Myrtle tree: how to grow it at home (with photo). Myrtle tree - a wonderful wedding gift Types and varieties of home plants

Date: 2013-02-21 | Views: 7068

People have long attributed miraculous properties to plants, endowed them with magical powers and even deified them. Today, this is all quite explainable by scientifically confirmed facts of the truly unusual properties of flora, which is capable of both healing and killing. However, the floral symbolism still remains a mystery. All this goes so deeply into antiquity that modern researchers can only make assumptions, or unconditionally trust the legends.

Here, for example, is a myrtle tree. Why this one evergreen shrub considered a symbol of purity? Why did Adam choose him, who brought him from Paradise? What is this wonderful plant that has become popular? indoor flower? And how can this native of Eden be kept at home, providing him with competent care and comfortable conditions? Let's try to figure it out.

Historical reference

As one of the legends (Arabic) says, myrtle came to us straight from Paradise. The exiled Adam brought it with him to the sinful earth, as a kind of souvenir that would allow him to remember a carefree life and heaven. That is why myrtle has become a symbol not only of heavenly happiness, but also of hope (for a return to blessed times?).

According to Jewish legend, Zechariah, who appeared in a myrtle bush, announced the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. Hence another symbolism of myrtle - the emblem of peace. Among the ancient Greeks, myrtle was considered the flower of Aphrodite and symbolized beauty and youth. And in Ancient Egypt myrtle was associated with afterlife or life after death, since according to one of the legends he grew from the body of a young murdered woman. That is, she was reborn in the myrtle tree. By the way, in ancient times, graves were decorated with myrtle branches, which is where the tradition of laying mourning wreaths and garlands originated.

Do you remember the legend about the apple of discord? So Paris, who gave Venus the apple (“crown” of the beauty queen), was allegedly seduced not by the beauty of Venus herself, but by the beauty of the myrtle wreath that adorned the contestant’s head. And the head of the god of marriage, Hymen, was decorated with the same wreath. Well, love, marriage, myrtle and, as a result, new symbol(love and marriage). However, symbolism is symbolism, and myrtle trees are grown in homes more for aesthetic reasons than as talismans. This evergreen shrub is so beautiful, as if it really decorated the Garden of Eden. What was it really like?

Botanical certificate

Myrtle is a whole genus of evergreen woody plants of a subtropical climate. Myrtle is notable for the fact that its leaves contain essential oils and smell no less than the flowers. And blooming myrtle- the phenomenon is not only beautiful, but also fragrant. This is probably why myrtle groves are associated with heavenly tabernacles. Essential oils of the myrtle tree have long been used to make incense. And the buds of the clove tree (one of the varieties of myrtle) are still used as the most famous spice - cloves.

An indoor myrtle tree or bush is the common myrtle or compact myrtle. No other species of myrtle has been “domesticated” by humans. Common myrtle is an evergreen shrub with a woody stem that can be shaped and grown into a small tree. home tree Myrtle never grows higher than two meters, but blooms and begins to bear fruit after the third year of life. The leaves of the common myrtle are ovate, dark green and shiny, about five centimeters in size. The flowers are small, fluffy, white or pinkish. Compact myrtle is distinguished by its miniature size and narrower leaves, as well as black decorative berries appearing on the plant after flowering.

The myrtle tree is a long-lived plant among indoor flowers, which has not yet fully adapted to living in a confined space. Therefore, indoor myrtle requires special care. And although in general myrtle is considered unpretentious plant, you still need to know the intricacies of its cultivation.

Myrtle tree care

So, you have a myrtle tree - how to care for it so that it not only easily survives relocation, but also continues to grow in your home, so that it is spared diseases and is not tormented by pests? The special care is explained by the origin of this plant. Since myrtle comes from the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean, for it to successfully live in the room you need to create a similar microclimate. The main thing myrtle needs is high humidity. Therefore, the tree needs not only to be watered regularly and well, but also to be sprayed periodically. Water the myrtle bush only with soft, well-settled water.

