Sample passport for lightning rod. What information does the grounding device passport contain and how to fill it out. gas industry of the Moscow region

Lightning protection is a set of measures aimed at reducing the risk of damage or destruction of buildings and premises, transport infrastructure, communications, technological equipment from exposure to atmospheric electricity. In this article we will tell you how the Ministry of Health works and how to obtain a passport for it.

From this article you will learn:

What is and why lightning protection and grounding are needed

Atmospheric electricity is dangerous because of its unpredictability. On globe Up to 16 million thunderstorms occur annually, that is, about 44 thousand per day. As a result of a direct lightning strike, destruction of buildings, fires, and death of people located at these facilities or in dangerous proximity can occur. This may also result in equipment failure or damage.

The lightning discharge at the point of breakdown is approximately 30 kV per 1 cm. Lightning always hits the place where it is easier for charged electrons to spread. Therefore, the metal tip of the lightning rod will accumulate lightning discharges, for which this is the easiest way.

The most lightning dangerous period of the year is Russian Federation is summer season, mostly July. As a rule, thunderstorms are most frequent in July, as the height of the clouds increases to 12-14 km above the ground, and because of this, the charge between them increases.

Types of lightning protection

Lightning protection devices (LPDs) are a way to protect infrastructure facilities that are designed to neutralize lightning discharges.

The lightning discharges that we see in the window are already the reverse stroke of lightning. The structure of the MH resembles a ring. A direct strike is a direct contact of a lightning channel with a building or structure, accompanied by the flow of current through it.

There is also a secondary damage associated with the induction of potentials on metal structural elements, equipment, in open metal circuits, caused by nearby lightning discharges and creating the danger of sparking inside the protected object.

Introducing high potential - transferring into a protected building or structure via long metal communications (underground, above-ground and above ground pipelines, cables, etc.) electrical potentials arising from direct and close lightning strikes and creating the danger of sparking inside the protected object.

Lightning protection device

MH is divided into external and internal. External is an elementary type of protection against electrical discharge during a thunderstorm and is designed to intercept lightning and safely lead it to the ground. Thus, at the moment of a direct strike on an object, the lightning protection system must take on the full force of the lightning discharge current and divert it through the down conductors into the grounding circuit, where the energy will safely spread in the ground.

Lightning protection project

An important task when designing a facility is the informed choice of the MH system. This is an important part of the construction project in terms of environment, preservation of buildings and structures, life support facilities and industrial communications from the effects of atmospheric electricity.

It should be noted that in Russia there are standards for the categorization of protected objects and the effectiveness of lightning protection measures.

When designing, the guidelines used are given in:

  • RD 34.21.122-87,
  • SO 153 – 34.21.122 – 2003,
  • GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010,


External MH consists of:

  • lightning rod,
  • lightning rod (down conductor),
  • horizontal ground loop,
  • deep rod grounding.

Installation of lightning protection

The following requirements apply to the installation of the PUE grounding loop:

  • Accessible location of grounding conductors for visual inspection once every six months during the period of greatest and least freezing of the soil (hot and cold seasons), as well as for opening the soil at least once every 12 years.
  • Strength of connecting elements - the deep grounding rod must be securely attached with a bolted or welded connection to the horizontal grounding loop. The ground electrode should not come out of the ground, since in this case the lightning discharge current will not spread inside the soil, a reverse transformation will occur, the consequences of which will be catastrophic for the MZ facility.
  • The level of reliability of devices that act as fuses.
  • Measurement of grounding elements. The measurement must be carried out by accredited electrical laboratories. The insulation resistance measurement protocol is always .

To prepare for installation, it is necessary to establish the dimensions of the building and the materials used in the structures, determine the installation locations of grounding, the descent of down conductors from lightning rods to the grounding loop, and the installation of lightning rods. Then the required number of down conductors, lightning rods, grounding conductors, auxiliary elements– holders and fasteners.

Installation includes the following sequence of operations:

  • installation of holders;
  • installation of lightning rods and laying of current conductors;
  • installation of grounding (laying a circuit of metal strips or rods into a trench around the building).


