Responsibilities of a technician for a construction organization. VET engineer: job description (sample)

Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. VET engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. A technical equipment engineer is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of the general director on the recommendation of the head of a structural unit.
1.3. The technical equipment engineer reports directly to the head of the structural unit.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of VET engineer: initial professional or secondary professional education, work experience in the relevant field for at least one year.
1.5. During the absence of a technical equipment engineer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the organization order.
1.6. A technical equipment engineer must know:
- legislation and other regulations governing the activities of construction organizations;
- profile, specialization, prospects for technical and economic development enterprises; production capacity of the enterprise;
- the procedure for developing and approving construction plans;
- technology and methods of construction work;
- building regulations;
- the procedure for developing and processing design estimates and other technical documentation, maintaining records and drawing up reports on the enterprise’s activities in the field of construction;
- the procedure for accepting works, objects and methods for controlling their quality.

1.7. The VET engineer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The organization’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other company regulations;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer

The technical equipment engineer performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Provides technical supervision over the implementation of construction installation work.
2.2. Checks the compliance of the scope of construction and installation work, as well as structures with the approved design and estimate documentation, working drawings, building regulations and rules, standards, technical conditions, labor protection standards.
2.3. Participates in the consideration and approval of changes arising during construction design solutions, promptly resolves issues regarding the replacement, if necessary, of materials, products, structures (without reducing the quality of construction projects).
2.4. Studies the reasons causing delays and deterioration in the quality of construction
installation works, take part in their elimination.
2.5. Carries out technical acceptance of completed construction and installation works and
objects, prepares the necessary technical documentation. Participates in the work of commissions for the acceptance of construction projects and their commissioning.
2.6. Keeps records of completed construction and installation works and prepares the necessary data for reporting on the implementation of construction plans.
2.7. Check estimate documentation for the construction of facilities, calculate costs, and record work performed.
2.8. Prepares estimate documentation for additional work.
2.9. Checks the estimate documentation received from the customer and prepares conclusions on its quality.
2.10. Coordinates with the design organization and the customer estimates, calculations of the cost of materials and additional costs, statements of work performed, specifications, certificates of completion, interest rates.
2.11. Maintains established reporting.
2.12. Performs individual official assignments from his immediate superior.

3. Rights of a technical equipment engineer

The VET engineer has the right:
3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
3.2. Monitor the implementation of planned tasks and work, timely completion
individual orders and tasks by subordinate units.
3.3. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary to fulfill it job responsibilities.
3.4. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities within its competence.
3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the technical equipment engineer

The technical equipment engineer is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and contraventions fire safety.

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VET engineer (OPP)— as such, the position gained its popularity at construction sites when the requirements for all documentation (executive, permitting, estimate, etc.) became quite strict. Although these requirements, which are in force now, have not become so strict, because most of the regulatory and technical documentation (SNiPs, GOSTs, VSNs, etc.) have remained from the time of our grandfathers, and even great-grandfathers.

The requirements for the completeness and quality of their acceptance at sites have simply become more stringent, i.e. pickiness on the part of the Customer, Construction control(technical supervision). Previously, all this documentation was done as best they could, the Customer asked, and sometimes begged the craftsmen, to at least submit some documentation.
When the above-mentioned requirements for documentation became more stringent, construction and installation organizations began to employ entire staffs of PTO engineers (in some organizations, PTO engineers). PTO - production and technical department, OPP - production preparation department.

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Responsibilities of a Technical Equipment Engineer

All paperwork moves from the responsibilities of foremen, foremen, safety engineers, dispatchers and other positions into the responsibilities of technical and technical engineers. And to understand my direct responsibilities, I wrote this article.

Below I will briefly describe how and what a technical and technical equipment engineer is required to do at a construction site. You can read more in detail in the manual.

