Which air purifier to choose. Expert help in choosing an air purifier. Additional functions of air purifiers

In our age, when every day there are more and more cars on the street, the issue of air purification in apartments is becoming increasingly important. It especially affects residents of large cities and megalopolises. After all, breathing harmful fumes every day is quite harmful to health. Many people install air conditioning and do not open the windows, but there is a better solution - an air purifier for the apartment. Such a device can become not just useful, but sometimes even vital. Today we will talk about the types of such devices and some of their technical characteristics.

Sometimes a cleaner with an ionizer is simply necessary in a nursery.

The shape and size of the cleaners can be absolutely any

1 Why do you need an air purifier for an apartment?

2 Benefits of using air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

3 How to choose the right air purifier for your home and what to look for

4 Basic specifications air purifiers

5 What types of air purifiers for apartments can be

5.1 Electrostatic filters and some of their parameters

5.2 Air purifier-ionizer for apartments

5.3 HEPA filters for residential premises and their features

5.4 Photocatalysts - what are they?

5.5 Apartment air purifiers with ozonation function

5.6 Carbon filters and their effect in air purifiers

5.7 Air washing - what is this installation?

5.8 Humidifier and air purifier in one device

6.1 Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2 and its characteristics

6.2 Ecology Plus Super - cleaner Russian production

6.3 Stadler Form Viktor V-001/V-002 - more expensive option

6.4 Device with HEPA filter Ballu AP-105 6.4.1 The best manufacturers and their models

7 Which air purifier installation is best to choose for an apartment

8 Where to buy and which air purifier for an apartment to choose: customer reviews

9 In conclusion

10 Video: choosing an air purifier

Why do you need an air purifier for an apartment?

Already from the name of the device it is clear that its purpose is to purify the air in the apartment from harmful impurities. But modern air purifiers are capable of performing not only this function. They can also humidify or ionize the air - it all depends on the model. But you should understand that the more features a device has, the higher its price will be.

The main element of an air purifier is the filter. The quality of its work will depend on what material it is made of. The choice of an air purifier with a particular filter element will depend on what expectations are placed on it. Other technical characteristics of the device are also quite important - we will talk about them below.

Internal organization. Sectional view of the cleaner

Benefits of using air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

An air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics can be truly vital. Here its main advantage is in removing from the air in the apartment the very cause of exacerbation of these diseases - dust, carbon monoxide or pollen. But here it is worth noting that in this case you should not save. It would be best to purchase more functional device with UV radiation or ozonizer.

Important information! For asthmatics, it is important to maintain a certain humidity in the inhaled air. It is for this reason that the most purchased models in such cases are purifiers with humidification or air washers.

Quite a lot of people believe that respiratory problems can be easily solved by installing a conventional air conditioner, but this is a misconception. Conventional filters of such a device are not capable of retaining tiny particles, which can cause complications associated with asthma or allergies. The same applies to those who do not have health problems. You can be sure that constant inhalation of dust or harmful emissions from cars or factories will eventually affect the condition of even the most healthy person. This means that the air purifier from dust for the home remains the best option solutions to such a problem.

An air washer with a remote control is quite expensive

How to choose the right air purifier for your home and what to look for

Let's consider the main selection criteria. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

Room area - the device must be suitable for the volume of air being purified. If you plan to move from one room to another, the largest area is taken into account for the calculation;

Installation option - whether the device will be stationary or mobile;

Nature of contaminants - different air purifiers may have different characteristics according to this criterion;

Possibility of frequency of maintenance - one type of device may require daily, and another - only once a month;

Device power - electricity consumption will depend on this;

Availability of additional functions.

The air purifier can fit perfectly into any interior

Of course, the cost of an air purifier may also influence your choice, but you shouldn’t skimp on this. After all, this is the health of all household members, and, as you know, you cannot buy it. Let's try to understand the main characteristics of air purifiers.

Main technical characteristics of air purifiers

A fairly important parameter affecting energy consumption is the power of the device. But the volume of filtered air in the device depends on it, and there is no escape from it.

