Intersection of 10 kV overhead line with the railway. Intersection and convergence of lines between each other. Passage of overhead lines across bridges

  • "Rules for the installation of overhead power lines with voltage 6 - 20 kV with protected wires (PU VLZ 6 - 20 kV)" (approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation)

13. Intersection and bringing together overhead lines, with overhead lines (VLI) up to 1 kV, with overhead lines above 1 kV

13.1. The intersection angle of overhead lines with each other, with overhead lines of all voltage classes, as well as with overhead lines up to 1 kV is not standardized.

The intersection location should be selected as close as possible to the support of the upper (intersecting) overhead line (VL). In this case, the horizontal distance from the support of the upper (crossing) overhead line (VL) to the wires of the lower (crossed) overhead line, overhead line 6 - 20 kV with no insulated wires or overhead lines up to 1 kV (overhead lines up to 1 kV) with their greatest deviation must be at least 6.0 m. The horizontal distance from the support of the lower (intersecting) overhead line to the wires of the upper (intersecting) overhead line up to 400 kV must be at least 5 m For overhead lines of 500 kV and above, the specified distances must be at least 10 m.

It is allowed to maintain the supports of crossed overhead lines under the wires of crossing overhead lines if the vertical distance from the wires of the crossing overhead line to the top of the crossed overhead line is 4 m greater than the values ​​​​specified in 2.5.121 PUE-98.

It is allowed to intersect overhead lines with each other, with overhead lines 3 - 20 kV and with overhead lines (VLI) up to 1 kV on a common support.

13.2. When crossing an overhead line with an overhead line (VLZ, VLI), anchor supports should be used. It is allowed to use intermediate supports with reinforced fastening of wires on the overhead line crossing.

Single-post wooden supports of the crossing overhead line must be with reinforced concrete attachments; It is allowed to use single-post wooden supports without attachments. Raised wooden supports may be used as an exception with wooden attachments.

13.3. Power line wires over high voltage generally should be located above lower voltage power line conductors.

13.4. The distance between the nearest wires of the crossing and intersecting power lines is 6 - 20 kV at an ambient temperature of plus 15 degrees. C without wind should be at least 1.5 m, provided that one of them is made with protected wires.

13.5. In the crossing span, the distance between the nearest wires of the crossing overhead line and the crossed overhead line is up to 1 kV at an ambient temperature of +15 degrees. C must be at least 1 m.

13.6. When crossing an overhead line with an overhead line of 35 kV and above, the distance between the nearest wires of intersecting power lines on metal and reinforced concrete supports ah, as well as on wooden supports in the presence of lightning protection devices at an ambient temperature of plus 15 degrees. C without wind must be no less than those given in 2.5.121 PUE-98.

13.7. When determining the distances between the wires of intersecting power lines, the possibility of lightning striking both power lines should be taken into account and distances should be taken for a more unfavorable case; if the upper overhead line is protected by cables, then only the possibility of hitting the lower overhead line should be taken into account.

13.8. On overhead line supports that limit crossing spans, arresters or arresters must be installed on both intersecting lines.

It is allowed to use protective gaps or arc protection devices instead of arresters on overhead lines equipped with automatic re-closing.

If the distance from the intersection to the nearest supports of intersecting power lines is less than 40 m, lightning protection devices are installed only on these supports.

Installation of lightning protection devices on intersection supports is not required in the cases provided for in 2.5.122 PUE-98.

13.9. The resistance of grounding devices for arresters, surge arresters, protective gaps and arc protection devices must be no more than those specified in 2.5.75 PUE-98.

13.10. With parallel passage and approach of overhead lines and overhead lines up to 20 kV, the horizontal distances between them must be no less than those indicated in the table. 13.1.

Table 13.1


┌───────────────────────────────────┬─── ────────── ───────────────┐ │ Sections of lines, distances │ Shortest distance, m │ ├────────────── ──────── ─────────────┼────────────────────────── ──┤ │Sections of unconstrained route, │ │ │between line axes │ 2.75 │ ├─────────────────────────────── ────┼──── ────────────────────────┤ │Constricted sections of the route and │ │ │approaches to substations: │ │ │m between the outermost wires │ │ │lines in a non-deviated position │ 2.0 │ │from the rejected wires of one line│ │ │to the supports of another line │ 2.0 │ └─────────────────────── ─── ─────────┴────────────────────────────┘

13.11. When passing parallelly and approaching an overhead line with an overhead line with a voltage of 35 kV and above, the horizontal distances must be no less than those given in 2.5.123 PUE-98.

When constructing overhead lines, special attention should be paid to observing the dimensions of the intersection and proximity of overhead lines with each other, with structures, communication and signaling lines (LS), relay network lines (RN), roads, pipelines, etc.

Overhead power lines must be placed so that the supports do not block the entrances to buildings and courtyards and do not impede the movement of vehicles and pedestrians. In places where there is a danger of vehicle collisions with supports, they must be protected (for example, by bumper bollards).

On overhead power lines with voltage up to 1 kV, the distance from the wires at the greatest sag to the ground and the roadway of the streets must be at least 6 m. In hard-to-reach areas, this distance can be reduced to 3.5 m, and in inaccessible areas (mountain slopes, rocks, cliffs, etc.) - up to 1 m. At the intersection of an impassable part of the street with branches from overhead lines to the inputs, the distance from the wires to the sidewalks and pedestrian paths may be reduced to 3.5 m.

On overhead lines with a voltage of more than 1 kV during normal operation, the shortest distance, m, from the wires to the surface of the earth, buildings and structures in a populated area should be:

In uninhabited areas, the distances from the overhead line wires to the ground surface during normal operation of the overhead line must be no less than those given in table. 3.24.

Table 3.24

Distances from overhead line wires to the ground surface in uninhabited and inaccessible areas

The horizontal distance from overhead line wires with voltage up to 1 kV at their greatest deviation to buildings and structures must be at least: 1.5 m – to balconies, terraces and windows; 1 m – to blank walls. The passage of overhead lines over a building is not allowed, with the exception of the approaches of branches from overhead lines to inputs into buildings.

Horizontal distances from overhead line supports to underground cables (except for communication, signaling and radio broadcast cables), pipelines and overhead columns for various purposes must be at least:

0.5 m – to the cables, but when they are laid in an insulated pipe;

1 m – to water, gas, steam and heat pipelines, as well as sewer pipes;

2 m – to fire hydrants, underground sewer wells (manholes), water standpipes;

10 m – to gas stations.

Crossing overhead lines up to 1 kV with navigable rivers is not recommended. When crossing non-navigable and freezing small rivers, canals, the distance from the overhead line wires to highest level the water must be at least 2 m, and the ice must be at least 6 m.

When crossing an overhead line up to 1 kV with an overhead line over 1 kV, the intersection location should be chosen as close as possible to the support of the upper (crossing) overhead line; in this case, the horizontal distance from this support to the wires of the lower (intersecting) overhead line with the greatest deviation of the wires must be at least 6 m, and from the supports of the lower (intersecting) overhead line to the wires of the upper (intersecting) overhead line - at least 5 m. Allowed in in some cases intersection of overhead lines on a support.

When 330–500 kV overhead lines cross each other, the supports of the crossing overhead line must be anchored of normal design.

The intersection of 330–500 kV overhead lines with 220 kV and lower overhead lines may be carried out on intermediate supports.

When constructing overhead lines of 330 kV and below, it is allowed to pass under existing overhead lines of 330–500 kV in spans limited by intermediate supports.

When crossing overhead lines of 220 kV and below, it is allowed to use intermediate supports on the intersecting overhead lines.

Higher voltage overhead line wires, as a rule, should be located above lower voltage overhead line wires. It is allowed, as an exception, to pass overhead lines of 35 kV and higher with wires with a cross-section of 120 mm 2 or more above the wires of overhead lines of higher voltage, but not higher than 220 kV.

