Required soil composition for indoor geranium. How to choose the right soil composition for indoor geraniums? Geranium propagation methods

A lot has been said and written about geranium. All flower growers, beginners and experienced, know this flower, its special aroma, medicinal properties and beautiful bright blooms. I also have quite a few varieties of geraniums, also called pelargoniums. Despite the experience in floriculture and the unpretentiousness of this plant, in Lately I had problems with one copy.

It is very important what nutrient soil mixture the flower is planted in, since the future fate of the plant depends on its composition. There are several types of soil that are most often used when planting or replanting. indoor flowers. Let's look at the main ones.

Sod land

  1. In the classic version, such soil is prepared in pastures or meadows where there is a lot of grass. Moreover, an old and stale, compressed layer is used. They take turf, as this type of soil is also called, in places with a neutral or low acidity level.
  2. It is divided into 3 main groups: light - with a large percentage of sand, medium consists of equal parts of sand and clay, and heavy - the main part is clay and only a little sand.
  3. The soil is prepared for use for several years, impregnated with mullein and lime to reduce the acidity level. Turf soil is in great demand in floriculture and gardening and is used everywhere. Its main advantage is its porosity and saturation with all necessary nutrients.

Leaf ground

  • The main part is harvested in the autumn during leaf fall. Leaves are especially suitable fruit trees, as well as linden, acacia and maple. Oak and willow leaves are not recommended for use, as they contain a lot of tannins.
  • Layers are prepared, which are impregnated several times with slurry and mullein, and lime is added. Shovel periodically. After a year, the land is ready for use. It is loose, rich in useful and nutritious substances.


It is obtained by mixing soil from a greenhouse and rotted manure. If you put it in a greenhouse in spring period, then in the fall there will be humus.

Humus soil can be light, made from horse and sheep manure, or heavy, made from cow manure. This soil is also shoveled and periodically moistened. First, the stacks are stored outdoors and then moved indoors.

Its composition is nutritious, rich in many essential microelements, but often too heavy for many plants. Use only according to instructions.


  1. This substance is obtained from swamps. Fold into briquettes. Between them they water with slurry. There is peat chips. For several years it is periodically shoveled, only in the 3rd year the peat is ready.
  2. The result is very light and loose soil that allows air and moisture to pass through well. More often, peat is used with other types of soil, making them more hygroscopic and moisture-permeable. The main role is as a leavening agent.

How to choose the right soil for geraniums

Despite the fact that the plant is unpretentious and undemanding in care, it is necessary to choose the right soil in order to see not only a healthy and flowering bush in the future, but also to be sure that the plant has good immunity.

  • The main condition for this flower is that the soil must be fresh, not previously used, loose and light. It is imperative to place a layer of drainage in each flowerpot. Geranium does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the root system.
  • If you still have little experience in floriculture, then it is better to purchase a ready-made universal substrate and supplement it with some components: perlite, vermiculite and pre-washed river sand. It is important to mix all the ingredients until they are homogeneous, and then you can plant the flower.
  • When choosing a ready-made substrate, make sure that it is free of mold and insects, and you also need to determine whether the soil is fresh or old. The second one will turn into a lump when compressed, and a quality one suitable for use will crumble.
  • Peat soil must be included in the soil mixture, as it brings the necessary looseness and lightness.
  • If you have experience in transplanting and planting plants, then prepare the soil yourself: mix 8 parts turf soil, 2 parts humus, 1 part sand and 1 part peat.
  • Another option: ready soil(you can use “Krepysh”, “Gardener”, “Ogorodnik”, “Universal” from the Fasko agricultural company) - 10 shares, Sphagnum moss, cut into pieces - 1 share, sand - 1 share and half a share of humus. If you buy universal soil “Terra Vita”, then humus is already included in the composition.

Main characteristics of the finished substrate

  1. The soil mixture should be porous and loose, airy.
  2. Good moisture permeability is essential, but at the same time required amount water should remain. Sphagnum moss helps with this, as it absorbs moisture and then gradually transfers it to the root system of the geranium. This prevents moisture stagnation.
  3. A neutral acidity level is a prerequisite for normal growth and development of geraniums.
  4. Presence of the entire complex in the soil nutrients, micro and macroelements.

After the planting procedure, some gardeners quarantine the flower for about a month and do not place it next to other indoor plants. If there are no spores in the soil harmful insects or viral bacteria, then the geranium is installed on permanent place.

Important: if you decide to disinfect the soil before planting, then it must be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water. But when you steam the soil in the oven at 180 degrees, it then takes several weeks for the soil mixture to restore the necessary nutritional microflora.

Heat treatments kill not only all pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones. Such soil becomes “dead” and poor.

How to replant geraniums

The procedure should be carried out in several cases: if a flower is accidentally flooded, in the absence of flowering, or when the root system has completely occupied the entire space. It is quite simple to determine that the roots are crowded: the soil in the pot begins to dry out very quickly, and you have to water it very often.

  • It is better to plan replanting in the spring before the start of the growing season. Buy a new pot, wash it with soap and let it dry. If it is too large, the geranium will not bloom until the root system has grown to its full volume (one of the reasons why it does not bloom).
  • Place on the bottom drainage layer. Pieces of polystyrene foam, gravel or crushed stone, small pebbles, and expanded clay are suitable.
  • Then very carefully remove the flower from the old flowerpot, after moistening the soil. It is undesirable to damage the old lump of earth and root system.
  • Next, inspect the roots. All dried, rotten or damaged areas must be carefully cut off with sharp scissors. Sprinkle the cut areas with finely crushed activated carbon so that viruses or diseases do not enter the plant tissue.
  • Next, use the transfer method to move the geranium into a new pot. Add new fresh soil and compact the soil a little. After planting, water the geranium and place it in partial shade for 7-8 days. This is how the plant adapts to the new container.
  • Next, place the flower in a permanent place. Geranium loves the sun, but the most comfortable lighting for the plant is diffused. It can be placed on the south side, but it must be shaded from the scorching rays of the sun.
  • Apply the first fertilizers after 8 weeks.

  1. To keep the soil mixture loose and conductive, add a small amount of moss to the substrate, foam chips, small pebbles. Then, when watering, the soil will not become crusty and compressed. You should not purchase a white plastic pot, in which the root system will overheat.
  2. You need to be very careful with watering. On hot summer days, you need to moisten the soil daily, but in small portions. Extra water Be sure to drain from the pan. In cold weather winter months limit yourself to a few waterings per week.
  3. It is important that when moistening the soil in a pot, water does not get on the foliage and shoots. Moreover, you cannot spray geranium. She can't stand it.
  4. The plant needs a lot of light, but the usual room temperature is suitable for geraniums: in the summer +18 - 23 degrees, and in the winter +10 - 15 degrees. Overheating is undesirable for geraniums, so winter period try not to place the flower near heating appliances.
  5. It is better to use mineral complexes as fertilizers. Organic fertilizers for geraniums are undesirable. During the flowering period, it is better to focus on potassium and phosphorus; during rest periods, add nitrogen-containing substances. From the second half of April until the end of summer, geranium should be fed approximately once a week, and then gradually reduce the amount of fertilizer.


  • The soil for geraniums must have a number of characteristics: be light and loose, well drained. You can purchase a ready-made substrate for geranium or a universal one. It is allowed to compose the soil yourself.
  • After replanting, the plant needs special care. The rest of the time, watering and fertilizing according to the schedule. When replanting, use only fresh nutritious soil and a new pot, small.

Briefly about what pelargonium loves.

There is a lot of light, sun and air, but if the summer is very hot, then give her baths more often, washing the leaves and not touching the flowers. It's better to do this in the evening.

What kind of soil does pelargonium like?

Once the growing season has passed, pruning geraniums helps them stay healthy and dormant during the colder months. This way, the geranium will retain its vigor throughout the winter and come back to life when the temperature rises. If you live in the area temperate climate Where winters are not so cold that the ground freezes, you can let geraniums grow in winter. In colder areas where the soil freezes and hardens, it is convenient to dig up geraniums and stick them in during the winter. Cut back geraniums you allow to grow over the winter into spring.

There is no need to spray pelargonium; this has a detrimental effect on the petals.

In the warm season, it is better to expose it to fresh air, since it grows in its homeland in open ground, so it will only winter at home. It does not like heat, and it needs coolness only during the rest period.

Give it plenty of free space (it doesn’t do well when it’s choked out by nearby plants).

Your geraniums will continue to grow throughout the winter and long, woody stems will emerge. This aspect is not very attractive and therefore geraniums should be pruned as soon as the new growing season begins. This helps the geraniums grow thick and beautiful as the temperature rises.

If you allow geraniums to grow outside during the winter, pick them up in late March or early April when temperatures begin to rise. If you allow geraniums to grow indoors during the winter, wait until the soil thaws. You can gradually acclimate them to the outside climate by taking them out on sunny and warm days and keeping them in again at night. Once the last frost has passed, you can replant them in the ground or leave them outside in pots. Observe the plant from all angles to identify areas that pose problems. However, it may take several weeks for new leaves and flowers to sprout.

  • Examine the plant.
  • Look for areas that don't have a lot of leaves, dead spots, or uneven spots.
  • If the center stem is still green, the plant will survive.
Removing dead flowers allows the geranium to put its energy into producing new flowers.

We water abundantly, ensuring good drainage of excess water, this way we will prevent waterlogging.

If the leaves and flowers of your pelargonium have changed their appearance, then this is the first sign that the plant is either overdried or is getting more water than he needs. In addition, if pelargonium feels great, there are a lot of leaves and they are beautiful, but the plant does not bloom or gives little color, then this indicates that it is also waterlogged.

Additionally, keep your vision clear of the plant's stems, and this way you can better understand what you need to fix. This quick way keep your plant healthy and you don't even need tools. Trimming them will prevent the plant from wasting energy trying to keep them alive.

It is best to cut it out and allow the plant to produce new and stronger stems. Cut out healthy stems with flowers. In the spring, cutting out healthy stems with flowers stimulates the plant to produce more colors. Follow the flower stem where it joins the main stem and use a pair of pruning shears to cut it flush with the main stem. This will activate the dormant buds and you will see new shoots in a short time.

How do you know if it's time to water a flower or if it's too early? Touch with your finger upper layer soil in a pot, if it is dry on top but wet below, then you need to wait another day or two to water it.

With the onset of cold weather, we bring the plant indoors. It overwinters either in a window, then we reduce watering somewhat, or in a cool place (not lower than 7 degrees Celsius), then we leave the soil almost dry, moistening it only occasionally.

If you don't want to make the pruning so aggressive, follow the stem with a flower up to 7mm at a node or ring around the stem in the geranium. A new flash will come out of this node. . Trim long, thin stems. Cutting these stems back almost to the base of the plant allows new buds to be produced from below, creating a denser, leafier form. Use scissors to trim the stems at the base, 7mm above the bottom node.

Features of growing a flower at home

Save the cuttings to propagate the plant! Be sure to write down which end of each cutting is best, because if they are planted upside down, the cuttings will not grow. Just make sure each one is cut 7mm below the knot.

  • Cut off the bottom end of the cuttings.
  • Keep the cut vertical and find the lowest knot.
  • Cut 7mm below the knot.
  • Long cuttings can be cut into several parts.
Geraniums decorate our terrace, balconies and gardens, we can say that geranium is the plant par excellence of summer.

Soil for pelargonium.

Compost, if it is very rich in nutrients, must be diluted with ordinary garden soil and coarse river sand, since if the plant receives a lot of nutrients, this will have a beneficial effect on the development of green mass, but will suppress flowering.

What do I need to know to plant geraniums?

There are many varieties, even man-made, of many colors. An ideal plant for those who live in dry regions and very hot summers. As you might imagine, geraniums need a lot of light, even in direct sunlight, so don't be afraid to place it on the balcony because it will produce flowers with complete safety; in fact, the more light there is, the more flowers will grow. However, to withstand sun and heat, geraniums need plenty of water; depending on the temperature, it is ok to water them daily or on alternate days, but remember that you do not need to flood the soil, but wet it.

Pieces of charcoal added to pots will help prevent root rot.

In which pots is it better to plant pelargonium?

The choice is small: either made of baked clay or plastic.

Plastic pots are inexpensive, beautiful and lightweight. But they dry out more slowly, which means the plant the slightest mistake when watered, it may undergo rotting processes. In addition, if such pots are dark in color, they will concentrate too much heat.

What and how to feed pelargonium

Excess water has disastrous consequences for plants whose roots eventually rot. A pot with holes in the base is a good ally; This releases excess water and ensures soil drainage. Speaking of soil, don't forget to enrich the sand with soft organic matter, peat or charcoal; Animal fertilizers are not recommended for this type of plant as they can be somewhat abrasive; However, it is recommended to use liquid fertilizer based on potassium, nitrogen or phosphorus, as well as worm humus, which is the most natural.

Clay pots, on the other hand, are made from natural material, they allow air and moisture to pass through well.

The size of the pot also affects the growth of pelargonium. The roots do not require much space; they will not only develop better in close quarters, but will also rot less. In addition, the flowers will be more beautiful and bright. So, for one plant you need a pot with a diameter of no more than 15 cm.

How to grow our geraniums

It is advisable to enrich the substrate every two weeks and thoroughly remove the soil at least once a month. The simplest and effective method- using cuttings, since geraniums are captured immediately. To do this, you need to choose a stem that has leaves, which is not a problem since geraniums tend to grow abundantly and quickly. Cut the entire stem and plant in the pot with holes in the base in which we placed the enriched substrate. After two weeks, the cutting will take root and you will soon see the first buds.

What and how to feed pelargonium.

During the flowering period, the plant needs feeding. We start giving fertilizers at the end of February (until October), in spring and summer at least twice a month. It is better to use liquid fertilizers diluted in water for irrigation, as dry fertilizers can cause burns to the root part. We never fertilize a plant if it is too dry; we fertilize it only in slightly moist soil. Follow the indicated dosage, otherwise the plant, instead of abundant and long flowering may simply get sick or die.

There is no need to do practice pruning in this type of plant; simply remove dead leaves and dead branches. You can also cut the outer shoots of the branch to encourage the growth of the same and get a leafy geranium. The most common situation is with a potted plant for windows, balconies and terraces, in which zoned, ivy and semi-hung zones enjoy the majority. Those of the thinking type and fragrant leaves are widely used as houseplants.

To make it easier to navigate when choosing a fertilizer, use this advice: all fertilizers have different composition components, but they all contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

If we want to achieve abundant green mass, then we give preference to those fertilizers that contain more nitrogen. If there is abundant flowering, and this is exactly what we expect from our pelargonium, then it needs more potassium and phosphorus.

This custom creates a number of conditions that must be taken into account. The volume of the pot or planter should be proportional to the size of the plant and therefore contain enough substrate so that the roots find a good environment to develop. Located in sunny exhibitions, the irrigation rhythm, which is always done in the morning or dying, will be carried out in accordance with the temperature, being able to do daily in the harshest days of summer. Regular application of fertilizers should not be forgotten while the plant is active.

Planting from stolons or seedlings

Colorful geraniums are stunning flowers for gardens. The flowers, which are usually pink, purple, white or red, cluster in mid-spring until early fall when they are properly courted. Geranium roots will rot if left in water for a long time. Several types of geranium can be planted in 26cm pots, but smaller types flourish in 15 to 20cm pots. These flowers grow well when there are not many roots and need to adapt to the space to develop. Choose a vase made from a material that suits your needs. If you plan to move the plant from one location to another, avoid very heavy pots and stick to plastic containers. Clean the vessel. Dirty pots may contain bacteria or insect eggs that are too small to see with the naked eye. These hidden dangers can prevent a plant from reaching its full potential. Determine what method will be used to plant the flowers. Using plant smears or purchasing seedlings from a garden store are the most simple ways planting geraniums in a pot. There is also the possibility of using seeds. Select soil good quality. Lower quality soil can hold a lot of moisture, causing the root to rot after planting the geranium. These flowers grow best in soils with better drainage, especially if they contain traces of organic materials. Gerania needs six to eight hours of direct sunlight to grow, but some types prefer a little shade during the day. Fertilize geraniums once a month using liquid fertilizer. Lots of fertilizer will cause geraniums to produce strong, healthy leaves, but will also prevent flower development and keep the plant as healthy as possible. fewer flowers. You can use a slow-release granular fertilizer. Use it only once during the spring.

  • Choose a vase with holes in the base.
  • So drainage is essential for this.
  • Choose a vase that matches the size of the plant.
  • Place the vase in the sun.
  • Let the soil dry out after each watering.
  • Test the soil by placing your finger on top of it.
  • If it's dry, add enough water to not soak up the soil.
Remove dying flowers frequently.

The label usually indicates the percentage of elements. If you don’t find this on the packaging, then it’s better not to take this fertilizer.

Sometimes, instead of the words “nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,” we see only capital letters: N.P.K., where N. is nitrogen, P. is phosphorus, K. is potassium. These letters are always accompanied by numbers that indicate the concentration of these substances. For example, N1, P1, K2. That is, there is less nitrogen and phosphorus in this fertilizer than potassium. If you see only numbers, without letters, then you should always read them only in this order: N.P.K. By the way, this is exactly the ratio of elements that our favorite needs.

Flowers that die wither and lose their color. Remove brown leaves and dried stems to minimize the risk of fungal diseases. Protect your flowers from harsh winters by moving them to a nicer location, such as the basement. When winter is over, apply the fertilizer and place it in indirect sunlight to re-set it. Choose plants that require geranium-like growth: intense sunlight and well-drained soil. Bacterial diseases can destroy geraniums, causing them to lose weight for no apparent reason. There is nothing that can cure this disease, and infected plants should be moved from the site to prevent contamination of other plants. Many species stop blooming when temperatures are very hot, but the flowers return in warmer climates.

  • Just water it if it starts to dry out.
  • Mix geraniums with other flowers to create miniature garden in a pot.
  • The intense heat of summer can seriously damage geraniums.
Whether it's for the fragrant leaves with exotic scents or for the unexpected and subtle nuances that color its flowers, new geranium varieties are a box of surprises.

Do not take those fertilizers where the number near the letter N. will be higher than that of the letters P. and K.

Fertilizers that gardeners use to grow tomatoes are suitable for pelargoniums.

A few more words about lighting.

There is no beautiful pelargonium without light. Without light, the plant loses the brightness of the color of the leaves, and flowering is reduced. Therefore, in dark room or in a shady garden, pelargonium will not be able to show everything that it is capable of.

As for direct rays of the sun, they are harmful if the plant is indoors, behind glass. And in the open sun, pelargonium easily tolerates them.

Temperature conditions.

On fresh air pelargonium easily tolerates high temperatures and direct sun (in room conditions She doesn’t like the same temperature and the sun through the glass). In spring it also needs warmth.

And during the dormant period it needs coolness (from October to the end of February). At this time, we rarely water it, and maintain the temperature at least 5-7 degrees Celsius (the veranda and attic are ideal for this). At this time, pelargonium leaves may turn red - this is the result of the action low temperatures and has nothing to do with the disease. When changing temperature regime from cold to warm, the color of the leaves will return to their original color.

If you want your pelargonium to winter in warm room, then we continue watering as in summer, but stop feeding.

Caring for a flowering plant.

When pelargonium flowers fade, the petals curl, wither, and some leaves turn yellow. This not only affects the appearance, but also weakens the plant and makes it more susceptible to disease. Therefore, at the first signs of wilting, it is necessary to remove all faded parts. This way the plant will bloom longer and will be more beautiful.

If you go on vacation and the flower is left unattended, then in addition to doing everything to ensure that it receives sufficient watering, remove all flowers from the pelargonium, even the buds. When you return from vacation, the plant will be covered in flowers.

Pelargonium, or geranium, does not like changing its place of residence too much. But there are situations when a transplant becomes necessary. How to do it correctly so that the relocated plant does not experience stress that can delay its development for a long time, or even lead to death?

For an experienced gardener, transplanting geraniums is not too much complex operation. The main thing is to start it on time and prepare well. Newbies immediately have many questions:

When to replant?
- what kind of soil should I use?
- how to choose a pot?
- in what sequence should the transplant itself be performed?

When should geraniums be replanted?

There is an opinion that it is not at all necessary to replant geraniums growing at home - just pruning is enough. Moreover, this plant is not grown for more than three to four years, replacing bushes with new ones obtained from cuttings.

But if geranium grows in open ground, in the fall it will still have to be replanted in a pot in order to bring it indoors. In this case, transshipment with a large earthen lump, allowing you to move the bush with minimal losses.

Another possible reason for replanting is root disease, for example, from excessive moisture. Here, transshipment is no longer enough - the soil must be replaced. Everything has to be done urgently, regardless of the time of year, otherwise the plant may simply die.

Sometimes indoor pelargonium In the summer they are planted in open ground or in a flowerpot located outside. This is done no more than once a year.

And finally, the last reason is ordinary crowding, when a growing bush requires additional feeding area. It is better to carry out this operation in the spring, somewhere in March, before flowering begins.

Soil for replanting?

Exist soil mixtures, designed specifically for planting geraniums. Usually they are loose, fairly light, but fertile soil. But for indoor plants will suit and ordinary garden soil with a little sand added. Another option is a substrate consisting of humus, peat, turf soil and sand, taken in equal parts. You can use ready-made Begonia soil by adding perlite or vermiculite.

But if you want to create special comfort for your pelargonium, it is better to use this recipe:

Humus - 2 shares;
- turf land- 8 shares;
- river sand - 1 share.

Choosing a pot

Correct selection of the pot is one of the conditions for successful transplantation. If it is too small, the roots will become crowded, the plant will be lethargic and may not respond even to fertilizing. The tips of the roots hanging from the drainage hole, like a washcloth, are a sure sign that it’s time to move the geranium to a larger container.

But too much big pot will not benefit this plant. The rapid growth of green mass, which will be produced by numerous shoots, will not allow it to bloom. Taking this into account, for replanting you need to prepare a pot that will be only 4 - 5 cm wider than the previous one. And in the case when geranium is planted in a balcony box, the distance between neighboring specimens should not exceed 25 cm.

A prerequisite is that any pot for geraniums, regardless of its size, must have a sufficiently large hole at the bottom for water drainage.

Transfer procedure

First of all, pour it into the bottom of the pot. This could be a layer of expanded clay, crushed shards from old clay pots, broken red brick. In extreme cases, even polystyrene foam will do if it is torn into small pieces.

To ensure that pelargonium can be easily removed from the old pot along with the soil, it should be watered before replanting. Then carefully remove it, separating the earthen lump from the walls of the vessel, and place it together with this lump in a new container. The free space around the edges must be filled with a pre-prepared wet substrate so that no voids are formed. It will be possible to water in three days.

Pelargonium - unpretentious plant, however, it reacts negatively to incorrectly selected soil composition. You can buy universal primer for geraniums at a flower shop.

To choose the ideal soil for geraniums, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Soil looseness. Its breathability depends on this.
  • The ability to transmit and retain moisture.
  • Nutrient content (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). In order for pelargonium to develop favorably, it is advisable to use moderately nutritious soil. In well-fertilized soil, the plant can begin to grow green leaves.
  • Soil acidity. For pelargonium, it is recommended to choose slightly acidic or neutral soil.
  • Mechanical composition of the soil. Squeeze some damp earth in your hand - suitable soil If it crumbles, if it is of poor quality, it will form a tight lump.

An important aspect is the composition of the soil. To ensure looseness and moisture permeability, high-moor peat is an indispensable basis.

Note! Its positive properties are beneficial only under the condition of regular watering and fertilizing.

Environmentally friendly fertilizer, dolomite flour, based on peat, saturates the soil with magnesium and reduces acidity. In inexpensive substrates, dolomite chips are replaced with chalk, but it is not a source useful substances.
Additional components are vermiculite, perlite, charcoal, sand.

The flower should be replanted annually, since the soil for pelargonium must be constantly renewed.

Preparing the substrate for planting a flower

Preparing the substrate and planting pelargonium is a simple process if you follow some rules:

  1. Before preparing the substrate, you need to select a container for planting. If you reuse the pot, it must be washed and disinfected.
  2. Place good drainage at the bottom of the container. You can use expanded clay, pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick etc. A quarter of the volume of the pot or flowerpot is allocated to the drainage layer.
  3. Next, you need to choose neutral or slightly acidic soil. Important terms is breathability and water permeability.
  4. The substrate should contain: turf, leaf soil, peat, sand, charcoal. You can purchase soil mixture at a flower shop or prepare it yourself.
  5. A couple of weeks before planting the flower, you can sterilize the substrate. To do this, place the soil mixture in the oven at a temperature of 80C or in a water bath.
  6. To plant a flower, it is best to choose moderately fertilized soil. Once every few months you need to feed geraniums with liquid fertilizers.
  7. The last step is watering with distilled or boiled, settled water.


In addition to drainage holes in the pot, geraniums vitally need drainage in the form of a layer bulk materials. Usually a layer of 2-3 cm is placed at the bottom of the container. Materials for creating drainage can be as follows:

Note! Geranium does not tolerate stagnant water in a pot or flowerpot. Excessive watering leads to yellowing of the leaves, rotting and death of pelargonium. Therefore, the plant needs a high-quality drainage system.

Clay materials can be reused after replanting. Be sure to rinse and disinfect them with a manganese solution.

Important! Choose a material that is not susceptible to rotting and the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Soil for geraniums at home

Geranium loves well-drained and loose soil. If it is not possible to buy high-quality soil, you can prepare the soil for pelargonium yourself. For this you will need: turf soil, leaf humus and river sand (8:2:1). Sand with a coarse-grained structure must be steamed or disinfected with a manganese solution. In order not to interfere with breathability, you need to be wary of excess sand in the soil.

In this article we will tell you everything about indoor geranium (also called “kalachik”), namely: how to care for this plant, what soil to plant it in and how to choose the right pot.

Let’s not forget to tell you about the methods of propagating pelargonium.

Did you know? The Geranium family has about 800 species and is widely distributed in nature in southern Africa and Australia.

Features of growing geraniums at home

The word “geranium” comes from the Greek “geranion” or “geranios”, and is translated as “crane” (the fruits of this plant actually resemble the beak of a crane).

The plant itself is a subshrub, the height of which can reach 60 cm. There are two types: beautifully flowering or fragrant. In the second case, when flowering, it may resemble the smell of apples, roses, or even nutmeg.

Homemade geranium is undemanding to care, so housewives everywhere take it into their homes and rejoice at it beautiful flower. Geranium takes root well in homes and you will have to try to make this flower start to hurt.

But, despite its unpretentiousness, there are several features of growing geraniums that are worth considering:

  1. Light. Geranium loves light very much, so it is often placed on window sills, and you need to take into account which window the geranium is placed on (the south side is best).
  2. Important!In the summer, you should not leave the flower in direct sunlight.

  3. Temperature. Geranium is not very capricious in terms of heat, but still winter time, the room should not be cold (not lower than +10 ˚С). If you want it to bloom all year round, then it is worth providing it with light (in winter - a lamp) and placing it in a warm place.
  4. Watering. You need to water frequently, but make sure that water does not stagnate in the flowerpot, as the roots of the plant will begin to rot and the geranium will die.

Important! Geranium cannot be sprayed. This flower doesn't need humid air, and such a procedure will only harm him.

Climatic conditions for geraniums

Since geranium comes from South Africa, then, accordingly, you must create a similar climate at home. Of course, this does not mean at all that you need to constantly maintain the temperature in the room at 30 ° C and fill the geranium with water, as in tropical rain.

It is enough to keep the soil in the pot moist and provide sufficient illumination for your “ball”. Maximum comfortable temperature for a flower - from +10 to +30 degrees. The need for geranium good lighting due to the fact that her homeland experiences the largest number of sunny days a year.

Important! If there is a lack of sunlight, an ordinary lamp, which is installed next to the flower, is perfect.

Don't skimp when choosing a pot for geraniums

When choosing a pot for geraniums, it is worth remembering the information that we discussed above, namely: “How to water a ball at home.” You already know that geraniums need frequent watering, although the water should not “stand” in the pot. Thus, when choosing a pot, it is worth considering this point.

If we compare plastic pots and baked clay products, then the latter will be a priority, since the soil dries out faster in them. The pot should not be very large, otherwise you risk growing a tree instead small flower. A pot with a diameter of 14-15 cm and a height of at least 10 cm is sufficient for one plant.

What soil is needed for geraniums, feeding and grafting of the plant

Now let's tell you about what kind of soil does geranium like?. In this matter, we will, again, be helped by the knowledge that we gleaned from the previous paragraphs. There are 2 important points to remember:

  1. The soil should be loose and unused;
  2. The soil must have good drainage properties.
There are several soil options that are well suited for geraniums:
  1. We use ordinary chernozem, which is sold in flower shops, paired with expanded clay, which is placed on the bottom of the flowerpot;
  2. A mixture of chernozem with river sand and small crushed stone, which is placed at the bottom of the pot.
The composition of the soil “from the store” must necessarily include peat, which is required by the plant.

Important!Despite good drainage, the soil in the pot must be loosened periodically to avoid rotting of the roots.

Let's move on to choosing fertilizers for geraniums. Regular fertilizers from a flower shop are suitable, which contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and trace elements. They are paid no more than 2 times a month.

It is best to feed the ball after sunset, or by moving the flowerpot into the shade. There is no need to use liquid fertilizer if the soil is dry. Pre-water the flower. It's important to remember that fresh organic fertilizers cannot be applied, otherwise the flower will dry out.

Now let's move on to considering how to plant indoor flowers.

Geranium graftingThis is the transplantation of a piece of shoot from one plant to another. This is done in order to get flowers of different colors/smells on one bush, or to form a decorative crown.

Only strong plants at least 1 year old are grafted. This is done in the spring, when the balls grow at a faster rate. It is important to do everything correctly and exactly according to the instructions, which are outlined and shown below.

Important!You should not use a cutting that is larger in diameter than the rootstock.

How to water geraniums correctly

Indoor flowers, kalachiki, should be watered quite often, especially in warm time years when geranium blooms or its rapid growth occurs.

During dormancy, in winter, the intensity of watering is reduced, leaving the soil slightly moist.

It is worth remembering that too dry soil for a roll will not be as bad as an excess of moisture that stagnates in the soil. In hot weather, pelargonium is watered once a day. At average temperatures and little evaporation, watering is carried out every two days.

Features of pruning geraniums

Now we will look at how to trim the balls correctly.

Geraniums need to be pruned, regardless of their size and age. This is done so that the number of inflorescences can be increased.

First stage of pruning passes before winter. This procedure helps the curl retain more resources for a successful transition to a state of rest.

We start pruning only after the geranium has completely faded: we cut off half the length of the flower (this allows us to give more light to the basal flowers and reduce the chance of infection with fungi). If the sections begin to turn black over time, they need to be shortened.

Re-pruning produced in late February or early March. This is necessary if the pelargonium has become very stretched over the winter.

Geraniums need pruning sharp blade, which should be disinfected with an alcohol solution before the procedure. The cuts are made obliquely, above the leaf node.

Fading flowers and dried shoots must be pruned. In this case, you are not just making the bush more attractive and small, you are helping the plant cope with possible problems, and reduce the risk of fungus developing on wilted parts.

Geranium propagation methods

Now we have come to the final stage of the article - reproduction. Geranium can be propagated in two ways: seeds and cuttings. And now we will help you evaluate the pros and cons of each method.


So, you have geranium seeds and you need to get beautiful bushes from them. Let's start with what you need to know before you get started:

  • Seed planting time;
  • Soil option for planting;
  • Germination period;
  • Moments of transplantation.
Optimal time planting is the period when the plant is dormant (early winter - mid-spring).

Next, you will need the correct substrate for planting. In this case it will be perfect mix of turf+sand+peat (in a ratio of 2:1:1). Water will not stagnate in it, and the peat will provide a kind of nutrition for the sprouted plant.

After choosing the soil, you should prepare it yourself seeds. To do this, they are treated with epin or zircon, and then soaked for 3 hours in water at room temperature.

The seeds and soil are ready - let’s move on to the actual landing. We spread the soil 0.5 centimeters thick, put the seeds on top and cover with glass. Place the box with seeds in a bright room with a temperature of +20 degrees.

Pelargonium - perennial Geraniaceae family. It has branched stems with leaves on long petioles. Blooming pelargonium has a spectacular appearance thanks to large variegated or solid flowers of rich pink, purple, white. It has no equal in terms of duration and abundance of flowering.

The importance of proper soil

Many lovers of pelargonium remember very well how they used to grow it in infertile soil. At the same time, the pelargonium grew and bloomed normally. Therefore, it is believed that the choice of soil for this indoor flower doesn't really matter.

But experienced flower growers know: one of the main tasks is to choose the right earth mixture for each plant. Soil is the food of plants. Not a single plant can live without soil.

As diverse as the world of plants is, so diverse is the environment in which they grow, including the composition of the soil. Currently, you can purchase special soil in which pelargonium will feel great and bloom beautifully, but it is better to prepare it yourself good soil.

The following soil composition is required:

  • turf land;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • peat.

How to prepare the land?

What kind of pot do you need?

Pelargonium is quite picky about the features of the flowerpot. Appearance this plant directly depends on the right choice containers.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Material. For anyone indoor plant the best is ceramic pot. It retains moisture well and protects against overheating.

    If pelargonium long time grew in a plastic pot and felt great in it, it is advisable to transplant it into a plastic one (?). At the same time, the previous growing conditions will be maintained. However, there is a minus - in plastic flowerpot The soil dries out quickly.

    The material of the pot is not critical and can be changed. In this case, it is necessary to remember that both the watering regime and the care regime as a whole will change.

  2. Ideal size for a pot.
    • Pelargonium can be grown at home in a pot and box. If boxes are used, the distance between bushes should be at least 20 centimeters.
    • The selection of container depends on the size of the root system of the seedling. Even mature plants usually require a pot with a diameter of no more than 15 cm.
    • The diameter of the new pot should be two to three centimeters larger than the diameter of the old one.

      Important: Pelargonium blooms only when the roots in the flowerpot become crowded. If a plant is transplanted from a small pot to a large one, the flowers will not appear until the roots fill the entire volume.

      You can find out more about why pelargonium does not bloom.

    • The height of the flowerpot should be about 12-15 cm.

Be sure to have a drain hole at the bottom of the pot.

the roots of pelargonium shoots begin to grow already in the third or fourth week. Then the shoots are transplanted one at a time to a permanent place of residence. To make them bloom faster, they do not need to be pruned.

As the pelargonium grows, it may require another transplant into larger pots.

Every year in March, young pelargonium plants are transplanted into fresh soil. At the same time, they are severely pruned, leaving 2-5 buds on each shoot. Thanks to this, low, lush, abundantly flowering specimens are subsequently obtained.

Overgrown pelargoniums are replanted only if necessary - when the pot becomes cramped. After the threat of frost ends, pelargonium can be taken outside or planted in flower beds (5 plants per linear meter) in soil with the same characteristics as at home.

Adult pelargonium plants are picky about replanting, so it is better not to disturb them unless absolutely necessary.

The transplant procedure is as follows:

  1. Prepare drainage, soil and pot.
  2. Place a layer of drainage 3 cm thick on the bottom of the pot. Brick chips, finely chopped polystyrene foam or fine expanded clay can be used as drainage.
  3. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot without shaking the soil from the roots.
  4. If the pot does not change, it must be treated with bleach. Pour bleach into a container and leave it for a while, and then rinse well with water.
  5. After the plant has been removed, it is recommended to carefully examine the root system for rotting and diseases. If there are damaged areas, then they need to be removed using scissors.
  6. Place the plant by transferring it into a new or treated old pot without disturbing the earthen coma.
  7. Sprinkle the roots with new soil until the flowerpot is filled and lightly compact.
  8. Water.

What to do after the transplant?

  1. Pelargonium needs to be watered and placed in a shaded place for one week. Make sure there is no overflow.
  2. After 7 days, the plant should be installed in a warm and well-lit place. Pelargonium loves bright and diffused light.
  3. 2-3 months after transplantation, the plant is fed with superphosphate, which stimulates flowering.

Advice! loves space. At home, you should not place it very close to other plants, especially those that are larger in size.

not very complicated. When breeding it, it is necessary to form correct soil, pick up a flowerpot small size, be careful during the planting process. By following the basic rules, you can get beautiful plants that will delight you. spectacular flowers and a pleasant aroma.

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