How to clean the heating system in a private home. How to flush the heating system in a private house yourself step by step? Features of in-place cleaning of heat exchangers

Heating systems perform a restorative function, helping to restore the original performance and heat transfer characteristics of the pipeline, boiler and radiators.

The background of the problem

Reason for decreased efficiency heating equipment is banal and simple: the water circulating in pipes and radiators contains foreign impurities. Therefore, after a long period of operation, various dense deposits settle on the walls of hollow products and elements of boiler equipment, reducing the thermal conductivity of the system several times. As a result, the temperature in living quarters drops.

Photo 1: Only with the help of the latest equipment and effective chemistry can the heating system be freed from deposits formed inside

To winter period the heating worked as expected and the heated house was warm and cozy; before the heating season begins, care should be taken to clean the systems. These measures will also help save money allocated for heating.

The most effective method of eliminating scale in pipes is treatment with special reagents.

How to choose a liquid for flushing the heating system

When choosing a flushing product, professionals urge you to be guided by a number of criteria.

  1. The liquid for flushing the heating system may contain either acidic or alkaline components. The first ones are activated as quickly as possible, but interaction with them requires extreme caution - there is a danger of damaging the washed objects and causing damage to health. The latter are safer, but not as efficient in operation. To achieve a positive result you will have to spend a lot of time.

Photo 2: Only qualified personnel are allowed to service and work with system flushing equipment

  1. It is preferable to choose a product with an anti-corrosion effect. If the flushing liquid does not provide this function, you will have to additionally treat the system with a special substance containing inhibitors and passivators that prevent the corrosion process from starting.
  2. Before using, or better yet before purchasing, the chosen product, you should make sure that it is suitable for the material from which the pipes and other elements of the heating system are made. If you neglect this, you can damage the equipment and spend a lot of money on replacing it.

In what form are the reagents presented when sold?

Heating flushing using chemical reagents will help keep the system in order. Experts say that this kind of prevention should be organized annually. Chemical reagents for flushing heating equipment are available in three types:

  1. concentrate - before use, diluted with water in proportions according to the manufacturer's instructions;
  2. powder - in the same way must be diluted with water;
  3. ready composition.

Rules for disposal of rinsing products

By adding special components to the preparations, the waste after washing is allowed to be discharged into the general sewer system. This liquid is biodegradable. If the reagent does not contain biodegradable additives, then a neutralizer must be added to it.

Photo 3: Use only safe reagents to flush heating systems

Popular products for flushing heating systems

To prevent clogging of pipes and batteries, experts in this field recommend using safe flushing chemicals. Today, solutions and concentrates are sold on the domestic market that are capable of flushing heating systems of any configuration.

Flushing the heating system in a private home is a delicate matter and not always rewarding. Unfortunately, you did not indicate in the explanation of the question what elements your heating system consists of (material of pipes and radiators, what type of coolant circulation is used in the system, where and what kind of boiler is installed, whether filters are installed or not) - without such data it is difficult to answer your question specifically. We will only have to state here general recommendations for flushing heating systems.

In itself, flushing the heating system is a necessary necessity, but only in systems central heating multi-apartment, multi-storey residential buildings and it increases the efficiency of heating. Why is flushing most effective only in central heating systems? This is a separate conversation - I’ll just say that the central heating system includes tens of kilometers steel pipes, thousands of heating radiators, dozens of heating units, heating points and control frames, and also includes dozens circulation pumps and boiler heat exchangers and much more... Moreover, in such huge, branched systems there are often coolant leaks, and boiler houses are forced to work on “feeding” the system with fresh tap water rich in oxygen. In such systems, many components are made of metal (mainly cast iron and steel). so - these metals, when exposed to oxygen (and it is always contained in water) and high temperature, oxidize, on the internal metal surfaces heating system, rust appears (on steel), a black, oily coating (on cast iron) - naturally, the coolant carries these deposits throughout the system, and they settle in the narrowest places, thereby creating traffic jams.

It is to remove such plugs that the central heating system is washed.

In individual residential buildings- the picture is completely different, because the length of pipelines there is short, and the system itself is much simpler and more compact than the central heating system. Consequently, the likelihood of traffic jams forming in such a system is quite low, especially if new ones are used in the heating system. modern materials and equipment (pipes, radiators, filters, etc.) And the question of whether flushing heating systems in such houses is really necessary is quite controversial. There is a lot of advice and recommendations on washing on the Internet from people who are completely incompetent in this matter. Whether flushing the heating system in a private home is necessary is up to the owner of the house to decide. After all, only he knows what components his heating system consists of, what is used as a coolant, how and for how long the system works (is there any failure to warm up), etc. The decision to wash or not to wash is made on a case-by-case basis.

