Standards for clearance from gas pipes during construction. Criteria for the location of gas pipes in the kitchen: installation rules in an apartment and private house, regulatory requirements. Features of the security zone of high pressure gas pipelines

Why were norms for the distance to buildings and objects from gas pipe? Alas, we often neglect the norms of SNIP, especially on household plots and summer cottages. A particularly disdainful attitude towards the norms is if the threat of a fine is unlikely. But is it the fine?

The standards that specify the distance from the gas pipe are for our safety. Non-compliance or insufficient compliance can result in something worse than penalties. So is life really worth neglecting these indicators, even if it’s not entirely convenient?

Modern standards are suitable for the design of new gas supply systems, as well as the modernization of existing ones. Along them are the main gas outlets for household use do not exceed a pressure of 1.6 MPa. According to the same standards, gas supply is designed in dacha and cottage villages.

These standards are not suitable for gas supply systems of industrial organizations, for example, oil refining companies, ferrous metallurgy and others.

Composition of the gas supply system:

  • external pipelines;
  • internal;
  • equipment and units for control, measurement, gas supply, and system maintenance.


So, let's talk about system design and the distance of system pipes from various objects.

To do this, let us clarify that, according to SNIP, there are two types of gas pipelines:

  • underground;
  • outer.

Each type has its own distance standards; let’s consider them in more detail.


The distance from the house to the gas pipe in the embankment cannot be less than 5 m. There are special provisions of SNIP, according to which the distance can be reduced by 50%, however, they are regulated by the characteristics of the terrain and the passage of the gas pipeline. For example, laying pipes between houses, arches, in very limited areas, etc.

The distance to the gas pipe from the outer walls of the well, chambers or other equipment of utility networks should not be less than 30 cm. Laying must be carried out in accordance with technical requirements and conditions. Only this can be a guarantee of safety. By the way, this is why independent transfer or organization of the gas supply system is not allowed.

The distance to overhead communication lines, as well as electrical external networks, cannot be less than 2 meters. The same applies to the gap between the gas pipeline and heat transfer channels. The distance from the gas pipe to the fence, taking into account the underground laying of the pipeline in villages, must be at least 50 meters. SNIP provides for a reduction in the gap, but only if certain standards prescribed in the regulations are taken into account.

The depth of laying the gas pipeline must exceed 0.8 m for highways and roads with heavy passenger traffic and 0.6 m for roads with low traffic.

Ground and above ground

Overhead wires are laid along the facades of buildings, on special supports made of materials that do not burn.

The laying location depends on the pressure of the gas pipeline:

  • up to 0.6 MPa – wiring is allowed on shelves and overpasses, as well as columns, supports and along the walls of buildings industrial applications;
  • up to 0.3 MPa - it is allowed to lay on the walls of residential buildings and public buildings of at least the 3rd degree of fire resistance.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of any pressure for the purpose of gas transit, according to SNIP:

  • along the walls of kindergartens and schools, hospitals and companies that involve large crowds of people;
  • for buildings in which the walls consist of panels and have metal cladding with polymer insulation;
  • for buildings of categories “A” and “B”.

Medium and high pressure gas pipelines are prohibited from running along the walls of residential buildings. It is also forbidden to run a transit gas pipeline through window openings.

In areas near the ground, pipes must be enclosed in a special case. The horizontal distance to the gas pipe from the ground cannot be less than 35 cm.

The distance from the gas pipe to the chimney must be more than 2 meters outside and not less than a meter inside building. However, this indicator depends on many factors, for example, location, gas supply conditions and pipe configuration, etc.

In room

It is very important to comply with the technical conditions in the room, since it is often caused by emergency situations with gas is precisely household non-compliance with standards. In most cases, polyethylene gas pipes are used in apartments and private houses. Usually they go exclusively to a gas stove or oven. But in some houses there is an autonomous gas heating. And here a special boiler is already used.

In this case, the floor from the pipe must be at a distance of at least 50 cm. The same distance is from the wall to the boiler. The vertical distance to the chimney should not be less than 80 cm inside. The distance of the pipe to the cooking stove is the same. Distance from pipe to socket in small room should not be less than 30 cm.

To secure a building means to secure life. That is why it is important to comply with the rules and regulations specified in SNIP.

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the issue is resolved

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289 Hello! Please tell me, in accordance with what legal norms, before the entry into force of SP 62.13330.2011, the rules for laying a medium pressure gas pipeline from residential buildings and foundations were regulated? The fact is that in 2010 the gas...


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Distances from boundary to buildings

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600 Hello! Please tell me, in accordance with what legal norms, before the entry into force of SP 62.13330.2011, the rules for laying a medium pressure gas pipeline from residential buildings and foundations were regulated? The fact is that in 2010 the gas...


