Comfortable country toilet: how to build it with your own hands (22 photos). Country toilet - types and arrangement options Toilet systems for the country house

A separate toilet is almost an obligatory part of a summer house. This is no longer a simple “birdhouse” with a hole in the floor and some kind of toilet seat; now quite modern and hygienic toilets are produced for country toilets. How to choose a country toilet for an outdoor toilet so that the “convenience” is convenient?

Why do you need an outdoor toilet at your dacha?

An outdoor toilet in a country house can be either the main or a spare one. It can only be used in the summer, so as not to enter the house, but it can unload the home bathroom, especially if guests have arrived at the dacha or if the family is large. Two toilets are more convenient for big family and for the reason that the second one can be used when the main one is busy.

In outdoor country toilets they no longer make a hole in the wooden floor or a slight elevation. This option is inconvenient and unhygienic. For a country toilet, you can choose a comfortable toilet that is convenient for people of any age to use.

Types of country toilets

The main types of toilets in the country for an outdoor toilet are porcelain and plastic. Some install ordinary toilets designed for apartments, but there are also more practical varieties designed for the characteristics of a toilet in a country house, where there is often no proper flush. The “apartment” option has significant disadvantages:

  • if it is placed on wooden base, it may not withstand the weight of the structure, and reinforced concrete is quite expensive,
  • such a toilet may cost more than the toilet itself.


Special porcelain models for dachas are smaller in size than apartment options and do not have cistern. They also do not have a bottom; they are designed to be installed above a septic tank. The hole in the bottom of the toilet should be wide so that sewage can easily fall into the hole and it is easy to clean.

An example is the “Dachny” model toilet shown in the photo. It has a seat, a lid, and it is possible to supply water for flushing.

Attention! Even the country version of the toilet is quite heavy, so it can only be installed on a concrete base.


You can also buy a plastic toilet for a country toilet. They are lightweight, durable, and easy to wash and remove to clean the pit (septic tank). They look neat, and there is a large selection of colors and shapes on sale.

Such models can be either with or without a bottom. To install above a septic tank, you need a model without a bottom, or you can cut it out.

However, a problem arises with installing such a toilet for a country toilet on plastic septic tank in the form of a barrel. The difficulty is that the toilet is usually oval-shaped, and the opening of the barrel is round.

For installation you will need additional materials:

  • mastic - automotive or silicone,
  • galvanized metal sheet,
  • boards.

For installation a metal sheet rolled into a cone, one base of which corresponds to the size of the hole in the barrel, and the other to the size of the toilet bowl. The cone is placed into the hole of the barrel with one end, and the other end is fixed to the base of the floor. The joint between the cone and the plastic barrel is covered with mastic. Next, lay the wooden floor. They put a toilet on it and outline it with chalk. This hole needs to be cut out, for example, with a jigsaw.

Advice! For a more aesthetic appearance, a toilet seat for a country toilet is attached to subfloor, and after installing the toilet they do a finishing job.

With your own hands

You can make the simplest wooden version of a toilet with a plastic seat yourself. To do this, you will need a toilet seat from a regular toilet and a board. If the toilet does not yet have a floor, then half is covered with boards, then a horizontal beam is installed at a height of 40 cm from the floor and boards are nailed from it to the floor and horizontally to create a kind of “counter”. A hole is cut out to fit the size of the toilet seat and the seat is secured. This option is more hygienic than the traditional hole in the floor, and the plastic seats are easy to clean and disinfect.

You can use an unnecessary but durable chair for the toilet. This is more of a temporary option, but if you use a chair unusual shape, the bathroom will turn out to be quite creative. The seat is removed, thick plywood is placed in its place and a hole is cut out. You can screw a plastic toilet seat on top. The legs of the chair are covered with plastic or plywood. The chair legs are attached to the floor using metal corners.

Another cheap option- usage metal pipe. It should be galvanized and have a diameter of 30-35 cm. The height of the pipe is about 40 cm. The upper part is cut with metal scissors in the form of petals. Next, a seat is cut out of thick (from 8 mm) plywood and secured to the pipe. The resulting structure is installed above the pit. You can roll the pipe for such a toilet yourself, then it is better to make it oval.

