Maintenance of chimneys and ventilation ducts. Installation of smoke and ventilation ducts. Who checks ventilation and chimneys and when?


Poor draft is a problem that owners of their own homes with a fireplace or stove heating, and residents of apartment buildings in cities. The latter constantly complain about insufficient ventilation. This happens due to the fact that the maintenance of chimneys and ventilation ducts is carried out irregularly or in bad faith.

The air we breathe has a direct impact on our overall health. The harmful impurities it contains can cause serious harm and lead to dire consequences in the future. Various microorganisms living in houses due to polluted ventilation ducts, cause the development of diseases. Carbon monoxide, which enters the room due to weak draft of chimneys, is a common cause of death.

Therefore, inspection of chimneys and ventilation ducts must be carried out correctly and regularly in order to promptly detect and eliminate faults.

How to operate ventilation ducts and chimneys

You should know the most common causes of malfunctions of ventilation ducts and chimneys. Of course, there are a lot of them, but most are associated with the irresponsibility of the owners.

If the supply and exhaust ventilation in the apartment does not work, this may be due to shortcomings in the design of the system. True, sometimes ventilation ducts or chimneys are used by workers during construction as a kind of garbage chute. And clogged channels, naturally, do not fulfill their main task.

Sometimes the system becomes clogged through no fault of the homeowner, for example, when foreign objects such as cobwebs, dust, leaves, or birds accidentally falling into the pipe get into the channel.

Another reason for poor traction is natural deposits of dust, soot and grease on the walls. They can be seen in the photo. must be done immediately. How will such signs appear?

Burning poorly dried wood or wood containing a large amount of resin, as well as household waste. Cleaning of chimneys and ventilation ducts is necessary in these cases.

Quite a lot of poisoning from combustion derivatives and fires is usually associated with the inability of ventilation and chimneys to cope with their immediate functions. That is why requirements and rules for the operation of these systems, as well as pipe and furnace work, were developed. Chimneys and ventilation ducts: basic standards provide the basics of their operation in order to regulate the operation of ventilation, which is important for human health.

According to SNIP, chimneys and ventilation ducts, as well as their inspection, must strictly follow the following rules:

  • The ducts of stoves and fireplaces that burn wood (solid fuel) must be checked and cleaned before starting and after finishing heating season. If the furnace operates continuously, they are inspected every quarter. Inspection of ventilation ducts and chimneys should occur, respectively, every quarter and twice a year (in winter and summer).
  • If during inspection of chimneys and ventilation ducts any serious faults that require repair are identified, use heating and gas appliances cannot be done until the problem is completely eliminated.
  • Repair and installation of chimneys and ventilation ducts must be carried out by organizations with the appropriate license. Their workers usually have the necessary skills. They have the right to start work only after drawing up a chimney or ventilation inspection report.

These rules must be observed both by the owners of their own private houses and by the institutions responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of apartments and ventilation systems in them.

In addition to the above general mandatory rules It is advisable to use these recommendations:

  1. use high-quality and completely dried firewood with a low resin content;
  2. do not burn household waste in a fireplace or stove, especially bottles and plastic bags;
  3. clean the vent and firebox from accumulated ash, roof hoods from grease and dust;
  4. To improve draft in a channel or pipe, as well as forced exhaust, purchase an exhaust. This advice will be useful to owners of chimneys with a small internal cross-section;
  5. A protective cap with a mesh installed on the chimney prevents it from entering the ventilation duct. For winter months It is necessary to ensure regular inspection of this part of the system to avoid blockage of the channel and freezing of the tip.

Inspection, repair and cleaning

Options for inspecting ventilation and smoke ducts: you can check ventilation ducts and chimneys as usual, in the classic way- using a brush, a long rope and a weight. True, now for system inspection they almost always use more modern methods. For example, digital photographs and video shooting with spotlights are used.

Instruments have also been developed that allow you to very quickly, without much effort, accurately assess the draft in a chimney or ventilation.

Based on the results of the inspection, an inspection report of the channels (chimneys) is drawn up, which is drawn up in the form of a technical report of a clearly established form, after which a conclusion is issued containing recommendations for installation and repair.

What is examined during the audit

When conducting an examination, you should establish:

  • materials from which the channels were made, the cross-section of the latter;
  • length of channels, places of connections, narrowings and outlets, marks of congestions and cracks found in the system;
  • density of channels, their isolation;
  • the presence of traction, horizontal sections, wind support zone (or its absence);
  • condition of hatches intended for cleaning, fire-prevention cuttings, heads;
  • tightness of pipes;
  • general state of the system.

Also, during the inspection of ventilation ducts, the condition of ducts, exhaust shafts, and air intake grilles is checked.

Chimneys are divided according to their design and location:

  • on wall chimneys - installed inside solid brick walls
  • main chimneys - laid out in the form of a free-standing brick riser
  • mounted chimneys - installed directly on stoves

If the room has solid stone walls, then the device interior walls New chimneys are the most convenient and economical, since they do not require additional building materials and are laid out simultaneously with the walls.

Primary requirements

For each furnace, as a rule, a separate chimney or duct (hereinafter referred to as the pipe) should be provided. Since when two stoves are fired simultaneously, the stove on the lower floor, with a stronger draft, will interrupt the top one, preventing the free exit of smoke from it.

It is allowed to use a common chimney for two stoves installed on the same floor, provided that a cut-out is installed in the form of a transverse wall between the chimneys at a height of at least 75 cm. In this case minimum size The cross-section of the common chimney channel must be at least 1x0.5 bricks.

In houses with stove heating the following are not allowed:
a) device exhaust ventilation with artificial inducement, not compensated by influx with artificial inducement
b) removal of smoke into ventilation ducts and installation of ventilation grilles on smoke ducts

Chimneys should be located in the internal walls of the building. Laying them in external walls is less economical and creates difficulties during operation. Passing through chimneys in the outer wall, the gases give off some of the heat to the unheated room, and in the atmosphere, due to the low temperature of the atmospheric air, the gases are excessively cooled, which impairs draft. In this case, resinous substances are released from the gases, which penetrate through the masonry and are deposited on external structure Houses.

