Insulation of the walls of a red solid brick house. Ideal house: brick Building a house from solid red brick

The ability of a structure to retain heat is determined by such a physical parameter as the thermal resistance of the structure ( R, m 2 *S/W).

Let us determine the degree-day of the heating period, °C ∙ day/year, using the formula (SNiP " Thermal protection buildings") for the city Tver.

GSOP = (t in - t from)z from,

t V- design temperature of the internal air of the building, °C, taken when calculating the enclosing structures of groups of buildings indicated in Table 3 (SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings”): according to pos. 1 - according to minimum values optimal temperature relevant buildings according to GOST 30494 (in the range 20 - 22 °C);
t from- average outside air temperature, °C during the cold period, for Tver meaning -3,0 °C;
z from- duration, days/year, of the heating period, adopted according to the set of rules for a period with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than 8 °C, for the city Tver meaning 218 days.

GSOP = (20- (-3.0))*218 = 5,014.00 °C*day.

The value of the required thermal resistance for the external walls of residential buildings will be determined by the formula (SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings)

R tr 0 =a*GSOP+b

R tr 0- required thermal resistance;
a and b- coefficients, the values ​​of which should be taken according to Table No. 3 of SNiP “Thermal Protection of Buildings” for the corresponding groups of buildings, for residential buildings the value A should be taken equal to 0.00035, the value b - 1,4

R tr 0 =0.00035*5,014.00+1.4 = 3.1549 m 2 *S/W

Formula for calculating the conditional thermal resistance of the structure under consideration:

R 0 = Σ δ n n + 0,158

Σ – symbol of layer summation for multilayer structures;
δ - layer thickness in meters;
λ - thermal conductivity coefficient of the layer material subject to operational humidity;
n- layer number (for multilayer structures);
0.158 is a correction factor, which, for simplicity, can be taken as a constant.

Formula for calculating the reduced thermal resistance.

R r 0 = R 0 x r

r– coefficient of thermal technical homogeneity of structures with heterogeneous sections (joints, heat-conducting inclusions, vestibules, etc.)

According to standard STO 00044807-001-2006 according to Table No. 8, the value of the coefficient of thermal uniformity r for masonry of large-format hollow porous ceramic stones should be taken equal 0,98 .

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this coefficient does not take into account the fact that

  1. we recommend masonry using warm masonry mortar (this significantly levels out the heterogeneity at the joints);
  2. as connections between the load-bearing wall and the facing masonry, we use not metal, but basalt-plastic connections, which conduct heat literally 100 times less than steel connections (this significantly eliminates the inhomogeneities formed due to heat-conducting inclusions);
  3. window slopes and doorways, according to our project documentation additionally insulated with extruded polystyrene foam (which eliminates heterogeneity in the areas of window and door openings, vestibules).
From which we can conclude that when following the instructions of our working documentation, the coefficient of masonry uniformity tends to unity. But in calculating the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 we will still use the table value of 0.98.

R r 0 must be greater than or equal to R 0 required.

We determine the operating mode of the building in order to understand what the thermal conductivity coefficient is λ a or λ in taken when calculating the conditional thermal resistance.

The method for determining the operating mode is described in detail in SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings" . Based on the specified normative document, let's follow the step-by-step instructions.

1st step. Let's define shumidity level of the building region - Tver using Appendix B of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings".

According to the table the city Tver located in zone 2 (Normal climate). We accept value 2 - Normal climate.

2nd step. Using Table No. 1 of SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings” we determine the humidity conditions in the room.

At the same time, I draw your attention to heating season air humidity in the room drops to 15-20%. During the heating season, air humidity must be raised to at least 35-40%. A humidity level of 40-50% is considered comfortable for humans.
In order to raise the humidity level, it is necessary to ventilate the room, you can use air humidifiers, and installing an aquarium will help.

According to Table 1, the humidity regime in the room during the heating period at an air temperature of 12 to 24 degrees and relative humidity up to 50% - dry.

3rd step. Using Table No. 2 of SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings” we determine the operating conditions.

To do this, we find the intersection of the line with the value of the humidity regime in the room, in our case it is dry, with humidity column for the city Tver, as was found out earlier, this value normal.

According to the SNiP methodology "Thermal protection of buildings" in the calculation of conditional thermal resistance ( R0) value should be applied under operating conditions A, i.e. thermal conductivity coefficient must be used λa.