IN warm time year, for a comfortable existence, myrtle needs to provide a temperature regime within 18-23 degrees. At this time, the main care comes down to maintaining temperature and light conditions, since the tree needs bright lighting during this period. If it is possible to move a pot with a tree into fresh air, then put it on the balcony or even move it to the garden for the summer - but outdoors the myrtle tree literally comes to life and feels great. Myrtle easily tolerates direct sunlight, but needs shading in particularly hot weather.

The myrtle tree should be watered so that the soil in the pot always remains slightly moist. At the same time, under no circumstances should stagnation of water be allowed, which will cause root rot and death of the plant. In addition, pests (scale insects and whiteflies) easily infest and multiply in waterlogged soil. Therefore, it is better to water the myrtle tree often and regularly, but not abundantly. Better yet, arrange drainage from porous pebbles in the tray of the pot.

IN winter time It is advisable to move the plant to a cool place. If the temperature in the room is too high, the tree will begin to shed its leaves. However experienced flower growers they claim that with the onset of spring, myrtle quickly comes into shape, knocking out new buds and restoring the crown. So maintaining the desired temperature, regular watering and spraying constitute the main care for this plant. But care does not come down to this alone.

Like any long-lived plants, myrtle requires periodic replanting. It is best to do this once a year with the onset of spring, choosing soil for the tree with neutral acidity. More frequent replanting (two to three times a year) may be necessary only during the initial period of tree development. If you are forming the crown of a tree, then it is advisable to carry out pruning during this period. However, additional pruning during the summer will not harm the myrtle. Pruning will not only give the crown the desired shape, but will also make it thicker.

Propagating myrtle at home is a literally elementary process. It can be propagated by ordinary cuttings, using it as planting material green cuttings. It is especially convenient to do this after pruning, choosing the strongest and healthiest specimens. The cuttings are placed in a glass of water or placed in wet sand. Cuttings take root quite easily, but for a long time - within two to three months.

Wrong care for myrtle is waterlogging or drying out the soil, as well as too frequent fertilizing. This plant needs to be fertilized no more than twice a year. It is advisable to do the first feeding in the spring with the beginning of active growth of shoots, and the second time feeding the myrtle is necessary during the budding period. But foliar feeding (spraying) will not harm myrtle. So use any complex fertilizer for this, spraying about once every ten days.

Properties of myrtle tree

Myrtle leaves release essential oils all year round and therefore constantly retain their healing power. What are the properties of the myrtle tree?

Firstly, myrtle is able to disinfect indoor air, destroying harmful microorganisms. This is the main bactericidal property of the myrtle tree.

Secondly, myrtle essential oils have a rejuvenating effect and have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and the functioning of the heart.

Thirdly, this plant can improve mood and stabilize the emotional background.

Myrtle is also considered a kind of indicator family relations. They say that this plant does not take root in a house where there is frequent quarrel.

You can prepare a healing tincture from myrtle leaves and take it for infections and inflammations, and also use it instead of brilliant green and iodine. Myrtle flowers and leaves can be added to tea, and simply inhaling the aroma of this amazing indoor tree is very useful and pleasant. This is such an extraordinary and legendary plant: myrtle - the tree of paradise.

The evergreen woody plant myrtle belongs to the Myrtaceae family. In nature, these are trees or shrubs that can reach three meters in height. The houseplant myrtle at home is a bush with a round crown no more than one meter high. The plant has long been considered a symbol of hope, peace and glory. Our ancestors used myrtle flowers in cosmetics and medical purposes. Preparations made from them are still popular today. Lovers of indoor plants willingly grow beautiful trees in their homes. Knowing how to care for myrtle correctly, you can get a plant optimal shape, which will decorate the house with its leathery small leaves and simple or double fragrant flowers.

The tree at home grows in height from 30 to 60 cm. It has elongated, small, leathery leaves that appear polished. The leaves have a pointed apex and grow on short petioles. In summer, clusters of simple or double flowers, or single flowers, form in the leaf axils. After flowering, the plant ripens fruits, which are a drupe berry or a nut.

IN indoor floriculture Most often they grow common myrtle (communis), the care of which we will describe in detail in our article.

