Extinguishing fires in attics and floors of buildings. Extinguishing fires in the basements of buildings. (Tell what their danger is, the ways the fire spreads, methods and techniques of extinguishing) Tactics for extinguishing fires in the basements of buildings summary

In case of fires in basements, reconnaissance is organized and carried out simultaneously in two directions: in basement rooms, as a rule, by GDZS units and in the first and higher floors. Most fires that occur in basements and are quickly detected are extinguished with one or two barrels. The first RTP to arrive at a fire is obliged to immediately call additional forces, special fire equipment and emergency medical care, and the bulk of the forces and resources arriving at the fire are primarily used to suppress panic and carry out rescue work.

When conducting reconnaissance in basements, determine:

1. Basement floors.

2. Design features of the ceiling.

3. Places where fire spreads to the floors and attic.

4. Presence of flammable substances and materials.

5. Possible ways to release smoke and reduce temperature.

6. Features of input to extinguishing fire extinguishing agents and strength and means.

7. Places of opening of structures.

Fire reconnaissance in the basement is organized in one or several directions. Reconnaissance groups, when moving into burning premises, take a hose line with them and take measures to reduce smoke in the staircases and floors above the burning basements.

During exploration in basements, the following is determined:

1. Degree of smoke and methods of removing smoke.

2. The presence of danger to people and methods of their evacuation.

3. Possibility and probable places of fire transfer to the floors and attic.

4. The presence of ventilation ducts, garbage chutes and other communications leading from the basement.

5. If necessary, open the ceiling to remove smoke and reduce temperature.

6. Places where fire extinguishing agents are introduced into the basement.

In the process of extinguishing fires in basements, reconnaissance is continuously carried out by the RTP and each commander in his area of ​​work until the fire is completely extinguished.

1.Characteristics of basements and possible fire conditions 3 2. Extinguishing fires in basements 6 2.1. Fire reconnaissance 6 2.2. Organization and conduct of rescue operations 8 References 12


Many civil buildings consist, as a rule, of basements, floors and attics, the development and extinguishing of fires in which has its own characteristics. In modern buildings, all structural elements of basements are made from non-combustible materials. Premises located in basements have a limited number of door and window openings. Windows are often protected by metal bars, which makes them difficult to use during fires. The layout of basements depends on their purpose; large and complex basements are divided into sections that can communicate with each other. Partitions of varying degrees of fire resistance can be installed inside the sections.


The first barrels for extinguishing, as a rule, are introduced through stairwells that have exits to the attic, as well as through stationary and truck-mounted ladders through dormer windows. At the same time, the trunks are fed into upper floors for guard. If the roof is made of flammable materials, then the trunks are simultaneously supplied to the roof. To extinguish fires in attics, as a rule, they use manual overlapping nozzles RSK-50 and RS-50 (spray jets), and in case of developed fires, more powerful RS-70 nozzles. During the extinguishing process, smoke and high temperatures are combated by opening and dismantling roofs, and also opening roofs to introduce fire barrels and create gaps in the path of fire spread. When extinguishing attic spaces, it is necessary to involve the gas and smoke protection service. It is prohibited for personnel to be on sagging or burnt roof and ceiling structures or to move on them. It is necessary to secure hose lines, insure personnel when working on the surface with rescue ropes, and strengthen their insurance on snowy and icy roofs multi-storey buildings using assault ladders. Overhanging and unstable structures, rafters, chimneys add up to safe place or thrown to the ground. These places must be fenced and warning posts placed near them.


Cheshko I.D. Technical Basics fire investigations. Methodological manual / Reviewers Ph.D. prof. V.R. Malinin, Ph.D., Associate Professor. S.V. Voronov. - St. Petersburg, 2001. - 254 p. 2. Pozik Ya.S. Tactical tasks for extinguishing fires. Part I. textbook. Moscow, VIPSH Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1997, 125 p. 3. Terbenev V.V. Firefighting Supervisor's Handbook. Tactical capabilities of fire departments 4. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Guidelines for extinguishing fires in two-story residential buildings of the fifth degree of fire resistance. Irkutsk - 2009 -18c. Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk region. 5. Bezborodko M.D. Fire equipment. Textbook. - M., 2004. - 550 p.

Extinguishing fires in basements. Fire situation. Many civil buildings, as a rule, consist of basements, floors and attics, the development and suppression of fires in which have their own characteristic features.

In modern buildings, all structural elements of basements are made of non-combustible materials. Premises located in basements have a limited number of door and window openings. Windows are often protected by metal bars, which makes them difficult to use during fires. The layout of basements depends on their purpose; large and complex basements are divided into sections that can communicate with each other. Partitions of varying degrees of fire resistance can be installed inside the sections. In certain administrative and public buildings basements are built in several tiers. The height of basements is most often 1.5-2 m.

