Cleaning technological equipment. System solutions for cleaning in industry. Equipment Cleaning Validation Protocol

Water used in heating and water supply systems contains calcium and magnesium salts, iron oxides, and various solid particles. In addition, bacteria are constantly present in the water and produce waste products. Also, various contaminations from lubricants, from contamination getting into defects in pipes, from non-compliance with installation requirements and poor cleaning, together lead to the formation of scale, solid deposits and mucus on the internal surfaces of pipes and equipment. Thus inner diameter pipes and the size of the flow area decreases. In addition, the automatic heating and water supply system depressurizes.

All solid deposits are formed during the crystallization process. IN heating systems As the temperature increases, salts crystallize.

Let's consider the classification of solid deposits:

  • alkaline earth;
  • complex silicate;
  • iron;
  • copper.

To alkaline earth deposits include carbonate, sulfate, silicate, and phosphate scales.

Carbonate scale - CaCO3 - is deposited in the form of dense crystalline deposits on those heating or cooling surfaces where there is no boiling water and a non-alkaline environment (water economizers, turbine condensers, water heaters, heating networks

Sulfate scale – CaSO4 – is usually very hard and of high density.

To silicate include complex silicate scales with different mineralogical composition. Silicate scales are quite varied - from porous and lumpy deposits to hard and dense formations.

To the iron scales include:
Iron phosphate scale. This type scale is formed when water alkalinity is low and the iron content is high and is deposited on the internal surfaces of steam-generating pipes. They are a loose coating.
Iron acid scales are deposited in a continuous layer or in the form of scales.

Fourth group. These include copper deposits, which are formed when increased content copper in water in steam generating pipes with a high thermal load. Deposited in the form of layered formations.

Combined method

It is a combination of chemical and hydropneumatic flushing. The technologies used are described above.

The specialists of the ASGARD-Service company will clean and service for you all types of equipment.

In addition, an important aspect of work for our company is the cleaning of oil pipelines, as well as oil storage tanks.

In the process of working in the interior space technological equipment and oil pipelines, a sediment of asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits (hereinafter referred to as ASPD) is formed.

The sediment is a mixture of heavy oil components: paraffin-naphthenic hydrocarbons, resinous-asphaltene substances, mechanical impurities and bound oil particles. Asphalt, resin and paraffin deposits are deposited on the metal surfaces of equipment and interfere with the production and transportation of oil and make it impossible further exploitation equipment.

The cleaning technology is as follows

  • displacement of oil from oil pipelines;
  • surface preparation of main and auxiliary oil pipelines and equipment;
  • pumping paraffin solvent through main and auxiliary oil pipelines;
  • pumping the wind tunnel to remove residual paraffin solvent from the internal surfaces of the oil pipeline;
  • Pumping of compressed air pumps to assess the quality of cleaning the internal surface of oil pipelines and equipment.

After displacing the oil from the flushed section of the system, specialists from the ASGARD-Service company pumped into it a specialized ARPD inhibitor, the use of which was approved by the Transneft Research Institute.

After this, the inhibitor was removed and disposed of, and diesel fuel was poured in its place: 2 adsorption batches and one control batch to check quality.

Drain and fill times new party diesel fuel was determined by sampling, which was tested in a specialized laboratory for the amount of sulfur.

To improve the quality of cleaning, specialists from the ASGARD-Service company heated the paraffin inhibitor.

Since these works were carried out with hazardous substances, the equipment had to comply with all safety measures, and therefore the specialists of our company used specialized and highly targeted equipment, as an example - explosion-proof pumps and hoses made of of stainless steel with titanium threads.

In addition, all employees were equipped with means personal protection and portable gas detectors.

It should be noted that our company’s engineers constantly carry out research and development work in this direction, developing equipment for better flushing of oil pipelines. Currently, an in-line circulation piston has been developed and patented for cleaning the inner surface of pipelines and oil pipelines.

Cleaning industrial equipment- tips and tricks.

At any industrial enterprise, there is a need to clean industrial equipment from contaminants that form on its parts during operation. Cleaning of industrial equipment can be carried out different ways, and each enterprise manager chooses the most suitable one in terms of efficiency, labor intensity and cost.