14 March 2017, 19:28, question No. 1571312

Alexander, Rostov-on-Don

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04 March 2017, 22:50, question No. 1560895

Lyudmila, Nizhny Novgorod What distance should the gas pipeline be from the fence? Hello, please tell me at what distance the horizontal gas pipe should be installed

central pipe from the fence of a private house? 5.1.1 Placement of external gas pipelines in relation to buildings, structures and parallel neighboring ones

engineering networks should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.07.01, and on the territory of industrial enterprises - SNiP II-89. pressure up to 0.6 MPa in cramped conditions (when it is not possible to comply with the distances regulated by regulatory documents), on certain sections of the route, between buildings and buildings, as well as gas pipelines with pressure over 0.6 MPa when approaching them with separate utility buildings buildings (buildings without permanent presence of people) are allowed to reduce the distances specified in SNiP 2.07.01 and SNiP II-89 by up to 50%. In this case, in areas of approach and at a distance of at least 5 m in each direction from these areas, the following should be used:

seamless or electric-welded steel pipes laid in a protective case, with 100% control by physical factory methods welded joints;

polyethylene pipes laid in a protective case, without welded joints or connected by parts with embedded heaters (ZH), or connected by butt welding with 100% control of the joints by physical methods.

When laying gas pipelines at distances corresponding to SNiP 2.07.01, but less than 50 m from railways common use in the area of ​​approach and 5 m in each direction, the laying depth must be at least 2.0 m. Butt welded joints must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

In this case, the wall thickness of steel pipes should be 2–3 mm greater than the calculated one, and polyethylene pipes should have a safety factor of at least 2.8.

5.1.2 The laying of gas pipelines should be provided underground and above ground.

In justified cases, it is allowed overhead laying gas pipelines along the walls of buildings inside residential courtyards and neighborhoods, as well as in certain sections of the route, including sections of transitions through artificial and natural barriers when crossing underground communications.

Above-ground and above-ground gas pipelines with embankment can be laid in rocky, permafrost soils, in wetlands and other difficult conditions. ground conditions. The material and dimensions of the embankment should be taken based on thermal engineering calculations, as well as ensuring the stability of the gas pipeline and embankment.

5.1.3 Laying gas pipelines in tunnels, collectors and canals is not permitted. An exception is the laying of steel gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-89 on the territory of industrial enterprises, as well as in channels in permafrost soils under roads and railways.

5.1.4 Pipe connections should be permanent. Connections of steel pipes with polyethylene and

in places where fittings, equipment and control and measuring instruments (instruments) are installed. Detachable connections polyethylene pipes with steel in the ground can only be provided if a case with a control tube is installed.

5.1.5 Gas pipelines at the points of entry and exit from the ground, as well as gas pipeline entries into buildings should be enclosed in a case. The space between the wall and the case should be sealed to the full thickness of the structure being crossed. The ends of the case should be sealed with elastic material.

5.1.6 Gas pipeline entries into buildings should be provided directly into the room where gas-using equipment is installed, or into an adjacent room connected by an open opening.

Entering gas pipelines into basement and ground floors buildings, except gas pipeline entries natural gas in single-family and semi-detached houses.

5.1.7 Shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided:

in front of detached or blocked buildings;

to disconnect risers of residential buildings above five floors;

in front of outdoor gas-using equipment;

in front of gas control points, with the exception of gas distribution points of enterprises, on the gas pipeline branch to which there is a shut-off device at a distance of less than 100 m from the gas distribution point;

at the exit from gas control points connected by gas pipelines;

on branches from gas pipelines to settlements, individual microdistricts, blocks, groups of residential buildings, and when the number of apartments is more than 400 and to separate house, as well as on branches to industrial consumers and boiler houses;

when crossing water barriers with two lines or more, as well as with one line when the width of the water barrier at a low-water horizon is 75 m or more;

at the intersection of railways of the general network and highways of categories I–II, if the shut-off device that ensures the cessation of gas supply at the crossing section is located at a distance from the roads of more than 1000 m.

5.1.8 Switching devices on overhead gas pipelines laid along the walls of buildings and on supports should be placed at a distance (within a radius) from doors and openings window openings no less than:

for gas pipelines low pressure– 0.5 m;

for medium pressure gas pipelines – 1 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category II – 3 m;

for high-pressure gas pipelines of category I – 5 m.

In areas of transit laying of gas pipelines along the walls of buildings, the installation of disconnecting devices is not allowed.

5.2.1 Gas pipelines should be laid at a depth of at least 0.8 m to the top of the gas pipeline or casing. In places where traffic and agricultural machinery are not expected, the depth of laying steel gas pipelines can be at least 0.6 m.