You can see it here Thermal conductivity test report for Kerakam Kaiman30 ceramic blocks
Thermal conductivity value λa You can find it at the end of the document.

Let's consider the masonry external wall, using ceramic blocks Kerakam Kaiman 30 and double brick masonry with 100mm insulation, lined with ceramic hollow bricks.

For use case ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30 total wall thickness excluding plaster layer 430mm (300mm ceramic block Kerakam Kaiman 30+ 10mm technological gap filled with cement-perlite mortar + 120mm facing masonry).

1 layer
2 layer(item 2) – 300mm wall masonry using a block Kerakam Kaiman 30(thermal conductivity coefficient of masonry in operational/moistened state A 0.094 W/m*S).
3 layer(item 4) - 10mm light cement-perlite mixture between the ceramic block masonry and the facing masonry (density 200 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient at operating humidity less than 0.12 W/m*C).
4 layer(item 5) – 120mm wall masonry using slotted facing bricks(thermal conductivity coefficient of masonry in operational condition is 0.45 W/m*C.

Pos. 3 - warm masonry mortar
pos. 6 - colored masonry mortar.

Let's consider the masonry of an external wall, using solid ceramic bricks, with mineral wool insulation, lined with ceramic hollow bricks.

For the option of using ceramic bricks, the total wall thickness excluding the plaster layer is 640mm (380mm solid ceramic brickwork + 100mm mineral wool insulation + 40mm ventilation gap + 120mm facing masonry).

1 layer(item 1) – 20mm heat-insulating cement-perlite plaster (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.18 W/m*C).
2 layer(item 2) – 380mm wall masonry using ceramic solid bricks (thermal conductivity coefficient of masonry in operational condition A 0.650 W/m*S).
3 layer(item 3) – 100mm mineral wool insulation (thermal conductivity coefficient in operational condition 0.045 W/m*C).
4 layer(item 5) – 120mm wall masonry using slotted facing bricks (thermal conductivity coefficient of masonry in operational condition is 0.45 W/m*S.)

* – the layer of facing bricks is not taken into account in the calculation of the thermal resistance of the structure, because according to the technology of laying walls with insulation, the facing masonry is carried out with the device ventilation gap, and ensuring free air circulation in it.

This required condition to ensure the standard humidity of the structure, and first of all, the insulation.

We calculate the conditional thermal resistance R 0 for the structures under consideration.

Kerakam Kaiman 30

R 0 Cayman30 =0.020/0.18+0.300/0.094+0.01/0.12+0.12/0.45+0.158=3.810 m 2 *S/W

The design of the external wall using ceramic solid bricks with 100mm insulation

R 0 brick with insulation =0.020/0.18+0.380/0.650+0.100/0.045+0.158=3.0759 m 2 *S/W

We consider the reduced thermal resistance R r 0 of the structures under consideration.

The design of the external wall in which the block is used Kerakam Kaiman 30

R r 0 cayman30 =3.81 m 2 *S/W * 0.98 = 3.7340 m 2 *S/W

The design of the external wall in which solid wood is used ceramic brick with a 100mm layer of mineral wool thermal insulation.

R r 0 brick with insulation=3.0759 m 2 *S/W * 0.98 = 3,0144 m 2 *S/W

The reduced thermal resistance of structures using the thermally efficient ceramic block Cayman30 is higher than the required thermal resistance for the city of Tver; the design satisfies SNiP “Thermal protection of buildings” for the city of Nizhnekamsk.

The design of the external wall using solid ceramic bricks has a thermal resistance below the required value of SNiP "Thermal protection of buildings", the design does not meet the standards for the city of Tver.

Perhaps the designers use the old DBN thermal conductivity coefficients. And these coefficients do not correspond to those that actually exist for this cotton wool, with a density of 135 kg/m3. If you correctly wrote the thickness of your wall (one and a half bricks), then you only need 100 mm of wool with a density of 135 kg/m3 and a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.039-0.041. Enough according to the existing norm, and ours is quite strict :-).

There is no need to insulate the inside, I beg you :-). Look what happens. As soon as you install cotton wool inside, you immediately need to install a vapor barrier under the drywall. As soon as the vapor barrier is installed, your wall becomes vapor-tight, despite the vapor-permeable insulation. Besides. By installing insulation inside, you “fence off” outer wall from room heat. The condensation point in the wall moves (towards the room), and condensation may appear on inner surface walls. If you insulate the outside with 100mm cotton wool, and the inside with more wool, there will be no condensation (since there is a large layer of thermal insulation on the outside), there will simply be a vapor-tight wall and extra expenses on internal insulation. Believe me, insulation from the inside is not necessary. I hope I convinced you.