If the chimney riser is forced to be located in an external wall, the chimney wall must be thickened. The thickening of the wall is done in the form of pilasters (square or rectangular projections on the wall).

The minimum thickness of the masonry between the chimney and the outer surface of the wall is taken depending on the design temperature of the outside air:

  • at t=-20°C and above - 38 cm (1.5 bricks)
  • from t=-20°С to t=-30°С – 51 cm (2 bricks)
  • from t=-30°С and below - 65 cm (2.5 bricks)

For laying the foundations of stoves, hearths and chimneys, the same materials are used as for the foundations of a house; for the main masonry of stoves, hearths, chimneys and channels in the walls - ordinary clay brick (solid).

If the walls are made of sand-lime brick, cinder blocks, etc., areas with smoke channels should be laid out of ordinary (solid) clay red brick.

Smoke pipes (ducts) or chimneys for stoves

The height of chimneys placed at a distance equal to or greater than the height continuous construction protruding above the roof should be taken:

  • not less than 500 mm - above a flat roof
  • not less than 500 mm - above the roof ridge or parapet when the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge or parapet
  • not lower than the ridge of the roof or parapet - when the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 to 3 m from the ridge or parapet
  • not lower than a line drawn from the ridge downwards at an angle of 10 to the horizontal - when the chimney is located from the ridge at a distance of more than 3 m

It is allowed to connect two stoves to one pipe, located in the same apartment on the same floor. Such placement may be allowed in exceptional cases, provided that the wall is insulated from the outside by thickening the masonry or protecting it with heat-insulating, fireproof materials (the insulation method must be provided for by the design).

Then the distance between the outer surface of the walls and the nearest inner surface the channel is taken to be at least 640 mm (2.5 bricks). When connecting pipes, cuts should be made with a thickness of 0.12 m and a height of at least 1 m from the bottom of the pipe connection.

When the chimney is located in the middle of the room, the walls are laid out 1/2 brick thick, and when located near the cold outer wall of the building - a whole brick. The thickness of the walls of chimneys or smoke channels at their junction with metal or reinforced concrete beams should be taken as 130 mm.

The thickness of the walls of the channels in the internal stone walls, as well as the thickness of the partitions (cuts) between the smoke and ventilation ducts must be at least 120 mm. Stoves, as a rule, should be placed near internal walls and partitions made of non-combustible materials, providing for their use for placing smoke channels.

Smoke ducts may be placed in external walls made of non-combustible materials, insulated, if necessary, on the outside to prevent moisture condensation from the exhaust gases.

In the absence of walls in which smoke ducts can be placed, mounted or root chimneys should be used to remove smoke. Chimneys should be made vertical without ledges from clay brick with walls at least 120 mm thick or made of heat-resistant concrete at least 60 mm thick, providing in their bases pockets 250 mm deep with cleaning holes, closed with doors.

The internal surfaces of chimneys should be smoother without mortar leaks in the seams and carelessly laid bricks. The chimney must be free of slopes and turns.
It is allowed to accept deviations of round chimneys at an angle of up to 30° to the vertical, with a deviation of no more than 1 m. Inclined sections must be smooth, constant cross section, with an area not less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the vertical sections.

Experience shows that cross section chimney is from 1/10 to 1/12, and in more favorable cases up to 1/15 of the size of the combustion opening in the light. In all cases, the cross-section of the chimney (if two stoves are connected to one pipe) must be at least 14x27 cm.

Brick chimneys

The cross-sectional area of ​​rectangular chimneys (smoke ducts) depending on the thermal power of the furnace according to SNiP 2.01.01-82 should be taken as no less than:

  • 140x140 mm - with a furnace thermal power of up to 3.5 kW
  • 140x200 mm - with a thermal power of the furnace from 3.5 kW to 5.2 kW
  • 140x270 mm - with a thermal power of the furnace from 5.2 kW to 7 kW

The cross-sectional areas of channels in brick chimneys must be multiples of the width of the brick. The mouths of brick chimneys to a height of 0.2 m should be protected from precipitation. Installation of umbrellas, deflectors and other nozzles on smoke brick pipes not allowed.

Round asbestos-cement, ceramic or metal chimneys

The cross-sectional area of ​​round smoke ducts must be no less than the area of ​​the indicated rectangular ducts. Metal chimneys must be removed from combustible roof structures by 700 mm. In this case, within the attic, the pipes are insulated with a layer of asbestos at least 3 mm thick and plastered over a mesh cement mortar, and in places of passage through a combustible roof they are additionally equipped with special devices in the form of sandboxes.

The outlets of round chimneys and ventilation ducts located next to them in the walls are made with a slope of at least 60° to the horizon and a laying (attitude) of no more than 1 m. To connect stoves to chimneys, it is allowed to provide branch pipes with a length of no more than 0.4 m, provided :
a) the distance from the top of the pipe to the ceiling made of flammable materials must be at least 0.5 m if the ceiling is not protected from fire and at least 0.4 m if there is protection;
b) the distance from the bottom of the pipe to the floor made of flammable or slow-burning materials must be at least 0.14 m.

The pipes should be made of non-combustible materials, providing a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours. and more. Smoke in the stove often occurs when the mouth of the pipe is blown out by a strong wind. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to check the condition of the windproof device (deflector) above the head of the chimney, and if there is no device, install it.

For deflector options, see Fig.

Chimneys on buildings with roofs made of combustible materials should be equipped with spark arresters. For reasons fire safety a spark arrester is installed on the head in the form of a cap with a blank cover and wire mesh on the sides with a cell size of no more than 3 mm.

You should know that weather vanes and deflectors can be installed on round pipes for solid fuel stoves. When burning gas, they CANNOT be installed, as water vapor condenses on them. This may cause ice dams to form.

For gasified furnaces, umbrellas of a simplified design are installed on the heads of round pipes. If the walls of the pipe are subsequently plastered or insulated with asbestos-cement slabs, then it is permissible to lay out the head 1/2 brick thick.

