Do-it-yourself home finishing. Interior decoration of the house: several important nuances of rough renovation that everyone should know about. Exterior decoration of the facade of the house with wooden lining and block house

Decorating a private house with your own hands involves the need to select a suitable material, calculate financial costs, as well as perform the work independently. Depending on the type of home, renovations will be carried out with individual features. In this article we will consider popular types of external and internal decoration depending on the wall material with detailed photos of each type of decoration.

Repair of a log house should begin after the process of active shrinkage has been completed. For structures made of laminated veneer lumber, this period ranges from 4 to 5 months. Houses made of timber or logs shrink within a year, which eliminates the possibility of finishing them during this period of time.

Repair options:

Internal wall cladding using lining

In this case, the living area will take on a uniform appearance. Do-it-yourself home decoration can be carried out using lining of various profiles. The building materials market offers a wide range of products: blockhouse, softline, American, landhouse.

Lining is lumber made from solid wood, which implies possible shrinkage of the material after its installation.

The boards are fastened using nails (into the face), self-tapping screws and using clamps. Depending on the type of layout chosen, the role of nails can be played by the staples of a construction stapler.

Before covering the walls with clapboard, an additional frame is created on their surface. This allows you to level the working base, provide air clearance for air circulation, and also lay thermal insulation material.

At finishing wooden house You should leave a small gap between the walls and the ceiling. This will avoid leveling deformation and the destructive effects of shrinkage. The width of such a “technical” gap should not be more than 2-4 cm. To hide this defect, a plinth is laid between the walls and the ceiling.

You can watch more details about the process of finishing the interior of the house in this video:

When decorating walls frame house, you may encounter some difficulties; you can read about ways to solve these difficulties in the article: Options for finishing the walls of a frame house.

Using wall panels in finishing of a private house

This method is used by designers who create the final image of a living space. The panels create a unique appearance for the room. The material in question is supplied in the following forms:

  • Tree. In this case it is simulated wood paneling. Depending on the price category of the wall panel, its surface can create the effect of finishing a house “like mahogany” or oak.
  • Bamboo. This is a multi-layered and embossed surface. It is important to use such panels when working with small rooms. Vertical stripes of such materials when finishing wooden houses visually expand the space.
  • Glass. Panels of this type allow you to zone the space of a living room. This allows you to update the interior of a country residential building by performing renovations in a high-tech style.

Wall panels (especially glass) are fragile. When working with them, you should take into account the layout of the house, highlight the load-bearing elements of the structure in order to avoid cracking of the material. If the thickness of the wall fences is small, the wall panels are laid on a pre-prepared frame. Photo finishing log house allows you to carry out repairs according to a pre-prepared plan.

Installation is carried out using the included fastening elements. The cladding is placed directly on the material sheathing. Depending on the type of material purchased, cladding on a substrate placed directly on the sheathing is allowed.

Finishing the inside of the house with plasterboard

One of the budget ways to improve space. Sheathing of wall structures can be done on your own. When working with this material, the following features should be taken into account:

  • This is a fragile bulk structure. When torn, the sheets are easily deformed. This indicates the possibility of using it for repairs no earlier than 2 years after the building is put into operation. Finishing country houses, photo report which is presented in this article, will allow you to navigate when carrying out repairs.
  • The material is affected by temperature changes. Sheathing plasterboard sheets must be carried out exclusively in living rooms. Utility rooms - warehouse, garage, boiler room - are finished using a different material.

If drywall is attached to the walls of a wooden house, then a floating frame is used. This will eliminate the possibility of damage to the structure when the beams move. Places prone to the formation of cracks and defects are additionally glued with a reinforcing mesh made of polymer material.

Facade finishing of a timber house

The exterior decoration of a country building can be ventilated or unventilated. In the first case, a technical gap is created between the building wall and the facade in order to avoid the formation of condensation in the event of temperature changes. An unventilated facade involves attaching external material directly to the walls of the building.

Facade finishing can be realized using:

  • Siding. It is made of metal and plastic. It is characterized by quick installation, protection of walls from mechanical damage and practicality. There are many color options, which allows you to choose the material based on the preferences of the residents. Decorating your home with your own hands, photo the process of which can be seen online, allows you to create unique interior compositions.
  • Block house. Externally, the structure will resemble wooden frame. According to its texture, the material is wooden boards, one side of which has a convex shape. This method of finishing the facade is characterized by visual appeal, increased thermal insulation, and long term services.
  • Imitation of timber. One of the varieties of wooden lining. Used for outdoor work. This material is environmentally friendly and is also characterized by the possibility of its quick cladding.

Exterior decoration of a house made of foam blocks

It can be produced using the following materials:

  • Clinker thermal panels. Such repairs allow you to create sustainable protection for the façade from the effects of mechanical damage. The panels are environmentally friendly, resistant to influence sunlight. They are characterized by low vapor permeability and excellent moisture absorption rates.