Very important point You can also name the location of the air purifier. The point now is that the device installed on the floor begins to collect rather large dust particles that cannot rise to the level of human height, and therefore cannot enter the body. But they are destructive for device filters. These particles clog the filter elements quite quickly. For this reason, experts advise purchasing wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted air purifiers.

Russian craftsmen keep up with foreign manufacturers

The structure of the filter is also important. Some of them need to be changed periodically, while others can be washed quite well or cleaned with a regular vacuum cleaner.

What types of air purifiers for apartments can there be?

Of the variety of brands and models of such devices, there are several main types into which they can be divided:



HEPA filters;



Carbon filters;

Air washers;


Some models require daily water changes

It makes sense to understand each of these types and understand what functions they can perform other than air purification, and which ones are really good and which ones may not be so good.

Electrostatic filters and some of their parameters

Most simple devices, which are also called air purifiers with plasma filters. Their operating principle is quite simple. Two plates, under the influence of electricity, create a static field, which attracts dust particles, purifying the air in the room. The great advantage of such devices, in addition to being cheap, is that there is no need to purchase new filters - the plates are easily washed and installed in place. However, it was not without its drawbacks.

Important information! If there is a large accumulation of dust, the device cannot cope with it, which can negatively affect the health of allergy or asthma sufferers. This means that if you live in an apartment, you should think about a more functional and expensive air purifier.

The child will be happy if such an air purifier appears in his room.

Air purifier-ionizer for apartments

This equipment can already be called a whole complex that performs several functions. The essence of his work is this. Initially, air is drawn into the device using a fan and undergoes rough cleaning - large dust particles are removed. Next ultraviolet cleaner air disinfects it, killing harmful microorganisms. Slightly purified masses fall between electrostatic plates that attract smaller particles. At the last stage, devices generated by a special device are added to the air and, completely purified, it goes back into the room.

A significant advantage of such an air purifier is that there is no need to change filters - element rough cleaning cleaned with a regular vacuum cleaner, and the plates are washed.

But an air purifier with air conditioning is something new

HEPA filters for residential premises and their features

The most convenient and high-quality cleaning device. The abbreviation “HEPA” comes from the English “High Efficiency Рarticulate Arrestance”, which can literally be translated as highly effective particle retention. The filter element itself is a special finely porous material, folded into an accordion, which is capable of trapping even the smallest particles. The fan drives air through it, which at the exit becomes almost perfectly clean.

The filters of such equipment require vacuuming once a month and replacement once a year.

Photocatalysts - what are they?

Such air purifiers can cope with almost all toxic and poisonous substances. The air here, undergoing primary coarse filtration, enters a chamber where it is irradiated with ultraviolet light and treated with a special catalyst. It is with his help harmful substances, even such as formaldehyde, are converted into safe ones - oxygen, water and carbon dioxide. This contributes to less accumulation of contaminants. The pre-filter can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

The Russian-made photocatalyst is quite good

The big disadvantage of this type of air purifier is its excessive cleaning. After all, in addition to harmful microorganisms it also removes neutral ones, which can have a bad effect on the immunity of children. Therefore, you should not get carried away with such procedures, especially if there are small children in the home.

Apartment air purifiers with ozonation function

The principle of its operation is based on this natural phenomenon like lightning. Surely after a thunderstorm everyone smelled ozone in the air. Here, such artificial “lightning” is created by a special voltage converter. And although such a device copes with the cleaning function quite well, doctors warn against it frequent use. After all, excess ozone is harmful to the human body.

Carbon filters and their effect in air purifiers

Carbon filters are not used separately in air purifiers. They come as an additional function and can be installed in any type of similar device. Such elements require replacement at least twice a year. Otherwise, they themselves will begin to pollute the surrounding air. This fact is considered their main drawback. They also do not tolerate moisture. After all, when it gets wet (and coal absorbs moisture very well), the coal cakes and completely ceases to perform its functions.

Air washing - what kind of installation is it?

Air washing or hydrofiltration can retain up to 95% of contaminants. Most often, air purified with water also undergoes UV or photocatalytic treatment. It is interaction with other types that helps achieve maximum results.

