What does the chimney look like? DIY brick chimney. How to make a chimney pipe for a gas boiler from brick

Chimney installation, knowledge of the main advantages and disadvantages different types chimney and materials for constructing pipes - this knowledge is necessary for novice home craftsmen before installing a stove in the house. The choice of design and materials determines the installation location and the set of tools and materials for the work.


Furnace chimney device

Depending on the material for making the chimney, you will need to prepare and make different individual parts. The common ones are an air damper to regulate the amount of draft in the chimney and a protective canopy at the top of the pipe.

It is necessary to protect the internal channel from water or snow. The remaining details of different types of chimneys are radically different. Let's look at the main ones in more detail.

Brick chimney

Such chimneys are installed only for laying indoors, through the roof and floor slabs. It is not recommended to lay brick structures in multi-storey buildings.

Diagram of a brick chimney for a stove

Partitions on different floors can be shifted, and horizontal layers will have to be made, which is almost impossible to do on such structures. A brick chimney consists of several main parts:

  • neck of the furnace. This square or rectangular structure extends from the furnace body and runs throughout the building. Several grooves are made in the lower part to clear the channels from debris and soot. A thin cavity is laid out above the furnace body for installation air damper. With its help, the draft force (upward air flow) necessary for the normal operation of furnaces and boilers is regulated;
  • at a certain distance from the floor slab, the mason begins to lay out the fluff of the pipe. The internal size remains unchanged, but the bricks begin to be pushed out from the outside by a third of the length of the brick. The outer size, at the widest point of the fluff, exceeds the inner minimum by 600-700 mm. On the 9th row, the neck of the pipe is laid out. This part allows you to lower the temperature of the exhaust gases and serves as a kind of compensator for the entire structure. The fluff is laid out in front of each floor slab;
  • “Otter” - this part of the chimney is laid out before the pipe passes through the roof surface. To lay it you will need 7 rows. At 6, the outer size gradually increases while maintaining the internal one; at 7, the size is reduced to the main one and a pipe neck is placed;
  • The head is the last 2 rows of bricks, which are exposed outward, increasing the outer size by 60-70 mm. This design prevents precipitation from entering the chimney, but to completely block the channel, the installation of a protective visor or cap will be required.

Chimney made of sandwich pipes

For such a chimney several parts are used:

Chimney outlet diagrams

There are 2 main chimney laying schemes:

Schematic representation of the chimney outlet options:

Diagrams of chimney outlet options

There is no point in describing them in detail - these are topics for separate articles, which you can read below:

Which device option should I choose?

  • If you need to equip a chimney for a stove in an apartment on the 2-3 floor, a clear solution to this problem is to lay pipes outside and lead them through the wall. In this option, we will not have to make possible horizontal sections, which make it difficult to clear soot from pipelines and reduce draft.
  • For stoves or boilers running on gas, we reduce the cross-section of the internal plane. For solid fuel equipment this size should be significantly larger.

Basic Rules:

  1. The minimum chimney diameter for wood-burning stoves is 115 mm. Coaxial pipelines installed outside cope with their task. External pipelines, like internal ones, should be covered under a layer of thermal insulation. But the best option for external installation of chimneys, this is the use of sandwich pipes.
  2. The internal gasket is used when installing a brick chimney or when equipping a private household. In this option, the installation is carried out through the floor slabs and the roof structure. For thermal insulation brick pipe in these places they are covered with sheets of thermal insulation or special boxes are made, making internal cavity for the passage of the pipe a little larger than its dimensions.
  3. Installation of steel sandwich pipes is carried out using mounting couplings and fittings. All rules and recommendations for installing chimneys are collected in SNiP 2.04.05 dated 1991. This document indicates methods for laying a chimney for a bathhouse, country house or apartment buildings. All necessary clearances, recommendations for the length and cross-section of pipes are given here.

Which chimney is better, brick or metal?

No one will give you a definite answer to this question. The main thing is the height and size of the chimney. Its minimum size is from 5 m. If you make it short, there is a high risk of formation reverse thrust and the release of exhaust gases into the room.

Regardless of the material, if it is warmer outside than indoors, the draft will become weaker or disappear altogether when the outdoor part heats up more than the air in the house.

It affects a brick or metal chimney and the level of draft in them. Negative influence even nearby trees or mountain slopes. The wind creates backwater, and the draft can decrease significantly.

Excessive air flow in the firebox will also not heat the stove. normal conditions operation. Such pressure can cause strong heating of furnace parts and their deformation. And the heat will simply be blown out of the firebox; it will not have time to heat the walls of the firebox.


Chimney materials do not have any effect on performance heating system. But on brick pipes with rough surfaces, a layer of soot forms faster, and on steel walls Poorly insulated pipelines produce condensate drops.

