Bordeaux mixture powder 100 g. This universal Bordeaux mixture. Bordeaux mixture: what is it?

Bordeaux mixture is a composition of two dry components: copper sulfate and calcium oxide, from which Bordeaux mixture is prepared - an aqueous solution for treatment garden plants And garden crops from diseases of bacterial and fungal origin.

Chemical formula of Bordeaux mixture: CuSO4.3Ca(OH)2

The mechanism of action is contact.

Copper sulfate (also known as copper sulfate, also known as basic copper sulfate) acts as a poison - it is toxic to fungi and bacteria due to copper ions - they interact with the amino groups and sulfhydryl groups of the enzymes of the fungal cell, causing destruction of the structure of cellular proteins.

Calcium oxide (or quicklime) is quenched during the preparation process and used in the mixture as a neutralizer of the strongest oxidizing agent so that the solution does not cause burns to plants.

Benefits of Bordeaux mixture

  1. A solution of Bordeaux mixture quickly comes into contact with the leaves and bark of trees and shrubs and is not washed off by rain.
  2. Spraying can be done very early in the spring or late in the fall before the buds open (the first time in February and March with the first thaw).
  3. This pesticide has the longest protective effect - up to 30 days.
  4. Copper preparations differ high efficiency against very wide range pathogens, pathogens:
  • anthracnose
  • bacteriosis
  • ascochyta blight
  • coccomycosis
  • rubella drain
  • root rot
  • Clusterosporiosis (hole spotting)
  • leaf curl
  • macrosporiosis
  • melanosis
  • mildew
  • monilial fruit burn
  • olive spot
  • scab
  • percosporellosis
  • fruit rot
  • spotting
  • rust
  • septoria
  • snow mold
  • phyllosticosis
  • late blight
  • cercospora
  • black rot

Disadvantages of Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture is incompatible with organophosphate pesticides and any drugs that break down in an alkaline environment.

Bordeaux mixture is a contact pesticide, therefore, the more thoroughly the surface of the vegetation is treated, the higher the effectiveness.

A certain phytotoxicity manifests itself from regular annual spraying of the garden and vegetable garden, especially during periods of prolonged rainfall. Copper is most phytotoxic during the period of active plant growth.

Copper accumulates in the soil over the years and has an adverse effect on fruit trees and shrubs, causing leaves and ovaries to fall off at the beginning of the season.

Copper and its compounds can come from groundwater into nearby bodies of water and negatively impact their ecosystem.

Copper preparations are poisonous to humans; serious safety precautions and moderation in use are required. Inhalation of dust particles of copper compounds is especially dangerous, therefore work with Bordeaux mixture should be carried out exclusively in a respirator and in dry, windless weather!

Bordeaux mixture - how to prepare

What is important to know:

  1. First, two aqueous solutions are prepared in different containers, i.e. need two containers
  2. Bordeaux mixture can only be diluted in enamel (without chips), glass, wood, or plastic containers; It is unacceptable to use aluminum, iron, galvanized utensils
  3. dissolve copper powder in hot water, then cool, adding cold, lime - immediately in cold
  4. mix only cold solutions
  5. check lime for quality
  6. the effectiveness of the prepared mixture depends on the ratio of the components

What you need to prepare Bordeaux mixture

  • two buckets: one for 5 l, the second for 10 l
  • a piece of gauze for straining and a sieve
  • wooden stirring stick
  • iron nail
  • kitchen scales accurate to +/- 1 g (if all components are purchased separately, not as a set)

Prepare a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture

The industry offers us ready-made - weighed and packaged mixtures. Pack of two plastic bags- one with copper sulfate CuSO 4, the second - quicklime CaO.

To prepare a 3% concentration of Bordeaux mixture in a volume of 10 liters you need to take: 300 g copper sulfate and 400 g quicklime (CaO).