Air washers can be quite large

Such devices are suitable for everyday use, as well as if people with respiratory diseases or allergies live in the house.

Humidifier and air purifier in one device

Humidifiers, regardless of their type (ultrasonic, steam or traditional), also clean the air well. At the same time, they create the necessary microclimate in the room, which has a beneficial effect on human health. In addition, such devices may have a very important function - the ability to use aroma capsules or inhalation. This allows you to saturate the air with beneficial aromas for colds. We are talking about fir oil and similar substances.

The most popular type is air purifiers-humidifiers - their cost is not too high

Today, an air purifier and humidifier for an apartment is considered the most common equipment. It is completely safe for both adults and small children. In addition, such devices operate completely silently, which allows their use in children's rooms around the clock. Another advantage of air humidifiers in an apartment is its low power consumption, which contributes to low energy consumption.

To create a more complete picture, it’s worth talking a little about some manufacturers and their models, and at the same time ranking the best of those available in online stores today. Perhaps the readers’ opinion will not coincide with ours, but as they say, “there are no comrades according to taste.” Let us immediately make a reservation that this is a purely personal view of the author and the dear reader has the right to disagree with him.

Here it is, “Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2” - a fairly functional device with Wi-Fi Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2 air purifier and its characteristics

Quite a practical air purifier with HEPA. It is very convenient to control via Wi-Fi through an application that will show not only the degree of filter contamination, but also the general dustiness in the apartment. The first version of this model was not without some problems, for example, such as rather large dimensions and low productivity. This version is more compact and has increased performance. The range of prices on the Russian market is very wide. Depending on the region, such equipment can be purchased at a price from 9,000 to 21,000 rubles.

Ecology Plus Super - Russian-made purifier

Quite an interesting device with ionization and ozonation functions. Its weight is only 2 kg, which makes it easy to move it to any room. The model is not new, and during its operation it showed itself to be quite good. Average cost - 3500 rubles.

"Ecology Plus Super" - the design let us down a bit

Stadler Form Viktor V-001/V-002 - a more expensive option

An air purifier with aromatization function - which is good news. The productivity is quite high - up to 200 m3/h. There is a timer and the ability to control the flow speed. But the whole impression is spoiled by the rather high cost - about 13,000 rubles.

"Stadler Form Viktor V-001/V-002" - interesting solution for housing

Device with HEPA filter Ballu AP-105 Looking at the cost, you might be surprised, less than 2000 rubles. But looking at the characteristics, you can understand the reason. The serviced area of ​​the purifier is only 10 m2. This is really very little. Of course, ionization and aromatization save the situation a little, but not very flattering reviews provide the device with a solid fourth place in our rating today.

Of course, there are plenty of companies that were not even considered as contenders. For example, a device for air purification from dust “Folter”. There is practically no information on him, and what was found does not allow him to compete for a place with his characteristics.

A good air purifier is a useful purchase for a home where allergy sufferers, children, and the elderly live. It is very important to choose a device that will last for many years, be effective and comfortable to use.

Criteria for choosing a good air purifier

Maximum air exchange

It is known that when efficient work The device should pass the air in the room through itself 2-3 times in 1 hour. Therefore, calculate the volume of the room (in cubic meters) and multiply this number by three, and then compare the result with the parameters of different air purifiers.

Filters used

There are several types of filters: electrostatic, ozonating, photocatalytic, water, carbon, HEPA filters. Each has its pros and cons. High-quality models are characterized by the presence of several filters at once, i.e. multi-stage cleaning.

Ease of maintenance

There are 2 points to consider:

  • the time you are willing to spend on caring for the device. If an electrostatic filter requires washing no more than once a week, and a photocatalytic filter - once every six months, then air washers need daily attention (changing and adding water);
  • the presence of replaceable blocks in the design, the cost and frequency of their replacement.

Additional functions

These are indicators, displays, backlights, timers, aromatization, UV lamps, etc. The most important “bonus” feature that is worth paying for is the ability to control air humidification.