Dry toilets

Another option for a dacha bathroom is a dry closet. It can be placed both outdoors and in the house.

Peat dry toilet

The cleanest option is peat dry closet. It is a toilet in the form of a container, and not above cesspool, which is convenient when there is no sewerage or septic tank.

After each visit, the contents of the container are sprinkled with peat using special mechanism, located where a regular toilet has a cistern. Therefore, this option is also called powder-closet. Peat absorbs moisture and odor and accelerates the decomposition of waste.

A peat dry closet can be small, slightly larger than a standard toilet, or large, with a large container that can have wheels for easy transportation.

It is easy to install such a toilet; you just need to assemble it from separate blocks. It is convenient, there is no smell, but it is not very cheap, and in addition, you will have to buy peat from time to time. You can make such a toilet yourself; for this you can use containers with a volume of 10 liters or more with replaceable liners made of plastic bags.

Important! For a peat dry closet it is necessary to install a ventilation pipe.

Portable dry toilet

This option involves recycling waste using chemical reagents. It also requires water.

At the top there is a seat and a container for clean water. At the bottom there is a waste tank where they are processed. The processed sewage in the form of a liquid devoid of an unpleasant odor is then drained through a special connecting pipe.

The problem with this variety is that the reagents can be harmful environment, the ammonium compounds they contain are harmful. Therefore, chemical dry toilets are replaced with biological ones - in them, waste is processed by bacteria into fertilizer, which can be safely used in the garden.

When choosing a dry closet for your dacha, pay attention to the flushing method. It can be piston or pump-action.

The piston version requires some physical effort, but it is simpler in design, allows you to obtain a dosed portion of water, and can be repaired yourself.

The pump version is more complicated, it requires less effort to use, but water is not dosed, and repairs are carried out only by a specialist.

An electric dry closet runs on batteries; they will have to be changed regularly. This is the most convenient option; to flush, just press a button.

Electric dry closet

A more expensive and complex type of electric dry closet is connected to a 220 V network. Electricity is necessary to operate the compressor, which dries up solid waste. Liquid waste are disposed of in the sewer. Ventilation also runs on electricity.

This type of dry closet does not require any liquids or reagents. Dried solid waste can be composted.

How to choose a toilet

  • There should be fasteners at the bottom of the toilet that allow it to be firmly fixed to the floor.
  • Installation should be simple.
  • The hole in the bottom should be wide to make it easy to clean the country toilet with toilet.
  • To install above a pit, choose a model without a bottom.
  • The price should not be too high or too low. The best option- average price category or slightly lower. Ceramic models of domestic production cost about 2000 rubles, plastic ones are cheaper.


At your dacha, you can install either a regular toilet over a cesspool or septic tank, or a dry closet, in which all waste is processed in a container. Toilets can be plastic or porcelain, or you can make your own wooden or metal one. It is important that it can be easily installed and removed, and most importantly, washed.

Many people like to spend their time in their summer cottages both in summer and winter. Fresh air, the chirping of birds - how missing this is in a noisy and polluted city. However, without the usual city toilet in the summer it’s still back and forth, but in the winter! To make life easier for dacha lovers, there are many offers from representatives of retail chains; let’s take a closer look at their types and features, as well as the main criteria for choosing a toilet for a dacha.

What is a garden toilet?

A toilet for a dacha, in principle, may not differ from its usual counterpart if the house has a sewerage system and heating, otherwise the toilet may burst due to a temperature difference up to the street level.

And yet it is most often used in the country portable toilet; it can be installed on permanent place or use only in summer. This can be a peat or chemical device.

By the way, there is special toilets for lovers village toilet on the street, located directly above the cesspool. It is screwed to the flooring above the hole in the cesspool.

Design and principle of operation of a country toilet

Peat toilet in the absence of sewerage - best way out out of position. The principle of its operation is based on the properties of peat; such a toilet is easy to operate and install. From human waste, due to the effect of peat on them, fertilizer is formed, which, after a year of composting, can be used to feed your plot to increase the yield.