Basements can communicate with floors and attics through elevator shafts, through ventilation and garbage chute systems, through openings and hatches in the ceilings through which various utilities pass. In buildings built before 1959, exits from the basements were arranged into a common stairwell, which contributed to the rapid smoke build-up of the entire building. IN modern buildings If there are flammable materials in the basements, exits from them are arranged directly to the street. Building codes allow the construction of exits from basements into a common staircase when separating the exit from the staircase volume with structures made of combustible materials.

Basements in civil buildings can be used to house warehouses, workshops, utility sheds for residents, heating system units, air conditioners and other needs. Therefore, during fires in basements, combustion of various substances and materials occurs.

The situation of fires in the basements of civil buildings is greatly influenced by the fire load, which is up to 50 kg/m2, and in residential buildings with utility sheds - up to 80-100 kg/m2.

Depending on the characteristics of the basement, the type and properties of flammable substances and materials and the location of the fire, the rate of fire spread may be different. In the initial period, the development of the fire occurs intensively due to the sufficient amount of air present in the volume of the premises. Subsequently, during the first 10-30 minutes, the influx decreases fresh air into the combustion zone, the rate of fire spread and the rate of burnout decreases, and the concentration of combustion products in the basement volume increases. Intense combustion can only be observed in those areas of the basement where they are stacked favorable conditions fresh air flow. Fires in basements create high temperatures and heavy smoke. Experiments have established that the temperature in basements is approximately 300°C lower than with standard temperature conditions accepted for testing building structures. Therefore, the fire resistance limits of basement building structures, which are determined at standard temperature conditions, in case of fires will be 1.5-2 times higher than according to technical specifications for the production of these structures.

The limited number of openings in basements causes an insufficient flow of fresh air to the combustion zone, which contributes to the release of a large amount of harmful products combustion. The density of smoke and the toxicity of combustion products depends on the completeness of combustion and chemical composition burning substances and materials. In basements, when combustion is incomplete, smoke has increased density and toxicity.

Experience and practice show that the content of carbon monoxide (CO) in combustion products during fires in basements can reach 1-2%, while the lethal concentration is only 0.4-0.5%. The effect of combustion gases on the human body is aggravated by the fact that they are usually heated to temperatures dangerous to the human body (above 60C). It is also necessary to remember that various substances and materials (plastics, chemical fibers, insulation, resins, etc.) can be stored or used in the shafts of civil buildings, the combustion of which releases highly toxic combustion products.

As the fire develops, the pressure of combustion products inside the basements increases. In this case, smoke through various openings, openings, places where they are laid through walls and ceilings engineering communications, through ventilation channels and garbage chutes, through cracks in structures not filled with concrete, penetrates into the first and higher floors of buildings. In buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, fires from basements can spread by heating reinforced concrete floors(during prolonged fires) and ignition wooden structures floors and other flammable materials located on floors. In buildings with floors made of difficult-to-combustible materials, fire spreads much faster from the basements to the upper floors. A fire can also spread to the first floor as a result of thermal conductivity of metal structures and pipelines.

Rice. 1. - Change in temperature of a fire in the basement over time:

In buildings of III-V degrees of fire resistance with ventilation ducts made of flammable materials and connected to basements, fire quickly spreads along the floors and into the attic.

Heated combustion products from basements through doorways can quickly penetrate staircases, elevator shafts and lifts and how to spread through the pipe to the upper floors of buildings, with the highest smoke density being created on the upper floors. In a number of cases, smoke in the stairwells occurred so quickly that people did not have time to leave their apartments or workplaces on the floors and evacuate the building.

Thus, the stairwell of a five-story residential building can be filled with combustion products within 1.5-3 minutes.

Rice. 2. - Smoke in the stairwell during fires in the basements:

In case of prolonged fires, the fire resistance limit of the floors may be insufficient. This leads to their collapse and the rapid spread of fire to the first and upper floors of buildings. The main tasks of fire departments when extinguishing fires in basements are: ensuring the safety of people on the floors of buildings; creating conditions for extinguishing fires by removing smoke and reducing temperature; extinguishing a fire within the burning premises of the basement.

Fire reconnaissance. In case of fires in basements, reconnaissance is organized and carried out simultaneously in two directions: in basement rooms, as a rule, by GDZS units and in the first and higher floors. Most fires that occur in basements and are quickly detected are extinguished with one or two barrels. At the same time, there are often cases when fires in basements are discovered when they are filled with heavy smoke, the temperature rises, the stairwells are filled with combustion products and create a danger to people. In these cases, the first responder to the fire is obliged to immediately call additional forces, special fire equipment and emergency medical care, and the bulk of the forces and resources arriving at the fire are primarily used to suppress panic and carry out rescue operations.

