Fashionable small bedroom design. Tips on how to decorate a small bedroom, photos of modern interiors. Diffused lighting allows you to adjust the light from dim to bright

It is much easier to make mistakes in the design of a small bedroom than in a large one. You should not choose more than 1 accent color and do not have more than 1 accent wall. The point is the bed linen and curtains, which attract a lot of attention, which means that if you go too far with the walls and ceiling, you’ll end up with a mess and not a design. But first things first.

Deciding on style and decoration

First, let's put forward a few important points. Some we’ll reveal later, some you’ll have to believe in.

  1. Choose white as your main background color. Not gray, not beige, not coffee. White.
  2. Maximum 1 additional accent color in finishing. Better than 0. Bed linen, curtains, clothes - everything has its own color and there are enough of these colors. There is no point in adding color with trim.
  3. Bed linen is the first most important thing in a small bedroom. No matter how cool the design you make, choose regular bed linen with flowers and there will be nothing left of the design. Only one color. Look at the photos.
  4. Don't go crazy with the ceiling. Best ceiling for a small bedroom - smooth white matte without complications.
  5. Lighting color temperature 3000K. This question will be discussed further from a biological point of view.

Choosing a Design Style

The main thing is to decide whether we will make the bedroom in a modern or classic style. Our deep conviction is that you always have to choose modern styles. If for large apartments This is just an opinion, but for small apartments it is the rule.

In a small area, you should always choose modern design styles.

This is also true because of money. Let's be honest, the vast majority of people don't have an unlimited budget. Actually, if this were so, then why would we have small bedrooms? And since money still matters, you should choose modern styles because... In addition to their main advantages, they are also cheaper.

Here is a photo perfect design for a small bedroom:

Modern interior design styles combine well and there are no clear boundaries between them. TOP most relevant design styles for small bedrooms in 2019:

  1. Minimalism
  2. Scandinavian style

Apart from the classic loft, the basic template for most modern styles is minimalism. Other styles are achieved by adding details to it. We advise you to start getting acquainted with modern design bedrooms specifically, and then consider others.

Choosing wall color

Usually accent wall done behind the bed. But the selection criterion is workload. The less busy the wall, the better suited it is to serve as an accent wall. Because There is always a door on one wall, and a window on the other; the accent wall is either the wall behind the TV or behind the bed. Attention is drawn to it either by some cool wallpaper or simply by a bright color. But be careful with, although this material has been used longer than others, it is with it that there are the most nuances.

In addition to the walls, the bedroom has bed linen, curtains, possibly a carpet and other items. All these items have their own colors. If we also make the walls bright, it will turn out to be a mess.

Decorative plaster has been around for a long time, but was used only in classical styles. By 2019, this material experienced a rebirth and burst into modern styles. This is the most practical material, he is not afraid of anything, he is easy to clean. Can have any texture and color. The only downside is the high cost. But we don’t need to decorate all the walls in the bedroom with it; it’s enough to apply it to the wall behind the bed. This is the most modern way of finishing the wall behind the bed, and has no restrictions on implementation. The price for a meter of turnkey application of decorative plaster is $10-30, considering that our bedroom is small, the wall area behind the bed is approximately 3×2.7 = 8.1 square meters. Not cheap for one wall, but worth it.

The base color of the walls, when there are no special preferences, is white. It is always relevant and will never go out of fashion. The perfect neutral color that goes with anything. Because In the bedroom there is minimal danger of smearing the walls; this is where the white color is at its safest.

Floor and ceiling in a small bedroom

The biggest mistake in small bedroom- play tricks with floors and ceilings. The floors are almost invisible, because... most The area is occupied by a bed. If ceilings are made too complex, they attract an unreasonable amount of attention. A good place for multi-level plasterboard ceilings - living room, but not bedroom.

Ceiling in a small bedroom

Since we are making the ceiling simple, any material will do. Bedroom shape even in apartments non-standard layout usually rectangular or square. Combination of small area and correct form ideal for stretch ceiling. In this version, there will be no seams or unsightly corners (since all angles are 90 degrees). This means there is no point in overpaying for plasterboard ceilings.

In a small bedroom we create a simple, minimalist ceiling.

Here is a good example when they thought that the design was too simple and decided to complicate it with a ceiling. In a vacuum it might not be so bad, but in specific example This ceiling design is completely out of touch.