The ordinary world - care at home

Myrtle communis (common) is a small tree with a short branched trunk. It has red-brown bark, leathery, glossy, oval-lanceolate green leaves and white or pale pink flowers. Stamens protrude from the middle of the flower. The leaves of the plant have a pleasant aroma. It blooms throughout the summer, after which red-black berries form on the tree.

Myrtle is recommended to be grown on windows on the western and eastern sides. On southern window sills in the summer it will need to be shaded, for which you can use a tulle curtain. When grown on northern windowsills, flowering will be sparse.

Air temperature. Indoor myrtle does not like heat and grows well at air temperatures within +18...+20 degrees. It is recommended to ventilate the room regularly. In winter, the plant needs to be provided with cool conditions with an air temperature of +5 to +10 degrees. At higher temperatures in winter, the flower may shed its leaves.

Air humidity. Myrtle needs high air humidity, so in spring and summer its leaves must be regularly sprayed with settled water. room temperature. In winter when low temperatures Spraying will not be needed indoors. But, if it is not possible to provide the plant with cool conditions, spraying should be carried out several times a day. Operating heating radiators at home causes the air to become dry, causing leaves to fall from the tree. To avoid this, you need to increase the air humidity around the plant. To do this, you can use special humidifiers or place a pot with a flower on a tray with wet expanded clay or moss.

Watering myrtle. Water the tree generously in spring and summer as soon as it dries out. upper layer soil. In winter, in a cool room, the frequency and abundance of watering decreases. Under no circumstances should the earthen clod be allowed to dry out! Otherwise, the leaves of the indoor plant may fly off and the branches may dry out. If the soil is still dry, place the pot in a container of water for a few minutes. Also, do not allow the soil to be wet all the time. Constant waterlogging of the soil can lead to rotting of the roots. Water for irrigation is used to stand for 24 hours.

Feeding myrtle. From March to August, once a week or two, the flower must be fed with fertilizers for flowering plants. If myrtle is grown as a bonsai and its flowering does not interest you, then fertilizers are used that are intended for decorative deciduous plants.

Rest period. Myrtle definitely needs a period of rest, during which it gains strength to flower and grow foliage. Therefore, in winter the plant is grown in cool rooms for three months. You can place the flower on a closed loggia, where the air temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. At this time, watering should be sparse, and fertilizing and spraying should be stopped. In a warm room, the dormant period of myrtle lasts about one and a half months.

Pruning myrtle. To give the tree the desired shape, pruning should be included in your myrtle care at home. It can be done in early spring and after flowering. To get a tree, the side shoots are pruned. A bush-shaped plant will be obtained by trimming the upper branches. If you don't trim the myrtle at all, it will take on a pyramidal shape. However, it should be remembered that frequent pinching has a negative effect on the formation of flowers, so it is not recommended to get too carried away with pruning. If flowering is not too important for you, then you can experiment and pinch out the branches. The myrtle houseplant grows quickly, so it appearance can be changed every year.

Transplanting myrtle

It should be replanted in new soil one to two weeks after purchase. In the future, young plants are replanted every year, and adults - once every two to three years. The new pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. The substrate can be bought at the store or prepared yourself. The following soil mixtures are suitable:

  1. Sand, peat, turf and humus soil. Everything is taken in equal parts and mixed.
  2. Sand, turf, humus, clay, peat soil (1:2:2:2:2).

It is necessary to pour drainage at the bottom of the pot, which is covered with a small layer nutrient soil. The tree is carefully removed along with a lump of earth from the old pot and placed on a layer of soil in a new container. The roots around and above are covered with soil. There is no need to fill the base of the trunk. Transplanted myrtle must be watered immediately.

Pests and diseases of myrtle


At proper care and keeping the plant in conditions favorable to it, no diseases or pests will affect it.

High temperatures and dry air are favorable conditions for the appearance of scale insects, thrips, spider mites, mealybugs, and whiteflies on tree leaves. They all feed on the sap of the plant, which is why the leaves begin to dry out, turn yellow and fly off. Treatment with Actellik or Aktara will help get rid of pests. This insecticidal preparations, which should be diluted and used strictly according to the instructions.

