Pros and cons of polystyrene foam as insulation. Pros and cons of insulating a wooden house with foam plastic. High resistance against fungi and various microorganisms

Expanded polystyrene insulation has become very often used by builders in Lately. It is therefore not surprising that the following questions often arise:

  • What is expanded polystyrene

  • What is extruded polystyrene foam (extruded polystyrene foam, EPS, EPS, XPS)

  • What is polystyrene foam made of?

  • What is the difference between polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam?

  • How to insulate floors, walls, foundations, ceilings, roofs, under-roof space, facades with polystyrene foam

  • Is polystyrene foam harmful to humans, does it release toxic substances?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of expanded polystyrene?

  • Is it worth using permanent polystyrene foam formwork?

  • Main characteristics of extruded polystyrene foam (extruded polystyrene foam, EPS, XPS)

  • At what temperature is it allowed to use and at what temperature does polystyrene foam degrade?

  • Proper installation of polystyrene foam

  • Application of expanded polystyrene

In the "Construction" program Andrey Kuryshev will answer most questions, so you won’t have to read countless reviews on this insulation. He will probably not stop only on the question of how to build hives from polystyrene foam.

Companies offering thermal insulation materials, such as Rockwool (Rockwool), URSA (Ursa), Isover (Isover), Tehnonikol (TechnoNIKOL) have huge marketing budgets. Therefore, it is not surprising that on forums and blogs you can find not reviews of real builders, but the results of the work of marketers. Regardless of whether you are planning to purchase extruded polystyrene foam Penoplex (Penopex, Penoplex), Tehnoplex (Technoplex), URSA (Ursa) or Carbon (Carbon) or some other, expert Andrey Kuryshev will share very useful tips in this program.

In addition to this program, pay attention to the useful links about polystyrene foam and other insulation materials (including environmentally friendly ones) at the end of this material, especially if you do the insulation yourself. I highly recommend comparing extruded polystyrene foam (extruded polystyrene foam, EPS, EPS, XPS) with other thermal insulation materials.

In the “Construction” program on the “Country Life” TV channel you will learn everything about polystyrene foam. Regular and extruded (extruded). What properties does this material have and can it be used in construction? country house. All the pros and cons.

What is polystyrene foam and polystyrene foam? Thermal house: Is it good? permanent formwork from expanded polystyrene. Is it worth insulating the roof with polystyrene foam? Is polystyrene foam harmful to humans? Fire safety of polystyrene foam.

Help from the Wikipedia encyclopedia
Foam plastic is a class of materials that are foamed cellular plastic masses. Because the The main volume of foam is gas, the density of foam plastic is significantly lower than the density of its outgoing raw material - polymer. This determines high:
-thermal insulation properties(air flows are practically impossible in a single cell),
-soundproofing properties(thin and relatively elastic cell partitions are a poor conductor of sound vibrations).

In everyday life, people most often encounter this type of polystyrene foam. It was invented by BASF in 1951. It is obtained by polymer processing of styrene with the simultaneous addition of the pore-forming substance pentane. PSBS foam (PSB-S), expanded polystyrene styrofoam is a well-known thermal insulation material, 98% consisting of gas enclosed in microscopic thin-walled polystyrene cells.

Criteria for the protection of expanded polystyrene and related systems, such as permanent formwork .
First of all, this is the fact that such a house is thermos house ohm (does not let precious heat out of the house and does not let cold inside). But is it always comfortable to live in a thermos? In one of his programs, Kuryshev clearly proved the opposite:

When they say that a thermo house is a thermos house, wonderful because it is warm, and warm because it does not let heat in from the street and does not let it out into the street, then you need to understand what we do not let out and what we have. Let's look at a camping old Soviet thermos, made of stainless steel on the outside. A thermos is a system consisting of a container that can be made according to different designs, and the contents of this container. The container maintains the temperature of the contents.

Consider a thermos house made of polystyrene formwork. Let's take an ordinary stone house, insulated from the outside. We have brick inside and insulation on top. If you remove the stone from inside or make sure that the stone does not come into contact with inner surface walls, that is, we will cover this stone inside with heat-insulating material in the same way as outside, it turns out that the stone was buried inside the heat-insulating material. And stone is the element that retains heat or cold, which ensures the stability of the temperature in the room (approx. due to heat capacity). If we pour water out of a thermos, we get the equivalent of removing a stone from the house. Will there be a stable temperature inside? Will not be. Because it's empty inside. If there is warm air there, it will be warm. And if we start it cold, it will be cold. It turns out that our thermohouse lacks the most main element The thermos is a heat-inertial, heat-stable element, the temperature of which is maintained by the polystyrene foam formwork (outer insulation layer).