After installation, it is imperative to check the grounding resistance, which should not exceed 15 Ohms. Then the ground loop will be connected to the common ground loop of the electrical installations in the building.

Active lightning protection

In addition to traditional external systems, active MH - an installation with a system of proactive streamer emission - has now become widespread.

The principle of operation is based on anticipating a lightning strike by forming its own artificial streamer, which is directed towards the lightning leader. This effect can be achieved, for example, by installing a parallel chain of capacitors and arresters.

If the lightning leader approaches such a lightning rod, tension will increase electric field and breakdown of the arresters, a spark discharge occurs. The air around is ionized, which contributes to the appearance of ascending streamers, and ahead of the approach of the descending leader. This advance interval is the main characteristic of the installation and is indicated in its passport.

This is how the active system works in general outline. Manufacturers claim that the protective zone of such devices significantly exceeds the traditional external MH system (Franklin rod). However, at present there is no reliable evidence of the greater effectiveness of this system over the traditional one.

Internal lightning protection system

In addition to the external one, which is essentially an elementary Franklin rod, there is also an internal MZ, which is a complex of protective devices against surge voltages - resistors and inductors. In no case does it replace the external one. The purpose of the SPD is to protect expensive network equipment. SPDs are divided into three types.

It is known that there are direct and indirect lightning strikes. Direct – lightning strikes a building or the communications or power transmission supports connected to it. Indirect – occurs due to lightning strikes near communication lines.

Type 1 impulse overvoltage from a direct shock. Usually installed in rural areas With by air lines power transmission or communications, in buildings with lightning rods or located near high-rise objects (mobile communication towers, tall trees and so on.).

Type 2 impulse overvoltage from an indirect shock. In this case, the stored energy is approximately 17 times less than the energy of a direct impact.

Type 3, for its survivability, requires the use of types 1 and 2 in front of itself and is installed directly next to the consumer. It could be, for example, the usual network filter type UPS or voltage stabilizer.

Lightning protection passport - sample

The passport is handed over to the owner of the protection object after installation of the lightning protection device. It contains a title page, inspection and verification protocols, as well as a diagram indicating measurement control points.

Find the sample labor protection document you need in the Occupational Safety and Health Help System. Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

A sample passport for a grounding device is located in the Guidelines for monitoring the condition of the charger (RD 153-34.0-20.525-00).

This document must contain information about the measurements taken. The passport of the grounding device is kept by the person responsible for the operation of the building or by the chief power engineer.

A visual inspection of the grounding device is carried out by the organization’s commission, and the measurement of the grounding loop is carried out.

To ensure long-term safety of the circuit, it is necessary to regularly inspect it, as well as timely repair of bolted or welded joints in accordance with clause 1.2 of the Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures, approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 No. 279 MDS 13-14.2000.

Section 4

Sample passports for lightning protection devices and grounding devices


Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSOBLGAZ" "Odintsovomezhraigaz"


grounding device

(name of building, structure)

  1. Project completed
(name of design organization)

  1. Date of installation of the grounding device (GD)

  1. Year of commissioning

I. Executive scheme grounding device

II. Basictechnical data

  1. Type of ground electrode (material, profile, cross-section):
– vertical

– horizontal

  1. Vertical ground electrode size (diameter, cross-sectional area):

  1. Number of vertical grounding conductors (pcs.):

  2. Depth of vertical grounding (m):

  3. Distance between vertical grounding conductors (m)

  4. Connecting horizontal stripes: width mm, thickness mm.

  5. Laying depth horizontal stripes contour (m):

  6. Used natural grounding agents

(inner circuit)

  1. Material shape and dimensions

  2. Building elements used

  1. Resistance of the grounding device (design), Ohm

  2. Soil characteristics, soil resistivity (Ohmm)

III. Information about repairs and changes made,

included in the grounding device

IV. Status Check Results Datagrounding devices

  1. Inspections of grounding devices

* Visual inspection of the visible grounding device)

Inspection with selective opening of the soil.