It is recommended to cross overhead lines up to 1 kV using cross supports; crossing in a span is also allowed, while the vertical distance between the nearest wires of intersecting overhead lines at an ambient temperature of +15 °C without wind must be at least 1 m. When crossing an overhead line in a span, the intersection location should be chosen as close as possible to the support of the upper crossing overhead line, in this case, the horizontal distance between the supports of the crossing and the wires of the crossed overhead line must be at least 2 m.

On double-circuit supports, the distance between the nearest wires of different circuits, according to the operating conditions of the wires in the span, must be at least: 2.5 m - for 35 kV overhead lines with pin insulators and 3 m with suspended insulators; 4 m – for 110 kV overhead line; 6 m – for 220 kV overhead line; 7 m – for 330 kV overhead line; 8 m – for 500 kV overhead line.

The distances between wires or between wires and cables of intersecting overhead lines on metal and reinforced concrete supports, as well as on wooden supports in the presence of lightning protection devices, are given in Table. 3.25.

Table 3.25

The distance between the wires when crossing overhead lines with each other and with overhead lines of a lower voltage

On overhead lines with wooden supports that are not protected by lightning protection cables, on the supports that limit the crossing spans, tubular arresters must be installed on both intersecting overhead lines. If the distance from the intersection to the nearest supports of intersecting overhead lines is no more than 40 m, arresters or protective gaps are installed only on the nearest supports.

With parallel passage and approach of overhead lines, the horizontal distances must be no less than those indicated in the table. 3.26.

Table 3.26

Horizontal distances between overhead lines

* When 500 kV overhead lines are brought closer to each other and to overhead lines of lower voltages - at least 50 m.

The intersection of overhead line wires with voltage up to 1 kV with LAN and RS lines must be performed according to one of the following options:

bare wires of overhead lines and insulated wires of LS and RS;

bare wires of overhead lines and underground or overhead cables LAN and RS;

bare wires of overhead lines with increased mechanical strength and bare wires LS and RS;

insulated overhead line wires and non-insulated LS and RS wires;

underground overhead line cable and bare LAN and RS wires.

The vertical distance from the overhead line wires to the wires or overhead cables of the LS and RS in the intersection spans at the greatest sag (highest air temperature, ice) must be at least 1.25 m.

The vertical distance from the overhead line wires to the RS wires or overhead cables when crossing on a common support must be at least 1.5 m.

The intersection of overhead line wires with wires or overhead cables of LS and RS in the span should be at a distance of at least 2 m from the nearest overhead line support, but as close as possible to the overhead line support. The overhead line wires should be located above the LAN and RS wires. In exceptional cases, the wires of 380/220 V overhead lines may be placed under the wires of rack-mount LANs.

When approaching overhead lines with overhead LANs and RS, the horizontal distance between the outermost wires of these lines must be at least 2 m, and in cramped conditions - at least 1.5 m. In all other cases, the distance between the lines must be no less than the height of the largest support of the overhead line , LS and RS.

Joint suspension on common supports VL, LS and RS wires are not allowed. The joint suspension of overhead line wires and insulated DC wires is allowed on common supports.

The vertical distances from the overhead line wires to the crossed LS and RS wires in the normal overhead line mode and in the event of a wire break in adjacent overhead line spans must be no less than those given in table. 3.27.

Table 3.27

Vertical distances from overhead line wires to LAN and RS wires

The smallest horizontal distance when approaching overhead lines with overhead lines and RS with non-deviated wires should be no less than the height of the highest support of the overhead line, and in sections of a cramped route with the greatest deflection of overhead line wires by the wind: 2 m - for overhead lines up to 10 kV; 4 m – for overhead lines 35 and 110 kV; 6 m – for 220 kV overhead line; 8 m – for 330 kV overhead line; 10 m – for 500 kV overhead line.

The angle of intersection of overhead lines with railways that have been electrified and are subject to electrification within the next 10 years must be at least 40°. It is recommended to make the intersection at an angle close to 90°.

When crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways, the distance from the base of the overhead line support to the approach clearance of buildings on non-electrified railways ah or to the axis of the supports of the contact network of electrified roads must be at least the height of the support plus 3 m. In sections of a cramped route, this distance is allowed to be at least: 3 m - for overhead lines up to 10 kV; 6 m – for overhead lines 35 – 110 kV; 8 m – for 220–330 kV overhead lines and 10 m – for 500 kV overhead lines.

Distances from wires to various elements railway - the gi when crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways must be no less than those given in table. 3.28.

Table 3.28

Distances when crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways

The use of pin insulators in the spans of intersections of overhead lines with railways is not allowed. The use of reinforced concrete supports and reinforced concrete stepsons at supports limiting the span of the intersection as reinforcement grounding conductors is prohibited.

Distances when crossing and approaching overhead lines with highways must be no less than those given in table. 3.29.

The vertical distance in normal mode is checked at the greatest sag without taking into account the heating of the wires electric shock.

Table 3.29

Distances when crossing and approaching overhead lines with highways

In all cases of approach of overhead lines to curved sections of highways passing along an embankment, the minimum distances from the overhead line wires to the edge of the road must be no less than the vertical distances indicated in Table. 3.29.

The distances from the lower wires of the overhead line to the surface of the water must be no less than those given in the table. 3.30. Heating of overhead line wires by electric current is not taken into account.

Table 3.30

Distances from overhead line wires to the water surface, vessel dimensions and rafting

When passing overhead lines across dams, dikes, etc., the distances from the overhead line wires at the greatest sag and greatest deviation to various parts of the dams and dikes must be no less than those given in the table. 3.31.

Table 3.31

Distances from overhead line wires to various parts of dams and dams

When an overhead line passes through dams and dikes along which communication routes are laid, it must also meet the requirements for overhead lines when crossing and approaching the corresponding objects of communication routes.

The maximum sag of overhead line wires should be determined by comparing the sag at the highest design air temperature and during ice conditions.

Intersection dimensions high voltage lines power transmission and bringing them closer to structures when using BAC wires

and SIP are much smaller and are determined by the project on the basis of the Normative and technical documentation for the design, construction and operation of pilot industrial overhead lines 6-20 kV with BAC wires and the Normative and technical documentation for the design, construction and operation of pilot industrial overhead lines 0.38 kV with self-supporting AMKA wires.

| |

│ When crossing a 10 kV overhead line with each other and with an overhead line │ │ of a lower voltage │ ├────────────────┬───────┬─── ──── ─┬────────┬───────┬─────────┬───┤ │Up to 100 │ 2 │ 2 │ - │ - │ - │ - │ │ 150 │ 2 │ 2.5 │ 2.5 │ - │ - │ - │ └────────────────┴─────── ┴────── ──┴────────┴───────┴─────────┴───┘

2.5.230. When running in parallel and bringing overhead lines of one voltage closer to each other or with overhead lines of other voltages, the horizontal distances must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.25 and accepted over higher voltage overhead lines. The indicated distances are subject to additional verification:

1) to ensure that the neutral displacement does not exceed 15% of the phase voltage in normal operation of an overhead line up to 35 kV with an isolated neutral due to the electromagnetic and electrostatic influence of higher voltage overhead lines;

2) to exclude the possibility of development of resonant overvoltages in the off position of 500 - 750 kV overhead lines equipped with compensating devices (shunt reactors, synchronous or thyristor static compensators, etc.). The degree of compensation for the working capacity of the line, the distance between the axes of the overhead line and the length of the approach sections must be determined by calculations.


Section 2. Electricity sewerage

Chapter 2.5. Overhead power lines with voltage above 1 kV

Intersection and convergence of overhead lines with each other

2.5.220. The intersection angle of overhead lines (VLZ) above 1 kV with each other and with overhead lines (VLI) up to 1 kV is not standardized.

2.5.221. The intersection location should be chosen as close as possible to the support of the upper (intersecting) overhead line (VLZ). The distances from the wires of the lower (intersecting) overhead line to the supports of the upper (intersecting) overhead line horizontally and from the wires of the upper (intersecting) overhead line to the supports of the lower (intersecting) overhead line in the clear must be no less than those given in Table 2.5.23, and also no less 1.5 m for VLZ and 0.5 m for VLI.