This situation may arise if the rules for caring for myrtle at home were not followed. Myrtle leaves dry out for the following reasons:

  1. Irregular watering. If you forget to water a plant and its soil often dries out, then not only the leaves, but also the twigs will begin to dry out.
  2. Low air humidity. In winter, the air temperature for the flower should not exceed +18 degrees. In a room with heating radiators running, the air becomes dry, which is why the leaves begin to dry out and fall off. Spray foliage in a dry and warm room more often and more abundantly. Keep it on a tray with wet expanded clay, pebbles or moss, but so that the water does not reach the bottom of the pot.

Myrtle leaves are falling

This situation may arise in the following cases:

  • lack of light;
  • high air temperature;
  • the plant is in a draft.

With excessive lighting (in summer on southern windows), the leaves lose their shine, turn yellow and curl. If there is not enough light for the plant, the stems become elongated and the leaves grow pale and small.

As you can see, all problems when growing myrtle at home arise from improper placement of the flower or errors in care. Care for the plant according to all the rules described above, and it will delight you with a beautiful, lush crown and flowering.

Cuttings are the most reliable and The best way myrtle propagation. Its seeds quickly lose their viability, in addition, when seed propagation Flowering will occur only after three years.

Cuttings can be taken from friends after formative pruning of the tree. It is best if they come from the middle or lower part of the crown. Rooting of cuttings should be carried out in January, February and July. For cuttings, semi-lignified shoots of the current year with a length of 8 to 10 cm are selected.

Procedure for rooting cuttings:

  1. The lower leaves are removed from the cut shoot.
  2. The large leaves located at the top are shortened by half, and the small ones - by a third of the length.
  3. The lower cut is treated with a root formation stimulator (Heterauxin or Kornevin).
  4. A wide and low container is prepared.
  5. The soil for rooting should consist of sand and sphagnum (0.5:1) or sand and leaf soil (0,5:1).
  6. The cuttings are placed in moist soil and covered with a glass jar or other transparent cap.
  7. The containers are placed in a shaded place with an air temperature within +17...+20 degrees.
  8. To prevent the soil from turning sour, the cover must be removed briefly every day.

After about a month, the roots will grow, and the cuttings are planted in separate pots with a diameter of about 7 cm. Soil mixture the same one is used. Caring for young seedlings involves regularly moistening the soil and spraying the foliage. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

When the cuttings grow up, which will happen in about a year, the plants are transplanted into pots, the diameter of which should be 9 cm. Rooted and grown bushes should be cared for in the same way as adult trees.

Properties of myrtle

The plant has healing properties, since its fruits and young shoots contain active substances and essential oils with antibacterial effects. Therefore, it is recommended to keep the tree in children's rooms and bedrooms, where it will clear the air of bacteria and germs, protect health, and help cope with the flu and acute respiratory infections.

Myrtle tinctures help treat cough, purulent otitis, staphylococcal infections, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and diabetes.

Myrtle - signs

IN different countries There are different attitudes towards growing indoor myrtle.

In Europe, they believe that wood brings love and peace to the home. But this is possible if the bush was planted by the owner of the house and all family members are proud of their beautiful pet. Myrtle is carefully looked after so that the flower does not die. Otherwise, luck will leave the house along with the dead tree.

Muslims do not keep myrtle in their homes, because according to their superstitions, it is believed that this plant dooms young girls and boys to loneliness.

One of the indoor plants, the origin of which is closely intertwined with mythology, is the myrtle tree, which can boast not only beauty, but also useful properties. In many legends, you can find myrtle - in Greek mythology it is considered the tree of the goddess of love Aphrodite, in biblical legends Adam carried a sprig of this plant from paradise as a memory of lost happiness. IN modern world, this plant is considered a symbol of purity and peace. Its beneficial properties are revered. Therefore, it is often decorated with branches wedding bouquets By the way, this tradition came to us from the shores of the Baltic Sea, where brides grew their own myrtle tree so that their marriage would be happy. myrtle tree not demanding - caring for it at home consists of loosening and watering, spraying the foliage. We will tell you further about how to grow a myrtle tree at home.