  1. Measuring the resistance of the grounding device (resistance to current spreading)






Test results


  1. Checking the presence of a circuit between the grounding device and the grounded elements, incl. with natural grounding conductors (resistance of transition contacts)

The passport was compiled:

Passport checked:

Chief power engineer of the branch

State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSOBLGAZ"


Position, signature, surname and initials, date

Checking the status of entries in the passport


Job title




Note: The following protocols are attached to the passport:

  1. Grounding device resistance measurements.

  2. Checking the presence of a circuit between the ground loop and the grounded elements.

  3. Defective statement

State unitary enterprise

gas industry of the Moscow region


Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO "MOSOBLGAZ" "Odintsovomezhraigaz"


1.1. Lightning protection is designed to protect equipment placed on a mast from lightning strikes by receiving and discharging discharges into the ground.


2.1. Lightning protection consists of 2 parts: lightning protection part, grounding part.

The lightning protection part is a receiver and a down conductor.

2.2 The lightning rod is a steel rod up to 2 m long, which is attached to the mast using insulating (non-conducting) brackets. The lightning rod is connected to the down conductor using special clamps (or threaded connections) treated with conductive paste to improve the quality of the connection.

2.3. The down conductor is an insulated rod conductor ( insulated wire), which is connected to the grounding part (grounding system).

Fig.1. Lightning protection of a mast with equipment


3.1. Reception part


Quantity, pcs.

Lightning rod L=2m

Insulating bracket with fasteners included

Insulated down conductor with copper rod d=8-10mm

(length is selected depending on the height of the mast)

Down conductor tie

Ground stretch insulator

Universal clamp made of galvanized steel (electrode/strip/rod)

Lightning protection can be supplied with or without a grounding system.


4.1. Assemble and secure the lightning rod to the mast, according to the diagram in Fig. 2.

4.2. Connect the lightning rod (1) to the down conductor (3) using a clamp (6) using conductive paste.

4.3. Stretching top level mast, located on the side of the lightning rod, connect to the mast through an insulator (5) (into the break of the guy rope, like a conductor).

4.4. Secure the down conductor (6) to the guy wire using cable clamps (4).

4.5. Install and secure the mast.

4.6. Connect the down conductor (3) to the grounding system.


Lubricate everything threaded connections grease at least once a year.


Lightning protection must be stored in the manufacturer's container.

Storage in a packaged state is allowed in equipped warehouses at relative humidity air not higher than 75% and the absence of vapors of acids and alkalis.

Lightning protection in packaged form can be transported by any type of transport.


The warranty service life of lightning protection is one year from the date of installation (commissioning), but not more than 18 months from the date of manufacture.


Lightning protection meets the requirements of design documentation and is recognized as suitable for operation.

Almost any above-ground object is not immune to lightning strikes.
Up to 16 million thunderstorms occur annually on the globe, i.e. about 44 thousand per day.

Thunderstorm activity over different parts of the earth's surface is not the same.

To calculate lightning protection measures, it is necessary to know the specific value characterizing thunderstorm activity in a given area. This value is the intensity of thunderstorm activity, which is usually determined by the number of thunderstorm hours or thunderstorm days per year, calculated as the arithmetic mean over a number of years of observations for a certain location on the earth’s surface.

The intensity of thunderstorm activity in a given area of ​​the earth's surface is also determined by the number of lightning strikes per year per 1 km2 of the earth's surface.

The number of hours of thunderstorm activity per year is taken from official data from weather stations in the area.

The relationship between thunderstorm activity and the average number of lightning strikes per 1 km2 (n) is:

Average duration thunderstorms in one thunderstorm day for the territory of the European part of Russia and Ukraine 1.5–2 hours.

The average annual duration of thunderstorms for Moscow is 10-20 hours/year, the density of lightning strikes into the ground is 1/km2 per year - 2.0.

Maps of the average annual duration of thunderstorms

(PUE 7. Rules for electrical installations)

In European countries, the designer can easily obtain this statistics using automated system determining the location of a lightning strike. These systems consist of a large number of sensors located throughout Europe and form a single monitoring network.