5.2.2 The vertical distance (clear) between the gas pipeline (case) and underground utilities and structures at their intersections should be taken taking into account the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents, but not less than 0.2 m.

5.2.3 At the intersection of gas pipelines with underground communication collectors and channels for various purposes, as well as in places where gas pipelines pass through the walls of gas wells, the gas pipeline should be laid in a case.

The ends of the casing must be brought out at a distance of at least 2 m on both sides from the outer walls of the crossed structures and communications, when crossing the walls of gas wells - at a distance of at least 2 cm. The ends of the casing must be sealed with waterproofing material.

At one end of the case at the top point of the slope (with the exception of places where the walls of the wells intersect), a control tube should be provided that extends under the protective device.

In the interpipe space of the casing and the gas pipeline, it is permitted to lay an operational cable (communications, telemechanics and electrical protection) with a voltage of up to 60 V, intended for servicing gas distribution systems.

5.2.4 Polyethylene pipes used for the construction of gas pipelines must have a safety factor in accordance with GOST R 50838 of at least 2.5.

It is not allowed to lay gas pipelines from polyethylene pipes:

on the territory of settlements at pressure above 0.3 MPa;

outside the territory of settlements at pressure above 0.6 MPa;

for transporting gases containing aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as the liquid phase of LPG;

when the temperature of the gas pipeline wall under operating conditions is below minus 15 °C.

When using pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8, it is permitted to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with pressures exceeding 0.3 to 0.6 MPa in settlements with predominantly one- to two-story and cottage residential buildings. In the territory of small rural settlements, it is permitted to lay polyethylene gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa with a safety factor of at least 2.5. In this case, the laying depth must be at least 0.8 m to the top of the pipe.

5.3.1 Overhead gas pipelines, depending on the pressure, should be laid on supports made of non-combustible materials or by structures of buildings and structures in accordance with Table 3

Table 3

Accommodation aboveground gas pipelines

Gas pressure in the gas pipeline, MPa, no more

1. On free-standing supports, columns, overpasses and shelving

1.2 (for natural gas); 1.6 (for LPG)

2. Boiler houses, industrial buildings with premises of categories B, G and D and GNS (GNP) buildings, public and domestic buildings for industrial purposes, as well as built-in and attached roof boiler houses to them:

a) on the walls and roofs of buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance class fire danger SO (according to SNiP 21-01)

II degree of fire resistance class C1 and III degree of fire resistance class CO

b) on the walls of buildings of Ill degree of fire resistance class C1, IV degree of fire resistance class CO

IV degree of fire resistance classes C1 and C2

3. Residential, administrative, public and service buildings, as well as built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms

on the walls of buildings of all degrees of fire resistance

in cases of placement of SHRP on the external walls of buildings (only for SHRP)

* The gas pressure in the gas pipeline laid on building structures should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in table 2 for the corresponding consumers.

5.3.2 Transit laying of gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls and above the roofs of buildings of children's institutions, hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, public, administrative and domestic buildings with large numbers of people is not allowed.

It is prohibited to lay gas pipelines of all pressures along the walls, above and below rooms of categories A and B, determined by safety standards. fire safety, with the exception of GRP buildings.

In justified cases, transit laying of gas pipelines not exceeding average pressure with a diameter of up to 100 mm is permitted along the walls of one residential building not lower than the III degree of fire resistance class CO and at a distance to the roof of at least 0.2 m.

5.3.3 High-pressure gas pipelines should be laid along blank walls and sections of walls or at least 0.5 m above window and doorways upper floors industrial buildings and administrative and service buildings connected to them. The distance from the gas pipeline to the roof of the building must be at least 0.2 m.

Low and medium pressure gas pipelines can also be laid along the frames or mullions of non-opening windows and cross window openings of industrial buildings and boiler houses filled with glass blocks.

5.3.4 The height of laying overhead gas pipelines should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 11-89.

5.3.5 On pedestrian and automobile bridges built from non-combustible materials, it is permitted to lay gas pipelines with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa from seamless or electric-welded pipes that have undergone 100% control of factory welded joints by physical methods. Laying gas pipelines over pedestrian and automobile bridges built from flammable materials is not permitted.

5.4.1 Underwater and overwater gas pipelines where they cross water barriers should be placed at a horizontal distance from bridges in accordance with Table 4.

5.4.2 Gas pipelines at underwater crossings should be laid deep into the bottom of the water barriers being crossed. If necessary, based on the results of floating calculations, it is necessary to ballast the pipeline. The elevation of the top of the gas pipeline (ballast, lining) must be at least 0.5 m, and at crossings through navigable and floating rivers - 1.0 m below the predicted bottom profile for a period of 25 years. When carrying out work using directional drilling - at least 2.0 m below the predicted bottom profile.