Today let's learn in more detail about what this plant is, how to care for it at home, and also look at it in the photo.

The homeland of the myrtle tree is considered to be the Mediterranean Sea, where it grows up to 3 meters in size. IN room conditions it can reach 60 cm, and with proper and careful care 1 meter. In the photo below you can see beautiful trees that have taken root well at home.

The flowers of the myrtle tree are somewhat reminiscent of apple blossoms. They are usually pink or white and quite fluffy due to long golden stamens. The inflorescence can reach 3 cm in diameter; it is located on a thin peduncle and usually one at a time. Myrtle flowers are very fragrant due to the fact that they contain quite a large amount of essential oils.

Myrtle leaves are quite fleshy and have a leathery, dark green surface. Upon careful examination, you can notice small dark specks in which the content of essential oils is concentrated. On the shoots, the leaves are arranged oppositely, as shown in the photo below. They also have a very pleasant, but less pronounced aroma, which is why they are often used as spices in some countries.

When the myrtle flowers, it produces a fruit that may be dark green or dark blue in color. It can also be used as a spice. In fact, the well-known “spicy clove” is the fruit of the myrtle tree. Due to the content of a large number of beneficial essential oils, they are quite useful and popular in the culinary world. A myrtle fruit can contain no more than 7 seeds, which are used to grow the tree at home and in open ground.

There are more than 100 species of myrtle tree, but only one is cultivated at home - it is called the common myrtle, it does not grow more than 60-70 cm in height and is considered quite compact and useful. This and other types of this plant can be seen in the photo below.

Useful properties of myrtle tree

It's no secret that the myrtle tree, both at home and in the natural environment, is considered a plant that has a number of useful properties. For example, the evaporation of its essential oils kills harmful microbes in its environment, making the air cleaner. Some housewives start such a plant in their home, because according to some folk signs It is believed that myrtle can bring happiness and peace to households. But, as you know, there is some common sense in this. The evaporation of essential oils has a rather beneficial effect on the nervous system and folk medicine Often these substances are used as an excellent sedative. Beneficial features the myrtle tree doesn't stop there.

Among other things, myrtle tree at home helps to treat respiratory diseases and colds. Many owners of myrtle observe that if you have such a plant, your immunity will increase, and the functions of the reproductive system will also improve; it is not for nothing that it is called the sacred tree of the goddess of love.

Essential oils from the myrtle tree not only act as a sedative, it is often used to treat varicose veins and in dermatology. This even applies to official medicine.

It is also worth saying that a myrtle tree at home can reflect the condition and health of its owner. At the same time, with the help of such a plant you can safely cure depression and get rid of melancholy and sadness once and for all.

Perhaps the phrase “will bring happiness to the house” is confirmed Scientific research, but many of its owners say that this tree is truly unique and mystical. So, some girls, after having found this living decoration, quickly found their happiness in their personal lives and gained peace of mind. Such a tree is also perfect for a family; if there is discord in it, it will bring peace and tranquility to all members of the house and will help all household members become friends.

Growing a myrtle tree at home

There are two ways to grow a myrtle tree at home - cuttings or seeds. Both of these methods are quite effective, but in the first case the myrtle will bloom in the second year, and in the second in the third. In order to grow a tree from seeds, they must be collected from soft fruits when they are full and turn purple. The berry sits directly in the ground and is watered. After 1-2 weeks, green shoots form from the seeds. Growing is a long process; you can buy ready-made cuttings.

As for propagation using cuttings, growing a myrtle tree at home will not be particularly difficult. To do this, take a woody cutting, soak it in any root-forming solution and plant it in citrus soil. After this, the future plant is covered with transparent glass or cling film to create a greenhouse effect.

In order to grow a healthy myrtle tree, you need to feed it. To do this, complex fertilizers are used once or twice a month, as well as every week in spring and summer (during the active growing season).