Unfortunately, houses made of permanent polystyrene foam formwork need mandatory ventilation, and naturally forced. It is impossible to live in such houses without it.
Besides thermal insulation properties, expanded polystyrene has and does not useful characteristics. Any polystyrene foam releases harmful substances when decomposed. A the decomposition of polystyrene foam begins at 60 degrees and above. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from styrene.

Kuryshev: In the thermohouse formula we really have an internal core in the form of a strong concrete wall, an outer layer of insulation in the form of an outer layer of polystyrene and, unfortunately, an inner layer of expanded polystyrene. The outer layer of polystyrene foam performs the correct function (approx. keeps warm in winter and cool in summer). Let us leave the question of harmlessness aside for now. A inner wall deprives the heat-inertial material of communication with us. Its temperature can rise sharply to 28-30 degrees. So we spoil our perfect home. The core inside is heat stable, but we are insulated from it with a layer of polystyrene. To bring a house made of polystyrene foam formwork to normal thermophysical form, you need to remove the inner layer of polystyrene foam. It still only performs a technological function during construction, serving as formwork.
There are formwork manufacturers whose blocks on the outside consist of expanded polystyrene, and inner part from a different material. It is more expedient to use such blocks.

Where and how you can and should use polystyrene foam.
Expanded polystyrene is one of the best insulation materials for roof spaces.. It is in the roofing that it is simply irreplaceable, since it has excellent hydrophobic properties (as opposed to getting wet, deforming and falling apart mineral wool). Expanded polystyrene does not lose its properties when wet(unlike mineral wool).

But what about harmful properties this material? They just disappear.
Kuryshev: The main advantage of polystyrene is its properties do not depend on moisture. He's on the roof does not require vapor barrier from below, protection from water from above. If water gets in from above, it will flow down it. He protects against the cold, whether there are leaks in the roof or not. Even if the roof is torn off, polystyrene foam will protect from rain and snow (note: it must be taken into account that direct exposure sun rays detrimental to this material). Those. polystyrene is a reliable, moisture-independent, durable (more than 50-60 years) material.

This material emits styrene after 60-70 degrees, and the roof can heat up to 100 and more degrees.
Device proper roofing : Rafter board with insulation laid inside. Above roofing, such as metal tiles. Inside there is a finishing coating. Below under the metal tile there must be vent so that air comes in from below and comes out from above. Metal tiles certainly get very hot, and naturally in the ventilation duct too heat. Polystyrene degrades after 60-70 degrees, emits styrene and related products. But he exudes them not inside the premises, since the inside does not heat up, but into the ventilation duct. Those. harmful fumes escape into the atmosphere without disturbing the residents inside. Warm air always rises. Warm air from below supports even warmer air, the pressure is excessive, so harmful substances With warm air rise up.

Fire safety of polystyrene foam.
Expanded polystyrene, extruded (extruded, EPS, XPS) or regular, is extremely dangerous, not so much from fire, but from radiated heat. The radiation temperature of burning polystyrene foam is 3 times higher than when burning ordinary wood.

Let's light a fire from wood. The fire temperature is about 400 degrees. Let's put polystyrene on the fire. It emits a fair amount of smoke (and it is highly toxic). The pyrometer that measures the temperature immediately goes off scale (measures up to 550 degrees). Those. This material will greatly worsen fire conditions. In an enclosed space, a person can die from such smoke (as in Lame Horse).
The finishing tiles used to decorate the ceilings burn out instantly. And a plasterboard or concrete floor does not burn. At the same time, we can notice that fewer tiles were put into the fire, and more smoke was produced. Unlike wood, a kilogram of polystyrene foam produces 4,000 times more smoke!
Let's set fire to the foamed polyethylene. Many people use it for backing, but it is better to use cork for this. It practically didn't burn. It took a while for the fire to get to him. There was less smoke. The temperature is about the same as a wood fire.
Let's also put a piece of polystyrene foam. It lights up very quickly, emits a lot of smoke, and the heat from the fire is felt much stronger.