Table 2.5.23. The smallest distance between the wires and supports of intersecting overhead lines.

It is allowed to cross overhead lines and overhead lines with each other and with overhead lines (VLI) up to 1 kV on a common support.

2.5.222. The supports of the 500-750 kV overhead line, limiting the span of the intersection with the 500-750 kV overhead line, must be of the anchor type.

Intersections of 500-750 kV overhead lines with 330 kV and lower overhead lines, as well as 330 kV and lower overhead lines with each other, are allowed to be carried out in spans limited by both intermediate and anchor supports.

Single-post wooden supports of an intersecting overhead line, limiting the span of the intersection, as a rule, should be with reinforced concrete attachments. It is allowed to use single-post wooden supports without attachments and, as an exception, elevated wooden supports with wooden attachments.

2.5.223. When crossing a 500-750 kV overhead line with a 6-20 kV overhead line and an overhead line (VLI) up to 1 kV, the supports of the crossed overhead lines limiting the crossing span must be of the anchor type, the wires of the crossed overhead lines in the crossing span must be:

  • steel-aluminum with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 70 mm 2 for aluminum - for 6-20 kV overhead lines;
  • steel-aluminum with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 70 mm 2 for aluminum or from a heat-strengthened aluminum alloy with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 70 mm 2 - for overhead line 6-20 kV;
  • aluminum with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 50 mm 2 - for overhead lines up to 1 kV;
  • SIP harness without a supporting neutral wire with a cross-sectional area of ​​the phase conductor of at least 25 mm 2 or with a supporting wire made of heat-treated aluminum alloy with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 50 mm 2.

Wires in crossing spans must be secured to supports using:

  • suspended glass insulators - for overhead lines (VLZ) 6-20 kV;
  • pin insulators with double fastening to them - for overhead lines up to 1 kV;
  • tension anchor clamps - for VLI.

2.5.224. On intermediate supports of a crossing overhead line with supporting garlands of insulators, the wires should be suspended in blind clamps, and on supports with pin insulators, double wire fastening should be used.

On intermediate supports of an existing 750 kV overhead line, limiting the span of intersection with newly constructed overhead lines up to 330 kV, as well as on existing overhead lines up to 500 kV with a cross-sectional area of ​​the aluminum part of the wires of 300 mm 2 or more, when constructing other overhead lines under them, it is allowed to leave clamps with limited strength of seals and falling out clamps.

2.5.225. Wires of higher voltage overhead lines, as a rule, should be located above the wires of crossed lower voltage overhead lines. It is allowed, as an exception, to pass overhead lines of 35 kV and higher with wires with a cross-sectional area of ​​the aluminum part of 120 mm 2 or more over the wires of higher voltage overhead lines, but not higher than 220 kV.* In this case, the passage of lower voltage overhead lines over the wires of double-circuit overhead lines of higher voltage not allowed.

* In cities and urban-type settlements, the passage of overhead lines or overhead lines with insulated wires with a voltage of up to 1 kV is allowed over the wires of an overhead line with a voltage of up to 20 kV.

2.5.226. The intersection of 35-500 kV overhead lines with double-circuit overhead lines of the same voltages, which serve to supply power to consumers that do not have backup power, or with double-circuit overhead lines, the circuits of which are mutually redundant, should, as a rule, be carried out in different spans of the crossing overhead line, separated by an anchor support. The intersection of 750 kV overhead lines with such overhead lines can be carried out in one span, limited by both anchor and intermediate supports.

In sections of a cramped route, the intersection of overhead lines with wires with a cross-sectional area of ​​the aluminum part of 120 mm 2 or more with double-circuit overhead lines can be carried out in one span of the crossing overhead line, limited by intermediate supports. In this case, on the supports that limit the span of the intersection, double-circuit supporting garlands of insulators with separate fastening of the circuits to the support must be used.

2.5.227. The shortest distances between the nearest wires (or wires and cables) of intersecting overhead lines should be taken as no less than those given in Table 2.5.24 at an air temperature of plus 15 °C without wind.

Table 2.5.24. The smallest distance between wires or wires and cables of intersecting overhead lines on metal and reinforced concrete supports, as well as on wooden supports in the presence of lightning protection devices.

Span length of the crossing overhead line, m

Minimum distance, m, at the distance from the intersection to the nearest overhead line support, m

When crossing 750 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

When crossing 500-330 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

When crossing 220-150 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

When crossing 110-20 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

When crossing 10 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

For intermediate span lengths, the corresponding distances are determined by linear interpolation.

The distance between the nearest wires of the crossing and crossed 6-20 kV overhead lines, provided that at least one of them is made with protected wires, at a temperature of plus 15 °C without wind, should be at least 1.5 m.

The vertical distance between the nearest wires of the crossing overhead line and the crossed overhead line at an air temperature of plus 15 °C without wind should be at least 1 m.

It is allowed to maintain the supports of crossed overhead lines up to 110 kV under the wires of crossing overhead lines up to 500 kV, if the vertical distance from the wires of the crossing overhead line to the top of the support of the crossed overhead line is 4 m greater than the values ​​​​given in Table 2.5.24.

It is allowed to maintain the supports of crossed overhead lines up to 150 kV under the wires of crossing 750 kV overhead lines, if the vertical distance from the wires of the 750 kV overhead line to the top of the support of the crossed overhead line is at least 12 m at highest temperature air.

2.5.228. The distances between the nearest wires (or between wires and cables) of intersecting overhead lines of 35 kV and above are subject to additional verification for the conditions of deflection of the wires (cables) of one of the intersecting overhead lines in the intersection span at wind pressure in accordance with 2.5.56, directed perpendicular to the axis of the span of this overhead line, and non-deviated position of the wire (cable) of the other. In this case, the distances between the wires and cables or wires must be no less than those indicated in Table 2.5.17 or 2.5.18 for the conditions of the highest operating voltage, the air temperature for non-deviated wires is taken according to 2.5.51.

2.5.229. On overhead lines with wooden supports that are not protected by cables, on the supports that limit the crossing spans, protective devices must be installed on both intersecting overhead lines. The distances between the wires of intersecting overhead lines must be no less than those given in Table 2.5.24.

On the supports of overhead lines of 35 kV and below, when crossing them with overhead lines of 750 kV and below, it is allowed to use IP. At the same time, automatic restart must be provided for 35 kV overhead lines. Spark gaps on single-post and A-shaped supports with wooden traverses are made in the form of one grounding descent and end with bands at a distance of 75 cm (along the tree) from the point of attachment of the lower insulator. On U- and AP-shaped supports, grounding slopes are laid along two pillars of the supports to the traverse.

On overhead lines with wooden supports, not protected by cables, when crossing them with 750 kV overhead lines metal parts for fastening wires (hooks, pins, heads) must be grounded on supports that limit the span of the intersection, and the number of hanging insulators in the garlands must correspond to the insulation for metal supports. In this case, protective devices must be installed on the supports of 35-220 kV overhead lines.

If the distance from the intersection to the nearest supports of intersecting overhead lines is more than 40 m, it is allowed not to install protective devices, and grounding of wire fastening parts on the supports of overhead lines of 35 kV and above is not required.

2.5.119. The intersection angle of overhead lines above 1 kV with each other and with overhead lines up to 1 kV is not standardized.

The intersection location should be selected as close as possible to the support of the upper (intersecting) overhead line; in this case, however, the horizontal distance from this support to the wires of the lower (intersecting) overhead line with the greatest deviation of the wires must be at least 6 m, and from the supports of the lower (intersecting) overhead line to the wires of the upper (intersecting) overhead line - at least 5 m. For anchor supports of 500 kV overhead lines, the specified distances must be at least 10 m (see also 2.5.122 ).

In some cases, it is allowed to cross overhead lines on a support.

2.5.120. When 330 - 500 kV overhead lines cross each other, the supports of the crossing overhead line must be anchored of normal design. Intersections of 330 - 500 kV overhead lines with 220 kV and lower overhead lines may be carried out on intermediate supports.