When conducting reconnaissance in basements, their layout is determined, design features ceilings, places where fire spreads to the floors and attic, the presence of flammable substances and materials, possible ways release of smoke and reduction of temperature, features and methods of using fire extinguishing agents and places of their introduction for extinguishing, places of opening of structures, etc.

Fire reconnaissance in the basement is organized in one or several directions. Reconnaissance groups, when moving into burning premises, take with them a hose line, take measures to prevent smoke from stairwells and adjacent basement rooms, using jumpers and smoke removal means for this purpose, and to disconnect electrical networks and other communications. In the process of conducting reconnaissance on staircases and floors above burning basements, determine the degree of smoke and methods of removing smoke, the presence of danger to people, their evacuation routes, the possibility and probable places of fire transfer to the floors and attic, the presence of ventilation ducts, garbage chutes and other communications coming from basements, if necessary, places where ceilings are opened to remove smoke and reduce temperature, as well as introducing fire extinguishing agents into the basement.

In places of heating or smoke release, control openings of the floor, partitions or other structural elements, trunks are brought to the opening sites. If there are ventilation ducts, shafts, elevators, hollow partitions and ceilings, reconnaissance is carried out on all floors and the attic.

In the process of extinguishing fires in basements, reconnaissance is continuously carried out by the fire extinguishing director and each commander in his own area of ​​​​work until the fire is completely extinguished.

Organization and implementation of rescue operations. It is not uncommon that by the time the first units arrive at a fire, the staircases are heavily smoked and people are asking for help from windows and balconies. In these conditions, measures are taken to prevent panic and rescue efforts are immediately organized. For this purpose, they create the maximum number of search and rescue groups from gas and smoke defenders who arrived at the fire, notify people about the arrival of help and about their behavior in dangerous areas. These teams first open stairwell windows and attic doors to clear escape routes from smoke and reduce temperatures. Then they evacuate people from the apartments on the upper floors, since they are the most smoky, and check the landings of the staircases and apartments whose doors are open. Closed apartments in smoke zones they open and carefully check the presence of people in them. To determine the location of the victims, a survey is carried out among citizens at the fire site and those being rescued.

To eliminate panic, establish the priority of rescue operations and coordinate the actions of search and rescue groups, the RTP appoints the most trained commander and provides him with loudspeaker communications, determines the methods and procedure for carrying out rescue operations.

People are evacuated and rescued along flight stairs through the main exits, along stationary fire escapes and through emergency exits, through windows and balconies using auto-ladders, retractable and assault ladders, and rescue ropes. If necessary, people are taken to the attics or roofs of buildings and then move to adjacent, smoke-free staircases and out of the building.

To evacuate people from the first floors through windows, stick ladders are used. From the second and third floors, adults and older children descend along retractable stairs on one's own. From the fourth and higher floors, adults are lowered down auto-stairs, a cascade of assault ladders, or assault and retractable ladders with mandatory insurance. Injured, sick and children younger age Firefighters are carried out using car ladders, lowered using articulated car lifts and rescue hoses or using rescue ropes.

During the period of rescue operations and until the end of the fire extinguishing, guards are posted in front of the entrance to smoke-filled entrances to ensure that no one, except gas and smoke protectors, enters the house without the permission of the RTP. This is necessary because in the process of extinguishing a fire, floors may be deformed and partially collapse, window glazing may be destroyed, the direction of draft may change, and when water jets are introduced into the fire, intense steam generation occurs, pressure increases and repeated smoke may occur in stairwells and floors of buildings. .

In some cases, when the stairwells are not yet smoked or have little smoke and are connected to burning basements in which there is a high concentration of smoke and high temperature that does not allow penetration to the fire, it is necessary to immediately organize the evacuation of people from possible smoke zones.

Rescue work is considered completed when all premises are cleared of smoke, thoroughly checked and the RTP is convinced that all people in need of help have been rescued. After the rescue operations are completed, all forces and resources are concentrated on the combat areas to extinguish the fire.

Combat operations to extinguish fires. When extinguishing fires in basements, combat areas for extinguishing, protecting and rescuing people are organized. Extinguishing combat areas are organized from the side of staircases and basement entrances, along floors or along the facade of buildings where window openings are located. Combat areas for protection are organized on the ground floor, and combat areas for rescuing people are organized along the façade of buildings or along stairwells.

Fires in basements are usually extinguished by units and departments of gas and smoke protectors. Therefore, during fires, the RTP organizes checkpoints, security posts, and also creates a reserve to replace workers in areas of heavy smoke and high temperatures and provide assistance to victims. During fires in basements, special attention is paid to the organization and operation of communications, which ensures the management of units and departments of gas and smoke protectors and obtaining from them information about the situation at work sites, as well as the precise organization and conduct of rescue operations. For communication between departments and units, wired intercoms and portable ultra-short-wave radio stations are used, and for organizing rescue operations, electric megaphones and remote and stationary electrodynamic loudspeakers of communication vehicles are used. During reconnaissance and during the organization of radio communications, the GDZS units must use traveling twine or rope.