When there is no need to clean the heating system:

  1. If the heating system is new, it has been operating for less than 5 years.
  2. If there are no complaints about the operation of the system
  3. If the filter (mesh) on the return line at the end of the heating season is clean
  4. If the system uses pipes (PP) - polypropylene or metal-plastic (no deposits form in such pipes)
  5. If the system does not have radiators made of cast iron or steel.

In all other cases, the system can be flushed for prevention, but without fanaticism. Don’t listen to the “smart guys” who recommend cleaning the system with chemicals (especially acid-based ones). Chemical flushing can significantly shorten the life of your heating system. Wash with ordinary tap water under pressure of 2 - 4 atm (pressure of the water supply network). The duration of the procedure is until clean water flows from the return line.

Flushing the heating system in individual house by stages (one of the options):

  1. We drain the coolant from the system through the return valve.
  2. We close the supply and return valves at the boiler (if you have them installed) - it is not advisable to drive all the sludge through the boiler.

3. Turn off the expansion tank.

  1. We cut into the supply pipe a fitting with a 15 valve at the end (similar to a relief valve on the return)
  2. Connecting flexible hose supply valve with valve on water pipe.
  3. We put a rubber hose on the discharge fitting on the return line and secure it with a clamp. We take three ends of the hose outside or into the sewer.
  4. Open the valve to 15 on the supply and the drain valve on the return
  5. Open the valve on the water pipe and flush the system until clean water flows out of the return line.
  6. Close the relief valve, remove the plug from expansion tank, we feed the system to the required level. Turn off the water supply valve to the system.

In especially severe cases, you can add biological reagents (concentrate) to the heating system and circulate the coolant through the system (including through the boiler, of course) during the day using a pump (if you have one installed), you can also heat the system - if the pump No. Then you need to drain the coolant and reagent and flush the system clean water.

Heating systems in private houses and apartments require periodic flushing. In apartment buildings, this work is carried out by utility workers, while owners of private houses have to do everything themselves or hire third-party specialists. During operation, various small particles enter the heating system and settle in the radiators, pipes and boiler. Without flushing, these particles will accumulate and become compacted, which will lead to clogging of heating devices and pipes, disruption of water circulation in the heating system, and failure of the heating system. To prevent all these problems, periodic flushing of the heating system is necessary. Before flushing the heating system with your own hands, be sure to study the rules and features of this work.

Scheme of permanent hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system.

Flushing heating system pipelines: why is it necessary?

To properly flush the heating system, you need to know why this flushing is performed.

The technology for flushing heating system pipelines is quite simple, so if you follow certain rules, you can do everything yourself.

Flushing of pipelines and other parts of the heating system is necessary in cases where the heating system, which has not been flushed for more than 5-10 years, has low energy efficiency, which is primarily due to big amount deposits of magnesium and calcium salts on the walls of heating system pipelines. It is known that a layer of deposits with a thickness of only 1 mm reduces heat transfer by approximately 10%, which immediately affects the overall energy efficiency of the heating system and energy consumption. Moreover, the overgrowing of heating system pipelines with scale and deposits leads to a drop in temperature in heated rooms.

Standard technology system flushing the heating system.

If you refuse to flush the heating system pipes in a timely manner, the consequences can be simply catastrophic. You need to understand that flushing the heating system pipes is a mandatory service procedure. This technology is designed to support heating system in good condition for a long time. High-quality and long-term operation of the heating system is impossible without periodic flushing, which, of course, must be done correctly.

In case of refusal to timely flush the heating system pipes, breakdown and destruction of expensive equipment at the heating point may occur, and the possibility of various emergency situations up to defrosting of the heating system in winter, which ultimately leads to idle time of the heating system and significant financial losses, the processes of mechanical destruction of heating pipes, etc. noticeably accelerate. That is why the operating rules of the heating system regulate its mandatory periodic inspection.

Why do deposits form on the walls of heating system pipes?

The main conductor of heat is water. She is the one who represents main reason contamination of the heating system. Sludge formed by hard water salts or tiny particles sludge, over time becomes scale, solid sediment. By settling on the inner walls of the heating system pipes, scale significantly reduces the efficiency of the heating system.

Heating system flushing diagram.

A thick layer of scale is characterized by high thermal insulation properties, i.e. prevents heat transfer. In addition, scale intensifies the mechanical processes of wear of pipes and other elements of the heating system.

That is why the operating rules for heating indicate the need to periodically carry out various preventive maintenance work, an integral component of which is flushing.

Flushing the heating system: how do you know when it's time?

There are a number of signs that indicate that it is time to flush the heating system:

  • Heating radiators heat up unevenly. Usually, top part the batteries are warm, while the bottom is cold;
  • when the heating boiler heats up, a characteristic crackling sound is heard due to a thick layer of scale;
  • heating the premises takes much longer than previously required;
  • the boiler operating power decreases;
  • coolant costs increase significantly;
  • When the supply pipes are hot, the batteries remain cold.

