What does forsythia love? Forsythia: features of cultivation in temperate climates. Rules for planting shrubs in open ground

Forsythia is familiar to almost everyone. You may not know the name of this spectacular bush, but its bright appearance cannot be forgotten.

Forsythia (Forsythia) is a small tree or shrub of the Olive family, about 2 meters high. Some species of this plant reach six meters in height, and there are also babies less than a meter tall.

Forsythia leaves are simple or trifoliate, oval in shape, with jagged ends, 2–15 cm long. In spring and summer they have a rich green color, in autumn the color of most varieties changes. The foliage acquires burgundy, purple, violet, gold shades, surprising with several bright colors of different intensity. Forsythia becomes especially attractive in early spring. Even before the leaves appear, the bushes become bright yellow thanks to the numerous flowers that cover the plant with a continuous blanket for 3 to 4 weeks.

After flowering, fruit-pods with seeds are formed. Their appearance usually requires cross-pollination of different plant forms.

Popular types and varieties

The genus Forsythia has 13 species; there are many varieties and hybrids of the plant.

  • Most common European forsythia. Bush approximately two meters tall with yellow flowers- bells and elongated leaves about 5 - 7 cm.
  • Drooping forsythia has a drooping, spreading crown. Its branches reach a length of 3 meters, and yellow flowers with a diameter of 2 - 2.5 cm are collected in small inflorescences.
  • Dark green forsythia is a large drought-resistant shrub up to 3 meters high. Some leaves reach 15 cm, and the yellow flowers have a greenish tint.
  • Intermediate - a hybrid of drooping and dark green. The parents passed on their best qualities: resistance to lack of moisture and low temperatures and also beautiful appearance. This forsythia's foliage maintains an intense green color throughout the growing season. Interesting varieties have been created based on this species. For example, "Beatrix Farrand" with inflorescences of light yellow shades and a dark yellow border at the base of the flower bell.
  • A distinctive feature of snow forsythia is its white flowers with a yellow core. Its branches reach a length of 2 meters, and its leaves are about 8 cm.
  • Oval is one of the most winter-hardy species, up to 2 m high. It blooms a little earlier than others. Rich green foliage turns orange-purple in fall.

The plant for the site is selected taking into account the characteristics of the area. They give preference to zoned species and varieties that have adapted to local weather conditions, topography and soil properties.

Features of growing forsythia

The plant grows well even with minimal care. The beautiful appearance and excellent health of forsythia are easier to maintain if you take into account its tastes.

  • Soil: light, without stagnant water. Prefers calcareous soil. At increased acidity Wood ash or lime is added to the ground.
  • Water regime: it is better to underfill than to overfill. Does not tolerate waterlogging well. In hot and dry times, water twice a month. An adult bush needs up to 15 liters of water per watering. In rainy weather and winter, do not moisturize.

Lots of sun and moderate watering- the secret to successfully growing forsythia.

An unpretentious bush with yellow flowers will survive in partial shade, but in this case the flowering will not be as abundant. With significant shading, forsythia gets sick more often and hardly blooms.

Choosing a location and planting a plant in open ground

Suitable site for planting forsythia:

  • light;
  • no drafts;
  • sheltered from the winds.

Strong winds not only lead to mechanical damage. In the cold season, they reduce winter hardiness, and in summer they quickly dry out the soil.

You can plant bushes in open ground in spring or autumn. IN spring time work is carried out when the threat of freezing the plant has passed. At the end of the growing season, planting dates are selected taking into account climatic conditions so that the bush has time to take root before frost.

To plant forsythia:

  1. Dig a hole, the length and width of which is about 50 cm, and the depth is about 60 cm.
  2. Placed at the bottom drainage layer, for example, from broken bricks.
  3. Then add about 200 g of wood ash.
  4. Leaf soil is used as soil, adding sand and peat to it (ratio 2:1:1).
  5. After planting, lightly trample the soil around the plant and water it.

If you need to plant several bushes, then it is advisable to make the interval between neighboring specimens at least 1.5 m.

How to care for shrubs

Forsythia requires the usual care for most plants. In the area with the plant, weeds are regularly removed, loosened and mulched. They also perform other work.

  • Feeding. During the growing season, the bush is fertilized. In spring, organic and mineral fertilizers are used. For example, in trunk circle Place rotted manure at the beginning of the growing season and apply Kemira complex fertilizer (about 100 g per square meter planting) after flowering.
  • Trimming. In early spring, remove dry and damaged branches. If necessary, carry out shaping: remove poorly placed shoots, shorten too long ones. Healthy cuttings obtained during the work can be used for propagation.
  • Preparing for winter. During the cold season, mature forsythia bushes can withstand the cold under a layer of snow without any problems. Young seedlings under 5 years old require shelter. In regions with little snow, the amount of winter precipitation is difficult to predict, so the plant is covered with a layer of dry leaves or spruce branches, regardless of age, before frost.

Methods for propagating forsythia

You can get new plant specimens using cuttings. Forsythia is also propagated by seeds and layering.


This option is used to get a lot of young plants. It will take a lot of time and effort, and the resulting young stock may differ from the queen cell in various ways.

It is appropriate to use the seed propagation method if there is a desire to cross-pollinate different types and get a plant with unique properties.

  1. The seeds are collected after ripening, usually in October.
  2. In winter they are stratified. To do this, the seed material is kept for 1.5 to 2.5 months at a temperature of 2 - 5 degrees Celsius.
  3. It is best to sow in March - April in specially prepared containers.
  4. For the soil, take a mixture of humus and sand in a ratio of 2:1.
  5. The crops are covered with polyethylene film and kept at room temperature. They are moistened, loosened, and ventilated. It takes a month for the first shoots to appear.
  6. After this, the covering material is removed, and young plants are regularly cared for throughout the year.
  7. Next spring, the seedlings reach a size of about 8 cm, and it’s time to pluck them. Can be planted immediately permanent place growing or placed in a larger container.
  8. In a year, the bushes will already be about 20 cm, and at the age of three they will grow to about 80 cm. Young plants must be covered with a thick layer of leaves for the winter.
  9. The first flowering is possible at the age of 4 - 5 years.


You can form layering from a branch that grows on a bush close to the surface of the soil.

Sometimes such shoots take root on their own if they come into contact with the soil surface.

Rooting work is carried out both in spring and autumn.

  1. In the area of ​​the branch that is in contact with the ground, the bark is cut.
  2. The shoot is pressed into the surface of the earth and slightly deepened into the soil.
  3. Secure the cuttings in the desired position using wire. The cuttings are watered from time to time and insulated for the winter with a layer of dry leaves or spruce branches.
  4. The plant is planted in early or mid-autumn next year. In this case, the young forsythia will have time to take root in the new place before frost.


  1. At the beginning of summer, green shoots 13–16 cm long are cut off.
  2. The lower leaves are torn off, and the cut is treated with a root formation stimulator, for example, “Kornevin”.
  3. The cuttings are planted in sand and covered with polyethylene film. Protect from direct sun rays, regularly water, ventilate, and weed the planted area. At good care the percentage of rooted plants is very high.
  4. For the winter, young animals must be carefully covered with dry leaves, and watering is stopped. Forsythia grown in this way begin to bloom at the age of 2–3 years.

In addition to green shoots, lignified branches can be used for propagation.

They are harvested and planted in the ground in the fall, around October. A pair of buds are placed above the surface of the earth. Before frost, young plantings are covered with dry leaves.

Protection from diseases and pests

At favorable conditions For life, forsythia is rarely damaged by diseases and pests.

  • Fungal diseases can be caused by waterlogging, significant shading of the area, poor quality soil, or infected neighboring plants. Branches damaged by the disease are removed.
  • To combat powdery mildew, the crop is sprayed Bordeaux mixture.
  • Fundazol will help defeat leaf wilting.

The presence of nematodes in the soil can be suspected if, with good care, forsythia grows poorly and some branches dry out for no reason. It is necessary to treat the tree trunk circles with Nemafos or another drug against nematodes.

Forsythia in landscape design

A bright and unpretentious shrub is used to decorate public and home flower beds.

  • It is appropriate to plant forsythia on slopes or create a hedge from it.
  • Some varieties and hybrids are grown as potted crops.
  • Looks original standard form plants.
  • In landscape design, the plant is suitable for single and group planting, harmoniously combined with roses, coniferous plants, many perennials.

Forsythia - yellow bush, the flowering of which helps to feel the arrival of spring. She looks very decorative in different time year: in the spring, bright yellow flowers will give you a sunny mood; in the fall, the site will be decorated with colorful foliage in amazing shades.

The genus Forsythia belongs to the Olive family and is predominantly shrubs.

The height of the species is generally up to 3 m, the bark is brown-gray, textured, the foliage is simple, opposite, oblong, ovoid, with teeth, from 2 to 15 cm. The flowers are rich yellow in color, after flowering a flying box appears.

Forsythia types and varieties

Most often grown in our gardens, it is a shrub up to 2 m high, the foliage is without teeth, its length is up to 7 cm, the flowers are single, bell-shaped, golden yellow.

This species is very similar in appearance to the previous one, but its foliage is longer and the color of the leaves is darker. It also tolerates frost less well, so it is not very suitable for growing in cold areas.

Or drooping this bush grows up to 3 m, its crown grows widely, its branches droop. Has quite large yellow flowers, which form bundles. There is a variegated form, as well as a form with purple branches and leaves when they are young.

Or greenest This tall plant, the shoots of which grow up to 3 m. The foliage is densely located, simple, oblong, rich dark green in color, quite long, the flowers also have green tint. Tolerates drought well.

Or intermediate This is a hybrid species obtained by crossing the species Forsythia drooping and dark green. The maximum height of this plant is close to 3.5 m, the foliage is oblong, toothed, long, and the color of the foliage is deep green. Flowering occurs by the 4th year after planting, the flowers form bunches of yellow color. Tolerates frost and heat well.

It has many varieties due to its popularity:

  • Goldzauber ,

  • Maluch ,

  • Linwood gold ,

  • Golden time ,

  • Spectabilis .

Or snowy a relatively low species with oblong ovate foliage. IN summer period the bottom of the foliage turns purple. The flowers are white, but have a yellow throat.

Or ovoid also a low species - 1.5-2 m. The bark on the branches is yellowish, and they themselves are quite spreading. The foliage is 6-8 cm, green in summer, and purple tones appear on it in autumn.

Forsythia planting and care in open ground

Today, forsythia is widely used to decorate city streets and private gardens, primarily due to the fact that in early spring, even before leaves appear on the branches of the bush, yellow flowers bloom.

Forsythia should be planted in spring or early autumn, so that the bush has time to take root before frost, so be guided by the conditions of the place where you live. Light areas not blown by winds are good for planting; partial shade is also suitable, but sun is still preferable.

The composition of the soil is also not important, the main thing is that the substrate is not overly wet and has an alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then you need to dig it up with ashes to shift the reaction to alkaline.

The height and width of the planting hole should be approximately 0.5 m each, and the depth 60 cm. When planting several plants, make sure that there is at least 1.5 m between them. A 20 cm drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the planting hole, after which 10 cm of sand, then add mixed leaf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2 to 1 to 1. Fill the hole so that after planting the root system of the seedling is placed at a depth of 35 cm.

You can also use lilac to decorate your garden plot; it can be easily grown when planted and cared for in open ground. You can find recommendations for growing this plant in this article.

Watering forsythia

Look after it garden plant not difficult. If it rains from time to time in the summer, then there is no need to water the bush. If there is no precipitation, then every couple of weeks you need to pour a bucket of water under each bush.

After rain or watering, you should loosen the soil and get rid of weeds. You can cover the area with compost mulch, and the problem of weeds and loosening will disappear.

Forsythia feeding

Fertilizers are applied 3 times during the growing season. The first time in the spring, compost is spread around the bushes, but so that it touches the shoots, and heavy watering is carried out. This fertilizer will serve as both a source of organic matter and mulch.

In mid-spring, full mineral fertilizing is used, adding 65 grams per square meter. When flowering ends and flower buds begin to form, apply Kemira-universal at 110 grams per square meter of plot.

Forsythia pruning

While the bushes are young, only broken, frozen and dry branches are pruned from them. Large bushes undergo sanitary pruning in the spring, and after flowering the shoots are cut to half, while old branches are cut off, leaving only 5 cm from the ground.

You can also carry out formative pruning to give the bush the look you want. To rejuvenate the bush, you need to cut off two-thirds of all branches - this will encourage the growth of young branches.

But we warn you that this procedure cannot be carried out often, otherwise the bush will become large, but flowering will disappear. The approximate frequency of anti-aging pruning is 4 years.

Forsythia in winter

When preparing forsythia for winter, a thick ball of dry leaves is poured around the bushes, the branches are bent to the ground and attached to it, and spruce branches are placed on top.

With the arrival of spring, the shelter is removed so that the buds do not rot. In snowy winters, there is no need to build a shelter.

Forsythia propagation by cuttings

It is better to propagate forsythia vegetatively. Green cuttings 15 cm long, which are cut in early summer, are well suited for this. The lower foliage is cut off, and the cuttings themselves are treated with a means to enhance root formation. Green cuttings are grown in greenhouse conditions in sand under diffused light, moistening the soil from time to time.

In the fall, woody cuttings can be rooted, and they are stuck directly into the garden, so that there are a couple of buds above the ground. As cold weather approaches, cover the cuttings with dry leaves, and in the spring they should begin to grow and by autumn it will be possible to transplant them to a permanent place.

Propagation of forsythia by layering

You can also propagate this crop by layering. This is done by standard scheme– the young branch is tilted to the ground, slightly cutting its edge, and sprinkled with soil. Over time, roots will appear from the cut and next spring it will be possible to separate the cuttings from the parent and replant.

This bush also reproduces by seeds, but this process is complex and accessible only to specialists.

Forsythia diseases

This crop does not get sick very often, but is still susceptible to some diseases and pests.

Fusarium wilt occurs due to fungal infection. The symptoms of this disease are yellowing of foliage , weak flowering or his absence , general weakness of the plant, on the shoots and leaves it is clear that the vessels have turned black from the fungus. While the disease is not developed, it is necessary to carry out several sprayings with a 5% solution of foundationazole.

For bacteriosis the foliage becomes soft and turns black . The bush cannot be saved from this disease.

Moniliosis can be determined by brown spots on the foliage . When a symptom appears, you need to cut off all the diseased parts, touching the healthy tissue.

Occasionally occurs false powdery mildew . Wherein leaves are deformed , on them appears gray plaque . The diseased parts must be cut off and treated with Bordeaux mixture. To protect the bush from this disease, it is necessary to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers on time.

It happens that forsythia doesn't bloom . There may be a couple of reasons for this - too frequent rejuvenating pruning (note that if you have rejuvenated, then next year there will be nowhere for flower buds to come from and there will be no flowering either), lack of nutrients, freezing of flower buds in winter.

Forsythia pests

Among pests nematodes appear most often and are probably the most dangerous. These little worms slow down plant growth , makes the roots thin And cause general weakening of the bush , Also the affected areas begin to turn yellow , but it is worth noting that most nematodes attack the roots, so it is the underground part that will turn yellow.

Nematodes do not tolerate dryness and high temperatures, but with a garden plant it is not possible to carry out the standard procedure of keeping the roots in warm water, as is done with indoor crops. Therefore, all that remains is the introduction of poisons, for example, Nemaphos, Phosfamide.

Forsythia medium – beautiful ornamental shrub with a deciduous crown and different flowering. It is mainly distributed in Europe, but in Russia it is very rare. Yellow forsythia is one of the first to bloom, so it is widespread in landscape design. At the same time, planting and caring for this shrub is a fairly easy task.

Forsythia yellow linwood is an ornamental shrub belonging to the Olive family. It includes about 11 species, almost all of which come from Asian countries– Korea, China and Japan. At the same time, the shrub received its name from the famous British gardener W. Forsythe, who first brought seedlings from Cathay to Europe.

There are a large number of varieties:

  • ovate, oval-leaved;
  • hanging, crying;
  • green-stemmed;
  • European;
  • intermediate, average.



Intermediate, average

Hanging, crying

Ovate, oval-leaved

Ornamental shrubs of the Little Renee variety are most suitable for Russian climatic conditions, because they are highly frost-resistant, small in size and the original crown, which by autumn changes its color to a rich burgundy-wine.

At the same time, middle forsythia belongs to the hybrid varieties that are most widespread in European countries. This shrub is upright and looks more like small tree, the height of which can reach 4 meters, and the crown coverage in diameter is about 2 meters.

The leaves of the plant are small, oval-shaped with small serrations. The shrub's rich yellow flowers include four petals, appearing on bare thin branches in early spring in warmer Europe and in April in harsh Russian climates.

Forsythia flowers

This is a unique plant because it first blooms with bright yellow flowers before releasing its leaves.

Planting and caring for it is quite simple, since forsythia, like barberry, is unpretentious. But in order for the plant to grow properly, it is important to follow the basic advice of gardeners.

Medium forsythia is a fairly simple and unpretentious shrub that can grow in different conditions– in sunny and shady areas, on fertile and infertile soil. At the same time, in Russian conditions, planting is mainly carried out using frost-resistant varieties.

Shrub propagation is carried out in different ways:

  1. Cuttings and layering are the most popular methods.
  2. By seeds - this method is less often used because it is more difficult to implement.

Forsythia cuttings

Propagation by layering is an ideal method for weeping varieties, since when the branches touch the ground they can take root into the ground on their own. To do this in the fall, you need to bend the branches all the way to the ground and slightly cut the bark where they come into contact with the soil. Then cover the branches with soil about 10-15 cm.

The procedure for preparing cuttings

Forsythia linwood can also be propagated by cuttings. Green cuttings are cut in mid-summer, after which it is important to keep them in a growth-stimulating solution (for example, Epin and Kornevin), root them in the soil and cover them with a vapor-permeable film. This planting allows the cuttings to take root well, after which they easily endure wintering.

Woody cuttings similarly do not cause any particular difficulties during propagation. In autumn, the branches of the bush are cut off, after which they are buried in the ground with a depression of 10-12 cm. In this case, the planting should be done so that a few buds remain above the ground. For wintering, the cuttings are covered with dry leaves.

Reproduction by layering

Planting of seedlings is carried out mainly in the fall, and depending on the plant variety, both sunny and more shaded areas can be selected. The plant is unpretentious to the type of soil, but grows and blooms well in light fertile soil, so it is important to prepare a special soil composition for this from compost, leafy soil and sand in a 1:1:2 ratio.

Planting is carried out in pre-dug holes with a depth of about 60-80 cm and at a distance of seedlings from each other of 1-3 m. The recesses are filled a quarter of the way with drainage, which can be broken brick or crushed stone. Afterwards, the seedling is carefully placed in the hole and covered with prepared fertile soil.

Propagation by green cuttings

Propagation by woody cuttings

If all these recommendations are followed, in early spring the bare branches of the seedlings will be covered with small four-petaled inflorescences. But for the bush to take root, proper care is required, which includes watering, fertilizing and pruning.

Forsythia is a fairly unpretentious plant because it is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. But careful care allows you to ensure proper and long term flowering.

Trimming scheme

Forsythia linwood has a superficial root system, especially sensitive to mechanical damage and soil compaction. But the shrub is highly resistant to pests and diseases. Only gaal can appear on its leaves - a special growth caused by the action of a pathogenic bacterium.

Caring for the plant is quite simple:

  1. Watering the shrub is carried out as needed, since it is quite drought-resistant. Excessive moisture can cause root rot, which negatively affects plant growth. During the growing season, watering is strictly not carried out.
  2. After watering and throughout the entire period of flowering and growth, the soil under the seedling should be regularly loosened and weeds removed.
  3. Care also includes pruning, which is carried out in spring or late autumn. It involves removing dried and damaged branches, young shoots and side branches. After trimming, it is important to treat all cut areas with garden varnish or paint. This care will prevent the possibility of pest infestation.
  4. To improve plant growth, it should be regularly fed with mineral fertilizers containing nutrients. Proper care includes carrying out the first fertilizing in early spring even before the forsetheia blooms, and after flowering a second application of fertilizer is made, which allows the shrub to gain strength for next year. Specialized complexes or humus can be used as fertilizer.
  5. In the fall, the bushes are mulched using straw, branches and dry fallen leaves, which will allow them to overwinter well. Hanging branches are pressed to the surface of the ground and covered with spruce branches. In early spring they are released, and the bush is fertilized.

Water if necessary

Constantly loosen the soil and remove grass

Pruning in autumn or spring

Feed regularly with fertilizers

Comprehensive care for forsythia will allow the plant to grow and delight with its flowering for a long time.

Forsythia is one of the most popular plants for landscape design. Thanks to its bright yellow crown, it can decorate any garden or country cottage area. This shrub is mainly used:

  • for the back rows of mixborders;
  • in group plantings;
  • for single landings.

Application in landscape design

Its planting is carried out both in gardens, rock gardens, on slopes and embankments, and in horizontal and vertical gardening. Such a wide scope of application is due to the advantages of the shrub, good survival rate, disease resistance and excellent decorativeness. But in order for it to bloom well and grow for a long time, proper care is important.

Decorate your garden plot not only with flowers. More and more are on sale ornamental trees and bushes. They can be amazing and original jewelry plot. Let's take a closer look at one plant that will interest many with its appearance.

Forsythia - flower or shrub?

If you want your garden to smell fragrant from the beginning of April, then you should opt for a shrub such as medium yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for this plant is not difficult. Even novice gardeners can handle it. Forsythia is a shrub with beautiful Among all the variety of plants, this specimen is the most spectacular and bewitching. The shrub belongs to the early primrose plants, which delight with their greenery when there is still snow outside. If you take a closer look at the forsythia, you can see that the flowers cover the entire space of the branches. Because of the buds, even the leaves are not visible. There are many types of similar shrubs that are worth examining in more detail.

Types of forsythia

As we have already found out, the primrose shrub is yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for it are simple and unpretentious.

First, it’s worth talking about the varieties of this representative of the flora. There are several of them. Let's look at some of them in detail:

Forsythia varieties are not limited to this. We have given examples of the main representatives of this plant. Gardeners should know about the methods of growing forsythia and how to care for it. We'll talk about all this further.

What is growing forsythia?

If you have chosen such a spectacular shrub as yellow forsythia, it must be cared for correctly. This bush, like any other plant, loves watering, pruning and fertilizing the soil. So, a representative of the Olive family requires the following care after planting:

  • glaze;
  • trimmings;
  • fertilizers

Let's consider each point separately.


In order for the bush to grow well and smell fragrant, you need to carefully choose a place for planting it. Particular attention is paid to the soil. Forsythia does not have any serious preferences, but it is better if the soil contains sand, black soil, and humus. If the soil is strongly acidic, then it is pre-treated with slaked lime. Before planting the bush, you can add ash, crushed stone or broken bricks to the dug hole. This will ensure good drainage for the roots.

Also, sunlight is important for such a plant, so it is better to plant it in a bright area of ​​the territory.


Watering is done as needed. Forsythia refers to drought-resistant plants, so there is no need to abuse water. From constant moisture, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, which will subsequently have a detrimental effect on the condition of the bush.


Pruning is done on a bush that has a lot of extra branches. If there are none, then you should not touch the plant. Pruning must be done correctly using special equipment. All young shoots and lower lateral branches are removed. All cuts must be processed by special means. To do this, use or simply cover the cut area with paint. This will help the bush continue to gain strength. All dead branches that do not have buds must also be pruned. This procedure is carried out either in early spring, before flowering, or in late autumn, preparing the plant for wintering.


In spring, forsythia loves fertilizer. It is better to carry out this procedure with special mineral complexes, which contain everything. Next, after the bush has faded, you can do a second feeding. It will help the plant gain new strength for next year. Fertilizer can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can make it yourself using soaked humus.

Beautiful and unpretentious plants, this includes middle yellow forsythia. Planting and care, as you can see, are simple. Also, do not forget that the soil must be constantly loosened and treated to remove weeds. If you want your garden to acquire bright spring colors as the snow melts, medium yellow forsythia is perfect for you. Planting and caring for it (the photo below will help you visually evaluate how the bush should grow) will not cause much trouble.

This plant is also suitable for home cultivation.

Forsythia at home

Few people thought that this plant is suitable for growing in any room. If you want to decorate your home with something amazing, then medium yellow forsythia will come to the rescue. Care at home is no different from street care. The only thing is to add spraying of the crown before flowering. To plant a plant you need to select big pot, since it has voluminous roots. You can buy land in a store ready-made, with all necessary additives And nutrients. Alternatively, you can prepare the soil yourself, but you must not forget about fertilizer.

For people who are constantly on the go, medium yellow forsythia is perfect. Planting in the spring and properly caring for it will ensure constant flowering. But there is one difference between street and indoor shrubs: on the latter, buds do not bloom on all branches. In order for the plant to look neat within the walls of the house, it must be constantly trimmed. This shrub will keep its shape well. Forsythia is ideal for the art of bonsai.

Having learned about such an amazing plant as yellow forsythia, use our advice. They will help you grow colorful shrubs in your garden or home. It will delight with its flowering in early period spring. If you want to decorate your garden, you should also choose a plant such as medium yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for the plant does not require any special skills. The unpretentious bush will grow in any area and delight you.

Rod not so much big trees and forsythia shrubs, or forsythia, is a member of the olive family. They bloom in early spring with deep yellow flowers. This genus is considered very ancient, which explains its wide distribution. So, in East Asia you can see 6 different species of this plant at once (in Korea, Japan and China). And in European countries you can find only one species - European forsythia (Forsythia europaea), most of plants are found in the Balkans. This plant was named after the Scotsman W. Forsythe, who was a botanist, head gardener at Kensington Palace, and also one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. From China to European countries for the first time this plant got it thanks to Forsythe.

Forsythia is a not very large tree or shrub, the height of which can vary from 1 to 3 m. The brownish-gray bark has a rough texture. In certain species, the leaf blades are trifoliate. However, most often they are oval, simple, opposite, have no stipules, with a jagged edge, and can reach 2–15 centimeters in length. The rich yellow flowers are bell-shaped. Forsythia blooms at the beginning of spring, and the flowering period is 20 days (in some cases longer). The fruit is a capsule with winged seeds.

Features of growing forsythia

Today in European countries, most public gardens, private gardens and city streets are decorated with forsythia. It is considered a symbol of the arrival of spring. Imagine early spring, when everything is still gray and nondescript on the streets, and suddenly your gaze catches a blazing bright flowers forsythia. Distinctive Features This shrub is characterized by its very early flowering. This plant has also won great love gardeners due to the fact that it does not impose special requirements on growing conditions and care. Main features of cultivation:

  • such a plant grows best in a well-lit place, but it can also be grown in shade;
  • suitable soil must be limed;
  • It is recommended to plant next to dark green coniferous plants.

In autumn, the green foliage changes its color to violet-purple or golden, why plant regains its high decorative value.

Planting forsythia in open ground

What time to plant

Forsythia can be planted or replanted in spring or early autumn, before frosts begin, because the plant must take root well before frosts begin. This plant grows well in the shade, but it prefers a sunny area, which must be protected from gusts of wind. The quality of the soil does not matter for this plant, but it feels best in dry, slightly alkaline soil. If the soil on the site is acidic, it is recommended to add wood ash to it for digging.

Landing Features

The planting hole should have a size of 50x50x60 centimeters, while the root system of the planted plant should be at a depth of 0.3 to 0.4 m. When planting several specimens at once, a distance of at least 150 centimeters should be maintained between them. At the bottom of the prepared planting pit, a drainage layer of crushed stone must be laid and broken bricks, the thickness of which should be from 15 to 20 centimeters. It is covered with a layer of sand on top, the thickness of which should be 10 centimeters. After this, a soil mixture consisting of sand, leaf soil and peat, taken in a ratio of 1:2:1, is poured into the hole, to which 0.2 kg of wood ash must be added. Then the seedling must be placed in a prepared hole, which is filled with soil and compacted well. The planted forsythia needs to be watered abundantly. When planting in spring, the seedling will need to be cared for like an adult plant. If planting was done in the fall, then no matter what type of plant was planted, you will need to cover the tree trunk circle with a layer of mulch. The plant must be covered for the winter. In this case, covering material should only be used that allows air to pass through, so that the flower buds do not begin to rot during slight thaws in winter.

Features of care

You need to care for forsythia in the same way as other shrubs grown in the garden. If it rains regularly in the summer, then you will not have to water this plant. This should be done only during prolonged drought, 1 or 2 times every 4 weeks, while 10 to 12 liters of water are taken per bush. After the plant has been watered, weed and loosen the soil to the depth of a spade bayonet; this is the only way to ensure normal air access to the root system. When loosening is completed, the tree trunk circle should be sprinkled with a layer of mulch (dry soil or compost).

Forsythia should be fed 3 times during the season. The first time you need to feed the plant is at the beginning of spring. To do this, enough thick layer manure (necessarily rotted), make sure that it does not touch the branches or trunk. Then they water it big amount water. Manure will not only benefit the plant organic fertilizer, but also mulch. Complete mineral fertilizer (per 1 square meter from 60 to 70 grams) should be applied to the soil in April. When the plant fades and the formation of flower buds for next year begins, you will need to feed it with Kemira-universal (per 1 square meter from 100 to 120 grams).

Most often chosen for reproduction vegetative methods. For example, cuttings. Green cuttings should be harvested in June, and their length should be approximately 15 centimeters. The leaf plates located below must be torn off from the cutting, then it must be treated with a preparation that stimulates root growth (Epin, Kornevin or Heteroauxin). It is planted in a greenhouse using sand or perlite. Also suitable for propagation are lignified cuttings, which are harvested in October; for rooting they are planted directly in open ground, while 2 or 3 buds should remain above its surface. Don't forget to cover the cuttings with fallen leaves for the winter. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the shelter, after which the cuttings will begin to grow actively, and in the fall they will become full-fledged seedlings. Layers can be used for propagation. In order to get them, you need to select a stem in summer or autumn that grows very close to the surface of the site. At the base it is tied with wire, and an incision should also be made in the bark on the surface that faces the ground. The stem is fixed on the surface of the soil and covered with nutritious soil. The cuttings take root in a relatively short period of time. In spring, you need to separate the cuttings from the parent plant, and after just 12 months it will begin to bloom.

It is possible to grow forsythia from seeds, but only specialists resort to this method of propagation.

Forsythia pruning

Young bushes only need sanitary pruning, during which all dried, injured, and frost-damaged stems are removed. If the forsythia is mature, then in spring only the frozen tips of its branches are cut off. The main cutting is done in the summer, when the bush has faded. Those branches that have bloomed should be cut off by ½ part, while dried and old ones should be cut off at a height of 40 to 60 mm from the ground surface, in this case young side shoots will come from them. With the help of pruning, you can control the height, density and shape of the crown, which can be spherical or cupped. In case if old bush needs rejuvenating pruning, then all its branches must be cut to a height of 4 to 6 centimeters or shortened by 2/3, thanks to this young shoots will begin to actively grow. However, rejuvenating pruning cannot be carried out very often, because this will cause the forsythia to grow very much, but flowering will stop completely. As a rule, it is recommended to carry out a rejuvenating haircut once every 3 or 4 years.

This plant is highly resistant to diseases and pests. In rare cases, the bush may be affected by moniliosis, wilt or bacteriosis. A bush infected with wilt should be treated with a solution of foundationazole (2–5%). If forsythia is affected by bacteriosis, then in this case it will have to be dug up and burned. If spots form on the surface of the sheet plates Brown, this means that the plant is suffering from moniliosis. In this case, it is recommended to cut out all affected parts of the plant and thoroughly clean them to healthy tissue. The bush may also suffer from nematodes; in this case, the soil is disinfected with Carbation.

Forsythia after flowering

To prevent forsythia from freezing in winter, it should be covered. To do this, the tree trunk circle needs to be sprinkled with fallen leaves, and the layer thickness should be 10 centimeters. The branches are bent to the soil and fixed in this position, then the bush is covered with spruce branches. At the very beginning of the spring period, the shelter must be removed and the branches freed, while fallen leaves should be removed from the trunk. If the bushes are still young, then they are covered entirely with spruce branches for the winter. If there is a lot of snow in winter, then forsythia can do without shelter, but no one can accurately predict the forecast for the entire winter.

Types and varieties of forsythia with photos and names

European forsythia (Forsythia europaea)

This species is most popular among gardeners living in mid-latitudes. This upright growing shrub can reach 200 centimeters in height. The entire leaf blades are oblong in shape and about 7 centimeters long. The color of the bell-shaped single flowers is yellow-golden.

Forsythia giraldiana

This species is very similar to European forsythia, but it is less frost-resistant. The bush can also reach 200 centimeters in height. Almost all shoots are straight, but they are colored brown-yellow and tetrahedral. Dark green elliptical leaf blades reach 10 centimeters in length. Flowering occurs in May. Graceful large pale yellow flowers have twisted petals.

Hanging or drooping or drooping forsythia (Forsythia suspensa)

This shrub with a spreading crown can reach 300 centimeters in height. Thin tetrahedral arched drooping branches have an olive or brown-red color. On old stems the leaf blades are simple, while on growth stems they are trifoliate. Large (diameter about 25 mm) yellow-golden flowers are collected in bunches of several pieces. Several forms are cultivated:

  1. Motley(forsythia variegata). The color of the flowers is rich yellow. The leaf blades are pale yellow and variegated.
  2. Fortune(forsythia fortunei). The flowers are dark yellow in color and collected in bunches. The narrow leaf blades are trifoliate.
  3. Purple stem(forsythia artocaulis). Stems are dark red. At the moment of opening, the leaf plates are painted in the same color.
  4. Other forms: forsythia Zimbold, forsythia deceptive, forsythia hanging Fortune.

Dark green forsythia (Forsythia viridissima)

The height of the bush does not exceed 300 centimeters. Its green branches point upward. Densely growing simple leaf blades have a lanceolate-oblong shape, top part they have a serrated one. They are painted dark green, reach 15 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in width. The small bunches consist of flowers that are colored a rich yellow-green color. It is resistant to drought.

Forsythia x intermedia

This hybrid was created by crossing dark green forsythia and drooping forsythia. It can reach 300 centimeters in height. The bush begins to bloom only after it turns 4 years old. The leaf blades are usually oblong with a jagged edge, but there are also trifoliate ones; they reach 10 centimeters in length. They are dark green, and their color remains unchanged until late autumn. The color of the flowers is rich yellow, they are collected in bunches of several pieces. Flowering occurs in April and May. This shrub grows quickly and is resistant to frost and drought. Varieties:

  1. Beatrix Farrand. The shrub reaches a height of 400 centimeters. The rich yellow flowers have a dark yellow stripe at the base.
  2. Denziflora. The height and diameter of the bush are 150 centimeters. The twisted flowers are light yellow. Flowering occurs in May and lasts 15–20 days. Does not tolerate frost.
  3. Spectabilis. This variety is one of the most beautiful. The height of the bush is about 100 centimeters, and its diameter is 120 centimeters. In the warm season, the leaf blades have a green color, which in autumn changes to rich yellow and purple. The diameter of the dark yellow flowers is about 45 mm, flowering begins at last days April.

Snowy or white forsythia (Forsythia abeliophyllum)

The height of the bush can vary from 150 to 200 centimeters. The length of the oval leaf plates is about 8 centimeters; their underside becomes purple in the summer. The flowers are colored White color and have a yellow throat. The color of the buds is light pink.

Forsythia ovata

The height of the bush can vary from 150 to 200 centimeters. The spreading branches are yellow-gray in color. The length of the leaf blades is about 7 centimeters; in summer they are colored rich green, which in autumn changes to purple. The diameter of single flowers is about 20 mm, their color is rich yellow. Blossom this type starts earlier than others. It is fast growing and resistant to frost and drought. The most popular varieties are:

  1. Spring Glory. The height of the bush is about 300 centimeters. The leaf blades are green in summer, and in autumn they become variegated (from dark purple to light yellow). Lush flowering observed in May. Large flowers have a rich yellow color.
  2. Tetragold. The height of the bush is about 100 centimeters. The diameter of the dark yellow flowers is approximately 30 mm. Flowering begins in the second half of April.
  3. Goldzauber. This variety is very valuable and popular. The large flowers are yellow-golden. Resistant to frost. Flowering begins in the second half of April and lasts approximately 20 days.

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