Communications, lighting and technical service vehicles are called to illuminate fire work areas, remove smoke and open walls and ceilings.

In case of prolonged fires, a fire extinguishing headquarters is created, responsible persons are appointed for carrying out rescue operations, for the operation of GDZS checkpoints, for safety precautions, etc.

The introduction of forces and means during fires in basements is carried out, as a rule, in two directions. The main forces and means are sent to the burning basement for extinguishing, and at the same time part of the forces and means are deployed to protect the first floor. The entry points for extinguishing forces and means are door and window openings. If there is a large distance from the main entrances to the fire site and in difficult conditions of approach to it, holes are punched above the fire site in the walls and ceilings of basements to introduce extinguishing agents. With the commissioning of the first trunks, main hose lines are laid to increase the required quantity and consumption of extinguishing agents.

Simultaneously with the introduction of fire extinguishing means, work is organized and carried out to remove smoke and reduce temperature. IN in some cases, after the completion of rescue operations, stairwells connecting to basements are used to remove smoke, reduce temperature or change the direction of air flows, better conditions introducing fire extinguishing agents into the fire through basement window openings. It must be remembered that if the wind blows into the windows of the staircase even at a moderate speed (5-7 m/s), a pressure of approximately 17.64 Pa (1.8 kgf/m2) is already created on the windward side, which contributes to rapid smoke on the floors on the leeward side. Therefore, to remove smoke, it is necessary to open only the doors and hatches leading from the staircase to the attic.

To remove smoke when extinguishing fires in basements, smoke exhausters of various capacities are used. They are used to suck smoke from smoky rooms or supply fresh air to basement rooms, which creates additional pressure and improves air circulation. If there are several smoke exhausters, they can be used simultaneously to suction combustion products and supply outside air. Smoke is taken in by smoke exhausters from the top of the premises through an opening that is covered with a tarpaulin lintel so that outside air did not fall into the intake hose of the smoke exhauster, since otherwise the operation of the smoke exhauster would be ineffective.

Smoke exhausters begin to work after the rescue operations are completed and the fire site is located. During their operation, it is necessary to ensure that the fire does not spread in unwanted directions and does not aggravate the fire situation.

To extinguish fires in basements, compact and sprayed jets of water and wetting solutions are used. The number and types of trunks are determined depending on the fire situation. For small fires, RS-50 barrels are used.

RSK-50 and others, with developed ones - RS-70 barrels, and with large basements - and fire monitors. The number of trunks is determined based on the combustion area and the intensity of the water supply for extinguishing, which is equal to 0.1 l/(m 2 -s) for the basements of administrative buildings, and 0.15 l/(m 2 -s) for the basements of residential buildings. To reduce the temperature and smoke deposition in basements, it is advisable to use barrels with attachments NRT-5, NRT-10 and others. If there is high temperature and heavy smoke in the basements, medium- and high-expansion air-mechanical foam is used to extinguish. Foam penetrates well into rooms, overcomes turns and inclines, displaces heated combustion products and quickly localizes or completely extinguishes a fire. When filled with foam, the temperature in the burning room quickly drops to 40-60°C.

Foam fills rooms better if it is supplied along the flow of air movement. This condition must be taken into account when determining the locations for introducing foam generators for extinguishing, as well as when determining the installation locations and operating modes of smoke exhausters. In some cases, in certain parts of basements, back pressure of heated combustion products may be created against the advancement of foam, and these places remain unfilled with foam. The structures above them are opened to release smoke. After filling the basements with foam, departments or units of the GDZS with operating water trunks are sent to inspect the fire site and eliminate individual sources of combustion.

In the process of preparing for the supply of foam to extinguish fires in basements, the RTP determines the volume of burning premises, the number of gas stations or steam generators, the places where they are brought in for extinguishing, required amount foam concentrate, taking into account the reserve, prepares units or departments of the gas pumping station and operating shafts for inspection and extinguishing of individual fires after filling the basements with foam. When supplying foam through door and window openings, tarpaulin lintels are installed in them so that the foam does not create backwater and does not escape from the premises to the outside.

At combat sites to protect the first and upper floors above burning basements, they monitor the places where utility lines, air ducts of ventilation systems, and garbage chutes pass through the ceilings. In places where the color of paint, plaster changes, smoke escapes, or highly heated structures, control openings are carried out and water is poured over them. If necessary, open holes in the ceilings above the burning areas to remove smoke and introduce extinguishing agents into burning basements. If there is a threat of fire spreading through ventilation systems and garbage chutes, they are inspected on all floors and the attic.