1. Complete set of permits.

Here this is how it should be understood - equipment, i.e. not its development on site, but rather the completion of permitting documentation. After all, the majority permitting documents issued by the Customer. This includes an admission certificate, a construction permit, a work permit security zone engineering communications etc. And the rest do not need to be developed: certificates, licenses are issued and certified by the department of the Contractor organization that holds it in its hands (usually the HSE department or accounting department), copies of HSE certificates, qualification certificates for workers and engineering and technical personnel are issued and certified by the safety department. The duty of the technical and technical equipment engineer at the site is to form all the permitting documentation into a single folder, make a register for it, flash it and show it to the Customer, and obtain permission for the stages of work.
Work permits are also permitting documentation. They are compiled by the organization that issues the permit, i.e. if it is fire, gas hazardous, high-altitude work and they are carried out on the territory of the Customer’s organization, then the Customer draws up and issues them. The person responsible for the work on the site must go and sign the permit, i.e. foreman, foreman or foreman. If a permit is issued to the operator of a crane, automatic hydraulic unit, or loader crane, it must be drawn up and issued by the Contractor’s dispatcher, the person responsible for the equipment, or the chief mechanic.
Labor safety instructions are carried out by the foreman/head of the site, so he must fill out logs for the working personnel.

2. Organizational and technological documentation

- this is the responsibility of the technical equipment engineer, but only if it is specified in the employment contract. Many construction organizations have 1-2 specialists (depending on the volume of work) involved in the development of PPR and PPRk. But not every organization has such specialists, so it is better to entrust such work to specialists in this field (design organizations that are more familiar with the technology of construction and installation work).
PPR, PPRk are organizational and technological documentation, which describes not only the technological process of work, but also technical and economic indicators, which only the SDO (estimate and contract department) can develop.
PPR - a work project is developed at each facility, regardless of volume. Consists of PZ and technological maps for individual types/stages of work, calendar schedule, construction plan, equipment movement diagrams, etc.
PPR using PS (previously PPRk - project for carrying out work with cranes, and now, with the introduction of new FNPs, PPR using PS - project for carrying out work with lifting structures) can only be developed by a specialist trained in the field of industrial safety and knowledgeable about FNP " Safety rules for hazardous production facilities where substations are used.”
Based on clause 160 of the FNP on the substation, it follows that the PPR is carried out for all types of work, including work performed by the substation - all in one.

3. As-built technical documentation

Maintaining as-built documentation is the most direct responsibility of a technical equipment engineer. Those responsible for the work are required to maintain information about the work done throughout the working day and, by the end of the working day, draw up a general report with the site manager. Based on this report, the technical equipment engineer makes entries in the general work log, draws up all the necessary acts and protocols, and, if testing is necessary, informs the site manager about the need to call laboratory specialists.
Another important detail is that all passports, certificates for materials, equipment, parts, and products delivered to the site must be handed over to the technical equipment engineer on the same day they arrived. Based on these documents, incoming control acts are drawn up, and the incoming control log is filled out. Also, in the process of carrying out work, those responsible for production have a need to perform work subsequent to the work that needs to be inspected. In this case, the VET engineer draws up all the necessary as-built documentation for them.
As-built diagrams are also geodetic diagrams; they all contain geodetic marks and surveyors are required to make these diagrams. The situation is the same with the construction control of the Contractor - maintaining a section of the general work log and the construction control log should not be the responsibility of the PTO engineer, this is the direct responsibility of the SK (Construction Control) engineer.

4. Estimate documentation

- this is the responsibility of the SDO estimators and there is nothing even to add here.
Since we mentioned the estimate documentation, let’s consider the signing of it and the acts KS-2, KS-3 and the journal KS-6a from the Customer, the Customer’s Construction Control, in other words, the signing of “fulfillment”. Fulfillment (percentage) is the amount of work in monetary terms, the volume and quality of which is confirmed by executive documentation.

5. Current documentation

Reports - maintaining and systematizing them should be the responsibility of the technical equipment engineer, and the collection of this data is the responsibility of the site manager.
The drawing up of acts KS-2, KS-3 should be carried out by the SDO according to the KS-6a journal compiled by the VET engineer.
Notifications of the removal of orders are drawn up by a technical training engineer based on the report of the person responsible for eliminating the comments.
Direction various kinds notifications to Rostekhnadzor, registration of general and special logs is the direct responsibility of the Customer of the construction project, even the Customer is obliged to issue these logs already numbered and laced with a completed title page and with all signatures.

Discussion of the article "Engineer of the production and technical department of the technical department (PTD)":
(here you can ask questions about the topic of the article, we will definitely answer them)

In any organization, the production and technical department is engaged in planning production activities, its technical support and operational management. This department is an independent division of the organization and reports to its immediate manager or his deputy. At the same time, he constantly interacts with other departments and services of the organization. The production and technical department is guided in its work by current legislation, acts of the regulatory code, specialized teaching materials and organizational documents of the enterprise.