  • Facing brick. Decorating your home with your own hands, a review photo of which can be found on construction sites, allows you to create a unique architectural image. The brick is laid at a distance of 5 cm from the wall of the house. This form of finishing involves the creation of a ventilated facade. In the ranks brickwork technical openings must be provided. If there is no need to operate the house in the cold season, the presence of such holes can be eliminated. However, this approach will significantly increase the level of humidity in a residential building.


When carrying out repairs country house The following nuances should be taken into account:

  • Interior decoration residential building is carried out only after completion of active shrinkage. Houses made of laminated veneer lumber allow you to begin the first stages of finishing within 6 months after the building is put into operation.
  • The huge variety of building materials used in finishing houses (both internal and external) allows you to implement this process yourself. When working with certain types of materials, no special knowledge is required, and some of the activities to improve the living space can be performed without the help of construction contractors.
  • When finishing the facade of a house, you should select the material necessary to create a ventilated and non-ventilated structure. In the first case, it is necessary to leave a technical gap to guarantee the absence of condensation on the walls of the building. When constructing unventilated facades, additional thermal insulation of a residential building will be required inside, which will reduce usable area in the rooms.
  • The best option for interior decoration of a house in terms of price-quality is to use wall panels. This material is characterized by affordable cost and ease of installation. The installation work can be done independently without the help of specialized construction teams. The house will receive an additional layer of thermal insulation, as well as a unique interior that imitates expensive finishing.

To finish, we recommend watching a video report on a budget option for finishing a private house:

Interior decoration of a house is considered one of the most difficult processes. It is on the correct implementation of all activities that the final result depends, which is largely expressed not in appearance, but in the comfort of living. Currently, there are many finishing methods that differ in installation technology and materials used. In this case, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of surface design options, taking into account the specific situation.

Decorating the inside of a house with your own hands is a responsible undertaking that requires informed decisions. To simplify the work, it is customary to divide the entire process into stages so that each subsequent one does not have a significant impact on the previous one.

The general procedure for complex finishing is as follows:

  1. Ceiling. It is believed that this is where you need to start. This is explained by the fact that the likelihood of damage to other coatings is reduced. But any processes with the ceiling surface require a lot of effort and skill; even with significant experience, it is quite easy to damage the walls or floor. If you paint, you will have to carefully cover all adjacent areas, and also more carefully rearrange stepladders, sawhorses and improvised equipment, which can be difficult.
  2. Walls. The correct sequence assumes that the walls are finished at the next stage. This situation is justified, because it is with these surfaces that the greatest difficulties arise. Often there is a need for minor repairs to the base, so it is much easier to work if decorative cladding the floor has not yet been completed.
  3. Floor. Floor work is the final stage; the selected material is laid on top of the previously constructed base. Naturally, if you do this earlier, the likelihood of damage to the coating increases many times over.

In construction there are general rules interior design

On a note! It must be taken into account that rough finish is done in advance, its order is slightly different. So, when working in inhabited houses, the old coatings are often completely dismantled, then the process is carried out from top to bottom. But it is recommended to start laying the base from the floor. For example, first the screed is poured, after which the walls and ceiling are removed.

Various home finishing options

There are different types of interior finishing that can be suitable for several stages at the same time.

Ceiling finishing

Working with the ceiling surface is quite inconvenient, which is why it is recommended to use more comfortable stands to avoid constantly moving the stepladder. Can be used for work various ways which allow you to get excellent results.

Stretch ceiling

This is the simplest option, which makes it possible to carry out work in a short time. The entire installation process takes no more than one day, unless a device is intended complex structures. But due to the fact that this option is rarely installed independently, a longer period of time may be required.

Polymer decorative film is considered the fastest and most effective way to decorate the ceiling

On a note! There is a lot of debate about what should be done first: cladding the walls or installing a stretch ceiling. Unanimous opinion no, each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

We must not forget that the canvas is stretched in advance installed profiles, this reduces the ceiling height by at least 5 cm. It is advisable to pay great attention to choosing the appropriate option. For example, plain glossy ceiling in small rooms it creates a depressing impression.

The process of stretching film onto the ceiling requires tools, skills and a certain professionalism

Usage tensile structures- This great way hide significant shortcomings surfaces. Currently, the cost of this option is very affordable.

Applying plaster or putty

This method is considered classic; it is excellent for creating a coating for further cladding. At the same time, if you use the textured surface method, then after painting the coating will turn out to be quite original. But performing high-quality ceiling cladding using plaster is a complex process that requires skills.

The textured decoration of the ceiling looks very impressive, but it is beyond the capabilities of an amateur, and the services of a professional are expensive


For interior decoration of a house, this is the simplest method that allows you to do everything yourself. An important point is that almost any surface can be painted.