When constructing overhead lines of 330 kV and below, it is allowed to pass under existing overhead lines of 330 - 500 kV in spans limited by intermediate supports.

When 220 kV and lower overhead lines intersect with each other, it is allowed to use intermediate supports on the intersecting overhead line.

Single-post wooden supports of the intersecting overhead line, limiting the span of the intersection, must be with reinforced concrete attachments; It is allowed to use single-post wooden supports without attachments. Raised wooden supports may be used as an exception with wooden attachments.

The wires of the crossing overhead line on the intermediate supports of the crossing span must have blind clamps or double fastenings on pin insulators; when the wire cross-section is 300 mm 2 or more, it is permissible to use clamps with limited sealing strength and leave drop-out clamps on the existing overhead line when constructing another overhead line underneath it.

2.5.121. Higher voltage overhead line wires, as a rule, should be located above lower voltage overhead line wires. As an exception, it is allowed to pass overhead lines of 35 kV and higher with a wire cross-section of 120 mm 2 or more above the wires of higher voltage overhead lines, but not higher than 220 kV.

Table 2.5.25. The smallest distance between wires or between wires and cables of intersecting overhead lines on metal and reinforced concrete supports, as well as on wooden supports in the presence of lightning protection devices

Overhead line span length, m

Minimum distance, m, at the distance from the intersection to the nearest overhead line support, m







When crossing 500 - 330 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

Up to 200





















When crossing 220 - 150 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

Up to 200





















When crossing 110 - 20 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

Up to 200














When crossing 10 kV overhead lines with each other and with lower voltage overhead lines

Up to 100














2.5.122. The distances between the nearest wires and cables of intersecting overhead lines on metal and reinforced concrete supports, as well as on wooden supports in the presence of lightning protection devices at an ambient temperature of plus 15 ° C without wind, must be no less than those given in the table. 2.5.25 .

When determining the distances between the wires of intersecting overhead lines, the possibility of lightning striking both overhead lines should be taken into account and distances should be taken for a more unfavorable case. If the upper overhead line is protected by cables, then the possibility of damage to only the lower overhead line is taken into account.

It is allowed to maintain the supports of crossed overhead lines up to 110 kV under the wires of the crossing overhead lines, if the vertical distance from the wires of the crossing overhead line to the top of the support of the crossed overhead line is 4 m greater than the values ​​​​given in the table. 2.5.25 .

2.5.123. On overhead lines with wooden supports that are not protected by cables, on the supports that limit the crossing spans, tubular arresters must be installed on both intersecting overhead lines.

Table 2.5.26. The smallest horizontal distance between overhead lines

Overhead line sections and distances

up to 20







Sections of the unconstrained route, between the axes of overhead lines

Height of the highest support *

Sections of constrained routes and approaches to substations:

between the outer wires in the non-deviated position








from the rejected wires of one overhead line to the supports of another overhead line









* When 500 kV overhead lines are brought closer to each other and to overhead lines of lower voltages - the height of the highest support, but not less than 50 m.

On overhead lines of 35 kV and below, it is allowed to use protective gaps instead of tubular arresters. In this case, automatic re-closing must be provided for overhead lines. The protective gaps on single-post and A-shaped supports with wooden traverses are made in the form of one grounding slope and end with bandages at a distance of 75 cm (along the tree) from the point of attachment of the lower insulator. On U- and AP-shaped supports, grounding slopes are laid along the posts of the U-shaped face of the support to the traverse.

If the distance from the intersection to the nearest supports of intersecting overhead lines is no more than 40 m, arresters or protective gaps are installed only on the nearest supports.

The installation of tubular arresters and protective gaps is not required for:

Overhead lines with metal and reinforced concrete supports;

Overhead lines with wooden supports with distances between overhead line wires intersecting with each other and with overhead lines of lower voltages, no less than: 7 m at voltage 330 - 500 kV, 6 m at voltage 150 - 220 kV, 5 m at voltage 35 - 110 kV, 4 m at voltage 3 - 20 kV.

The resistance of grounding devices for tubular arresters and protective gaps should be no more than those indicated in the table. 2.5.22 .

2.5.124. With parallel passage and approach of overhead lines, the horizontal distances must be no less than those indicated in the table. 2.5.26 .


2.5.125. The intersection of overhead lines up to 35 kV with LS and RS must be performed according to one of the following options:

2. Underground cable insert into overhead lines and bare wires for LAN and RS.

3. Overhead line wires and bare LS and RS wires.

2.5.126. The intersection of overhead lines with voltages up to 35 kV with bare LS and RS wires can be performed in the following cases:

1. If it is impossible to lay either an underground LAN and DC cable or an overhead line cable.

2. If the use of a cable insert in the LAN will result in the need to install an additional or relocate a previously installed LAN amplifier point.

3. If, when using a cable insert in a PC, the total length of the PC cable inserts exceeds valid values.

4. If overhead insulators are used on overhead lines with voltages up to 35 kV. In this case, the overhead line at the intersection with non-insulated LS and RS wires is made with increased mechanical strength of the wires and supports (see. 2.5.133 ).

2.5.127. The intersection of overhead lines with a voltage of 110 kV and higher with LS and RS must be carried out according to one of the following options:

1. Overhead line wires and underground cable LAN and RS.

2. Overhead line wires and bare LS and RS wires.

2.5.128. When crossing an overhead line with a voltage of 110 kV and higher with a LAN and RS, cable inserts should not be used in the LAN and RS (see also 2.5.130 ):

1) if the use of a cable insert in the LAN will lead to the need to install an additional or relocate a previously installed LAN amplification point, and refusal to use this cable insert will not cause a violation of the standards for the interfering influence of overhead lines on the LAN;

2) if, when using a cable insert in the RS, the total length of the cable inserts in the RS exceeds the permissible values, and refusal to use this cable insert will not lead to a violation of the standards for the interfering influence of overhead lines on the RS.

2.5.129. Intersection of overhead power lines with city overhead lines telephone communication not allowed; these lines in the span of intersection with overhead line wires should be carried out only with underground cables.

2.5.130. In the span of intersection of LAN and RS with overhead lines, which provide high-frequency communication and telemechanics channels with equipment operating in the same frequency spectrum and having a power of more than 10 W per channel, LAN and RS must be made with underground cable inserts. The length of the cable insert is determined by calculating the influence of the overhead line on the LAN (RS), while the horizontal distance from the base of the cable support of the LAN and RS to the projection of the outermost wire of the overhead line on horizontal plane must be at least 100 m.

If the power of high-frequency equipment operating in the same frequency spectrum exceeds 5 W, but not more than 10 W per channel, then the need to use a LAN and RS cable insert or take other protective measures is determined by calculating the impact.

If the power of high-frequency overhead line equipment operating in the same frequency spectrum does not exceed 5 W per channel, then the use of a cable insert due to interference conditions is not required.

Table 2.5.27. The shortest distance from the ground electrode and the underground part of the overhead line support to the underground cable LS and RS

If the cable insert in the LAN and RS is not equipped according to the conditions of interfering influence from high-frequency channels of overhead lines, then the horizontal distance from the base of the cable support of the LAN and RS to the projection onto the horizontal plane of the outermost wire of the overhead line of uncompacted, compacted in a non-matching frequency spectrum or compacted in a matching frequency spectrum with a power of high-frequency equipment up to 10 W per channel, it should be at least 15 m without taking into account the deflection of overhead line wires by the wind.

2.5.131. When crossing an overhead line with an underground cable LS and RS, the following requirements must be met:

1. The angle of intersection of overhead lines with LS and RS is not standardized.

2. The distance from the ground electrode and the underground part of the overhead line supports to the underground cable of LAN and RS must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.27 .

In the case of laying a cable insert for shielding purposes in steel pipes or covering it with a channel, etc. along a length equal to the distance between the wires of the overhead line plus 10 m on each side of the outer wires, it is allowed to reduce the given distances to 5 m. In this case, when crossing with an overhead line of 110 kV and above, the cable sheath should be connected to a channel or tube at both ends.