Who is a VET engineer?

This is a specialist who participates in research and scientific developments VET and works with estimates, projects, technical documentation and the like. He is responsible for collecting and analyzing scientific technical information, as well as for carrying out the necessary work and their quality.

The VET engineer is also the leader of the work on schematic design of all kinds of scientific and technical developments. He oversees the testing of new devices and describes the principles of their operation and specifications. In addition, he is responsible for compliance with safety regulations during the implementation of new developments. Collection necessary documents to file a patent for a new invention is also his job.

What is expected from a technical equipment engineer?

An employee of such a high technical level is obliged to constantly improve his knowledge by studying various specialized literature and staying up to date with the latest scientific and technical achievements. The duties of a VET engineer include participation in conferences, including international ones, seminars and other similar events for the exchange of professional experience. He is also required to prepare publications on new scientific discoveries and developments. His presence is necessary during various examinations.

The VET engineer, of course, must have a technical way of thinking and be well versed in technical terminology and be able to competently draw up any documentation. In addition to all this, he needs to navigate the labor legislation of his country.

Of course, developing technical projects is not done alone. A whole group of specialists participates in it. Therefore, a VET engineer must, among other things, be sociable, hear the point of view of other specialists and find a common language with the team.

Skill level by category

A category III VET engineer can be a person with a higher technical education without work experience or with a secondary technical education and three years of experience as a category I VET technician, advanced training by at least one level within five years of work and a professional certificate.

A Category II VET engineer must have a higher technical education, three years of professional experience, at least one advanced training within five years and a professional certificate.

For a VET engineer of category I (highest) similar requirements are imposed, but they are also supplemented by the need for three years of experience as a VET engineer of category II. The lead technical engineer, who supervises junior employees and other department engineers, must, of course, have deep and up-to-date technical knowledge and sufficient professional experience.

Types of higher technical education

In the production and technical department, productive work is impossible without a quality education. A technical equipment engineer can specialize in the following areas:

  • construction;
  • transport construction;
  • civil and industrial construction;
  • production building materials, products and structures;
  • drainage and water supply;
  • hydraulic engineering;
  • ventilation and heat and gas supply.

If necessary, a person who has technical education in any of these specialties, can undergo retraining in accordance with the position that will be held.

Job description

Job description is a document that is filled out when a person is hired and with which he must be familiarized. Among the general provisions that are mentioned, first of all, what professional knowledge he should have. It also describes his duties, responsibilities and rights, the basic conditions of his work and the criteria by which the results of his work and business qualities are assessed.

Main responsibilities

Responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer include:

  1. High-quality execution labor responsibilities stipulated in the employment contract and job description.
  2. Compliance with labor discipline.
  3. Compliance with labor standards.
  4. Execution established rules work schedule.
  5. Compliance with all safety requirements.
  6. Carefully handle the property of the employer and colleagues, as well as property for which the employer is responsible.
  7. Timely notification to the employer or the head of his department about situations that pose a threat to human life or to the safety of property for which the employer is responsible.

An engineer has a great responsibility and anyone who decides to master this profession must be ready for it. Depending on the specialization, the professional responsibilities of different engineers vary. For example, a technical equipment engineer in construction must perform the following tasks:

  • control that the cost of construction or installation work carried out according to the project and estimates corresponds to their quality and volume;
  • take part in the preparation of construction subcontracts and contracts;
  • accept and issue the necessary design and estimate documentation;
  • improve your qualifications and expand your professional knowledge.

Basic rights

Of course, when applying for a job, a person must have a clear understanding not only of his responsibilities, but also of his rights. Then he will have satisfying, productive work waiting for him.

VET engineer employment contract has the following rights:

  1. To give him a job.
  2. On timely salary in full.
  3. To safety workplace from the point of view of state labor protection standards.
  4. For professional training, advanced training in the manner established by law, and retraining in the relevant technical specialty.
  5. For rest, which, for example, includes a normal working day, weekly days off and paid annual leave.
  6. To create trade unions and join them in order to protect their rights, professional interests and freedoms.
  7. To resolve various labor disputes of a collective and individual nature, as well as to strike as provided for by law.
  8. For compulsory social insurance.
  9. To compensate for damage, including moral damage, which was caused as a result of the performance of professional duties, in the amount and manner established by law.