The rules for flushing the heating system provide for the possibility of using chemical and physical cleaning methods. Physical methods include hydraulic shock and hydraulic pulse flushing, which require the use of special equipment - a compressor. Chemical method flushing is the use of various preparations that dissolve sludge and scale deposits.

Scheme of chemical cleaning of pipes.

To flush the heating system yourself, prepare the necessary tools:

  • construction key;
  • chisel;
  • spanners;
  • basin;
  • products selected according to the cleaning method (compressor or descaling agents).

Flushing the heating system with a water-pulsating mixture and biological products

This method is based on cleaning heating pipes with a pulsating mixture of water and compressed air. The rules and technology are quite simple. Compressed air is supplied to the heating system, the turbulence of which with water raises particles of salts, corrosion, soot, sand and other deposits. Further pulsed air supply removes sludge from the pipes of the heating system, preventing it from settling on the walls.

By following the rules and technology of such flushing, you can extend the life of your system by 20 years or more. This method allows you to clean heating network at any time of the year, without dismantling risers and batteries.

Standard scheme for chemical cleaning of pipes.

Flushing heating system pipes with biological products is a highly effective and environmentally friendly method, the rules and technology of which provide for the introduction of microbiological preparations into the heating system.

Circulating through the pipes of the system, biological products break down organic, oily, mud and solid deposits. The rules and technology of this method do not provide for disassembly or disconnection. One more positive thing in this case is the safety of modern cleaners for older systems.

Flushing the heating system through pneumatic hydraulic shock and chemicals

This method is usually used for flushing old heating systems. The rules and technology for performing such work provide for the impact of a hydraulic shock wave on the system, which propagates through the system at a speed of 1200 m/s and breaks through plugs of scale and sludge. The walls of radiators and pipes, in this case, are not destroyed, because they are affected by no more than 2% of the total force of the wave shock, and the remaining 98% comes from various deposits, which are destroyed and discharged through a flexible sleeve into sewer system.

By following the rules of hydrotreating, you can significantly reduce operating costs, because There is no need to replace pipes and radiators.

Various chemical preparations allow you to clean and flush pipelines, risers and other components of the heating system using reagents based on organic and inorganic acids. This method of chemical washing is considered one of the most economical, and covers not only surfaces, but also hard-to-reach places of deposits.

Diagram of the heat exchanger device.

When using such reagents, it is very important to follow the rules for their use, which are usually given on the packaging. Technological means completely eliminate traces of scale and corrosion in the heating system within 5-10 hours.

However, the rules for using such products indicate the need to assess the condition of heating equipment. The physical condition of radiators and pipes, degree of wear, wall thickness - these parameters must be carefully examined for the risk of damage to them by chemical reagents, the composition of which, as a rule, includes hydrochloric acid.

Take into account the fact that, even if you follow all the rules for flushing the heating system, it is not always possible to achieve the required result. Sometimes, due to particularly large contamination, complex cleaning is needed, the rules for which require the use of several different methods.

Features of dismountable flushing of the heat exchanger

If the heat exchanger is very dirty or completely out of order, dismountable flushing can help. The rules and technology for dismountable washing are quite simple. It is necessary to disassemble the heat exchanger, remove all the plates, soak them in a special solution, wash each plate manually, and insert the package of plates into the heat exchanger. After this, the heat exchanger is assembled and pressure tested.

By following the rules of this work, you will receive many benefits:

  • dismountable heating flushing guarantees the highest quality;
  • any contamination is eliminated;
  • everything happens clearly, and you can see the entire work process.

However, there are also disadvantages that cannot be avoided, even if you follow all the rules of work. So, if your heat exchanger has been worn out, under critical conditions, or the service life of the rubber seals has expired, then you may have to change the heat exchanger seals, which will increase the cost and duration of the work.

As a rule, the above-mentioned technology for dismountable cleaning of the heat exchanger differs only in the choice of a specific method for cleaning the plates of the device after disassembling it. Several basic methods are used:

  • in the case of dismountable washing, it is sometimes possible to remove contaminants using a jet of water from a special high-pressure apparatus;
  • If there are more serious deposits, you must first clean the heat exchanger plates from the top layer of deposits using a high-pressure apparatus, then soak them in an acid solution, and then clean them again using a high-pressure apparatus.

Features of in-place cleaning of heat exchangers

To prevent and extend the service life of heating systems, in-place flushing is used, the rules for which provide for the use of special equipment designed for in-place flushing. This method is used for both gasketed and soldered heat exchangers.

Among the disadvantages of this method, one can highlight the fact that if the heat exchanger is clogged with various mechanical impurities (particles of sludge after welding pipelines, etc.), in-place heating flushing will not be effective enough, even if all the rules for performing the work are followed. And the advantage, in fact, is that there is no need to disassemble the heat exchanger.