Long breaks from work have a detrimental effect on the condition brick oven and do not have any effect on steel. The main thing in this matter is the quality of materials and the correctness of calculations and installation of chimneys.

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A chimney is an essential part of the heating system of a private home. It ensures the proper functioning of the furnace or boiler, organizes the removal harmful products burning outside the home.

We will try to figure out how to install a chimney with our own hands so that heating communications are safe for both people and the home.

The installation of heating appliances is subject to the requirements set out in regulatory documentation.

Installation of devices is regulated by the provisions SNiP 2.04.05–91 And DBN V.2.5-20-2001. Also, before drawing up a project, it is advisable to study materials about heating systems ( SNiP 41-01-2003), about heat generation devices ( NPB 252–98), O technical conditions for operation of thermal devices ( GOST 9817–95), about the rules and regulations of operation smoke channels(VDPO).

The design of the chimney and installation features must fully comply with the requirements specified in SNiP, otherwise you will not receive a construction inspection certificate, which is issued after commissioning

Some of the requirements are addressed specifically to the installation of chimneys. The design of the structure can be anything, but the material must be non-flammable.

The materials used for the construction of chimneys can be:

  • steel;
  • ceramics;
  • brick.

Without exception, all structures are prefabricated, and the installation itself is fragmentary, since the chimney passes through several rooms (for example, a room and an attic).

In order for a structure to meet fire safety requirements, its parameters must be correctly calculated, and all component parts must be sized accordingly. When installing factory equipment, you must follow all the recommendations set out in the instructions, including the assembly procedure and methods for installing parts.

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Transitions through floors and roofs require the use of fire-retardant thermal insulation materials, for example, mineral wool, and devices of protective blocks, which can be called “sandwich within a sandwich”

Construction of a chimney for gas boiler, stove or fireplace is a responsible task that requires special permission, design and professional skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, entrust the installation of the pipe to specialists who will carry out the work taking into account all norms and requirements.

If you have already built a chimney yourself or are an expert in this matter, please share your experience and knowledge with our readers. Tell us about the nuances of building a chimney in the block below.

The chimney is one of the most important elements of the entire structure of the house, especially for devices such as stoves, heating boilers, fireplaces, and gas water heaters. The purpose of chimneys is to remove the combustion product in a safe way, ensuring clean air in the room, freshness, and safety.

In addition, the normal operation of such devices also depends on how well the chimney is designed, what material it is made of, and what the conditions of its operation are. At the same time, the question of how to properly make a chimney is one of the most important. The chimney is one of the most important elements

ensuring the safety of the entire house.

In our article we will look at what types of chimneys there are, what materials they can be constructed from and exactly how, we will learn about the requirements for such a system and installation.

Types of chimneys Today installation of the most various types chimney pipes, which may have various characteristics

Among these types of chimneys, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. Brick, which are the most popular. This is a traditional method of installing a pipe, which is most often found in large estates and old houses.
  2. Steel chimneys are often stainless steel, although galvanized steel can also be used. Recently, pipes made of acid-resistant steel with molybdenum additives have become in demand.
  3. Ceramic chimneys are complex design made of ceramics, steel or concrete layer.
  4. Other materials such as glass, fireclay, etc.

In addition, chimneys can be divided into:

  • mounted, that is, installed on stoves, this is the most used method;
  • indigenous, that is, free-standing near the stoves;
  • wall, passing through the main walls of the house.

Lately they've been doing coaxial chimneys, arranged according to the “pipe-in-pipe” principle.

But they are used in household very rarely. They work as follows: street air is taken in through outer pipe, and all combustion products are discharged through the internal one. Installing such a chimney for a private house allows you to do without additional system ventilation, which is very beneficial.

Requirements for chimneys

The chimney draft must be monitored at all stages of installation.

When asked how to do it correctly, you must follow these requirements:

  • any design must comply with SNiPs;
  • Only one device is connected to one channel, but in rare cases two are allowed, the distance between them should not be less than 7.5 meters;
  • the chimney must be sealed, leakage of combustion products is unacceptable in any case;
  • When installing, it is necessary to provide protection from condensate, which can flow down the internal walls, damaging the pipe material;
  • installation should include careful control of traction;
  • The chimney outlet should always look only at the sky; no covers, canopies, etc. should be installed above it.

Chimneys: from asbestos to brick

A modern chimney can be made from the most various materials, it’s no longer surprising that ceramic and glass pipes do their job much better than traditional brick pipes. Let's consider individual species pipes, options for their construction, advantages.

Asbestos cement pipes

Asbestos-cement pipes are considered the most economical.

A couple of decades ago, the most popular chimneys were asbestos-cement; this material was extremely cheap. Their installation is possible for stoves, fireplaces, heating networks. But the only advantage we can note is the low price; otherwise, this is far from the best option. The fact is that the maximum temperature of combustion products can only be 300 degrees, which is often simply not enough.