Toilet device consists of two parts- top and bottom. In the lower part there is a container for receiving waste products, in which they mixed with peat for further biological processing. Waste is not always located in the tank. They can be in a separate container; it all depends on the modification of the toilet. Toilets designed to handle large volumes of waste may complete with wheels for more convenient disposal of waste.

Choosing a country toilet

The following requirements apply to a toilet in a country house:

Review of country toilet models

Toilets for summer cottages made in Sweden Mulltoa Biolet 25, made of impact-resistant glossy propylene, weighing 30 kg and seating height 50 cm. They are ideal for rooms without water. The device has a built-in air supply and waste mixing system that occurs when the lid is opened. Product warranty 2 years, power consumption 50 W/hour. The device is designed for seasonal uninterrupted use by a family of 4 people, or for 2-3 people during year-round operation. The price of such a miracle is 64,980 rubles.

Toilet Mulltoa Biolet 65 equipped with a waste cutting system, cost - 99,980 rubles.

Portable Dutch toilets Thetford comfortable and beautiful, they work thanks to the action of a special liquid that decomposes waste and eliminates odors. The Thetford self-contained toilet does not require a sewerage system. Lightweight and compact, it can be installed both in the house and in a special structure. The cost of models starts from 2680 rubles. and increases with the increase in the volume of the lower tank and the addition of additional functions.

Portable self-contained toilet Thetford Porta Potti Qube 345 with a 3-year warranty worth 4,320 rubles. weighs only 4 kg, water is drained by pressing a button located on the top tank. The lower container for waste has a volume of 12 liters, and the upper tank for drainage has a volume of 15 liters. This model is intended for one person or for infrequent use.

Autonomous toilet T Hetford Porta Potti Excellence supplied piston pump, compartment for toilet paper. Its shape resembles a regular toilet; water is drained mechanically, the seat is very comfortable and wide; Children do not need to purchase an additional seat. The device has a built-in control panel for the pump, filling compartment, and drain indicator. Both indicators provide information to the control system, which is then sent to the panel when the lower tank needs to be cleared of waste or fill the top.

  • compartment with toilet paper;
  • lower waste container;
  • piston pump.

The price of the toilet is 6,140 rubles, the warranty is 3 years, the volume of the lower tank is 21 l, the upper one is 15 l, weight is 6 kg.

There are models of toilets with a drainage system that create excellent conditions for the formation of compost, such as toilets Piteco. Model PitEco 400, costing 14,550 rubles. - modern and ergonomic device. The products are made of acrylic, equipped with ventilation pipes, a coupling and a flexible corrugated pipe with connecting clamps, a scoop and a peat mixture, drainage hose, drainage system and so on.

The devices have highly efficient peat dispersion system, using such a device is as easy as using a city toilet. The built-in ventilation system prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors; drainage system, thanks to the built-in photocell, does not allow excess liquid to accumulate, removing it in time, thereby increasing the frequency of emptying the storage tank.

Country toilet installation technology

You can, of course, buy it already ready-made option peat toilet, which is installed according to the instructions for the device. But you can save money and build a toilet yourself. This is not difficult to do.

Previously, there was complete certainty with dachas. If the owner was not a responsible leader or a member of a creative union with regalia and titles, then we were talking about a plot of 4 or 6 acres in a dacha cooperative and a small garden house"no amenities" And the country toilet in most cases was a free-standing “birdhouse” above the cesspool. And although such dachas now exist and flourish (in the spring and summer in the literal sense of the word), the summer resident is no longer the same - he prefers comfort and does not want to give up his habits even outside the city.

When the aesthetic component is higher than the functional one Source

Features of arranging a toilet in the country

Such an important aspect as the arrangement of a country toilet has a mandatory regulatory framework. Including an article in the code of administrative violations, according to which the discharge of fresh sewage into compost or a well without a bottom is regarded as a fact of “damage to the earth” (the same as the use of a leaky cesspool).

According to the standards, there are three ways to collect, neutralize and remove sewage at the dacha:

  • local (local) treatment facilities;
  • using cesspool devices;
  • non-sewered methods followed by composting.

We have already decided that the construction of a toilet in a country house in a “classical” outhouse form in a modern country house not practiced. As a result, all attention should be paid to creating a more civilized and modern organization"latrine".