In addition, to form a beautiful and neat shape, the tree must be shaped. This is done periodically - new shoots are removed. This is the only way to get a tree, otherwise it will be a shrub that is found in its natural habitat.

Crown formation is also beneficial for plant growth. With its help you can grow a beautiful, neat tree with lush flowering. Flowers and leaves will form on new shoots, thereby creating a rather impressive crown.

The enemies of the myrtle tree, even at home, are aphids, spider mite and scale insects. Special insecticides are used against them; a soap solution can be one of them. Chemicals use is strictly prohibited.

Caring for myrtle at home and replanting it

At home, myrtle should be cared for and cherished beautiful tree even in winter. This plant definitely deserves a very responsible owner who is able to create everything for it the necessary conditions. So that our readers can become such, let's learn the basic rules for caring for myrtle trees at home, and also look at the photos beautiful plants, which you can easily grow for yourself.

First of all, it’s worth talking about temperature conditions and humidity. Since the myrtle tree comes from tropical zones, it simply needs its own microclimate. That is why it is recommended to spray it with soft water from a spray bottle, especially if there are hot radiators and stale air in the apartment. The temperature in this microclimate should be between 18 and 23 degrees during the period of active growth. Only if such a balance is maintained, a tree can please with beautiful lush flowering.

Myrtle - pretty light-loving plant, but you shouldn’t spoil it with direct sunlight, especially if the thermometer outside shows more than 30 degrees. If the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees, then the myrtle tree can be taken out into the fresh air - this will contribute to stronger growth of shoots and abundant flowering. It is especially good if you take myrtle out to the terrace, garden or put it on the balcony after rain, so it can be pleased with sufficient humidity in the air.

In the spring, it is necessary to prune new shoots of the plant and replant it, but not more than once every two years. Replanting it gives rise to new roots and shoots.

Winter time is peace for the myrtle tree. The best climate for him during this period will be a bright room with a temperature of no more than 8 degrees. If leaves suddenly begin to fall off, this indicates that the temperature is high. If there is no way to reduce it, you don’t have to worry, new leaves will grow in the spring.

Walking past a flower garden, you can’t help but notice some bright bush. And usually an idea arises, maybe you should plant a flower garden at your own place? If it all started with good emotions, then the day flies by much more less losses. Growing plants is a much-loved hobby that brings positive feelings not only to your own family but also to everyone around you. Flowers are a good decoration for every interior.

Adam's tree or Myrtle (Myrtus)

MYRTUS (Myrtus)

It is an evergreen ornamental shrub from the Myrtaceae family, with young leathery and shiny leaves and fragrant white or pink flowers. They have a surprisingly pleasant aroma. Homeland - Mediterranean. In the wild, myrtle is distributed in the subtropics, where there are about 70 species. Myrtle fruits of many species are edible.

Cultivated as ornamental plant about 400 years. IN natural conditions Myrtle grows up to 3-5 meters in height, and in cultivation it rarely reaches 1 meter. Garden forms vary in leaves and fruit color, but they can only grow in regions with mild climates. There are other related species, but one species is most often grown in cultivation: the common myrtle (Myrtus communis).

The name of the genus comes from the ancient Greek word tugop - “balm”, “myrrh”. The history of this plant begins from the time Ancient Greece and Rome. In ancient times, myrtle served as a symbol of youth and beauty, and myrtle groves were planted near the temples of the goddess of beauty, Venus.

In Europe, myrtle is recognized as a symbol of happiness and prosperity; brides’ outfits are decorated with its branches and flowers. They say that this is the only tree from the Garden of Eden that has taken root on earth. Adam brought it and planted it to preserve the good memory of Eden and the hope of returning (Adam's tree). In China, myrtle is called the princess tree.

If myrtle grows in your home, you can make infusions and tinctures from it. It is better to buy essential myrtle oil at a pharmacy. Myrtle leaves may cause nausea and headaches in sensitive people.