Working conditions

The job description of a technical equipment engineer stipulates the following working conditions:

  • working hours in accordance with established labor regulations;
  • characteristics of working conditions at the workplace;
  • the employee’s obligation to go on professional business trips;
  • emergency procedures;
  • relationships with other team members in accordance with their positions;
  • instructions on who will be temporarily assigned the duties of the employee in the event of his absence.

Criteria for assessing professional qualities and labor productivity

Main evaluation criteria professional qualities engineers are:

  • qualification level;
  • professional work experience in a technical specialty;
  • professional competence;
  • level of compliance with labor discipline;
  • flexibility in performing work and the ability to quickly find sometimes non-standard solutions in complex production issues;
  • ability to work with documentation;
  • work ethics, creativity, initiative and other important professional qualities.

The main criteria for assessing the results of an engineer’s work are:

  • quality of work performed;
  • timely performance of official duties;
  • level of labor productivity.

The engineer's business qualities and work results are assessed in accordance with objective indicators and the impartial opinion of the immediate supervisor and the team with whom he works.

As you can see, the work of an engineer is quite complex and responsible. When deciding to become an engineer, you need to realize that this profession will require complete dedication. But it will also bring satisfaction, since in any organization a technical equipment engineer is an irreplaceable worker whose work is highly valued.

This job description has been developed in accordance with the Labor Code Russian Federation, professional standard“Specialist in the field of production, technical and technological support for construction production” (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection RF dated November 27, 2014 N 943n) (code C, qualification level - 6) and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the person holding the position of chief engineer of the production and technical department (hereinafter referred to as the chief engineer of the production and technical department) construction organization(hereinafter referred to as the organization).

1.2. The chief engineer of the technical and technical department is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by labor legislation by order of the organization.

1.3. The chief technical engineer reports directly to the organization's project manager.

1.4. Requirements for education and training of a person appointed to the position of chief engineer of VET: Higher education - specialty, master's degree. Additional professional programs— advanced training programs, professional retraining programs.

1.5. Work experience requirements:

  • in the presence of higher education in the field corresponding to the focus (profile), at least two years in the field of construction;
  • if you have a higher education in a field that does not correspond to the focus (profile), at least three years in the construction field.

1.6. The chief technical engineer must know:

  • requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the design, technology, organization and management of construction production;
  • design basics, design features load-bearing and enclosing structures;
  • requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the composition, content and execution of project documentation;
  • a unified system of technological preparation of production; technical specifications and other regulatory materials for the development and execution of technological documentation;
  • composition, design requirements and rules for transferring design and estimate documentation;
  • composition of the construction organization project;
  • composition of the work project;
  • structural diagrams of buildings and the sequence of their construction, methods for calculating the structures of buildings and structures;
  • operational management of construction and installation works;
  • rules and instructions for the development and execution of technical documentation;
  • basics of organization and management using computer programs;
  • assessing the performance of department employees;
  • organization and management of implementation processes construction projects from the design stage to commissioning of objects;
  • investment mechanism in construction;
  • basics of pricing and estimating;
  • methods and methods for determining the economic efficiency of capital investments;
  • organization of construction logistics and movement of inventory, machinery and mechanisms in the field of construction production;
  • innovative technologies for the construction of buildings and structures;
  • the procedure for developing long-term and annual plans for technical re-equipment and production and economic activities of the organization;
  • methods of economic analysis of the production and economic activities of an organization;
  • methods for determining the economic efficiency of implementation new technology, technology and labor organization in construction production;
  • modern achievements in the field of construction production and the building materials industry;
  • requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the areas of labor protection, fire safety, environmental protection;
  • regulatory and legal acts in the field of and;
  • requirements and pass ;
  • basic requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, rights and obligations of employees.