Heat exchanger composition.

In-place chemical washing is performed using a special apparatus. This device allows you to perform chemical cleaning of welded, brazed or plate heat exchangers. Externally, it is a tank made of high-strength plastic, equipped with a built-in heating element and a reversible pump. During the washing process, for example, plate heat exchanger This device is alternately connected to the circuits of the unit through the drain holes.

Inside the device itself during operation there is a special detergent, made on the basis of organic additives and phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid is very well suited for chemical cleaning and flushing: when it gets inside the heat exchanger circuit, it dissolves the compounds that make up the scale. At the same time, due to the fact that the cleaning solution for chemical washing of heat exchangers also contains inhibitors and organic additives, it does not cause any harm to the heat exchanger plates.

After all the scale has been dissolved, the cleaning solution must be drained through the drain holes and the heat exchanger must be rinsed with clean water. After this it is ready for use again.

This modern technology, if you follow all the rules for its implementation, has many advantages, namely:

  • the ability to perform work without dismantling or with partial dismantling of the heating system at any time of the year, including during the heating season;
  • use of environmentally friendly and certified chemicals provides safe conditions work;
  • economic efficiency and high performance use;
  • performing the entire range of work with high quality and in the shortest possible time.

Used for cleaning heat exchangers and heating systems. modern drugs, capable of dissolving ferrous and carbonate deposits from the surfaces of copper and steel alloys, and the inhibitor they contain prevents aggressive effects of hydrochloric acid. The active substances in the cleaning product accelerate the washing process, which allows you to quickly remove even difficult-to-soluble and dense sediments. The dispersant prevents the re-deposition of washed deposits (especially in places of circulation), and the anti-foaming component does not allow the working solution to foam abundantly and prevents the formation of the so-called. “dead zones”, allowing the surfaces of heating pipelines to be completely cleaned.

Flushing boilers and heating systems – always warm and comfortable

No matter what gas or electric boiler is in your apartment or office, no matter what heating system heats your room, no matter how sophisticated and high-quality your devices are for maintaining comfort and climate, they, unfortunately, are technology, and therefore quite can naturally fail. Is it possible to avoid breakdowns and problems when operating water heating and heating equipment? Is it possible not to put up with problems, but to prevent and forestall them?
Yes! But for this you need to find professionals who will tell you what to do and recommend how to do it so that your boilers, water heaters, and heating systems do not fail.
We are professionals in the market of hot water boilers and heating equipment, we have many years of experience in installing boilers and servicing them, and therefore we know what to recommend to you. We have all necessary equipment For boiler maintenance, and therefore we know how to help you. We know that you need systematic boiler cleaning And heating flushing so that your equipment is always ready for use. Let's take a closer look at when and why it is required flushing boilers and heating systems.

Washing boilers during installation

When installing a boiler, it is important to debug the supply of gas, electricity, and water, in order to avoid problems with the operation of the equipment, you need to debug the automation. Every buyer knows and understands all this. However, not many people know that when installing a gas or electric speaker or boiler, it is necessary to flush the boiler to remove factory dust, soot, and harmful compounds that may be unsafe for human health. Here, the boiler is washed in several stages using alkali and repeated washing. It is better to entrust this work to a specialist who knows the rules and technology standards, and accordingly, will be able to prepare the equipment for operation, and you will be sure that your equipment will last a long time.

Flushing heating systems before the start of the heating season

TO heating season special preparation is required. If you have not operated your equipment during the summer, then a corrosion process may begin in hollow metal pipes, which is why it is necessary to flush the heating, as well as flush boilers that have not been used for a certain period. We will prepare your heating system for the new season, which is included in service maintenance boilers and heating systems.

Flushing heating systems as a measure of prevention and removal of scale, rust, and lime deposits
The water supplied to the system contains a lot of lime impurities, and often sand, which is why periodic washing of boilers, boilers, and dispensers is required. Professionals will carry out comprehensive flushing of systems, pipes, coils, and tanks, which will ensure uninterrupted operation of the equipment.

Types of boiler and heating flushing
We suggest you flush the boiler and heating in the following ways:
- chemical. In this case, the impact on blockages is carried out primarily with chemicals, and then flushing with water is carried out. The method is suitable for any boilers and heating systems.
- hydrodynamic. Boiler washing carried out using special equipment that creates a stream of water under pressure. This method effective, but more expensive because special equipment is used.

Is it possible to flush heating boilers yourself?
In order to do boiler flushing and heating flushing yourself, you need to have skills and experience, because you want to extend service life of its heating equipment. You can periodically carry out washing yourself with chemicals that you can buy from us. However, even in this case, you will need to have your boiler diagnosed at least once a year. We will help your heating equipment withstand any test.