Mention of myrtle in myths and legends

According to legend, Venus was crowned with a wreath of myrtle during a famous dispute, thanks to which Paris gave her his apple. Since then, myrtle has become Venus's favorite flower. Many myrtle bushes were planted around her temples, and during the annual festivals in honor of the goddess, all participants in the action, as well as all the young boys and girls present, were crowned with myrtle wreaths. Myrtle played a significant role in public life

But this amazing plant was used not only as decoration in various rituals. The myrtle tree has long been valued as a medicinal tree. Since ancient times, myrtle has been a symbol of health, youth and beauty (wreath of health). Even then, the beneficial effects of essential oils were noticed. Also in Ancient Rome women washed their faces with water infused with myrtle flowers, believing that it gave beauty and freshness to the skin. Noble ladies of Greece and Italy simply could not do without myrtle water, which was called “eau d’ange” - angel water.

According to ancient belief, to maintain strength and youth by passing by fragrant shrub, you need to pick at least a leaf. It was believed that a branch of myrtle, taken with you on the road, gives the traveler vigor and strengthens his strength. The leaves contain a large amount of essential oils, myrtle flowers are especially fragrant. Unopened buds are taken to improve metabolism, and the wine infusion of the fruit is considered an elixir of health and vigor. Perfumers produce from the crown and young shoots essential oil and myrtle water.

Myrtle: growing and care at home

In Russian conditions, common myrtle is grown in winter gardens, offices, greenhouses, apartments. It lends itself well to crown formation. It is necessary to trim it regularly, but little by little, or pinch it, otherwise the myrtle will not bloom. Pruning stimulates the appearance of side shoots, so that the bush should become more luxuriant every year. In the spring, before growth begins, last year's growth is shortened, leaving 3-4 buds. This allows you to have compact and well-leafed trees.

The difficulty of growing myrtle at home is that this plant needs cold wintering. It tolerates air temperatures down to 7 °C in winter, but reacts very poorly to dry air. Prefers bright, well-ventilated rooms with high air humidity, but it needs to be shaded from direct sun rays. In summer, it is advisable to take the myrtle tree out into the fresh air - onto the balcony or into the garden.

Water abundantly in summer and moderately in winter. The soil in the pot should always be moist. It is necessary to spray and water the indoor myrtle with settled water and make sure that the water does not stagnate in the pan. In winter, it is necessary to reduce watering and keep the plant away from the battery. From March to August, fertilizing should be done weekly. For prevention, you should spray myrtle against pests with a special solution, which is sold in the store.

Replant in the spring: young plants - annually, adults after 2-3 years. The soil is taken with the following composition: turf (field), leaf (forest), manure humus, peat and river sand in a ratio of 3:1:1:1:1. The bottom of the dish must be provided with good drainage to drain water from broken bricks, coarse sand or other...

In case of improper care, insufficient or excessive watering, high temperature In winter, in the absence of light, home myrtle loses its leaves. But do not rush to throw away the plant; if the cause of wilting is eliminated, new buds will soon appear. True, you will have to form the crown first.

Propagation of myrtle by cuttings

The myrtle tree propagates by seeds and cuttings. When propagating by cuttings, take semi-lignified cuttings 5-8 cm long, remove the lower leaves, place 2-3 cm in a mixture of peat and coarse sand, cover with a jar or plastic bag. Place in a bright but not sunny place. It is useful to treat the cut with growth stimulants. They take root from 2 weeks to a month. Occasionally the soil is ventilated to avoid rotting of the cuttings and souring of the soil. After transplantation, they are stored for some time. high humidity air by placing the pot in plastic bag. After growth begins, they begin to pinch off the tops, otherwise the myrtle will not branch on its own.

Propagation of myrtle by seeds

For sowing, we make a mixture of peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1 (or peat with vermiculite (1:1)). The substrate is moistened (the substrate can be shed with a fungicide). The seeds are distributed over the surface of the substrate and sprinkled with a thin layer of earth mixture on top. Cover the container with seeds with glass or a transparent bag. The temperature is maintained at least +18-20°C. Ventilate periodically by removing the cover. The substrate must be kept moist; try not to over-moisten or over-dry.