Mechanical cleaning options

Contaminants that require mandatory cleaning are the remains of old lubricant, process dust, which is possible at enterprises Food Industry soot, soot and much more. The presence of such contaminants often makes it difficult to operate equipment efficiently. Also, cleaning of industrial equipment may be required during repairs, but in this case, complications such as rust, corrosion and remnants of old coatings are added - all this must be removed before restoring the protective coating layer.

The mechanical method is a classic option and can be done either manually or using a specialized power tool, which significantly speeds up the process. The faster the cleaning is done, the faster equipment will be put back into operation, which means downtime at the enterprise will be reduced - as well as associated costs.

Variety mechanical cleaning can be considered sandblasting, which is carried out using suitable abrasive materials (as the name of the method suggests, sand is often used for it). Abrasive using sandblaster applied to the surface to be treated, physically removing contaminants various kinds. This is often more convenient than mechanical restoration, however, it can damage the surface of the equipment and leave a lot of scratches on it.

Modern chemical cleaning methods

The chemical industry offers the use of industrial cleaners in order to tidy up components and parts that need to be cleaned. A detergent such as MAZBIT TURBO is universal, so it is suitable for all surfaces and most types of dirt. Oil contaminants, carbon deposits and soot, grease and oil and grease residues - all this can be easily removed by applying the cleaner to the required part, wait the necessary time for exposure and rinse with warm water.

The advantages of modern formulations lie not only in their effectiveness, but also in the fact that they do not contain mercury, compounds heavy metals, acids and other harmful impurities, which means they can also be used in the food industry. An additional advantage is the variety of application methods: cleaning can be carried out either manually or using low or low-level equipment. high pressure.

From Soviet times, we remember calls from propaganda posters - “Contain workplace clean." A modern industrial enterprise requires cleanliness more than ever. High quality standards, severe sanitary standards and finally, the requirements of management and owners force everyone to fight for the cleanliness of equipment and the workplace.

However, the peculiarities of the production process inevitably lead to the formation of various dirt, in the food industry this is excess food mass and drinks, in the industrial industry - production waste, oils and technical liquids. Such pollution accumulates over time and can lead to very disastrous consequences both for the enterprise itself - breakdowns, failure of expensive equipment and various sanctions from regulatory authorities, and for the end consumer who received a product of inappropriate quality or declared characteristics.

Workers in a small, artisanal workshop can easily do it on their own to clean the equipment from dust and dirt, but what about in-line, conveyor production, where every minute counts? Distracting the company's personnel from their main activities and periodically sending them to cleaning - such a practice will inevitably lead to a drop in productivity and losses. Introducing separate staffing units to maintain order is also not a solution. Cleaning equipment from dust and dirt is a task for a specialized cleaning company.

Cleaning of technological equipment.

Which enterprises first of all need to take care of professional cleaning of equipment surfaces and workspaces:

  • food industry enterprises require cleaning of process equipment due to higher standards sanitary requirements;
  • pharmaceutical and cosmetic enterprises whose waste may contain substances that threaten health;
  • manufacturing enterprises that use expensive machines and equipment require constant cleaning of equipment surfaces;
  • manufacturers who certify their products according to international quality management;
  • manufacturers of electronic and high-tech products urgently need to clean their equipment from dust;
  • enterprises whose technology contains potentially dangerous production processes, for example cleaning gas equipment;
  • after reconstruction construction work or before putting the plant into operation.

Features of washing and cleaning enterprises

Cleaning process manufacturing enterprises has its own subtleties:

  • machines and lines in the high-tech and food industries present extremely complex surfaces. Cleaning equipment from dust and dirt requires a careful approach;
  • Pollution in manufacturing plants is very difficult to remove with ordinary household products.

Our cleaning company is equipped with the most modern equipment, an extensive fleet of various washing machines, industrial vacuum cleaners, high pressure apparatus and hand tools will allow you to remove dirt taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise itself.

Cleaning equipment is a complex physical and chemical process. The kinetics of the equipment cleaning process can be represented by the relation

Kch = (D ∙ O / δ ∙ V) ∙ Km,

Where Kch - cleaning constant (includes all parameters that affect the cleaning process);

D- diffusion coefficient of pollution;

O - area of ​​the pollution layer;

δ - thickness of the diffusion layer;

V - volume of cleaning solution;

TOm- material constant, including the influence of material and statesurface.