A modern country toilet can be located both inside the house and outside Source

Popular solutions

The disadvantage of a separate cabin, which is called “yard amenities”, is the seasonality of use. That is, in warm time can be used, but with the onset of cold weather - not. And what to do in cases when late autumn and in winter the dacha is used as a place for a country weekend getaway - fishing, barbecue, etc.? Especially if a family is leaving - women and children. Therefore, such dachas require a warm toilet that would be heated along with the house. And there are several such options:

  • autonomous “winter” sewerage plus water supply;
  • backlash-closet;
  • composting toilet.

Autonomous sewerage

This type of “country toilet” has the same design schemes as country house permanent residence. And to reduce the load on sewage treatment plants It is recommended to separate wastewater into “gray” and “black”.

“Grey” drains are those that enter the sewer system from the kitchen or bathroom, and “black” drains are those from toilets.

System without waste separation simplifies organization country sewerage, but increases maintenance costs Source

There must be provision for draining water from the system when the dacha is uninhabited in cold weather. And the most “problematic” part of this procedure is the water seals, from which the water will not drain by gravity. There is an option to maintain the air temperature by the heating system at +7 °C - many modern gas and electric boilers have a “freeze protection” function. But the disadvantages of such a system are obvious:

  • large initial investments during the construction phase;
  • significant costs for maintaining the system in working order;
  • dependence on the stability of the power supply (in the absence of owners, if the network fails in winter, the system may freeze and the pipes may burst).

This option makes sense if the family budget allows such costs or the dacha is located close to the city and is used often (as a country house).

Backlash closet

In the classic version, not far from the wall of the house, behind which the bathroom is located (almost underneath it), there is a cesspool.

Diagram of a classic backlash closet when exhaust pipe next to the chimney in one channel. This increases draft and improves air quality in the toilet room Source

It is impossible to equip a backlash closet as a combined bathroom in a city apartment. A toilet with a flush and a water seal is rarely used in this case - there is water in the outlet “elbow” plus excess liquid, which leads to unscheduled pumping. And the discharge from the washbasin and shower is considered gray waste, and it can be discharged into a filter trench or well with sand and gravel backfill. If we take into account that the backlash closet has an inherent smell, then the “conveniences” have to be divided for this reason.

Inside the dacha, it is better to separate such a toilet with a vestibule or a corridor, and inside it is necessary to provide ventilation - a separate pipe ( ventilation duct) for a pit and forced for a room, or install a window with a window for ventilation. By the way, the window will also be a source natural light, and to ensure privacy, the glass can be frosted or blinds installed.

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer construction installation services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Video description

To see what a backlash closet is, watch the video:

There are certain recommendations for pit placement. It is better to place it on the north side of the house or in the shade of trees. And away from front door, palisade, lawns for children, benches, gazebos and summer kitchen. Of course, the hatch of a classic cesspool must be sealed, but the process of pumping out the contents itself is not always accurate.

Attention. The construction of a cesspool must be agreed upon at the stage of the design of a toilet for a summer residence with local security authorities groundwater and the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Water closet

This is a simplified version autonomous sewerage", but without cleaning Wastewater(the most expensive part of the system).

In the modern version, the cesspool is replaced by a large plastic container (up to 20 m3) with three holes (for fan pipe, ventilation and pumping) – storage septic tank. Of course, you have to dig a hole here too, but you don’t have to build it from prefabricated reinforced concrete rings or bricks, pour concrete into the formwork for monolithic design. And then also install a concrete floor on the ground, plus it is necessary to carry out reliable and complex waterproofing of the entire structure so that “black” drains do not get into the ground, and vice versa - seasonal high water does not fill the hole.

A modern storage septic tank is better than a cesspool Source

The septic tank cannot simply be buried in the ground - it must have a solid foundation so that it is in a stable position.

To reduce the one-time portion of water, you can use toilets with a tank capacity of 4 liters and an economy mode of 2 liters. And in this case, a 2 m³ tank can withstand from 500 to 1000 flushes, which is quite enough for a month of permanent residence for a family of three (subject to separation of wastewater).