Previously they said that extruded (extruded) polystyrene can be used in attic roof. But at the same time it burns very strongly with the release of a large amount of smoke (approx. and toxic substances). Ideal solutions can not be.

Do you agree with Andrey Kuryshev? Leave your feedback on the use of extruded polystyrene (extruded polystyrene foam, EPS, XPS, XPS) in the comments.

Unofficial text notes based on program materials "

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam is a product made from polystyrene and other components.

The main advantage of this material is that it is very cheap. It is the cheapest thermal insulation material available today.

Other advantages of polystyrene foam:

  • Can be used both for insulation inside and outside buildings.
  • Excellent insulation of foundations.
  • It is not afraid of moisture and has a low specific gravity.
  • An excellent thermal insulator, for example 1 cm of foam replaces 23 cm of brickwork.
  • Interacts well with other materials.
  • Most cheap material from insulation.

Polystyrene foam is also the thinnest insulation material, and its only competitor is foam insulation, which is sprayed on the surface. However, only professional builders can work with penoizol, while foam plastic can be installed by anyone independently as a finish.

In addition, the material is very light, which will not affect the weight of the building as a whole and will help save on the foundation. Also in construction, sheet foam plastic is more often used, but sometimes balls and crumbs are used.

Where can I use it?

A universal material that can be used to insulate any surface:

  1. Roofs and walls.
  2. Floor and plinth.
  3. Industrial buildings and residential buildings.

This one of the most simple ways insulation, so many people use foam plastic. The house will become comfortable and warm, and the insulation itself is very reliable. The installation work itself and the material are inexpensive, so if you wish, you can hire a team of workers for these purposes.

To insulate walls, foam sheets are more often used, and crumbs or balls are used for the roof. The floor and base are often insulated with extruded polystyrene foam.

Other foam amenities

  • The lightest material for working with it yourself.
  • It can be cut with a hacksaw or knife.
  • It lends itself to curly cutting and you can make a hole in it if necessary. Most often this is required if windows with cornices or decorative types are insulated
  • Foam glues to any surface and is perfectly exposed additional processing, such as painting or plastering.

Negative qualities

One of the negative qualities so far lies in environmental friendliness of the product. The thing is that heated foam releases styrene, which not only affects the functioning of internal organs, but also changes the composition of the blood. And when burned, polystyrene becomes dangerous. When burned, it produces phosgene gas, which is considered a weapon of mass destruction. That is why, where the risk of fire is high, experts do not recommend using polystyrene foam as insulation.

This is especially important to know when insulating ventilated facades, since voids will intensify combustion, which means that due to air draft the fire will spread more strongly. Moreover, after some time, polystyrene foam can release bad smell. The material ages, so the effect of aging material may appear in the house. It is best to use foam for external insulation building or foundation.

When insulating a bathhouse, you should also not forget about the ability of polystyrene to change the smell from heating, so it is better to use it outside as insulation or prefer mineral wool.

Mice also breed in polystyrene foam, so wooden building may get hurt. It is also not recommended to use it on walls that need to breathe, and structures that have not been kiln dried. The vapor permeability of the material leaves much to be desired.

What you need to know when insulating a house outside and inside

To insulate the inside of a house, you need to know several features, for example:

  • Sheets should be no more than 30 mm in thickness.
  • It is better to make the sheet perforated so that it sticks to the surface. To do this, you can roll it with a needle roller;
  • The glue must be applied to the entire sheet without voids.
  • To level the walls, use moisture-proof mixtures.
  • For safety, it is better to prefer material with a fire-resistant coating.

Insulating external facades also has its own peculiarities, so carefully study the rules before starting work.

For exterior finishing There are also nuances, they consist of successive stages:

  1. For correct installation set up a profile.
  2. Apply glue to the foam.
  3. Glue to the surface with dowels.
  4. Reinforcing corner parts are being installed.
  5. Reinforce and apply a decorative protective layer.

Installation of this insulation is quick and does not require the use of additional equipment. Unlike mineral wool, it does not settle in the lungs or on the skin. In addition, it has a low cost. Be sure to entrust the work to professionals if you do not have the skills to lay insulation.