  1. Pour 1 liter of hot water into a 5 liter bucket and add copper sulfate, mix well with a stick, then add very cold water up to a solution volume of 5 liters.
  2. We extinguish the lime: pour 2 liters of cold water into a 10-liter bucket and add quicklime. Mix well - the lime is quenched: CaO + H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2
  3. Add cold water to a volume of lime milk of 5 liters.
  4. From the first bucket, pour the dissolved copper sulfate into the lime milk in a thin stream.
  5. We get 10 liters of a 3% bright blue solution, without flakes!
  6. We check the reaction of the solution: lower the iron nail and look - no copper deposits should appear on it.
  7. Strain the solution through a fine sieve or gauze folded in 3-4 layers.
  8. We pour the solution into the sprayer and work.

Bordeaux mixture without errors

The safety of your fruits actually depends on the quality of lime. berry crops, vegetables and flowers.

Correct quicklime (fluff), when slaked with water, will rapidly dissolve with the release of heat (therefore you only need to dilute lime cold water). If the dissolution process is weak and a lot of sediment is formed with limestone flakes, the lime is of poor quality (weakly burned or stored for a long time). In this case, you need to take more lime, but it’s better to just take fresher and higher quality lime. The fact that it is necessary to add lime is indicated by the formation of a red coating on the nail - separately prepare a solution of lime milk and add to the total volume of Bordeaux mixture until repeated tests with the nail show that it remains clean, without a red coating.

If the solution is not corrected, the Bordeaux mixture is acidic and can cause leaf burns.

When adding lime milk, pour it into the Bordeaux mixture in a thin stream, stirring the solution evenly with a wooden stick. Initially, we pour the copper solution into the lime, and not vice versa!

If you buy a ready-made Bordeaux mixture, then in addition to copper powder and lime, the kit contains litmus paper. It is more correct to determine using an indicator piece of paper, because if you add too much lime, the nail will not become coated with copper, but the solution will reduce its fungicidal properties.

Every gardener wants to have personal plot trees pleasing with greenery, lush berry bushes and hopes to get good harvest fruits in autumn. Everything changes when plants begin to suffer from fungal diseases: the leaves become stained and fall off, black spots appear on the fruits, and their shape and size change.

Plants urgently need to be treated with pesticides with protective fungicidal (fungus-killing) properties. Among the effective and time-tested drugs used for the treatment and protection of plants is Bordeaux mixture.

This mixture was developed in late XIX century in France, when a combination of two was found chemical substances, an aqueous solution of which is capable of treating and destroying fungal diseases plants. The result is a universal liquid product that allows for joint treatment and spraying of different garden crops throughout the entire area, which contributes to their health.

Components of Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture is prepared from copper sulfate powder (copper sulfate), lime mixture (calcium hydroxide) and clean water.

The powder, which is diluted with water, forms a weak solution copper connections and is active substance, providing plant protection from diseases caused by various pests, mold, and fungi. Lime mixture neutralizes negative impact copper onto plants, making it safe and acceptable.

A solution of Bordeaux mixture is prepared according to the instructions immediately before use, mixing bags of lime and vitriol in the required proportions to avoid disruption of the chemical composition.

The concentration of the solution is determined by the content of copper sulfate in the finished aqueous mixture. Its excess in Bordeaux mixture and insufficient amount of slaked lime may cause burns roots and foliage of plants.

Bordeaux mixture - instructions for use

Preparation of Bordeaux mixture according to instructions

The sequence of actions on how to prepare a Bordeaux mixture should be strictly followed.

It is better to carry out processing in the early morning or evening in sunny and dry, but not hot weather. At high humidity spraying is not carried out. Before starting the spraying process, you should make sure that there are no animals or people nearby. Primary treatment of plants with a solution containing 3% Bordeaux mixture (300 grams) held in early spring when there are no buds or before flowering begins. In exceptional cases, spraying with Bordeaux mixture can be carried out immediately after the buds and first leaves open.

Carry out spraying neatly and strictly in the wind. Getting the solution on the ground and clothes is unsafe. In the spring, during the growing season and before the ovaries appear, a 1% solution (100 grams of mixture) is sprayed again with Bordeaux mixture at intervals of 10–15 days.

In summer, do not spray plants, trees, garden crops in the next 2–3 weeks before harvest. Fruits of trees, shrubs, and berries from plants treated with liquid should be washed very thoroughly.

