Ural Federal University named after. B. Yeltsin. Prices for training in UrFU specialty. Getting a technical education

The largest higher educational institution in the Urals at the moment is This university is named in honor of B. N. Yeltsin, who went down in history as the first President of Russia. There are a variety of specialties at UrFU. More than 50 thousand students study here on full-time and part-time courses. The educational process is organized by teachers with rich pedagogical and practical experience. Some of them are doctors and

Structure of the educational institution

The Ural Federal University embodies the principle of universality of education. It trains specialists in technical, natural science and humanitarian fields. In this regard, the structure of the university is represented by various institutes.

At UrFU, faculties and specialties of technical, natural science and humanities profiles are not the only ones. The Ural Federal University named after Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin has a military training center and a faculty of military training. Sergeants, soldiers and reserve officers are trained here.

Getting a technical education

Graduates from which faculties are in high demand? This question is asked by many applicants who have not yet decided on their future profession. Currently, people with technical education are in great demand. You can get it by choosing the appropriate (at UrFU) specialties.

Applicants planning to enter a federal university in technical fields can choose from a huge number of faculties and institutes:

  • higher engineering school;
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science;
  • Mechanical Engineering Institute, etc.

Graduate School of Engineering

The Higher Engineering School of the Federal University recruits applicants for the following areas (specialties):

  • electrical engineering and power engineering;
  • management, system analysis;
  • metallurgy;
  • technological equipment and machines.

To participate in the competition you need Unified State Exam results in Russian language, physics and mathematics. Those applicants who do not have them undergo entrance tests in these disciplines within the walls of a higher educational institution. Those interested can look at the UrFU lists of applicants by specialty. The ranking is compiled for review on the university website.

Interesting training awaits individuals enrolled in their chosen specialties (directions) at UrFU. Classroom classes at a higher engineering school are conducted in the form of presentations, discussions, conversations and laboratory experiments. During them, students exchange ideas and prove their points of view.

Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science

Many applicants entering UrFU choose faculties and specialties at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science. It appeared in a higher education institution as a result of the merger of two faculties. Training is provided in several programs related to metallurgy, materials science and related fields. For admission to most specialties require exam results in Russian language, physics and mathematics.

There are two exceptions. One of them is “Chemical Technology”. When applying for this major, applicants take chemistry instead of physics. But people choosing “Art Processing Technology” need the results of exams such as Russian language and mathematics, and an entrance creative (professional) test. It is held within the walls of UrFU (Ekaterinburg).

The faculties and specialties of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science are in demand among applicants due to high level training. This structural unit of the Ural Federal University is famous for its huge methodological and laboratory base. Thanks to the help of partner enterprises, production and research complexes have been created at the university. That is why students of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science begin to engage in scientific activities during their studies.

Mechanical Engineering Institute

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Its tasks are to provide various industries National economy highly efficient equipment and machines, the introduction of advanced technologies, raising the level of automation and mechanization of production. People who want to connect their future life with mechanical engineering, it is worth choosing a mechanical engineering institute.

In this division of UrFU the list of specialties includes more than 10 various directions. To enroll in any of them, you must pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. Many applicants apply for budget places with questions about what specialties are offered at UrFU. The admissions committee lists the directions and gives last year’s figures as an example. The current passing score cannot be named, because it depends on:

  • on the number of applications submitted by applicants;
  • number of places;
  • level of preparation of applicants (Unified State Examination results, entrance tests).

Getting a Science Education

For people interested in natural science education, the Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin offers the following institutes:

You can apply for admission in person by visiting the admissions office. You must have a passport and two copies of it, a certificate or diploma and two copies, as well as 4 photographs. Applicants living in other cities can apply Required documents to a higher educational institution by mail. But to take the entrance exams (in the absence of Unified State Exam results), you will have to come to a federal university.

Institute of Natural Sciences

At the Federal University, the Institute of Natural Sciences (IEN) appeared as a result of the merger of three faculties. Currently, the IEN structure consists of three departments. These are the “Faculty of Biology”, “Faculty of Chemistry” and “Faculty of Physics”. Both bachelors and masters are trained in all areas.