Failure to comply with the standards can lead to dampness and mold. To keep mice away, you can use small metal mesh. Possibilities on how to improve polystyrene foam and make it high-quality insulation- weight. The main thing is that even the installation work of this material will cost less, as will the material itself, in contrast to the installation of other heat-insulating materials.

All the pros and cons of the material as insulation were considered, and it is up to the buyer to decide whether to purchase it or another product.

Polymer insulation materials are truly the most effective thermal insulation materials. But the issues of their safety have not been fully studied. Thermophysical properties are not enough when it comes to housing. The main thing here should be. safety of materials, their durability and maintainability

For thermal insulation of houses in our country, polystyrene foam is often used. Suffice it to say that today almost 80% of the market for thermal insulation products is occupied by polystyrene foam, which is widely used for both external thermal insulation buildings and for internal insulation. Meanwhile, as practice shows, during construction they are not always inclined to take into account the features of a given material. But he, like any other, has his pros and cons. And before you do final choice, you should thoroughly understand them to ensure that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Although there is sometimes a lot of talk about the types of polystyrene foam, it can only be divided into three types:

  1. pressless;
  2. press;
  3. extrusion

They all have the same basic chemical composition, and the differences are due only chemical composition additives: various kinds plasticizers, blowing agents, fire retardants, etc.

Insulation from the inside is unacceptable!

As it turned out relatively recently, the widespread use of polystyrene foam for thermal insulation interior walls buildings soon leads to the accumulation of moisture between the enclosing structures and the insulation, which causes the development of a fungal mold infection and, as a consequence, illness in people. Such data led to the fact that the Russian Main State Expertise authorities developed a letter (out. No. 24-10-4/367 dated 03/05/03, which states:

«… insulation of external walls with inside slab or roll insulation absolutely unacceptable, because similar solutions cause accelerated destruction of enclosing structures due to their complete freezing and expansion of microcracks and seams, and also lead to the formation of condensation and, accordingly, to soaking of walls, floors, electrical wiring, finishing elements and the insulation itself.”

Expanded polystyrene releases phosgene when burned.

At the Lame Horse Club, 147 of the 155 people died from phosgene poisoning. Phosgene is Chemical substance with the formula CCl2O, in normal conditions it is an almost colorless gas with the smell of rotten hay. Synonyms for phosgene: carbon oxide dichloride, carbonyl chloride, carbon oxychloride. Phosgene has a suffocating effect. First world war this gas was used as a chemical warfare agent.

What independent research says

Expanded polystyrene under natural conditions of operation in the air (temperature fluctuations from -30 to + 30°C, absence of light and direct exposure to precipitation) enters into chemical interactions with oxygen in the air. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, acetophenone, formaldehyde, and methyl alcohol are released into the environment.

In modern media there are often articles discussing the high thermal insulation qualities of polystyrene foam, where the authors of the reviews talk about fire and environmental safety, durability of the material. These characteristics are only partly confirmed.
In light of this, we can say that the main disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is the fact that the material, despite its popularity, has still been relatively little studied.

At the time of manufacturing thermal insulation using it, polystyrene foam really shows good performance. But during operation they seem to decrease somewhat.

Expanded polystyrene is waterproof. According to test results, the amount of water absorbed in relation to the volume of polystyrene foam per year ranges from 1.5-3.2%. The air permeability of expanded polystyrene is considered significantly higher in relation to its water permeability. On this basis, it is often classified as a so-called “breathable” material.

It is often said that temperature environment does not have a clear detrimental effect on the original physical and chemical properties of polystyrene foam. There is even evidence that at temperatures up to 90 degrees. Expanded polystyrene foams do not change their properties for a long time, and therefore external walls made of polystyrene foam blocks are almost not subject to atmospheric influences. These data are refuted by other studies and experiments. And at the moment, the end to these discussions has not yet been reached.

Expanded polystyrene in housing construction

There is evidence to support concerns about the use of expanded polystyrene in housing construction. Potentially dangerous factors include:

  • fairly rapid destruction of the material under the influence of atmospheric oxygen, which occurs even at normal temperatures;
  • a noticeable excess of the maximum permissible concentration of toxic substances;
  • content of toxic organic compounds in combustion products (in case of fire);
  • comparative fragility of the material (in fact, it lasts much less than the service life of the building itself);
  • fire danger.

Even if these data are not fully confirmed in the process of further research and tests, attention should be paid to them and a protective set of measures should be developed accordingly.