Evacuation of property from the first floors above places of burning is carried out when it can be damaged by high temperature, smoke or water, as well as in cases where it interferes with the actions of fire departments and creates additional load on the floors, which may result in their collapse .

In some cases, most often in basements industrial buildings, fires can be extinguished with water vapor or inert gases. At the same time, the load-bearing structures of the basements and above the basement floors are cooled with water jets, the basements are sealed and the calculated amount of water vapor or inert gas is introduced to extinguish the fire.

Compliance with safety regulations. To turn off the power grid during fires in basements, call the energy service, and to turn off gas communications- gas emergency service. At all fire fighting sites, careful monitoring of behavior is organized. load-bearing structures. If there is a threat of their collapse, all personnel must be promptly removed from the dangerous zones. In places where structures are opened or ceilings collapse in dangerous areas, posts are set up to warn personnel about the danger, and they are also illuminated with spotlights and lanterns. Personnel should not be allowed to gather in places where there may be a risk of collapse of structures, poisoning by combustion products, sudden changes in temperature, release of heated products and water vapor during extinguishing. Filling basements with foam, water vapor or inert gas should only be done when the RTP is convinced that all people have been removed from the rooms being filled and hazardous areas.

When gas flares burn on gas pipelines, water jets are introduced to cool the supporting structures affected by the flare, but the flares should not be extinguished. In these cases, the gas supply to the burning torch is blocked.

Personnel working near burnouts and collapses above a fire must be securely secured with rescue ropes. It is necessary for all personnel to observe safety measures when opening and dismantling structures, as well as when working in insulating gas masks.

Extinguishing fires on floors. Fire situation. Floors are the main part of any building.

Fires in the floors of civil buildings, as a rule, create a danger to people and the threat of rapid fire spread in both horizontal and vertical directions. Depending on the floor layout, availability of utilities, degree of fire resistance, constructive solution and the place of origin, combustion in the floors of buildings can be open and hidden, and in developed fires it can be both open and hidden.

The rate of fire spread depends on the fire load, which reaches 50-100 kg/m2, the density of furniture and equipment, which amounts to residential apartments 40-50% of the area of ​​rooms, and in administrative buildings even higher. With a sectional floor plan, combustion on furniture and partitions made of flammable materials spreads at a speed in the range of 0.5-1.5 m/min, and is limited within one apartment or section. Then, through doorways, balconies, stairwells and other openings and openings, fire can penetrate into adjacent sections, adjacent floors and into the attic.

In case of fires in buildings with a corridor or gallery layout (dormitories, hotels, residential buildings of old construction, administrative buildings), the fire quickly spreads throughout the entire floor, creating rapid smoke in corridors, lobbies and staircases. Linear speed The spread of fire along the corridors reaches 4-5 m/min.

Rice. 3. - Diagram of fire development on a floor with a sectional layout:

Rice. 4.

Particularly dangerous is the hidden spread of fire in the voids of building structures, ventilation ducts, elevator shafts, etc. Under these conditions, fire quickly and simultaneously spreads horizontally in the voids of the ceiling and vertically in the voids of load-bearing partitions through ventilation systems, garbage chutes and other communications . Combustion products quickly fill rooms, appear at a considerable distance from the visible source of combustion, and complicate fire reconnaissance and efforts to extinguish it. With hidden combustion, it can quickly break down load bearing capacity building structures, their collapse and rapid spread of fire into adjacent rooms, upper floors and attics. When combustion penetrates into ventilation ducts and air ducts, the fire quickly engulfs their inner surface, spreads, as in a chimney, along the floors and into the attic, igniting the structures of floors and partitions made of combustible materials adjacent to the ducts.

In buildings with suspended ceilings, fire spreads intensively due to a large amount of combustible material and a greater air flow. Often carrying them metal constructions under the influence of heat they deform and suspended ceilings partially or completely collapse.

Combat operations to extinguish fires. The main task of units responding to fires in civilian buildings is to immediately determine the presence of people in burning and smoke-filled rooms and provide assistance to them, as well as limit the spread of fire along the floors of buildings. Upon arrival at a fire, based on external data and from citizens, they clarify the location of people in dangerous zones, determine the ways and means of rescuing them.

Information received from citizens about the absence of people in burning or smoke-filled premises must be clarified by the RTP by a thorough inspection of these premises.

During the reconnaissance process, the outside of the building is determined - its number of storeys, on which floor the fire is occurring, the approximate size of the fire, the possibility of fire spreading through balconies and window openings to the upper floors, the location of staircases and stationary fire escapes leading to the fire site, etc.

Reconnaissance is carried out on the burning floor, above and below the burning site and in adjacent rooms with burning ones. On a burning floor, the location of the fire and its area, the path of the most intense spread of the fire, the degree of smoke and the threat from smoke, design features, the presence of hollow structures, ventilation systems, garbage chutes, various openings in the walls and ceilings - in places where the fire spreads - are determined.