Liquid for flushing heating, cleaning the heat exchanger

Nothing lasts forever, and this statement is entirely true for heating systems (HS) of any complexity and configuration. The root cause of this phenomenon is most often clogging of pipes and elements of the heating circuit with solid crystalline, corrosive or oil-dirt deposits. There are many ways to remove contaminants from the internal surfaces of a pipeline, among which hydrodynamic (cleaning of deposits with powerful water pressure) is most often used. This cleaning method is quite simple and relatively inexpensive, so it has been used for many decades in the housing and communal services system.

Hydrodynamic cleaning involves creating high pressure in CO, which makes its use impossible in some cases. The problem is solved by flushing the system using special chemical and microbiological agents, which we'll talk in this publication.

The need for CO flushing and its frequency

As you know, cleaning the heating system is carried out in two cases: when it is already clogged, or to prevent it from becoming clogged. In other words: flushing of the heating system can be preventive (planned) or according to certain indicators, the signs of which are:

  • Increase in hydraulic resistance.
  • Repair or replacement of CO elements.

But, the main criterion for flushing the heating system is a decrease in heat transfer efficiency. The frequency of flushing centralized CO of private and apartment buildings is regulated by SNiP 3.05.01-85 (once every 12 months).

Important! The frequency of flushing autonomous heating systems is not regulated. Cleaning is carried out as necessary, independently or with the assistance of licensed specialists.

Method of chemical washing of CO

The essence of this technology is to add an acidic or alkaline reagent (depending on the type of contamination) to the CO, which dissolves or softens the deposits formed inside the pipes. Contaminants are removed from the CO by a stream of water. The process for cleaning the heating system is as follows:

  1. Reagent selection. This stage is very important and depends on the type of pollution, current state pipeline, material from which the heating circuit and radiators are made.
  2. Installation and connection of equipment.
  3. Introduction of a reagent solution into a coolant circulating through CO. An autonomous pumping station maintains the circulation of chemicals throughout. An indicator of the completion of the chemical washing process is a clean filter in the pump coolant filtration system. Usually it takes from 8 to 22 hours to dissolve and remove solid crystalline contaminants (scale).

Tip: When using acidic reagents, the performance of the solution is controlled by the pH level. After increasing the pH of the composition to 7, it is necessary to drain the solution and continue cleaning with a fresh composition. Cleaning the system usually continues until the acidity level of the solution no longer changes.

  1. Removing contaminated solution from the heating circuit and re-rinsing with CO corrosion inhibitors. This stage is necessary to protect internal surfaces from corrosion after chemical exposure to the reagent.
  2. Removing solution from CO.
  3. Dismantling of equipment and filling with CO coolant.

Important! It should be understood that when chemical reagents are used, the walls of the pipeline become thinner. That is why it is not recommended to use chemical flushing of the heating system more than once every 3 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of this technology

Chemical cleaning allows you to remove almost all types of hard crystalline and corrosive contaminants from CO. In addition, this technique has the following advantages:

  • Easy cleaning procedure.
  • Quick cleaning effect using chemical reagents.
  • Does not require stopping the heating system and can be carried out even in winter.
  • High quality cleaning.

Despite many advantages, this method has very obvious disadvantages and limitations.

  • Alkaline and acidic solutions cannot be used in COs with aluminum radiators.
  • Toxicity of compounds.
  • Quite a high estimate for flushing the heating system using a chemical method.

Another, not obvious, but still drawback is the problem of disposing of the solution, which cannot be drained into the sewer system. In addition, you should be prepared for the appearance of leaks that were not there before or that you forgot about. Some leaks correct themselves over time due to the fact that the hole through which the coolant leaked gradually became “overgrown” with lime deposits. Chemical compounds will dissolve and wash out this “plug”, and the leak will resume again. It is quite possible that after chemical flushing, leaky pipe fragments, couplings, and fittings will have to be repaired or replaced.

Tip: Remaining solution with increased acidity neutralized with soda. Only after this the composition can be poured into the sewer.

Chemicals for self-cleaning CO

Today, on the Russian market climate control technology The widest range of ready-made solutions and concentrates for chemical flushing of heating systems of various configurations is presented. Among the most popular:

Advice: to improve the washing process with a high percentage of organic contamination, it is necessary to use the DEOXYL-NO additive. To reduce foam formation during flushing, experts recommend additionally using the FORAL-PG additive.