1.7. The chief technical engineer must be able to:

  • check the completeness and quality of design documentation, assess the compliance of the technical information contained in it with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation;
  • make the necessary technical calculations, develop technological schemes;
  • use a computer using specialized software;
  • develop a plan for the introduction of new equipment together with the organization’s specialists on issues of mechanization and automation of construction production, planning and economics;
  • organize and conduct technical meetings;
  • draw up contracts for construction and installation work, monitor their implementation;
  • evaluate the activities of employees of production, technical and technological departments;
  • analyze and use regulatory, technical and project documentation in the process of organizational, technical and technological support of construction production;
  • apply modern information Technology when designing technological processes;
  • make up technical specifications for the design and manufacture of non-standard equipment, installation equipment, embedded parts;
  • apply the necessary regulatory, technical and methodological documentation, including when preparing contracts for construction and installation work;
  • calculate the economic efficiency of the designed technological processes for the development of linear and network graphs;
  • introduce energy-saving technologies during construction and installation work;
  • control the quality of construction and installation work;
  • determine the required number, professional and qualification composition of workers in accordance with production tasks and calendar plans construction production at the construction site.

2. Functional responsibilities

The chief technical engineer is assigned the following functions:

2.1. Management of the activities of production, technical and technological structural divisions of the organization.

2.2. Organizational, technical and technological support of construction production.

2.3. Management of the development of plans for technical re-equipment and increasing the efficiency of a construction organization.

2.4. Organization of the development and implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at improving labor protection, increasing reliability and efficiency, improving environmental characteristics operation of equipment and structures, reduction of downtime in equipment repairs, mechanization and automation production processes, ensuring the readiness of equipment, buildings and structures for year-round and seasonal operating conditions.

2.5. Management of employees of the production and technical department.

3. Job responsibilities

To perform the functions assigned to it Chief Engineer VET must carry out:

3.1. Development long-term plans development and technical re-equipment of the organization.

3.2. Preparation of draft current and long-term work plans for the organization, implementation schedules individual works(events), coordination of conditions and deadlines for their implementation with other divisions of the organization, as well as with customers and performers.

3.3. Planning, analysis of the results of the organization and its divisions.

3.4. Management of the development of the work project.

3.5. Preparation of proposals for concluding contracts for the development of new equipment, comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes.

3.6. Organization of advanced training of employees in accordance with the development of new types of technology, organization and management of construction production.

3.7. Performance assessment professional activity department employees.

3.8. Monitoring the execution of assigned tasks by employees.

3.9. Control of the development and implementation of new equipment and technology for construction production.

3.10. Joint work with planning, economic and other structures for the purpose of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the construction organization.

3.11. Monitoring compliance with the technological sequence and deadlines for performing work by subcontractors.

3.12. Management of organizational and technological preparation for construction industry in accordance with the work project.

3.13. Preparation control executive documentation.

3.14. Participation in acceptance from repair and installation, inspection, testing, operational and start-up tests of equipment and structures of the organization.

3.15. Organization technical control quality of repair and installation work on equipment, buildings and structures of the organization, their compliance with design, technological and regulatory documentation.

3.16. Analysis of the results of the construction organization’s activities, preparation of materials for the balance commissions of the construction organization and its divisions.

3.17. Development of organizational and technical measures to prepare for construction and installation work in conditions of negative outdoor temperatures.

3.18. Ensuring the implementation of rationalization proposals.

3.19. Development of plans for technical re-equipment and increasing the efficiency of the construction organization.

3.20. Organization of development current plans and balances of material and technical support production program, creating production reserves based on determining the need for material (materials, equipment, components, fuel, electricity) and labor resources.

3.21. Organizing the preparation of materials for contracting competitions.

3.22. Implementation of construction project management software.

3.23. Management of the development of standards for the consumption of materials, labor costs for performing work not provided for by current standards.

3.24. Development of measures to reduce the cost of construction and installation work, increase labor productivity and the quality of construction and installation work.

3.25. Monitoring the work of subcontractors performing specialized work in the construction industry.

3.26. Market research and analysis information services in order to provide production with modern information technologies.

3.27. Management of preparation of requests for the supply of equipment, materials, building structures With necessary calculations and justifications.

3.28. Participation in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, estimates, contracts, including maintaining primary documentation and other documents related to production activities organizations.

3.29. Organization of informing employees of the organization about new methods of organization, technology and management of construction production.

3.30. Participation in the work of commissions to investigate the causes of accidents and other technological violations in the operation of equipment, accidents, knowledge testing, personnel certification, certification and preparation for certification of equipment and workplaces for compliance with requirements technical operation and labor protection, as well as in ongoing raids, comprehensive inspections, and production meetings.

