How to get rid of a rodent and catch a mouse in the house without a mousetrap: humane methods of control with high efficiency. How to catch a mouse in an apartment without a mousetrap How to catch a mouse alive

If you once again find chewed bags of cereals, flour or sugar, it means that an uninvited guest has settled in your house. Moreover, he has settled in perfectly and lives for his own pleasure. Rodents, and especially mice, are carriers of a huge number of diseases and infections. Not to mention the fact that the mouse frightens children and women with its presence.

How to understand that there is a mouse living in the house

  1. If there is a mouse in your house, you may hear it. From time to time she squeaks, scratches, gnaws and scratches. This is especially audible at night, when extraneous sounds in the house fade away.
  2. The most important indicator of an unwanted tenant in your home is chewed bags of cereals, damaged fabric bags in which dried fruits, nuts or other food supplies are stored. You may also see food debris or seed skins in the corners of the farthest drawers.
  3. In places where mice live most often, you can find rodent excrement. They are very easy to confuse with garbage - they are black and dry.
  4. Very often, in a house where a mouse lives, the baseboards are gnawed, holes are noticeable in the shaft, and there are significant gaps along the water pipes.
  5. If a mouse has been living in the house for several days, there will be a distinct mouse smell in the room.

How to get rid of a mouse

  1. Mousetrap. This is the most popular way to get rid of a mouse. You can buy a mousetrap at any hardware store. However, people are not always willing to use this device, mainly because of their humane feelings for the animal.
  2. Poison. To be sure to get rid of rodents in the house, you can use a special poison. It is full of strong aromas and flavors that attract mice. The rodent eats the poisoned treat and dies within a few hours. The disadvantage of this method of fighting mice is that it is not possible if there are animals or small children in the house.
  3. Glue. This is another “cruel” way to catch a mouse. Hardware stores sell special glue that is applied to a flat board or paper. The bait is placed in the center. When a mouse, with the intention of eating, approaches the treat, it simply sticks and cannot go anywhere else.
  4. Cat. Most modern cats have lost their natural abilities and skills to catch mice. And all because today they simply do not need to worry about their food - the owner will always feed them, no matter what happens. To get rid of mice, you need to starve your domestic cat for several days so that he can perform his immediate duties. If the cat is not at home, you can take it from friends or neighbors for a few days. Sometimes just the smell of a cat in an apartment is enough to prevent mice from appearing in a given room anymore.

Many people cannot catch mice using barbaric methods. When catching, they are guided by the goal - so that the animal does not die. After catching, they safely release the rodent away from the house so that it does not come again. But how to catch a mouse so that it stays alive? There are many trap designs for this, which you will now learn about.

  1. Take a plastic bottle from any drink, for example, Coca-Cola. Lubricate the inner walls of the bottle with vegetable oil. Place the bait inside and position the bottle at a 45 degree angle from the floor. To make it easier for the mouse to get into the bottle, place a small bridge in the form of a ruler or board for it. Once the animal gets inside, it will not be able to get back out, because crawling up the slippery surface is impossible.
  2. Take a box and attach a string to the center of its bottom. Hook the bait onto the other end of the rope. The rope should not be long. When you turn the box over, the bait should not touch the floor, it should hang in the air. Turn the box over and place its two edges on thin supports - pieces of cardboard or matches. The box must be very unstable. When the rodent wants to eat a treat, it will go inside the box, rise on its hind legs, grab the bait and pull it down. The supports will work and the box will cover the rodent.
  3. There is one more interesting way catch the mouse. Use a knitting needle to pierce the bottle through the lid and bottom so that the plastic container can easily spin around its axis. Fasten the ends of the knitting needle to the bucket so that the bottle freely rotates around its axis directly above the bucket. The edges of plastic containers are lubricated with products with an attractive smell. When the mouse wants to eat the bait, it will begin to climb onto the bottle, but will not keep its balance as it spins and falls into the bucket.
  4. For the next method of catching a mouse, you will need a large glass or 500 ml glass jar, as well as a coin. Place the glass so that the edge of the coin rests against the edges of the glass. First, you need to glue a piece of bait onto the inner edge of the glass container. When the mouse gets inside, it starts peeling food off the wall of the glass, the coin slides off the edge and the glass covers the rodent. All that remains is to carefully pull the mouse out of the inverted glass. To make this easier, you can pre-install the structure on thick cardboard. After catching the animal, simply lift the cardboard along with the glass.
  5. Well, the most simple design traps. Take a three-liter jar and place your rodent's favorite treats in it. All. The trap is ready. You need to build a stack of books near the jar so that the mouse can get inside. Once in the jar, she simply cannot get out.