During the operation of heating and hot water supply systems, due to salts and oxygen dissolved in water, corrosion-scale deposits gradually form on internal surfaces, especially on the walls of the boiler. This causes significant decrease in efficiency the entire system as a whole, leads to excessive fuel consumption and reduces the service life and reliability of the equipment.
You can get rid of these problems using DIXIS LUX heating system flushing fluid, water solution which is intended for chemical cleaning of heat transfer surfaces made of ferrous metals, stainless steels and copper alloys, which will ensure the restoration of effective heat transfer.
Recommendations for use:
1. Drain the waste coolant and rinse the system with clean water.
2. Prepare a working solution at the rate of 10 liters of "DIXIS LUX" - concentrate for 90 liters. water. It is advisable to use softened or rainwater.
3. Fill the system with the prepared solution and wash it at a temperature of 60-70°C for 2.5 hours, ensuring communication with the atmosphere for the release of the released carbon dioxide.
4. Pour the used solution down the drain and rinse the system with clean water.
5. Prepare required amount neutralizing solution at the rate of 1 liter. "DIXIS LUX" - neutralizer for 99 l. water.
6. Fill the system with the prepared solution and wash it at a temperature of 60-70°C for 45 minutes, ensuring communication with the atmosphere.
Chemical cleaning with DIXIS LUX heating system flushing fluid takes place in more mild conditions than when cleaning with mineral acids.
Thanks to the balanced formulation of the product, carbonate deposits are quickly loosened and transferred to a soluble state (which eliminates the formation of suspension and sediment in the washing solution), and the metal surface is coated protective film, preventing the process of acid corrosion.
Liquid for flushing the heating system DIXIS LUX is an aqueous concentrated solution of a mixture of organic acids, a complexone, a surfactant and an acid corrosion inhibitor. Does not contain inorganic acids.
Working solution: 10% aqueous solution of concentrated liquid for flushing the DIXIS LUX heating system. For 100 liters of system, one 10 liter canister of liquid is used to flush the DIXIS LUX heating system.
During the cleaning process using the DIXIS LUX heating system flushing liquid, there is no etching of metals or destruction of rubber gaskets.
Fluid for flushing the heating system DIXIS LUX allows you to clean heat transfer surfaces in 1-3 stages with deposits up to 1000 g/m2, which ensures:
restoration of effective heat exchange;
protection of heating elements and boiler walls from overheating;
saving gas, diesel fuel, solid fuel and electricity;
increasing the service life and reliability of heating equipment.
Manufactured by highly qualified specialists using modern equipment with 100% output control.
The quality and effectiveness of the liquid for flushing the heating system DIXIS LUX is confirmed by many years of successful practice in cleaning various heating systems from scale and corrosion products.
Supplied as a concentrate complete with a residual acidity neutralizer.

Over time, various contaminants appear in the heating system, which settle on the walls, reducing their nominal passage. It leads to , as well as to disruption of circulation, the speed of the coolant decreases. Contamination of the batteries and boiler greatly reduces their efficiency. To bring the circuit into proper shape, it needs to be cleaned. In today's article we will tell you what liquid is used for flushing heating, as well as how the process itself works.

Types of liquids for flushing heating

Heating flushing liquid

To clean the heating system of all kinds of dirt and scale, use different heating flushing liquids. At the same time, the equipment for washing is also different, because each composition has different characteristics. First, let's look at what types of contaminants are found in the heating circuit:

  • calcium carbonate deposits;
  • iron oxide deposits;
  • scale;
  • waste products of aerobic bacteria;
  • ordinary garbage.

If we approach the issue in a general way, we can distinguish two categories of liquids for flushing the heating system:

In turn, chemistry also varies. It can be acid or alkali. Both of these liquids for flushing the heating system have a common name - reagents. The difference between an alkali and an acid is obvious. Alkalis have a more gentle effect on contamination and the materials from which the circuit is made; acid, in turn, corrodes everything, even pipes. Yes, if the pipes are corroded from the inside, but this is not visible from the outside, then after using acidic reagents that corrode the rust, a coolant leak may occur. make them resistant to acids.

Alkaline liquid for flushing heating boilers is mainly used for cleaning membranes, and acidic reagents are used for cleaning heat exchangers and pipes.

Typically, the liquid for flushing heating radiators is selected depending on the material from which they are made. The choice of acids is quite wide:

  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • formic;
  • orthophosphoric;
  • lemon

This is what settles in radiators

Conventional acid-containing household products, such as Silit, are also used, but this is only if you need to wash the battery or boiler heat exchanger. In the case of the entire circuit, this will not be very profitable, since Silit, which includes phosphoric acid, will cost more than just a concentrate. If you approach flushing heating with acids very seriously, sometimes excessively, then before the procedure you need to do a water analysis. It will show which impurities predominate in the coolant. Based on this, it will be possible to select the necessary liquid for flushing.

This is not necessarily one of the above acids. Most likely, you will need to either mix several ingredients or rinse different compositions one by one. Usually such difficulties are unnecessary and the masters wash with what they are confident in. They use an already proven liquid to clean heating systems. Different plumbers have their own, as well as their favorite flushing methods.

Acid and alkaline reagents are sold in three types:

  • powder;
  • concentrate;
  • ready composition.

The powder, like the concentrate, is diluted with water in the proportion indicated on the package. Ready composition no need to dilute. The reagents for flushing the heating system include:

  • active substance (acid or alkali);
  • inhibitors that prevent corrosion;
  • surfactants (surfactants).