Smoke pipes (channels) for fireplaces

The main difference between a fireplace and a stove is the much larger cross-section for air access to the firebox, which is why large masses of air are sucked into the fireplace, which causes a decrease in the temperature in the flue (compared to stoves). Therefore, the traction force in a fireplace per 1 linear meter of flue height is less than in a stove.

To create normal draft, the height of the fireplace chimney must be correspondingly greater than that of the stove. To ensure sufficient draft during operation, it is IMPORTANT that the flue gases are cooled minimally as they move through the chimney.

The cornice formed in the narrow section of the chimney (the so-called smoke tooth) plays important role and has a dual purpose. During the combustion process, it retains the cooled gases descending along the rear (colder) wall, preventing them from passing into the combustion space, because this may cause the rod to tip over.

Cold gases retained by the eaves are picked up by a stream of hotter gas flowing from the narrow section of the chimney that forms the front wall of the fireplace and the edge of the “tooth”, and are carried into the overlying chimney.

The second purpose of the cornice is to collect falling soot deposits. In the immediate vicinity of the ledge with inside install a cleaning door through which the chimney is periodically cleaned. A damper is installed in the neck at the level of the chimney cornice to regulate the draft and disconnect the fireplace from the chimney. To reduce heat loss, the walls of the fireplace chimney must be of sufficient thickness.

The most harmful effect on draft is caused by atmospheric air leaks into the chimney through leaks in the masonry, as well as non-working stoves connected to a common chimney, i.e. The chimney for the fireplace must be separate from all other ducts. All leaks must be identified and eliminated.

The next condition for maintaining normal draft (without describing the hydraulic properties of draft) is the construction of a chimney with a circular cross-section, then square and finally rectangular. This is explained by the fact that in right angles the movement of gases is difficult and, moreover, soot is often deposited in them.

Therefore, it is best to use asbestos-cement or ceramic pipes for installing chimneys. Due to the difficulty of fitting to the fireplace chimney, chimneys are most often laid out square.

Ventilation ducts

The thickness of the walls of the channels in the external walls of buildings is taken taking into account the design temperature of the outside air. The height of exhaust ventilation ducts located next to chimneys should be taken equal to the height of these pipes.

Dimensions of indentations (cuts) for stoves and smoke ducts.

A setback (cut) is the air space between the outer surface of a furnace, chimney or smoke duct, on the one hand, and a combustible wall, partition or other building structure, on the other hand. Leave an air gap (recess) along the entire height of the stove or chimney.

When installing grooves in floors, independent settlement of furnaces and pipes should be ensured. Supporting cuttings on structural elements of the floor is not allowed. The cutting height should be greater than the thickness of the ceiling by the amount of possible settlement of the building and 70 mm above the layer of combustible backfill.

Horizontal cuts in the plane of the ceiling should be carried out simultaneously with the main masonry.

The gaps between the ceiling and the groove must be filled with clay mortar mixed with asbestos.

For walls or partitions made of flammable and slow-burning materials, the deviation should be taken in accordance with Table 1 (see below), and for factory-made stoves it should be taken according to the manufacturer’s documentation.

The dimensions of the indentations (cuts) of furnaces and channels, taking into account the thickness of the furnace wall, should be taken equal to:

a) 500 mm - to building structures made of combustible materials;
b) 380 mm - to a wall or partition made of non-combustible materials, adjacent at an angle to the front of the stove and protected from fire from the floor to a level 250 mm above the top of the combustion door:

  • plaster on a metal mesh - 25 mm thick
  • or metal sheet for asbestos cardboard - 8 mm thick.

The dimensions of the cuts should be taken in accordance with the mandatory requirements for “derogations” given in Table 1:

Table 1. Dimensions of grooves according to SNiP 2.01.01-82
Furnace wall thickness, mm Distance from outer surface stove or smoke duct (pipe) to a wall or partition, mm
Retreat not protected
from fire
from fire
120 Open 260 200
120 Closed 320 260
65 Open 320 260
65 Closed 500 380

1. For walls with a fire resistance limit of 1 hour. or more and with a flame spread limit of 0 cm, the distance from the outer surface of the stove or smoke duct (pipe) to the partition wall is not standardized.

2. In the buildings of children's institutions, dormitories and enterprises Catering The fire resistance limit of the wall (partition) within the setback should be at least 1 hour.

3. Protection of ceilings, floors, walls and partitions- should be performed at a distance of no less than by 150 mm exceeding the dimensions of the oven.

The cutting should be 70 mm greater than the thickness of the ceiling (ceiling). The furnace section should not be supported or rigidly connected to the building structure. In the walls covering the setback, openings should be provided above the floor and at the top with gratings with a clear cross-sectional area of ​​at least 150 cm2 each.

The floor in a closed setback should be made of non-combustible materials and located 70 mm above the floor of the room.

The distance between the top of the furnace floor, made of three rows of bricks, should be taken:

with a ceiling made of flammable or low-combustible materials, protected by plaster steel mesh or steel sheet on asbestos cardboard 10 mm thick:

  • 250 mm - for ovens with intermittent firing
  • 700 mm - for stoves long burning

and with an unprotected ceiling:

  • 350 mm - for ovens with intermittent firing
  • 1000 mm - for long-burning furnaces

For kilns with an overlap of two rows of bricks, the indicated distances should be increased by 1.5 times. Distance between top metal furnace and the overlap should be taken:

  • with thermally insulated ceiling and protected ceiling - 800 mm
  • with non-thermally insulated ceiling and unprotected ceiling - 1200 mm

Vertical cutting of furnaces and pipes installed in the openings of combustible partitions is carried out to the entire height of the furnace or pipe.

p/p Furnace devices Combustible structures
Not protected from fire Fireproof
1 2 3 4
Heating furnaces of intermittent operation with combustion duration:
1 - up to 3 hours 380 250
2 - more than 3 hours 510 380
3 Gas-heated furnaces with a flow rate of more than 2 m3/hour 380 250
4 Long-burning heating stoves. Apartment kitchen stoves running on solid fuel. Gas water heaters apartment type 250 250
5 Combination cookers with built-in boilers and separate apartment-type boilers 380 250

Metal chimneys lay through combustible floors NOT ALLOWED.

In the walls of the closed space above the stove, two openings with gratings should be provided at different levels, each having a clear cross-sectional area of ​​at least 150 cm2. The retreat is left open or sealed on both sides with bricks or other fireproof materials.

Side walls closed chamber It is not allowed to tie the offsets with the main masonry of the stove. The floor in the air gap is lined with bricks one row above the floor level of the room. The width of the setback and the method of insulating walls and partitions in the setbacks are taken in accordance with the data given in Table 3:

Table 3. Types and sizes of indentations
p/p Heating stoves Types of derogation Distances between stoves and combustible walls or partitions, mm Methods for protecting combustible structures
1 2 3 4 5
1 Apartment-type stoves with walls 1/2 brick thick with a combustion duration of up to 3 hours. Open or closed on one side 130 Lime or lime-cement plaster 25 mm thick; asbestos cardboard
2 Same Closed on both sides 130 Brick cladding 1/4 brick thick clay solution or asbestos-vermiculite slabs 40 mm thick
3 The same with walls 1/4 brick thick Open on both sides 320 Lime-gypsum plaster 25 mm thick; asbestos-vermiculite slabs 40 mm thick
4 Heating stoves for long burning Open 260 Same
5 Stoves and stoves with walls 1/2 brick thick with a fire duration of more than 3 hours. Open 260 The same, or cladding with a thickness of 1/4 brick on clay mortar
6 Same Closed 260 Brick cladding 1/2 brick thick
Metal stoves:
7 - without lining Open 1000 Plaster 25 mm thick
8 - with lining Open 700 Same

The distances from the upper planes of the stove floors to the combustible (or fire-protected) ceilings of the premises must be no less than those indicated in Table 4:

Table 4. Distances from the top of furnace floors to combustible ceilings, mm
p/p Furnaces Ceilings
Not protected from fire Fireproof
1 2 3 4
1 Heat-intensive 350 250
2 Non-heat-intensive 1000 700

1. Thickness of the upper ceilings of the furnaces must be at least three rows bricks With a smaller thickness, the distances between the top of the stoves and the ceilings increase accordingly.

2. Ceilings can be protected from fire asbestos card thickness 8 mm or thick plaster 25 mm. The protection must be wider than the ceilings by 150 mm from each side.

The gap between the top of a thick-walled stove and the ceiling can be closed on all sides with brick walls. In this case, the thickness of the upper ceiling of the furnace must be at least 4 rows brickwork, and the combustible ceiling must be protected from fire.

Chimneys and roof structures

Chimneys should be installed above the roof of taller buildings attached to a building with stove heating. The wall thickness of the chimney head above the roof must be at least the thickness of one brick.

The distance from the outer surfaces of chimneys to rafters, sheathing and other roofing parts made of flammable and slow-burning materials should be kept clear:

  • from brick or concrete chimneys - at least 130 mm
  • from ceramic pipes without insulation - 250 mm
  • and for thermal insulation with heat transfer resistance - 0.3 m2 x t°C/W with non-flammable or low-combustible materials - 130 mm

The space between chimneys and roof structures made of non-combustible and low-combustible materials should be covered with non-combustible roofing materials. Gaps between ceilings, walls, partitions and divisions should be filled with non-combustible materials.

The space between the ceiling (in front of the roof) of a heat-intensive stove and the ceiling made of flammable and slow-burning materials may be covered on all sides with brick walls. In this case, the thickness of the furnace ceiling should be increased to four rows of brickwork.

There are several reasons that lead to chimney and ventilation repairs:

Natural wear of channels - any material wears out sooner or later and there is a need to replace it with a more modern and durable one.

Artificial causes - start from a banal human factor, when, for example, the pipe was assembled incorrectly and significant errors were made in the installation, low-quality materials were used or improper operation of the chimney and ventilation duct.

Regardless of the reasons that led to the channel failure, we recommend the following course of action:

Video channel inspection

You can order this service from us on the chimney inspection page.

Or provide video and photo material. This procedure is necessary to identify a violation inside the duct; there may be foreign objects, pins or other sharp objects that could interfere with the repair and further functioning of the chimney or ventilation duct

Selection of repair technology. Options

Lining of stainless steel chimneys. Channel sleeve without complete dismantling, repair work to replace those parts of the pipe that are faulty. Thanks to own production We can produce any diameters and shapes of pipes in the shortest possible time. For sleeving stainless pipe it is necessary to select the cross-section of the pipe in accordance with the size of the channel. It can be a round pipe, an ellipse or rectangular section(box). It is possible to install the pipe either from above, lowering it into the channel, or from below.

Our installation specialists will offer the most cost-effective way to repair the channel with a minimum dismantling area.

Lining with FuranFlex polymer sleeve. Repairing the chimney and ventilation duct is possible without breaking the walls or dismantling them. Using FuranFlex technology, repairs and restoration of the chimney can be carried out in 1 day. The warranty on Furanflex material is 30 years. The principle of channel restoration is simple, Furanflex is a single solid stocking, which is lowered into the existing channel and, under the influence of steam, takes the shape of the channel. With a loss of section of 2-3 mm, but due to the absolute gas tightness and smooth surface, the rate of gas escape increases. You can find out more about the technology for restoring channels without breaking walls on the page

To ensure normal, uninterrupted operation of the boiler, timely cleaning of the chimney and gas channels is necessary. Moreover, the frequency of maintenance is regulated by regulatory documents - snips for chimneys for gas boilers.

According to SNIP, the chimney and ventilation ducts must be checked and cleaned:

  1. Before the start of the heating season - chimneys in which boilers and heating devices operate seasonally.
  2. At least once a quarter - combined and brick chimneys.
  3. At least once a year - asbestos-cement chimneys and ducts, pottery, made of heat-resistant concrete.

The initial inspection of gas boiler chimneys should cover the following points::

  • correct use of materials is carried out in accordance with the requirements of DBN V.2.5–20;
  • presence of clogged channels;
  • checking partitions that serve as protection for combustible structures;
  • How separated are the ventilation and smoke ducts;
  • how serviceable and correctly positioned the head is;
  • checking the presence of normal draft, this parameter depends on the correctness of construction, in particular, the height and cross-section of the pipe has an influence (see).

Check again ventilation and chimneys for blockages, their separation and density, the draft is checked:

  • Inspections for the first time and after repairs of ventilation and chimneys are carried out by specialists. organization with the participation of the operating organization. The results obtained are included in the act.
  • If the ventilation ducts and chimneys of gas boilers are recognized as unusable and not subject to operation, the inspector is obliged to warn the owner in writing about the dangers of using gas appliances.
  • Chimney SNIP in private houses allows owners to clean ventilation ducts and chimneys if they have a document confirming that they have undergone training.
  • Before starting repairs of ventilation passages and chimneys of gas boilers, the operating organization that is the owner apartment building, is obliged to warn residents about the start of work. After completion of the repair, all chimneys and ventilation ducts should be checked.

Requirements for premises when placing gas appliances in them

  • SNiP 01/31/2003- about multi-apartment residential buildings;
  • SNiP 41-01-2003- everything about air conditioning, ventilation and heating is explained;
  • SNiP 42-01-2002- instructions on gas distribution systems;
  • SP 31-106-2002- will talk about the creation of the project and the construction of single-family houses used for living;
  • SP 42-101-2003- on the construction and design of gas distribution systems from pipes of various inlets.

What the letter of the law says:

  1. The room in which the gas water heater will be placed and the chimney of the gas boiler will be provided for the removal of combustible products must meet certain requirements; not only the area, but also the height of the ceilings is regulated. So, the ceiling height should be no less 2 meters. The volume of areas is no less 7.5 m³ to install one device, and no less 13.5 m³ for two units.
  2. The room must also be equipped with a ventilation duct. A grate or passage between the floor and the door should be provided at the bottom of the door or wall, where the open cross-section should be no less 0.02 m².
  3. Attention: It is unacceptable to exhaust smoke into the ventilation duct. It is prohibited to install ventilation grilles on smoke ducts.
  4. In rooms with a standard hood, it is necessary to compensate for the removed air by penetrating it from outside the room, as well as by replacing it from the remaining areas of this apartment.
  5. Attention: When installing airtight windows in a room, the speaker may turn off due to inconsistent air supply. This is due to the automation of the column itself.
  6. In the bathroom and utility rooms doors should open outwards.
  7. The installation of sockets and switches in the bathroom is strictly prohibited.

Requirements for chimneys

General rules

Depending on the conditions of use, chimneys may have different design. Its uninterrupted operation and efficiency depend on the quality of the chimney and its material.

Their installation is carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in DBN V.2.5-20-2001 and SNiP 2.04.05–91.

Improper design and use, improper connection to thermal equipment may cause malfunction and accident.

This manual describes the principles of operation and installation of chimneys, sets out fire safety requirements, which are reflected in the documentation.

  • SNiP 41-01-2003— “Air conditioning, ventilation, heating”;
  • NPB 252–98- “Heat generating devices that operate on different types fuel. Test Methodology";
  • GOST 9817–95 - « Household Appliances, which operate on various types of fuel. Technical specifications";
  • VDPO- “Rules for production work, repair of smoke ducts and furnaces.”

SNIP chimneys must comply in full. After commissioning of the chimney, a chimney inspection report is issued.

Installation rules read:

The rules for installing chimneys say that placing smoke ducts is allowed inside walls made of non-combustible materials. If there are no such walls, it is required to use crown and cap pipes (clause 3.69.SNiP-91).

Sections of the chimney passing through unheated rooms and on the outside of the building must be thermally insulated so that condensation of thermal vapor and flue gas does not occur in the inside of the chimney (4.2.16.VDPO).

According to the requirements of VDPO and SNiP-91, the following chimney options are allowed:

  • At modular systems chimneys are prohibited:
    1. Melting with flammable liquids.
    2. Melting with wood larger than the size of the firebox itself.
    3. Drying clothes, shoes and other items on chimney parts.
    4. Removing soot by burning.
    5. It is prohibited to operate the unit using a method not specified in the manual.
    6. Pouring water onto the fire in the firebox.
    7. Use chlorine for its compounds.

Chimneys must be inspected by a qualified specialist at least twice during the heating season. To ensure the operation of the heating unit, chimneys should be inspected, and this should be done by specialists.

  • When two boilers are connected to the chimney, the cross-section of the pipe is determined by their joint operation DBN V.2.5-20-2001 (Appendix G, Clause No. 6). The dimensions of chimneys are determined by calculation, which is indicated in the technical documentation.
  • Gas appliances for non-domestic purposes (digesters, restaurant equipment) are allowed to be connected to common chimneys.
  • Installation of smoke exhaust pipes with an exit through one is allowed, but an additional calculation of the pipe cross-section must be made.
  • The release of exhaust gases for several devices is allowed. The calculation must be made on different levels, according to DBN V.2.5-20-2001 (Appendix G, Clause No. 3).
  • The cross-section and height of the chimney is determined taking into account the operation of all devices simultaneously, DBN V.2.5-20-2001.

Chimneys made in accordance with SNIP work efficiently and do not contradict legal standards.

Pipe connections

Installation requires welding. Quality control welding work regulated in SNiP 3.05. 03.85 5.

  • Join gas water heaters and other gas appliances to the chimney require pipes that are made using roofing steel.
  • The length of the connected pipes should not exceed 3 meters in new buildings and more 6 meters in existing ones.
  • The slope of the pipe in relation to the device must be at least 0,01.
  • On smoke exhaust pipes, no more than 3 bends are allowed, the radius should not be less than the diameter of the pipe.
  • The connection of the pipes must be tight; the entry of one pipe into the other must be at least half the diameter of the pipe.
  • If the pipes are made of black iron, they require painting with fire-resistant varnish.

Attention: If the above requirements are violated, water heaters must be disconnected from the gas supply.

A common problem that annually faces a huge number of residents of private houses - owners of fireplace and stove equipment - insufficient draft. This problem does not bypass apartment residents, who often have to complain to management companies about poor ventilation. The reason for such complaints is unscrupulous and/or non-compliant chimney inspection and maintenance.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the condition of ventilation ducts and chimneys, because the quality of their work determines what kind of air we breathe. Malfunctions in the operation of the ventilation system can lead to an increased content of pathogenic microorganisms and impurities in the air we use for breathing, which can have a very sad effect on the condition of our body. But there is an even more dangerous consequence of the incorrect operation of the smoke removal system - the entry of carbon monoxide into the home, which can lead to poisoning and even death.

In connection with all of the above, it becomes clear that regular inspection of chimneys and ventilation ducts in order to detect and eliminate faults is absolutely necessary.

Reasons for improper operation of ventilation ducts and chimneys

One of the common reasons is errors made during the design. It is also possible for all kinds of debris to accumulate in the system, which interferes with the proper operation of ventilation. Chimney waste such as soot, soot or dust can also impede ventilation. If the owner allows the use of wood that is not completely dried, this will accelerate the clogging of the chimney. And, finally, the reason may be the usual aging of the ventilation system, which is expressed in the appearance of rust, cracks and other phenomena accompanying the subsidence of the entire structure.

To avoid all of these hazards, very careful inspections of chimneys and ventilation ducts must be carried out.

Design errors can be a big problem when inspecting a chimney.

Execution Rules

Installation and maintenance of the ventilation system can only be carried out by an official organization that has passed the appropriate licensing. The condition and proper functioning of ventilation elements must be checked strictly in accordance with the rules of SNiP:

  • before starting work, an inspection report must be drawn up;
  • the work itself should be carried out with the following regularity: stoves that use firewood - at the beginning and at the end of the heating season; fireplaces and stoves used all year round - quarterly;
  • if significant deviations are detected, the ventilation elements are prohibited from being used until the malfunction is eliminated;
  • the results are presented in the form of a report on the inspection of the smoke removal system.

Checking ventilation ducts and chimneys in an apartment building is the responsibility of the management organization, which must organize their testing and, if necessary, maintenance or repair at least three times a year. In this case, the management company must have a license to carry out such work or, if it does not exist, involve a third-party organization that has such a document.

To avoid problems during inspection, the following recommendations must be followed.

  • Only high quality fuel with low moisture and tar content should be used;
  • It is prohibited to use elements of household waste as fuel, especially plastic;
  • Regularly clean pipes from combustion products;
  • To enhance insufficient draft, it is recommended to install a roof fan;
  • To prevent clogging, install a cap equipped with a mesh on the chimney and inspect it regularly, especially in the cold season, as it may become icy.

Control organizations inspect chimneys at the following intervals:

  • in the case of using heating devices only in the cold season - in the fall, before the heating season;
  • in the presence of cooking and heating stoves - three times a year (before, in the middle, and at the end of the heating season).

Depending on the materials used to construct the chimney, there are the following frequency requirements:

  • quarterly in the case of brick chimney elements;
  • annually if asbestos, ceramics or concrete were used.

If the building has gas appliances, then maintenance of ventilation ducts, according to the terms of the guarantee, is carried out twice a year - in summer and winter. If necessary, the service organization carries out repairs of identified faults.

Check progress

The purpose of inspecting ventilation ducts and chimneys is to identify such defects in their operation as:

The presence or absence of destruction, as well as its degree;

Contamination of the system, including air exhaust products;

Availability of traction that meets the standards.

For this purpose, the height of the pipe is assessed, as well as the presence of objects in the immediate vicinity of the household that could interfere with normal draft. Such objects can be trees, buildings or other structures. A sample will also be taken to check for the presence of carbon monoxide in the air.

As a result of the inspection, the inspection organization draws up an inspection report for chimneys and ventilation ducts.

Verification of the ventilation system with design documentation

Methods for detecting violations

Currently, previously used tools such as a weight attached to a rope, as well as flashlights and mirrors, are a thing of the past. Nowadays, when checking, they use powerful spotlights, as well as video cameras that display images in real time on the screen. They use infrared or LED lamps for illumination.

Based on the results of such an inspection, a periodic inspection report of smoke and ventilation ducts is drawn up. It is accompanied by photo and video materials.

If violations are detected, a representative of the inspection organization warns the owner in writing about the inadmissibility of using gas equipment, about which he takes a receipt from the latter. After this, the inspection report of the smoke and ventilation ducts is sent to the housing maintenance organization with an order to turn off the gas supply. In this case, the equipment cannot be used until all identified violations are eliminated.


After all work has been completed and documentation, the service organization draws up an inspection report for the ventilation ducts. The received document may be required by such supervisory organizations as the fire service, housing inspection, etc. Therefore, such a document should always be available to the owner of the premises. The following features will guarantee its authenticity:

Standard form, equipped with a hologram;

A copy of the license of the inspection organization, certified by a seal.

Control over the operation of channels. The main measures for monitoring the operation of smoke and ventilation ducts include checking them technical condition and timely cleaning. Work on checking and cleaning smoke channels for removing combustion products from gas stoves is carried out by teams of chimney sweeps with the mandatory supervision of specialists from housing maintenance areas or building managements.

In newly constructed buildings, smoke ducts are checked by work contractors, customer representatives and chimney sweeps of specialized teams in accordance with contracts with construction contractors. Upon completion of the work, a report on the technical condition of the canals is drawn up.

The frequency of canal maintenance work is established by schedules drawn up by the customer. Schedules for cleaning smoke ducts in houses owned by citizens as personal property are drawn up by foremen or foremen of chimney cleaning teams, who are given the right to issue reports on the technical condition of the ducts. All schedules must be coordinated with local offices responsible for the safe operation of furnaces and gas supply organizations.

When drawing up schedules, it must be taken into account that smoke ducts made of ordinary clay bricks must be checked every three months. Smoke ducts from gas furnaces and appliances built from asbestos-cement pipes, pottery pipes or special blocks of refractory concrete are inspected and cleaned once a year.

When checking the technical condition of smoke ducts during operation, the following is established: the location of the ducts in the building (their numbering in the attic or on the roof); the material from which they are made; their condition, density and isolation; the absence of cracks and openings outside the ducts, inside the room, in the attic and above the roof of the building, the presence of fireproof cuts and their condition, the condition of the heads, protective umbrellas, masonry of chimneys and their placement above the roof (presence of a wind pressure zone or its absence), as well as relative to the ridge and nearby tall buildings and trees; the presence of cleaning pockets and cleaning doors, the presence of horizontal sections in the walls or hogs in the attic, the condition necessary insulation chimneys and plaster.

Smoke and ventilation ducts usually determined by markings in the attic. All channels of residential buildings with a height of two floors or more must have a distinctive sign in the form of an equilateral triangle, the apex of which is directed towards the base of the building, and the height of 50 mm coincides with the axis of the channel.

The marking is made: for smoke ducts of heating stoves operating on solid fuel - solid black; for smoke ducts of heating stoves operating on gaseous fuel - solid red; for ventilation ducts - blue along the contour. Above the marking sign indicate the number of the apartment from which combustion products or air exhaust are removed. The height of the numbers is 30 mm. If there are several channels coming from one apartment, each of them is assigned a serial number, which is written on the channel next to the apartment number in brackets. The height of marking in attics is 700...800 mm from the floor level, and with combined roofs 200...300 mm above the roof.

In the absence of markings, the purpose of the channel is determined in the following order: open the place where the device is connected to the channel (usually cleaning doors or cleaning doors are installed in these places);

When checking and cleaning smoke ducts, carefully check the condition of the fireproof cuttings. If necessary, their dimensions are determined by opening the interfloor ceilings, and in attic spaces - by direct measurement.

Chimney heads must be in good condition.

and their height is to meet the requirements for removing chimneys from the wind support zone.

Channel cleaning. Safety rules in the gas industry establish periods for checking and cleaning smoke and ventilation ducts. Additional checks and cleaning of smoke and ventilation ducts are possible due to natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, heavy rains, sudden temperature changes, heavy snowfalls, etc.).

Smoke and ventilation ducts are cleaned with a metal weight, lowering it from above along the entire length of the duct. The channel is considered clean if the weight is found in the lower part of the channel, where a cleaning door or cleaning is usually installed. The weight must be spherical in shape with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Blockages found in the canal are removed using a weight or a pipe cleaner lowered on a strong rope. There may be cases when the blockage cannot be broken through with a weight or projectile. Then its location is determined and the outer wall of the canal is opened.

New gas furnaces and other devices should be connected to smoke ducts by experienced chimney sweeps under the supervision of a foreman or foreman of a specialized repair and construction department. If faults are detected in smoke or ventilation ducts, or if there is no sufficient vacuum in them, those responsible for the operation of the housing stock take measures to eliminate them.

After checking and cleaning, a report on the technical condition of smoke and ventilation ducts is drawn up. The signatures of chimney sweeps on technical condition reports are certified with special stamps, and the signatures of specialists operating the building management organization are certified with a round seal. In houses owned by citizens as personal property, technical condition certificates are certified by the signature of the owner of the house.

insufficient thermal resistance of the chimney walls, as a result of which the combustion products cool prematurely and the draft stops. The listed reasons can cause accidents when using gas appliances connected to these chimneys. Therefore, in accordance with safety rules and technical specifications, heating furnaces converted to, must be equipped with an automatic system that turns off the gas supply to them when the draft in the chimney and gas combustion in the firebox stop.

Prevention of malfunction of chimneys can also be achieved through systematic monitoring of them and timely repairs with thorough cleaning and checking the draft both after repairs and during operation.

The problem of poor draft is faced not only by people living in a private house with stove heating or a wood fireplace, but also by city residents whose apartments have problems due to poor ventilation. This happens because chimneys and ventilation ducts are poorly or irregularly maintained.

The air that people breathe at home has a great impact on our well-being and health, and the harmful impurities it contains can not only cause harm, but also lead to very sad consequences. Pathogenic microorganisms entering a room from contaminated ventilation ducts can cause serious illness, and carbon monoxide, which penetrates into the premises of a house due to poor chimney draft, is often the cause of death.

It follows from this that chimneys and ventilation ducts must be properly operated and regularly inspected so that any malfunctions can be detected in time and eliminated. Let's figure out how to install gas boiler chimneys, as well as their maintenance.

Operation of ventilation ducts and chimneys

The most common causes of malfunctions

There can be many reasons for the poor performance of smoke exhaust ducts and ventilation systems, and most of them are due to the irresponsibility of their owners.

Because big number fires and poisonings carbon monoxide Due to the fact that the chimney and ventilation do not cope with their functions, special rules for their operation and pipe-stove work have been developed. They are combined with the requirements for the operation of ventilation shafts and ducts, since correct work ventilation is no less important for human health.

The main provisions of these rules are:

  • Smoke ducts of fireplaces and stoves using solid fuels must be checked and cleaned before and after the end of each heating season. The chimneys of continuously operating stoves and gas boilers are checked every 2-3 months.

Important. Chimneys made of different materials have their own standards for regular inspection.

  • Checking the ventilation ducts of the premises where the gas boiler is operated should be carried out twice a year - in summer and winter.
  • If an inspection of the ventilation ducts and chimneys of the house reveals serious faults that require repair, the use of a gas boiler is prohibited until they are eliminated.
  • Only organizations that have the appropriate license and whose employees have proper training are allowed to carry out repairs. They can begin work after an inspection report has been drawn up for ventilation ducts and chimneys in an apartment or private building.

These rules must be strictly observed by both owners of private houses and organizations responsible for the maintenance and servicing of multi-apartment buildings.

Attention! Ventilation and chimney in a private house or apartment should not be subject to unauthorized alterations, repairs, or extensions! All these actions must be coordinated with the relevant services.

In addition to following the mandatory rules, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

Inspection, cleaning and repair

Methods for examining smoke and ventilation ducts

Checking chimneys and ventilation ducts can be carried out in the classic way - using a weight and a brush on a rope. But today, more advanced devices for diagnosing the condition of the canals are increasingly being used for examination. For example, digital photo and video cameras equipped with spotlights can be used.

There is also a special device that allows you to quickly and without extra effort estimate the traction force.

Based on the results of the inspection, an inspection report of the ventilation ducts and chimneys of the house is drawn up, drawn up in the form technical report of the established standard, and a conclusion is issued with recommendations for their repair and installation.

Survey objects

During the examination it is necessary to establish:

  • Cross-section of channels and materials from which they are made.
  • The length of the channels and their structure, in particular, it is necessary to establish the marks at which their narrowings, connections, bends occur, as well as the marks of detected cracks and congestions.
  • Presence of horizontal sections.
  • Isolation of channels.
  • Channel density.
  • Condition of the heads.
  • Presence of traction.
  • The presence or absence of a wind support zone.
  • Condition of hatches for cleaning.
  • Condition of fireproof cuttings.
  • Tightness of connecting pipes.
  • General condition of channels.

When inspecting ventilation ducts, the condition of exhaust shafts, ducts and air intake grilles is also checked.

Based on the data obtained, an inspection report for chimneys and ventilation ducts is drawn up.

Cleaning and repair

Like an inspection, cleaning the chimneys of a stove or gas boiler and ventilation shafts can be carried out in different ways - traditional and modern (see How to clean a chimney).

In the first case, the classic chimney sweep equipment is used, that is, the simplest device consisting of a rope, a brush, a brush and a weight. But it is much more effective to use modern equipment: industrial vacuum cleaners for removing soot and mechanical device with various nozzles, allowing you to remove any type of contamination, both in vertical and horizontal sections of chimneys and air ducts.

An industrial method of cleaning ventilation and chimney ducts using special equipment allows not only to eliminate all contamination, but also to disinfect the ducts. You can clean the channels yourself, but carry out the work without using professional equipment, achieving good quality will be difficult. In addition, cleaning the chimney or ventilation ducts yourself is a complex, troublesome and extremely dirty procedure. Therefore, whenever possible, this work should be entrusted to professionals.

After an inspection report has been received for chimneys and ventilation ducts indicating serious faults, it is necessary to make a decision about their repair. If defects are detected in the chimney, the use of a gas boiler, stove or fireplace is prohibited, and violation of the ban can lead to serious consequences, including poisoning people with combustion products or causing a fire.

At the moment, repairing chimneys and ventilation ducts is not difficult and is carried out fairly quickly by professionals. The most common reconstruction method brick channels is their sleeving - installation in the channel cavity of metal or ceramic pipe.

If the cross-section of the channel does not allow lining, they resort to lining it with special compounds or lining it with polymer liners.

One of the parameters that determines the comfort of the microclimate in an apartment is the cleanliness of the indoor air. Its characteristics must comply with the requirements of SNiP 41‑01‑2003 and other regulatory documents. In most apartment buildings, the required air composition is ensured by a supply and exhaust ventilation system with natural impulse. Fresh masses enter through vents, windows, doors and special valves, and unpleasant odors are removed through special channels in the bathroom and kitchen. To analyze their effectiveness, you need to know how to check the ventilation in an apartment. Based on the data obtained, measures are taken to maintain the air in the room at the proper level.

Causes of air exchange disturbances

The principles of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation with natural impulse are based on the difference in density and temperature of the air inside and outside. Light and warm masses evaporate through the ventilation duct to the street, and fresh ones come in instead. The performance of such a system depends on many nuances that must be taken into account, otherwise its operation will be ineffective. And most importantly, you need to find out the causes of poor ventilation in order to eliminate them in a timely manner.

No air flow

Replacing old wooden frames with double-glazed windows can reduce the noise level in the apartment and get rid of drafts. However, complete sealing prevents the penetration of fresh air into the premises, resulting in increased humidity and the appearance of mustiness and dampness. Regular and long-term ventilation increases thermal energy losses and heating costs.

Clogged ventilation ducts

This happens for several reasons. Firstly, as a result of natural collapse, which occurs in old houses. Secondly, due to redevelopment and renovation. In this case, another threat to the effectiveness of ventilation arises. The removal of more powerful channels into the main shafts can completely disrupt the air exchange of the apartment.

In addition, the reasons for poor ventilation include:

  • , the power of which is greater than that provided by the area of ​​the ventilation duct;
  • installation of climate control equipment that increases the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors;
  • insufficient vertical channel length, which should be about 2 m (relevant for apartments located on top floor building).

Methods for checking ventilation

The simplest method of studying the efficiency of air exchange is performed using a sheet of paper or newspaper. To do this, a strip 2-3 cm wide and 15-20 cm long is placed at a distance from the ventilation duct. If it stays on the grill without outside help, then the system is functioning normally. In case of short-term sticking of the leaf, the air flow is weak and needs to be strengthened. Deviation of the paper from the grid indicates the presence of backdraft.

Advice! With absence supply valves The ventilation check should be carried out with the vents or windows slightly open.

There are recommendations to use a lit match or lighter to check the draft in the ventilation duct. However, this method is unsafe, and not only in houses with central gas supply. In clogged ventilation ducts, the rotting process is often activated, resulting in the formation of flammable gas. Open fire may cause explosion and destruction.

A more accurate result is obtained by checking ventilation using a special device - an anemometer, which shows the speed of air passage in the ventilation duct. Using the obtained data and special tables, as well as the cross-sectional area of ​​the vent, the volume of masses passing through it within an hour is determined.

According to established standards for a bathroom, toilet and kitchen with an electric stove, this figure should be 25, 25 and 60 m3/hour, respectively.

Advice! You can focus on the air condition in the apartment. If the CO2 content does not exceed the established standards and the relative humidity level is within permissible limits, then the ventilation is functioning. If moisture condenses on windows and corners, corrective measures should be taken.

Providing air circulation

For proper air exchange in the apartment, it is necessary to remove the blockage in the ventilation duct and keep it clean and tidy. The following measures can also be applied:

  • install double-glazed windows with micro-ventilation function, which will ensure an influx of fresh air and will avoid isolating the room;

  • provide for the installation of a kitchen hood, which must be equipped with an odor neutralizer;
  • purchase electric fan and install it in the vent or secure a similar unit in a section of the ventilation duct.

If the above measures do not produce results, then you should consider installing a more efficient system.

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