If all the tricks do not help you catch a smart mouse, then you should use special devices that use ultrasound to scare away rodents within a radius of several tens of meters.

Where to set the trap

Special devices for catching mice are best placed in dark and secluded corners. Pay attention to where the mouse most often lives and where signs of its vital activity are recorded. It is best to place the trap near food supplies. The mouse is accustomed to the place where it feeds, so it will not suspect anything is wrong.

What to use as bait
As you know, mice are practically omnivorous. They can be caught using any food. And the general belief that mice love cheese is just a myth. With the same pleasure, a mouse will eat both sausage and raw meat. After all, these products emit a strong aroma. The mouse is very good at catching seeds and cereals. Pay attention to which of your stocks suffered the most - buckwheat, oats, flour or peas? This may reveal the preferences of your uninvited guest. Favorite cereal is the best bait.

To ensure that there are no mice in the house, during repairs you need to carefully seal all the cracks and holes and hang a net on the shaft. Maintain hygiene - do not leave crumbs and leftover food on the table, in open drawers, or in the trash can. Cover the container with water - the mouse lives where it has access to clean water. These simple rules will help you protect your home not only from mice, but also from cockroaches.

Video: how to catch a mouse without killing it

Often those people who happen to see a mouse or several mice at once in their home try to poison these animals with all kinds of poisons or catch them in a deadly mousetrap.

But what to do if you do not accept violence (even against such a small animal) and do not want to destroy mice, but would like to simply catch a mouse running around the rooms and then release it somewhere away from the house? How to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap?

There are several ways to help you catch a rodent without special equipment.

Glass jar method

To catch a mouse with a jar (you can also use a glass for this purpose, if it has, of course, suitable sizes), prepare the following things:

  • naturally, a jar or glass;
  • scotch;
  • a coin (it is recommended to take a five-ruble coin, since its diameter must be at least two centimeters);
  • mouse bait.

When everything is prepared, proceed to the main work.

First you need to attach the bait with inside banks. This is done using tape, but the bait is attached closer to the bottom of the jar.

Then a certain substrate is placed under the jar (some small board, a piece of cardboard, etc.), after which the jar is turned upside down and placed on the substrate.

You need to place the container so that one edge of its neck rests on the base, while the other should be carefully rested against the edge of the coin.

If you are interested in how such a structure works, then everything is extremely simple: the mouse smells the bait at the bottom of the container, tries to climb inside the can and is sure to accidentally touch a coin. Of course, the coin will fall, and along with it the jar will fall, which will catch the mouse and keep it in ambush.

All that is required of you then is simply to turn over the jar with the substrate and release the rodent where you consider it necessary to do so.

Flower pot

If you have at home flower pot(made of plastic or clay - any will do), which also has a hole at the bottom, use this method.

Just keep in mind that plastic pot It will be necessary to weigh it down with a small load.

You will also need: a toothpick or a regular match, a piece of plywood, thread, a paper clip and, of course, bait.

So, turn the pot upside down on a piece of plywood. Take the thread and pull it through the hole at the bottom.

Tie a toothpick to a thread on the outside of the pot, and attach bait on the inside (a paper clip will come in handy here). Try to attach the mouse bait as close to the bottom as possible.

When everything is ready, rest the top edge of the pot on a toothpick that is tied to a thread and wait: as soon as the curious animal decides to climb for the treat, the toothpick will work like a trigger and the mouse will cover the pot.

Two ways with a plastic bottle

1. Plastic bottle coated with oil

Take a tall half- or two-liter plastic bottle (for example, from a Coca-Cola drink), as well as scissors, bait and sunflower oil(preferably unrefined and unrefined). You can use a handful of seeds as bait.

Use scissors to trim the top of the bottle. Do this in a circle and start cutting at the very place where the bottle begins to narrow towards the neck.