5.4.3 At underwater crossings the following should be used:

steel pipes with a wall thickness 2 mm greater than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm;

polyethylene pipes having a standard dimensional ratio of the outer diameter of the pipe to the wall thickness (SDR) of no more than 11 (according to GOST R 50838) with a safety factor of at least 2.5 for transitions up to 25 m wide (at the level of maximum water rise) and not less 2.8 in other cases.

When laying a gas pipeline with a pressure of up to 0.6 MPa using directional drilling, polyethylene pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.5 can be used in all cases.

5.4.4 The height of laying the surface passage of the gas pipeline from the calculated level of water rise or ice drift according to SNiP 2.01.14 (high water horizon - GVV or ice drift - GVL) to the bottom of the pipe or span should be taken:

when crossing ravines and gullies - not lower

Table 4

Water obstacles

Bridge type

The horizontal distance between the gas pipeline and the bridge, not less than m, when laying the gas pipeline

above the bridge

below the bridge

from an overwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from an underwater gas pipeline with a diameter, mm

from the overwater gas pipeline

from an underwater gas pipeline

300 or less

300 or less

all diameters

Shipping freezing

All types

Shipping anti-freeze

Non-navigable freezing


Non-navigable anti-freeze

Non-navigable for gas pipelines pressure: low medium and high

Single and double span

Note – Distances are from overhanging bridge structures.

0.5 m above GVV 5% probability;

when crossing non-navigable and non-floating rivers - at least 0.2 m above the water supply line and water line of 2% probability, and if there is a crutch boat on the rivers - taking it into account, but not less than 1 m above the water supply line of 1% probability;

when crossing navigable and raftable rivers - no less than the values ​​​​established by design standards for bridge crossings on navigable rivers.

Shut-off valves should be placed at a distance of at least 10 m from the transition boundaries. The transition boundary is considered to be the place where the gas pipeline crosses the high water horizon with a 10% probability.

5.5.1 The horizontal distances from the places where underground gas pipelines intersect tramways, railways and highways must be no less than:

to bridges and tunnels on public railways, tram tracks, roads of categories I–III, as well as to pedestrian bridges and tunnels through them – 30 m, and for non-public railways, motor roads of categories IV–V and pipes – 15 m ;

to the turnout zone (the beginning of the switches, the tail of the crosses, the points where suction cables are connected to the rails and other track intersections) - 4 m for tram tracks and 20 m for railways;

to the supports contact network- 3m.

It is permitted to reduce these distances in agreement with the organizations in charge of the crossed structures.

5.5.2 Underground gas pipelines of all pressures at intersections with railway and tram tracks, highways of categories I–IV, as well as main city streets should be laid in cases. In other cases, the issue of the need to install cases is decided by the design organization.

Cases must meet the conditions of strength and durability. At one end of the case there should be a control tube extending under the protective device.

5.5.3 The ends of the casings when crossing gas pipelines of public railways should be placed at a distance from them not less than those established by SNiP 32-01. When laying inter-settlement gas pipelines in cramped conditions and gas pipelines on the territory of settlements, it is allowed to reduce this distance to 10 m, provided that an exhaust candle with a sampling device is installed at one end of the case, placed at a distance of at least 50 m from the edge roadbed(axes of the outer rail are at zero marks).

In other cases, the ends of the cases should be located at a distance:

at least 2 m from the outermost rail of tram tracks and 750 mm gauge railways, as well as from the edge of the roadway of streets;

at least 3 m from the edge of the road drainage structure (ditch, ditch, reserve) and from the outermost rail of non-public railways, but not less than 2 m from the base of the embankments.

5.5.4 When gas pipelines cross 1520 mm gauge public railway lines, the gas pipeline laying depth must comply with SNiP 32-01.

In other cases, the depth of laying the gas pipeline from the base of the rail or the top of the road surface, and in the presence of an embankment, from its base to the top of the casing, must meet safety requirements, but be no less than:

during the execution of work open method–1.0 m;

when carrying out work using the method of punching or directional drilling and shield penetration – 1.5 m;

when performing work using the puncture method - 2.5 m.

5.5.5 The thickness of the walls of steel gas pipeline pipes when crossing public railways should be 2–3 mm greater than the calculated one, but not less than 5 mm at distances of 50 m in each direction from the edge of the roadbed (the axis of the outer rail at zero marks) .

For polyethylene gas pipelines in these sections and at the intersections of highways of categories I–Ill, polyethylene pipes of no more than SDR 11 with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used.

5.6.1 Gas supply to cities with a population of more than 1 million people. when the seismicity of the area is more than 6 points, as well as cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. if the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, it should be provided from two sources or more - main gas distribution stations with their placement opposite sides cities. In this case, high and medium pressure gas pipelines should be designed in a loop with their division into sections by shut-off devices.