On the floors above and below, the condition of the floors above and below the combustion site, its design features are determined, hollow partitions, vertical ventilation ducts, garbage chutes, and places where utility lines pass through the floors are checked.

Signs of hidden combustion sources are:

  • - smoke coming out from under the baseboards, through cracks in the plaster, ventilation grates ventilation systems and other openings;
  • - change in paint or plaster color;
  • - heating of structural surfaces and characteristic combustion noise in voids.

If signs of fire spreading through structural voids and ventilation systems are detected, reconnaissance must be carried out on all upper and lower floors and the attic.

To prevent the rapid spread of fire through the voids of structures and air ducts, they are opened with the simultaneous introduction of water or foam to extinguish hidden sources of combustion.

In the process of fire reconnaissance, the need, ways and means of evacuating property are determined, measures are taken to turn off electrical and gas networks and smoke removal.

If there is smoke in the fire most of buildings or people remain in the premises, fire reconnaissance is organized by several reconnaissance groups in various directions. In rooms with clear signs Fire reconnaissance is carried out with trunks under water pressure. Fires on floors lead to rapid smoke formation. Under these conditions, people are evacuated from the burning floor and, first of all, from the one where the fire was created. greatest degree danger to people, and then from all upper and, if necessary, lower floors. In burning rooms, people are found primarily at exits and on passages, near window openings and balconies, in bathrooms, on beds, children under beds, in closets, corners and other places. Upon arrival at a fire, the fire department should not allow panic, and if it occurs, take decisive measures to stop it. In the event of panic, the main forces and means of the units should be used to carry out rescue operations. If there is a threat of ceiling collapse, it is necessary to remove people from these and lower floors and from adjacent rooms.

For timely and proper guidance During combat operations during fires, they create combat areas for rescuing people, extinguishing fires and protection, the number of which is determined by the RTP, based on the current situation at the fire. Extinguishing combat areas are organized on burning floors from the stairwells or along burning sections. On the upper floors, the attic and the lower floors they can create combat areas for defense, to which the RTP provides the necessary amount of forces and means to complete the assigned tasks. In case of large fires, the RTP creates a fire extinguishing headquarters.

When extinguishing fires on floors, overlapping water trunks RSK-50, RS-50 are used, and in case of fires that have developed, especially in buildings of III-V degrees of fire resistance, more powerful trunks can be used.

Effective is the use of water with wetting agents, finely sprayed water and foam of medium and high expansion. The intensity of water supply for extinguishing fires on the floors of administrative and residential buildings is accepted: for buildings of I-III degrees of fire resistance - 0.06 l/(m 2 -s), IV degree of fire resistance - 0.1 l/(m 2 -s) and for fire resistance degree V - 0.15 l/(m 2 -s). The use of water with wetting agents makes it possible to reduce the intensity of its supply by approximately 1.5 times. To extinguish fires in individual hard-to-reach rooms, storerooms, floor voids, ventilation systems, etc., medium expansion foam is successfully used. To supply trunks, primarily use the main entrances and staircases, stationary fire escapes and dry pipes, and also introduce trunks through windows and balconies along fire escapes, articulated car lifts and using rescue ropes. The laying of main and working hose lines in buildings is carried out from rubberized and latex hoses.

When there is a fire on one or more floors, trunks are inserted into the burning floor(s) for extinguishing, and reserve trunks on the floors above and below are used for protection. In buildings of III-V degrees of fire resistance, if the fire can spread across ventilation ducts, mines, voids of structures and garbage chutes, trunks are introduced into the burning floor (floors) for extinguishing and into all above and below floors and the attic for protection. At the same time, air ducts and hollow structures are opened and watered. If several rooms are engulfed in fire on a burning floor, then extinguishing must be carried out in all rooms simultaneously, and if there is a lack of forces and means, extinguishing is carried out sequentially, starting from the outermost burning rooms, moving to the center of the fire. With sectional floor plans, especially in buildings of III-V degrees of fire resistance, reserve trunks for protection are introduced from the staircases of non-burning sections into the rooms located next to the burning one. In some cases, in order to penetrate to the source of the fire in separate rooms, open the inter-apartment partitions. In case of fires that have developed, if a number of rooms are burning or the fire is spreading along the balconies, good effect extinguishing is carried out using water jets supplied through windows using articulated lifts and auto-ladders. Supplying water jets to the second and upper floors “from the ground” is not recommended. These actions can be carried out when the outer walls of buildings are burning or there is a threat of fire engulfing the upper floors or eaves of buildings.