Features of the method:

  • Compositions that have different characteristics can be used for work. Water-based products are considered the most preferred.
  • Before carrying out work, the surface is carefully prepared. That is why this method takes quite a lot of time in houses where floor slabs were laid.
  • The technology involves applying paint in several layers, this will achieve greater uniformity.

Painting the ceiling with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is that the surface is absolutely flat

On a note! Painting is excellent for wooden houses, the ceilings of which are pre-sheathed with particle boards.

Plasterboard ceilings

GKL slabs are used for the manufacture of suspended ceilings, as well as complex geometric structures. With the help of this material it is possible to create amazing transitions and cascades. This process is quite complex, requiring accuracy and a balanced approach.

Simple models of plasterboard ceilings, if desired, can be made independently


GKL slabs do not act as an independent decorative material, but provide the opportunity to create an individual interior.

It should be taken into account that frame system It is also used for cladding the ceiling with panels and lining. Such options are especially relevant for private wooden houses.

Wall decoration

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of a house is impossible without cladding the wall surfaces. This procedure is simple; there is no need to constantly work in an awkward position.


The material is suitable not only for walls, but also for ceilings, and it is quite inexpensive. The installation technology is quite simple. It includes cutting the rolls into strips of the required size, applying glue to the surface and the material, as well as adjusting the patterns.

Combining different types of wallpaper and photo panels makes the room unique

Advantages of this solution:

  • Rapidity. If the walls are well prepared, then pasting does not take much time.
  • Wide decorative range. There are a great many options for colors, textures, textures, as well as types of products. By decorating the inside of a room with wallpaper, you can decorate even the most boring interior.
  • Possibility of quickly replacing tired cladding. Indeed, this does not require much time and effort.

On a note! It is a mistaken belief that wallpaper is losing its popularity, because new options are constantly being produced (for example, 3D or liquid wallpaper).

Wall canvases with a 3D effect are especially popular now.


Various types of products can be used for work; the cheapest options are PVC and MDF. Such panels have different widths and a length that allows you to cover the walls to their full height. The frame method is often used for fixation, although installation can be done directly on the base using glue.

The technology of paneling is accessible even to a non-professional, but for residential premises it is advisable to choose MDF, since PVC coating is short-lived

But special decorative panels that create a 3D effect or visual volume are of particular interest. Working with such parts is quite difficult, because precise adjustment of each fragment is required.


This method is gradually losing its popularity, but this option, along with the use of ceramic tiles, is suitable for certain situations. For example, these methods are used to work in bathrooms and kitchens, they create coatings that are quite easy to care for.

Of course, the walls can be covered with other products. For example, excellent option The use of decorative stone and special varieties of plaster is considered.

Fragmentary finishing decorative stone looks nice and is relatively easy to install

Floor finishing

A properly finished floor is the key to a harmonious interior. Work can be performed using various materials.


It is linoleum that is used in cases where it is necessary to achieve a balance between price and quality. These products have quite a large number of varieties, as well as a wide decorative range.

Modern types of linoleum have high performance characteristics and an enviable design

The installation process is not the most complicated procedure, but it has the following nuances:

  1. The base is prepared quite carefully; the presence of dirt and dust should not be allowed.
  2. The surface is treated with specially selected glue. Linoleum rolls out and presses well.
  3. Particular attention is paid to the joints, which, if necessary, are covered with a strip.

To obtain the best quality result, such material should be selected based on the area of ​​use.

To lay linoleum yourself, you don’t need fundamental knowledge or special skills; any home craftsman can handle it


Laminate is considered one of the most popular materials for flooring. This is due to the reasonable price, excellent decorative component and the ability to do the work yourself. It is important to consider that the resulting coating is not only visually attractive, but also resistant to various influences.

Laminate is a very strong and durable coating; in addition, it is much cheaper and easier to install than parquet or solid wood.

Laminate is an alternative wooden flooring, which requires quite significant costs.


For interior decoration, special types of tiles are used that can withstand heavy loads. The parts are laid using glue, which ensures reliable fixation. Some difficulties may arise when setting a single plane, because even minor differences will be very noticeable.

Today one of the most popular types floor tiles considered porcelain stoneware

Thus, it is necessary to decorate the inside of the house in a certain sequence, and for work, use options that are most suitable for various parameters.

Today, many home owners act thoughtlessly when purchasing materials for the construction and decoration of their abode. Everyone gives preference to the decorative factor, while other criteria, which are much more important, are not even considered.

Still, when buying finishing materials, you should pay attention to a number of factors, especially if you plan to carry out the work yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

Later in the article we will tell you what material should be chosen for high-quality finishing at home from the outside, we will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the intricacies of working with specific representatives, which will allow you to make the right choice.


