Special care for capricious arrowroot at home. Arrowroot care and propagation at home Arrowroot has dropped its leaves, what to do

Arrowroot (Maranta) – perennial herbaceous plant about 20 cm high. The name is given in honor of Barthalomeo Maranta, a Venetian physician. The root system is tuberous. Shoots can be straight or creeping. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, oval-rounded, oblong-elliptic. The color is spectacular: against the general background (from white to dark green) there are bright spots and veins.

Why is arrowroot called a prayer plant?

With sufficient lighting, the leaf plates are located almost horizontally, and under unfavorable conditions they rise up and close, like palms. Hence the second name - praying grass. Another popular name- ten commandments, since one species of this plant has 10 spots on the leaves.

Favorable conditions promote flowering, but it is not particularly decorative. Small flowers of white, light pink or light yellow color bloom on a thin peduncle. most often the peduncle is cut off before the flowers bloom, since after flowering the arrowroot sheds its leaves and goes into dormancy mode.

The plant belongs to the arrowroot family (Marantaceae), the genus includes about three dozen species. It is native to the swamps of South America.

Caring for an arrowroot plant at home

Choosing a location and lighting

Lighting needs to be diffused. They do well in light shade. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. If the lighting is very bright, the size of the leaf blades will decrease and the color will fade. Arrowroot grows well when artificial lighting: use fluorescent lamps, provide 16 hours of daylight.


The plant loves warmth and is sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes. IN warm time of the year optimal range temperatures will be 22-24°C. During the rest period (October-February), it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 18°C, the maximum temperature drop is possible to +10°C.

How to water

In the warm season, a plentiful supply is needed, maintain upper layer the soil is moist, but do not allow it to become waterlogged. With the onset of autumn, reduce watering. During cool wintering, it is enough to occasionally moisten the earthen ball to prevent the roots from overcooling.

Air humidity

The plant needs high air humidity. Spray arrowroot regularly; if the air is dry, do it twice a day. Periodically place the pot with the plant on a tray with damp expanded clay, moss, and pebbles, avoiding the bottom of the pot coming into contact with water. To provide additional moisture and simply clean the plant from dust, occasionally bathe it under warm shower, do not forget to protect the earthen lump from water (cover with a bag).

All water procedures carry out with softened, warm (room temperature) water.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Despite the use of all measures to maintain humidity, the tips of the leaves are room conditions may dry out. Arrowroots feel best in florariums, terrariums, and mini-greenhouses.


In spring and summer it is necessary to feed every 2 weeks, alternating complex mineral fertilizers with organic ones.


How to transplant arrowroot photo

Plant the plants every 2 years in the spring. Choose a shallow one plastic pot(it holds moisture better), each time increasing the diameter by 1-2 cm. Withered and dried leaves must be cut off. Be sure to put it on the bottom drainage layer, consisting of expanded clay, ceramic fragments, coarse sand.


A slightly acidic soil is required. The following compositions are suitable: leaf soil, peat soil, humus in equal proportions or garden soil, sand, peat in a ratio of 3: 1: 1.5. You can add a little to any soil coniferous land, charcoal, dry mullein.

If you grow a flower on hydroponics or an ion-exchange substrate, fertilizing and replanting will not be required for 2-3 years.


How to divide an arrowroot bush

Arrowroots are carried out vegetative way: dividing the bush and apical cuttings.

Divide the bush during transplantation. Plant the cuttings in small pots with soil, as for adult plants. For successful rooting, cover the plantings with film and place in a warm place (air temperature not lower than 20° C). When the plant begins to grow, the cover must be removed.

Propagation of arrowroot by cuttings

Propagation is carried out in late spring and summer. Each cutting should have 2-3 leaves. Root in water - roots will appear in 5-6 days. Plant young plants in accordance with the transplantation rules.

Diseases and pests of arrowroot

Arrowroot leaves curl and turn yellow, leaf tips dry out

Yellowed leaves with dry tips, their curling, falling, slowing growth rates of arrowroot indicate dry air - do not forget about spraying, place the pot with the plant on a tray with humidifiers (moss, pebbles, expanded clay). A completely exhausted arrowroot can be bathed in a warm shower, and then covered with a plastic bag to maintain high humidity. Such a “bath” can revive a dried out flower. But don’t forget to look in and water and spray the plant. When you see that the arrowroot has come to life, remove the bag, but do not allow the same problem in the future: place an air humidifier nearby or keep the beauty on a tray with wet pebbles.