5.6.2 Crossings of gas pipelines through rivers, ravines and railways in excavations laid in areas with seismicity of more than 7 points, they must be provided above ground. The structures of the supports must ensure the possibility of movements of gas pipelines that occur during an earthquake.

5.6.3 During the construction of underground gas pipelines in seismic areas, in mined and karst areas, at intersections with other underground utilities, at the corners of turns of gas pipelines with a bend radius of less than 5 diameters, in places where the network branches, transition of underground to above-ground, location of permanent connections “polyethylene-steel”, as well as within settlements, control tubes should be installed every 50 m in linear sections.

5.6.4 The depth of laying gas pipelines in soils of varying degrees of heaving, as well as in bulk soils, should be taken to the top of the pipe - at least 0.9 of the standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m.

With uniform heaving in pounds, the depth of laying the gas pipeline to the top of the pipe should be:

not less than 0.7 standard freezing depth, but not less than 0.9 m for medium heaving soils;

not less than 0.8 standard freezing depth, but not less than 1.0 m for strongly and excessively heaving soils.

5.6.5 For LPG tank installations with underground tanks in heaving (except for slightly heaving), medium and highly swelling soils, provision should be made for above-ground laying of liquid and vapor phase gas pipelines connecting the reservoirs.

5.6.6 If the seismicity of the area is more than 7 points, in undermined and karst areas, in areas of permafrost, pipes with a safety factor of at least 2.8 should be used for polyethylene gas pipelines. Welded butt joints must undergo 100% control by physical methods.

5.7.1 To restore (reconstruct) worn-out underground steel gas pipelines outside and on the territory of urban and rural settlements, the following should be used:

at pressures up to 0.3 MPa inclusive, pulling polyethylene pipes in the gas pipeline with a safety factor of at least 2.5 without welded joints or connected using parts with a seal, or connected by butt welding using welding equipment high degree of automation;

at a pressure from 0.3 to 0.6 MPa inclusive, stretching polyethylene pipes in a gas pipeline without welded joints or connected using parts with welded joints or butt welding using highly automated welding equipment with a safety factor for gas pipelines in settlements of at least 2, 8, and outside settlements – at least 2.5. The space between the polyethylene pipe and the worn-out steel gas pipeline (frame) along its entire length must be filled with sealing (sealing) material (cement-sand mortar, foam material);

at a pressure of up to 1.2 MPa, cleaned cladding (using Phoenix technology) inner surface gas pipelines using a synthetic fabric hose on a special two-component adhesive, subject to confirmation in the prescribed manner of their suitability for these purposes at specified pressure or in accordance with standards ( technical specifications); the scope of which extends to this pressure.

5.7.2 Restoration of worn-out steel gas pipelines is carried out without changing the pressure, with an increase or decrease in pressure compared to the existing gas pipeline.

In this case, it is allowed to save:

intersections of restored areas with underground utilities without installing additional casings;

depth of installation of restored gas pipelines;

distances from the restored gas pipeline to buildings, structures and engineering communications according to its actual location, if the pressure of the restored gas pipeline does not change or when the pressure of the restored gas pipeline increases to 0.3 MPa.

Restoring worn-out steel gas pipelines with increasing pressure to high is permitted if the distances to buildings, structures and utilities meet the requirements for a high-pressure gas pipeline.

5.7.3 The ratio of the sizes of polyethylene and steel pipes during reconstruction by the pulling method should be selected based on the possibility of free passage of polyethylene pipes and parts inside steel ones and ensuring the integrity of polyethylene pipes. The ends of the reconstructed sections between the polyethylene and steel pipes must be compacted.

At what distance from the fence and other buildings? high voltage line power transmission and other communications, it is possible to build a home - an issue that requires a priority solution. Failure to comply with standards leads to legal conflicts with neighbors. To avoid such problems, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the legal requirements regarding the placement of residential buildings.

The wall of the house can coincide with the line of the external fence

Fundamentals of legal regulation of the placement of buildings

No one normative act does not precisely regulate the issue of distance between buildings. The norms for the position of architectural structures on the site are determined by the local administration. To avoid paying a fine and demolition of the building, you need to contact the architecture committee to familiarize yourself with the accepted standards for the placement of buildings in a given locality.

The issue of planning buildings is regulated by the following standards:

  1. SP 30-102-99. Establishes norms for distances between individual housing construction objects and other extensions. Thus, a residential building must be located at a distance of no less than 6 m from dwellings, garages and outbuildings on the neighboring site.
  2. SP 4.13130.2009. The main document establishing fire safety measures. Maintaining safety distances between buildings is intended to protect buildings from fire and prevent the spread of fire due to their close proximity.
  3. SNiP 30-02-97. Regulates the placement of buildings in gardening associations. IN in some cases, by decision of the local administration, the standard applies to individual housing construction, private plots and summer cottages.
  4. SNiP 2.07.01-89. Regulates the area related to the general development of a populated area. Unlike previous standards, this regulatory act regulates the placement of buildings on a site from the point of view of local authorities, and not the owner.