Air purifiers-humidifiers

Air washers

Washings simultaneously humidify and clean the air from dust and other contaminants. An important advantage of these devices is that you don’t need to buy them. Consumables. Air humidification and purification is carried out without the use of replaceable filters.
To clean, air is forced either through a system of water-moistened disks or through a fan-driven water curtain.
This is another advantage of air washers - the water evaporates naturally, and the humidity in the room cannot rise above a comfortable 60%. The disadvantages of these devices include noise and decent dimensions.

Climate complexes for air purification and humidification

Multifunctional devices that combine three separate devices in a single housing: a full-fledged air purifier, a humidifier with traditional “cold” evaporation and an ionizer.

Advantages climatic complexes:

  • Availability intelligent system control over air quality and level relative humidity, which allows you to use the device in automatic mode;
  • High degree of air purification with or without humidification (unlike classic air washers).


  • The need to periodically replace “dry” and (or) humidifying filters.

Living in the city, in addition to obvious advantages to everyone, sometimes brings unobvious problems. One of these is not the cleanest air, which is especially noticeable if your home is located near areas with industrial enterprises. There may be a lot of dust or other particles in the air, making life difficult for people with allergies. rented apartments There may be a lingering smell of tobacco.

Devices such as air purifiers will help solve the air problem and rid it of allergens. In this article we will talk about the main types of these devices and teach you how to choose an air purifier.

Types of Air Purifiers

There are many models of air purifiers, but all of them can be divided into two types - filtration and electrostatic. In relation to the latter, another definition is used - ionizers. These two varieties are radically different in their operating principles.

Filtration air purifiers

To understand the principle of operation of a filtration-type air purifier, it is enough to imagine a simple vacuum cleaner. The device sucks in air, passes it through a filter, and then releases it back. The degree of air purification, air exchange volumes, as well as the types of particles that the device retains depend entirely on the filter used.

Some models of filtration air purifiers have the ability to install different filters, thereby adapting the device to different needs. There are also models with combined filters that work on the principle of doing everything at once. Such air purifiers can also have built-in humidifiers and air ionizers.

The advantages of this type of device include their flexibility: problems with large amounts of dust - we install one filter, it needs to be eliminated unpleasant odors- we put another one. The main disadvantage of filtration air purifiers is their rather noisy operation; even expensive models cannot completely rid you of the sound of a rotating fan.

Electrostatic air purifiers

Electrostatic air purifiers follow a different technology. It is not difficult to understand if you remember the school physics course. The device releases a stream of electrons, thereby ionizing the surrounding air. So the dust floating in it, aerosol spray products and other similar particles receive a negative charge. Negatively charged particles are attracted to positively charged ones - this is the charge the air purifier plates have. As a result, all those components in the air that you would like to get rid of settle either inside the device or fall to the floor of your home, where they can be easily removed by wet cleaning.

In addition to cleaning, air disinfection also occurs. And ionized air itself can have a preventive effect, for example, against inflammatory diseases. However, electrostatic air purifiers should be used very sparingly - a high degree of ionization can lead to negative effects. These devices also have one more drawback - they are not able to purify the air of volatile gaseous substances.

Otherwise, ionizers have solid advantages. They are small in size, do not produce noise at all, consume little electricity and are relatively inexpensive.

Air purifier filters

If everything is more or less clear with the operating principle of electrostatic air purifiers, then the issue of filters in filtration-type purifiers remains open. And the first thing you need to understand when it comes to this design element is that there are no universal filters.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Other parameters

Also, before choosing an air purifier, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the following parameters:

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting once again that there are simply no universal models that are equally effective in eliminating all types of air pollution at once. When answering the question of which air purifier to choose for your apartment, focus primarily on your own needs, take into account the size of the room, the noise level, how often you can change the filters and whether you want to do it at all.

Well, if in general you doubt whether you need such a device, then know that on average one person takes about 23 thousand breaths per day, while according to statistics most people spend time indoors. In such conditions, the presence of an air purifier is not an additional measure to improve comfort, but rather a vital necessity.

In modern environmental conditions, it becomes impossible to ventilate a room using open window, since the risk of penetration of carcinogenic compounds with street air significantly exceeds the expected benefits of ventilation.