What are the specialties at the UrFU Institute of Natural Sciences? There are about 15 of them here (astronomy, chemistry, metrology and standardization, physics, medical biochemistry, etc.). Students receive modern knowledge about the worldview, gain experience scientific activity and research work.

Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics

The Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics offers applicants to choose the following faculties and specialties at UrFU (list):

  • mathematical modeling and mechanics;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • mathematics;
  • computer security;
  • information technologies and fundamental computer science;
  • computer science and mathematics.

Students master a huge amount of information over the years of study. They participate in various conferences and competitions, conduct research activities. Many graduates find work in their field. They occupy positions of teachers, programmers, researchers, and engineers.

Obtaining a liberal arts education

The federal university provides not only technical and natural science education, but also humanitarian education. To do this, do:

  • to the Institute of Humanities and Arts;
  • Higher School of Management and Economics, etc.

Students receive rich theoretical knowledge and important practical skills. UrFU graduates with a humanities education are in demand in various fields: teaching disciplines, radio, television and Internet journalism, tourism industry, economics, management, publishing.

Institute of Humanities and Arts

One of the leading centers of humanitarian education in Russia is IGNII. This abbreviation stands for Institute of Humanities and Arts. This structural unit includes such faculties as history and philology. There are also faculties of journalism, cultural studies and art history.

In IgniI UrFU specialties, scores (passing) should be clarified with the admissions committee. One of the popular areas is “Journalism”. The training is quite interesting. Students of IGNII Federal University master various items, learn to collect interesting information and process it. They practice on radio, television and in print media.

Graduate School of Management and Economics

Is extremely popular among applicants graduate School management and economics. Applicants are offered the following directions at UrFU (specialties):

  • economics (educational programs - “Applied Economics and Finance”, “International Business and World Economy”);
  • business Informatics;
  • management (educational programs - “Corporate and International Management”, “Investment and Construction Business and Industrial Management”);
  • economic security;
  • customs business.

When applying to the listed areas (except for “Customs Affairs”), the results of the Unified State Exam or entrance tests in the Russian language, mathematics and social studies are taken into account. For the specialty “Customs Affairs”, applicants take Mathematics instead of foreign language(German, English, Spanish, French).

People who choose the directions “Economics”, “Business Informatics” and “Management” will have to study for 4 years. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree. In areas such as " Economic security" and "Customs Affairs" training lasts for 5 years on a full-time basis. As a result, graduates are awarded specialist diplomas.

Full-time and part-time forms of study

The Federal University provides its applicants with the opportunity to receive higher education in a huge number of different specialties in the most convenient form. More than 70% of people choose This is the classic format. Full-time education has many advantages:

  • All necessary knowledge and students acquire skills through lectures and classroom sessions;
  • You can ask the teacher any questions you have during class and get answers right away;
  • people studying at public expense can count on a scholarship;
  • students are in a team, they can solve various issues and problems together with other classmates, learn about any material and discuss it, express their ideas.

In some areas, UrFU has a correspondence department (specialties should be checked with the admissions committee before enrolling). Students who choose this form of study can combine work and study. Many of them get jobs in their profession during their senior years. This is a definite plus, because such students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also the necessary practical skills. As a result, it is much easier for them to carry out

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Ural Federal University is one of those universities that you should strive to enroll in. Over the years of study, students accumulate an excellent store of knowledge. That is why graduates of this educational institution are in high demand among employers. It is also worth noting that among people who graduated from the federal university, there are many famous personalities who have achieved excellent success in their careers.

Student at this university: I would like to start with the fact that I study in building No. 1, i.e. at the former USU. USU and UPI are still two different worlds, although they are now united into UrFU. Therefore, I do not undertake to judge UPI. I write only about USU.
The building is located in the center of Yekaterinburg - opposite the Opera and Ballet Theater, it is convenient to reach from anywhere in the city. There are many cafes, canteens, etc. nearby. True, during the break (long break from 13.50 to 14.30 - 40 minutes) they are full of students, and it is often difficult to find a place or you have to stand in line for a long time, but nevertheless.
I am a 2nd year student on a budget-funded form of education.
Regarding studying at a university:

Pros (applies only to my faculty):
- Very qualified teachers
- Availability of media audiences
- Good repair(offices, restrooms, main hall)
- Cleanliness at the faculty (the floors are constantly washed and tidied, and this does not bring any inconvenience)
- Availability of many scientific, artistic, etc. publications (subscription to the library, incredibly convenient and cozy reading room with many sections and separate zones, equipped with computers with Internet access) (all this is located in the building nearby, on Turgeneva, 4, you can get there through the passage)
- There are also separate libraries: a history room, an art history room, a rare books department, etc.
- Temperature in the building: always warm. We don’t wear jackets in winter, but in summer we can ventilate the classrooms. Comfortable.
- Availability of two guarded wardrobes
- No bribes (I think this should be listed as a plus, because I see that many universities have this problem). Never paid for an appraisal and no one ever asked for it.
- I think it’s a HUGE PLUS that for almost 2 years while I’ve been studying here, I’ve never heard any of the teachers, methodologists, assistants or other workers not only insult me ​​or anyone else, but never even voice didn't raise! At the faculty, everyone treats each other with respect and warmth, and will always help with advice (for which special thanks to the inspector of the dean’s office, Ch. A. E., who has incredible patience, endurance and a big, responsive heart!)
- I think it’s ANOTHER IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE existing system mentoring: senior students help freshmen get used to the university. A freshman who comes from school to university usually looks scared, or at least definitely nervous. The mentor helps him in everything: introduces him to the group, explains where the classrooms are, the restrooms, how to get to the library, how to find a teacher, what to do if you have lost your student card and much more, and most importantly, the freshman sees next to him a person who has already gone through everything this and therefore experiences much less stress. I had mentors who helped a lot. And this year I myself am a mentor and still support my freshmen.

- The point-rating system by which we study (this means that all your work and answers will be assessed by points; the system does not always work properly, but, as a rule, all shortcomings are resolved, and no problems arise in the end, but this It’s nerve-wracking and tiring. Moreover, in such a system, the student’s motivation is often not knowledge, but getting a high score)
- Dining room: long lines, sometimes you don’t have time for a couple because of this. Therefore, most of our students bring yoghurts, apples, bars, etc. with them to university.
- The building in which physical education takes place is not in building No. 1, and not even nearby, but close to the building on the street. Mira (i.e., go 6 stops, almost in a straight line, but you still need to go).

general information: Since last year, our physical education has been divided into sections. Those. there is the opportunity to engage in athletics, swimming, fitness, and recreational physical exercise (for those with health problems) (there are about 30 sections in total, if I’m not mistaken). But you don’t always (and even often) end up in the wrong place. But in principle, everyone gets used to it over time.

I can say that, on the whole, I am very pleased with the university. Our faculty has a Center for Contemporary Culture, where various exhibitions are organized (including by the students themselves). This is interesting! And it’s very nice to see such an environment around you.

I myself do not live in a hostel.
But two of my classmates are not local. They live in a hostel, no one kicks them out. They needed to fill out some documents for the renewal (I know all this because I am the headman), everything was legal.

On Wednesday, September 21, the British magazine Times Higher Education (THE) published its ranking of higher educational institutions World University Rankings 2016−2017. This year, THE global study includes a total of 978 universities on the planet, which is 180 more than in 2015. At the same time, the number of Russian universities included in the list of the best universities in the world increased from 13 to 24. And 16 of these universities, as TASS clarifies, are participants in the “5–100” project ( state programs to increase the competitiveness of domestic universities in the international market. – Approx. ed.).

For the first time in the 12 years that the global study has been published, the University of Oxford topped the THE ranking this year. And the highest place among Russian universities has traditionally been occupied by Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, located in 188th place together with the University of Aberdeen, which, like Oxford, is located in the UK. However, the capital’s state university was 27 positions lower than in last year’s ranking. But the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has risen significantly, overcoming more than 200 positions in a year and ending up in the group 301–350. St. Petersburg National Research University closes the top three Russian leaders information technologies, mechanics and optics (ITMO University). The university, which last year did not make it into the top 800 list at all, this time took a place in the 351–400 group.

But the Ural Federal University, which has worsened its position. Together with RUDN University, MIET, MISiS and other federal and state universities of the country, UrFU was in the 800+ group. Although the Ural university also takes part in the “5–100” program and by 2020 still intends to get into the top 100 best universities in the world.

At the same time, UrFU once again confirmed its title as one of the leading Russian universities in the THE ranking, taking 13th place in the country. UrFU noted a special increase in the indicators “income from industry” and “international activity”.

“The university’s high rating for relations with industry once again proves the effectiveness of the university’s strategy for interaction with enterprises,” emphasizes UrFU Rector Viktor Koksharov.

Meanwhile, experts note that changes in the ranking methodology require Russian universities to take new approaches to increasing their scientific productivity, which would improve their positions in prestigious academic research. But the Russian Ministry of Education and Science is confident that changes to the publication system are aimed at eliminating the so-called self-citation or “self-PR.”

It should be clarified that the THE ranking methodology is based on 13 performance indicators that allow universities to be assessed in all areas of their activities. These indicators are grouped into five areas: educational activities, research, citations, international activities and industry income ( research and development work. – Approx. ed.). But, as noted at UrFU, this year significant changes were made to the methodology. For the first time, the analysis of publications included books indexed in the Scopus database, which, according to the compilers of the rating, guarantees a more objective reflection of research within the humanities. The methodology for taking into account the citation index of publications with more than 1,000 authors has also changed. Now the university whose employees are co-authors of such works receives at least 5% for each author in the evaluation system.

Ural Federal University is one of the largest and highest educational institutions in its region. Not only Ekaterinburg residents, “compatriots” of UrFU, but also applicants from all over the Urals submit documents here. They are attracted by the generally accepted high quality education, as well as widest choice areas of training: from philology to laser technology.

Enroll in Ural University It’s not easy on a budget: the passing scores for some specialties exceed 90 in each subject. In this regard, many applicants have to study for a fee. Let's consider what the cost of a year of study at UrFU will be in 2017-2018.

In the list of UrFU training areas for studying on a commercial basis Almost everyone, both a techie and a humanist, can find a specialty to their liking. At the same time, paid education at both bachelor’s and master’s degrees can only be full-time: correspondence courses are not provided.

The Ural University has adopted an atypical system for determining tuition prices. The cost of education here directly depends on the results of the applicant’s entrance tests: the higher the score for or the internal exam, the larger size discounts and, therefore, lower tuition prices. In the table below, training areas are arranged by increasing maximum price (with fewer points).

Intelligent systems in the humanitarian field116,7 98, 6 78,9
Applied ethics
Religious Studies
Hotel business100 80
Organization of work with youth
Mat. provision and administration of information. systems103,5 82,8
Mathematics104,6 83,7
Mechanics and math. modeling
Anthropo- and ethnology105 84
Documentation and archival science
Social Job
Mathematics and Computer Science108,5 86,8
Foundation. computer science and inf. technologies
Linguistics110 88
Political science
Public policy and social Sciences
Foundation. and applied linguistics
Tourism118,6 113 90,4
UP – Personnel Management
Foreign Regional Studies123,4 117,6 94,1
International rel.
Oriental and African studies128,6 122, 5 98
Trading business130,3 118,5 94,8
Biology130,8 91,6 73,3
Syst. analysis and management
Ecology and environmental management
Geodesy and distance probing100 80
Chemistry (+physics and mechanics of materials)
Applied mathematics and physics103,5 82,8
Standardization and metrology
Technology of printing and packaging production
Technosphere safety
Management in technology systems
Quality control
Optotechnics103,6 82,9
Publishing105 84
Design and technological support for machine-building industries
Mechanical engineering
Technologist. cars and equipment
Art technology materials processing
Journalism113 90,4
Media communications
Software Engineering124,06 99,3
GMU - State and municipal government132,7 120,7 96,6
Management137,2 124,8 99,9
Automation technology. processes and production141,9 129 103,2
Biotechnical systems and technologies
Infocommunication technologies and communication systems
Informatics and Computer Science
Inf. safety
Inf. systems and technologies
Electronic design and technology
Laser equipment and technologies
Materials Science and Technology
Mechatronics and robotics
Ground transport and technological complexes
Applied Informatics
Radio engineering
Chemical Technology
Operation of transport technology. machines and complexes
Electronics and nanoelectronics
Energy- and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology
Advertising and Public Relations143,8 130,8 104,7
Construction (no profile)
Thermal power engineering and heating engineering
Electrical power and technology
Power engineering
Construction, profile:

"Urban construction and economy"

148, 5 135 108
"Heat and ventilation"
"Water supply and sanitation"
Business Informatics148, 7 135,2 108,2
Economics (“Applied Economics and Finance”)
Architecture149, 6 136 108,8
Construction, profile:

"Industrial and civil construction"

159, 5 145 116
"Expertise and management of real estate"
Economy (" World economy and international business")170,5 155 124
Nuclear physics and technology191,8 133,5 106,8
Art history134,3 107,5
Cultural studies
Nanotechnology and microsystem technology
Social and cultural activities
Physical training
Design138 110,4

Prices for training in UrFU specialty

Some of the most complex programs at UrFU require a longer, five-year period of study, so applicants who want to study these specialties should enroll in a specialty program rather than a bachelor's degree. The price determination system here is the same as for bachelors, and also depends on the exam score. A ranked list of specialties from the cheapest to the most expensive (indicating all prices) can be found in the table below:

DirectionPrice for those whose total score for the Unified State Examination/internal exams is less than 140, thousand rubles.Price for those whose total score for the Unified State Exam/internal exams is more than 140, thousand rubles.Price for those whose total score for the Unified State Exam/internal exams is 10 points less than the budget pass, thousand rubles.
Foundation. and applied chemistry130,8 100 80
Fire safety103,5 82,8
Astronomy104,8 83,9
Clinical psychology113 90,4
Inf. security of telecommunication systems141,9 129 103,2
Info-analytical security systems
Radio-electronic systems and complexes
Special vehicles appointments
Chemical technology of modern energy materials
Computer security144,7 131,6 115,8
Customs159,5 145 116
Economy safety
Construction of unique buildings and structures162,8 148 118,4
Isotope separation technologies and nuclear fuel191,8 133,5 106,8
Electronics and automation of physical installations
Nuclear reactors and materials
Medical bio-physics134,3 107,5
Nuclear power plants: design, operation and engineering210,9 191,8 153,5

see also promo video Ural Federal University:

The Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin is the largest federal university in the country, operating in Yekaterinburg. It was created in 2009 by combining the Ural State Technical University - UPI and the Ural State University. Today, UrFU connects the entire spectrum of technical, natural science and humanities education, and is the center of scientific and educational life, as well as social design and innovative activity. The university has an impressive number budget places- in 2017, 6235 were allocated, 3900 places with reimbursement of tuition costs. The university offers affordable contract training - applicants can receive a discount if they lack a few Unified State Exam points before passing. In addition, even before the start of the admissions campaign, applicants can leave an application and enter into a contract training agreement with suspensive conditions. Training is conducted in 109 areas of bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees in 350 educational programs. More than 35,000 students, undergraduates, graduate students and trainees are studying in 14 specialized institutes and other structural divisions of the university. They are taught by 4,038 teachers, including 1,952 candidates of science, associate professors, 575 doctors of science, professors, 48 ​​academicians and corresponding members of public academies, as well as more than 30 members of foreign and international academies. Leading Russian and foreign scientists, experienced professional practitioners, political and cultural figures regularly come to UrFU as guest lecturers. The educational process takes place in 14 buildings, and students live in 16 dormitory buildings. Their park is updated and replenished every year - so in 2013 a new building was opened for thousands of students. In 2016, major renovations were carried out in 4 dormitories. And on September 1, 2017, another new student building for 1,230 people will welcome its first residents. Among the university’s partners are the largest industrial enterprises and organizations that are key to the Russian economy. Students regularly undergo practical training at their base. Such cooperation allows UrFU to train in-demand young personnel - more than 90% of graduates are employed immediately after graduation. Ural University is the core of a research cluster, which also includes scientific institutes of the Ural branch Russian Academy sciences, specialized laboratories and high-tech industry enterprises. The UrFU research complex includes dozens of research centers, innovative infrastructure, a scientific library (with a collection of over 3 million publications), several museums and specialized collections. Since 2013, the university has been a participant in the 5-100 program, aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 of world university rankings. Today the university is included in QS subject rankings for mathematics, physics, astronomy and electrical engineering. In the rating of the Expert RA agency, UrFU is among the top 10 Russian universities.

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