Information from sensors in real time is sent to monitoring servers and is accessible via the Internet using a special password.

According to available data, in areas with the number of thunderstorm hours per year π = 30 per 1 km2 of the earth's surface, on average, it is affected once every 2 years, i.e. the average number of lightning strikes per 1 km2 of the earth's surface during 1 thunderstorm hour is 0.067. These data allow us to estimate the frequency of lightning strikes of various objects.

The expected number of lightning strikes per year on buildings and structures with a height of no more than 60 m, not equipped with lightning protection, and having a constant height (Fig. 4a), is determined by the formula:

S - width of the protected building (structure), m; L - length of the protected building (structure), m; hx is the height of the building along its sides, m;
n is the average number of lightning strikes on 1 km2 of the earth’s surface per year in the area where the building is being constructed.

Note: for middle zone Russia can accept n = 5

The formula is given taking into account the fact that the number of lightning strikes on a building or structure is proportional to the area occupied not only by the building or structure itself, but also by the sum of the areas of projections of protective zones created by the edges and corners of the roof of the building or structure.

If parts of the building are of unequal height (Fig. 4b), then the protection zone created by the high-rise part can cover the entire rest of the building.

If the protection zone of the high-rise part does not cover the entire building, it is necessary to take into account the part of the building located outside the protection zone of the high-rise part.

The radius of the protective action of a lightning rod is determined by the height of the mast and for a traditional system is approximately calculated by the formula:
R=1.732 x h,
where h is the height from the highest point of the house to the peak of the lightning rod.

Fig.4. Protection zone created by structures

Rice. 4. Protection zone created by structures: a - buildings with the same height; b - buildings with different heights.
The recommended formula allows for a quantitative assessment of the probability of lightning damage to various structures located in flat areas with fairly uniform ground conditions.

The value of the parameter n included in the calculation formula may differ several times from the values ​​given above.

In mountainous areas most of Lightning discharges occur between clouds, so the value of n may be significantly less.

Areas where there are layers of soil with high conductivity, as observations show, are selectively affected by lightning discharges, so the value of n in these areas may be significantly higher.

Areas with poorly conductive soils in which extensive metal communications are laid may be selectively affected ( cable lines, metal pipelines).

Metal objects (towers, chimneys) that rise above the ground are also selectively affected.

The density of lightning strikes into the ground, expressed in terms of the number of strikes per 1 km 2 of the earth's surface per year, is determined from meteorological observations at the location of the object or is calculated using a formula.

When calculating the number of strikes by downward lightning, it is assumed that a towering object receives discharges that, in its absence, would strike the surface of the earth certain area(the so-called contraction surface). This area has the shape of a circle for a concentrated object ( vertical pipe or towers) and the shape of a rectangle for an extended object.
Available statistics of damage to objects different heights in areas with of different durations thunderstorms made it possible to determine the relationship between the contraction radius (ro) and the height of the object (hx); on average it can be taken ro = 3hх.
The analysis shows that concentrated objects are affected by downward lightning at a height of up to 150 m. Objects above 150 m are 90% affected by upward lightning.

In domestic standards, the height of the lightning rod and the protected object under any circumstances is measured from the ground level, and not from the roof of the structure, which guarantees a certain margin during design, which, unfortunately, is not assessed in quantitative terms.

External lightning protection
External lightning protection of a house is designed to intercept lightning and divert it into the ground. This completely prevents lightning from entering the building and causing it to catch fire.
Internal lightning protection
A building fire is not the only danger during a thunderstorm. There is a danger of exposure of devices to an electromagnetic field, which causes overvoltage in electrical networks. This can lead to the alarm and lights being turned off and equipment being damaged.
Installing special surge voltage protection devices allows you to instantly respond to voltage surges in the network and keep expensive equipment working.

Main types of lightning rod systems:

    using 1 pin for the whole house, which, in turn, is divided into traditional (Franklin lightning rod) and with an ionizer;

    using a system of pins connected to each other (Faraday cage).

    using a cable stretched over the protected structure.