The following disadvantages should be noted:

  • installation for vertical sections only;
  • difficult installation due to the heavy weight of the pipe;
  • the joints of such a chimney are not airtight, which is simply unacceptable for a private house;
  • condensate is absorbed into the walls of such a pipe, which makes them of poor quality;
  • high unreliability and danger - pipes burst at high temperatures;
  • Almost everything can be connected to an asbestos chimney, but boilers require tees, cleaning hatches, and condensate drains.

Steel chimneys

How to install a chimney so that it is simple and reliable? The answer is simple: steel chimneys are not only very strong and reliable, but also relatively easy to install. But there are some nuances here too: simple steel products are susceptible to corrosion, their service life reaches only 3-4 years. Therefore, it is recommended to take galvanized pipes and chimneys from of stainless steel.

Such pipes provide:

  • tightness;
  • simple maintenance;
  • excellent traction thanks to smooth inner surface;
  • overcoming the threshold for condensation formation;
  • fire safety;
  • relatively easy installation.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that metal chimneys have a high price; design often requires the presence of a specialist; in many cases, insulation is required, that is, a sandwich pipe is made.

Brick structures

Brick chimneys have always been the most popular when building brick houses.

Brick chimneys, which are often installed on the roof, are traditional. They are not only attractive, but also functional, but they are absolutely not suitable as a flue! The fact is that under the influence of condensation, the brick collapses very quickly, it absorbs moisture and spoils interior decoration walls If you make such a chimney without preparation and special knowledge, it can become very dangerous!

When installing, it is necessary to comply with quite a few requirements, one of which concerns the height of the pipe, more precisely the part of it that protrudes above the roof. The height depends on the distance between the pipe and the ridge. Among the requirements it is necessary to note the following:

  • installation of a brick chimney is possible only if its walls are at least 10 cm thick;
  • There should be no joints in the chimney approximately 15 cm above and below the roof, which is important to ensure safety;
  • the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel should not change throughout its entire length, as this may negatively affect traction;
  • when choosing the type of brick, you need to take into account the temperature of combustion products, power thermal device, installation diagram;
  • the bend should not be more than 30 degrees.

Fireclay pipes

For several years now, chimneys made of materials such as fireclay have been offered on the market. Their shell is made of concrete or steel, inner tube- made of ceramics. Such systems have already gained popularity due to their reliability. The cake of such a chimney consists of the following layers:

  • internal fireclay (ceramic) pipe for removing combustion products and gases;
  • special insulating layer made of basalt wool;
  • external casing of the system made of steel or lightweight concrete (foam concrete).

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the price is quite high, but this is fully compensated by the simple installation and highest quality, reliability.

The chimney in a private house is most often built invisible to the eye. This can be done even at the planning stage of building a house. If there are several chimneys in the house, then they are combined into one or two devices.

Device steel chimney in a private house

The design of the chimney depends on functional features devices for which they are intended. The complexity and configuration of the chimney depends on their location and power.

Types of chimneys:

  • ventilation,
  • gas outlets,
  • smoke

Ventilation systems

Main function ventilation pipes is that they help remove polluted air masses from the room.

Originally made brick ventilation chimney

Ventilation ducts must be in those places where the room is least ventilated.

It is especially important to place such pipes in the kitchen area, bathroom, and toilet.

Gas exhaust systems Gas exhaust chimney pipes are used if the house uses heating. They remove combustion products outside the room, and thus ensure the safety of using the heating system. Pipes must be able to withstand a variety of exposures to harmful substances. As soon as combustion products enter the chimney, they immediately react with the moisture that is already in the pipe. As a result of this, an oxidation process occurs, which can cause destruction or internal deformation of the pipe. Also, such a chimney helps to increase draft.

Diagram of the device and design of the flue pipe of the chimney

Smoke pipes

Chimneys are used when installed in a house heating equipment, which works on solid fuel– these can be stoves or fireplaces. There are most of them in the house, which is why they are often combined into one or more.

device diagram and design of a brick chimney

Chimney pipes

The chimney device is quite simple, it involves the use of special pipes, through which polluted air or combustion products are removed from the premises.

Pipes are:

  • brick,
  • metal,
  • ceramic,
  • polymer.

Distinctive features of a brick chimney

Despite the fact that today there is a very large number of materials that can be used to construct a chimney, brick chimneys have still been very popular for many years.

Brick chimney

This type of chimney has its advantages. It cannot be plastered inside, which will help save on finishing materials. It is also worth considering that the masonry of a brick chimney must have a seam of 1 cm. If indoors it is recommended to use cement-lime or mortar, then in the upper part of the building it is already possible to use ordinary concrete mixture for masonry.

Advice. In order to use a brick chimney in a house, it is necessary to make a more powerful foundation for the building - brick will add extra load to the walls of the building and to its foundation.

