Colors and their meanings. Green in a woman's life

Red is the most powerful color there is. color range. In Old Church Slavonic, the name of this color sounds like “black for the new,” that is, “the best.” This color is considered the color of men because it symbolizes Yang - energy.

Shades of red include

Scarlet. Alizarin. Crimson. Pink. Scarlet. Carmine. Cardinal. Burgundy.

Crimson. Fiery.


Dark red.


Red color in mythology

The color red is very often used: leaders and kings in Africa were dressed in red and only they were capable of passing a death sentence; in Africa this color used to mean crazy, crazy love. This color was also associated with a complete loss of self-control and the hot season.

Red speaks of power, the will to win, leadership.

Red is the color of strong energy

It symbolizes passion: hates passionately, loves very passionately, waits passionately.

This color is a manipulator of sexual relationships. He pushes for intimate relationships, even if there are no true feelings. Red “wanders” in an eternal search for justice. People who are partial to this color always say everything directly, without hints. “Red” people are excellent leaders and bosses. They have endurance, openness and courage. In the psychology of relationships, this color also plays an important role. It is always associated with love, with feelings, with comfort, with warmth, and with the beginning of life. Red color is the “guardian angel” of all female representatives. It is used to fight against rivalry and the evil eye. Red is the color of eroticism and everything erotic.

What can a deficiency of red color lead to in the human body? TO nervous disorders

, to illness and headaches.

If you are in

winter time

First of all, it removes everything from the body harmful substances and activates the liver. Compensates for iron deficiency and relieves constipation. It also saves from melancholy and depression (at any stage of manifestation of these conditions). Helps in the treatment of smallpox, scarlet fever and hyperesthesia ( First stage neurasthenia). Red color is used in the treatment of apathy and anemia (childhood): the child develops an appetite and gains weight. Due to its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, this color helps heal wounds.

This color is chosen mainly among young people. The older a person gets, the less his craving for a given color decreases.

People who reject this color suffer from mental and physical exhaustion. This color irritates those people who are distinguished by an inferiority complex, who experience great fear of any quarrels, who love solitude and inexorably strive for stability in everything.

Who loves this Red color? What does it mean?

Your favorite color is Red? You are amorous, sexy, emotional, optimistic, cheerful. You are courageous, quick-tempered, sociable, and altruistic.

If you dream of being noticed, just buy a red bag or shoes (either one of these accessories or both) and you will certainly not go unnoticed.

Psychology and the meaning of red in clothing

Now let's talk a little about what the color red means in the world of clothing. Undoubtedly, this color evokes sympathy among many people. However, not everyone dares to wear red clothes.

If there are a lot of red things “living” in your closet, then psychologists say the following about you: you are an impulsive and cheerful person, although sometimes you can be very aggressive. It is difficult for you to accept someone else's opinion if it does not coincide with yours.

You should not wear red outfits when you are depressed and stressed.

Red color in the interior. What does this color mean?

In the interior, red is the “king” of all colors. He creates around himself a cozy and warm atmosphere. However, even with such a cute color, you should be careful: it can also be very exciting.

Red is the color of the holiday. It is certainly associated with fun and a joyful mood. It’s not for nothing that in the calendar, significant dates are marked with this color and not any other.

Don't look too long at this color. Admiring it for a long time can lead to irritability and a negative mood.

At the very beginning of the article, we talked about what shades of red are found in nature. Do they have any meaning in the world of symbolism? Now you'll find out.

If you prefer a raspberry shade, then you are not one of those who throw words to the wind. You are sincere, impulsive and extremely unpredictable.

Do you like burgundy? You cannot imagine life without deep thoughts, you have enormous willpower, and you often get hung up on events that have long been in the past.

If you sympathize with the fire shade, then you are a very diligent and patient person. You always achieve what you want, while overcoming any obstacles and obstacles.

Do you adore scarlet color? Your motto: “All or nothing.” Unfortunately, you have an incorrigible tendency to make rash decisions. In addition, you always stand your ground, often not understanding why you even need it.

"What's your favorite color?" - the question sounds so innocent and simple-minded. In fact, the answer to it can tell about the characteristics of your character and mood. Moreover, love or dislike for a particular color will tell a lot about sexual potency and preferences.

The test we bring to your attention was compiled by physiologists and psychologists. It will not require standard positive or negative answers from you, or tedious scoring, but only thoughtfulness and sincerity.

Just remember what emotions all the colors of the rainbow evoke in you. Well, will you dare to look into the most intimate corners of your soul and your chosen one?

Red is the color of passions and kings. People who are brave, powerful, and strong-willed love him. As a rule, they are energetic and enterprising, quick-tempered and sociable.

Men who prefer red are passionate and ardent lovers. Very inventive in love pleasures. In relationships with women they show enviable activity and initiative. Without a doubt, they are leaders. They experience special sexual pleasure if the partner is not simply given over, but has to be “conquered.”

Women who choose all shades of red are very temperamental. They are often flighty and fickle. The character is capricious and eccentric, sometimes even hysterical. Lovers of purple feel like queens in life and therefore demand worship and adoration. You won't get bored with them!

Those who are irritated by the color red are, as a rule, burdened with various complexes. They are timid, shy, and prone to solitude. More than anything else in the world they don’t like quarrels, they avoid it in every possible way conflict situations, they are afraid to sort things out. That’s why they often find themselves under the thumb of their “other half.” Many of them are frankly bored during sex.

What does orange mean?

Orange is the favorite color of romantics and passionate dreamers. Perhaps their main feature- rich intuition. Often such people prefer the reality of intimate relationships to erotic fantasies, which give them great pleasure. They often try to “tailor” their partner to their ideal and, figuratively speaking, live not with a specific person, but with his imaginary image.

Some of loving color Orange prefers pretense and play to sincerity and straightforwardness in relations with the opposite sex. “Having played too much,” sometimes they reach a dead end and experience disappointment.

People who openly don't like Orange color, amaze everyone with their openness and generosity. Hypocrisy and pharisaism, hypocrisy and stinginess are alien to them. This is especially true for men. Opponents of everything orange are reliable partners, especially in family life.

Yellow color - A symbol of lightness, ease and, alas, impermanence in everything (including intimate relationships). Men and women who choose this color for their toilets, furnishings, cars love to show off. When they see an object they like, they immediately “spread their feathers” like a peacock. To win over someone they have their eye on, they act boldly, even aggressively.

Sunny shades are unpleasant for pessimistic men and “melancholic” women. It is very difficult to make acquaintances with them. Unsociable “beeches” are also most often found among those who completely reject the color yellow.

What does green mean?

Green is the color of nature, spring, rebirth, hope, life itself. He who prefers it to all others is always full fresh ideas, loves movement and renewal, strives in every possible way to assert himself. For him this is a vital necessity. Men are sexy, subtle and very vulnerable. Finding themselves dependent on a woman, in her power - this is what they fear more than anything else, which is why they often change girlfriends and just as often experience disappointment when they do not find what they are looking for. They are constantly searching for the “girl of their dreams.” Women loving green color, are very similar to them. However, their vacillations and disappointments are less dramatic.

Those who are disgusted by the color of grass and foliage are usually afraid of everyday problems, have difficulty getting close to members of the opposite sex and finding sexual partners, because they are in an eternal fear of failure, afraid of betrayal and disappointment.

Blue and blue are close colors that are associated with the color of the sky and calm sea, spirituality and sublimity. Those who like them are usually modest, sometimes prone to melancholy, get tired quickly and easily, so they should rest more often.

Lovers of sky blue often lack confidence, so it is extremely important for them to feel the benevolence and support of others, and “life partners” and loved ones to a greater extent than work colleagues. This greatly supports them and instills faith in themselves and their strength.

Those who prefer the color blue and its shades, as a rule, are not creative in intimate relationships, they are old-fashioned, and many things in sex are unacceptable and indecent for them, prohibited. However, they easily fall under the influence of their partners and, having felt care and understanding on their part, become exemplary family men (this primarily applies to men).

Those who are prone to posing are often “convicted” of rejecting these colors, but in essence they are insecure and reserved people.

What does the color purple mean?

Purple color is a symbol of emotionality and sensuality. Those who choose it often become “slaves of their passions.” In relation to their lovers, they are gentle, attentive and delicate.

Do not like purple As a rule, people are reasonable, with a developed sense of duty, living only in the present.

What does brown mean?

Brown is the color of earth. It is preferred by those who stand firmly on their own two feet and value traditions and family. Both men and women inspire their families, and marriage is not a burden to them. They are thorough in everything, even in sex. But some (especially women) are too down-to-earth.

The color brown and all its shades are absolutely not accepted by egoists and secretive people, narcissistic “narcissists” who seek only their own pleasure.

What does salad color mean?

Light green is the color of misanthropes and cynics. Most often, it is liked by people in power, who seek to impose their will on others, but are afraid of getting into a difficult situation, so they prefer to act with the wrong hands or wait. For these reasons, their sex life is often left unsettled.

Anyone who does not like salad color builds intimate relationships on parity and equality and is usually happy and successful in his personal life.

Pink is the color of love and tenderness. People who give preference to him are constantly drawn to members of the opposite sex. They are pleasant and sweet to talk to, and often their warm feelings are mostly reciprocated. But sometimes at the most crucial moments they get lost and shy. Such incidents especially often happen to men, so you can wish their lovers special caution, sensitivity and tenderness in intimate relationships.

For people who are pragmatic, calculating both in life and in love, this color only causes irritation.

Black color is a symbol of a gloomy perception of life, self-doubt. Love for him indicates existing or impending depression and impotence (in women - frigidity). Those who prefer black see only the dark, ugly sides of life. They are unhappy because they are confident that their ideal is unattainable. But life is not all that gloomy!

What do white and gray colors mean?

White and grey colour a - less indicative. They can be preferred by people with any character. As they say, pessimists consider gray the beginning of the night, and optimists the beginning of the day.

Only children love all the different colors. Having matured, we begin to give preference to one, many, or two colors. But over time, our tastes change, and often to the exact opposite. This means that we ourselves, our characters, and also our sexuality change. Life is colorful no matter what. That's why she's so beautiful!

Psychologists say that addiction to a certain color in clothing, as a rule, arises for two reasons. Firstly, we subconsciously choose a color that can either mute or, on the contrary, inflame the emotions and feelings we need. Secondly, the chosen color reflects the state of our psyche in this moment. This explains the periodic changes in our color preferences.

For example, " orange period" in life begins when we feel confident, optimistic, actively develop our talents or subconsciously strive for this, because it is not for nothing that psychologists call orange the color of sanguine people. But for people with low self-esteem and those who struggle with stress, the cheerfulness of orange is simply annoying.

Choice in favor yellow color suggests that at the moment we are able to cope with even the most painstaking work, because our mind is sharpened, and we ourselves are more disciplined and organized than ever. Or, on the contrary, tired of our own carelessness, we make a choice in favor of yellow in order to get together and ultimately achieve our goals. On the other hand, people for whom active mental work is a daily necessity often do not accept the color yellow, because they do not need additional stimulants.

It would suit them, for example blue, it calms, dulls mental pain, reduces fear and anxiety. A person who prefers this color is smiling, calm, and not prone to conflicts; however, those around him also do not try to offend him. But the blue color is not favored by those who are at the stage of vital activity, as well as by people who are already relaxed and too calm. This is the perfect time to shake things up by choosing red.

Because the red- this is the color of spiritual vigor, therefore, our addiction to it indicates either that we want to bring a fresh stream into our lives, or are excited about the prospects that open up before us. However, long-term “communication” with the exciting red color leads to intolerance, irritability and even aggression. And those around you quickly get tired of constant contact with the "red" man. But if you want scarlet shades in order to put an end to reflection and feel a surge of vigor, then psychologists recommend not denying yourself such details of the toilet.

White- another active color. It becomes our favorite when we are ready to free ourselves from the burden of the past by starting from scratch. White increases self-esteem, tones up, and makes victory seem quite achievable. But those who have become addicted to the color white for a long time may be considered by others to be narcissistic and cold. Therefore, it would not hurt to dilute it with some warm tone. Well, what if you don’t even want to think about white? Probably, the fear of failure has taken deep roots in the soul, then orange, red or yellow will help overcome it.

Green- the color of harmony, so we choose it when we feel peace of mind and stability in life. In addition, we can be driven by the desire to calm down, find hope, and come to terms with ourselves. Still, a long “green period” in life is undesirable - it can lead to passivity. Rejection of the color of harmony indicates internal discontent and emotional instability.

Invisible people feed irresistible attraction To gray blossom. They do not like to stand out from the crowd and keep their own opinions and emotions to themselves. Abuse gray speaks of a tendency towards depression and self-restraint. The one who doesn’t like gray is the one who wants to express himself at this stage and doesn’t see the need to hide his thoughts and keep his emotions in check.

Brown- color equalizer. Love for him says that we strive for internal balance, a sense of security and comfort. But wearing brown things for a long time leads to suppression creativity and disappointment in others. In turn, this may explain the rejection Brown: for those who strive for active life, it causes natural rejection.

We can talk about the relationship between our emotional state and the palette of colors for a long time, describing purple, blue, pink, black... In addition, there are also mixed colors. You can determine what lies behind them yourself, having the initial data. So, turquoise is a mixture of blue and green, beige - brown and white...

This knowledge is not entertainment or empty theory. You can use them for your own benefit, adjusting your own mood and emotional background with the help of color.

Favorite color and character: what your favorite color can tell about a person’s character.

Each of us, when buying clothes, jewelry, interior items, cars, gives preference to certain shades. A favorite color can tell a lot about a person’s character, about what is going on in his soul at this stage of life.

Color preferences are the key to understanding our inner world. On their basis, psychologists and psychiatrists draw conclusions about a person’s mentality, emotional state and physical health.

How color affects character

Red color

It is the color of health, energy and passion. He is loved by people who are open, sociable, full of interest in life, thirsty for adventure, brave and determined. As a rule, these are passionate natures, and this manifests itself in all areas of life - in love, in friendship, and in work. Lovers of red cannot stand monotony and monotony. As a rule, these people cannot live without extreme sports - car racing, active sports, hunting, horse racing, hiking. If a calm person likes red, this indicates his need for warmth, strength and other qualities that this color can provide. But among lovers of red and nature, there are quite aggressive, hot-tempered, rude, domineering people, inclined to make hasty conclusions about people, unable to notice and admit their shortcomings.

Pink color

This color personifies the most delicate and calm features of red. People who prefer it strive for an orderly life, love homeliness and comfort. Lovers of pink feel the need for protection, they need the feeling that they are loved and protected, so sometimes they try to seem more fragile than they really are. Usually these are gentle, charming, soft natures, they can get agitated over trifles, and tend to make promises that they are unable to keep. Many among them are dreamers and daydreamers, living in a world of dreams and unrealistic hopes, thirsting for sublime love, which only happens in novels and fairy tales. True, immersion in their fabulous inner world helps them to more easily endure the blows of fate and calmly react to quarrels, scandals and problems.


This is the color of optimism, calmness and freedom. It is chosen by people who are sociable, strong-willed, and ambitious. They know how to direct their energies in the right direction, communicate with people at ease, and easily adapt to everything new and unusual. Yellow lovers love adventure, have a rich imagination, and are always in search of knowledge. They get pleasure when they feel that others like them, but they deservedly enjoy the recognition of friends and colleagues, since they know how to work “until they sweat.” These people are creative, optimistic, generous, open, and often have a business streak. They can achieve success in science, art, and business. True, yellow lovers tend to avoid responsibility, as they love freedom in both thoughts and actions.

Green color

This is the color of renewal of nature, spring and harmony. It is preferred by people who are sincere, calm, open, sociable, and, as a rule, socially active, although there are rare modest people among them, kind and patient, who love solitude. Green lovers, as a rule, are afraid of other people's influence and try by any means to maintain peace and tranquility around them.

Lovers of dark green tones are distinguished by stubbornness, secrecy, strong will, and a developed sense of beauty. In close people they evoke a feeling of security: next to them are those who stone wall. True, lovers of dark green often lack real friends: due to rigidity in their views and excessive adherence to principles, it is difficult for them to put themselves in the place of other people.

Lovers of light green tones are soft, friendly, gentle, open and sociable. They are smart, charming, punctual, value cooperation, can be good diplomats, and have a developed sense of justice. Their only drawback is their inability to refuse others.

Blue color

It is the color of peace, caution and conservatism. It calms, radiates care and compassion, so the need for this color increases with overwork and illness. Blue usually appeals to people who are modest, conscientious, patient, persistent, reliable and organized. They are loved and respected for their inherent wisdom and a strong character. As a rule, these people get tired easily and quickly, so they need frequent rest. Among blue lovers there are also those who are prone to melancholy, distrustful, overly cautious, and often tormented by doubts, for whom it is extremely important to feel the goodwill of others.

Blue (light blue)

This is the color of devotion and tranquility. It is usually liked by vulnerable and sensitive people who strive for stability in relationships, have a hard time with separation, and do not like conflicts. Light blue color represents femininity, motherhood, strength family relations. People who prefer it are dreamy, romantic, loving travel. They are especially drawn to water. Lovers blue color friendly, sociable, they always have many friends. As a rule, these people are very close to their mothers and love and respect them endlessly. And in relationships with the opposite sex, they put the emotional and intellectual side of life first.

Dark blue color

The color of the night sky or dark blue is liked by people who love to travel and can be good guides themselves. They believe in the other world, strive to comprehend the unknown, the mystical, and can be extremely religious. They are often fond of horse riding and other aristocratic sports; they choose the professions of sailors and soldiers, to which they are driven by the desire for a restless life full of adventures. Dark blue color is often preferred by artists. People who like it, as a rule, achieve success in life and earn good money, especially if they like the work. These are cheerful, energetic people who crave recognition and luxury.


It is the color of fantasy, mysticism and spirituality. It is liked by bright, extraordinary personalities who always strive to be different from others. They are drawn to everything inexplicable and mysterious. These are, as a rule, temperamental, artistic, witty, demanding, and sometimes picky natures. True, among them there are also sarcastic, cold, arrogant personalities. People who like the color purple love to dream, they are emotional, freedom-loving, independent and harmoniously developed, they have a subtle mind, but at the same time they may have poor health. The spiritual side of life is very important for them.

White color

This is a color that has a multi-valued meaning. On the one hand, it personifies innocence, purity, naivety, and youth. When an older person chooses White color, he either wants to return to the years of his youth, or sets himself unattainable ideals. Choosing white can also signify a desire for simplicity. On the other hand, white combines all colors, so it can appeal to a person of any character. Lovers of white color, as a rule, have a vivid imagination, have developed intuition, and strive for peace and tranquility in life. They can be very religious, deeply religious, sometimes self-absorbed, detached from the world, sometimes open, showing compassion for everyone. White color is often preferred by people with psychic abilities.

Black color

This color symbolizes uncertainty, denial, rebellion. People who prefer it often rebel against fate, they are hot-tempered, passionate, always ready to go ahead. Very often, lovers of black perceive life in gloomy colors; they are prone to depression, unhappy, and unsure of themselves. They may suffer because they overestimate their strength. Unable to cope with their emotions, black lovers become hostages own feelings, they can love with all their souls, and hate mortally. Black color in clothes is sometimes chosen by people who love to impress and want to add a little mystery to their image.

Grey colour

This is the color of caution and compromise. People who prefer it often have business qualities, can work very hard and persistently, even sometimes for free. They do not like noisy companies and can be slightly detached from life and closed. Lovers of gray strive for solitude and peace, prefer a quiet life, easily endure life's troubles, and are very fond of order, not only in things, but also in thoughts. Behind the apparent calm and coldness, a rich inner world is often hidden: lovers of dark gray can be very timid and impressionable. They are also truly creative people; they always have a sea of ​​interesting ideas in their heads.

Brown color

This is the color of health and physical strength. People who prefer it are distinguished by conservatism, independence, firmness of conviction, endurance and patience. They are usually taciturn, reliable, good-natured, but they can also be tactless, very stubborn, and inflexible. As a rule, lovers of brown shades stand firmly on their feet and achieve their goals persistently and systematically. These are stern, balanced, persistent people who value silence, solitude and peace. They always strive for knowledge, strive for power with all their might, think through their actions in advance, and treat things very carefully.

Some people like it warm bright colors, while other people prefer cold, dull shades. The colors we surround ourselves with may change throughout our lives, but we can safely say that we choose them not by chance.

Favorite color will help you learn more about your character loved one, better understand his feelings, desires and needs. It is a way to become closer to those we care about. This is the key to knowing yourself.

Painting is paint, color, it is embedded inside our body. Her outbursts are large and demanding.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

Rainbow psychology

As children, we all rejoiced at the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after the rain. Everyone tried to memorize the number and sequence of colors of the rainbow. Who among us does not remember such funny phrases as:
  • TO every ABOUT hunter AND wants Z nah, G de WITH goes F azan
  • TO ak ABOUT once AND ak- Z lantern G tin WITH broke F onar.
  • And other options.
Where the first letters of the words mean the corresponding color name:
  • TO each is red;
  • ABOUT hunter - orange;
  • AND elaet - yellow;
  • Z nat - green;
  • G de - blue;
  • WITH goes - blue;
  • F azan - purple.

But we didn’t even think at that time that each color influences us, our character and our life to one degree or another.
And now, having already become adults, we can trace the psychological connection of a certain color we prefer with one or another trait of our character.

People who are irritated by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency towards solitude, stability in relationships. The red color symbolizes excitement and energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism.

Disgust and ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion.

Prisoners of war, forced to live for years in life-threatening conditions, were especially likely to reject him.

Red is the color most preferred by teenagers.

YellowSymbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, intelligence.

Being loved means being sociable, curious, courageous, adaptable, and enjoying the opportunity to please and attract people.

When he is unpleasant, then we are talking about a concentrated, pessimistic person with whom it is difficult to establish an acquaintance. Yellow comes from mixing green and red and is the color of energy.

The greatest preference for yellow is given to pregnant women expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people who are prone to changing places.

Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo/aura of Christ or Buddha).

GreenThe color of nature, nature, life itself, spring.

The one who prefers it is afraid of other people's influence, looking for a way to assert himself, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties.

The color green contains hidden potential energy and reflects the degree of volitional tension, therefore people who prefer green strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not through targeted volitional activity, but through emotions, reject green as an unattractive color.

Along with them, green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

BlueThe color of the sky, peace, relaxation.

If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him.

The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy.

In short, choosing blue as the most preferred color reflects a person's physiological and psychological need for peace, and denying it means that a person avoids relaxation.

When sick or overworked, the need for blue color increases.

BlackThe color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life.

Anyone who prefers to dress in black often perceives life in dark colors, unsure of himself, unhappy, prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his ideals in life are unattainable.

Frequently changing a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchier one, indicates that pessimistic moods often dissipate. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (remember the black banners of anarchists).

Children who are acutely experiencing a lack of care and love often use black shading in their drawings. Normally, black is generally rejected.

Grey The favorite color of sensible and distrustful people who think for a long time before making any decision.

It is also a neutral color favored by those who are afraid to make a statement too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Often, gray color is also preferable in case of severe fatigue as a barrier, fencing off irritants. outside world. In situations of psychological testing, this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into the inner world of the subject.

A study of about two thousand young men in a situation of competitive examinations for vacant positions showed that the color gray was put in first place by 27% of the examinees, instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation.

Video: Festival of Colors in India


Which color do you like the most? What color is your favorite?

In the survey below, select 2-3 options for the colors you like most in life, and then read more carefully in the article what the colors you choose mean in personality psychology.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself! She's worth it.
author unknown

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