Next, generously lubricate the walls of the bottle with vegetable oil (internal only). It is also recommended to pour oil into the bottom of the container, in a small layer - about 2-3 centimeters, and then pour the bait there.

Place the finished bottle with bait at a slight angle, but do not forget to attach it to wooden path, so that the one for whom you tried (that is, the mouse) could climb up it into a bottle of oil.

If you leave your structure overnight, then in the morning you will probably find that in the bottle there is an almost exhausted, oil-smeared, but still alive and intact small animal. The mouse will not escape into the wild, since the slippery oil will stop all mouse attempts.

2. Trap from a plastic bottle with a lid

In addition to the indicated container, you need to prepare a rubber band, two tubes made of plastic or wood and just one more paper clip.

Cut a small hole in the center of the bottom of the bottle, then cut its top, but at a short distance from the neck (it should reach about a quarter of the size of the neck itself), so that after this you have a kind of lid.

Now take the tubes and thread the first one through the center of the bottle, and the second through the center of the improvised cap. Connect the paperclip and rubber band, securing the bait to the paperclip. Pass the rubber band through the hole you drilled at the bottom, and fasten the other end of the same rubber band to the outside of the tube. In this case, the second end of the rubber band (outside) should be secured to the tube so that the lid remains open after this.

When a mouse climbs into a plastic bottle mousetrap for bait, it will definitely pull the rubber band, and from the tension it creates, the first rubber band will break, then the lid will slam shut.

Bucket (without water)

TO How to catch a mouse in an apartment without a mousetrap using a bucket? Very simple. As you already understood, you will need a bucket. You need to put regular newspaper or something similar (not heavy) on top of it and secure it with tape or thread. Before this, the newspaper is cut crosswise, a piece of bait is placed inside (do this carefully so that the prepared bait does not fall inside the newspaper or into the bucket).

In addition to all of the above, make sure there is a ladder along which the rodent could climb onto the bucket when it smells a tasty treat. You can use a ruler, broom, etc. as a ladder.

The mouse will try to get close to the bait, climb onto the bucket, run across the newspaper and fall into the bucket. Often water is added to it, so rodents drown as soon as they fall into it. But you don’t have to resort to such cruelty if you feel sorry for the little creature.

A sticky way to get rid of a mouse without a mousetrap

Stores sell special glue - it also helps to catch gray pests. When working with such glue, you must wear gloves and be careful so that it does not get on your skin or fabric, because it will be very difficult to wipe it off later.

Apply this product to a piece of cardboard inside and around its entire perimeter. You can apply the glue in a thin layer or in small strips at a distance of about one and a half centimeters from each other.

After you have applied the glue, place the bait in the middle of the cardboard.

After some time, the mouse decides to feast on it, climbs onto the cardboard smeared with glue and sticks to it.

By the way, thanks to this method you will be able to catch even the tiniest animal.

Instead of glue, you are allowed to use ready-made adhesive tape - in this case, you will not have to take any preparatory actions (except perhaps place the tape in the right place).

By the way, if you don’t know or aren’t entirely sure where it’s best to place homemade traps, then do it where you noticed mice.

Most often, they live near food supplies - near trash cans or near cabinets in which various cereals, cookies and other goodies are stored.

In a word, they get used to places where they manage to get enough, and besides, there the mice do not feel any danger at all.

Mice appear in residential areas, exploring accessible areas in search of food and convenient places for arranging a permanent burrow. It is not difficult for a nimble rodent to get into an apartment or house. But a mouse will settle in a dwelling for a long time only if it finds it comfortable place a habitat. Such a neighborhood is ruinous and dangerous for humans. After all, mice spoil food and things, and are also carriers of many serious diseases.

It is necessary to take measures to expel mice from the home immediately. If using poison or a mousetrap is not possible, homemade traps are built to “catch” rodents. They are easy to make using a piece of food bait, as well as a jar, bottle, box or bucket. An alternative to traps is special devices that repel rodents with an ultrasonic signal and electromagnetic waves.

Reasons for the presence of rodents in the house

You can find out about the presence of mice in the house by a number of signs:

  • scattered food scraps;
  • tousled products, gnawed packaging;
  • teeth marks on various subjects interior;
  • excrement left by rodents (small, black dry “peas”);
  • gnawed holes in baseboards and wooden partitions;
  • rustling, rustling and squeaking noises coming from the kitchen at night.