Typically, seedlings germinate in 7-14 days. When the seedlings grow two true leaves, they are planted in pots of the appropriate size. The substrate is made up of turf, humus, peat soil and sand in equal proportions. After transshipment, seedlings may freeze in growth for some time, but after a while they usually begin to grow again. When a clod of earth is entwined with roots, transshipment is done. Further care as for adult plants. Myrtle grown from seeds blooms in the 5th year of life.


Common myrtle (lat. Myrtus communis)

Myrtus communis) is an evergreen shrub from the Myrtle family, common in Mediterranean countries and widely cultivated as an ornamental plant in other warm climates, as well as in rooms and greenhouses.

They have a surprisingly pleasant smell.

Many legends, myths and beliefs are associated with myrtle. Even the queen of flowers, the rose, can envy the amazingly rich history of this plant.

Mirt played very important role in celebrations and in honor of Ceres, Proserpina and Bacchus. And in the festivities that took place on the island of Crete and Corinth in honor of the moon goddess - Gelotia - the participants solemnly carried one huge myrtle wreath - about 7 fathoms in diameter.

Myrtle also played a significant role in the social life of the ancient Greeks. Thus, the highest ranks of Athens wore myrtle wreaths as a sign of power, and petitioners appeared with myrtle wreaths in their hands, wanting to arouse sympathy. Myrtle was used to decorate the winners at the Isthmian Games and statues of fallen heroes were decorated with myrtle wreaths to show that they were remembered and loved. Myrtle was used to decorate houses during weddings and other celebrations; singers wrapped their lyres around their lyres.

But especially original was the custom of putting a myrtle wreath on someone who wanted to recite the poems of Aeschylus or Simonides. So the ancient Greeks wanted to express special respect for these poets.

From the ancient Greeks the cult of myrtle passed to the Romans. Erato, the muse of erotic poetry, wore a myrtle wreath. And the same wreath was crowned with the head of the god of marriage, Hymen, who was always depicted as a charming young man with a lit torch in his hand.

Myrtle is also mentioned in the Bible. After Flood Noah allegedly sent a dove with a myrtle branch from Mount Ararat, where his ark survived the storm, so that all living things would be reborn on earth. Therefore, myrtle served as a symbol of hope. The branches of this plant were used to decorate temples during festivals, as bouquets and wreaths presented on special occasions. The ancient Jews, as well as the Greeks, had a custom of decorating the bride and groom with myrtle.

According to ancient Arab beliefs, myrtle decorated the gardens of Eden, and when the first people were expelled from paradise, Adam took a sprig of myrtle with him so that it would remind people of the gardens of bliss.


Myrtle is a plant of the myrtle family with the same genus Myrtle Myrtus. The genus includes about 10 species of myrtle; breeders have also developed several varieties of this plant. Myrtle is an evergreen woody shrub with erect stems that branch well. Leathery, dense leaf blades sit on short petioles, have a dark green color, are located opposite on the branches, oblong in shape and pointed towards the edge. Myrtle leaves are equipped with numerous small glands that can be detected in the light - these light points are rich in aromatic substances, essential oils, so when rubbed, the myrtle leaf blade smells with a pronounced pleasant aroma.

Myrtle blooms with small single flowers, which, depending on the species or variety, can be pink, yellow, and most often white or cream in color. All myrtle flowers are cup-shaped and have numerous staminate filaments, which acquire a golden color as the pollen matures. At the end of summer flowering, dark blue berries appear on the crop - fragrant edible fruits myrtle bush.

General information:

The genus Myrtus belongs to the Myrtle family. which has 20-40 plant species. In nature, this plant grows on almost all continents - in West Africa, in the state of Florida in the USA, in North America and off the Mediterranean coast in Europe.

Representatives of the genus are low evergreen shrubs or trees. The leaves on the branches grow opposite, leathery to the touch, whole. Flowers grow from leaf axils, are collected in short racemes, grow either singly or in clusters.

This is a fairly popular plant in indoor floriculture, which is used in medicine and perfumery - the essential oil is obtained from the leaves and shoots of the plant. If you follow all the care recommendations, the plant will grow well and for a long time in indoor conditions. The plant has phytoncidal properties.

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