Permissible distances between houses on adjacent plots

The distances between dwellings in neighboring areas differ in different regions. Take into account the location of the site (in the city or rural areas). The distance is calculated based on the position of the extreme points of the building - balcony, terrace and porch. If the dwelling is connected to a garage close to the neighboring plot, the distance is determined relative to its edge.

Table of minimum distances according to fire safety standards between houses from different materials

The amount of indentation depends on the type of cladding. The following groups of coatings are used for wall cladding:

  1. Non-combustible materials - stone and reinforced concrete. The safest types of cladding, characterized by a low susceptibility to fire. Stone buildings can be located at a distance of at least 6 m from each other. Are the best option for construction on small plots, allowing you to build houses near fences.
  2. Combustible materials – lumber. To avoid a large fire, the distance between wooden buildings must be at least 15 m.

The issue of placing houses in the construction of which several materials were used is being addressed separately. Dwellings with stone walls, But wooden floors, should be placed at a distance of at least 8 m from each other. The same distance is maintained if structures in neighboring areas are built from different groups of materials.

Limiting the distance from the wall of the house to the fence and neighboring buildings

By general rules The distance from the dwelling to the fence according to SNiP must be at least 3 m, and between neighboring houses - at least 6 m. A small, less than a meter, setback of the dwelling from the border of the site is a violation. If a neighbor built his house a meter from the fence, you can safely go to court, even when the normative distance between dwellings is observed.

Minimum distances of objects and buildings to the neighbor’s fence

When planning the future use of the site, it is recommended to draw a diagram of it. The land should be divided into zones, in one of which a residential building will be built, and in the others - a garage and other necessary extensions. According to GOST, buildings must be removed from the fence and the house at the following intervals (m):

  • at least 1 – outbuildings for storing equipment;
  • 6 – from the windows of a neighbor’s house;
  • at least 12 – premises for housing livestock;
  • 6 – summer shower;
  • 8 – toilet and compost pit.

Particular attention is paid to the location of the bathhouse. Smoke from a sauna chimney located close to neighbor's house, is the cause of quarrels with neighbors who may legally demand the demolition of the building.

To avoid troubles when building a bathhouse, adhere to the following distances:

  • at least 12 m from neighboring structures - for smoky steam rooms;
  • more than 6 m from the fence and the house, at least 4 m from the buildings located on the site - for a sauna;
  • at least 12 m from the neighbor’s bathhouse and other wooden buildings.

The garden plot is also subject to zoning. It is necessary to plan the land so that it can be used to build living quarters and the necessary outbuildings. Architectural structures located on the SNT site are erected at a distance of (m) from its boundaries:

  • 4 – greenhouse, pen for birds and livestock;
  • 1 – buildings for storing equipment;
  • 8 – bathhouse, toilet and shower.

It is better to discuss the short distance between the house and the neighbor’s fence with the neighbors

If you want to build a septic tank on your property, it is recommended to obtain the consent of your neighbors. Despite the fact that for the construction treatment system permission is required only from the local sanitary and epidemiological service; preliminary discussion and written consent for construction will protect owners from false complaints about “flooding of the soil and bad smell"from unscrupulous neighbors.

Coordination of the design of the treatment system allows you to avoid situations where a septic tank is mistakenly built close, literally a meter from the drinking water well.

The purifier is placed at a distance of at least 5 m from the home and 3 m from the boundaries of the site. The system should not be located far from a residential building, as this often leads to blockages.

Distance from the house to the object outside the fence

When deciding on the placement of a house on a site, they also take into account the distance of the future building to power lines, gas pipelines, railway and cemeteries. This will protect households from traffic noise and fumes from burial sites, and avoid flooding and subsidence of a private building located on excessively wet soil.

Before power lines

To protect the population from damage electric shock Due to accidental deformation of wires, security zones are established on both sides of power lines. Within these areas, housing construction and the construction of dacha and gardening partnerships are prohibited. If a house does end up within the power line, it is not demolished, but a ban on reconstruction and capital construction is imposed.

The minimum distance from the house to the power line depends on its voltage

Compliance with power line protection zones also ensures the safety of the site electrical network from vibrations that occur during the construction of a house. The safe distance from the fence to power lines is determined based on the voltage level and is:

  • 35 kV – 15 m;
  • 110 kV – 20 m;
  • 220 kV – 25 m;
  • 500 kV – 30 m;
  • 750 kV – 40 m;
  • 1150 kV – 55 m.