Mice enter living spaces in search of food and places where they can set up their permanent “house” and start a family.

In residential apartment buildings they easily get from basements even to upper floors on ceilings, ventilation shafts.

Often mice are found in grocery stores located on the first floors of residential buildings, due to non-compliance with sanitation rules. From there, the rodents are already “settled” in nearby apartments.

Which one is better to buy for your home? Look at the overview of popular models.

About what and how to clean the burnt bottom of a pan from of stainless steel written on the page.

There are important reasons why mice do not enter the house, but remain in it for a long time:

  • Food and water constantly available in the public domain. This could include trash cans that are not covered, cookies, candy, fruit on tables, or pet food and water in bowls. Having found a large amount of easy prey once, the mouse will come for it a second time to the same place.
  • There are “secret” places in the apartment (or nearby) that rodents evaluate as safe for making a nest. These are old cabinets or closets, holes, convenient recesses or recesses in the dilapidated walls of old houses, from where it is easy to go into the apartment for food. Mice hideouts can be hidden under floorboards.
  • Poor home hygiene, when crumbs, leftovers, pieces of food are scattered around the kitchen and house, and puddles of food and water are spilled.

Mice are quite smart and are able to evaluate how often the owner looks into a “secluded” corner before settling in there for a long time.

Harm and danger to humans

Mice in an apartment are not only an unpleasant and repulsive sight. Unwanted “neighbors” cause real harm to the property of home owners, and also pose a danger to their health:

  • Mice gnaw everything they can get their teeth into (furniture, partitions, baseboards), ruin wallpaper, and clothes.
  • In search of food, they come not only to kitchens and places where human food supplies are stored. Mice are permanent inhabitants of dirty basements, garbage dumps, landfills, and trash cans. These animals are carriers of pathogenic bacteria, microbes, and spreaders of life-threatening viral diseases.

On a note! Like all rodents, mice reproduce very quickly in comfortable conditions. One healthy female produces offspring of 15-20 mice per year. Already at three months they are full-fledged adults, beginning to reproduce independently. If urgent measures are not taken to exterminate rodents in the apartment, they will completely take over it in a very short time.

How to catch mice without a mousetrap

If you need to catch or drive away mice without using a mousetrap or poison, you can design your own traps, once in which the rodents will not be able to get out.


To make the simplest “mouse” traps, you will need food bait and a container that will serve as a future “prison” for the rodent:

  • Bottle. A deep bottle will do ( better capacity 1.5-2 liters). Her top part The inside (and as deep as you can reach) is greased with vegetable oil. A fragrant bait is placed at the bottom of the bottle. The trap is placed in such a way that it is convenient for the mouse to climb into it, but impossible to get out. To do this, the bottle is placed at a steep angle, and if necessary, a “bridge” is made to the neck. Once inside, the animal cannot get out, as it slides along the oily walls.
  • Box. The design should work in such a way that the mouse is covered on top by the box. To do this, glue a thread to the bottom of the inside of the box (in the center), on which a treat for the rodent is strung. The sides of the box are placed on shaky supports, which collapse at the slightest shift. Attracted by the bait, the mouse climbs under the box, pulls the thread with food, this causes the supports to collapse, and the trap box covers the rodent.
  • Bank on the edge of a coin. This trap is designed according to the box principle. The coin acts as a shaky support, which falls at the right moment, and the jar covers the rodent. To lure a mouse, a piece of food is glued inside the jar on the wall. Trying to take the food, the mouse moves the jar, the coin falls, and the trap slams shut.
  • Deep capacity. Simple, but effective trap- a container of great depth, for example, a 3-4-5 liter jar or bucket. An appetizing bait is placed at the bottom, and access to the “entrance” is made easier - for example, so that a mouse can jump inside or “climb” to the edge of the container using a specially placed device. The mouse falls into the bucket, but due to the height of the walls it cannot get out.

The box and jar are placed directly on cardboard (or a piece of plywood) so that it is convenient to turn it over and carry away the trap with the mouse, using the cardboard as a lid.

Find out how to choose a household appliance and what the device is needed for.

The rules and methods for freezing vegetables for the winter are written on the page.