Surfactants have cleaning properties. They not only separate contaminants, but also retain them, preventing them from settling inside the circuit. The special composition of the reagent does not affect rubber sealing gaskets.

How to wash with water

Water itself will not clean the system in any way unless any chemicals are added to it. After all, water always circulates along the circuit.

To clean the heating system with water you will need special equipment.

The operating principle of water purification plants is different. There are several types of such methods:

  • pneumatic cleaning;
  • impulse cleaning.

Pneumatic cleaning of the heating system involves pumping water under pressure into the pipes. The high-pressure jet knocks dirt off the walls. Then it is drained, and the process is repeated until, after the next filling, clean liquid flows out of the circuit. First, the flow is directed from the supply side, and then from the return side. This approach allows you to flush the heating system more thoroughly.

Pulse cleaning of the heating circuit consists in the fact that the liquid for flushing the heating system is not only supplied under pressure, it also pulsates. In order to create pulses, a special gun is connected to the compressor. It sharply opens and closes the liquid supply. The speed of such pulses reaches more than a thousand meters per second. The pulsation of the liquid separates contaminants from the walls layer by layer. The procedure is repeated until the water is clear. After washing, carry out using the same pumps used in the cleaning process.

How to wash with chemicals

A clear example of how badly a pipe can become clogged.

Circuit flushing technology chemicals simple. All you need is a pump. Using a pump, liquid for flushing the heating system is pumped into the circuit and circulated for several hours. After this, the product is removed from the system. Nothing complicated, the chemistry does all the work.

To flush the boiler heat exchanger, the heater will have to be disassembled and then filled with the compound. After several hours, the chemistry is drained. The question arises how to determine that the system has already been flushed. There are several options:

  • the first is, of course, the experience of a plumber;
  • the second is special additives in the reagent.

Such additives are not available in all products; naturally, their presence affects the price. When liquid enters the circuit, it begins to interact with contamination, a process accompanied by foaming. When the solution stops foaming, washing can be completed. Some products form a protective film on the inner surface of the pipes.

When cleaning the system with chemicals, toxic gases that are dangerous to humans are released - chlorine and nitrogen.

Some other manufacturers provide a color indication that shows the chemical activity of the reagent. When the solution starts working, it may change color, which means there is a lack of concentration. By following the instructions on the package, you can determine by the color when more reagent needs to be added to the circuit.

Chemical reagents are quite aggressive, which creates difficulties after they have been used. So that used chemicals can be poured down the drain, manufacturers add special additives to it, which make the composition biodegradable. If such additives are not provided, then after use you need to add a neutralizing liquid to the reagent and only then pour the composition into the sewer.


There are two types of liquid for flushing the heating system - water and chemicals (acid or alkali). Water cleans the circuit due to pressure or impulses, and chemistry due to its active substances. To clean the system with water, more sophisticated equipment will be required. Modern chemical reagents do not harm pipes and heat exchangers, they do not destroy rubber seals. Additives are added to chemistry, which visually indicate the degree of activity of the substance. Even in household products, such as "Silit" contains phosphoric acid, which can be used to clean the batteries and heat exchanger of the boiler.

When operating a heating system, sooner or later a situation arises when scale forms in the pipes, various kinds deposits on the inner surface, the diameter narrows due to stuck pieces of debris or scale. As a rule, this situation occurs in systems where water is used as a coolant. Basically, not very purified coolant is used for heating houses - it may contain pebbles, pieces of rust, and scale. In addition, water contains various chemical formations - they are influenced high temperatures settle on the inner walls of the pipes.

In such cases, it is necessary to flush the heating system. As practice shows, scale 2 mm thick reduces the efficiency of the heating system by 48%.

Flushing is a standard service procedure that must be performed periodically - otherwise you will not avoid a significant decrease in the efficiency of the heating system, increased energy costs and destruction of sections of the main line.

If in an apartment building such work is performed by special service workers, then in a private house the owners have to take care of such things themselves.

Flushing the heating system during installation

When installing the heating system of a private house, it is necessary to check all elements of the pipeline for the absence of small particles. construction waste. After installation, rinsing with water is necessary - we do not use any reagents:

  • Let's go strong pressure cold water and leave for 2 hours - this way we remove small foreign particles from the circuit.
  • We turn on the maximum pressure of hot water - it washes away various oil formations.

Then a similar procedure must be performed after 3 months and regularly repeated annually.

After stopping the heating line for summer period It is recommended not to drain the water - otherwise all foreign formations inside the circuit will harden and will be impossible to remove. In addition, sealed connections may dry out and begin to leak after the heating system is restarted.