To the pond

When dreaming of a house near a river or pond, you need to determine whether the purchased plot is included in a water protection zone - land adjacent to a water body with special legal protection. The establishment of a special regime is aimed at preventing pollution, siltation and salinization of the soil, preserving the richness of waters and maintaining the natural biocenosis.

The minimum distance from the house to the river depends on the type of reservoir

Building a house near a pond also carries the risk of its destruction due to its placement on softened soil. When laying the foundation, the width of the water protection zone of a river or sea is taken into account. This territory is determined by the length of the reservoir and is:

  • 10 km – 50 m;
  • up to 50 km – 100 m;
  • over 50 km – 200 m;
  • for the sea - more than 500 m.

To the gas pipe

If there is an external gas pipeline on the site, the distance between it and the house must be at least 2 m. The safety distance for underground pipes is determined based on the gas supply pressure. Within populated areas, as a rule, the pressure in the gas pipeline does not exceed 0.005 MPa. In this case, the foundation is laid at a distance no closer than 2 m from the gas pipe.

In the village, a distance of 2 m is sufficient to the low-pressure gas pipe

To the road

In different settlements, the distance between the fence and the road varies. In small villages, as a rule, this figure should be at least 3 m. If the local administration has allowed to deviate from the standards, it is still better to build a fence away from the passage. This will not only protect residents, but also make it easier to access the site.

It is better to stay away from the dust and smells of the road: at least five meters from the fence

When talking about the distance between the fence and the road, the concepts of “road” and “roadway” are distinguished. The first is called a canvas with a pedestrian zone and a curb, optimal distance to which is about 3 m. An area for movement is considered for the second Vehicle. If land plot located near highways, the distance to the fence should be at least 5 m.

The norm for the distance from a cemetery with an area of ​​more than 20 hectares to a residential building is at least 500 m. If the site is located in a village near a small cemetery, the dwelling should be located at least 300 m away from it. For columbariums, memorial complexes, closed burial places, the permissible the distance to the home is 50 m.

The minimum distance to the cemetery is determined by its size

To the railway

The noise and smell from the railway will not please anyone: we are building a house no closer than 100 m

To protect land owners from train noise, the distance from the private sector to the railway must exceed 100 m. If the railway track is located in a depression, or the carrier company has taken measures to ensure noise protection (installed noise barriers, fences), it is permissible to build a house near the tracks, but not closer than 50 m.

Hello, dear readers. If there is a gas pipe in the kitchen, special standards apply to it. These are distances from surfaces and from household appliances. Proper installation of gas pipes throughout the apartment is also important.

Apartment standards

The gas pipeline is installed in the apartment according to a previously developed plan. But even before this, it is necessary to determine the operating conditions of the gas pipeline. So, if gas pmi 2013 units operate in the kitchen, it will be suitable for them mandatory element. Its presence in the boiler room is the key to warmth throughout the house.

For the positions of the gas pipe in the kitchen and apartment, the standards are as follows:

  1. No installation in residential areas or ventilation shafts.
  2. Intersection with openings for windows and doors is unacceptable.
  3. Laying in hard-to-reach areas is prohibited. For example, behind designer decoration on the wall. Gas equipment must be provided with quick and easy access in case of malfunctions.
  4. The minimum distance of the gas pipe from the floor is 2 m.
  5. When using thin-walled pipes, the length of flexible communication components should not exceed 3 m. Great importance has also the density of connections of network elements.
  6. Installation is permitted only in those rooms where the minimum ceiling height is 220 cm. And these rooms must be well ventilated.
  7. The kitchen should not be provided with ventilation affecting the living areas.
  8. Wall and ceiling surfaces, close to gas equipment, must have special coating made of non-combustible plaster. If there is no such coating on the wall, it must be insulated from gas appliances using metal sheet. Its suitable density is 3 mm.

Question about a private house

To lay in a private house, you also need to know the standards. To begin with, gasification here begins with notifying the local gas organization and planned works. It provides a technological condition that determines the algorithm for constructing a gas pipeline. Settlement in progress technical issue. A personal development for gasification of a certain area is created. Also, a warrant for the installation of a gas pipeline is issued by the traffic police.

If neighboring houses are already provided with gas, you only need to connect the pipes in a specific area to the main network. The working pressure factor is also important here. Its parameter in the main pipes determines the choice of pipes to pass into the house.

The preferred gas source determines the gas supply technology: centralized or autonomous.

Gas pipelines can also run to private homes underground or above it.

And the standards for installing pipes in the kitchen are: a private house identical to the points in the housing issue.

Installation standards

The rules and regulations for installing a gas pipe in the kitchen are as follows:

  1. Before work, close the main valve.
  2. The gas pipeline is purged if the pipe is moved.
  3. The pipe is secured to the wall. These are special clamps and brackets.