More “severe” options homemade traps(as a result, the caught animal dies) is constructed using glue and water:

  • A board or cardboard is thickly greased with long-drying viscous glue, and bait is placed in the center of the trap. A mouse attracted by food gets stuck in the glue and is then thrown away along with the trap.
  • A bucket with high walls is filled halfway with water, and the top is covered with newspaper or paper with a cross-shaped cut. Food for the rodent is placed in the center of the paper, making it easier for the mouse to approach the food. When an animal walks onto a sheet of paper, it falls into the water and drowns.

Pieces of meat, cheese, cookies, bread, sausage, cereals, and seeds are used as bait. Place mouse traps in places where they frequently visit - traditionally, in the kitchen.


A modern device for getting rid of mice in an apartment or house is an ultrasonic (US) rodent repeller.

Operating principle of the ultrasound device:

  • emitted ultrasonic waves affect nervous system and the brain of rodents (, rats), causing panic fear in animals;
  • as a result, they immediately leave the area affected by the signal;
  • The operation of the device is completely safe for people and pets.

More modern models- combined devices that additionally affect mice using electromagnetic waves. They independently change the frequency of signals, preventing mice from adapting to the effects. Regular use of a repeller can completely expel mice from an apartment, residential building, summer cottage plot(within 2-3 weeks the rodents leave the territory).

Sometimes an ordinary cat, which is traditionally considered a “mouse catcher,” becomes an excellent “repealer” of mice. But it has been noted that many domestic cats, due to the availability of daily food and a “lazy” life, have lost their hunting instincts, and mice have ceased to be afraid of them.

The best preventive measures against the invasion of mice in the home - cleanliness and timely repairs:

  • do not leave food in accessible places, store food supplies in tightly closed containers and kitchen cabinets;
  • use a trash can with a tight lid, throw out garbage every day, do not leave it overnight;
  • do not keep accessible food for cats and dogs on the floor at all times;
  • maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen, dining room, food pantries;
  • carry out preventive inspection and cleaning of cabinets and chests of drawers;
  • inspect the integrity of baseboards, wooden partitions, and walls in the room.

If traces of intrusion by uninvited guests are detected, measures should be taken immediately to “capture” them.

Fighting mice in your home is often difficult work, since rodents are tenacious and multiply quickly. Comprehensive measures will be most effective: repair work, isolating products, maintaining cleanliness along with placing bait traps and using deterrent devices.

Small rodents are often found at home. They are attracted by comfortable living conditions and an inexhaustible source of food. Mice make their way not only into one-story buildings, but also into apartment buildings, where they spread even on high floors. If signs of pests are detected, it is necessary to begin combating them immediately before significant damage is caused.

You can determine that there are rodents in your home based on a number of factors:

  • At night you can hear rustling, squeaking, scratching on the floor.
  • When inspecting the premises, you can find traces of vital activity: excrement, food remains.
  • In rooms with low air circulation, as well as inside furniture, a specific odor is felt.
  • If there are baseboards installed along all the walls, the mouse will gnaw through them as it will look for a way to make a hole.
  • Wires, furniture, paper products and other items may be damaged.

Catching a mouse is not difficult, however, not a single method will bring results if you do not block the routes of entry into the home. The main reasons for the appearance of rodents:

  • Availability of water freely available to mice.
  • Food is stored on the table, food remains are left on the floor, in cabinets.
  • Garbage long time is in the apartment, emitting a strong odor.
  • The house mouse appears through ventilation ducts, holes in the walls, floor, especially if there are significant leaks between the pipe risers and the ceiling.

Methods for catching rodents without a mousetrap

There are many in various ways, allowing you to lure and catch pests. If there is no mousetrap in the house or the residents consider this method inhumane, you can consider other options. Among them there are homemade devices and purchased funds.

Sold in tubes. This substance is colorless and odorless, its non-drying composition allows you to use the trap for a long time. There are also on sale ready-made devices– areas covered on top with an adhesive composition with similar characteristics.

There is a special glue for sale in hardware stores; apply the glue with gloves.

When deciding how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap, use any of two options, however, the main condition must be observed - leave the bait in the center of the trap.

The glue is applied to the cardboard in a thin layer or strips at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other, and the bait is placed in the center.