3. The metal covers of the cable insert must be grounded at both ends.

4. Protection of the cable insert from lightning overvoltages, types of cables, and method of equipping the cable insert at the intersection are selected in accordance with the requirements for cable LANs and PCs.

5. When crossing 400 - 500 kV overhead lines with LS and RS, the clear distance from the top of the cable support of LS and RS to the overhead line wires must be at least 20 m.

2.5.132. When crossing a cable insert in an overhead line up to 35 kV with bare wires LS and RS, the following requirements must be met:

1. The angle of intersection of the cable insert in the overhead line with the LS and RS is not standardized.

2. The distance from the underground cable insert in the overhead line to the ungrounded support of the LS and RS must be at least 2 m, and to the grounded support of the LS (RS) and its grounding conductor - at least 10 m.

3. The horizontal distance from the base of the cable support of the overhead line, uncompacted and compacted in the non-matching frequency spectrum and in the matching frequency spectrum, depending on the power of the high-frequency equipment, to the projection of the LAN and RS wires must be selected in accordance with the requirements set out in 2.5.130 for the case of intersection of overhead line wires with underground cable LAN and RS.

4. Underground cable inserts in overhead lines must be made in accordance with the requirements given in Chapter. 2.3 and in 2.5.70 .

2.5.133. When crossing overhead line wires with bare LS and RS wires, the following requirements must be observed:

1. The angle of intersection of the overhead line wires with the LS and RS wires should be as close as possible to 90°. For cramped conditions, the intersection angle is not standardized.

2. The intersection location should be chosen as close as possible to the overhead line support. In this case, the horizontal distance from the overhead line supports to the LS and RS wires must be at least 7 m, and from the LAN and RS supports to the projection of the nearest overhead line wire - at least 15 m. In addition, the clear distance from the 400 and 500 kV overhead line wires the tops of the LS and RS supports must be at least 20 m.

It is not allowed to locate LS and RS supports under overhead line wires.

3. The overhead line supports that limit the span of the intersection with the LS and RS must be anchored, reinforced concrete, metal or wood. Wooden supports must be reinforced with additional attachments or struts.

Intersections of overhead lines of 35 kV and higher with LS and RS can be performed on intermediate supports when using wires with a cross-section of 120 mm 2 or more on overhead lines.

4. The overhead line wires must be located above the LAN and RS wires. The overhead line wires in the span of intersection with the LS and RS must be multi-wire with a cross-section of at least: aluminum - 70 mm 2, steel-aluminum - 35 mm 2, steel - 25 mm 2.

5. Wires and cables of overhead lines, as well as LS and RS wires should not have connections in the intersection span. When using wires with a cross-section of 240 mm 2 or more on overhead lines, and in the case of phase splitting into three wires - 150 mm 2 or more, it is allowed to install one connecting clamp per wire.

6. In the span of intersections of overhead lines with LS and RS, only suspended insulators and blind clamps should be used on overhead line supports. When a phase is split into at least three wires, the use of clamps with limited termination strength is allowed.

7. A change in the installation location of the LS and RS supports, limiting the span of the intersection with the overhead line, is allowed provided that the deviation of the average length of the crossing element at the LAN and RS will not exceed the values ​​​​specified in the current “Instructions for crossing telephone circuits” air lines Communications" of the USSR Ministry of Communications.

Table 2.5.28. The shortest vertical distance from overhead line wires to LAN and RS wires

Design mode of overhead lines

Shortest distance, m, at overhead line voltage, kV

to 10









a) overhead lines on wooden supports with lightning protection devices, as well as on metal and reinforced concrete supports









b) overhead lines on wooden supports in the absence of lightning protection devices









Breakage of wires in adjacent spans on overhead lines with suspended insulation









8. LS and RS supports that limit the span of the intersection or adjacent to it and are located on the side of the road must be protected from collision with vehicles.

9. The wires on the LS and RS supports that limit the span of the intersection with the overhead line must have a double fastening: with a traverse profile - only on the upper traverse, with a hook profile - on the two upper chains.

10. The vertical distances from the overhead line wires to the crossed LS and RS wires in normal overhead line mode and in the event of a wire break in adjacent overhead line spans must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.28 .

When using ice melting on overhead lines, you should check the dimensions up to the LS and RS wires in the ice melting mode. These dimensions are checked at the temperature of the wire in the ice melting mode and must be no less than if the overhead line wire breaks in the adjacent span.

Vertical distances are determined in normal mode at the greatest sag of the wires (without taking into account their heating by electric current). IN emergency mode distances are checked for overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of less than 185 mm 2 at average annual temperatures, without ice and wind. For overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of 185 mm 2 or more, emergency testing is not required.

11. On wooden overhead line supports without a lightning protection cable, limiting the span of the intersection with the LS and RS, when the distances between the wires of the intersecting lines are less than those specified in paragraph “b” of the table. 2.5.28 Tubular arresters or protective gaps should be installed at a voltage of 35 kV and below, and at a voltage of 110 - 220 kV - tubular arresters. When installing protective gaps on overhead lines, automatic restart must be provided.

Tubular arresters and protective gaps must be installed in accordance with the requirements 2.5.123 .

The resistance of grounding devices of tubular arresters and protective gaps at industrial frequency currents in the summer should be no more than:

Equivalent specific

Earth resistance, Ohm×m Up to 100 More than 100 More than 500 More

And up to 500 and up to 1000 1000

Ground resistance

Devices, Ohm 10 15 20 30

The use of special protective measures is not required: for overhead lines with wooden supports without lightning protection cables with the distances between the wires of intersecting lines not less than those given in table. 2.5.28 , item “b”, for overhead lines with metal and reinforced concrete supports, for sections of overhead lines with wooden supports that have lightning protection cables.

12. On the wooden supports of the LS and RS, limiting the span of the intersection with the overhead line, grounding slopes must be installed in accordance with the requirements for the LS and RS.

2.5.134. Joint suspension of overhead line wires and LAN and RS wires on common supports is not allowed.

2.5.135. When approaching overhead lines with overhead lines and RS, the distances between their wires and measures to protect against influence are determined in accordance with the “Rules for the protection of wired communication devices, railway signaling and telemechanics from the dangerous and interfering influence of power lines.” The shortest horizontal distances with undeviated wires must be no less than the height of the highest overhead line support, and in sections of a cramped route with the greatest deflection of overhead line wires by wind: 2 m for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 4 m for overhead lines 35 and 110 kV, 5 m for overhead lines 150 kV, 6 m for 220 kV overhead lines, 8 m for 330 kV overhead lines, 10 m for 400 - 500 kV overhead lines. In this case, the clear distance from the wires of 400 - 500 kV overhead lines to the tops of the LS and RS supports must be at least 20 m. The step of transposition of the overhead line according to the condition of the influence on the LS and RS is not standardized.

The LS and RS supports must be reinforced with additional supports, or double supports must be installed in cases where when the LS and RS supports fall, contact between the LAN and RS wires and the overhead line wires is possible.

2.5.136. When approaching an overhead line with pin insulators in areas with rotation angles, with overhead LANs and RS, the distance between them must be such that a wire that falls off the corner support of an overhead line cannot end up from the nearest LAN and RS wire at a distance less than the given values. 2.5.135 . If it is impossible to fulfill this requirement, the overhead line wires passing from inside rotation, must have double fastening.

Table 2.5.29. The shortest distance from overhead lines to antenna structures of transmitting radio centers

2.5.137. When approaching overhead lines with underground cable lines and distribution systems, the shortest distances between them are determined in accordance with the “Rules for the protection of wired communication devices, railway signaling and telemechanics from the dangerous and interfering influence of power lines” and must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.27 .

2.5.138. Distances from overhead lines to antenna structures of transmitting radio centers should be taken according to table. 2.5.29 .

The intersection of an overhead line with a radio relay line must be agreed upon with the organization in charge of the radio relay line.

2.5.139. Distances from overhead lines to the boundaries of receiving radio centers, dedicated radio receiving points and local radio nodes should be taken according to Table. 2.5.30 .