In addition to the advantages, there are also a certain number of design disadvantages. Brick, due to its rough surface, can accumulate dirt. That is why such a pipe becomes clogged with soot very quickly.

Since combustion products exit through a brick chimney, oxygen condensate is formed, which makes the brick pipe susceptible to destruction. It happens that a piece of brick breaks off and falls into the pipe. All this can significantly narrow the chimney channel and make it difficult for air masses to escape.

To ensure a long service life of a brick chimney, it is recommended to insert an asbestos-cement pipe inside. The gap between the brick and the pipe is filled with concrete mortar.

An example of using an asbestos cement pipe

Ceramic structures

Ceramic pipes are ready-made structures for constructing a chimney. They are for sale modular design. Its inner tube is made of acid-resistant, heat-resistant and durable ceramic.

Ceramic chimney pipes have a number of advantages and are very smooth surface. Thanks to this, soot does not accumulate on it, which is formed as a result of the passage of contaminated air masses formed during the combustion process.

Installation of a ceramic pipe for a chimney

Like brick chimneys, ceramic chimneys are quite heavy. It is for this reason that it is worth using a foundation for the structure.

Metal chimneys

As for metal pipes for the construction of a chimney, due to their ease of Lately began to enjoy great popularity. They also have a smooth surface, which eliminates the accumulation of soot. Accordingly, the air will flow much better.

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High-quality thermal insulation is quite simple. For this purpose it is used basalt wool, which is laid inside the pipe. It will only be necessary to correctly determine the thickness of the material, since a large thickness can completely or partially block the pipe and air masses It will be very difficult to get out.

Installation of a metal chimney pipe

As a rule, metal chimneys are made of stainless steel, which is very resistant to all climatic, weather and other influences.

Modern chimney pipes are polymer structures. The pipe itself is very soft and has quite a small weight. The chimney will be distinguished by its practicality and durability. You can install the pipe yourself, and any beginner can handle it.

Modern polymer chimney

Most often used polymer pipes if the house has a system gas heating(boilers or columns). Such pipes can only be inserted into a chimney that is made of brick.

Types of chimneys

Today there are two types of chimney structures: a structure located inside the building and a chimney outside the house. They differ not only in the materials from which they can be constructed, but also in size and type.

Drawings and design of internal and external chimneys in a private residential building

Typically, brick or ceramic pipes are used to build a chimney inside a house. It is more rational to use metal chimneys outdoors, as they are resistant to temperature changes and are not exposed to moisture.

A chimney inside the house can also be made in two ways, more about this in the video

The chimney can be used in both brick and wooden building. Only chimney in wooden house must be properly constructed, as wood chars very quickly. Eat special technology construction of a chimney in a wooden building.

Construction of a chimney in a wooden house

Most often, there are several chimneys in a wooden house. But the number of such structures largely depends on the amount of equipment used in the house. The house must have a heating system with a separate chimney and may have a fireplace, which also has a separate chimney.

All chimney structures in the house must be installed on the roof of the building and made in compliance with all norms and standards.

Chimney in a wooden house

In order to properly build a chimney in a wooden house, you need to draw up project documentation and contact specialists in this field who can correctly draw up a chimney project.

The life safety of everyone living in the house depends on a properly built chimney, and the equipment itself will work better. The latter applies to gas heating boilers and pipes for fireplaces.

The chimney in a wooden house should only be in a vertical position. Of course, there is an exception to the rule. You can build it with a deviation that is no more than 30 degrees from the vertical position. If it is necessary to bring the pipes outside, and this cannot be done without moving the chimney pipe, then the size of such a transfer can be no more than 100 cm.

Options for building a chimney in a wooden house made of timber

As for the removal of the chimney on the roof of the building, it will largely depend on the type of roof and the type of roof itself.

Advice. When building a chimney on the roof, it is worth considering the direction of the wind, which is most common in this region. This is necessary due to the fact that if the chimney pipe is connected to a heating boiler, then wind masses can enter the pipe and thereby cause intermittent combustion of the fuel substance.

If there is, then the smoke exhaust pipe must be constructed with high quality. This will prevent smoke from entering the room and allow it to escape outside.

Recently, a chimney for a fireplace in a wooden house has been a rather complex structure that uses “pipe-in-pipe” technology.

The chimney itself consists of three components:

  • stainless steel pipes;
  • layer of thermal insulation material;
  • steel pipe.

Initially, a stainless steel pipe is wrapped in heat-insulating material, which can be secured to it using wire or any other material. After this, the finished structure is inserted into metal pipe, which will have a larger diameter than the inner one.

Methods for installing chimney pipes in a wooden house

In addition to this method of constructing a chimney, there is another method; a plastic stocking is used for this. Its main advantage is that it heats up very quickly and cools down quickly. It can also be used when it is necessary to make a fairly large number of chimney passages.