Bordeaux mixture can be used according to the instructions for treatment and processing indoor plants V winter gardens and greenhouses. In this case, use a spray bottle for spraying.

IN autumn period, after the end of leaf fall, it is good to treat and spray the plants with a 3% solution for preventive purposes.

Seasonal treatment and spraying of garden crops with Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture instructions for processing green spaces recommends that when spraying, you need to completely cover the tree or plant with the solution. The treatment is carried out with a 1% percentage solution of 100 grams of Bordeaux mixture.

Defense mechanism against Bordeaux mixture solution works long time , about one month. It adheres well to surfaces and plant leaves even in rainy weather. Its repellent properties affect insect pests.

Precautionary measures

In specialized stores you can buy branded kit for making Bordeaux mixture according to the instructions (100 grams and 300 grams) or purchase all components separately. It's effective and cheap remedy, which has a wide spectrum of action.

Using ready-made Bordeaux mixture in bottles

IN Lately production of concentrated Bordeaux liquid has been established, which is bottled in plastic bottles capacity from 100 ml to liter.

Using ready-made Bordeaux mixture in bottles More comfortable for preparation and use. Required quantity The liquid from the bottle is diluted with water, mixed and the spray solution is ready.

The instructions indicate that to obtain a 3% solution of the mixture, use 10 liters of water and dilute 250 ml of concentrate. To obtain a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, 100 ml of concentrate must be diluted in the same volume of water.

Bordeaux mixture is an indispensable drug against fungal diseases. No matter what “sores” appear on our plants, “experienced” gardeners immediately say that Bordeaux mixture (or Bordeaux mixture) is needed. Previously, there were simply no other drugs. But even now it has not lost its relevance. How to properly prepare Bordeaux mixture and when to use it?


Bordeaux mixture is a truly universal preparation. Judge for yourself, it helps:

When fighting scab and spots on apple and pear trees;

Against mildew on grapes;

Against moniliosis and coccomycosis on stone fruits (plum, cherry, sweet cherry and apricot),

Protects them from curliness and klyasterosporiosis.

On berries and ornamental shrubs Bordeaux mixture is used against various leaf spots, and this list includes: currants, raspberries and gooseberries; roses, hydrangeas and viburnum; add strawberries here.

On vegetables, Bordeaux mixture is used against late blight, downy mildew and similar diseases. In a word, all garden crops can be cured with the help of Bordeaux mixture.


Bordeaux mixture is a fungicide with a fairly strong effect. Moreover, the protective effect lasts for a long time, even after precipitation. It's all explained chemical composition Bordeaux mixture.

It consists of two components: copper sulfate and quicklime (calcium hydroxide). In the package, these two powders are in different bags (photo 2).

Bordeaux mixture is easy to make. However, to obtain a high-quality drug, a number of conditions must be met.

1. Bordeaux mixture is prepared only in wooden, clay, glass or plastic, but not metal containers.

2. To obtain 10 liters of Bordeaux mixture of 1% concentration, dissolve 100 g of copper sulfate in a small amount of warm water and add water to 5 liters of volume.

In another container, quench 100 g (or 150 g) of lime and also add water to 5 liters. Then the resulting milk of lime is filtered through a sieve or fine cloth and, stirring constantly, a solution of copper sulfate is poured into it in a thin stream. The solutions must be cold when mixing.

Please note that the blue solution of copper sulfate must be poured into the milk of lime, and not vice versa!

3. With the correct ratio of components, you get a homogeneous liquid of beautiful of blue color, similar to diluted jelly.

A properly prepared working mixture has a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. You can check it with a litmus strip, which is sold in stores.

If the red litmus paper turns blue, but the blue one remains unchanged, the Bordeaux mixture is prepared correctly. If litmus paper is not available, you can dip a nail into the liquid. If after a couple of minutes a red coating of copper forms on it, it means that the liquid is acidic and is not suitable for spraying, as it can cause burns on plants.

Such a suspension can be easily corrected by adding a little milk of lime until its reaction becomes alkaline. True, its quality will be much worse if it is prepared correctly right away.

Under no circumstances should the solution be diluted with water, as in this case the Bordeaux mixture may separate!

4. The working solution should be used immediately on the day of preparation, since it loses its properties during storage. The drug will not stick evenly to the plant, but will flow off in large particles, and its effect will be worse.

The freshly prepared solution has a bright sky blue color. As a rule, during storage this color changes, which indicates a change in the properties of the working fluid.


Before the buds open, trees are sprayed against scab, coccomycosis and moniliosis, grapes - against mildew, roses - if they have not overwintered well and traces of mold and stains are visible on them.

Plums, cherries and other stone fruits must be processed, as recently they suffer from coccomycosis and moniliosis every year!

Before the buds open, a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture is used. The preparation method is the same, but the number of components is slightly different: 300 g of copper sulfate per 5 liters of water and 400 g of lime per 5 liters of water; strain, mix and spray. A small number of plants can be processed from plastic bottle with sprayer. Trees and large plantations of vegetables - from a garden sprayer.

I would like to note right away that Bordeaux mixture is the only correct name for this drug, and the term “Bordeaux mixture” is not entirely correct. In addition, it is correct to write “Bordeaux” with one letter “s”, although the version with two letters is much more popular. Below in the text I will use both names for purely literary reasons, and write with two “s”, because people are so used to it.

What it is?

Bordeaux mixture is a contact copper-containing fungicide. It means that:

  • the drug is intended only to combat fungal diseases;
  • the drug does not penetrate into plant tissues;
  • The active ingredient is copper - more precisely, its ions.

Composition of Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture contains three components:

  • (aka copper sulfate);
  • lime;
  • water with which these components are mixed.

To prepare Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate and quicklime are taken in equal proportions. The lime in this mixture is needed so that the reaction of the solution medium is neutral, because an acidic solution of copper sulfate can burn green leaves. Copper sulfate without lime is used only for treating the garden in early spring, before the buds open.

A properly prepared Bordeaux mixture contains 1% copper sulfate and 1% lime. Now let's talk about how to properly prepare this drug.

How to prepare Bordeaux mixture (liquid)

Below is a method for preparing 10 liters of Bordeaux mixture - this is enough for about 50...10 m2 of garden or 150 m2 of potatoes.

  1. Mix 100 grams of quicklime with a small amount of water to “quench” the lime.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture with 5 liters of clean water. Lime milk should be prepared in a container with a volume of at least 10 liters, because the Bordeaux mixture will be prepared in it.
  3. Pour 100 grams of copper sulfate into 5 liters of hot water (salts dissolve better in hot water) and mix thoroughly. Mixing should be done in a plastic or glass container, but under no circumstances in an iron container, because the dissolved copper sulfate will undergo a substitution reaction with iron. As a result of this reaction, all the copper will settle on the walls of the vessel, and you will get a rather unhelpful 1% solution of ferrous sulfate.
  4. Pour the copper sulfate into a container with lime milk, stirring constantly.
  5. Check the reaction of the solution with litmus paper. It should be neutral or slightly alkaline. If there is no litmus, you can use an iron object - for example, a nail (not rusty and without lubricant, it is better to sand it in advance). If brown copper deposits appear on the cleaned surface, additional lime milk must be added to neutralize the solution.

The shelf life of Bordeaux mixture is only 5...6 hours, and even with such short storage it should be mixed again before use.

Mechanism of action

Proteins have so-called sulfhydryl and amino groups.

A sulfhydryl group is a sulfur atom with a hydrogen atom attached to it. Such a group is found, in particular, in the amino acid cysteine ​​molecule. The sulfhydryl group plays a role in maintaining the tertiary structure of the protein - simply put, thanks to this group, the molecule has a certain geometric shape (and can perform a certain function).

An amino group is a nitrogen atom with two hydrogen atoms. It is part of all amnioacids and largely affects the functions of the protein.

The active ingredient in Bordeaux mixture is copper ions from copper sulfate. They bind to sulfhydryl and amine groups, which leads to disruption of normal functioning and partial destruction of the protein. This, in turn, violates normal functioning membranes of fungal cells (not only, but for a number of reasons, copper acts especially effectively on fungi and on membranes), and they stop developing or die completely.

Application of Bordeaux mixture

  • protection of beets from cercospora blight;
  • protection of potatoes from late blight and alternaria;
  • protection of tomato (tomato) from late blight in open ground;
  • protection of onions from peronosporosis;
  • protection of watermelon and melon from peronosporosis;
  • protection of apricot, peach, cherry, plum and other stone fruits from coccomycosis, leaf curl, moniliosis and clusterosporiasis;
  • protection of citrus fruits from malsecco, scab, fruit rot and anthracnose;
  • protection of gooseberries and currants from septoria, anthracnose and rust;
  • protection of alfalfa from brown spot;
  • protection of apple, pear and quince trees from moniliosis, scab and spotting;
  • protection of grapes from mildew;
  • protection of strawberries (strawberries), raspberries, currants and gooseberries from spotting;
  • protection of decorative deciduous and coniferous crops from rust and stains;

Instructions for using Bordeaux mixture in gardening in spring

Bordeaux mixture is used in gardening to protect against:

  • rust;
  • spotting;
  • moniliosis of pome and stone fruits;
  • coccomycosis of stone fruits;
  • peach leaf curl;
  • scabby apples;
  • some other diseases.

In this article I will provide only detailed information on the use of Bordeaux mixture to protect apple trees in the spring - simply because if I describe everything, the article will turn out endless and difficult to read. I will write separate articles about the protection of other cultures and gradually replace the inscriptions above with links to them.

Protecting apple and pear trees from scab, spotting and moniliosis

In this case, use a 1% Bordeaux mixture (the preparation is described above). You can spray at any time during the entire growing season. Up to 6 treatments per season are allowed. Liquid consumption is 10-20 liters per 100 m2. The waiting period is 15 days: this means that apples or pears can be eaten 15 days after processing.

The effectiveness of such treatments is controversial. In research, Bordeaux mixture is usually used as a control, as it is a well-known and common fungicide. Other fungicides are almost always found to be superior to liquid in studies - otherwise these studies would not be published.

Among the latest noteworthy publications on this topic, mention should be made of the article by I.I. Prali “Principles of selection of plant protection products”, which states that copper-containing preparations provide effective protection from scab for 6...8 days.

Research conducted in 2004-2007 at the Michurin agricultural production complex showed that the biological effectiveness of using 1% Bordeaux mixture on apple trees ranged from 44 to 64% on leaves and from 45 to 62% on fruits in years when plants were weakened by unfavorable weather conditions conditions. In more favorable years for the apple tree, the efficiency was 7...13% higher. The same study noted that treating apple trees with Bordeaux mixture promotes the development of phyllostictosis on plants. (Kashirskaya A.M. “INCREASING THE PRODUCTIVITY OF APPLE TREE BASED ON IMPROVING ITS PROTECTION AGAINST PHYLOSTICTOSIS AND SCAB IN THE CHERO", 2008)

At the same time, there are reports in specialized journals that BZ effectively protects apple trees from scab for 2-3 weeks. True, these journals are mostly old - today Bordeaux mixture is used and studied less often.

There are also disadvantages to using Bordeaux mixture in the garden:

  • like all other contact preparations, BZ is easily washed off with water;
  • some authors note that even a properly prepared liquid can cause burns (N.A Shibkova, 1965; E.M Storozhenko 1970). Treatment during the period of maximum sensitivity can lead to yellowing of leaves and the appearance of netting on the fruits;
  • treating an apple tree with Bordeaux mixture provokes the development of phyllostictosis;
  • repeated treatments with copper-containing preparations increase the copper content in the soil;
  • With rare exceptions, Bordeaux mixture should not be mixed with other fungicides or insecticides.

Is it worth using?

As you can see, BZ is not the most effective and safe drug for protecting apple and pear trees, but I still recommend using it at least three times, starting from the green cone phase. At this time, it is quite effective: in addition, one should not forget about the low price.

  1. Fedorova R.N. “Apple Scab” - Leningrad: Kolos, 1977;
  3. “State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use in the territory Russian Federation", 2015
  4. Kashirskaya A.M. Results of testing various drugs in the fight against brown spot and scab on apple trees // Natural Science and Humanism Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. - Tomsk. - 2007
  5. I.I Pralya “Principles of selection of plant protection products”, 2013
  6. Storozhenko E.M., Talash A.I. Rational use of fungicides to combat apple scab // Dokl. owls scientists to the XIX Int. Congress on Horticulture, - M., 1974, - P.261-264.

For the purpose of protecting and treating various cultivated plants against fungal pathogens and putrefactive diseases, spraying with Bordeaux mixture is widely practiced.

This drug is a modern universal insecticide that provides prevention and treatment of vegetable, fruit, flower, melon, citrus and berry crops from a wide range of diseases. The drug can also be used to perform disinfection procedures for wounds of affected fruit trees.

The product is not hazardous to people and pets and does not cause pollution. environment. It can be used both on large plantations and for processing small plots own farms.

Chemical properties

Bordeaux mixture for trees and other crops is a water-soluble powder containing copper sulfate with a concentration of 960 g/kg and lime with a concentration of 900 g/kg.

How does the product work?

An aqueous solution of Bordeaux mixture is stable and has good adhesion to plant leaves, which provides them with long-term protection.

A properly prepared suspension has a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction, which prevents damage to healthy plants, but ensures the destruction of fungal pathogens and protects against their reappearance.

In order to increase adhesion properties suspension, silicate glue, molasses, sugar or synthetic surfactants can be added to the Bordeaux mixture.

Instructions for use

Bordeaux mixture is a fungicide that is used as fresh aqueous solution. Plants are sprayed with it during the growing season or pre-growing season.

For treatment during the growing season, a 1% solution is prepared. To prepare it, you need to take 100 g of copper sulfate, which must be dissolved in a small amount of heated water and bring the volume to 5 liters.

In another container with water room temperature A lime solution is prepared. For 5 liters of water take 100 g of lime. When both solutions are ready, they need to cool and then the copper sulfate solution is smoothly poured into the lime solution (not vice versa). When mixing solutions, they must be constantly stirred with a metal rod.

Treatment with Bordeaux mixture before the growing season is performed with a 3% solution. It is prepared in the same way as a 1% solution, except that for preparation you need to take 1.5 liters of water for lime and vitriol.

The readiness of the solution is determined by the absence of copper deposits on the metal stick. If there is still plaque, then you need to add lime.

The duration of the protective effect lasts from 7 to 12 days.

Consumption measures for various pests and diseases

Culture Diseases Working fluid consumption rate
Apple, pear, quince Scab and other spots, moniliosis Young trees - up to 2l. Fruiting - up to 10l



Anthracnose, septaria blight, rust, leaf spot up to 1.5 l/bush,
up to 1l/bush, up to 2l/10 bushes, up to 2l/10 m 2
Tomatoes, cucumbers Late blight, macrosparia blight, anthracnose, ascochyta blight, olive blight no more than 2l/10m2
Melons, watermelons Bacteriosis, anthracnose, peronosporosis no more than 1l/10m2
Beet Cercospora no more than 1l/10m2
Flowers and ornamental crops Rust, spotting, etc. up to 2l/10m2
Grape Mildew up to 2 liters per 1 hundred square meters

Precautionary measures

The instructions for use indicate that the fungicide Bordeaux mixture is a low-toxic substance that, when proper preparation safe for bees and does not pollute the environment.

When spraying plants, you need to wear special clothing with safety glasses and a respirator. After completing work, wash your hands and face with plenty of soap and water. The drug should be stored out of the reach of small children and pets.


  1. high effectiveness against various diseases;
  2. can protect different cultures;
  3. easy to prepare and use;
  4. low consumption during processing;
  5. long protective period;
  6. The optimum ratio of price and quality.

Video: Garden head - What is it and why do you need Bordeaux mixture

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