Signs of scale inside the heating circuit

We can determine that scale has formed inside the pipes by the following signs:

  • A noticeable decrease in the efficiency of space heating.
  • Extraneous noise during equipment operation.
  • Radiators warm up either only from the top or only from the bottom.
  • A significant increase in energy consumption - electricity, gas, solid fuel.

All of the above symptoms indicate that it is time to flush the line. To carry it out, you can use equipment for flushing heating systems, as well as special reagents - a means for dissolving and destroying scale and rust.

This method requires a special setup. The device fills the line with a mixture of compressed air and water. This creates a fine pulsation, which removes rust, scale and lime deposits from the inner surface of the circuit.

This installation very effectively cleans the main line of all foreign matter, as a result of which the efficiency of heating the house increases and energy costs decrease. Biological reagents - effective remedy

for flushing the circuit

You can perform such flushing without stopping the operation of the line - biological reagents are added to the heat-carrying liquid, which, dissolving in it, circulate along the circuit and wash away rust and scale.

This method is advantageous in that it does not require a special apparatus, we do not stop the operation of the system, in addition, it is a very highly environmentally friendly method that does not destroy the inner surface of the pipes and does not pollute the environment.

Chemical reagents for flushing the heating line Chemical flushing is also a very effective means of cleaning the circuit from foreign matter. Chemical washing is a liquid containing reagents in the form of various acids. It is used in complex contours, where there are many hard to reach places

. This kind of liquid copes very successfully with all types of contaminants, but you should read its composition very carefully before use. It must be compatible with the material from which the circuit is made - otherwise its use may cause pipe destruction.

Another method that requires a special apparatus is the pneumatic-hydraulic hammer method. It lies in the fact that hydraulic installation connects to the main line and creates pneumatic hydraulic waves. The main impact force is transferred to the coolant - approximately 98%, the remaining 2% to the walls of the system. Under the influence of these waves, all scale and rust fall off the inner walls of the pipes. This method is quite safe and can be used in any type of circuit, even very old ones.


Flushing the heating line in a private home is a mandatory procedure related to service maintenance.

It must be performed periodically in order to avoid a decrease in the efficiency of the system, an increase in energy consumption, as well as destruction of the main line due to critical contamination with rust and scale.

Owners of private houses must independently monitor the degree of contamination of the circuit and take care of the timely completion of all service work.

failure. The system may not warm up individual components due to the inability to deliver coolant to them. A breakthrough is possible in cases where the pressure on the pipes at the point of blockage is too high, and they themselves are already worn out. The cost of repairing the system is much higher than flushing it.

Prices for heating flushing services


Name of works


Price, rub.)

Flushing the primary heat exchanger of a wall-mounted boiler

Flushing the secondary heat exchanger of a wall-mounted boiler

Flushing the heat exchanger of a floor-standing boiler

From 40 to 60 kW

Flushing the heat exchanger of a floor-standing boiler

From 60 to 80 kW

Flushing the boiler coil

Flushing the heated floor circuit

Flushing the heating system

Flushing the heating radiator

Filling the system with antifreeze, balancing, venting

Disposing of antifreeze from the system

Waste disposal system

Washing and cleaning of boiler equipment, radiators, heat exchangers and all heating systems.

A set of washing and cleaning works pipeline system, heating and heat exchange equipment, hot water supply, cold water supply and central heating.

Frequency and methods of flushing the home heating system

In the Russian Federation there are no by-laws that would oblige heating systems to be flushed within a strictly established time frame. European manufacturers It is recommended to do the following:

  • hydraulic flushing - once a year;
  • pneumohydraulic - once every four years;
  • chemical - once every 5–6 years.

Of course, these actions are dictated by ideal conditions and are performed with similar frequency in cases where the system has good equipment for water treatment. The frequency of flushing depends primarily on the quality of water in a particular region. Types of cleaning are selected based on the level of contamination of the system.

Hydraulic flushing of home heating pipes involves the use of a special pump. This is the simplest method that requires the least amount of time and money. The method is based on the fact that liquid (without any impurities) is supplied to the system under high pressure. This allows you to remove scale that forms over one to two years of equipment operation.

Pneumohydraulic flushing of pipes and heating radiators will remove more serious deposits. The principle of operation is simple - water and air are supplied to the system. The mixture has high density and eliminates scale formed over several years of operation. Water containing air and contaminants is released through drain points. For better results, in some cases the operation is repeated. After completion of work, the system is refilled and restarted.

Chemical washing is the most complex process that requires workers to have certain knowledge. The cleaning principle is that water mixed with chemical elements in a certain proportion. They dissolve all deposits and allow you to extend the service life of the equipment by 10–15 years. Some manufacturers do not recommend chemical flushing of heat exchangers more than once every 4–5 years. This is due to the fact that the substances are aggressive to the materials of the system themselves. Note that modern chemical compositions are calculated in such a way as to have maximum impact on deposits without damaging the walls of pipes and radiators.

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