Impact of lightning current

When lightning discharges into an object, the current has thermal, mechanical and electromagnetic effects.
Thermal effects of lightning current. The flow of lightning current through structures is associated with the release of heat. In this case, the lightning current can cause the down conductor to heat up to the melting point or even evaporation.
The cross-section of the conductors must be selected in such a way that the danger of unacceptable overheating is eliminated.

The melting of the metal at the point of contact of the lightning channel can be significant if the lightning strikes a sharp spire. When the lightning channel comes into contact with a metal plane, melting occurs for a sufficiently long time. large area, numerically equal to square millimeters current amplitude value in kiloamperes.
Mechanical effects of lightning currents. The mechanical forces that arise in various parts of a building and structures when lightning currents pass through them can be very significant.

When exposed to lightning currents wooden structures may be completely destroyed, and brick pipes and other above-ground structures made of stone and brick may suffer significant damage.
When lightning strikes concrete, a narrow discharge channel is formed. Significant energy released in the discharge channel can cause destruction, which will lead either to a decrease in mechanical strength concrete, or to deformation of the structure.
When lightning strikes reinforced concrete, the concrete may be destroyed with deformation of the steel reinforcement.


The lightning protection system of a building needs periodic inspection. The need for such measures is determined, firstly, by the importance of these devices for the safety of both the real estate itself and the people nearby, and secondly, by the fact that lightning rods are constantly exposed to adverse environmental factors.

The first check of the lightning protection system is carried out immediately after installation. In the future, it is carried out at certain intervals established by regulations.


The frequency of lightning protection inspection is determined in accordance with clause 1.14 RD 34.21.122-87 “Instructions for the installation of lightning protection of buildings and structures.”

According to the document, for all categories of buildings it is carried out at least once a year.

According to the rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers" testing of grounding circuits is carried out:

    Once every six months - visual inspection of visible elements of the grounding device;

    Once every 12 years - inspection, accompanied by selective opening of the soil.

Measuring the resistance of ground loops:

    Once every 6 years - on power lines with voltages up to 1000 V;

    Once every 12 years - on power lines with voltages over 1000 V.


Checking lightning protection includes the following activities:

    checking the connection between grounding and lightning rod;

    contact resistance measurement bolted connections lightning protection systems;

    grounding check;

    insulation check;

    visual inspection of the integrity of the system elements (down conductors, lightning rods, points of contact between them), the absence of corrosion on them;

    checking the compliance of the actually installed lightning protection system with the design documentation, the validity of installing this type of lightning rod at this facility;

    testing the mechanical strength and integrity of welded joints of the lightning protection system (all joints are tapped with a hammer);

    determination of the grounding resistance of each individual lightning rod. During subsequent checks, the resistance value should not exceed the level determined during acceptance tests by more than 5 times;

The resistance of the lightning protection system is checked using the MRU-101 device. At the same time, the methodology for checking lightning protection may be different. The most common ones include:
Resistance measurement in a lightning protection system using a three-pole circuit
Resistance measurement in a lightning protection system using a four-pole circuit
The four-pole testing system is more accurate and minimizes the possibility of error.
It is best to check the grounding in conditions of maximum soil resistance - in dry weather or in conditions of greatest freezing. In other cases, correction factors are used to obtain accurate data.

Based on the results of the system inspection, a lightning protection inspection protocol is drawn up, which indicates the serviceability of the equipment.

According to current standards, to determine the lightning protection class, detailed data on the object and, accordingly, risk factors are required. To obtain them, you are asked to fill out several questionnaires. But thanks to this plate, you can pre-select the lightning protection class and risk factors without detailed data.

Min. amplitude value of lightning current

Max. amplitude value of lightning current

Probability of getting into the lightning protection system

3 kA

200 kA

5 kA

150 kA

10 kA

100 kA

16 kA

100 kA

Lightning protection industrial buildings and structures
(Handbook of power supply for industrial enterprises. Industrial electrical networks).