Believe me, the correct diagram and design of the chimney is very important.

I myself encountered this when the stove in a newly built sauna began to smoke due to an incorrect calculation of the height of the chimney above the ridge; the smoke was so strong that the expensive lining was covered with a layer of black soot within a few months, which of course was not pleasing.

Stove, fireplace, heating boiler and even ordinary geyser have one common feature: they require the disposal of air saturated with combustion products. Attention to this topic is the key to not only comfort, but also safety.

Fuel consumption, the ratio of produced and lost heat, indoor air purity and Fire safety depend on the correct design and construction of the chimney. When creating a channel for removing combustion products, you must be guided by building codes, equipment manufacturer instructions and common sense. First we will talk about general requirements to the chimney and what not to do. And then we will consider the features and subtleties of operation of individual structures.

Correct chimney

The fundamental characteristic of a chimney is its material. Recently, chimneys made of acid-resistant stainless steel with the addition of molybdenum have become increasingly popular. But for fireplaces and stoves in which flue gases do not have increased acidity, you can use good old brick.
The optimal shape of a chimney is a cylinder. The more obstacles in the path of smoke caused by angularity, the more difficult it is for it to pass and the more soot will be deposited on the walls.

The dimensions are determined by the diameter and height of the structure.

The first characteristic is calculated based on the power of the equipment, the width of its outlet, the number and nature of obstacles in the path of smoke. The height of the chimney is calculated in accordance with building codes, taking into account the height of the building, the type of roof and the dimensions of neighboring buildings (diagram). When designing, it is important to comply with the requirements for horizontal sections of the chimney. Their length should not exceed 1 m, because warm air moves vertically rather than horizontally. Failure to comply with this requirement will cause poor traction and increased soot deposits in this area.

Connecting a boiler or fireplace insert to a chimney is often associated with the problem of mismatched diameters. In such cases, a reducing adapter is used. The area where the equipment connects to the chimney is treated with a special sealant. Subsequent assembly of the chimney from pipes is carried out along the flow of condensate, that is, with upward expansion. This will prevent condensation from reaching the outer wall of the pipe.
A brick chimney is assembled in accordance with the project. Each fireplace and each stove requires its own masonry, which is laid out in layers. The general wish is this: minimize roughness on interior walls kah and monitor the tightness of the building.

If there is an old one in the house brick chimney and they want to use it for a gas boiler, a sleeve should be carried out. A pipe made of acid-resistant steel is installed in the old chimney; leave a technical gap between new pipe and masonry When creating most chimneys, tees are used. They need to take into account the outlet angles and provide inspection doors. One of the main requirements of gas boilers is the construction of a condensate drain. This can be a vertical condensate collector or a tee with a watering can. It is important that water vapor is removed correctly.

Insulating your chimney ensures the safety of both the chimney and your home. Insulation allows you to speed up the heating of the pipe and reduce the formation of condensation. If the pipe passes near flammable materials, then insulation will save them. When laying a chimney through the ceilings, it is necessary to comply with all fire standards, depending on the material of the ceiling and the temperature of the pipe.
It is better if the surfaces of the walls and ceiling located near the chimney duct are finished with non-combustible materials. Otherwise, they will have to be covered with a metal sheet with a layer of material that does not support combustion.
The part of the chimney pipe that goes outside must be protected from the wind and additionally secured. Protection from precipitation and debris is provided by deflectors, nets and even weather vanes. However, we must remember that such protection is not suitable in all cases. If a hood is the norm for a fireplace and stove, then for gas equipment- violation of system security.

On a note:

What are weather vanes made of?

The weather vane can be made from plastic and even plywood. However, only metal is suitable for serious products. Flat weather vanes are made of stainless steel or steel roofing sheet coated with powder enamel, special paints or polymers. Bulk ones are usually made of copper. Forged stones are distinguished by their special aesthetics.
new copies. The variety of weather vanes is limited only by the imagination of their manufacturers. Traditions also play a significant role. In Ancient China and Japan, for example, weather vanes were made in the shape of dragons, which also protected houses from evil spirits. In Europe, family coats of arms, flags, zodiac signs, as well as figurines of angels, fairy-tale creatures, animals, etc. were often placed on the roof. Today, like hundreds of years ago, weather vanes with a cockerel are especially popular - a symbol of vigilance and a talisman against thefts and fires.

Wrong chimney

Mistakes made in chimney work can be fraught with serious consequences, so it is important to comply with all building codes and requirements. Some consequences of incorrect design will cause expensive rework, while others may cause a fire or poisoning by combustion products.

