier is perfect for you. A portable device is more suitable for those who need to dehumidify the air in different rooms of the room.

If the room is small, you can use special moisture absorber tablets. Such small devices adsorb liquid. Of course, such an item will have to be replaced often to reduce air humidity, but it is not that expensive. It is perfect if the amount of liquid in the air rarely increases, since in such a situation there is no point in spending money on expensive devices.

What will help increase indoor humidity?

What if the comfortable air humidity is higher than the amount of liquid that is in the air of your home? It is necessary to increase the humidity! This can be done in several traditional ways, which are simple and uncomplicated. Probably the most popular way to increase the amount of moisture in the air is to place a wet towel on the radiator. The principle of operation of such a humidifier is very simple: moisture from the towel evaporates from the heating of the fabric. As soon as the towel dries, it needs to be wetted again until normal air humidity is achieved. This folk method can be slightly improved by placing small vessels with water on the batteries. This way you won't need to constantly wet the towel. Simply add water when it has completely evaporated. Some people place containers of liquid on furniture to increase the humidity in the room. This method is not as effective, but it can also be used.

You can increase the amount of moisture in the room and completely simple methods: you can leave laundry in the room to dry, do not close the door from the bathroom, which, naturally, is the most humid room in any room, open aquarium fish, as well as ornamental plants.

Of the specialized devices that are specifically designed to humidify the air, the most suitable is an air humidifier. It can be used to add liquid to a room. This device has several varieties, each of which has its own characteristics:

  • Traditional ones work with the help of a fan, which organizes the passage of air through the device. During the passage, it is saturated with moisture and cleansed. The disadvantages of such a humidifier are noisy operation and limitations in humidification.
  • Steam humidifiers work like a kettle. The liquid heats up and leaves the device in the form of steam, which dissolves in the air. This way you can significantly increase the amount of liquid in the room. Of course, the steam is hot, so although the air becomes humid, its temperature simultaneously rises, so the humidity in the room may seem constant to a person. In addition, such a humidifier is very energy-consuming.
  • Ultrasonic humidifier It works thanks to a special membrane that can turn liquid into steam. Due to the fact that such devices usually have the function of heating the air, it is purified from harmful bacteria. This humidifier operates almost silently, but the water consumed by the unit must be distilled.

Thanks to humidifiers, you can increase the amount of water in the air even in fairly large rooms. The main thing is to adhere to safety rules when working with household appliances.

Thus, residents can quite easily increase or decrease the water content in the air by using either traditional methods, or by purchasing one of the specialized devices. The main thing is not to forget to constantly check the air humidity levels, because this is important both for health and for the safety of furniture and electronics. Comfortable indoor air humidity is the key to a pleasant and healthy stay in the house. It protects against pathogenic bacteria, dampness, dust and fungus.

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