Many people recommend choosing for a small bedroom glossy ceilings, supposedly it increases the space. We're the opposite We strongly advise against making glossy ceilings in a small bedroom. In addition to reflecting light, gloss also reflects everything else. As a result, we will get x2 of all items concentrated in a small area. This is chaos, not design. Interior design is about balance, not complexity. And in general, glossy ceilings look like a collective farm. According to the price/ appearance The absolute first place is occupied by suspended matte white ceilings.

Floor in a small bedroom

The most insignificant point is that the floor in a small bedroom is practically invisible. Choose any parquet or laminate with a chamfer you like - you can’t go wrong. The only recommendation that can be given is to take a closer look at dark colors. Ideally, if you can create the illusion of a gradient from a dark floor to a light ceiling - it looks very stylish. Otherwise there are no rules.

Where to start renovating a small bedroom

There are things that can always be changed or redone. And there are those that need to be laid out at the very beginning of interior design even before the renovation begins, because they cannot be redone. And no matter how cool the interior design you make for your small bedroom, if you make a mistake in them and it is impractical, you will no longer care about any appearance. Let's start with them.


The bedroom is one of the most undemanding rooms in terms of space. Unlike other rooms, here our activity is minimal - falling asleep and waking up. In fact, the minimum sufficient area is 9 sq.m. For square room this is 3x3 meters along the walls. The standard size of mattresses is 160-180×200. This means that any place where you can shove it can already be turned into a bedroom.

The minimum sufficient bedroom area is 9 sq.m.

But you always want more. If your apartment has the opportunity to remodel and enlarge a small bedroom by moving walls or, for example, adding a balcony, then why not. We are constantly We recommend considering redevelopment options for small apartments. Many people have an irrational fear of redevelopment, and this is completely in vain. It is not so expensive and difficult, and provides significant advantages, both in terms of design and practicality.

The most common design option for expanding the space of a small bedroom is adding a balcony. To achieve this, the balcony is insulated, and the wall between it and the bedroom is either demolished entirely or simply removed window frame and the door. The advantage of the second option is that there is no need to carry the battery and an additional table (in place former window). But keep in mind that it is almost impossible to legalize the connection of a balcony to a bedroom.

We sorted out the remodeling of the bedroom. What else is important to do on initial stage repair.

By the way, we are in:

Electrical wiring in the bedroom

Switches in a small bedroom

What you definitely cannot change is the electrical wiring. Get this wrong and even a small bedroom can cause big problems.

By 2019, for professional builders and designers, some things in bedroom design have already become standard. One of them - pass-through switches in the bedroom. Walk-through switches are groups of switches that can independently turn on and off the same light circuit. This is especially true for corridors and bedrooms, even small ones. Agree, it’s convenient to be able to turn the light on and off without getting out of bed or walking to the door.

Wiring for pass-through switches must be done immediately; it is impossible to add them later.

Sockets in a small bedroom

In 2019, it is no longer possible to imagine yourself without gadgets. A phone, an e-reader, a tablet are things that are constantly used in the bedroom. Things that tend to run out of charge at the most inopportune moment. Accordingly, on each side of the bed, in addition to pass-through switches, there should be at least two sockets.

Don't forget about TV outlets. Moreover, it is advisable to know in advance whether it will stand on a stand or suspended on a bracket, because... the height depends on this. We recommend making a group of at least 3 outlets - you never know what else you might want to connect.

Place another 1-2 sockets below at a height of 15-30 cm from the floor. Can be useful for a vacuum cleaner or climate control technology, which by the way is relevant. Air humidity in the bedroom is an important parameter, but you don’t think about it as long as it’s in order. If for some reason the air is too dry, you should have the ability and outlets to connect a humidifier.

The design of sockets and switches has also changed a lot. Now the choice of sockets, both in appearance and in terms of wallet, is simply huge. Any colors, any styles. If at some point you come across the need to support an additional accent color in the bedroom with some accessories, think about sockets and switches. It is quite possible that they exist in exactly the color you need.

Lighting in a small bedroom

One of the most important points, in which Even designers don't understand. Light affects the quality of sleep. Every person has an internal biological clock (circadian rhythm). 2-3 hours before bedtime, the body begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which plays important role as a dream. And here there is important nuance- Light suppresses the production of this hormone. And what could be more important in bedroom design than its impact on sleep?