Determining the need for lightning protection of industrial buildings and structures not included in those indicated in the table. , can be carried out for reasons that provide grounds for the use of lightning protection devices.
The reasons for the need for lightning protection devices may be the number of lightning strikes per year of more than 0.05 for buildings and structures of fire resistance degrees I and II; 0.01 - for III, IV and V degrees of fire resistance (regardless of the activity of thunderstorm activity in the area under consideration).
In large buildings (with a width of 100 m or more), it is necessary, in accordance with § 2-15 and 2-27 CH305-69, to provide measures to equalize the potential inside the building in order to avoid damage to electrical installations and injury to people due to direct lightning strikes into the building.

Classification of buildings and structures according to lightning protection and the need for its implementation

Buildings and constructions

The area in which buildings and structures are subject to mandatory lightning protection

Industrial buildings and facilities with production facilities classified as classes B-I and B-II PUE Throughout the USSR
Industrial buildings and structures with premises classified as classes B-Ia, B-Ib and B-IIa according to the Electrical Installation Rules In areas with average thunderstorm activity of 10 hours or more per year


External technical installations and outdoor warehouses containing explosive gases, vapors, flammable and flammable liquids (for example, gas tanks, containers, loading and unloading racks, etc.), classified as class B-IIa according to the PUE Throughout the USSR


Industrial buildings and structures with production facilities classified as classes P-I, P-II or P-IIa according to the PUE In areas with average thunderstorm activity of 20 thunderstorm hours or more per year with the expected number of lightning strikes to a building or structure per year of at least 0.05 for buildings or structures of the 1st degree of fire resistance and 0.01 for the III, IV and V degrees of resistance


Industrial buildings and structures of III, IV and V degrees of fire resistance, classified by stages fire danger to categories G and D according to SNiP II-M, 2-62, as well as open warehouses of solid flammable substances classified as class P-III according to PUE In areas with average thunderstorm activity of 20 thunderstorm hours or more per year with an expected number of lightning strikes to a building or structure per year of at least 0.05


Outdoor installations in which flammable liquids with a vapor flash point above 45 °C are used or stored, classified as class P-III according to the PUE


Livestock and poultry buildings and structures of agricultural enterprises of III, IV and V degrees of fire resistance for the following purposes: cowsheds and calf barns for 100 heads or more, pigsties for animals of all ages and groups for 100 heads or more; stables for 40 heads or more; poultry houses for all types of poultry ages for 1000 birds or more


In areas with average thunderstorm activity of 40 thunderstorm hours or more per year Vertical exhaust pipes industrial enterprises and boiler houses, water and silo towers, fire towers height 15-30 m from the ground surface


In areas with average thunderstorm activity of 20 thunderstorm hours or more per year Throughout the USSR


Vertical exhaust pipes of industrial enterprises and boiler houses with a height of more than 30 m from the ground surface industrial enterprises and boiler houses, water and silo towers, fire towers height 15-30 m from the ground surface


Residential and public buildings rising at the level of the general building mass by more than 25 m, as well as separate buildings with a height of more than 30 m, distant from the building mass by at least 100 m Public buildings industrial enterprises and boiler houses, water and silo towers, fire towers height 15-30 m from the ground surface


IV and V degrees of fire resistance for the following purposes: kindergartens and nurseries; educational and dormitory buildings, canteens of sanatoriums, recreation institutions and pioneer camps, dormitory buildings of hospitals; clubs and cinemas Buildings and structures of historical and artistic significance that are under the management of fine arts Throughout the USSR


and protection of monuments of the USSR Ministry of Culture

Explanation of the Office for Supervision in the Electric Power Industry of Rostechnadzor on the joint application of the “Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures” (RD 34.21.122-87) and “Instructions for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications” (SO 153-34.21.122-2003)

Heads of Federal
government agencies
departments and energy
state inspections

energy supervision





109074, Moscow, K-74

tel. 710-55-13, fax 710-58-29



At no.