Simultaneously with extinguishing the smoke, stairwells, corridors, and floor rooms are cleared of smoke by opening windows, doors, hatches in the ceilings, and in some cases, smoke exhausters can be used. It is better to open windows on the leeward side, since even with a slight wind, a slight vacuum of air is formed on this side, which helps remove smoke.

Simultaneously with extinguishing the fire, it is necessary to take measures to protect material assets from water, which can additionally damage material losses. It is forbidden to allow the barrels to work “in the smoke”; when extinguishing fires, shut off the barrels in a timely manner or direct streams of water through windows and balconies to the outside; cover material assets with tarpaulins and other waterproof materials. To prevent collapses, do not allow water to accumulate on the floors, and after localizing the fire, collect and remove it using hydraulic elevators, scoops, buckets, sawdust and other means.

When rescuing people and extinguishing fires on floors, as a rule, units and departments of the GDZS are used. Compliance with safety regulations when extinguishing fires is similar to extinguishing fires in basements.

Multi-storey high-rise buildings have long been characteristic modern and developing cities, this is all caused by the shortage of urban territory for residential development and the cost square meter housing. Under administrative buildings and industrial buildings, garages and multi-level basements are located, auxiliary equipment, cable and other communications. As a rule, many modern basements are equipped automatic systems detecting and extinguishing fires.

Typical designs of many residential buildings provide for the placement of utility rooms in the basements, currently such utility rooms can be littered by the residents themselves, forming a large fire load; all this can cause a fire if unauthorized persons handle the fire carelessly. Cellars in residential buildings old buildings are not equipped with a fire detection system.

Extinguishing a fire in such zero-level premises is always associated with a number of difficulties. There is always a risk of explosion due to being there various kinds utility and other structures. Their failure can leave residents without electricity, heat and water for a long time.

The difficulty of extinguishing also lies in the small area of ​​​​the room and its location. Should be considered narrow passages and low ceilings, which can significantly impede traffic, and as a result.

The following can complicate extinguishing fires in the basements of buildings:

  • poor ventilation,
  • insufficient lighting,
  • complex layout,
  • obstructions on the paths of progress,
  • the presence of flammable liquids and gases, as well as gas cylinders.

As a rule, there are practically no windows in basements, and artificial sources give dim light. Insufficient ventilation contributes to the accumulation of large concentrations in the air during a fire. carbon dioxide, which leads to suffocation.

Another problem in case of fire is fireproof partitions and too low ceilings. Because of them, it is extremely problematic to create additional exits if necessary.

Fires in basements contribute to rapid smoke formation on the upper floors due to common system ventilation and the presence of a garbage chute.

Features and tactics

Actions when extinguishing a fire should always be aimed at quickly identifying the source of the fire and eliminating it. It is extremely important here to prevent the formation of thick smoke and monitor the condition of structures, as they may collapse.

The rate of burnout in the basement reaches up to 1 kg per 1 sq. m. meter per minute and can increase depending on the fire load. Already in the first hour, the temperature in the rooms rises to 600 degrees or more, a large emission of thick and toxic smoke is formed, which rushes through the flights of stairs and flying over. Fills the upper floors, thereby preventing residents from using.

Upon arrival of the unit, first of all, the RTP clarifies the situation, establishes possible evacuation routes, if necessary, increases the rank of the fire call and duplicates the request to call life support services. If necessary, issues orders. Upon arrival, police officers decide to cordon off the firefighting area to avoid accidents. All actions and decisions taken by the RTP must be in compliance with labor protection.

GDZS units are created, security posts are set up, one unit takes all measures and at the same time another is sent to search for the source. Fire nozzles are used to extinguish the fire and protect the floors of the first floor.

All forces arriving at the increased number must immediately be involved in the work of extinguishing the fire, commands are given by the RTP, until the arrival of management and.

For a developed fire, several extinguishing areas are created, depending on the layout of the basement and the speed of fire spread. A reserve of GDZS units is created to alternate the work of gas and smoke protectors.

Smoke release is organized by opening window openings on the floors, technological hatches or doors to the attic. With help, they organize a supply of fresh air to the flights of stairs and remove smoke from the basement. Residents of the upper floors are rescued using retractable ladders or articulated lifts.

It is possible to use special or. Victims from the lower floors are evacuated along flights of stairs using hood-type rescue devices connected to.

When extinguishing a fire, it is most advisable to supply generators with high expansion air-mechanical foam. The number of barrels for extinguishing will depend on the volume of the basement room, the flow rate and the coefficient of destruction of the foam. Due to its properties, the foam formed with the help displaces hot gases and lowers the temperature in the room, preventing the destruction of reinforced concrete floors and the spread of fire to the overlying floors through technological openings.

After the fire is localized, the gas and smoke protection service is sent back to the basement to completely eliminate the remaining fires and dismantle structures if necessary. On the first floors, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the ceiling; in areas where there is strong smoke, carry out a control opening and make sure there is no fire. Additionally, organize watering.