Use a jar (0.5 l). A product with adhesive properties (butter, lard, sausage) is left at the bottom. The jar is turned upside down and placed slightly tilted. On one side it needs to be supported with a coin. This is done so that the rodent, attracted by the bait, can climb inside. Then, with the slightest movement, the coin will bounce and the jar will go down. Once caught, the animal will be able to reach the bait, but there will be no turning back.

A 0.5 liter jar will do. A piece of bait (butter, sausage, lard) is glued to the bottom near the wall.

Application plastic bottle

When deciding how to catch a mouse in an apartment without a mousetrap, you can consider various available means. Among them is a plastic bottle. Bait is placed inside - any strong-smelling product. You need to tie a rope/thread/line to the neck. In this way the bottle is hung. It is important to provide rodents with access to the neck. Pest small size will slip inside, but, naturally, will not be able to get out.

Bucket trap

There are many implementation options. When considering how to catch a mouse without a mousetrap, you should consider the most popular of them:

  • Bait is placed at the bottom of the bucket. To provide access for rodents, it needs to be placed next to a tall object or a board installed so that the mouse can rise from the floor to the edge of the bucket.
  • Place newspaper on top of the container and make a cross-shaped cut in the center. First, a strong-smelling product is left at the bottom. When trying to reach the bait, the mouse will fall inside.
  • A small plastic bottle is threaded onto a knitting needle. This structure is installed on top of the bucket in a horizontal position. A bait is attached around the outer walls of the bottle or the surfaces are lubricated with a strong-smelling product. The bottle should rotate freely around the knitting needle. When the mouse tries to climb up, it will fall into the bucket.

You just need to put bait inside and place a board so that the mouse can climb in.

Cat vs mice

If there are rodents in your apartment, the likelihood of catching them this way is low. This is explained by the fact that apartment cats do not always react to rodents as if they were prey. Sometimes they are indifferent to mice, in other cases they are afraid of them. Cats living in private homes make excellent mousecatchers, as they often walk outside and encounter rodents.

Adopt a cat from your neighbors. But here it is worth understanding that apartment cats, as a rule, are not mousecatchers.

Glass containers (3 l) are used. Bait is left at the bottom, and a stand for rodents (a stack of books, etc.) is placed nearby. Having climbed up, the mouse, carried away by the strong smell, will jump for the bait. After this she won't be able to get out.

Video: How to get rid of mice and rats, the best mousetraps

Why are rodents dangerous?

It would seem how much harm small mice can cause. However, being next to them brings many problems. Pests spoil things, wires, and leave traces of vital activity on products. There is an unpleasant smell at home.

If you do not fight rodents, over time there will be more of them, since over the course of a year the increase in the number of the family will increase by 20 mice, which, upon reaching 3 months, begin to multiply and bring in a new generation of pests.

With the onset of autumn, mice begin to search for warm places for wintering, sometimes covering quite long distances. And if in natural conditions animals feed on nuts, seeds or insect larvae, then once they enter a residential building, they become omnivores, tasting the supplies in the pantry, leftover food in the trash can, and even inedible things such as candles or soap. When rodents enter a human home, getting rid of them can be quite problematic.

Harm from mice to humans

In a relatively short period of time, mice can cause serious damage to stored vegetables and fruits, spoil cereals and pasta. Pests chew wires, make nests in various places and carry dangerous infections. Diseases caused by them include:

  • leptospirosis,
  • hemorrhagic fever,
  • tularemia,
  • pseudotuberculosis,
  • salmonellosis,
  • helminthiasis
  • These diseases can be transmitted:

    The pests are incredibly prolific - they can bear their first offspring as early as the eighth week after their birth, and replenish the population five to ten times each year. On average, an individual lives for about a year in natural conditions. It is surprising that rodents have not yet overrun the entire planet with such indicators. This does not happen only because the total number of mice is regulated by both natural factors and human intervention.

    How to catch a mouse

    It's easier to fight a pest when you know what it is.

    Table: distinctive features of mice

    A medium-sized animal can easily slip into a round slot with a diameter of about a centimeter and, in an extreme situation, jump up to one meter in length.

    The fight against domestic rodents includes the use of spring mousetraps, glue traps, various kinds repellers, poisoned baits. At the same time, people have to change tactics all the time, inventing new devices. Live traps are the most humane means of getting rid of rodents and they are quite easy to make with your own hands from scrap materials.