Second possible problem- pressed, dried earthen lump. If the plant has not been replanted for a long time, the soil can become very compacted from many years of watering, so that even with watering it will not be moistened: water will run down the walls of the pot, bypassing the roots of the plant. Check how permeable the soil is. If the problem is obvious, urgently replant the plant and replace the soil.

If the leaves wither, the stems rot– watering is too diligent, or the air temperature is low. urgently needs to be replanted: rinse the roots under water, carefully inspect, cut off all suspicious, rotten parts of both the root and the above-ground parts. Keep the roots in a phytosporin solution, treat the green part and plant in a disinfected pot with fresh soil, cover plastic bag, until it is accepted.

If the light is too bright, the arrowroot leaves fade; when exposed to direct sunlight, they appear brown spots(burns). In this case, you need to choose a place for the flower with diffused sunlight.


The arrowroot plant may be susceptible to attack spider mite. It settles on the underside of the leaf plate, envelops the plant with white cobwebs, while the leaves become covered with dark drying spots. It is necessary to treat with insecticides and repeat the procedure every other week. It is better to prevent a problem than to solve it: to avoid pest damage, keep the plant clean, spray it regularly, and do not place it near heating systems.

Types of arrowroot with photo and name

Maranta bicolor

It has oval or ovoid leaves. Leaf plate color: the main background is light green, stripes of a darker shade extend from the central vein. The species requires very careful care and is best suited for growing in a greenhouse.

Arrowroot tricolor or tricolor Maranta Tricolour

The most unpretentious and popular species in home floriculture. The leaves are dark green with a more light shade, the veins are colored dark red and become darker towards the edges.

White-veined arrowroot or white-veined Maranta Leuconeura

Dark green leaves with pink veins and a white-silver stripe running down the center. The shape of the leaf plate is oval, the length reaches 15 cm. It is unpretentious in care.

Reed arrowroot Maranta arundinacea photo

The bush reaches a height of about 1 m. The leaves are solid green, oblong-oval in shape, reach a length of about 25 cm. indoor growing does not occur often. The roots of the plant are used to produce starch, which is an alternative to corn.

It is distinguished by its original flowering, which consists of purple flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences. When they fade, the cellular bed is exposed, forming something like a cone. The leaves are oval or ovoid, light green in color with darker stripes. Maintenance of the species is standard.

Maranta kerchoveana maranta leuconeura kerchoveana

A variety of white-veined arrowroot. Capable of reaching a height of 25 m. Oval-shaped leaf plates are attached to short petioles. Top part brightly colored green color and is covered with strokes of a brownish tint, creating a feather pattern. The plant loves warmth, shade, and regular water treatments.

Maranta massangeana aka black arrowroot maranta leuconeura Massangeana = Black Maranta photo

A wide strip of white-yellow shade runs through the center of the oval leaf plate, dark brown spots extend from it, the edges of the leaves are dark green, the veins have a silver tint.

Benefits of the plant

Arrowroot is used for culinary (starch production) and medicinal (treatment of intestinal anemia, anorexia, insomnia) purposes. The plant is rich in calcium, folic acid, vitamins PP, B9.

Signs and superstitions about arrowroot

It is believed that the plant is able to absorb aggression, protecting the house from quarrels and disagreements. According to the practice of Feng Shui, the energy of the tricolor arrowroot species prevents the occurrence of colds and is capable of purifying the blood.

Maranta is indoor low growing plant , belongs to the arrowroot family. She is very picky. In this article, in addition to describing the plant, we will learn how to properly care for the plant, where to keep it, and also consider diseases, their causes and treatment.

This species was brought from the tropics of America and Africa. Plant lovers really appreciate it because it has gorgeous leaves with an unusual color.

All foliage is collected in a basal rosette. The leaves have a clear pattern, which has a different color, most often dark red.

There is one more feature - in the evenings the leaves of the flowerpot roll up into a tube and rise up, and in the morning they fall and unfold.

Main types and varieties

Arrowroot is a beautiful indoor plant with wide oval leaves. The pattern on the leaves is quite remarkable: Dark stripes and spots are noticeably visible on the green background.