Permissible approaches are established based on the condition that the level of the interference field created by an overhead line at a distance of 50 m from it does not exceed the values ​​​​provided by the all-Union “Norms for Permissible Industrial Radio Interference.”

If the route of the designed overhead line passes in the area where particularly important receiving radio devices are located, the permissible proximity is established on an individual basis in agreement with interested organizations in the process of designing the overhead line.

Table 2.5.30. The shortest distance from overhead lines to the boundaries of receiving radio centers, dedicated radio receiving points and local radio centers

If the distances specified in the table are observed. 2.5.30 , is difficult, in some cases it is possible to reduce them (subject to the implementation of measures on overhead lines that ensure an appropriate reduction in interference), as well as the transfer of all or part of the receiving radio devices to other sites. In each such case, during the design process of an overhead line, a project of measures to comply with radio interference standards must be drawn up and agreed upon with interested organizations.

Distances from overhead lines to television centers and radio houses must be at least: 400 m for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 700 m for overhead lines 35 - 150 kV, 1000 m for overhead lines 220 - 500 kV.


2.5.140. The intersection of overhead lines with railways should be carried out, as a rule, by air crossings. On railways with particularly heavy traffic 1 and in some technically justified cases (for example, when crossing embankments, at railway stations or in places where the installation of overhead crossings is technically difficult), transitions of overhead lines up to 10 kV should be made with cable.

The intersection of overhead lines of 150 kV and below with railways at the junction of the anchor sections of the contact network is prohibited.

The angle of intersection of overhead lines with electrified 2 and subject to electrification 3 railways must be at least 40°. It is recommended that, whenever possible, intersections be made at an angle close to 90°.

2.5.141. When crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways, the distances from the base of the overhead line support to the approach clearance of buildings 4 on non-electrified railways or to the axis of the contact network supports of electrified roads or those subject to electrification must be no less than the height of the support plus 3 m. On sections of a cramped route, these distances are allowed take at least: 3 m for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 6 m for overhead lines 35 - 150 kV, 8 m for overhead lines 220 - 330 kV and 10 m for overhead lines 500 kV.


1 Particularly intensive train traffic refers to traffic in which the total number of passenger and freight trains according to the schedule on double-track sections is more than 100 pairs per day and on single-track sections - more than 48 pairs per day.

2 Electrified railways include all electrified roads, regardless of the type of current and the voltage value of the contact network.

3 Roads subject to electrification include roads that will be electrified within 10 years, counting from the year of construction of the overhead line planned by the project.

4 The approach clearance of buildings is the maximum transverse outline, perpendicular to the track, intended for the passage of rolling stock, into which, in addition to the rolling stock, no parts of buildings, structures and devices can enter.

Protection by arresters or protective gaps of intersections of overhead lines with the contact network is carried out in accordance with the requirements given in 2.5.123 .

In the necks of railway stations and in places where anchor sections of the contact network meet, the intersection of overhead lines of 150 kV and below with railways is not allowed.

2.5.142. The distances when crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways from wires to various elements of the railway must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.31 .

Vertical distances from wires to various railway elements, as well as to the highest wire or support cable electrified railways are determined in the normal mode of overhead lines with the greatest sag, taking into account additional heating of the wires by electric current. In the absence of data on electrical loads of overhead lines, the temperature of the wires is assumed to be plus 70 °C.

In emergency mode, distances are checked when crossing overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of less than 185 mm 2 for conditions of average annual temperature, without ice and wind. When the wire cross-section is 185 mm 2 or more, emergency testing is not required.

It is allowed to maintain contact network supports under the wires of a crossing overhead line at a vertical distance from the overhead line wires to the top of the contact network supports of at least: 7 m for overhead lines up to 110 kV, 8 m for overhead lines 150 - 220 kV and 9 m for overhead lines 330 - 500 kV.

In some cases, in sections of cramped routes, it is allowed to hang overhead line wires and contact networks on common supports. Specifications joint suspension of wires must be agreed upon with the Railway Administration.

When crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways along which communication and signaling lines run, it is necessary, in addition to the table. 2.5.31 be also guided by the requirements for intersections and approaches of overhead lines with communication structures.

2.5.143. When crossing railways common use electrified and subject to electrification, overhead line supports limiting the span of the intersection must be anchored of normal design. In areas with particularly heavy and intense train traffic, these supports must be metal.

1 Intensive train traffic refers to such traffic in which the total number of passenger and freight trains according to the schedule on double-track sections is more than 50 and up to 100 pairs per day, and on single-track sections - more than 24 and up to 48 pairs per day.

Table 2.5.31. The shortest distance when crossing and approaching overhead lines with railways

Crossing or approaching

Shortest distance, m, at overhead line voltage, kV

up to 20






When crossing

For non-electrified railways from the wire to the rail head in normal mode, vertical overhead lines:

broad gauge railways of general and non-public use 1 and narrow gauge railways of general use







non-public narrow gauge railways







From the wire to the rail head when the overhead line wire breaks in the adjacent vertical span:

broad gauge railways







narrow gauge railways







For electrified or subject to electrification railways from overhead line wires to the highest wire or support cable in normal vertical mode

As when overhead lines intersect with each other in accordance with table. 2.5.25 (see also 2.5.123 )

The same, but if a wire breaks in the next span







When approaching

For non-electrified railways in sections of cramped routes from the deflected overhead line wire to the horizontal clearance of buildings







For electrified or subject to electrification railways on cramped sections of routes from the outermost wire of the overhead line to the outermost wire suspended from the field side of the contact network support, horizontally

As when overhead lines approach each other in accordance with table. 2.5.26

The same, but in the absence of wires on the field side of the contact network supports

As when approaching overhead lines with structures in accordance with 2.5.115


1 Railways, depending on their purpose, are divided into:

Public railways serving for the transportation of passengers and goods at tariffs established for all;

Non-public railways connected by continuous rail track with the general network of railways and serving only for economic and industrial transportation of institutions, enterprises and organizations to which these access roads are subordinated.

In the span of this intersection, limited by anchor supports, it is allowed to install an intermediate support between tracks not intended for the passage of regular passenger trains, as well as intermediate supports along the edges of the railway tracks of any roads. These supports must be metal or reinforced concrete. The fastening of the wires on these supports must be double, the supporting clamps must be blind.

The use of supports made of any material with guy wires and wooden single-post supports is not permitted. Wooden intermediate supports should be U-shaped (with X- or Z-shaped connections) or A-shaped.

When crossing non-public railways, it is permitted to use lightweight anchor supports and intermediate supports with wires suspended in blind clamps. Supports of all types installed at intersections of non-public railways can be free-standing or guyed.

Fastening of wires in tension garlands must be carried out in accordance with 2.5.96 .

The use of pin insulators in the spans of intersections of overhead lines with railways is not allowed.

The use of reinforced concrete supports and reinforced concrete stepsons at supports limiting the span of the intersection as reinforcement grounding conductors is prohibited.

2.5.144. When crossing an overhead line with a railway that has forest protection plantations, you should be guided by the requirements 2.5.107 .


2.5.145. The angle of intersection of overhead lines with highways is not standardized.

2.5.146. When crossing highways of category I 1, the overhead line supports limiting the span of the intersection must be anchored of normal design.

Fastening of wires on overhead lines with pendant or pin insulators must be carried out in accordance with 2.5.96 .

1 Depending on the category, highways have the following dimensions:

Road category

Width of road elements, m



dividing strip



15 or more



27.5 or more





















Table 2.5.32. The shortest distance when crossing and approaching overhead lines with highways

Crossing or approaching

Shortest distance, m, at overhead line voltage, kV

up to 20






Vertical distances:

a) from the wire to the road surface:

in normal VL mode







when a wire breaks in the next span







b) from wire to Vehicle in normal VL mode







Horizontal distances:

a) from the base of the support to the edge of the roadbed when crossing

Support height

b) the same, but in parallel

Support height plus 5 m

c) the same, but in sections of a constrained route from any part of the support to the bottom of the road embankment or to the outer edge of the ditch:

when crossing roads of categories I and II







when crossing roads of other categories







d) when traveling in parallel from the outermost wire in a non-deviated position to the edge of the roadbed







When crossing motor roads of categories II-IV, the supports limiting the span of the intersection can be anchors of lightweight construction or intermediate ones.