The type of fastener is determined by the length and diameter of the pipes.

  1. If there are electrical cables near the pipes, then the minimum distance here should reach 25 cm. A gas technology is removed from the electrical panel by 50 cm.
  2. Location near cooling equipment is unacceptable. In this matter, owners often make mistakes. Is it possible to place a refrigerator near a gas pipe? It is forbidden. So the refrigerator radiator can quickly overheat, and the device itself will become faulty.
  3. The minimum distance from the gas pipe to the stove is formed as follows: the branch to it goes only along the line of the connecting fitting. The shut-off valve is placed 150 cm from the floor and 20 cm from the side of the stove. The cash advance businesses plate is installed using a heat-resistant flexible hose.
  4. Work should be carried out in a room with stable ventilation and natural light.
  5. The minimum ceiling height is 220 cm.
  6. The slab and the opposite wall must be separated by at least 100 cm.
  7. The surfaces around the pipes and slabs are covered with fire-resistant material - plaster.
  8. The pipes are routed so that the slab is 7-8 cm from the walls.
  9. The stove is used only in a kitchen that has a fence from the corridor: a wall or partition and a door.
  10. The height of the gas pipe from the floor is at least 2 m.

Another important aspect is maximum length certified gas hoses. In Russia it has no restrictions. In Europe it is 2 m. We can have products from 2 to payday loans gallatin tn 10 m and more. It all depends on the owners’ tasks and working conditions.

Transfer Aspects

When a gas pipe is in the way in the kitchen, it can be moved or disguised. In the first case, you must strictly observe regulatory requirements moving a gas pipe in the kitchen.

The same installation criteria are followed here:

The maximum length of flexible elements is 3 m.

The norm for a gas pipe in the kitchen in height from the floor is 2 m (minimum).

The connection areas must be rigid.

The pipeline itself should be painted.

The areas where the system intersects with the walls are “packed” - a special case is used.

When working on a gas transfer network, block the gas before working.

You need to decide on your tasks. It is better to designate them schematically and show them to specialists.

And the decision to cut or move a pipe in the kitchen is the prerogative of special services. The owner can only indicate his plan. And the masters can approve or prohibit it. They will tell you what the price of such an update is, where it is better to start with financial assistance grants and who to contact.

The algorithm of actions in solving these problems is as follows:

  1. Contacting the gas company at the registration area. Create a statement about the desired changes.
  2. Based on the application, specialists arrive. They inspect the conditions, carry out checks and make the necessary calculations so as not to violate the norms for the location of the gas pipe in the kitchen.
  3. Creating an estimate. When ready plan ends up in the hands of the customer, other formalities are settled, the customer pays for the service. If necessary, the plan is modified.

If the work according to the customer’s scenario is not safe, or the estimate does not suit him, he can disguise the pipe. For example, purchase a special elegant box

If there are no dilemmas with the estimate, then within 5 days of its approval, craftsmen arrive to the customer. Before their visit, the client can:

  1. Contact them and find out if they need anything consumables and immediately resolve this issue,
  2. Clear the area for dismantling old products and installing new ones. Workers should not have problems accessing the network.
  3. Protect all valuables, kitchen appliances and surfaces. A tarpaulin or tarpaulin is used for protection. similar materials. After all, the work ahead is very dusty.
  4. The valve is blocked. Gas should not flow to the pipes during this period. It is easier to connect components using a siphon connection.

The work itself goes like this:

  1. To remove residual gas and debris, the pipes are purged (after the gas is blocked).
  2. The unnecessary component of the system is removed.
  3. The resulting hole is plugged.
  4. A hole is made at the location where the new element is installed.
  5. The new structure and other elements are welded here, if they are included in the project.
  6. The crane is being installed. The connecting areas are sealed with tow.
  7. The stove is connected. The standard is observed at what distance from the gas pipe the stove can be placed. This aspect has already been discussed here (the tap is at the level of the connecting fitting, the minimum distance from the side of the slab is 20 cm). With the upper variation of the fixed annuity interest rate wiring, the shut-off valve is placed at the lower end of the gas apparatus. Distance from the floor: 150-160 cm. The gas riser is at least 20 cm away from the tap.
  8. A work completion certificate is generated and signed.

The question of camouflage

Is it possible to hide a gas pipe when there is no way to move it? It is possible and necessary. Special boxes are available for sale.

You can come up with your own plan on how to hide the gas pipe, and at the same time the counter in the kitchen.

If you have absolutely no idea how to do this effectively and harmoniously, look at the photo “How to hide gas pipes in the kitchen?”


It is necessary to install gas pipes in the apartment and in particular in the kitchen in accordance with current regulations. This is both compliance with the law and a guarantee of your safety.

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