Experts do not recommend using materials not intended for these purposes, such as asbestos and aluminum. If we are talking about a gas boiler, then brick is not the best option. An acidic environment can destroy it in a few years. And remodeling the chimney is not the most pleasant prospect.
Changing the diameter of the chimney during operation without involving a specialist will at least reduce the efficiency of the system. The load on the base of the chimney should not exceed a value that could lead to the destruction of the building.
Combining several installations into one chimney network is possible only if there are supporting engineering calculations made by a specialized specialist.
The most dangerous mistakes include:

  • insufficient thermal insulation of the chimney, leading to charring or combustion of adjacent materials;
  • use of ventilation ducts for smoke removal or combining protection of two ducts with one fungus. This error causes destruction of the ventilation system, as a result of which smoke enters the house;
  • modification and unauthorized repairs without preliminary calculations.

Construction of a technically correct and functional chimney - not an easy task. Each case has its own nuances and requires consultation with a specialist, at least at the design stage.

Chimneys for stoves

SNiP Heating, ventilation and air conditioning - fundamental rules and instructions for system design stove heating. He talks about all the requirements for both the stove and the chimney.
Thus, one stove should be provided for heating no more than three rooms located on the same floor. In two-story buildings, two-tier stoves with separate fireboxes and chimneys for each floor are allowed. Usage wooden beams in the overlap between the top and lower tiers ovens are unacceptable.
In addition, you cannot:

Stoves, as a rule, should be placed near internal walls and partitions made of non-combustible materials. Smoke channels can be placed in external walls made of non-combustible materials, if necessary, insulated on the outside to avoid condensation of moisture from the exhaust gases. If there are no walls in which smoke ducts can be placed, mounted or root chimneys should be used to remove smoke.
For each furnace, as a rule, a separate chimney or a separate channel is provided. You can connect two stoves located on the same floor to one pipe. When connecting two pipes, it is necessary to provide cuts with a thickness of 0.12 m and a height of at least 1 m from the bottom of the pipe connection. As well as sequential installation for tight valves, and on fire channels operating on coal or peat - one valve with a hole with a diameter of 15 mm.

Chimneys must be designed vertically without ledges.

And at the base of the pipes from clay brick with walls at least 120 mm thick or made of heat-resistant concrete at least 60 mm thick - provide pockets 250 mm deep with cleaning holes, sealed with bricks on edge using clay mortar and equipped with doors.

Pipe deviations from the vertical by 30° are permissible, with a slope of no more than 1 m.

Sloping sections must be smooth, with a constant cross-section and an area not less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the vertical sections.

Chimneys on buildings with roofs made of flammable materials must be equipped with spark arresters made of metal mesh with holes no larger than 5x5 mm.
Structures made of flammable or difficult to combustible materials adjacent to stoves, chimneys and ventilation ducts located next to chimneys, it is necessary to protect from fire with cuttings made of non-combustible materials, and the gaps between ceilings, walls, partitions and cuttings should be filled with non-combustible materials.
The distance between the top of the stove floor and the protected flammable ceiling depends on the nature of the combustion and is 250-700 mm. With an unprotected ceiling - 350 and 1000 mm. For metal furnace with insulated overlap - 800 mm. with uninsulated - 1200 mm.
The distance from brick or concrete chimneys to flammable and difficult-to-combustible roof parts must be at least 130 mm, from ceramic pipes without insulation - 250 mm. and when thermally insulated with non-flammable or difficult-to-combustible materials with a heat transfer resistance of 0.3 m2°C/W - 130 mm.

Chimneys for fireplaces

The requirements for a chimney for a fireplace overlap with the requirements for stoves. The fuel is the same, and the operating principle of the systems is similar. For example, fireplaces can be used for heating. If we are not talking about large-scale heating, you can limit yourself to a radiator pipe - special device made of plates that increase the heat transfer area. You can regulate the intensity of combustion by controlling the air exchange. As an alternative, a gate (damper) is used.
As with other chimney designs, smoke from the fireplace should be removed in the simplest possible way. It is better if it is a straight vertical chimney (more than 6 m high) or a more complex one, but with bends with an angle of less than 45°. If you need to use an elbow, install a tee to facilitate access for subsequent cleanings.
In addition to the shape, the location of the chimney and the appropriate degree of thermal insulation are important. Smoke heats the chimney, which means that wall materials and ceilings need to be protected from fire. If a sandwich chimney (multilayer) runs near plastic or wood, they are insulated with basalt-based material. The chimney passage should also be protected from the cold. For example, it is not allowed to place a single-wall pipe (made of stainless steel 0.5-0.6 mm thick) on the street. Protect the chimney with a fungus or weather vane installed at the end.

Chimney for solid fuel boilers

Heating boilers operating on solid fuel are close to both stoves with fireplaces and gas boilers. With the first they are united by one of possible types fuel (wood) and the frequent need to clean ash, with the second - the similarity in the distribution of thermal energy for heating. Solid fuel boiler connection diagram general outline Suitable for other systems as well. Knowing their requirements, you can adapt this scheme, for example, remove the deflector if we are talking about gas equipment.