The only problem that remains is the winter freezing of water in the water seal. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  1. fill in “anti-freeze”, which is used in cars for washing windows;
  2. pump out water with a syringe for technical fluids or for changing oils (standard volume up to 0.5 l);

With this syringe you can pump out water from the water seal in several steps. Source

For septic tanks with biological sewage treatment, the use of “aggressive” liquids is undesirable. Although the volume is small, the microorganisms that neutralize sewage will partially die.

Regardless of the method of arranging a cesspool, the inconvenience of maintenance is the same - you need to periodically call a sewer truck. And also provide for its entry into the site and platform at such a distance from the tank hatch that the suction hose reaches almost to the bottom of the pit.

Dry toilet

There are several important different systems, which can be combined under this name, but not all of them are suitable for a summer residence.

  • First "dry" dry toilet has been known for a long time - this is a powder-closet.

The simplest powder closet Source

But if earlier craftsmen were looking for schemes for self-made, then now it is much easier to choose a ready-made factory kit, and then buy it Consumables. The difference from the classic one is compactness, a more “active” powder (which speeds up the process of composting waste), a sealed lid, a separate pipe for removing gases released during the processing of feces, and the almost complete absence of a “constant” odor.

This type of toilet is quite popular in dachas, since it does not require connection to water supply and electricity, and as a result, you can end up with pure organic fertilizer.

The device is simple - a toilet seat, under it there is a reservoir for feces, which, as you use the toilet, is sprinkled with peat from a separate or upper container (like a tank, but with a rotary handle).

Factory peat dry closet already with an exhaust pipe Source

IN modern models Not just peat chips are used, but a mixture “enriched” with microorganisms. When the lower tank is full, it is emptied in compost pit, where fertilizer for the beds is formed in a couple of years.

There are two disadvantages – manual cleaning and “performance”. With a large number of visits, peat may not always have time to absorb all the liquid - and although it is already quite clean after processing, it must be drained from the lower tank. Therefore, it is better to build a toilet of this design separately from the country house.

There are also two advantages - free fertilizer and no cesspool.

Video description

For a clear overview of the choice of dry toilets for your dacha, watch the video:

  • Electric dry toilets. In this species, as a result of work, the “waste products” are divided into two phases – liquid and solid. The liquid enters the evaporator, and the solid component is burned or dried to a “mummified” state and collected in a special container, which is emptied into a compost pit - and this needs to be done much less frequently than for a peat dry closet.

For normal operation, two conditions are necessary - the presence of electricity and the installation of a ventilation pipe from the “combustion chamber”. There is only one drawback - high cost. But if you compare prices with designer models ordinary toilets, they are not so significantly different.

The electric dry closet is the easiest to maintain and does not require consumables Source

  • For chemical dry toilets There are two types of reagents - formaldehyde and ammonium. The first essentially stops the biological decomposition of feces and “kills” the odor, but it is toxic. The second regent is used in septic tanks, and it processes wastewater without the presence of air, although when frequent use the process simply does not have time to reach the formation of compost mass.

Chemical toilets are only good when there is a nearby company that services them. Disposal of the contents of the tank must be carried out by their employees.

Chemical toilets have portable models - they can be transported in the trunk of a car Source

They also produce dry toilets that use drugs using special bacteria to process sewage. But received as a result genetic engineering and “grown” artificially, microorganisms do not create compost that would be suitable for fertilizer. And they, along with their contents, must be handed over for recycling.

The procedure for installing a country toilet-cubicle

The easiest way to build a toilet in the country seasonal residence– buy a ready-made booth made of wood, corrugated sheets or plastic.

Even inside a yard toilet you can provide a modern level of comfort Source

Then there are two options for further action: make a cesspool or install one of the dry closet models.

A cesspool can be of two types: concrete (or brick) and based on a large container similar to a septic tank, but with its own “working” holes.

The classic cesspool over which the cabin stands is an anachronism, because the smell in the cabin will always be there. In this case, it is better to use a water closet design - with a sealed container and a toilet with a water seal. And at a dacha for seasonal residence, the tank can be connected to the summer water supply.

Ready-made toilet cubicle models can be found to suit every taste Source

Conclusion - which is better to choose?