The importance of the connection between contamination and the surface being cleaned is one of the main conditions for success in cleaning.

Coupling forces, consisting of electrostatic, chemical, van der Waals and electrical layer forces, create an energy threshold that must be overcome during cleaning. The following principles are used for this:

· separation of adhered contaminants using detergents;

· use of high temperatures;

· increasing the energy of the flowing stream at the surface being cleaned;

· washing the surfaces to be cleaned with an intermittent flow.

When determining the washing effect during injection, the following was found: the washing effect increases by 15% when the temperature increases from 35 to 85 ° C, by 10% when the content of free alkali (NaOH) in the solution changes from 0.2 to 1.2%, by 36% with increasing pressure from 0.5 to 4 ∙ 10 5 Pa and by 21% with increasing time from 30 to 300 s.

It is noted that if, for simplicity, we assume the coincidence of washing effects, then injection washing is 4 times more effective than washing with a free-flowing jet.

When determining the flow in a closed cycle of circular cross-section, the washing effect depends on the Ke criterion, and the effective value of Ke is 45,000, which corresponds to a speed of 1.3 m/s. To achieve turbulence, some authors recommend the following amount of fluid flow Q (in hl/h): 1.5 ∙ IS for a temperature of 60°C; 4.5 ∙ IS for a temperature of 5°C.

A modern method of cleaning is also cleaning with mobile high-pressure apparatus.

The CIP (cleaning in place) method is characterized by the fact that the corresponding washing, disinfecting or rinsing solution circulates in a pipeline mounted inside a certain technological apparatus. Wherein internal surfaces Large equipment is rinsed using permanently installed spray heads. With this method, they work with low pressure up to 3.5 ∙ 10 5 Pa.

The CCS (central cleaning system) method is suitable for cleaning surfaces in a dual version:

    • the central cleaning apparatus supplies the prepared solution to the areas to be cleaned through one pipeline;
    • Only warm water under appropriate pressure is supplied through one pipeline, and concentrated detergent is supplied through the other.

This method is suitable for 8-12 individual devices, to which a set of hoses is connected for individual workplaces. Mobile high pressure units have several options. They operate at a pressure of 50 ∙ 10 5 Pa and higher at a flow rate of 10-15 m per minute.

The mechanization of work related to washing and disinfection is given exceptional attention by both theorists and designers from various companies.

IN Lately Some companies have launched software-controlled vacuum devices on the market with special devices that can be used to wash not only floors, but also closed fermentation tanks, bottle washers, pasteurizers, etc. The washing heads change the position of the water jet in the tank so that the vertical working piston rotates in the extreme position with washing nozzles according to the ratchet and latch principle. The measurement results showed that the washing heads, which use the reaction of the flowing jet to rotate, spend about 30% of energy on this operation. The newly designed spray head consumes only 5% of the total energy per revolution, 95% of the energy is used for the mechanical effect of the washing itself.

When washing internal space bottle washing machine - descaling - instead of a series of buckets, a device (a tube equipped with nozzles) is inserted into the circuit of the bottle washing machine, which is passed through the empty machine. Suitably installed nozzles at high pressure (10 MPa) remove deposited scale.

A software-driven automated cleaning and disinfection process (CIP) is typically divided into several areas. This division is best carried out by production elements, for example: the brewing compartment (wort kettle), saccharification vat and cooled wort tank; closed fermentation tanks, drain pipelines; reservoirs and tanks with excess pressure.

Areas for cleaning and disinfection during washing, etc. can be selected using the software panel. The CIP cleaning method is applicable to most production areas. However, given the different equipment of factories, the same scheme cannot be applied everywhere. It is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the equipment and its configuration, namely the volume and diameter of the tank, as well as its horizontal or vertical position, the shape of the tank, material, environment, required cleaning frequency, etc. Most cleaning processes consist of the following operations:

    • preliminary rinsing with water at a temperature of 30-40°C for 3-5 minutes and discharging it into the sewer;
    • washing with an alkaline solution at a temperature of 60-70°C with 1 - 2% detergent concentration for 20-30 minutes;
    • final rinse with tap water for 5-10 minutes, with some of the water being collected in the pre-rinse hopper.