And in a large metropolis the streets are so dusty that opening windows is simply unreasonable.

To overcome this impasse, an air purifier for the home was created.

Until now, many people are skeptical about this unique invention, trying to understand whether it is harmful to health. So what are home air purifiers, and which one is better to choose?

The principle of operation of the air purifier is circular air circulation - from external environment through the purifier to the outside. The room is cleaned using built-in filters. The home air environment is characterized by the presence of carcinogenic substances (formaldehyde, benzene, nitrogen dioxide), mold, fungi, bacteria and dust impurities.

When the air flow passes through the air purifier, the harmful microparticles it contains are deposited on the filter of the device.

The biggest concern among people is the electrostatic air purifier. It converts oxygen into ozone, which large quantities is dangerous to human health. However, manufacturers produce devices with low ozone emissions, which is absolutely safe. It should be remembered when choosing an air purifier, benefits and harms are distributed in a ratio of 95 to 5%. In general, air purifiers are not harmful to people.

Main types

All air purifiers are classified by filtration type:

  • mechanical;
  • ionic or electrostatic;
  • photocatalytic;
  • combined.

Air purifiers with mechanical cleaning contain HEPA air filters and carbon filters. They perfectly purify the air from home and construction dust, cope slightly worse with bacteria and allergens, but are ineffective against viruses and gaseous compounds. You can make such an air purifier with your own hands, using filters and a fan.

An ionic air purifier (electrostatic) operates using an electrode that charges neutral air particles and attracts them to itself. It copes well with allergens, dust mites, viruses and bacteria, but is not able to clean the room from toxic gases. In addition, the air purifier ionizer fills the room with freshness.

An air purifier with a photocatalytic filter purifies the air in the home using UV radiation. It is effective against any microorganisms, allergens, toxic gases, but is not able to cope with organic impurities.

A cleaner with a UV lamp completely kills all microorganisms and literally sterilizes the room.

Combined purifiers are characterized by a multi-stage cleaning system and include all of the above filters. With the help of these devices, the air is simultaneously disinfected, cleaned of organic impurities and ionized.

How to choose

When choosing an air purifier the following factors must be taken into account:

  1. Room area. All devices have a different range of action: from 10 m2 to 150 m2. It is especially important to consider the area when choosing a device that contains an ionizer purifier, since the ozone concentration it emits is calculated for a certain range of action.
  2. Noise level. Devices with mechanical cleaning are characterized by noise during operation, this is due to the action of the built-in fan. The quietest option is an ionic purifier.
  3. Dust content. With the greatest accumulation of dust and organic impurities (animal hair), it is more advisable to choose an option with mechanical or ionic cleaning.
  4. Allergic reactions. With any household allergens ( dust mites, plant pollen) purifiers with ionic and photocatalytic filters do an excellent job. However, if the allergy is caused by animal hair, then the best assistant in this matter is a HEPA filter.
  5. Smoke and smells. Cope with tobacco smoke devices with an ionizer and carbon filtration will help with unpleasant odors.
  6. Disinfection. Maximum air disinfection is achieved by using a UV lamp.

As a rule, the device is turned on daily for several hours or left overnight. Some devices are equipped with an air control function and operate according to the air atmosphere.

Electrostatic and photocatalytic purifiers do not require filter replacement, unlike mechanical ones. Therefore, before choosing an air purifier for your home, you need to decide on the frequency of its use.

Air purifiers for home: top 10

The table shows the most popular models of air purifiers, according to customer reviews.