Wet finishing of the house outside is popular for the simple reason that this is the most budget option compared to other types of finishes. I would also like to note that the use of this finishing method is considered folk decoration, which has many disadvantages.

But there are also exceptions, and this is classic plastering, the disadvantage of which is only the difficulty of applying it yourself without outside help. About all the other shortcomings that manufacturers of modern materials for exterior finishing of a building so often talk about, we can only say that they are far-fetched. Modern synthetic materials for construction have many more shortcomings that are very difficult to hide.

And what are modern synthetic materials? This is very common material that you have most likely seen at least once in your life:

Decorative plaster
By itself, plaster can be used to cover the outside of a frame house, but if we are talking about finishing polystyrene foam, then you will encounter many disadvantages. The technology of such finishing poses a threat to human life:

  • poor fire resistance;
  • toxicity;
  • “thermos” effect;
  • high probability of developing mold and mildew, etc.

And how do the founders of such a miracle technology warn you about such “nuances”? We can say that there is no way, because they call it all special requirements, which requires sufficient ventilation, plenty protective equipment etc.

Warm plaster

Warm plaster

This is the same material that cannot boast of its vapor permeability. But its only difference from the previous version is fire safety. By all other criteria, this is the same “thermos” that creates favorable conditions for mold development.
The safest type of warm plastering is to use a solution of cement and sand with the addition of sawdust. But this finishing option is rarely used, because it is very vulnerable to natural factors.

I would not like to say anything negative about paint and varnish materials, which are often used to decorate the outside of houses. wet finishing. It is clear that any person absolutely does not want to burden himself with repairs every year, and it is clear that paint manufacturers are trying in every possible way to help with this. But, I would like to note that most paints for decorating facades, after drying, cover the surface with a moisture-repellent film, which makes adjustments to the moisture exchange process. If we talk in simple words– the walls stop “breathing” and you have to use powerful ventilation, additional heating, and then fall into depression after seeing the amount in the payment for gas or electricity.

But, manufacturers never cease to claim the positive aspects of using their materials, and sell not only foam blocks and plaster, but also ventilation and heating systems etc.


I would like to immediately note that this is a very good option for finishing a frame house. If you approach the work correctly, you will not disrupt the natural flow natural processes. The only “but” is the glue that is used to fix the slabs. When working with brick, you can do without glue, but if you are laying tiles, this is a different issue, for the solution of which it will not be enough to use a cement-sand mortar.

Modern craftsmen in the field of construction no longer use such equipment to finish a frame house, because dry building mass allows them to work faster, simpler and easier. This applies to standard slabs that imitate brick or natural stone.

Things work out a little differently when using natural stone, which is cut to fit the slab. Due to its weight, such material can be fixed to the wall in 2 ways at the same time. Initially, the blocks are glued to a solution of cement and sand, after which they are fixed with anchors with a special clamp. The clamp is designed in such a way that one plate can hold both the top and bottom tiles. This is a very convenient technology, but it is quite expensive. Also, the cost of materials and their installation cannot be called budgetary.


Today, a ventilated facade finished with panels is the best solution for cladding the outside of a frame house. Positive qualities This technology has a lot:

  • there are no disruptions to natural processes;
  • safe insulation of the building is carried out;
  • an attractive appearance of the house is achieved.

Cladding a wooden house with panels allows you to imitate natural and artificial material, namely:

  • tree;
  • brick;
  • marble, etc.

The essence of finishing a house with ventilated material is that a small gap is left between the load-bearing surfaces, which ensures the necessary moisture exchange. The insulation can be absolutely any mineral wool made of stone or sand.

One catch - protective film, which is manufactured in such a way that it allows the permissible amount of moisture to pass through.


Aerated concrete

Today, materials such as aerated concrete blocks are widely used for the construction and finishing of residential buildings. This is due to the availability of the material from a financial point of view, the simplicity of installation and high level thermal insulation. But, whatever one may say, there are also negative aspects: aerated concrete blocks are afraid of moisture and have an unpresentable appearance, which must be decorated with additional building materials.

Technical features of aerated concrete blocks are given in the table below.

Peculiarity Index
Dry thermal conductivity 0.12 W/mOS
Thermal conductivity at humidity 0.145 W/mOS
Frost resistance F35
Fire resistance Class A1
Compressive strength 25-50 kg/cm2
Water absorption 20%

It’s better to immediately stipulate that finishing a house with aerated concrete panels should not interfere with the diffusion process - in other words, the surfaces should “breathe”. That is why it is better not to finish aerated concrete blocks with film paint or treat them cement mortar and do not attach foam plastic to the frame profile.

The best way is to decorate the house with brick, plaster or textured paste or siding panels, and decide for yourself which option suits you best.

If you decide to decorate aerated concrete blocks with brick, be prepared that such a finish has both advantages and several disadvantages.

pros brick finishing:

  • attractive appearance;
  • the ability to strengthen the building;
  • deprivation of walls of hydrophobicity.

The brick has such flaws:

  • high cost;
  • problematic masonry.

Having decided to plaster aerated concrete blocks, it is better to acquire a special plaster mixture, which should have the following features:

  • the mass must allow vapor to pass through;
  • contain binding components;
  • it is necessary to trim the frame profile with reinforcement to increase strength.

Using such budget ways finishing, get ready for the fact that the plaster is afraid of natural disasters that can spoil its quality and integrity. To avoid this, you need to acquire a solution with special ingredients, which in turn will increase the cost of the mixture.

Today, aerated concrete blocks are most often finished with siding panels, because they have the following advantages:

  • affordable price category;
  • large range of colors;
  • allows you to imitate any natural design;
  • ease of installation work;
  • moisture resistance;
  • long service life;
  • such finishing is not susceptible to putrefactive changes;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of care.

The only disadvantage is the fact that the finish can be easily damaged by mechanical influences, but note that for this you will have to acquire heavy objects.

Well, we tried to tell you about the most popular materials for exterior decoration of the house, and it’s up to you to decide which one to choose for yourself. All ventilated blocks, like any material for the construction of residential buildings, are each good in their own way and, most often, cope with the task.

based on materials from the site: PO-OTDKE.RU

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The decoration of the house is the calling card of the entire structure. The way a house looks outside and inside determines the degree of its comfort and coziness. If the construction of a house is carried out according to the project, then it should have a section with a passport for facade finishing. In this part, the architectural team develops color solutions facade and selects the most beautiful, durable and inexpensive materials.

Decorating a house with your own hands must be done carefully and scrupulously. Since the finishing work is quite complex and requires a special technique, before the finishing stage you should try your hand at an inconspicuous place.

Ideally, a small stand should be equipped from the same material that is the main one in the building. At this stand you can hone your skills, select necessary compositions and their consistency. After this, when you start working on the facade or inside the room, the result will be really good.

Depending on the selected material as internal or exterior finishing, are needed different instruments for work. Before starting work, you should study technical recommendations, which the manufacturer gives for its materials.

For example, several interesting solutions for external and internal decoration in the photo.

Useful video: DIY home decoration

In the interior of wooden houses, you need to use the natural component of the material used. Wood always looks beautiful and impressive. To make the wood more attractive, it can be treated with special impregnations that give the wood a beautiful shade.

Interior decoration should not be made entirely of wood. This makes the interior boring and monotonous. Beautiful furniture and properly selected decor will make the house cozy. In wooden houses it is recommended to use light colors in decoration. This approach makes the space more voluminous.

As a calming element, you can use pastel drapery or textiles in an unobtrusive color that you like. Beautiful furniture will complement the interior well. Some points about the interior decoration of the house can be gleaned from the video:

Making a room original is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Installation of internal decorative elements must be carried out taking into account design requirements. Sometimes it happens that two absolutely great things or solutions just don't fit together.

Easiest to do original design at home with help plasterboard partition. You can use plasterboard to build a non-standard structure, for example, a round window in the living room or an eye-catching portal around the perimeter of the door.

Looks pretty interesting artificial aging wood, along with laying imitation stone on the floor. Despite the austere appearance, such an interior adds a special atmosphere to the building. This interior is ideal for summer house, especially if its owners are engaged in hunting. The general style indicates the medieval period.

You can also leave the rounded timber unchanged. It only needs to be processed a little to give it a neat look. Natural stone and soft textile elements look appropriate with such an interior.

Do-it-yourself home renovation and decoration

It is best to start renovations by preparing the interior. It is better to move all interior elements that may get dirty in advance to another room. These include chairs, carpets, paintings, and so on. After this you need to free up as much as possible inner space so that the scaffold can move freely.

All existing decorative finishes should be checked for strength; if they are old and require replacement, all material must be dismantled without leaving any residue. Removing old finishes is usually associated with a lot of dust. To feel comfortable, you should stock up on a respirator and safety glasses.

Then you need to check the integrity load-bearing structures and frame elements. Wood can quickly deteriorate in poor climatic conditions. Damaged areas should be replaced and what caused the wood to break or rot should be analyzed. In the future, it is not the consequences that should be eliminated, but the initial cause, which leads to the negative performance of the main structures of the building.

After completely clearing the room of debris and remnants of old finishing, you can begin to carry out new interior finishing. All surfaces must be prepared, cleaned or leveled and only then decorated. If the wood has an unpresentable appearance, it can be painted with a special impregnation that will make the wood beautiful and fresh.

The arrangement of decorative elements is carried out in final stage, when all wet processes are completed. Now you can return removed furniture and other elements of the premises.

The interior decoration of the house should be made entirely from environmentally friendly materials. This will ensure the health of all family members who live in the house. In this regard, beauty is much inferior to usefulness. It is better to do interior finishing work yourself after a little training of the intended work.

If you need to line the interior with wooden clapboard, stock up on a tape measure and a hacksaw, because you will have to measure and cut a lot of material. Finishing lining is installed on special sheathing, which is attached to load-bearing walls using nails or crutches.

Along the length of the plank, large distances should not be allowed to appear between the horizontal elements of the sheathing so that the lining is not pressed inward. When the installation approaches the corner of the building, it is necessary to accurately measure the distance to the corner and begin installing the last three strips of lining exactly from the corner. The corner one is nailed as is, and the last two in the wall are mounted simultaneously. Place the slats at an angle to each other and push them, they will slam shut and create a strong structure.

If the built house has frame structure, it can be finished with almost any material, from drywall to PVC materials. When building a log house, there is no point in sheathing the walls with foreign material; in this option, it is better to preserve the wood structure of the walls and only emphasize the environmental orientation of the building.

Some interesting ideas can be gleaned from the video, which describes the main materials used for the interior decoration of a wooden house.

We often decorate a house the way we like it, and then we get offended why others don’t appreciate the beauty and flight of creative thought. The fact is that the individual concept of beauty is greatly exaggerated when you realize that an idea invented by yourself is embodied with your own hands.

Meanwhile, most simple design techniques can make the interior beautiful for almost anyone. If you want to make your home a unique place, order wall panel, which will be made using wood carving technique. If you have the skills, you can do something similar yourself. Such a masterpiece will look much more beautiful than a banal carpet on the wall.

To make a room unique, you need to skillfully match the decor on the walls with the furniture that is in the room. Ideal for a wooden house wooden furniture threaded. You can make beautiful carvings yourself, but this process is long and labor-intensive. First, you will have to learn the skill and only then begin to implement your plans.

If you want to saturate the room with mystery and good mood, add a few small details that match the theme of the overall decoration. These can be self-made figurines of animals in nature or an impromptu collage from your favorite cartoon. All these details only emphasize the decoration of the walls and fill wooden house sophistication.

When starting renovations in an old house, you need to remove all the old finishing and determine the condition of the supporting structures. If obvious violations are discovered in previously completed construction, everything should be corrected. Floor beams and load-bearing supports can be strengthened with new beams on both sides, tightly connecting the elements of the old and new frame.

Previously, house roofs were designed from more powerful beams with larger rafter pitches. Over time, wood ages and is no longer able to bear the loads previously placed on it. Therefore, it is advisable not only to strengthen existing rafter systems, but also to add new ones.

In most cases, you will need to resend the flooring in the premises. If the support joists are also old, they will also have to be replaced. The same applies to wall structures and decorative finishing, which is available in the room. If the house is very old, you should do major renovation and not be limited to simply impregnating and painting wood.

Take a closer look at window designs; if they can no longer be used or their functionality is in question, feel free to change them window blocks. The doors will have to be replaced in any case; the appearance of the new flooring will be spoiled by the old doors.

After replacing everything outdated, you can begin to create a new interior in the house. By this time an old house has already been transformed and filled with new smells. Try to keep it as long as possible. Do not use varnish coatings for wood; it is better to use a special environmental impregnation. It will improve the fire resistance of the building and leave a pleasant aroma indoors.

Even if the main idea for the decoration has already been thought out and you can’t wait to bring it to life, give the new premises a few days to settle. Typically, replacing or strengthening load-bearing structures entails additional load on the foundation, which can lead to additional settlement of the building.

In a few weeks, you will be able to fully finish decorating the premises and spend your first day in a beautiful and new home.

The coziness and comfort of a country house depend not only on reliable walls and roofs, but also on high-quality finishing of the house as a whole. All work on the construction of a private house is divided into several stages, and the final stage is finishing the house inside and out. Decorating a private house combines several various types works that require the master to have extensive knowledge and skills in the construction business. When finishing a private house with your own hands and not having extensive experience in this matter, you need to know the following - finishing a private house is divided into interior and exterior. Each of them uses its own finishing materials and construction technologies.

The importance of the appearance of a private home cannot be overestimated. The first impression of the house itself and its owners depends on how well the materials are selected and how well all the work is done. The exterior decoration of the house includes work on the facade and basement, and they are carried out after all work on the roof has been completed. Doing the exterior decoration of a private house with your own hands will not be difficult, the main thing is to know what and how to do.

Finishing the facade of a private house

Today the market can please you with a large selection finishing materials for facades starting from various plasters and ending with ventilated facades. The choice of one material or another depends purely on the personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners of a private home.


This method of finishing the facade of a house has been known for a long time and is still popular. The most widespread are cement-based plasters with various additives. With the development of technology, acrylic, silicone, insulated and various decorative plasters appeared. When choosing a particular plaster as a material for finishing the facade, you need to make sure that it is suitable for exterior work. Plastering the walls of a house allows you to create a smooth and uniform surface, which in addition will strengthen and insulate the walls of the house.

The plaster is applied to the prepared surface, which is cleaned of dust and impregnated with a deep penetration primer. To increase strength and durability, the plaster layer is reinforced with mesh.

Plasters are especially popular "bark beetle" And "under a fur coat". The first application technology is the same as ordinary plaster. But “under the fur coat” is done by spraying plaster mortar onto the wall through a sieve with cells of a certain size.


Finishing a private house with siding appeared relatively recently. This one is simple and affordable way façade cladding consists of installing vinyl or metal strips, which are attached one on top of the other. Finishing the facades of private houses with siding allows you to create a ventilated facade with a vapor-permeable film; if necessary, you can insulate it. All siding installation work is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. The main thing is to do everything carefully and gradually.

Stone, tiles and porcelain tiles

Facing ceramic tiles, artificial or natural stone belongs to the category of very expensive facades. The cost of materials and the complexity of the work do not contribute to the growing popularity of this type of facade finishing. More often seen combined finishing stone-plaster or tile-plaster. Sometimes instead of plaster, ordinary paint or whitewash is used.

As already noted, finishing a facade with tiles or stone is a very complex matter and requires certain skills and abilities that have been honed over the years. A mistake can lead to the wall collapsing and having to do it all over again. Therefore, it is better to entrust this option for finishing the facade to professionals.

Decorative brick

This finishing material has been used for quite some time, but thanks to modern technologies in construction you can find facing bricks on the market various forms and shades. Carrying out masonry work facing bricks not much different from masonry ordinary brick, but it is worth noting that facing bricks are more demanding on the accuracy and precision of the work performed. In addition to its impressive appearance, the advantages of facing bricks include the possibility of installing thermal insulation between the wall and the finish. For those who want to finish the facade with facing bricks, you will need a partner. Typically, the laying of facing bricks is carried out in parallel with the construction of walls. The connection between the facing brick and the wall is made using masonry mesh. If you have to clad an already built house with brick, then you need to slightly enlarge the base itself in order to create a reliable stop for the masonry. And only after that start laying facing bricks. If necessary, the space between the wall and the masonry can be additionally insulated, for example with expanded clay.

Ventilated facades

This option for facade finishing appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity due to its ease of installation, the possibility of creating thermal insulation, ease of repair, the presence of wall ventilation and its beautiful appearance. In addition, this finishing option is suitable for all types of wall surfaces. The design of such facades is a metal or wooden frame on which composite panels, porcelain stoneware, natural stone and much more are hung.

Finishing the facade of a private house: photo

Located at the bottom of the façade, the plinth protects it from contamination and mechanical damage. For this reason, it is customary to finish the plinth using the most reliable and durable materials, which in addition serve as protection against moisture. The materials used for finishing the basement are the same as for the rest of the facade, but the main selection criteria remain strength and waterproofness.

The plinth cladding begins with quality training surfaces and consists of the following works:

  • elimination of various irregularities, chips and cracks by filling them with a repair composition;
  • the repaired surface must be impregnated with a special deep penetration primer to increase adhesive and strengthening characteristics;
  • before installation facing materials with a porous structure, their working surface should be treated with a water repellent.

Today the most popular finishing materials for the plinth are:

  • clinker tiles;
  • stone tiles;
  • polymer tiles;
  • resin-based tiles;
  • fake diamond;
  • slate;
  • PVC panels;
  • various plasters.

The main difference between the finishing work of the base and the facade is the increased attention to the waterproof and water-repellent characteristics of the base.

Interior decoration of a private house

The most labor-intensive and time-consuming stage of construction is the set of finishing works for interior spaces country house. In essence, the interior decoration of a private house is the embodiment of an interior design project in life. All interior finishing work begins after the subfloor has been created, electrical wiring has been installed, heating and plumbing have been installed. Finishing finishing works: plaster, putty, painting, wallpapering, laying tiles, flooring installation and so on are carried out completely and are final in the construction of a country house.

Decorating private houses: interior design photos

Ceiling decoration in a private house

It is most convenient to start finishing work from the ceiling. Because in any case, something will “blur” or fall somewhere, and then you will have to clean the surface or even redo it again. Carrying out all the work on finishing the ceiling in comparison with walls and floors is somewhat more difficult due to the inconvenience of applying finishing materials. But it all depends on dexterity and ability to use the tool. In all other respects, it is quite possible for a beginner to finish the ceiling on his own; the main thing is to know what and how to do.

The construction market offers a wide range of materials for ceiling finishing, and designers can always come up with something original. Today the most popular ceiling finishing options are suspended ceiling, suspended ceiling, wallpapering, as well as such time-tested methods as whitewash And painting. What exactly the ceiling will be depends on the overall interior design and the possibility of its implementation. You should start finishing the ceiling by leveling the surface with plaster, putty and, having soaked the surface with a primer, you can begin applying the finishing coat.

These finishing options have been known for a long time and are the easiest to implement. The work does not require special knowledge or skills, and you can handle it yourself. The main advantages of this ceiling finishing are simplicity, accessibility and very low cost of materials. Materials used for whitewashing quicklime, and for painting you can use a wide range of paints, ranging from ordinary alkyd to lime paint.


Like painting or whitewashing, wallpapering the ceiling belongs to the category of budget finishing options, but in comparison with them, this finishing option is much more complicated. Carrying out the work of wallpapering the ceiling will require certain dexterity and skills, and besides, you can’t do it without a partner. It should be noted that for this finishing option you should use special ceiling wallpaper or liquid wallpaper. Of course, you can find premium wallpaper on the market, the price of which is very high, but here it all depends on your wishes and budget. It is highly not recommended to use vinyl wallpaper and silk-screen printing.

The peculiarity of this finishing option is the creation of a structure that is attached to the ceiling and hides it, while allowing you to equip unique lighting using a variety of lighting fixtures, and also makes it possible to create multi-level ceiling. The structure itself is only a base that needs to be puttied and then painted or wallpapered. Unfortunately, the main disadvantages of this finishing option are the reduction total height premises and some complexity in creating the structure itself, requiring excellent engineering and construction skills.

For suspended ceiling use metal profiles of various shapes, plasterboard sheets, special fasteners, screws and dowels. It is better to entrust the creation of a suspended ceiling project to a professional, as this requires specialized knowledge and experience.

Like a suspended ceiling, the design of a stretch ceiling allows you to hide the ceiling and provide a variety of lighting, but the structural elements of a stretch ceiling are already attached to the walls. A unique feature of suspended ceilings is the ability to use various materials with patterns and prints, which allow you to create a unique ceiling surface. In addition, a suspended ceiling can be combined with a suspended ceiling, thereby creating a multi-level structure.

The design of a stretch ceiling is quite simple and consists of a profile with a snap mechanism to hold the stretched fabric, which is attached around the perimeter of the room. Installation of suspended ceilings requires certain skills to tension a fabric or PVC sheet, but to secure the profile you do not need any special skills.

Wall decoration in a private house

The next stage of work after finishing the ceiling is finishing the walls of a private house. As with ceilings, the choice and use of materials depends on the style of the room and the previously developed design project. Popular wall finishing options are wallpapering, ceramic tile cladding, artificial or natural stone, decorative plaster, sheathing with plasterboard sheets or simply painting walls.

Despite the fact that some finishing materials require good command of tools and experience in construction, the work is generally easier than when working with ceilings. Also, before you begin finishing the walls, their surface must be carefully leveled with plaster and putty. Today, ceramic tiles, wallpaper, decorative plaster, various paints, sheets of drywall, lining, as well as many other materials on the market.

In fact, the same materials are used to decorate the ceiling and walls. The only exceptions for the ceiling are ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone.

Finishing floors in a private house

The main work on arranging the floor was done at the stage of creating the foundation, but the floor is finally created during the interior finishing. It should be immediately noted that the finishing floor covering is laid at the very end, after all finishing is completed, so as not to accidentally damage it during all the work.

The choice of flooring depends on what the floor will be, concrete or wood. So, any floor coverings are suitable for concrete floors, ranging from ceramic floor tiles and ending parquet. But for wood there are certain restrictions on materials. For their finishing can be used massive board , parquet, laminate, linoleum. Such limitations are associated with the design of the wooden floor and installation technology. floor coverings. Of course, you can even lay ceramic tiles on a wooden floor and install a “warm floor” system, but the reliability and durability of such a design will be in question.

Some features of interior decoration

It is worth noting that finishing the kitchen in a private house, bathtub and toilet requires the use of materials that are resistant to the conditions high humidity. Therefore, various alkyd paints are often used to decorate the kitchen ceiling. The walls are finished with ceramic tiles, clapboard or simply painted. For the floor in such rooms, laying linoleum, tiles or stone is most suitable.

To decorate rooms such as the bedroom and living room, you can use any materials. The main thing is that they meet environmental requirements, since we spend more time in these rooms.

Decorating a corridor in a private house is a special case. It's all about the immediate proximity of the street. Therefore, when choosing what to use for finishing, you should give preference to moisture-resistant materials that are resistant to temperature changes. In addition, it will not be superfluous to take care of good thermal insulation.

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