To the Department for Supervision of the Electric Power Industry Federal service for supervision in the electric power industry (Rostekhnadzor) and previously to Gosenergonadzor from numerous organizationsquestions about the procedure for using the "Instructions for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industries"line communications" (SO 153-34.21.122-2003), approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 280. Attention is drawn to the difficulties of using this Instruction due topresence reference materials. Questions are also being asked about the legality of the order of RAO UESRussia" dated August 14, 2003 No. 422 "On the revision of normative and technical documents (NTD) and the procedure for their operation in accordance with the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" and on the timing of preparation of the documentbiy to instructionsSO 153-34.21.122-2003.

The Office for Supervision of the Electric Power Industry of Rostechnadzor clarifies this.

According to the regulations Federal Law dated December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On technicalregulation", Article 4, executive authorities have the right to approve (issue) documents (acts) only of a recommendatory nature. This type of document includes the "InstructionBy lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications."

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 280 does not cancel the previous edition"Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures" (RD 34.21.122-87), and the word "instead" in the prefixAccording to individual editions of the instruction SO 153-34.21.122-2003, does not mean that the use of the previous edition is inadmissible. Design organizations has the right to use when determining research on initial data and when developing protective measures, the position of any of the mentionedinstructions or a combination thereof.

Deadline for preparing reference materials for the "Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures"tions and industrial communications", SO 153-34.21.122-2003, not currently defineddue to lack of sources of funding for this work.

Order of RAO "UES of Russia" dated August 14, 2003 No. 422 is a corporate document and is not valid for organizations that are not part of the structure of RAO "UES of Russia".

Head of DepartmentN.P.


GOST standards for lightning protection
GOST R IEC 62561.1-2014 Components of a lightning protection system.
Part 1. Requirements for connecting components
GOST R IEC 62561.4-2014 Components of lightning protection systems. Part 4. Requirements for conductor fastening devices
GOST R IEC 62561.5-2014 Components of lightning protection systems. Part 5. Requirements for manholes and seals of grounding electrodes
GOST R IEC 62561.6-2015 Components of a lightning protection system. Part 6. Requirements for lightning strike meters
GOST R IEC 62561-7-2016 Components of a lightning protection system. Part 7. Requirements for mixtures that normalize grounding

GOST R IEC 62305-1-2010 Risk management. Lightning protection. Part 1. General principles
GOST R IEC 62305-2-2010 Risk management. Lightning protection. Part 2. Risk assessment
GOST R IEC 62305-4-2016 Lightning protection. Part 4. Protection of electrical and electronic systems inside buildings and structures

GOST R54418.24-2013 (IEC 61400-24:2010) Renewable energy.

Wind power. Wind power installations. Part 24. Lightning protection International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC; English International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC; French Commission électrotechnique internationale, CEI) - international non-profit organization
on standardization in the field of electrical, electronic and related technologies.

IEC standards are numbered in the range 60000 - 79999 and their names are of the type IEC 60411 Graphic symbols. The numbers of the old IEC standards were converted in 1997 by adding the number 60 000, for example, the IEC 27 standard received the number IEC 60027. The standards developed jointly with the International Organization for Standardization have names of the form ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994 Open Systems Interconnection: Basic Reference Model. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has developed standards that set out the principles for protecting buildings and structures of any purpose from overvoltages, allowing for the correct approach to design issues building structures

and lightning protection systems for the facility, rational placement of equipment and laying of communications.

    These primarily include the following standards:

    IEC-61024-1 (1990-04): “Lightning protection of building structures. Part 1. Basic principles."

    IEC-61024-1-1 (1993-09): “Lightning protection of building structures. Part 1. Basic principles. Guide A: Selecting Protection Levels for Lightning Protection Systems."

IEC-61312-1 (1995-05): “Protection against lightning electromagnetic pulse.

    use of building structures with metal elements(fittings, frames, load-bearing elements, etc.), electrically connected to each other and the grounding system, and forming a shielding environment to reduce the impact of external electromagnetic influences inside the object (“Faraday cage”);

    the presence of a properly implemented grounding and potential equalization system;

    dividing the facility into conditional protective zones and using special surge protection devices (SPDs);

    compliance with the rules for the placement of protected equipment and conductors connected to it relative to other equipment and conductors that can have a dangerous effect or cause interference.

The need to draw up a grounding device passport is stipulated by law. According to the regulatory data of PTEEP, the grounding loop passport contains:

  • basic specifications devices;
  • data on checks performed to ensure the proper operational condition of the grounding system.

Standardization of the availability of such a document is justified by its main task.

Why do you need a passport?

The passport of the grounding kit records data on the features of installation of protective grounding of electrical installations, oriented towards structural characteristics different types objects.

There are several types of grounding systems and technologies for its production. Choice optimal option carried out based on the analysis of various aspects (resistivity different types soils, climatic changes in soil resistance, etc.). Using the passport data, the specialist will be able to select the most suitable grounding kit for a specific circuit.

Correctly and clearly compiled documentation for protective equipment plays important role For normal functioning electrical system object. All inspection reports included in the document, examples of tests performed and other additional research materials serve as documentary evidence of reliable operation protective system grounding.

If some controversial issues arise, all recorded data can be easily provided to specialized control bodies.

Grounding certificate: what information does it contain?

The document displays not only various kinds technical and computational and research information about the grounding loop, and additions - these are all grounding schemes.

Standard structural content of a passport:

  1. Cover.
  2. Technical parameters of the device.
  3. A significant number of tables. The following tabular data is entered:
    • Visual inspection materials (data on corrosion, defects and suggestions for troubleshooting options).
    • Results of all inspections.
    • Description of the conducted repair work.
    • Data that is displayed in special protocols and acts. Documents on measurements or tests are separately attached to the passport.
  4. Additional information:
    • Data on possible connections with similar grounding devices or various communications.
    • Date of commissioning of grounding equipment.
    • All basic device parameters.
    • Grounding current spreading resistance.
    • Soil and metal resistance.

Additional information is recorded if there is a need to record it - this is not generally necessary.

Grounding device passport form

There is standardization of data entry forms for various technical documentation. Form 24 is legally prescribed for the grounding device.

The start date of operation and the type of electrical installation are indicated. The technical characteristics of the grounding system are described in detail:

  • data on the material of grounding electrodes;
  • number, size and configuration of grounding electrodes;
  • displays information about the location of connecting strips.

Familiarize yourself with the principle of filling out such technical document you can follow an example. The content and type of the protective grounding passport form can be modified, but the basic information must be displayed (cover, technical specifications, drawing).

Principle of entering inspection results

Grounding inspection by a specialist should be carried out once every six months. It is very important to display the result of each test in a table. The main point that attention is drawn to when carrying out such an inspection is the resistance of grounding conductors to corrosion.

There should be no breaks at the junction of the electrical installation with the grounding device. The contact of all circuit elements is checked. It may be necessary to open up the soil to measure electrical resistance devices and to inspect the condition of the grounding circuit. The results are entered into the appropriate table. The frequency of such inspection is at least once every 12 years.

If certain faults are detected with grounding equipment, specialists will begin work to eliminate them. At this stage, portable grounding is often used.

Passport for portable model

Using a portable grounding model, the safety of electrical installation or repair work on switched off electrical equipment is realized. All such devices comply with GOST.

The requirement for obtaining a passport for such devices has been approved by law. The structure of the portable model technical document is very similar to that of the electrical equipment.

Standardization of passport data of a portable grounding model:

  • technical parameters and characteristics of the device;
  • product acceptance data;
  • permits for its operation;
  • device manufacturer's warranties;
  • conditions of its storage;
  • safety precautions when working with it.

At correct device This portable model of grounding equipment is the main means of protection when working with electrical installations in circuits without permanent chargers (up to 1 kV).

All technical documentation for the protection of an electrified facility is compiled taking into account relevant norms and rules. A responsible approach to the design, electrical installation of grounding and proper documentation of the results of such work will guarantee the maximum level of safety for the elements electrical network