The height of the leaves rarely exceeds 30 cm. Arrowroot is also called “praying grass”. This is due to the fact that when favorable conditions the leaves are fully expanded, and in case of lack of moisture or light, the leaves are stretched upward and pressed tightly against each other.

This family is very diverse, it has 30 genera and about 400 species. It does not bloom often, but, as a rule, either in spring or summer. The flowers are white and light lilac.

Most beautiful views arrowroot- This:

  • Tricolor (tricolor) arrowroot. This decorative foliage plant is distinguished by the beautiful color of its shiny leaves. The main color of the leaves is rich green, with yellow or beige spots located near the central vein. Large veins are clearly visible next to the lateral crimson veins. dark spots. The inner side of the leaf is painted in a bright crimson color. The oval leaves are not too large - no more than 14 cm in length and 6 cm in width.
  • White-veined arrowroot. This type of plant of the arrowroot family is also distinguished by its variegated and beautiful pattern of glossy leaves. On the dark green background of the leaves there are white spots along the central and lateral veins. The veins are colored White color. The inside of the leaves is colored crimson or green. The width of the leaves does not exceed 9 cm in width and 15 in length.
  • Reed arrowroot. This type of plant has a rather high stalk - more than 30-40 cm. The length of the leaves is about 25 cm, width 7-8 cm. good care the plant grows more than 1 meter in height. The color of the leaves is light green; feather-like dark spots are clearly visible near the central and lateral veins. The inner side of the leaves is covered with light fluff and painted in a muted crimson color.

Caring for an indoor flower - arrowroot

Location and lighting

Arrowroot belongs to the type of plants for which open sunlight is dangerous. Tender leaves can be severely burned.

If plants are constantly exposed to light, then the color of their leaves fades, the characteristic pattern disappears. Maranta loves partial shade and diffused sunlight.

When the temperature drops, you need to increase the time the pot is in the light. The plant loves good humidity. The ideal location for it is a shady hallway.


This is a tropical plant that prefers humidity both in the pot and in the air. Plants need to be watered abundantly; in winter, watering is moderate. Use only soft water.

The soil of the arrowroot should not dry out, but there is no need to fill the plant with water. It is optimal to water the flowers after the water in the tray dries.

In summer, it is advisable to spray the leaves; if this is not enough for cleanliness, then wipe the foliage with a damp cloth. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

Soil and fertilizers

Arrowroot grows well in slightly acidic soil. The best soil for the arrowroot flower it is mixture of peat and sand, and at the very bottom of the pot there is a thin layer of gravel.

When replanting a plant you can make the following cocktail from the soil: garden soil, peat, sand. It is also recommended to add ground charcoal and a little pine soil to the pot.

To keep the flower healthy, it is necessary to periodically add fertilizer. Fertilizing is done in the warm season, starting from April and ending in August. Frequency – twice a month.

Necessary alternate mineral and organic fertilizers . Mineral fertilizers recommended to take with increased content potassium and nitrogen.

When feeding take half the dose which is indicated on the packaging. It is not advisable to add highly concentrated fertilizers. You can also feed the flowerpot with complex liquid fertilizer for indoor deciduous plants.

To get a new plant, you need to divide the bush into parts without shaking the soil, this should be done at the time of transplantation. For better rooting, it is recommended to cover the pots with film and keep the plant in a warm room. When the arrowroot begins to grow, the film can be removed.


A transplant is required when roots plants appear in drainage holes. Perfect time for this it is late winter.

The root system of the flower is superficial; it can be safely planted in shallow pots. The soil must be loose.


Arrowroot flowers do not inspire admiration. Small white or lilac inflorescences, collected in panicles, look faded against the background of bright painted leaves. The flowering period lasts about a month.

Care video

Diseases, their treatment, as well as other plant problems

Yellowing of leaves

If you notice that the foliage has begun to turn yellow, becomes dry at the tips, and growth has stopped, then your flower needs moisture. To eliminate this, you need to spray the plant more often and place a tray under the pot with wet gravel or peat. For similar reasons, by the way, often.

Falling leaves

Dry air can also cause the leaves to fall off, and it can also start up. It infects leaves and envelops them in cobwebs.

Maranta also does not like cold and abundant watering. If it is kept cool, the stems and leaves will rot and wither. If it is not kept warm, the plant will die.

  • The leaves turn yellow and die. This problem appears when the soil is very waterlogged. It is worth reducing the frequency of watering.
  • Soft stems that cannot support the weight of the leaves. This problem occurs when ambient temperature too low for arrowroot.
  • Curling leaves with yellow spots . Most often, this problem is caused by a lack of moisture and increased dryness in the room.
  • also often becomes the culprit in the death of a flower. It is easy to identify the disease - arrowroot cuttings and leaves are covered with a thin whitish cobweb. It can only be destroyed by spraying and washing the leaves with water, ground sulfur or insecticides. After complete treatment of the foliage, after some time they should be rinsed with water. Repeat the procedure until the tick is completely destroyed. The flowerpot must be kept clean so that the mite does not appear again. If treatment is not started in time, the plant will quickly dry out and die.

Maranta cannot be called . She requires constant care and attention, and for this she thanks her owners for her beautiful and vibrant appearance.

And finally - a time-lapse video made from more than 3000 photographs, which shows how this flower lives, very entertaining - I recommend it.

Arrowroot is a herbaceous plant from the arrowroot family, distinctive feature which are bright patterns on the leaf plates. Decorative look requires attention, so caring for arrowroot at home is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

The plant has several types and each of them is popular.

The most common:

  1. Reed arrowroot– the plant of the species reaches a height of more than one meter. Its stems are elastic and erect. The leaves have an interesting ovoid shape and are painted in a dark emerald color.
  2. Arrowroot two-color– each leaf of this species has bright green edges, and inner side– pink. The petiole is light pink in color and covered with fluff.
  3. Maranta tricolor- the most popular type, which has three colors: the middle is dark pink, the veins are bright red, and the edges are painted in a light tone.
  4. White veined arrowroot– the leaves are shaped like a heart, have a dark green color with white veins.

Each of these types has both advantages and disadvantages, as well as certain growing rules.

This is interesting. In the evening, the plant raises its leaves, folding them together, the same thing happens a few hours before a thunderstorm.

Basic requirements for growing

To obtain a healthy and lush plant, it is necessary to comply with all growing conditions.

The basic rules include:

  • a bright place without bright sun;
  • absence of drafts;
  • spacious pot;
  • appropriate level of humidity in the room;
  • regular watering;
  • frequent spraying;
  • use of mineral fertilizers.

These are the basic requirements that will help grow a healthy plant.

Choosing a place for arrowroot at home

To make the plant happy, you need to choose the right place.

It feels comfortable in the following conditions:

  • optimal lighting, can withstand partial shade;
  • arrowroot reacts to neighboring plants, so it should be provided with a distance of at least 15 cm from other plants;
  • the air temperature should be constant, without fluctuations, not lower than 18 degrees.

Planting and replanting

The flower is replanted from March to April, until the plant begins to bloom.

Arrowroot is one of those plants that prefer moist and warm soil. Therefore, when transplanting, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions. Arrowroot can be transplanted into ready soil, after adding wood ash. Such soil reduces the risk of pathogenic microbes. You can buy the finished composition in the store, but it is easy to prepare at home.

To prepare the substrate you need to take the following components:

  • garden soil;
  • turf soil;
  • washed sand;
  • humus;
  • crushed coal;
  • sphagnum moss.

The soil prepared with these ingredients will provide the plant with the necessary nutrition and maintain looseness, allowing air and moisture to pass through.

The transplantation process is carried out with the onset of warmth, in the spring. It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the root system: damage and rot are removed using sharp knife. Removed and damaged roots are treated with charcoal powder. After this, the plant is transplanted into prepared soil, and a drainage layer is first placed for excess moisture. In the first days of planting, it is better to keep the plant in greenhouse conditions, maintaining air temperature and humidity.

Flower care at home

A perennial flower with a branching rhizome, where thickenings are formed with a supply of water and nutrients, refers to those plants that do not require special care. The flower will give a colorful hue if there is enough light in the room, but bright sun should be avoided. IN winter period additional light must be provided. Its deficiency will lead to paleness of the leaf blade. For the plant to feel comfortable, the air temperature should not exceed 24 degrees. In the winter season, the temperature should not be below 18 degrees. Maranta prefers moist air. To do this, you need to use humidifiers and frequently spray the plant. Before moistening, it is necessary to filter the water, as it may appear on the leaves. limescale. If the room is dry, the plant is placed on a tray filled with water with gravel.

The plant loves water, so it needs to be watered once every four days, however, when the air temperature drops, watering should be reduced to once a week. Sometimes added to irrigation water lemon juice. To keep the plant healthy, fertilize minerals However, you shouldn’t get carried away with feeding either.

Every two years in the spring, the arrowroot is transplanted into another pot, which is filled with fresh soil. At the beginning of spring, they begin to prune the plant so that the leaves are lush.

Arrowroot propagation

To give an attractive appearance to an arrowroot flower, you need to take care of its propagation.

At home, the plant can be propagated:

  1. Rhizome division. In the spring, the bush is divided by dividing the root into several parts. Dig up the plant, remove the soil, rinse with water. Inspect carefully, and if rot is present, prune. Cut root system in such a way that several nodules remain in each part. Each part of the root must be treated charcoal or root, and dry slightly, and then move to nutrient substrate. Before planting, prepare the soil - it must be moist.
  2. Sowing seeds. In early spring start sowing seeds. Seeds are placed in a box with soil, sprinkled with a layer of peat, moistened and greenhouse conditions are created, covered with glass or film. The greenhouse must be ventilated every day by opening it for a while. After 10 days have passed, the first shoots begin to appear. Maintain an air temperature of 19 degrees. As soon as leaves appear on the plant, it is necessary to place the shoots in separate containers for growing.
  3. Rooting cuttings– a shoot is cut from an adult plant, which should have at least 3 leaves. The procedure is performed from May to early September. The shoot should be kept in water for a month. After the rhizome appears, the process of transplanting the plant into the soil should begin. To make it feel comfortable, it is necessary to lay a layer of peat on the soil, which will not only nourish the plant, but also maintain warmth, and then cover it with film. Cuttings need greenhouse conditions. Cuttings are especially popular, since there is no need to fuss and waste time on transplantation.
  1. For example, too dry air causes the leaves to begin to turn yellow and the ends to become dry. In addition, this affects the growth of the plant.
  2. Humid air and damp soil cause rot to appear on the leaves and root system.
  3. Direct sunlight should be avoided, as it destroys the leaf blades, which fade, begin to curl and fall off. In this case, the flower must be shaded.

Pests and diseases

The plant has a number of advantages, including resistance to various diseases and pests. If the gardener follows the care conditions, this can be avoided. Most often it is affected by root rot, which occurs due to low temperatures and strong humidity. To get rid of the disease it is necessary to use an antifungal agent that is used to treat the soil surface. To prevent root rot from spreading and affecting the entire plant, it is necessary to get rid of diseased areas of the plant.

Spider mites can infect arrowroot if the indoor air is too dry. It is necessary to humidify the air, otherwise the risk of punctures on the leaves of the plant increases. For effective fight many people use special means which are sold in stores. However, you can prepare solutions at home, for example, dissolve soap in warm water and treat the plant.

The flowering arrowroot plant of the Maranthaceae family grows, reproduces, and long time blooms at home. Arrowroot received its name in honor of the botanist and Italian physician Bartholomew Maranta, who lived in the 16th century. Today there are about 26 species of this plant, which is valued for its miniature size and very beautiful large leaves. An exotic ornamental plant requires certain care, the features of which we will discuss in this article.

Maranta: general description, types, photos

Homeland exotic flower is the tropical part of South and Central America and the West Indies. miniature plant grows up to 30 cm in height and is distinguished by tuberous roots, erect or creeping shoots and broad oval leaves growing on petioles. Depending on the species, the leaf blade is decorated with brown eye-shaped spots, two-row spots or bright stripes along the central vein.

On the upper side, the background of the leaves can be dark green, light green or even reddish. The bottom side is very different in color from the top. Located on leaves color combination The spots and veins are very reminiscent of the leaf patterns of decorative codiaum. The plant blooms with white and light lilac flowers in spring or summer.

The arrowroot flower is known to many because, under favorable growing conditions, its leaves are unfolded, and if the plant lacks light or moisture, the leaves fold into closed rosettes and stretch upward. In this regard, the flower has a second name - “Praying Grass”. Thanks to this, there is a belief that a prayer flower grown in the house can protect the family from conflicts, create a favorable atmosphere and cleanse it of negative emotions.

Types of arrowroot

At home, two types of arrowroot are most often grown. These are arrowroot tricolor, known as tricolor and arrowroot bicolor. But many lovers of plants from the Marantaceae family also grow other types of this tropical flower.

Arrowroot tricolor (tricolor). The decorative foliage plant is a bush, the dimensions of which are 30 cm in height and width. The pubescent leaves reach 12 cm in length and have an oval shape. The background of the upper side of the leaf blade is dark or light green. The leaf pattern consists of red veins and dark green spots along the side veins and light green spots along the central veins. The leaf blades below have a crimson color and pink veins. Tricolor arrowroot blooms with flowers of a light lilac hue.

Arrowroot two-color. This rather rare plant is distinguished by the fact that it does not form roots. Its leaves, up to 15 cm long, are distinguished by short petioles, wavy edges and an oval shape. On the green background of the leaf blade there are brown spots on top. The leaves are covered with hairs below and have a reddish tint.

Reed arrowroot. Ornamental plant is a shrub slightly more than a meter high. Its tuberous roots are thick, and its long leaves are ovoid in shape and grow up to 25 cm. The leaf blade, pointed at the top, is dark green below and covered with hairs. White flowers appear on the plant in spring or summer.

Maranta Kerkhoven. The herbaceous perennial, 25 cm high, is distinguished by short leafy roots, oval leaves up to 15 cm long and white-veined white flowers. On top, the leaf blade has a bright green background, on which there are dark green spots and white stripes along the central vein. The bottom of the leaf has a shade changing from red to bluish.

Maranta: home care, photo

Maranta loves absent-minded bright light, so it is advisable to place the flower on the windowsill or next to windows facing the east or west side of the house. In the summer, the plant is a must shaded from direct midday sunlight. Otherwise, the leaf blade will decrease in size, the contrasting pattern will fade, and the leaves will curl. In winter, the flower requires additional lighting, which can be provided using a photo lamp.

Humidity and temperature

From the end of May until October, arrowroot should be kept at home at an air temperature within +21-+26 degrees. In autumn and winter, the temperature should be reduced to +18-+23 degrees. Temperatures below +12 degrees have a detrimental effect on the plant. Temperature changes and drafts can lead to the death of a flower.

Arrowroots growing in the house retain their decorative properties at moderate air humidity. However, when caring for a plant it is necessary Spray the leaves with warm, settled water two to three times a day.. To increase the air humidity around the flower, you can take the following actions:

  1. Place the pot on a tray with wet pebbles, expanded clay or peat. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the roots do not come into contact with the filling.
  2. Place a container filled with water or a humidifier near the flower.
  3. On hot days and in rooms with working radiators, arrowroot can be washed in the shower, after covering the soil in the pot with polyethylene.

If the air in the house is too dry, the pattern will no longer be distinct, the leaves will lose their tone, and their tips will begin to dry out.

Watering and fertilizing

In spring and summer, plants are watered abundantly with settled water. room temperature. In autumn and winter, the plant is watered only after the top layer of soil has dried. When caring for arrowroot, you need to keep an eye on so that no water remains in the tray. Water flowing down after watering must be drained immediately.

Arrowroots are fed every two weeks. For this purpose, mineral and organic fertilizers are used for decorative foliage plants, which should be alternated. Bait solutions are added only after watering the flower.

Soil and replanting arrowroot

The soil for growing arrowroot can be prepared at home by mixing in equal parts:

  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • peat.

A little pine soil and charcoal are added to the resulting earth mixture.

The soil may be of a different composition. To prepare it use:

  • garden soil - 3 parts;
  • coarse sand – 1 part;
  • peat – 1.5 parts.

To such earth mixture Just a little charcoal is added.

When caring for arrowroot at home, once every two years the plant must be replanted into larger pots. The flower grows slowly, therefore it does not require frequent transplants. Transshipment is carried out in March or April into new pots, which should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous ones. Drainage must be poured into the bottom of the pot.

Arrowroot: reproduction

At home, the plant is propagated by cuttings or division.

Propagation by cuttings

To obtain cuttings in late spring or early summer, a part with two to three leaves is cut off from a young shoot. The segment should be approximately 7–8 cm long. The cutting is placed in a container with soft water at room temperature. It should take root in about a month, and then it can be planted in a pot with peat. To create a greenhouse effect and better survival rate, the petioles are covered on top with a transparent container or plastic bag. Caring for them involves keeping the soil moist.