Chimney for baths and saunas

The firebox and chimney of the sauna require thermal insulation. The ceilings are insulated by analogy with the described chimneys, and wall material near the firebox they are covered with metal sheets.
The excess heat generated by the chimney can be used for business. Popular option increasing efficiency- a metal mesh into which stones are poured. They envelop the hot chimney and become heated. Another useful addition could be a combustion intensity regulator.
The chimney draft must maintain combustion at the required level, without releasing all the heat to the street, and create a room temperature of 70-80 ° C. It is clear that smoke entering the steam room is out of the question.

Chimney for gas boilers and water heaters

Few developers study building codes and understand the “classical” requirements for exhaust ducts in general and for ducts for gas boilers in particular. Practice shows that even fundamental requirements and norms are not observed. But during construction or renovation, technical issues must first be resolved.
The chimney for a gas boiler must:

  1. Comply with SNiPs
  2. Have your own channel – It is allowed to connect two devices to one channel, but at a distance of at least 750 mm;
  3. be airtight. No leakage allowed carbon monoxide(laying a brick chimney does not guarantee reliable gas insulation);
  4. Be resistant to condensation. Modern high-performance boilers produce 1-3 thousand liters of condensate per year. Due to the low temperature of the exhaust gases (it rarely exceeds 100 °C), the condensate does not evaporate, but flows down the walls of the chimney, penetrating the brick and destroying it;
  5. Do not worsen cravings. The ideal cross-section for any exhaust duct is round. The rough, uneven inner surface of the channel impairs traction. In addition, the cross-section of the channel must be no less than the cross-section of the gas outlet
    pipes on the connected device. For example, if the cross-sectional diameter of the outlet on a gas boiler is 150 mm, then the cross-sectional diameter of the exhaust duct must be at least 150 mm;
    but to be warm. There is less condensation in a warm channel;
  6. Go straight into the sky, without canopies or coverings.

All these requirements are easy to take into account at the construction or repair stage, but it is very difficult to correct shortcomings during operation.


It is easy to guess that the smoke discharged to the street consists of air taken indoors. Accordingly, its reserves need to be replenished, for example, taken from the street. This means that the supply air will be fresh, but cold.
Some systems can solve the problem of abduction useful air. Boilers with forced draft and a built-in fan are equipped with a coaxial chimney, which compares favorably with multi-meter pipes.
This chimney has two pipes. One of them receives to maintain combustion Fresh air from the street, and smoke comes out of the other. The system is completely closed, that is, the air from the room does not participate in the operation of the boiler. The influx and exhaust of air do not necessarily occur through one chimney, divided into two parts. There are also models with separate pipes. Often, coaxial chimneys are horizontal, although if necessary, a vertical outlet is also made.

How to clean a chimney?

It is considered that the pipe needs to be cleaned if the layer of soot on its inner surface is thicker than 2 mm. If the soot deposits are very dense, you should use a scraper for cleaning at the first stage. Then comes the turn of a stiff brush with a long multi-link handle. The length of the latter is changed in accordance with the progress of cleaning - from the top of the chimney to the bottom.
To ensure that as little soot as possible gets into the room, the combustion hole is closed when cleaning plastic film or a thick sheet. Additionally, we advise you to prevent drafts and cover the furniture.
Chemicals are also used for cleaning. Most often these are powders or “miracle logs”. When burned in the firebox, such substances release a non-toxic gas, under the influence of which the soot lags behind the walls of the chimney. It should be taken into account that it is very difficult to clean a heavily polluted chimney with chemicals; it is best to combine chemical and mechanical cleaning.
People recommend heating the stove or fireplace well with aspen wood once a year. When aspen burns, the flame reaches a great height and burns soot from the chimney. However, this advice is only suitable if there is not too much accumulated in the chimney. Otherwise, a fire cannot be ruled out. In addition, it can be burned in a firebox potato peelings: The steam generated effectively fights soot deposits.

Diameter (section) of the chimney

Minimum cross-section of smoke channels depending on the thermal power of the furnace, mm:

  • 140×140 - up to 3.5 kW;
  • 140 m 200 - 3.5-5.2 kW;
  • 140×270-5.2-7.2 kW.

The cross-sectional area of ​​round smoke ducts must be no less than the area of ​​the indicated rectangular ducts.

Chimney height

The chimney must rise no less than

  1. 0.5 M ABOVE THE RIDGE of the roof when the pipe is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge;
  2. Be no lower than the ridge of the roof when the chimney is located at a distance of 1.5 - 3 m FROM THE RIDGE;
  3. Be no lower than a line drawn from the ridge downwards at an angle of 10° to the horizon, when the chimney is located at a distance of more than 3 m from the ridge;
  4. For flat roofs you need a chimney pipe higher than 1 m.
  5. Regardless of the angle of inclination of the roof, chimneys that are 1.5 m above its level must be additionally secured with braces on a bracket

Stove and fireplace pipes

When calculating the height of the pipe, several aspects need to be taken into account. The higher the pipe, the better traction it provides, but, passing through tall pipe, the gases cool and form condensation, which leads to a decrease in draft and smoke in the room.