The following cleaning sequence is usually carried out every day. Once a week after alkaline cleaning, include the following operations:

      • intermediate rinsing with water for 3-5 minutes;
      • acid washing detergents temperature about 50°C for 5-10 minutes;
      • final rinse with water.

When programming the cleaning process, it is necessary to take into account the time required to preheat the area being cleaned.

Equipment for the above cleaning system is offered by a number of companies. The most well-known companies are Alfa Laval (Sweden), Rosista (Germany) and APV (England).

The washing and disinfection process proposed by APV (England) is schematically shown in Fig. 1.

The device operates automatically after pressing the start button. The sequence of operations is as follows:

1) rinsing cold water which comes through the tap A and comes out through the tap IN, the circulation pump is switched on. Cranes B, D, D And E remain closed. If the cycle includes tank washing, circulation is carried out through the spray head and the tank is dewatered using a return pump;

2) draining water - tap D is closed, circulating pump keys, water is released. Then the tap closes IN;

3) circulation of cleaning solution - taps B and G are open and the taps A, B, D, E remain closed. The circulation pump is switched on. The washing solution has a temperature of 88°C, circulates and returns again to the washing solution reservoir;

List of used literature

1.Prumysl potravin. 7/76. 394.114. Kabilka.

2. Brewing, 1977., F. Hlavacek, A. Lhotsky.

  • Hydrodynamic cleaning - high pressure water cleaning (water jetting) using industrial high pressure units. It is one of the main technologies currently used for cleaning industrial facilities. The company has resources in the form of technological equipment, hydrodynamic units operating from 350 to 2800 bar, with a productivity of 12 to 200 l/min. High-pressure units in this operating pressure range allow you to remove almost any type of dirt, deposits, coatings on various types equipment and engineering systems Oh.
  • Sandblasting (abrasive blasting) is a classic blasting technology for cleaning with abrasive in the form quartz sand, cuproslag, nickel slag, crushed shot. As part of cleaning and preparation metal surfaces for painting in accordance with ISO 8501 standard, is the main one. The easiest to organize and effective in terms of speed of work. However, it cannot be used everywhere due to high dust formation, the formation of a large amount of secondary waste, and the creation of roughness on the surfaces being cleaned (which is not always acceptable).
  • Soda blasting (soda blasting) - blast cleaning with sodium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate. Special technology and special equipment complexes that allow cleaning surfaces without creating roughness, while effectively removing various kinds pollution.
  • Water jet cleaning - jet cleaning with a water-abrasive mixture. Used for removal purposes various contaminants, coatings, deposits from surfaces, a stream of a mixture of air, abrasive and water. Effective across the entire spectrum various tasks cleaning, as well as tasks that exclude the possibility of dust formation in the work area.
  • Dry Ice Blasting - Blasting with dry ice pellets. The technology is used to remove dirt and coatings of medium complexity at sites where the presence of water or any abrasive in the form of secondary waste is unacceptable. The effectiveness of the technology lies in the fact that cleaning occurs without the formation of roughness on the cleaning surface, as well as without any secondary waste: ice evaporates upon impact with the surface.
  • Chemical cleaning - cleaning using alkaline, acidic and neutral reagents. The technology is used to clean engineering systems by creating a circuit for circulating a reagent for cleaning purposes. For these purposes, we use professional chemicals and special pumping units productivity up to 150 m3/hour. The technology is also used for cleaning various surfaces by spraying and applying chemical reagents and then removing them along with contaminants.

Industries in which we implement industrial cleaning technologies:

  • Petrochemical.
  • Chemical.
  • Oil and gas producing.
  • Oil refining.
  • Pulp and paper.
  • Coal.
  • Oil and gas producing.
  • Energy.
  • Metallurgical.
  • Food.
  • Transport.
  • Shipbuilding

Typical contaminants that have to be removed during technological cleaning:

  • Scale deposits.
  • Various types of soot and soot (results of combustion).
  • Various products of chemical synthesis.
  • Oil and fat contamination.
  • Rust.
  • Old polymer coatings(paint, insulation).
  • Polymer deposits.
  • Oil sludge deposits.
  • Biological deposits.

If you need to clean technological equipment at your enterprise, contact our company. Experts will advise you about possible solutions existing problems regarding equipment maintenance, will visit the site for inspection and assessment, and calculate the cost of work. We are one of the best in this segment, which confirms real experience! Call!

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