In order to go to sleep normally, bedroom lighting must meet two requirements:

  1. Non-primary dim light sources.
  2. Color temperature no more than 3000K.

This is necessary because the suppression of melatonin production depends on the intensity and wavelength of the light. So you should be able to use additional sources lights that won't dazzle. Complete darkness is also not an option - being in the dark when watching TV is harmful to the eyes.

Warm or cool lighting in the bedroom also matters. The colder light appears to us, the shorter its wavelength. And it is light with a short wavelength that worsens sleep the most. That's why in bedroom design it is important to use lamps with a color temperature of 2800-3000K those. warm yellow lighting .

Furniture in a small bedroom

How to place the bed

The mattress size is 160-180×200, respectively, the size of the bed is slightly larger depending on its design. Standard placement, where space allows, is in the middle of the room with the back to the wall. The advantages of placing the bed in the bedroom in this way are the ability to create bedside tables, sockets and switches on both sides.

When the room area is small and there is no room for such “chic”, we put the bed against the wall or window. Some inconvenience arises from the inability to climb onto it from both sides, but this does not make the small bedroom look any worse. This is quite standard option, many have already used it and the bedroom interior does not suffer much. You can appreciate it in the photographs:

If the sides of the bed are narrow, then you will have constant contact with the wall against which the bed is attached. It is advisable that this wall is not too light, or at least made of a material that is easy to clean, such as decorative plaster.

Because Our bedroom is small, it’s unlikely that we can fit a bunch of wardrobes into it. Therefore, you may need to consider options where the bed has storage space. This will somewhat worsen the design of a small bedroom by overloading it, but practicality is more important.

Wardrobe and cabinets

A small or large room, but you need to store things somewhere. Of course, I would like small, light cabinets at the edges of the bed, but in practice it would be a good idea to make them up to the ceiling. Unusual, but practical. Fortunately, now they can make anything to order. And due to the high competition in the market for custom furniture manufacturing services, prices can be found quite humanely, the main thing is to look.

Visit as many bedroom furniture manufacturing companies as possible - prices vary greatly.

Many people deliberately reduce the bedroom area to 10-12 square meters in favor of a wardrobe. This is a redevelopment in which we move the entrance deeper into the bedroom, and use the freed-up space as a wardrobe. In this case, the space is not used rationally, but from a design point of view, such a bedroom interior looks better.

If the meters are still limited and there is no desire to exchange them for appearance, then choose either a wardrobe or regular wardrobe with hinged doors. In the bedroom design trends of 2019, the second option is even preferable - sliding wardrobes are no longer in fashion.

This proposal sounds a little crazy, but it’s better than a constant mess from the inability to put things in their places. But everyone has a lot of things and their quantity does not correlate in any way with the small size of the room. In this case, be sure to choose for such furniture light colors, preferably without texture. Pure white or beige furniture is standard. This is also important because dust is not visible on a light-colored surface, and you are unlikely to have the opportunity to constantly climb under the bedroom ceiling to wipe it off.

On light colors, dust is not visible.

Our task is to adapt everything we can for storage. Bed, open areas walls - everything.

Now you have all the information on the design of small bedrooms, get ideas from the photos and good luck with the renovation!

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Many owners of small bedrooms, having purchased the necessary furniture for the bedroom, realize that there is not so much free space in the room.

Of course, if you are not a designer, it will not be easy to rationally use the available space and create a complete design for a small bedroom.

However, a small bedroom does not mean a death sentence for your ideas; even nine are enough square meters to create a unique design.

Experienced designers always have a few tricks in stock that can visually enlarge a room while maintaining its functionality.

Light is the main weapon

Lighting is the main help in making small rooms look bigger. A bedroom in a small room should have a large window, the window sill should not be cluttered, and there should be maximum access to natural light.

It is better not to install massive cabinets near the window.

For curtains, you should choose economical blinds and install them as high as possible to save space, but if the interior of a small bedroom does not include blinds, you can choose curtains.

Now let's talk about artificial light, there are several functional options. Each has its own characteristics and tasks:

Spotlights. If you place them around the perimeter of the bedroom, you can visually move the walls away.

Ceiling chandelier. It should not be massive, the light must be directed to the ceiling, this will not only not blind people, but will also move the ceiling away.

Several bedside sconces are an excellent option that creates a pleasant atmosphere.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

Many people blindly believe that dark colors promote healthy relaxation and create coziness. Of course, this is partly true, but modern small bedrooms do not tolerate dark shades.

For large room, it would be good choice, but in a small bedroom they reduce the space, the room becomes more like a closet.

It is better to choose wallpaper for a small bedroom in light colors; all colors with shades of white would be an excellent option. This helps expand the space and also adds coziness.

Ideal shades for small rooms are:

  • cream;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • light yellow;
  • orange.

In addition, it is not always appropriate to play with contrasts. However, if the design provides for their presence, try to soften the transition as much as possible; the colors should not change too sharply.

Furniture selection

This is a rather non-trivial task, because we need to maintain the style of a small bedroom, but avoid clutter. Therefore, you need to choose furniture

If possible, avoid massive closed cabinets and cabinets; lightweight bookcases and wall shelves are an excellent option. However, if you are determined to buy a massive sliding wardrobe, give preference to cabinets with big amount reflective surfaces.

When choosing a bed, it is better to choose options with small supports or lying on the floor. Any tall furniture visually overloads a small room, which creates a feeling of compression and discomfort. It becomes really difficult to breathe freely indoors.

Mirrors will not be superfluous, but small ones; it is better to purchase several small ones and install them on different walls.

Glass furniture, coffee tables and glass wall shelves would also be an excellent option.

Of course, every bedroom has textiles. The peculiarity of choosing it in a small bedroom is that you do not need to choose large designs or patterns; give preference to plain materials and small prints.

Additional accessories

A bedroom is a room only for relaxation, which means it should be filled with little things pleasing to the eye.

But, if you have a small bedroom, you should immediately forget about large paintings and applications, this will only reduce the space. Great option There will be small figurines and figurines, as well as photographs in beautiful frames on bedside tables.

If you want to hang pictures, then only small size and in elegant frames. When choosing a carpet, give preference to round, bright options.

Choosing a design

Nowadays on the Internet there are enough photos of a small bedroom made in different styles, but it is worth remembering that not all styles are suitable. For example, styles such as:

  • rococo;
  • country;
  • art decor;
  • baroque.

These options are not appropriate in a small room, because they involve a lot of bulky furniture and additional things.

Don’t despair ahead of time, all other styles are great for small bedrooms. Choose wisely and the coziness and comfort of your bedroom is guaranteed!

Photo of a small bedroom

Each home has a room where you can relax and unwind as much as possible. The bedroom serves as a place of relaxation. You can see the design of the bedroom with photo options for its design in this article. We have collected for you the most interesting interiors and fashion trends!

Rules and elements of bedroom design

The bedroom can have any style solution that suits your tastes and preferences. It is often decorated in a classic, Scandinavian, or country style. But this room, regardless of style, should fulfill its main purpose - to be conducive to rest and provide the opportunity to relax as much as possible.

This is achieved with the help of plain, soft colors or non-irritating ornaments and patterns of textiles, walls and ceilings, soft lighting, and a minimum amount of furniture, the main item of which is the bed.

Let's look at how to combine the style of this room with its functional purpose using the example of the design of walls, furniture, floors and ceilings, as well as textile solutions.

Color solution

The choice of the color background of the bedroom, which is created by painting the walls, is associated with its style. From all the variety of existing color shades for the walls of this room, it is advisable to choose white, coffee, beige, gray, turquoise and black.

A combination of several may be used with caution. contrasting colors, while not forgetting about the inadmissibility of using too bright tones together.

Designers believe that the most successful choice is white walls for a bedroom. large sizes, because it opens unlimited possibilities for interior solutions. It will suit any style.

You can play up the white color with bright paintings, panels, curtains and other interior items that match the style. White color walls fits well into modern styles, for example, it is organic in minimalism.

White walls are appropriate for rooms with large window openings. Contrasting colors are suitable for small windows.

In a small bedroom, when choosing a color background, light shades should prevail.

Painting walls

For small bedrooms, designers advise using light, cool colors to paint the walls; they visually increase the size of the room. For example, blue and gray walls make a good backdrop for furniture and do not clutter up the space. These shades are best used for a northern room.

It is not necessary to paint all the walls the same color. You can revive and enlarge the space by decorating bright color only one wall located next to the bed.

The wall behind the bed is painted in a muted lilac shade, which is supported by textile elements: curtains, bedspreads, pillows. This design is suitable for a room facing west.

The walls and ceiling, if it is not white, must match in tone. In this case, the ceiling is covered in more light shade, then it will not visually put pressure and reduce the height of the room.

Furniture in design

Properly selected furniture is the key to success

The main item in the bedroom is, of course, the bed. The entire look of the bedroom depends on its location in this room. Exist general rules sleeping arrangements that must be followed for any style in this room.

What is important to know when registering

  • the bed does not need to be placed opposite the entrance to the bedroom;
  • when placing it, provide a place from which front door you can lie down and look around;
  • It is not advisable to arrange a sleeping place opposite a mirror; the bed should not be reflected in it;
  • in a large bedroom it is better to place the bed in the center of the room;
  • its location in the corner is allowed if there are no window openings;
  • To sleeping place sufficient passage must be provided, unobstructed by nearby furniture;
  • The height of the bed can be any, but it should not be close to the floor; a minimum clearance must be provided between their surfaces;
  • There should be a place near the bed for bedside table, in the case of a double bed placed in the center of the room, it is better to install bedside tables on both sides.

The rest of the furniture, regardless of style, is placed along the free walls. This room, as a rule, is also a place where personal items are stored. Therefore, in addition to the bed, it should have built-in or attached wardrobes; if the room allows, you can put a chest of drawers.

It is better to choose it low if it is wide enough, or high if the chest of drawers is narrow. The dressing table with a figured mirror, illuminated by the muted light of a table lamp, looks cozy.

At your request, you can place other necessary items in the room, for example, hang a TV on the wall, put coffee table and other items.

If the bedroom is very small, then you can hang shelves next to the bed to place the necessary items on them. The head of the bed is located by the window. In this case, this is acceptable, because the window is located quite high and it is small.

Furniture design for different styles May vary in shape, style and material. For example, for an interior in the Greek style, massive wooden furniture of a carved shape and dark color is suitable. It can be supplemented with different shelves hung along the walls.


When planning an interior, designers offer many options for lighting solutions for this room. It is preferable to have two types of lighting: overhead and local, which must be present near the bed.

Overhead lighting is usually used when entering a bedroom in the dark. A sconce or some other night light often serves as a local one near the bed.

Hanging bright lamps directly above the head of the bed, especially a chandelier, is prohibited not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for safety reasons. With such an arrangement of bright light sources, they will hit your eyes, making it difficult to relax before bed.

It is better to hang lamps that will diffuse light and provide soft lighting. Instead of a chandelier, it makes more sense to use built-in lamps in the room.


The bedroom serves, first of all, for relaxation and rest. Therefore, you need to create an environment to isolate this room from external irritants: bright sunlight penetrating the room and street noise that makes it difficult to fall asleep.

This can be done using curtains. In order for them to play a protective role, the fabric of the curtains must be dense, such as brocade or velvet.

In addition to creating an intimate, isolated environment, curtains play a huge aesthetic role in the bedroom interior. Well-chosen curtains that match general style this room evoke positive emotions and create a positive mood for the whole day. When thinking about the design of curtains in the bedroom, it is important to consider not only their functionality.

It is important to decide for yourself what is more important to you: protective function curtains or their decorative component. Do you need curtains that are too thick and do not allow sunlight, protecting from noise and external views if the room is on the ground floor, or they are necessary for aesthetic impression and decor.

It all depends on the chosen room style and the location of your home and bedroom windows. In order not to make a mistake when choosing curtains, you need to clearly imagine their appearance on your windows along with other elements of the chosen interior style.

Roller blinds are often used in modern style solutions. Roman blinds are also popular. The bedroom in which the Japanese style is chosen looks original.

For lovers of country style, preference should be given to natural fabrics. It can be linen or cotton with drapery elements.

For a room with classic style, heavy curtains are combined with a light transparent veil. Characteristic element is a lambrequin.

TOP 5 Fashionable curtains for the bedroom in 2019

People spend almost a third of their lives sleeping, so it is very important that the place intended for rest is as comfortable as possible. A pleasant interior will help you relax and forget about everything outside the bed. You will find ideas and tips on how to create a piece of paradise from a small bedroom in this article.

Choosing an interior style

If when planning the interior of a living room, kitchen or office, you have to think first of all about their functionality, then in the relaxation area you can give free rein to your imagination and listen to the desires of your soul. The basis for design experiments in a small bedroom can be styles such as Scandinavian, modern, classic, minimalism, loft or Provence.

Small bedroom in modern style

A small bedroom of the 21st century means clear graphic lines, calm colors and no unnecessary objects.

Modern style suggests a neat, but reliable furniture without additional decor. The walls and ceiling are plain, in grey, white or beige. Black, chocolate and dark blue finishing options are best reserved for large rooms. The floor can be covered with parquet, laminate or carpet in a discreet color. Metallic shine, chrome handles, polished wood, mirrors - all this reflects light and visually enlarges the space.

Accents in the form of paintings, exquisite floor lamps, ceramic figures, indoor plants. Bed linen should be silk or cotton, without noticeable prints. Spot LED lightening along the perimeter and bedside sconces with matte milky-white shades will help create a calm atmosphere and set the mood for a restful sleep.

Small bedroom in classic style

This style will be appreciated by lovers of luxury. Marshmallow shades of white, pink, peach, light lilac are ideally combined with aristocratic gold-silver patterns, plaster stucco, columns and crystal chandeliers.

Carved furniture painted with ivory enamel will create a majestic palace atmosphere. The head of the bed can be upholstered soft skin. Windows should be covered with curtains made of brocade, velvet, and satin to match the overall design. The same fabrics are suitable for a canopy. The bedspread can be jacquard, with shimmering patterns. The abundance of light in a “precious” frame will transform an ordinary small room into a truly royal bedchamber.

Small bedroom in Provence style

For romantic people who love the atmosphere of the south of France, would be better suited Provence style. All interior details should be in pastel colors - blue and white, pink, light purple, pale green and beige. From textiles, it is preferable to choose faded, faded chintz with small floral patterns, tiny polka dots, checkered patterns, and diamonds.

It is advisable to choose furniture for a small bedroom in the Provence style that is simple and without pretentiousness. It can be made of light wood without varnish or painted white (possibly with a slight tint).

Small bedroom in loft style

Initially, the term “loft” was used to describe former factories, industrial warehouses and offices that were converted into housing. They are characterized by a lack of decoration on the walls, a lot of free space, high ceilings and large windows. However, some ideas from this style may well be useful to refresh the interior of a small bedroom.

For example, instead of boring wallpaper or plaster, only bare brickwork, concrete panels or their imitation. Simple bed without legs it is installed directly on the plank floor. Everything should look as if this is a temporary refuge for a free artist: no decorative frills, except maybe a couple of black and white prints, a mirror in a thin frame and high-tech lamps for lighting.

For the sake of visual increase In the room, you can expand the window, turning it into a panoramic one, and order a wardrobe with glossy metal doors. The role of curtains in the loft should be performed by blinds or simple curtains with vertical folds.

Small bedroom in minimalist style

This is the most best option for a small bedroom. It is completely free of any excesses - no curls, patterns, decor or decorations. One or two similar or contrasting colors in the design, perfectly flat, smooth surfaces, clear furniture, lamps of simple geometric shapes - all this greatly saves space. So simple and modern solution will appeal to business people with a rational approach to life.

Small bedroom in Scandinavian style

The first association with Scandinavia is transparency and coolness. Decoration in airy white tones with light brown or gray-blue accents should be chosen for rooms facing south, as well as those located in warm climates. This finish will help you endure the heat more easily and create a feeling of freshness and lightness. Bedroom in Scandinavian style should remind you of snow-capped mountain peaks and icy rivers.

Color solutions

Since we are talking about bedrooms with a small area, the main attention should be focused on a light palette. Colors close to white reflect more light and visually expand the room.

Small bedroom in white

It is not for nothing that nature itself chose this color to cover the sleeping earth in winter: it lulls, relaxes, and creates an atmosphere of purity and peace. In a completely snow-white room, sleep will come in a matter of minutes, and if you want to add romance, just use colored lighting.

Small bedroom in blue tones

Decorating in heavenly shades relieves nervous tension and cools the body. It will be appropriate if the apartment is often hot. For active, active people, this color will help dissipate a little energy and enjoy dreams.

Small bedroom in green tones

Herbal, light green, emerald, sea - they all create a feeling of freshness and provide welcome vacation eyes and nervous system. This is the easiest color to perceive because it is right in the middle of the rainbow spectrum.

Green is the color of life, and it is worth combining it in the bedroom with calm natural shades: gray, brown, sandy yellow, turquoise or lavender.

Small bedroom in purple tones

Soft purple tone appears in the sky in the evening, after sunset. It envelops the horizon in a light haze and seems to invite you into the fairy-tale kingdom of dreams. In the bedroom it can be a great complement to green, yellow or pink elements. Also, purple looks harmonious with white, beige and cream colors.

Small bedroom in yellow tones

This sunny color is perfect for a bedroom that lacks warmth (for example, there is no window or it faces north). Sand, lemon, saffron, golden will make the room light and warm. Shades of yellow lift your spirits and fill your life with joy, and are best combined with white, green, blue, purple or brown.

Small bedroom in gray tones

Gray is the calmest and most neutral color. It's much softer than black, so it won't look bulky. This is a wonderful background for anyone bright accents, and in itself it has laconicism and restraint. Light or silver gray options are suitable for all interior styles.

Finishes and materials

The choice of materials for decorating a bedroom is practically unlimited. The humidity in this room is normal, exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other factors is minimal. The only thing important condition, which should not be neglected, is the safety of materials: they should not contain harmful impurities and emit toxic fumes.


It is better to make the floor in the bedroom from warm material. It could be wooden parquet, laminate, carpet. To make the space seem more voluminous, you should abandon dark and uneven colors, and lay boards or other vertical patterns perpendicular to the window. The rug should blend with the main shade, or completely cover the room, otherwise it will “cut up” and make it smaller.


The best choice for a small bedroom is light walls, plain or with a small, almost imperceptible pattern. This can be whitewashing, painting, decorative plaster (possibly with reflective sparkles), wallpaper, wood panels and cork.

For the loft style, it is better to choose white or grayish masonry (under sand-lime brick or sandstone).


To visually make the bedroom higher, the ceiling should be glossy. It’s good that it reflects the light from the side sconces. A volumetric effect can be achieved by placing a mirror stretch film in a “frame” made of plasterboard.

For a romantic design, a ceiling in the form of a blue or starry sky, with a cosmic 3D pattern and elements flickering in the dark, is suitable. It is better to avoid images of planets, large figures, and rich colors in the design of a small bedroom.


The choice of fabrics must be consistent with the overall style. But in any case, they should not be dark and contain large prints. It is better to purchase curtains that are light, airy, and made from synthetic fabrics.

Bed linen in a small bedroom will look better in one color, diluted white shades or gray. To make sleeping comfortable, it is better to give preference to high-quality natural fabrics made of cotton, silk or linen.

Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

When everything is in order with the decoration and the bedroom looks more spacious, it’s time to think about how to make the most of its actual space. Each type of room has its own recommendations and features.

Small square bedroom

If all parties have equal length, there are no special problems. So, the bed can be installed in the center, with the headboard towards the blind or furniture wall, on the sides there are tall chests of drawers or pencil cases, and against the other wall there is a wardrobe. A podium with retractable shelves will help you save space, inside which you can easily hide clothes, bed linen and various household items.

Narrow (rectangular) small bedroom

To visually balance the room, long wall It’s worth putting up photo wallpaper with a three-dimensional perspective, and installing, for example, a cabinet with a glossy surface on the opposite side. Narrow walls can be expanded with the help of horizontal stripes, which can be not only painted, but also functional, in the form of shelves of a wide rack.

Small bedroom with non-standard layout

Attic rooms, corners left after zoning or redevelopment, as well as lofts converted from non-residential premises. You can use interesting furniture in them - round, oval, triangular beds, chests of drawers with beveled edges, custom-configured cabinets, hammocks, hanging shelves. This approach will provide not only comfort and convenience, but will also give the bedroom interior a unique uniqueness.


In the sleeping area, it is better to do without bright overhead lights and overhanging large chandeliers. To create a soft atmosphere, a few spotlights on the ceiling, wall sconces and one or two comfortable floor lamps on the bedside tables.

Reflective particles or golden patterns in wall decor can add additional shimmer.

Design of a small bedroom in Khrushchev

In Soviet apartments, the usual bedroom area is 8-9 sq.m. Of course, there is not much space, but it is quite possible to place the furniture and accessories necessary for sleeping.

Achieving this is simple: you need to install a podium, raise the height of the cabinets to the ceiling, arrange storage space under the bed, and also expand the window sill, turning it into an additional work area or ladies' corner.

In children's bedrooms, it makes sense to use bunk and folding structures.

Connection with other rooms

In cramped apartments, a good solution may be to expand a small bedroom into adjacent rooms.

Combining a small bedroom with a living room

This option is usually used to divide the studio into a living room and bedroom. The area for the bed can simply be closed from prying eyes with a canopy, screen, high closet, or can also be located behind a plasterboard or plywood partition.

A person spends about a third of his life in the bedroom. It is logical that the room that we use so often should be not only comfortable, but also stylish. Let's look at the photo best options bedroom design. Everything about choosing wallpaper, ceiling, furniture, curtains and other elements for the interior of this room.

Small bedroom interior

How to combine a bedroom with a living room

I don’t really want to allow strangers, even close friends, into the bedroom. But in a small apartment you have to look for a way out. There are several tricks that help to combine the bedroom with the living room and maintain the functionality of both spaces.

Artistic painting of the ceiling can be a replacement for wallpaper. If you can’t draw much on the whitewash, then on a plain background made with paint, a large element of the ornament, repeated in other interior details, will look great.

How to choose wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper - universal method wall decoration. There are no functional requirements for wallpaper for the bedroom. They can be embossed, smooth, washable or fabric. The main thing is the color. For a cramped bedroom, you should choose light wallpaper. A large or medium-sized drawing will be made small room even less. Horizontal stripes on the wallpaper will help expand the space, vertical stripes will help “raise” the ceiling. One of the options for implementing this idea is gluing two types of wallpaper in stripes. It is important to ensure that the width of the wallpaper roll does not end abruptly in the corner of the room, and that all “strips” are the same width.

Photo wallpaper

In a Khrushchev-era bedroom there is not much space to show individuality and create an atmosphere with the help of decor. Photo wallpaper can replace it. The wall easily transforms into a London urban landscape or a tropical island escape. With the help of photo wallpaper you can turn your entire bedroom into a wild jungle - or a hot beach. It is important that the theme of the wallpaper be combined with the general idea of ​​​​the room's design.

Choosing curtains

The bright sun is not always a welcome guest in the apartment. Especially if you are trying to get some sleep after a busy day at work.

Curtains in classic interior should be complex, multi-tiered, with tassels and curtains. For a high-tech interior, blinds to match the walls are more suitable, and for the Provence style - light translucent curtains. In a small bedroom, curtains should not be too different from the color of the walls and should be as light as possible. When choosing curtains, fasteners are often forgotten. Cornices should also be minimalistic and match the color and shape of the furniture.

A good option for a small bedroom is, or, which hide under the ceiling during the day and are lowered only at night.

Bedroom in a private house

A country house requires a large space - which means almost limitless options for design imagination.

The interior style can be anything, but it would be logical to emphasize the differences between a house outside the city and an apartment. There can be even more in the bedroom of a private house natural materials and elements reminiscent of the wild world - skins or decorative branches. Owners country house can afford an excellent addition to the bedroom interior - a wood-burning fireplace.

The naturalness of the interior is usually compensated by an emphatically cozy and large bed.

How to make your own design

If you have taste, decorating and designing a bedroom is not difficult. Before you start developing a project, evaluate a few examples from professional designers- this will allow you to choose suitable style. After that, measure your bedroom to know exactly what size pieces of furniture you need and estimate their approximate location on the plan. The next step is to look through the catalogs of furniture and wallpaper that are available in stores in your neighborhood, choosing suitable options and the actual repair.

How to organize a bedroom renovation

Doing a complete renovation of the bedroom yourself is a risky undertaking. But even if you plan to hire professional builders, minimal knowledge about bedroom renovation is needed to control the quality of the work.

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