Despite the abundance of country toilet projects on the Internet with drawings of cabins for every taste, it is better to buy a ready-made one - the difference in money is small, especially considering the wholesale and retail prices for building materials. And if there is no model that matches your desires or landscape design, that is, there is also a custom manufacturing service.

The content of the article:

Fans of holidays in the countryside can confirm that a separate toilet is an integral part of the site. If you need to visit the dacha during the cold season, you can install a toilet in the house itself. In this case, it is possible to use a septic tank. But, nevertheless, a separate building is more popular and aesthetically pleasing. IN Lately To equip such structures, they began to use a garden toilet without an elbow or similar equipped structures.

Toilet for a summer residence - device and principle of operation

The main component of the toilet is country toilet. It is this element that creates more comfortable conditions for visiting the restroom for guests and cottage owners.

In principle, a toilet intended for a summer residence can be analogous to a regular one, but provided that the room is constantly heated and the house has a sewage system.

The most common type is a portable toilet for a summer cottage, which can be installed in a certain place on a permanent basis or only for the summer cottage period. The basis of this type of toilet is a chemical or peat processing element.

You can also find an option like country toilet for an outdoor toilet above a cesspool. A plastic or earthenware base is fixed directly to the flooring above the pit.

In the absence of sewerage, the following option becomes indispensable: toilet-combi-toilet. The basis for the operation of such a device is waste-processing peat. When it acts on the resulting masses, a fertilizer is formed, which in the future will be able to provide the garden plot with compost.

The toilet structure does not contain any complex structures. It consists of two parts.

  1. The upper part is a toilet seat.
  2. The lower part, shaped like a tank, serves as a waste receptacle. They are also processed under the influence of peat.

To receive and process large quantities of waste products, such toilets can be equipped with wheels, which help move the structure for quick and convenient disposal of waste.

What is required from a toilet in an outdoor toilet?

Of course, the specifics of using a toilet in a country house are slightly different from using a regular one at home. Each type of country toilet has its own requirements.

Outdoor country toilet:

a) Should not have a drain tank and, accordingly, a shelf under it.
b) Such a toilet won’t need a water seal either. This is a kind of disadvantage, because all sewer odors will emanate into the toilet room.
c) Works great without release.

Peat dry toilet:

a) Installation is carried out on a flat surface;
b) It is mandatory to install a ventilation pipe taking into account all the features;
c) It is desirable to have a hose to drain excess liquid into the ground or into a specific vessel.
d) Requires the use of water for draining.

Electric dry closet:

a) Connection to a standard power supply (220 W);
b) Installation of a ventilation system;
c) The presence of drainage or a container for removing liquid masses.

Portable dry toilet:

a) To operate the toilet, chemical liquids are used, which are not always harmless;
b) Involves the use of water;

Requirements for country toilets

A toilet for a country toilet must meet the requirements, of which there are not so many.

  1. Work without flushing. Often it is simply not possible to connect water pipes to an outdoor toilet, install taps or a tank. Moreover, the presence of a flush speeds up the process of filling the drainage hole.
  2. Cheap and simple design. And this is understandable. There is no security at the dachas, but an expensive curiosity can easily attract the attention of uninvited guests.
  3. Easy to install and dismantle. Installation work should be carried out without the use of power tools and additional knowledge in plumbing, because electricity is not available in every village. Dismantling to clean the pit should not be difficult either.
  4. The presence of a wide rim, which will save on the purchase of a separate seat.

Types of toilets for country (outdoor) toilets

Ready-made types of country toilets are available in two versions:

  • plastic toilet for a summer residence;
  • porcelain.

Dachny ceramic toilet performed in lightweight version. Outwardly, it is not very different from its classic “brother”. Many are inclined to buy this particular option after studying its consumer characteristics:

  1. Durability.
  2. Does not absorb odors.
  3. Appearance.
  4. Easy to use and maintain.

But there are reasons that make you think about the systematic nature of such a purchase:

For wood flooring this type is not suitable.