To ensure reliable draft, the chimney must be at least 5 m high. And if for some reason this is impossible, use an electric smoke exhauster. The minimum height of the upper part of the chimney above the ridge of the roof depends on how far the axis of the pipe is from the ridge.

In this case, the pipe must in any case rise above the roof surface by at least half a meter.

So, if the axis of the chimney is located at a distance of up to 1.5 m from the ridge, then the pipe should rise above the ridge by 0.5 m. If the distance from the chimney to the ridge is from 1.5 to 3 m, then top part pipes can be located flush with the ridge. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge is more than 3 m, it is permissible to erect the chimney below the ridge of the roof at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizontal.

Not everything is simple with the internal cross-section of the chimney, which must correspond to the size of the firebox. Through a pipe that is too narrow, the smoke does not have time to escape, and the stove begins to smoke. Through too large section gases pass slowly and cool quickly, which leads to condensation settling and a decrease in draft.

Pipe characteristics

The material for the construction of a stove chimney must ensure high heat resistance of the future pipe, because it must withstand a constant temperature of +500°C, and also withstand heat up to +1,000°C for half an hour. Despite the fact that the flue gases passing through the pipe are heated to a temperature not exceeding +300°C, a reserve of heat resistance is necessary, since soot, the combustion temperature of which is significantly higher, can ignite inside the chimney.

Also, according to the requirements, outer side pipes should not heat up more than +90°C, and in case of contact with flammable structures - more than +65°C. Among other things, the upper part of the pipe that goes outside must withstand winter frosts, and the chimney material must be resistant to chemical composition flue gases.

The traditional chimney has long been made of brick. This material fully meets the requirements for chimneys. In fireplace chimneys the temperature is higher than in stove chimneys and reaches +400°C, therefore it is recommended to build fireplace chimneys from heat-resistant bricks. However furnace work require skill, and the considerable weight of a brick pipe leads to the need for increased strength of the foundation under the fireplace or stove. All this often forces us to look for alternative materials for the manufacture of fireplace and stove pipes.

Sometimes asbestos-cement pipes are used for this purpose. They are inexpensive, weigh little, and are easy to install. However, asbestos cement also has disadvantages: at high temperatures, pipes can crack, and insufficient heat resistance and rapid heating of the surface contribute to the creation of a fire hazard. Therefore, asbestos-cement pipes are more often used in small country houses, summer kitchens, when arranging areas for barbecues and barbecues.

Steel pipes are also far from ideal. When installing such a chimney, the pipe surface must be insulated non-flammable material, since the metal becomes so hot that it can cause a fire. Abundant condensation, leading to corrosion, makes black steel pipes short-lived; they fail relatively quickly and require replacement. Stainless steel is corrosion resistant and has higher strength characteristics, however, pipes made from it will cost significantly more.

Sandwich chimneys

Sandwich chimneys are becoming increasingly popular. Manufactured in factories, they meet necessary requirements in terms of resistance to high temperatures and oxidation.

Manufacturers produce reliable and safe sandwich pipes various diameters, which allows you to select the right option. They are easily assembled from meter-long pieces and installed directly on site.

Thanks to their three-layer structure, such pipes have excellent performance qualities and at the same time they weigh little, which not only facilitates the installation process, but also allows you to significantly save on the foundation for a fireplace or stove. The inner side of stainless steel is covered with heat-insulating material, which is covered with galvanized steel on top.

Despite their undeniable advantages, sandwich pipes also have disadvantages, among which the main ones are high cost and imperfect tightness due to the composite design of such chimneys. It is no coincidence that the manufacturer, as a rule, is limited to 10 years warranty period, after which you should consider replacing the pipe.

In this regard, modular chimneys compare favorably with more long term operation (about 30 years), not too different from sandwich pipes in price. Factory-produced modular pipes meet all the necessary requirements, which are ensured by a three-layer structure: a layer of thermal insulation is also laid between the inner fire-resistant side and the outer shell of lightweight concrete.

Decent place for a chimney

Most effective option location of the chimney - placing it in one of the internal walls. Then the heat of the stove will work to the maximum to heat the room, and the vertical chimney will provide the best draft.

The location of the chimney outside greatly facilitates its installation, since there is no need for the hassle of removing the pipe through the floors and roof. In addition, this option is less fire hazardous. The disadvantages of this placement of the chimney are that it is not very presentable appearance pipes, the need for additional space and mandatory thermal insulation of the entire external part to avoid cooling and condensation.


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