4. Rights

The chief technical engineer has the right to:

4.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

4.2. Submit for management consideration proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these Instructions.

4.3. Represent the interests of the organization in third-party organizations on issues related to his professional activities.

4.4. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4.5. Carry out your vocational training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established Labor Code Russian Federation and other federal laws.

4.6. Represent the interests of the organization within their competence.

4.7. Initiate and conduct meetings on production and economic issues.

4.8. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

4.9. Request from heads of structural divisions and specialists of the organization information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

5. Responsibility

The chief technical engineer is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the heads of the organization.

5.5. For failure to comply with internal labor regulations, rules fire safety and labor protection established in the organization.

6. Relationships

When performing his duties, the chief technical engineer carries out the following relationships:

6.1. With the project manager and director:

The chief technical engineer receives:

— approved orders, instructions;

— agreed memos;

- instructions, instructions;

The chief engineer of the technical department reports:

— applications for the purchase of materials and documentation for approval;

— report on the implementation of orders, instructions, memos, acts.

6.2. With accounting:

The chief technical engineer receives:

— material report;

— payslips;

The chief engineer of the technical department reports:

— time sheet;

— statements of consumption and write-off of material assets;

— other documents necessary for accounting.

6.3. The chief technical engineer interacts with all structural divisions, services and departments of the organization in accordance with their tasks.

7. Working conditions

7.1. Working hours: chief technical engineer is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

7.2. Due to production needs, the chief technical engineer is required to go on business trips (incl. local significance) - if necessary

7.3. Performance assessment: - regular - carried out by the organization’s project manager in the process of the chief technical engineer performing his labor functions.

8. Signature right

8.1. To ensure his activities, the chief engineer of the technical and technical department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities. In some cases, the site manager is issued an official production stamp.

The staffing table of any company that deals construction activities, includes the position of "technical equipment engineer". What does a technical equipment engineer do? The responsibilities and main functions of this specialist are described in the article.

Let's first deal with the abbreviation PTO. It stands for as part of this department and works as a technical equipment engineer. His responsibilities are that this employee must be able to compose, develop, and execute the entire list of project documents.

Naturally, the specialist must have an education in the field of construction and at least three years of experience. However, there are also organizations that agree to work with a person who has secondary education and experience of 12 months. It all depends on the nature of the activity and the scale of the tasks performed.

The VET engineer is guided by current laws, adheres to the company’s charter, he needs to know perfectly well the content of the orders and instructions of the company or company, regulatory and technical documentation that regulate the activities of the company.

Job responsibilities of a technical equipment engineer:
  • Maintains control over estimate documentation for construction work on objects. Calculates their cost and checks completed work.
  • Prepares calculation and estimate documents for additional types works
  • Checks customer estimate documents and prepares reports on the quality of work.
  • Calculates the cost of materials together with subcontractors and coordinates with customers and design organizations.
  • He compiles documents that are not provided for by the unit price and cost norm; if necessary, he works by agreeing on documents with customers.
  • Engaged in the preparation of materials for the consideration of controversial situations with subcontractors.
  • Checks the KS 2 form from subcontractor companies.
  • Carry out service assignments from the head of the organization.
  • Maintains reporting documentation.

Requirements for a specialist

A technical equipment engineer, whose responsibilities include knowledge of all the basics of technological processes in production and construction, must have in-depth knowledge that affects other areas of his company’s work.

IN household version Another word is used - also a technical equipment engineer. His duties also include responsibility for:

  • Failure to exercise the full scope of all rights that are given to him on the basis of job descriptions.
  • Distortion of reliable information about the level at which tasks and instructions received were completed.
  • Violation of the work deadline.
  • Failure to comply with orders and instructions from the organization’s administration.
  • Failure to comply with the rules established by the internal regulations of the organization, TB.

The responsibilities of a technical and technical equipment engineer in construction also include the following rights:

  • Familiarization with project documents and decisions of the organization’s administration that relate to its work.
  • Reporting to management about deficiencies identified as a result of their work.
  • Making proposals to correct deficiencies.
  • Improving the work that is related to his duties as provided for in the documents on the job description.

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Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat. But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them. In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with