Rating Name Characteristics (filters, coverage area) Cost, rub)
1 AIC XJ-3800A1 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S= 60 m 2 16.000
2 Daikin MC707VM Pre-cleaning, electrostatic, ionization. S = 42 m2 50.000
3 Redmond RAC-3704 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 46 m2 24.000
4 AIC KJF-20B06 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 40 m2 11.000
5 Boneco P2261 HEPA filter, carbon, ionization. S= 60 m 2 2.000
6 Bork A800 (AP RIH 9935) HEPA filter, carbon. S = 38 m2 40.000
7 Mitsubishi Electric MA-E83H-R1 HEPA filter, carbon. S = 63 m2 35.000
8 Shivaki SHAP-3010 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 25 m2 14.500
9 Atmos Maxi photocatalytic, carbon, pre-treatment, ionization. S = 30 m2 14.000
10 Philips AC 40144.5 HEPA filter, carbon. S = 55 m2 30.000

Filters in air purifiers

Air purifiers use following types filters:

  1. Pre-cleaning. Conventional mesh filters, which are used at the first stage of cleaning, trap large particles of dust and animal hair.
  2. HEPA filters. They are an accordion assembled on both sides with micro-holes. They cope with mold and fungi spores, animal hair, and dust mites.
  3. Coal. Fights dust and absorbs odors using activated carbon.
  4. Electrostatic (ionic).They work on the principle of ionization, provide a high degree of purification, and cope with microorganisms.
  5. Photocatalytic. Purify the air using UV radiation. They completely disinfect the room from pathogenic bacteria and carcinogenic substances.

Air purifier operating instructions

The air purifier should be installed in areas where dust accumulates the most to operate effectively.

The device should not be adjacent to the wall, but located at a distance of at least 10 cm from it. For the purifier to work, you must turn it on and set the cleaning mode in accordance with the instructions.

Almost everything modern models have electronic control and filter replacement indicators. The device's replacement filters must be replaced every 2 months. The ionizer plates must be wiped clean wet wipe at least once a week.

An air purifier for home is useful thing, cleaning the airspace as much as possible. When choosing a device, you should take into account the area of ​​the room and its pollution factors.

The best option is a combined air purifier from dust, carcinogens, allergens and bacteria, which includes a multi-stage cleaning system.

More and more often, the conditions of urban life, characterized by polluted air, poor ecology, which leads to deterioration of health and constant depression, force residents of megacities to give up everything and move outside the city in order to breathe clean air in the lap of nature and not think about the problems associated with the constant bustle.

Another option is to move from a polluted industrial area to a quiet suburb without the noise of cars, trains and factories, with birds singing and wonderful aroma lilacs in the spring, and in winter - with quiet picturesque streets and the crackling of snow underfoot, which you can no longer hear in the city.

An air purifier is an indispensable accessory

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to move outside the city. So what does it mean that there is no way to breathe clean air and not polluted air that has a detrimental effect on health?

There is a way out; it will allow you, even in a big metropolis, to turn your apartment into an oasis, fragrant natural freshness. Yes, now there is an opportunity to improve conditions and create good microclimate at home, and without much effort, because the inventors worked for this. Today modern technologies allow you to clean the air of your apartment from harmful impurities. Of course, the device cannot replace noise sea ​​wave or birdsong, but will definitely make the air clean. We are talking about residential premises, and in this article we will help you choose this device.

How does an air purifier work?

For an apartment, this is a simple device, easy to use, and does not require special skills for maintenance. It kills all germs in the air, and anyone can use the device. For people with allergies and those who often suffer from colds, this is a godsend.

The operating principle of a device with a removable filter is based on blowing air through several special filters, depending on the type of contamination. For example, some of them can remove gas or smoke from an apartment, others will clean it of dust, plant pollen, and animal hair. The air purifier model uses carbon and mesh. The strength of the air flow can be adjusted using buttons or a switch located on the control unit, or in auto mode.

Which air purifier is best?

Air purifiers with replaceable filters, which are in greatest demand, are products of the following brands: Daikin, Boneco Electrolux, Bionaire, Sharp Air, Comfort, Air-O-Swiss, Venta, Toshiba, Bork. In general, there is a large selection, and you can find a model that meets all requirements. Cost - from $80 for a basic model and up to $1,000 for an elite model. The optimal air purifier for an apartment costs $200-500 (with the additional option of ionization and humidification), has a multi-stage cleaning system and a control panel.

Premium models are units that combine in one housing several devices with different functionality, capable of operating separately or simultaneously.

When choosing an air purifier, be guided by your needs, and also consider the size of the area that needs to be cleaned by the selected model.