Reproduction by division

When replanting a plant, an adult bush can be divided into 2-3 parts. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots. The cuttings are planted in individual pots filled with peat. The flower is watered, placed together with the pot in a plastic bag and tied loosely. Such the mini greenhouse should be kept in a warm room. The bag is removed after the appearance of young leaves. Before they appear, caring for the plant consists of daily ventilating the soil and keeping it moist.

Possible problems when growing arrowroot

In cold rooms and with frequent heavy watering, the roots and stems of the plant begin to rot. It urgently needs to be moved to a warm place without drafts and watering reduced.

Dried leaves with sticky cobwebs indicate that the flower is affected by spider mites. If the plant is not treated, the leaves will begin to fall over time. Getting rid of spider mites using folk remedies or using special chemicals. As folk remedy A daily infusion of garlic, dandelion, yarrow or onion is used. If this does not help, then the plant is treated with Aktelik.

Dry tips and yellowed foliage most likely indicate that the flower needs humid air. In this case, the leaves need to be sprayed more often and other methods of increasing air humidity at home must be used.

For large quantities sunlight arrowroot leaves may turn white. So that they acquire their decorative color again, the flower is placed in a shaded place. If this does not help, then the plant must be fed during the growth period.

Call arrowroot unpretentious indoor plant it is forbidden. In order for a tropical flower to please its owners for a long time and decorate the house with its decorative leaves, it requires constant attention and care according to all the rules.

The arrowroot flower is valued for its variegated leaves. However, it can be classified as a capricious houseplant. Improper care, violation of the watering schedule, poor lighting lead to the fact that the leaves of the arrowroot dry out, and it is affected by various pests and diseases. We will look at several typical problems and diseases of the arrowroot flower, find out why the arrowroot leaves dry out and how to prevent it.

The leaves of the arrowroot flower are drying - causes and solutions to the problem

Description of the most common arrowroot diseases, consultation with specialists on their identification and treatment..

The arrowroot flower is covered with a white coating, and there is a curdled discharge on the leaves. Cause of the disease: mealybug. Treatment: the flower must be isolated and treated with the drug "Aktara". This is spraying with a solution of 4 g of the drug per 5 liters of water and watering with a solution of 1 g per 10 liters of water. Four times treatment is required with an interval of 5 days.

The tips of the leaves of the arrowroot flower dry out. Over time, the leaf dries out completely. Reasons: dry air, violation of the irrigation regime (lack of it). To prevent arrowroot leaves from drying out, it is necessary to spray it frequently, especially in summer. In winter, you should not place the arrowroot flower near heating appliances. In indoor conditions, it is necessary to place a container filled with wet expanded clay near the pot and constantly add water to it. This will increase the humidity in the room and have a positive effect on the well-being of the flower.

The arrowroot flower loses its intense color. Over time, arrowroot leaves dry out or turn pale. Reason: lack of light, if overall the plant looks healthy. Leaves may turn pale due to old age, if we are talking about their lower tier. Ways to solve the problem: provide the flower with sufficient lighting, but not direct sunlight. If necessary, increase watering, spraying and fertilizing, according to proper plant care.

The arrowroot flower drops its leaves. They remain in this state for a long time (from several days to 1 week).
Causes of the problem: waterlogging of the soil, drafts or cold air flow. Ways to solve the problem: the arrowroot flower can drop its leaves when the weather changes, or more precisely, this is a reaction to air humidity. If the leaves are always drooping, this is not a good sign, indicating problems in caring for the flower. It is necessary to adjust watering, remove the plant from drafts or increase air humidity.

The arrowroot flower curls and then leaves dry
. Reason: lack of watering. Ways to solve the problem: in the pot where the flower grows, the lump of earth should not dry out. It needs watering 2 times a week in summer and once every 5 days in winter. At proper care the soil should only dry out slightly on top. Its total volume should always be moist. If the leaves curl and dry out, water the arrowroot and spray it with warm water.

The arrowroot leaves began to dry out and curl. In the sun they shine and are covered with a sticky coating.
Reason: false scale insect, which feeds on plant sap. Sticky coating- the result of her life activity. Sooty fungus often settles on it. Treatment of the disease: a severely affected plant must be destroyed. At the initial stage of the disease, the arrowroot flower is washed under a warm shower to wash away the pest larvae. Next, wipe its leaves with an alcohol solution (70%). Spray with insecticide. These are actara, permitrin, etc. Spraying is repeated after a week.

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