Basements may have various purposes, but are most often used as warehouses, as well as boiler rooms or boiler rooms. In production, they contain equipment responsible for regulating the work process and various technical devices. Therefore, special attention should be paid to extinguishing fires in basements.

Features of basements

Extinguishing fires in the basements of buildings is complicated not only by the actual location of communications and support devices in them, but also by some features, which include area, location, and low traffic. Extinguishing fires in such premises is hampered by several factors, which include:

Most often, partitions in the basements of buildings are made of fireproof materials. The ceilings are located low to ground level, which makes it difficult to create additional “passages” for evacuation.

The communication of basements with the rest of the building is usually done through an elevator shaft or landing. The basements have a common waste disposal system with the rest of the building and are connected by ventilation. All this leads to smoke on the upper floors when a fire occurs in the basement.

Characteristics of fires

The architectural features of basements, as well as their location, determine the specifics of fires. A fire in a basement is characterized by an even greater increase in ambient temperature than a fire on an open surface.

Lack of normal ventilation leads to increased concentrations harmful substances in the air. Any fire leads to air pollution and its toxicity, however, in conditions limited area and ventilation, this problem is the most acute.

As a fire develops, the density of smoke and airborne combustion products increases significantly, which leads to the threat of smoke in the entire room. Due to the created pressure, smoke spreads throughout the entire building even through small cracks and openings, resulting in additional danger to people.

In addition, the fire can spread to the upper floors, since communication networks, wires and other objects are easily flammable. If the fire cannot be contained immediately, there is a risk that the entire building will catch fire.

Fire brigade tasks

The actions of firefighters in the basements of buildings should be aimed at quickly localizing the fire and subsequent extinguishing the fire. At the same time, it is important to prevent smoke and collapse of structures.

First of all, firefighters are obliged to:

  • ensure the safety of citizens in the premises, up to the complete evacuation of the entire building;
  • reduce the air temperature in the basement and ensure smoke removal;
  • localize and extinguish the fire.

An important role in eliminating fires in basements is played by reconnaissance and communications. Communication is necessary to ensure the coordinated work of the entire crew, to coordinate actions, and reconnaissance, in turn, is necessary to ensure the collection of information about the state of the fire, its stage and features. Based on the data obtained, fire extinguishing tactics, tools and methods used are selected.

Investigation of fires in basements should provide information about the presence or absence of flammable and flammable substances.

It is also necessary to determine the possible source of fire and its cause, as well as the characteristics of adjacent rooms and the possibility of creating additional air outlets.

Actions of the fire crew during extinguishing

Extinguishing fires in basements begins with reconnaissance. The descent to the basement is carried out along the stairs feet first, “sliding” sideways is acceptable. It is possible to descend through a window, but you must use insurance. It's important to find out possible options spread of fire in order to quickly eliminate them.

It should also find out the prevalence of smoke, its direction, and the danger for people on the floors. Next, partitions, ceilings and communications are checked. Possible options for the spread of fire are being clarified and methods of containment are being determined.

During such firefighting operations, the area is cordoned off and a checkpoint is created. Provided health care victims, as well as a permanent reserve, which should ensure a continuous fight against the source of fire and the consequences of the fire.

If the fire is prolonged, a fire extinguishing headquarters is created, which directs the actions and appoints those responsible for certain processes.

The calculation is divided into two groups. The first is engaged in extinguishing the fire directly in the basement, the second is sent to the first floor to eliminate the spread of fire.

If, during fire fighting, a threat to the life and health of those living in the building is discovered, then evacuating citizens and helping them become a priority. In some cases, it is necessary to calm panic among the population, provide psychological assistance to the victims.

Any entrances window openings on staircases and other openings must be completely open to allow smoke to ventilate. In some cases, so-called smoke exhausters are used, that is, devices that pump out smoke.

As a rule, sprayers of water and special solutions are used for extinguishing.

Choose compact models, since the size of the basement does not allow you to turn around large-scale technology. At high temperature foam is used.

Fire prevention

To ensure the safety of basements and minimize the risk of fire, attention should be paid to the condition of these premises, as well as the communications and equipment located in them. First of all, you should check the condition of electrical wiring and electrical panels, as well as other sources of electrical current.

Particular attention must be paid to creating light sources in basements, as well as ensuring normal ventilation. It is worth considering options for evacuation from basements, as well as isolating combustible and flammable substances located in them.

It is important to avoid blocking the doors and window openings, ensure normal cross-country ability. Attention is also paid to the condition of the equipment located in the basements and to the products or things stored there. It is necessary to exclude the presence of flammable and flammable substances.

Compliance fire safety- the basis for fire prevention. Failure to perform simple rules can lead to catastrophic consequences, including the destruction of the entire building.

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