Expanded polystyrene has at least three negative parameters, which are somehow organically inherent in its nature:

  • fire safety;
  • relative fragility;
  • environmental unsafety.

Of course, one must understand that these grounds are not absolute and do not imply the complete exclusion of expanded polystyrene from the construction process. Such a goal is not worth it. The point is only that it is necessary to know this and treat such things with reasonable caution, understanding the peculiarities of the mechanism of these processes. It should also be taken into account that all this data requires additional, more in-depth study.

Video about the pros and cons of polystyrene foam

Oleg Serov(WITH)

Many people use foam plastic as insulation for building facades. Today, foam insulation is one of the most popular types of insulation, which is widely used in both mass and individual construction.

In our material today we will find out what the pros and cons of this type of insulation are, how effective polystyrene foam is and how you can insulate a facade with polystyrene foam yourself.

Features of foam

The structure of the foam is a foamed mass, where the bulk of the mass of the slab is air. Thereby the density of this material is much lower than the density of the raw material, from which it is produced. The huge amount of air in the structure of the material is its undoubted advantage, in addition:

The material has different densities depending on the raw materials, this also affects the level mechanical strength. The greater the density of the structure, the less air inside the material, respectively, thermal insulation properties will be worse, but the material will withstand more mechanical loads.

When insulating foam boards Depending on the strength level, they are used as follows:

  • slabs with a minimum strength indicator must be combined with insulation with a maximum level of protection from mechanical damage;
  • slabs with low strength are best installed for insulation when frame method installation of load-bearing structures;
  • if the slabs have greater strength, protection from mechanical damage will be provided without a frame, but it must still be installed in addition to the insulation.

Where and how can foam plastic be used for insulation?

The areas of application of polystyrene foam for insulation are:

However, it is worth noting that one of the disadvantages of such insulation is that even if it has high level density, it is not strong enough. That is why It is not recommended to use it for internal wall insulation that go outside, unless they are insulated with it from the outside.

When insulating a foundation with polystyrene foam, the slabs must be protected from soil pressure and other loads that may occur during frost heaving. If you are equipping the walls with foam plastic and in that case you can limit yourself to installing a reinforcing mesh and a layer of plaster, then when equipping the basement you need additional provide a brick tub or wooden formwork for guard.

Advantages and disadvantages of polystyrene foam

Like other types of insulation, polystyrene foam has both its pros and cons. There are more advantages, let's find out what they are:

The material also has the following disadvantages:

  • limited mechanical strength;
  • the need to install additional protection against damage;
  • does not allow air to pass through;
  • easily destroyed due to exposure to various dyes.

Features of insulation using foam plastic

If you plan to insulate external walls with polystyrene foam, they become multi-layered. When constructing a multilayer wall, the following points should be taken into account in order to avoid operational problems later:

How to insulate a roof with foam plastic?

The roof is perhaps the only place in the house where foam insulation will be the best compared to other types. The advantages of this roof solution are:

Also, if you choose this type of insulation, remember that non-residential premises should be insulated on both sides. In addition, foam plastic will be indispensable for roof insulation, especially based on materials such as:

  • profiled sheet;
  • ondulin;
  • metal tiles.

Features of insulating the facade of a building using polystyrene foam with your own hands

Residents of large cities prefer to call a team of specialists for this purpose, especially those who live in upper floors and the work is supported by height. However, if you live on the ground floor or outside the city, you can insulate the facade with your own hands.

Remember that Severe delays in work should not be allowed, otherwise the foam may get wet or bad weather will negatively affect the quality of the material.

The list of tools for work will be as follows:

  • hammer;
  • smooth and serrated spatulas;
  • knife for cutting slabs;
  • disc dowels;
  • foam boards (expanded polystyrene);
  • reinforced mesh;
  • primer;
  • base profile;
  • façade putty;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • for polystyrene foam - special glue.

The sequence of actions will look like this:

  • we prepare the surface of the walls, remove protrusions and seal cracks;
  • create a base profile;
  • laying the slabs;
  • seal the seams;
  • plastering the facade.

Now let's look at all the stages of work in more detail.

Preparatory work and installation of the base profile

Make sure the wall is perfectly level. Minor differences are allowed no more than 2 cm. When the wall area is cleared, it must be prime or treat using concrete contact. If you use polystyrene boards instead of foam plastic, they need to be processed. On the one hand, they need to be made slightly rough using a special roller.