There are also air purifiers on sale without replaceable filters, the main purpose of which is purification by passing air through water. They are also called “air washers”. They cost a little more.

“Air washing” passes it through wet cartridges. Such devices not only provide protection from pollution, but also increase its humidity to optimal standards for humans - 50-60 percent.

If there is a high degree of pollution, it is best to use apartment air purifiers with replaceable filters, and if your main goal If there is an increase in humidity in the room, then in this case you need to use a humidifier.

Market leaders producing air purifiers

Today many people want to buy the most best cleaner air for the apartment. Review modern market shows that the most popular brands are: Boneco (from $220), AOS ($250-500), Ballu (from $180), Venta ($250-800). For this price you can get not just a model that purifies and humidifies the air, but universal device With additional options regulating noise levels. In addition, there is a silver function, and the model also comes with a remote control.

Particular attention to the quality of products among air purifiers, and most importantly, the demand for them Money, brands such as Sharp and Daikin deserve, the Aic air purifier is not bad. The products of these brands, first of all, purify the air, and the humidification function is additional, which does not prevent them from doing their job just fine. Differences in model range There is no humidification, only the cleaning systems differ.

The best air purifiers for apartments Sharp are equipped with a classic HEPA filter, ionizer and deodorizing filter, while Daikin has a proprietary Flash Streamer system, which allows not only to eliminate dust, unpleasant odors and allergens, but also to effectively destroy viruses, including the virus swine flu.

The Swiss company IQAir is considered the best manufacturer of professional air purifiers. Household air purifiers from this company have HyperHEPA filters, which are 100 times more effective than conventional HEPA.

Filters in air purifiers

The filter is a key link in the purifier device. The degree of cleaning and the performance of the equipment depend on its type. Let's take a closer look at what types of filters are used for what, and which ones are of better quality. Let's start with coarse filters that remove large mechanical particles. They are a simple fine mesh. Such a filter is needed to remove large particles of wool, sand, poplar fluff, and hair. This filter also protects the device itself from these particles getting inside. As you use the mesh, you need to clean it or blow it out, then it can be used many times. For normal functioning equipment, the mesh must be cleaned once every 3 months.

Carbon adsorption filter

This filter contains Activated carbon, which is an adsorption element, a frequently used material to combat toxins. Carbon adsorption filters successfully neutralize bad odors in the air. But, unfortunately, they do not protect against nitrogen oxides contained in city air, so they are used only as additional ones.

Carbon filters absorb impurities. Therefore, they need to be changed periodically. Their service life ranges from 3 months to one year, the cost is 30-40 dollars.

Electrostatic filters

These filters are used for more advanced and deep air purification, which is performed as follows: air is driven through the positive electrode, which is represented by a positively charged mesh, and polluting compounds remain on the negative electrodes. These are reusable filters that just need to be rinsed with water for reuse. Their main disadvantage is the release of ozone during their operation. This is a highly toxic gas, despite all its disinfecting and healing properties.

HEPA filters

These filters are a guarantee of effective and deep cleaning, which, in addition to being used in everyday life, are also used in medical devices, medical laboratories and institutions. These filters have earned a lot of positive feedback. They capture up to 97% of allergenic particles larger than 0.3 microns and various pollutants. HEPA filters are disposable, have a service life of 1 year, after which they need to be replaced. Cost - 25-35 dollars.

Power and noise level

One of the advantages of air purifiers is their low power consumption, usually 50-70 W, and for inexpensive models that are in consumer demand - 20-35 W.

It is also worth noting the low noise level, which is important since many air purifiers work continuously, including at night in the bedroom. In any cleaning device, as a rule, the fan makes noise, and manufacturers took this into account by creating units with night mode, when the number of fan revolutions is reduced to a minimum and the volume is 37 dB. This noise level is not distracting and does not interfere with sleep. In addition, it may depend on the type of filters used.

For example, to pass air through a HEPA filter, you need a fan of greater power, which means a noisier one. However, manufacturers claim that the noise level is not higher than the standard value. There are air purifiers for apartments with almost silent operation at night (in “Sleep” mode). The volume is only 16 dB.

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How and how long to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become a dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites