Other vdgo services. Mandatory maintenance of gas equipment in a private home: documents, frequency and description of the procedure. Timing and frequency of checking gas equipment in residential buildings

We consider it natural to have a gas stove in our apartment, no longer noticing or considering as some miracle the possibility of using gas for cooking or heating our homes. However, we do not always remember that gas is a source of increased danger.

The explosions in residential buildings, including apartment buildings, throughout our country, the cause of which was, among other things, improper handling of gas equipment or its malfunction as a result of not always proper maintenance. But most of them are guilty of emergency situations citizens are recognized, not organizations serving MKD.

It is clear to all of us that in-house gas equipment requires specialized maintenance. But gas workers, being monopolists in most regions, very often simply twist the arms of management organizations, imposing not very favorable terms of the contract for the maintenance of VDGOs and additional, not always mandatory, types of work. Moreover, prices for such services are constantly rising, and there is often simply no fair competition. And the monopolist tries to prevent competitors from entering this market, using every possible means to survive competing companies. I think many workers in the housing and communal services industry have also heard about such competitive wars in their region.

The procedure for using gas in terms of ensuring the safe use and maintenance of intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment when providing utility services for gas supply, including the procedure for concluding and executing an agreement on the maintenance and repair of VDGO, is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2013 No. 410 “On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor and indoor gas equipment” (hereinafter according to the text - Rules 410).

WITH light hand of our legislative power in the first edition of rules 410, the implementation of VDGO maintenance activities could only gas distribution organizations that transport gas under an agreement with the gas supplier. Such legislative provisions, which secure the exclusive rights of organizations that are already monopolists, could not but give rise to legal disputes until By decision Supreme Court RF dated December 10, 2013 No. AKPI13-826 points 2, 6, 7, 10, 24 - 30, 32, 34 - 36, 80 Rules No. 410 “On measures to ensure safety during the use and maintenance of in-house and in-apartment gas equipment”, in the part that gives the exclusive right to carry out activities for maintenance, repair and replacement of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment only to a gas distribution organization carrying out gas transportation under an agreement with the gas supplier.

VDGO maintenance work is one of the types of mandatory work for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building (MKD).

According to paragraph 131 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 09/09/2017) “On the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (hereinafter referred to as Rules 354), gas supply to the consumer is provided subject to emergency dispatch support organized by the contractor and carried out by a specialized organization, proper maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment and indoor gas equipment, as well as subject to technical diagnostics of in-house gas equipment and intra-apartment gas equipment, which are carried out under the relevant agreements concluded in an apartment building in relation to intra-house gas equipment in an apartment building - with a partnership or cooperative, management organization, and in the case of direct management of an apartment building - with the owners of premises in the apartment building.

In accordance with paragraph 21 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/03/2013 No. 290 “On the minimum list of services and work necessary to ensure the proper maintenance of common property (CP) in an apartment building, and the procedure for their provision and implementation” (hereinafter referred to as List 290 ) it has been established that the work performed for the purpose of proper maintenance of in-house gas equipment systems in apartment buildings is:

    organization of checking the condition of the in-house gas equipment system and its individual elements;

    organization of maintenance and repair of indoor gas control systems;

    when identifying violations and malfunctions of indoor gas equipment, smoke removal and ventilation systems that can lead to gas accumulation in the premises, - organizing work to eliminate them.

Thus, concluding an agreement for the maintenance of VDGO is mandatory for the management organization as for the organization responsible for the maintenance of common property, in accordance with the provisions of Rules 354, 491 and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, these works are considered provided for in the management agreement and must be carried out without fail by the management organization. That is, the management organization is obliged to provide for the specified maintenance work on the VDGO when developing proposals for approving the list of works on the maintenance of the OI MKD and fees for maintenance and Maintenance at the general meeting of owners.

Resolution of the Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated January 15, 2018 No. 13AP-33608/2017 : “The obligation of the Management Company, as a provider of public utilities, to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for the maintenance of gas-using equipment in the interests of citizens and in order to create organizational and technical conditions for the safe gas supply of an apartment building for the gas supplier and the population is based on the provisions cited by the courtspoints 3, 4 , 13 , subparagraph “d” of paragraph 49 Rules for the provision of public services to citizens, approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated 23.05.2006 No. 307,paragraph 2 of article 161 Housing Code of the Russian Federation,clause 5.5.6Rules and standards for the operation of the housing stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170,point 4Order No. 239 andparagraph 30Rule No. 410."

The only question is what work and with what frequency should be performed by the service organization for servicing the VDGO, and the question of the price of such a contract is also interesting. After all, not every manager is ready to defend his case in the courts when entering into disputes over a contract.

There is even a known case where a demonstrative gas shutdown was arranged in an apartment building served by one management organization. It’s clear that they didn’t find who did it. And no one will look, judging by the work of our law enforcement agencies. And it is almost impossible to prove the involvement of respected gas workers in this. But who needed to turn off the gas in a residential high-rise building in a prosperous area of ​​the city? Just an ordinary person and will not turn off the gas whole house, since this is still fraught with criminal liability if such actions cause damage to property or, God forbid, to the health or lives of people. And how many of us know where it turns off? gas pipe supplying gas to a residential apartment building?

But by a strange coincidence, just at this very time, this management organization was having a contractual dispute with the organization servicing VDGO, when concluding an agreement for New Year. And do you think the contract was signed on the terms of the management organization or the monopoly service organization? The answer, I think, is obvious. They signed the contract and paid extra money for services that were completely optional. After all, management organizations are the richest in our country, much richer than energy workers and gas workers, and will easily pay for unnecessary work, otherwise they will be asked to pay for “unknown persons” from nosy gas workers.

This is exactly the case when it is clear to everyone which way the wind is blowing, but it is easier to agree and pay more than 100 thousand rubles for optional and imposed services than to look for those to blame or wait for the gas to be turned off by “unknown persons” of the remaining houses of the management organization, and then wait for inspections based on complaints from residents due to lack of gas in apartments.

Maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment is carried out on the basis of an agreement on the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment concluded by the customer and the contractor (clause 16 of Rules 410).

In accordance with paragraph 38 of Rules 410 The terms of the contract for the maintenance and repair of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment are determined in accordance with the Civil code Russian Federation and Rules 410.

By its legal nature, the concluded agreement for the provision of technical maintenance services is an agreement for the provision of services for a fee, the relations under which are regulated by the norms of Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a contract for the provision of paid services, the contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the customer, to provide services (perform certain actions or carry out certain activities), and the customer undertakes to pay for these services.

The VDGO service contract is a public contract, that is, the conclusion of the contract is mandatory for the party carrying out maintenance activities for in-house gas equipment.

An agreement is considered concluded in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation if an agreement is reached between the parties, in the form required in appropriate cases, on all essential terms of the agreement.

Previously, before the amendments were made, paragraph 43 of Rule 410 provided for bypassing the routes at least once a year, and instrument inspection technical condition gas pipelines - at least once every three years, carry out maintenance of internal gas pipelines that are part of the intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment - at least once every 3 years.

By Government Decree No. 1091 of 09.09.2017, changes were made to this paragraph, according to which subparagraph “b” of paragraph 43 is stated in the following wording, on the basis of which the Contractor is now obliged to: carry out maintenance of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment at least 1 time a year, taking into account the minimum list of work performed (services provided) for the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) in-apartment gas equipment, provided for in the appendix to these Rules.

When concluding a contract, management organizations need to check the scope of work included in the contract for its compliance with the minimum list of works in accordance with Rules 410, in order to avoid inclusion of additional work not included in the list.

Another controversial issue when concluding a contract for VDGO servicing is the price of the contract.

Clause 1 of Art. 709 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation established what in The contract specifies the price of the work to be performed or ways to determine it. If there are no such instructions in the contract, the price is determined in accordance withparagraph 3 of article 424 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 424 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 1 provides: execution of the contract is paid at the price established by agreement of the parties. In cases provided for by law, prices (tariffs, rates, rates, etc.) established or regulated by those authorized to do so are applied. government agencies and (or) local government bodies. Paragraph 2 of this article states: price changes after the conclusion of the contract are allowed in cases and under the conditions stipulated by the contract, by law or in the manner prescribed by law.

According to paragraph 40 of Rule 410, the contract price is determined on the basis of tariffs for work, calculated in accordance with methodological recommendations on the rules for calculating the cost of maintenance and repair of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment, approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia dated December 27, 2013 No. 269-e/8 “On approval of Methodological Recommendations on the rules for calculating the cost of maintenance and repair of in-house and in-apartment gas equipment” approved the following guidelines(hereinafter referred to as Order 269).

Based on paragraph 2 of Order 269, it follows that the methodological recommendations recommended for use when calculating maintenance costs and repair of in-house and intra-apartment gas equipment. Thus, the specified normative document is not mandatory for use by individuals and legal entities when concluding contracts, since it is not a legal act regulating relations to establish a mandatory tariff for the specified VDGO maintenance services.

Litigation in this category of contracts is not particularly diverse. Most of them relate to debt collection under existing contracts for VDGO service. When concluding a contract, disputes arise on points relating to the delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility gas networks, as well as clauses of the contract relating to the execution of certificates of completed work.

Resolution of the Sixth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated November 23, 2016 No. 06AP-4867/201 on case no. A73-6939/2016: « It does not follow from the above provisions of Rules 491 that the common property includes an in-house utility gas supply system up to shut-off valves(faucet) inclusive.

By general rule the external boundary of the utility networks included in the common property is the external boundary of the wall apartment building; the boundary of operational responsibility is the place of connection of the collective (common house) metering device with the corresponding utility network, included in an apartment building (clause 8 of Rules No. 491).

A special rule has been established for gas supply networks: the outer boundary of the gas supply networks that are part of the common property is the point of connection of the first shut-off device with the external gas distribution network (clause 9 of Rules No. 491).

Taking into account the above regulations, the shut-off device located on the gas pipeline laid along the facade of the building, which is the boundary between the gas inlet pipeline and the gas consumption network, is not included in the internal gas equipment in an apartment building.”

Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern District of February 8, 2017 No. F03-6557/2016 (determined by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2017 No. 303-ES17-5751 refusal to submit a cassation appeal for consideration to the Investigative Committee of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation): « According to imperative requirementsparagraph 39Rules No. 410 in the agreement on the maintenance and repair of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment, the address of the apartment building in which the intra-house gas equipment is located, the maintenance and repair of which will be carried out under the agreement on the maintenance and repair of intra-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment gas equipment, therefore, each apartment building managed by the plaintiff must be an independent subject of a maintenance contract. At the same time, the current legislation does not prohibit concluding a single agreement on the maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment in relation to several.

apartment buildingsBy virtue ofparagraph 55

Rules No. 410, the performance of work (provision of services) under an agreement for the maintenance and repair of in-house and (or) intra-apartment gas equipment is confirmed by a certificate of acceptance of work performed (services provided).

Having established that the plaintiff’s requirement to indicate in the acceptance certificate for the work performed the cost of such work for each house does not contradict the provisions of the law, the courts reasonably satisfied the plaintiff’s demands in this part.”

    Thus, from the above it is possible to draw the following conclusions: as for an organization responsible for the maintenance of common property, in accordance with the provisions of rules 354, 491 and the Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

    the specified works are considered to be provided for in the management agreement and must be carried out without fail by virtue of List 290 and Resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 6464/10;

    The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the mandatory establishment and regulation of tariffs for VDGO maintenance services;

    changing the contract price is possible only by agreement of the parties on the basis of an additional agreement. If there are disagreements under the contract, the dispute is subject to judicial review at the request of either party.

Whether to argue in court with the organization servicing the VDGO or somehow negotiate peacefully (if this is possible in your region), or accept all the conditions of the gas workers, turning a blind eye to the inconsistency of their version of the contract with the law, each of the heads of the management organizations decides these issues themselves due to various initial data.

But I think the likelihood of concluding an agreement on terms that comply with the law will be higher in those regions where there will be fair competition, and in general there will be competitors to Gazprom’s subsidiaries. Only in this case will management organizations have the choice to conclude an agreement for the most favorable conditions with a loyal and organization that will value every counterparty. And it’s hardly worth expecting an honest and fair game from a monopolist...

Sincerely, Ilmira Nosik.

Household gas appliances require a special approach to maintenance and service. Mainly, the specific operation of such units is determined by increased safety requirements. In this regard, special standards and regulations are being introduced that regulate the rules for carrying out maintenance of gas equipment, as well as related repair activities.

Regulatory basis for maintenance

The need to develop special rules for the maintenance and maintenance of gas systems and units was due to the increasing incidence of accidents in apartment buildings, which are also associated with equipment malfunctions. In 2013, a corresponding law was passed obliging owners gas technology Carry out annual inspections of operating units. Direct maintenance and repair of indoor gas equipment is carried out by specialized organizations with which an agreement is concluded. Resolution of the Russian Federation No. 410 regulates control and organizational measures in this area.

What equipment is subject to maintenance?

The target objects of control are any systems and devices that are located and operated in a specific residential premises. It must be emphasized right away that it does not matter in which house the living space is located - it can be private cottage, and an apartment building. Another thing is that maintenance and repair of in-house gas equipment can also be carried out by companies that initially carry out the maintenance of the facility. In this case, the legal registration of services for monitoring gas systems is simplified.

Now it’s worth considering which units are included in the list of equipment for mandatory regular inspection:

  • Household communication devices. Almost all components and functional units of apartment buildings that are involved in gas supply processes. In particular, these could be gas risers and metering devices.
  • Directly consuming units are boiler units, boilers, stoves and heaters that operate on gas mixtures.

Conclusion of a maintenance agreement

The subscriber, that is, the direct owner and user of gas equipment, is obliged to enter into an agreement with an organization that will annually carry out technical measures. To do this, you must submit an application to an organization that has the right to provide such services. To conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment, it is also necessary to attach the following documents to the application (essentially, an offer):

  • Applicant's identity card or constituent documents from a legal entity.
  • If the application is made by a representative of the owner of the equipment, it is sent relevant document with confirmation of the right to act on behalf of the owner.
  • Documents confirming equipment compliance with existing technical standards.
  • Documents containing the date when the gas meter was sealed.
  • If we are talking about an apartment in an apartment building, then the minutes of the meeting of owners, at which it was decided to conclude an agreement for servicing gas equipment, are also attached.

What is stated in the contract?

In addition to indicating passport information about systems and units, date and location, a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment must also include the following information:

  • Configurations for connecting to public gas supply utilities.
  • A list of work activities that will need to be carried out as part of the maintenance.
  • Schedule of inspection and repair procedures.
  • Cost of services provided.
  • Procedure and terms for making payments for services.
  • Responsibility, rights and obligations of the parties.
  • Period of validity of the contract.
  • Other conditions under which technical and testing activities will have to be carried out.

Who can act as a customer of services?

There are several categories of organizations and persons who, in principle, can enter into an agreement with an organization for the maintenance of gas equipment. First of all, this may be the direct owner of the property in which this equipment is used. When it comes to internal general equipment, then the customer can be a management company, cooperative, partnership or other organizations that are the owners of the house or an economic entity.

As a rule, an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home is concluded by the owner, but even in this case it is possible to hire a specialized company with an appropriate license, which will formally provide services to a third-party company. For example, if the owner of a large cottage has entrusted comprehensive engineering services to one organization, then it can enter into an agreement with another contractor to carry out individual maintenance activities.

In-house equipment maintenance work

The most extensive work includes visual inspection, testing of devices, comprehensive analysis of the technical condition of communications, etc. Specific maintenance procedures for indoor gas equipment include the following:

  • Checking the quality of installation of gas-using systems and assessing the compliance of pipeline laying with regulatory requirements.
  • Checking the quality of painting and fixing devices of the gas pipeline. In the same part, specialists check the integrity of technological units - collectors, splitters and shut-off valves.
  • Visual check to ensure there is sufficient free access to gas-using units and adjacent communications.
  • Testing a gas pipeline for leaks using pressure testing equipment or soap emulsions.
  • In an apartment, maintenance of gas equipment also involves checking the operation of ventilation and smoke ducts, which are responsible for the supply of combustion air and the removal of exhaust gas mixtures.
  • The condition of fittings and materials is checked, including valves, seals, nozzles, taps, seals, etc.

Based on the results of the initial visual inspection, a decision can be made to test the equipment or repair work Oh. In the second case, sometimes a project for the execution of work is drawn up - it depends on the scale of the technical measures and the terms of the contract.

Features of gas stove maintenance

First of all, the quality of fasteners and the stability of equipment installation are assessed. In particular, how much securely plate fixed relative to the tabletop or other nearby kitchen furniture. Next, the fastening of functional elements is checked - grills, temperature indicators, burners, baking trays, etc. Special attention when maintaining indoor gas equipment is paid to automation, control and protection systems. To test such devices, a specialist can use electrical measuring equipment such as multimeters.

Features of maintenance of gas furnaces

Such units have high fire safety requirements. Compliance with the gaps between the furnace structure, walls and other installations is assessed. The general infrastructure of this equipment must include front burner sheets and a draft stabilizer. The quality of operation of these systems is also checked using special devices and devices. In the maintenance of stove-type gas equipment, the importance of draft is extremely high, so the controller will also have to check the movement of the damper in the chimney. The intensity of air flow is measured, and the compliance of the mine parameters is assessed regulatory requirements.

Features of maintenance of hot water boilers

The complexity of boilers and other boilers operating in DHW station mode lies in the multi-level nature of the circuit piping. The technician is required to thoroughly check the pipelines, connection areas and connection of the unit to the circulation circuits. The system is inspected to detect leaks and depressurization. In particular, the tightness of the contact pipes of the heat exchanger and coil to the walls of the combustion chamber is assessed. These are the most sensitive interfaces between functional parts. Provides for maintenance of gas equipment and carrying out cleaning activities. With the help of special detergents and abrasives, the surfaces of the heat exchanger and furnace are cleaned from soot, scale and scale. If necessary, filters and membranes of the unit are replaced.

Additional maintenance procedures

During the inspection process, not only the target equipment with communications is checked, but also cylinders with a gas mixture, if the source is not the central supply line. Individual cylinder installations, in particular, are checked for compliance with established pressure standards (2-3.6 kPa), tightness and structural integrity.

If necessary, as part of the maintenance of gas equipment, the technician can adjust the operation of the systems associated with the target unit. For example, if the operation of the boiler is controlled by a general automated controller, in which at the time of testing the device’s regulation parameters were set incorrectly.

Carrying out repair work

To carry out such activities, a special application is submitted and an equipment inspection report is drawn up, on the basis of which a plan for further action is developed. But this applies to unscheduled repair work, which may be associated with accidents or detection of breakdowns during normal operation. Planned repair and maintenance operations usually come down to replacing consumables, reinstalling individual components, etc.

Comprehensive maintenance and repair of gas equipment, for example, also includes the replacement of electrical wiring if it is damaged or the insulation coating is damaged. The most important repair and restoration procedures are associated with repairing burners, mixers, adjusting movable parts of equipment, replacing gas mixture supply hoses, etc. More complex activities are entrusted to specialized specialists service centers from the direct manufacturer.


Mandatory regular maintenance of household gas appliances by licensed organizations seems unnecessary and burdensome to many users. And there is every reason for this, since additional organizational hassle arises, not to mention financial costs. On the other hand, in the contract for maintenance and repair of gas equipment, you can specify optimal conditions inspections, which will at least minimize unwanted problems when performing scheduled controls. However, the very feasibility of such procedures should not be questioned, since we are talking about safety issues. And the usual practice of independent maintenance and repair without the help of specialists does not work in this case precisely because of the increased danger of the gas infrastructure.

Benefits for VDGO maintenance

The law on gasification states benefits and assistance to certain categories of people. The disadvantage of the document is that there is no supervisory authority to carry out this procedure. Therefore, each company decides this issue at its own discretion. For us this point is fundamental. We are ready at any time to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home. With veterans of the Great Patriotic War We work for free.

VDGO maintenance: what is included?

Each home has its own system designed and installed gas appliances, which can be either simple or complex. But no matter what system is functioning, maintenance of gas equipment in private homes involves a whole range of preventive work:
  • We check whether the in-house gas equipment is installed correctly in accordance with the standards, and check that it is functioning correctly.
  • We carry out maintenance gas boiler.
  • We look at the fastenings, whether the joints are hermetically connected, and analyze the integrity of the parts.
  • We check the condition of the taps and lubricate them for smooth operation.
  • We evaluate the thrust in ventilation pipes and chimneys.
  • We clean burners and carry out other work.
To order a one-time service or enter into an agreement for maintenance of indoor gas equipment once a year in our company, you need:
  • leave a request on the website;
  • sign and pay for the contract;
  • agree on a time convenient for you.
These measures cannot be carried out on your own without special training and experience. It makes no sense to entrust the maintenance of VDGO to private craftsmen, since their control will have no legal value. Let's take a closer look.

The law requires concluding a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home!

If you decide to conclude a contract for the maintenance of VDGO with our company, then one copy will definitely be sent by us to Mosoblgaz. This will mean that your gas equipment is properly maintained in accordance with the law and no gas outages will be threatened. Your home will always be warm and hot water, and we will make sure that it all works safely and reliably!

Often, owners of gasified houses in the Moscow region do not understand why they need a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private house. Government Resolution 549, published back in 2008, states the right gas company to turn off gas in the absence of an agreement. The law also states that only a specialized company can carry out maintenance of indoor gas equipment.

It sounds scary, but in fact we are talking about a valid document, signed before the date indicated above and which has not lost force to this day. Having a current VDGO maintenance contract in hand, the owner can sleep peacefully. In case of absence or delay, it’s time to sound the alarm, unless, of course, you yourself are a talented gas worker with 25 years of experience, certified in the best traditions of the gas genre. But, remember about the shutdown... If the owner did not take care of it in a timely manner, the supplier will notify the residents of the suspension of obligations and gas supply.

The decree and the absence of a valid document are not the only reason to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home. Self-preservation and common sense are much more important. Gas equipment is a complex device that, if used incorrectly or in case of emergency situation turn into time bombs. Is there anything else that needs to be said about the importance of carrying out competent servicing of a gas boiler and the qualifications of the engineers of the company with which the owners have close gas relations?

It is worth keeping in mind that if you conclude an official contract for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home, its price will be much lower than the cost of emergency work in the event of a malfunction, which may result from untimely technical inspection.

Maintenance of gas heating boilers in private homes

Servicing gas equipment in a private home covers a wide range of objects, from gas and water supply pipes and corresponding shut-off valves to chimneys and ventilation ducts. But the most difficult and responsible task is the maintenance of gas heating boilers.

Commissioning and maintenance of boilers different manufacturers have their differences. At the Victoria company, engineers received personal certificates of training completed in all popular representative offices of equipment developers. This confirms that specialists have everything necessary knowledge to carry out service maintenance of gas heating boilers of any brands. Our craftsmen are trained in Mosoblgaz and have advanced training certificates for mechanics, which allows them to work with manufacturers of both imported and Russian production.

High-quality maintenance of gas heating boilers depends on other factors. We use modern diagnostic equipment from Germany: gas analyzers, anemometers, leak detectors. Often in companies, fault checking is carried out at the olfactory level. They came, inspected the boiler, turned on the gas, looked - it worked, great. We adjust the boiler for pressure. We use differential pressure gauges to adjust the gas supply, taking into account local pressure. We adjust the setting using a combustion gas analyzer. If the gas burns completely, there will be no soot or blockages in the heat exchanger and excessive fuel consumption. Proper tuning will reduce fuel consumption by up to 20%. Typically, maintenance of a gas heating boiler takes from one to three hours.

Name Price, rub./(piece/set/m.p.)
Maintenance of VKGO
Annual maintenance (gas stove, hob, oven) in MKD 1200
Annual maintenance of flow, capacitive (storage) gas water heater in MKD 1900
Comprehensive annual maintenance (gas stove, hob, oven) and instantaneous, capacitive (storage) gas water heater in an apartment building 3100
Comprehensive annual maintenance of household gas equipment with a wall-mounted boiler, including two emergency requests 9000
Comprehensive annual maintenance of indoor gas equipment with a wall-mounted boiler in an apartment building 7200
Calling a technician to perform repairs/maintenance (one-time application) with a boiler in an apartment building 3000 / 5000
VDGO maintenance
Maintenance of external (facade) and internal (gas riser) gas pipelines 50

Maintenance of floor-standing gas boilers

How to ensure safety when using gas equipment in an apartment

Gas facilities in a residential building. Who is responsible for what?

In an apartment building, all gas equipment is conventionally divided into two parts.

In-house gas equipment (VDGO)- these are facade gas pipelines and risers along the entrances along with taps. Management organizations are responsible for its technical condition and enter into maintenance contracts with specialized organizations that are authorized to work with gas equipment.

Indoor gas equipment (VKGO)- everything that is located after the shut-off valve on the branch into the apartment: this is the pipeline and connections, plates, water heating columns and boilers, control and safety valves, indoor gas control systems, gas metering devices. For technical condition gas industry inside the apartment, the owner or tenant of the apartment is legally responsible.

Why is it necessary to enter into a maintenance contract?

For security. Regular inspections and maintenance of gas equipment in apartments, carried out by gas specialists, will allow timely identification, for example, of a faulty or outdated stove, and therefore prevent emergencies. Remember, in the overwhelming majority of cases, tragedies occur precisely because of the malfunction of indoor gas equipment.

According to the law, home owners or tenants are required to enter into agreements for the maintenance of gas-using equipment. And everyone must do this, because even if 49 out of 50 apartment owners in a building sign contracts, and one does not, there is no guarantee of safety.

What kind of work is covered by the VKGO maintenance contract?

  • Visual inspection of gas-using equipment, gas pipeline and its fastenings, inspection
  • free access to them
  • Checking the tightness of connections and disconnecting devices (instrumental method or using soap emulsion)
  • Checking the functionality, setting up, adjusting and lubricating devices that allow you to automatically turn off the gas if its parameters deviate from the norm
  • Adjusting the gas combustion process, cleaning burners from contaminants
  • Checking gas pressure
  • Checking the presence of draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, as well as the condition connecting pipes gas-using equipment with a smoke duct
  • Instructing consumers on safe use gas in everyday life

How often will maintenance be carried out?

If the service life of gas-using equipment is no more than 15 years - in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers, and in the absence of requirements - at least once every three years.

If the service life of gas-using equipment is more than 15 years - at least once a year.

What organization is the contract with?

According to the law, a maintenance contract can be concluded with 000 AVG Engineering systems» or any other specialized organization that has permission to carry out activities for servicing in-house gas equipment.

Should all apartment owners enter into individual contracts?

Residents of buildings can enter into these agreements independently, or by decision of the general meeting of owners of the premises of an apartment building, delegate the authority to conclude such agreements to the management company, homeowners association or the chairman of the building council.

Why should a tenant pay for maintenance?

Residents paid for VKGO maintenance before, only maintenance costs gas stoves and pumps until 2005 were taken into account in the cost of gas; later the amount for maintenance was included in the tariff for the maintenance of housing stock (in the rent of management companies, HOAs).

Due to changes in legislation, payments for maintenance are now carried out not through the management company or homeowners association, but directly with a specialized organization.

What happens if the contract is not concluded?

  • Gas specialists will not check the serviceability of gas equipment in apartments.
  • Residents expose not only themselves, but also their loved ones and housemates, to potential danger.
  • The gas supplier does not have confirmation of the serviceability of the gas equipment in the apartments and the safety of its operation.
  • It is possible to disconnect the apartment from gas. Federal legislation prohibits the supply of gas if the tenant does not have a contract for servicing indoor equipment - in other words, gas cannot be supplied to an untested stove or water heater. Before disconnection, written notification to consumers is required.

Mandatory rules for using gas appliances:

  • Ventilate the premises when using gas stoves.
  • It is not allowed to load gas pipelines or use them as supports.
  • Do not use gas stoves to heat apartments, this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Do not leave operating gas appliances unattended, do not allow young children and persons who do not control their actions and do not know the rules for using these appliances.
  • It is not allowed to independently repair, replace, rearrange gas appliances, or turn on gas appliances that were turned off by gas workers.
  • When leaving on vacation, turn off the gas supply to the apartment by turning the tap on the gas supply pipe. The tap on the common gas pipeline at the entrance to the apartment is larger in diameter - not 15, but 25 millimeters.
  • Not allowed when finishing works The gas pipeline with the shut-off device must be sealed tightly into the wall, preventing access for inspection and maintenance of the gas pipeline.
  • It is prohibited to make changes to the design of gas appliances, change the design of smoke and ventilation systems, seal ventilation ducts, brick up or seal “pockets” and hatches intended for cleaning chimneys.

Gas equipment in a private home must be operated properly. Supply and distribution organizations are required to monitor, check, and, if necessary, repair furnaces, pipelines, dispensers and other devices. Inspections are carried out on the basis of a maintenance contract for in-house gas equipment (VDGO). In practice, they can come down to short-term visits by specialists, a quick inspection of the stove, oven and hood, usually without carrying out technical and preventative work.

Basic moments

Not all lawyers agree that it is mandatory to draw up a VDGO agreement. According to Art. 26 of the “Law on Gas Supply in the Russian Federation,” suppliers or their intermediary organizations are prohibited from imposing contract terms that do not directly relate to gas supply and require consumers to pay for an additional service in order to receive the main one.

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It is prohibited to violate pricing procedures that place consumers in unequal conditions for receiving the same service. Gas enterprises are required to check equipment at least once every 6 months.

According to paragraphs. 55-62 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008, the inspection should be carried out free of charge. The law does not provide for a mandatory conclusion of an agreement for VDGO subscription services, but, nevertheless, regional legislation obliges the execution of such a transaction in order, first of all, to protect homeowners from equipment breakdowns and possible accidents.

Practice recent years shows that the FAS makes decisions not in favor of consumers. There are practically no restrictions when setting prices for maintenance of a gas monopolist. The tariffs established at the federal level are advisory in nature and may vary depending on the region.

Besides, officials They often refer to the absence of a provision obliging gas workers to bring to the attention of consumers the cost of a single technical manipulation (service).

You should keep track of who is doing the work on the contractor's side. They are not always experienced and competent in resolving issues and often demand money for their work in excess of the amount paid for the contract. Their justification is that maintenance does not include the repair of complex equipment.

In such a situation, you should be guided by FTS Order No. 269-e/8 dated December 27, 2013, which lists full list works and the recommended cost of each service. Tariffs designated at the regional level should not be higher than the general federal indicators recommended in the guidelines of the FTS.

What it is

A contract for servicing internal household gas equipment is a transaction under which the contractor (contractor) has the obligation to promptly perform maintenance, including repair, restoration, and preventive work on components and assemblies of the relevant engineering networks.

A schedule and annexes with detailed prices, as well as a list of necessary activities, may be attached to the contract. The agreement is often of a public nature, that is, the subscriber accepts the existing terms of the transaction and undertakes to promptly pay fees for servicing networks and devices.

The deal is valid for 1 year, with unlimited renewal periods. Unilateral withdrawal from the contract is possible only if the consumer refuses the gas supply service.

To refuse, you must notify the resource supplying organization no later than 1-2 months in advance. The terms of the transaction can be specified depending on the type of object. The average cost of service depends on the specific region.

Who does it apply to?

Owners and owners of cottages, townhouses, and duplexes are required to conclude an agreement for the maintenance of gas equipment in a private home. The contractor (performer) fulfills the terms of the transaction.

It can also be an organization supplying gas. The law does not prohibit drawing up an agreement with a third-party service organization, including one that sells gas equipment - water heaters, boilers, metering devices, etc.

Features of the procedure

Maintenance can be reduced to checking devices and issuing a receipt, according to which the payer can transfer the required amount on the day of payment for utilities.

Conducted by whom

Inspection and maintenance must be carried out by a licensed organization. The work must be performed by qualified craftsmen. If their competence raises questions, then it is advisable to contact the organization directly and ask to replace specialists.

What to check

Masters check the tightness of the line with a gas analyzer, or the old fashioned way - using soap foam and (or) matches. Performance monitoring is carried out technical equipment, taking into account all provided modes.

The degree of deterioration of networks and units is determined. Repairers carry out their partial or complete disassembly, identify the possibility of their further exploitation or recommend a replacement. Specialists are also required to disassemble and repair the gas stove, carry out heating control, and clean the chimney at the request of the consumer.

Equipment emergency protection systems are checked, including the operation of the carbon monoxide sensor (alarm).

Specialists also:

  • check the standard dimensions, tightness of valves and taps;
  • establish the presence of draft in the combustion space and channels;
  • carry out preventive maintenance - cleaning internal parts remove soot from gas stoves, lubricate units, clean the chimney;
  • check the operation of the water heater, including automatic mechanisms;
  • provide instructions to the consumer.

Our specialists carry out repairs and maintenance of gas boilers. If necessary, pipes are replaced and lines are installed in auxiliary rooms - only if there is a properly completed project.

What is the price

The cost of services is regulated in each region and can be set by the contractor independently. In practice, the price of maintenance of gas equipment in a private house averages 700-3 thousand rubles per year, depending on the size of the room.

The contract specifies a list of works and activities that the contractor’s specialists are required to perform. Additional engineering works may be paid separately. The subscriber will also have to purchase parts at his own expense - for example, if the column breaks or replaces parts in the stove.

Conclusion of an agreement

The agreement is drawn up in two copies, which have equal legal force. The transaction form indicates:

Indicators Description
Date, time and place of execution of the agreement
Information about the customer of the service citizen or legal entity(if he owns a private house); FULL NAME. customer (company's authorized representative), registration address or place of actual residence
Information about the artist usually a regional resource supplier company
Subject of the agreement the obligation of the contractor to carry out relevant work and activities, inspections and the obligation of the customer to promptly pay the payment agreed upon by the parties for the services provided
Rights and obligations of the parties including the right to carry out inspections, the customer’s obligation not to interfere with control and verification activities
List of works and services which the contractor is obliged to provide to the customer
Differentiation of works and services based on the paid/free principle as part of the subscription fee under the agreement
Timing of inspections and activities and date of transfer of payment for services
Additional terms and responsibilities of the parties
Procedure for changing the payment amount and notification of the parties about refusal to execute the transaction
Organization details

The agreement is dated and signed by the parties. The form must bear the seal of the executing organization.

Video: what you don’t have to pay for


Citizens are interested in the mandatory conclusion of an agreement, the obligation to pay for equipment repairs in excess of the fee established by the subscriber.

Key questions asked by citizens:

Question Answer
Is a citizen obliged to enter into a VDGO service agreement? such an obligation is provided for, since the resource supplying or distribution organization has the right to suspend the supply of gas without an appropriate agreement, which is motivated by safety goals
Are technicians required to repair a stove or other equipment free of charge? Here you should pay attention to the wording in the contract, as well as the list of works that is provided to the citizen free of charge. In any case, the homeowner purchases parts and assemblies at his own expense.
Can I choose a contractor organization that will carry out VDGO? a citizen can independently choose an organization that will inspect the equipment. Imposition of services by a monopolist is unacceptable

If this happens, but there is a legal Alternative option with lower prices, then there is no need to fear pressure from the supplying organization, but you should choose the contractor at your own discretion. But the performing organization must have the appropriate license.

The legislative framework

The general terms of the agreement are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The basis for regulating tariffs for the services of gas distribution organizations is established by the Federal Law “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation” dated March 31, 1999 No. 69. The rules for the supply of gas for public utility needs of citizens are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 549 dated July 21, 2008.

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