Has become a worthy replacement for porcelain plastic toilet for a country toilet, which is functionally no different from the heavier “friend”. It has become a leader among buyers due to the following advantages:

  1. The product is light in weight, which is ideal for installation in wooden toilets.
  2. High strength, which allows you to easily withstand heavy loads.
  3. Ease of use.
  4. Big choice various forms and a wide range of color models.
  5. Hygiene.
  6. Easy to install

But there is one BUT: when low temperatures(from -10C°) the material becomes brittle and may crack.

If country cottage area is not equipped with a cesspool, then excellent choice In this case, there will be a plastic country toilet with a bottom. A device of this design makes it possible to release the contents into a compost pit.

Review of popular models of country toilets. Prices

Toilet Dacha Oskol will become an indispensable find for those who are accustomed to comfort. Installation of this model is carried out directly on the surface above drain hole and functionally effective without supply sewerage structures. It is possible to supply water using flexible hose. For this purpose, there is a small hole located on the back wall of the toilet. The toilet itself is made of sanforfor, which has high density, hygiene and the ability not to absorb odors. The wide opening of the toilet allows the surface to remain clean. The price for such a country toilet is about 2,275 rubles.

An excellent solution for placement both in a separate outdoor booth and in country house will become . Its basis is frost-resistant plastic. The package includes a two-meter pipe for direct-flow ventilation. There is a possibility of extending it. To ensure the operation of the device, a peat mixture is used, which is released using a special handle. The lower part of the toilet is storage tank large volume (44 l), which is designed for a family of three with a service life of 2 months. Removable to remove waste top part dry closet. The price of this model varies between 5,300 rubles.

Feature is waste disposal. Installation of this model does not require a sewer or cesspool. It does not depend on the availability of water on the site. The main requirement is the availability of electricity, due to which the compressor and ventilation operate. Lovers of simplicity and conciseness will not remain indifferent to it. After all, under the influence of voltage, all waste turns into absolutely safe ash, which is placed in a special container. This quality also has a corresponding price of 220,000 rubles.

Dry composting toilet Danfo Pacto Swiss-made will not go unnoticed by lovers of cleanliness. It does not require the use of special reagents, water or electricity. All waste ends up in biodegradable film, where it is packaged. To recycle, you just need to press the pedal and the film with its contents falls into the area of ​​the steel podium, where a special bag is located. The waste is subsequently incinerated without releasing any hazardous substances. For such a dry toilet you will have to pay 45,000 rubles.

We are probably in the sanitary room most often during the whole day. Therefore, it should have the same convenience requirements as the rest of the rooms in the apartment. The main equipment that is located in this room is the toilet. Concepts such as convenience, comfort and economy also apply to it. If you want to get exactly this option, then you should purchase a vacuum toilet for your home.

What is this device

The name itself may confuse some, but in fact, a vacuum toilet is practically no different from the designs we are familiar with. Its most important difference lies in the amount of water it spends on flushing and the mechanism of this flushing. The fact is that such devices use not only water to flush, but also air masses, so the amount of liquid required is reduced significantly.

Typically vacuum models have a wall or floor installation. They appeared quite recently, but have already gained popularity. Typically, such toilets can be seen in the following places:

In all other respects, such a device is no different from others and has all the same components as all other toilet models.

Mechanism of operation

Based on the fact that such equipment has a very simple operating mechanism, it is installed even in transport, and there, as you know, there is no running water. Vacuum toilets include:

  1. Vacuum pumps that create a vacuum space.
  2. Valve that opens at the touch of a button.

The water valve is connected to the flush hole using a hose. After pressing the button, the flushing mechanism is activated. After a set period of time, the vacuum valve closes, and the water valve will close after a set time, it can be adjusted by the screw on the button.

The drainage is completed and water fills the tank again. If you press the button, the valve opens and air begins to be sucked into the toilet. It is able to remove not only all waste, but also unpleasant odors. Only after this, the water supply control flushes the toilet with a very small amount of liquid. After this procedure, the valve returns to its original position.

It turns out that air and water work in tandem and in the end everything is done efficiently and at minimal cost.