To ensure that the installation of slabs along the entire facade is level, you need beat off zero level round so that the first row of slabs lies in a horizontal position. In addition, the base profile serves as protection and prevents all kinds of rodents from reaching the slabs. Do not neglect the installation of the base profile.

It should be installed using a level. Mark the zero point on the facade along the entire perimeter of the profile fastening. Then all the points are connected into one using a tapping cord.

Laying slabs on the walls

Now you can start gluing the slabs to the facade and strengthening them with disc dowels. Use special glue on polystyrene foam boards. It should be applied in even layers using a notched trowel on the slab or on the wall itself.

Laying should begin with the door or window slopes, then installs the first row, the position of which is guaranteed by the base profile. After the slabs are laid in a checkerboard pattern, pay attention to the tightness of their fixation. After finishing work polystyrene foam boards secured with dowels.

The foam is also attached with dowels, this is done like this:

  • wait at least a day until the glue dries;
  • hammer the dowels into the corners, at the joints of several plates; one dowel will be enough to fix three sheets;
  • The first dowel must be driven into the center of the slab, and the rest at their corners.

It is imperative to seal the seams, thanks to this you will avoid the entry of cold air into the gaps between the foam plates. If the gaps are too large, they are sealed polyurethane foam, and small ones can simply be covered with plaster.

Let's move on to plaster. If you apply it to a surface without reinforced mesh, then it will not stick to the foam. The grid needs to be leveled without a long break, since the glue sets almost instantly. In order for the mesh to be completely covered with plaster, the insulation must be covered.

The final layer must be applied after the first one has completely dried. A smooth spatula is used for application. Take any paint that is intended for external structures. It is best to apply it to the façade using a foam roller.

To summarize, polystyrene foam, of course, has more advantages than disadvantages as insulation. It perfectly retains heat inside the room, does not create loads on the foundation, does not get wet, has good thermal conductivity and is affordable for everyone.

But remember that when using such insulation internally it may emit an unpleasant odor, foam plastic is also a material that is unstable in terms of fire, and in terms of environmental friendliness this material is not the best.

Therefore the most best option The use of such material is the insulation of facades, roofs and non-residential buildings on both sides with foam plastic.

The main stage of construction is insulating the house. If you make mistakes in technology or in the choice of material, you can deprive your home required heat. Expanded polystyrene boards will help keep your home cozy even when it’s frosty outside. They are famous for their low price and good thermal insulation.

Characteristics and properties

Expanded polystyrene is designed to retain heat. This happens due to compressed small balls containing air. They form a solid air cushion, similar to foam, which is why the material has a similar name.

The density of the material ranges from 0.028 to 0.034 watt meter per Kelvin. The indicator depends on weather conditions. Scientists proved in 2014 that mold fungi are not able to live on this insulation.

Each type has its own vapor conductivity. For example, extruded does not allow steam to pass through at all, but foamed - from 0.019 to 0.015 kg per m/h/Pascal. The difference appears due to the fact that the second type is obtained by cutting from a whole block into slabs of the required thickness. Therefore, air penetrates through the broken structure of the balls.

Moisture absorption works on the same principle as vapor barrier. Solid polystyrene foam will absorb a maximum of 0.4 percent of water, thinner ones can absorb ten times more - 4%. Due to its dense structure, extruded is considered strong, approximately 0.4 to 1 kg per square cm.

Due to the presence of antiperspirants in the composition, polystyrene foam will last for many years without losing its advantages. Based on all of the listed properties, solid polystyrene foam is significantly better than foamed polystyrene. He almost ousted his competitor from the market and became the most popular.

Main disadvantages

Now let's look at the problems that we encounter when using this insulation. It is easily exposed to direct sunlight, under their pressure its density weakens and becomes unstable to weather conditions.

Selection rules

Polystyrene insulation - popular and modern construction material. Therefore, manufacturers do not miss the opportunity to make money on it. There are dozens of types of insulation sold on the market. . How to choose best insulation expanded polystyrene?

Despite all the shortcomings and the difficult choice of insulation, expanded polystyrene is used in the construction of four out of five houses. Most people trust him construction companies . If you take all precautions and follow technology, your home will be provided with heat for 30 years or more.

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