On intermediate supports with suspended insulators, the wires must be suspended in blind clamps, and on supports with pin insulators, double fastening of the wires must be used. When a phase is split into at least three wires, the use of clamps with limited termination strength is allowed. The same requirements apply to intersections with category V highways as for the passage of overhead lines through uninhabited areas.

When constructing new highways and passing them under existing 400 and 500 kV overhead lines, reconstruction of the overhead lines is not required if the distance from the bottom wire of the overhead line to the roadbed is at least 9 m and from the foundation of the support to the edge of the roadbed is at least 25 m.

2.5.147. Distances when crossing and approaching overhead lines with highways must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.32 .

In all cases of approach of overhead lines to curved sections of highways passing along an embankment, the minimum distances from the overhead line wires to the edge of the road must be no less than those indicated in the table. 2.5.32 vertical distances.

Vertical distances in normal mode are checked at the greatest sag without taking into account heating of the wires by electric current.

In emergency mode, distances are checked for overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of less than 185 mm 2 at average annual temperatures, without ice and wind. For overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of 185 mm 2 or more, emergency testing is not required.

2.5.148. At the intersection of overhead lines with highways, along which the movement of cars and other vehicles with a height of more than 3.8 m is envisaged, overhead lines on the roads should be installed on both sides road signs, indicating the permissible height of moving vehicles with cargo.

At vertical distances from the overhead line wire to the canvas highway, exceeding those indicated in the table. 2.5.32 more than 2 m, signal signs may not be installed.

Hanging road signs at the intersections of overhead lines with roads within security zones(cm. 2.5.105 ) not allowed.

2.5.149. Overhead line supports located on the side of the road must be protected from collision with vehicles.


2.5.150. The angle of intersection of overhead lines with trolleybus and tram lines is not standardized.

2.5.151. When crossing trolleybus and tram lines, the overhead line supports that limit the span of the intersection must be anchored with a normal design. For overhead lines with a wire cross-section of 120 mm 2 or more, intermediate supports with wire suspension in blind clamps and double fastening on pin insulators are also allowed. When a phase is split into at least three wires, the use of clamps with limited termination strength is allowed.

In the case of using anchor supports, the suspension of wires must be carried out in accordance with 2.5.96 .

2.5.152. The vertical distances when crossing and approaching overhead lines with trolleybus and tram lines at the greatest sag of the wires must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.33 .

In normal mode, vertical distances are checked at the greatest sag (without taking into account heating of the wire by electric current).

In emergency mode, vertical distances are checked for overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of less than 185 mm 2 at an average annual temperature without ice and wind. For overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of 185 mm 2 or more, distances are not checked under emergency mode.

Table 2.5.33. The shortest distance from overhead line wires when crossing and approaching trolleybus and tram lines

Crossing or approaching

Shortest distance, m, at overhead line voltage, kV

up to 110




Vertical distances from overhead line wires:

a) when crossing a trolleybus line (in normal mode):

to the highest mark of the roadway









b) when crossing a tram line (in normal mode):

to the rail head





to overhead wires or support cables





c) when an overhead line wire breaks in the adjacent span to the wires or supporting cables of a trolleybus or tram line





Horizontal distance when approaching from deflected overhead line wires to the supports of trolleybus and tram contact networks





2.5.153. Protection by arresters or protective gaps of intersections of overhead lines with the contact network is carried out in accordance with the requirements given in 2.5.123 .

It is allowed to maintain contact network supports under the wires of a crossing overhead line at vertical distances from the overhead line wires to the top of the contact network supports of at least: 7 m for overhead lines with voltages up to 110 kV, 8 m for overhead lines 150 - 220 kV and 9 m for overhead lines 330 - 500 kV .


2.5.154. When crossing overhead lines with water bodies (rivers, canals, lakes, bays, harbors, etc.), the angle of intersection with them is not standardized.

2.5.155. When crossing water spaces with regular shipping traffic, the overhead line supports that limit the crossing span must be end anchored. For overhead lines with a cross-section of steel-aluminum wires of 120 mm 2 or more or steel ropes of the TK type with a cross-section of 50 mm 2 or more, the use of intermediate supports and lightweight anchor supports is allowed; in both cases, the supports adjacent to them must be end anchors.

When using intersecting intermediate supports in the span, wires and cables must be attached to them with blind or special clamps (for example, multi-roller hangers).

Table 2.5.34. The shortest distance from overhead line wires to the surface of the water, the size of vessels and rafts


Shortest distance, m, at overhead line voltage, kV

up to 110





Before highest level high waters navigable rivers, canals, etc. at highest temperature






Up to the size of ships or rafting at the highest level of high waters and highest temperature






To the highest level of high waters of non-navigable rivers, canals, etc. at a temperature of plus 15 °C






Up to the ice level of non-navigable rivers, canals, etc. at a temperature of minus 5 °C in the presence of ice






To the crossings of waterways local significance with a navigation depth of 1.65 m or less, small rivers with a depth of 1.0 m or less (classes IV-VII according to navigation conditions) and non-navigable water spaces that are not classified as large crossings are subject to the same requirements as when passing Overhead lines in uninhabited areas, with additional verification of distances to the level of high waters, ice and to the size of vessels or rafting according to the table. 2.5.34 .

2.5.156. The distances from the lower wires of the overhead line to the surface of the water must be no less than those given in the table. 2.5.34 . The calculated levels of ice and water are taken in accordance with 2.5.13 . Heating of overhead line wires by electric current is not taken into account.

When passing overhead lines in the immediate vicinity of fixed bridges, where the masts and pipes of ships sailing along a river or canal must be lowered, this is permitted in agreement with local Administration water transport, reduce the distance from the overhead line wires to the highest level of high waters given in table. 2.5.34 .

2.5.157. Places where overhead lines intersect with navigable rivers, canals, etc. must be marked on the banks with signal signs in accordance with the current rules of navigation on inland navigation routes.


2.5.158. When overhead lines pass across bridges, supports or supporting devices limiting spans from the bank to the bridge and through the drawbridge part must be anchored of normal design. All other supporting devices on bridges can be of an intermediate type with wires fastened with blind clamps or with double fastening on pin insulators.

2.5.159. On metal railway bridges with running along the bottom, equipped with upper braces along the entire length, the wires are allowed to be placed directly above the bridge span above the bracings or beyond. It is not allowed to place wires within the clearance of buildings, as well as within the width occupied by elements of the contact network of electrified railways. The distances from the overhead line wires to all MPS lines laid along the bridge structure are taken according to 2.5.142 , as for cramped sections of the route.

On city and highway bridges, it is allowed to place wires both outside the span and within the width of the pedestrian and roadway parts of the bridge.

On guarded bridges, it is allowed to place overhead line wires below the level of the pedestrian part.

2.5.160. The shortest distances from overhead line wires to various parts of bridges should be taken in agreement with the organizations in charge of this bridge, while the determination of the greatest sag of the wires is made by comparing the sag at the highest design air temperature and with ice.


2.5.161. When passing overhead lines over dams, dikes, etc. the distances from the overhead line wires at the greatest sag and the greatest deviation to various parts of dams and dikes must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.35 .

Table 2.5.35. The shortest distance from overhead line wires to various parts of dams and dams

When an overhead line passes through dams and dikes along which communication routes are laid, the overhead line must also meet the requirements for overhead lines when crossing and approaching the corresponding communication route objects.

The maximum sag of overhead line wires should be determined by comparing the sag at the highest design air temperature and during ice conditions.


2.5.162. The distance from the outermost wires of overhead lines to water coolers must be determined in accordance with the requirements SNiP II-89-80“General plans of industrial enterprises” (ed. 1995) of the State Construction Committee of Russia, as well as with the requirements of the standards technological design power plants, substations and overhead power lines.


2.5.163. Approximation of overhead lines with buildings, structures and external technological installations related to the extraction, production, manufacture, use or storage of explosive, explosive and fire hazardous substances must be carried out in accordance with the standards approved in the prescribed manner.

If proximity standards are not provided regulatory documents, then the distances from the axis of the overhead line route to the specified buildings, structures and external installations must be at least one and a half times the height of the support. On sections of the restricted route, it is allowed to reduce these distances in agreement with the relevant ministries and departments.


2.5.164. It is recommended to take the angle of intersection of overhead lines with above-ground and above-ground gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines close to 90°. The angle of intersection of overhead lines with other overhead and ground pipelines, as well as with cable cars, is not standardized.

The intersection of overhead lines of 110 kV and higher with newly constructed above-ground and on-ground gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines is prohibited. It is allowed to intersect these overhead lines with existing single-strand above-ground and on-ground main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, as well as with existing technical corridors main pipelines when laying them in embankments at a distance of 1000 m on both sides of the overhead line.

2.5.165. When crossing overhead lines with above-ground and above-ground pipelines and cableways, the overhead line supports limiting the span of the intersection must be anchored with a normal design.

For overhead lines with steel-aluminum wires with a cross-section of 120 mm 2 or more or with steel ropes type TK with a cross section of 50 mm 2 and more, lightweight anchor supports and intermediate supports with wire suspension in blind clamps are also allowed.

When a phase is split into at least three wires, the use of clamps with limited termination strength is allowed.

Table 2.5.36. The shortest distance from overhead line wires to overhead and ground pipelines and cableways

Crossing or approaching

Shortest distance, m, at overhead line voltage, kV

up to 20






Vertical distances:

from the overhead line wire to any part of the pipeline (embankment) or cable car in normal mode







the same, but if the wire breaks in the adjacent span







Horizontal distance

1) when following in parallel:

from the outermost wire of the overhead line to any part of the pipeline or cable car (with the exception of the slurry pipeline and main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines) in normal mode

Not less than the height of the support

from the outermost wire of the overhead line to any part of the slurry pipeline in normal mode

At least 30 m

from the outermost wire of the overhead line to any part of the main gas pipeline in normal mode

Not less than double the height of the support

from the outermost wire of the overhead line to any part of the main oil pipeline and oil product pipeline in normal mode

50 m, but not less than the height of the support

in cramped conditions from the outermost wire of the overhead line at its greatest deviation to any part of the pipeline * or cable car







2) when crossing:

from the overhead line support to any part of the pipeline or cable car in normal mode

Not less than the height of the support

in cramped conditions from the overhead line support to any part of the pipeline or cable car







3) from overhead lines to gas pipeline purge plugs

At least 300 m


* Newly constructed main gas pipelines in the area close to overhead lines in cramped conditions must meet the requirements for gas pipelines of at least category II.

2.5.166. Overhead lines should be located above pipelines and cableways. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to pass overhead lines up to 220 kV under cable cars, which have bridges or nets at the bottom for fencing the overhead line wires. Attaching bridges and nets to overhead line supports is prohibited.

At intersections with overhead lines, above-ground and above-ground gas pipelines, except those laid in embankments, should be protected with fences. The fence should protrude on both sides of the intersection from the projection of the outermost wires of the overhead line at their greatest deviation at a distance of at least: 3 m for overhead lines up to 20 kV, 4 m for overhead lines 35 - 110 kV, 4.5 m for overhead lines 150 kV, 5 m for 220 kV overhead line, 6 m for 330 kV overhead line, 6.5 m for 500 kV overhead line.

Distances from overhead lines to bridges, grids and fences are taken as to above-ground and above-ground pipelines and cableways (see. 2.5.167 ).

2.5.167. Distances when crossing, approaching and paralleling overhead lines with overhead and ground pipelines and cableways must be no less than those given in table. 2.5.36 .

Vertical distances in normal mode are determined at the greatest sag of the wire without taking into account the heating of the wires by electric current.

In emergency mode, distances are checked for overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of less than 185 mm 2 at average annual temperatures, without ice and wind. For overhead lines with wires with a cross-section of 185 mm 2 or more, checking for wire breaks is not required.

In the areas Western Siberia and the Far North, when running parallel overhead lines of 110 kV and higher with technical corridors of main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, the distance from the overhead line to the outermost pipeline must be at least 1000 m.

2.5.168. In spans of intersection with overhead lines, metal pipelines, except those laid in embankments, and cableways, as well as fences, bridges and grids must be grounded. The resistance provided by the use of artificial grounding conductors should be no more than 10 Ohms.


2.5.169. The angle of intersection of overhead lines of 35 kV and below with underground main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, as well as the angle of intersection of overhead lines with other underground pipelines, is not standardized.

The intersection angle of 110 kV and higher overhead lines with newly constructed underground main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, as well as with existing technical corridors of these pipelines must be at least 60°. At the same time, newly constructed pipelines laid in the regions of Western Siberia and the Far North, at a distance of 1 km in both directions from the intersection, must be at least category II.

2.5.170. When approaching overhead lines with existing and newly constructed main gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 1.2 MPa and main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, the distances between them must be no less than those given in 2.5.105 .

The overhead line wires must be located no closer than 300 m from the purge candles installed on the main gas pipelines.

In cramped route conditions when running parallel overhead lines, as well as at the intersection of overhead lines with the specified pipelines, horizontal distances from the ground electrode and the underground part (foundation) of the overhead line supports to the pipelines are allowed to be at least: 5 m for overhead lines up to 35 kV, 10 m for overhead lines 110 - 220 kV and 15 m for overhead lines 330 - 500 kV.

Newly constructed main gas pipelines with a pressure of more than 1.2 MPa in areas approaching overhead lines when laying them at distances less than those given in 2.5.105 must meet the requirements for sections of gas pipelines not lower than category II for 500 kV overhead lines and not lower than category III for overhead lines 330 kV and below.

Newly constructed main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines in areas approaching overhead lines when laying them at distances less than those given in 2.5.105 must meet the requirements for pipeline sections of at least III category. In the regions of Western Siberia and the Far North, when running parallel overhead lines of 110 kV and higher with technical corridors of main gas pipelines, oil pipelines and oil product pipelines, the distance from the overhead line to the outermost pipeline must be at least 1 km.

2.5.171. When approaching and crossing overhead lines with main and distribution gas pipelines with a pressure of 1.2 MPa or less, as well as when approaching and crossing with branches from main gas pipelines to populated areas and industrial enterprises and with branches from oil pipelines and petroleum product pipelines to oil depots and enterprises, the distance from the ground electrode and the underground part (foundations) of overhead line supports to pipelines must be at least: 5 m for overhead lines up to 35 kV, 10 m for overhead lines 110 kV and above.

2.5.172. When approaching and crossing overhead lines with heat pipelines, water supply, sewerage (pressure and gravity), drains and drains, the clear distances from the ground electrode and the underground part (foundations) of overhead line supports to pipelines must be at least 2 m for overhead lines up to 35 kV and 3 m for Overhead lines 110 kV and above.

In exceptional cases, if it is impossible to maintain the specified distances to pipelines (for example, when overhead lines pass through the territories of power plants, industrial enterprises, along city streets), these distances may be reduced in agreement with the interested organizations. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the protection of the foundations of overhead line supports from possible erosion of the foundations in the event of damage to these pipelines, as well as to prevent the removal of dangerous potentials through metal pipelines.


2.5.173. When approaching oil and gas field flares, the overhead line should be located on the windward side. The distance from overhead lines to production flares must be at least 60 m.


2.5.174. The approach of overhead lines to airfields and air routes is allowed in agreement with the territorial department of civil aviation, with the headquarters of the military district, with the department of the ministry or department in charge of which the airfield or airport is located, when the overhead lines are located at distances: up to 10 km from the boundaries of the airfield - with supports any height; more than 10 and up to 30 km from the boundaries of the airfield - with the absolute elevation of the upper point of the overhead line supports exceeding the absolute elevation of the airfield by 50 m or more; more than 30 and up to 75 km from the boundaries of airfields and on air routes - with a support height of 100 m or more.

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