Positive qualities of vacuum toilets

The great popularity of such equipment is due to the mass of its advantages, the main advantages include:

  1. Highly environmentally friendly. These are some of the most environmentally friendly toilets.
  2. Installing a vacuum toilet allows you to use smaller diameter pipes.
  3. Position sewer pipes You can do whatever you want, it will not affect the quality of the work.
  4. It is possible to exercise autonomous control over the system.
  5. Most often they are made from corrosion-resistant alloys, so they can be used in aggressive environments.
  6. The entire sewer system reduces its weight due to the low mass of the pipeline.
  7. If such a toilet is located on the first floors of a building, then there is no need to install a pumping station.
  8. Due to their features, they can be installed on any type of transport.

Installing such equipment with your own hands does not present any difficulty, since it has a simple device that is practically no different from ordinary toilets.

Since the water supply is controlled in such a toilet, very little is required to flush. Depending on the manufacturer and the place where you put it, the amount of liquid required may vary, but it is still several times less than in conventional devices.

How to install a toilet

Many masters will tell you that major renovation It’s best to start not from the bedroom or living room, but from the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Why is that? Yes, because the bulk of all communications are located here. Installing them will require not only your skills, but also time and money.

With a little effort and diligence, installing a new toilet will not cause you any difficulties. The whole work consists of just two stages:

  1. It is necessary to remove old equipment, clean out all garbage, purchase new toilet.
  2. Install a new toilet and check its operation.

In order to implement all these plans, you will definitely need tools: a hammer, a chisel, keys and possibly a grinder.

You need to start dismantling the old toilet when you have everything ready. It is worth considering that this is a very important stage, since the most important thing here is to do everything without damaging the sewer system. All work can be done in this order:

  1. Disconnect the system from the water supply and drain the water from the tank.
  2. Disconnect the drain column if it is connected directly to the toilet.
  3. Carefully remove all toilet fixtures if necessary to remove caulk or cement mortar.
  4. Carefully remove the toilet and remove all debris.

Once the space is cleared, you can begin installing new equipment. Just for installation you will additionally need a drill, sealant and material or cardboard.

The most important thing when installing is to place it symmetrically, and for this you need to pre-measure everything. Earthenware toilets are very fragile, so it is advisable to place cardboard or a rag underneath during fitting.

Having installed the toilet in the right place, you need to mark the holes for the bolts. Then we remove it and drill holes for the dowels. The toilet should come with a gasket on which it must be installed. If it is missing, you will have to use silicone. After installing the toilet, you should screw it with bolts and you can install the flush tank.

The drain column is attached to the toilet with bolts and a rubber gasket is placed between them to reduce friction. When the tank is installed, you can begin connecting the water supply. After this, all that remains is to install the filling valve, adjust the float and the drain-overflow system. If after all the manipulations the system works normally, it means that the instructions helped you, and after a couple of hours you can use the toilet.

If you decide to install a vacuum toilet at home, then in these models, to ensure tightness and increase installation speed, quick release coupling, made movable. Such toilets are quickly installed and also dismantled without problems.

Variety of vacuum toilets

Despite the same operating mechanism, such toilets may differ in their appearance, the material from which they are made. For example, you can name the following options:

  • A completely pneumatic model, this variety is quite new. It uses a single-nozzle flush system, which is built into the drain mechanism. Most of The parts are firmly connected to each other, which greatly simplifies installation.
  • Ceramic toilet. The seat and lid are made of antibacterial material, which is even more hygienic compared to other models. This surface is resistant to damage and will even withstand being set on fire by a cigarette.
  • Toilet from of stainless steel. It was originally developed for the armed forces, it is so durable.
  • Built-in model. It can be mounted into the floor.

Choosing a toilet

When choosing plumbing fixtures, ease of use should be taken into account above all. It should match your size toilet room and work efficiently and effectively.

The range of this equipment is now large, so making a choice can be difficult. Large selection of toilets from the most different materials will help you choose the model that best suits the style of your bathroom.

It is imperative to take into account the design of the flush; it can be vertical, horizontal or inclined. Based on your sewer system, it is necessary to choose a model.

When it comes to vacuum toilets, many problems disappear by themselves. Basically, all you have to do is choose the material from which the toilet is made, the one you like best. In all other respects, a vacuum toilet for the home is simply an ideal option.

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