    Humane plastic bottle mouse trap

    To make such a trap you will need a plastic bottle, rope, a heavy object and bait. The rope must be tied to the neck.

    The rope must be of sufficient length

    We put bait in the bottle. Mice are most attracted to foods with a strong aroma, but smelly chemical additives likely won't work.

    It is better to use natural products as bait

    The bottle should be placed on the edge of a table or other surface. Fix the end of the rope with heavy object.

    Homemade mouse live trap installed and ready to go

    Live trap from a jar with a coin

    Making this mousetrap requires an empty glass jar, a coin and bait. Installation takes literally a few seconds.

    Trap from a jar with a coin - the simplest, but very effective method catching small rodents

    Attach the bait to inner wall banks. Set up the trap as shown in the photo below.

    This live trap may require concentration when setting up

    Catching pests with a bucket and ruler

    You can catch a boring mouse using a plastic bucket. To prevent the rodent from jumping out of the container, apply a little vegetable oil to the bottom and walls.

    Any sufficiently deep plastic bucket is suitable for catching mice.

    The next step is to place a ruler with bait on the edge of the table. It is important to properly balance the mechanism here.

    The installed ruler with bait must support the weight of the mouse until the latter gets close to the fragrant piece

    Place the bucket exactly in the center of the bait and go about your business with peace of mind. The caught rodent will not be harmed.

    Live trap using a bucket and ruler installed and configured

    Mousetrap made from a can and thick paper

    To make the next trap you need a glass jar, a sheet thick paper, rope, knife and a piece of something tasty.

    Cheese, of course, will do, but mice don’t like it too much, oddly enough.

    Place cheese in a container, cover with paper and twist with a rope in the same way as jars of jam are sealed.

    It is advisable to tighten the neck of the container more tightly

    Using a knife, cut the top of the paper into a cross. The corners should be recessed a little deeper.

    Using sharp knife, cut the paper with a cross

    Place the trap in an area where pests are most active. Don't forget to check it from time to time.

    Live traps should be checked more often, as a caught pest can escape with some effort.

    Another live trap made from a plastic bottle

    Take an empty plastic bottle. Cut it lengthwise with a knife by about a third of the total length. Be careful, the plastic may slip on the surface.

    When working with a knife, be careful not to cut yourself

    Turn the cut part over and secure it with clothespins, paper clips or, for example, hair clips.

    The process of making such a live trap will not require much time.

    All that remains is to put goodies in the live trap, place it in places where mice are active and provide easy access.

    So that the mice can gain access to the free cheese, we will use the ruler again

    Spiny mousetrap

    To make a trap, you will need the bottom of a plastic bottle cut in half and a knife (or scissors).

    Bottom half plastic container is a live trap preparation
    The step width of each element does not play a big role

    All that remains is to put a fragrant piece of banana in the product to attract pests, bend the cutouts inward and wish yourself a successful hunt.

    The mousetrap should be installed in areas of increased rodent activity, so the chances of success increase significantly

    Video: how to catch a mouse without harming it

    How to lure a rodent

    Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not an ideal bait for catching mice. Of course, animals will not refuse a piece of fresh product, but if given a choice, they will prefer seeds or smoked bacon.

    Table: which products are suitable as bait

    To catch mice even more effectively, it is important to know what rodents do not like. Dried cheese, apples, chocolate and dry bread crusts will most likely not work.

    Do not trap any products containing preservatives, flavorings or flavor enhancers.

    Where is the best place to set traps?

    Controlling rodents indoors using live traps also involves correct installation the latter. To do this, first of all, you need to understand in what places mice appear, how and when they feed and move.

    Did you know that mice really like sunflower oil, smoked bacon and seeds. They are nocturnal animals with very fast metabolic processes in the body, so during the dark they can go out in search of food up to thirty times. It is very easy to notice that mice have ruled the house; the animals always leave black, oblong-shaped droppings about one centimeter long.

    Mouse droppings reach a length of 0.5–1 cm

    As a rule, these animals do not travel long distances in search of food, and usually the animals move only ten to twenty meters from the nest.

    Based on this, live traps should be placed along the expected paths of movement of pests, and where they appear most often. It should be noted that mice often move closer to walls and other objects, while being quite inquisitive creatures, they can explore any object along the path of their movement.

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