People “ready to insulate your facade” are telling you correctly. The facade will be good quality(with normal quality of work), and with eps, and with cotton wool, and with polystyrene foam. They call cotton wool a “more environmentally friendly option” because it is vapor-permeable and so are the walls with it (when it is outside, without films). What about density? You can do 135 or 145, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that this cotton wool should be "for external plaster", - definitely. Not just positions similar in density, but specifically “for external plaster”. I will write you the brands in a personal message.

Regarding the fact that cotton wool will gain moisture and lose its properties. It was specially made for just such a façade. Facades with such wool stand perfectly if everything is done correctly. How exactly it is correct - look at the link in my comment above, then you can control :-).

Regarding vapor-permeable walls, are they better and more correct? I’ve already written so much about this on the portal, you can look at the topic. In short, vapor-permeable walls (depending on their area) provide about a fifth of the air exchange of the house. That is, if they are vapor-tight, then the ventilation power is simply added. Comfortable in both. I would make myself vapor-permeable ones :-), I like the microclimate in them (but maybe it’s just me :-)).

By ventilation. I will calculate the required ventilation capacities (supply and exhaust). To calculate I need:

  • for each wall of the house (length, height), number of windows (no dimensions possible, they are still plastic and do not affect the calculation)
  • floor plans with the dimensions of the rooms (so that the area can be calculated) and with inscriptions what kind of room it is (bedroom, corridor, etc.)
  • where will the ventilation ducts be, their cross-section, will there be constantly running fans. Temporary workers do not have to write, they are not taken into account in the calculation.
  • size and what is the front door made of?

Brick houses are very popular because this building material allows you to get a strong and durable structure. However, brick is different from brick, because there are many varieties of this material. If you decide to choose to build a house from this material, then you should not only understand the types of bricks, but also know the advantages and disadvantages of brick buildings. We hope our article and owner reviews will help you make the right choice.

Material characteristics

  • To designate the brand of this material, a combination of the letter “M” and digital designation. This marking indicates the load one can withstand. square meter brick surface. Depending on the compressive strength of the brick, there are grades of this product: 75, 100, 125, as well as 150, 200, and so on in increments of every 50 units.
  • Frost resistance of this building material determined by the number of cycles of alternating freezing and thawing that a brick can withstand without receiving visible damage and reducing strength by no more than 20 percent. The frost resistance of bricks is indicated by the letter “F” and a number, which indicates the number of cycles.

If you decide to build a two- and three-story brick house, then you will need grade 75 or 100 brick. Products starting from grade 125 and above are used in construction multi-storey buildings. To build the foundation of a house or its base, you will need a material with a higher compressive strength, so here it is worth using products with a grade of at least 150.

Important: it is worth remembering that the strength and durability of the masonry depend not only on the characteristics of the brick used, but also on the brand of mortar, as well as the quality and correctness of execution masonry work. In addition, do not forget that the grades of solid and hollow bricks are calculated on the same scale.

As for frost resistance, it largely depends on the water absorption of the material. The lower the water absorption of the brick, the higher its frost resistance. The most high performance Clinker brick has frost resistance and low water absorption rates. That is why it is often used as cladding for buildings.

Tip: for central regions suitable for our country building brick with frost resistance of at least 15-25 successive cycles.

Types of bricks

Listing the pros and cons brick house, one cannot ignore the characteristics of the material from which it is made, because there are several types of bricks that differ in technical and operational characteristics. And sometimes the owner of a brick house, dissatisfied with some qualities of the building, does not understand that the reason for this is the wrong choice of the type of brick for making wall tubs or cladding.

So, there are several types of bricks:

  1. Ceramic brick most often made from red clay. The product is fired in a furnace at temperatures reaching up to 1000°C. This material is used for masonry load-bearing walls And interior partitions. It is used when arranging the foundation, in building cladding, interior decoration. Fireplaces and stoves are made from it, but not those parts that come into contact with the fire. This material is quite durable negative impact weather factors. Ceramic products are divided into hollow, solid, smooth and textured elements for external and internal wall cladding. The shade of this material can range from red-brown to light beige. It depends on the type and color of clay used.
  2. Sand-lime brick made from a mixture of lime and sand. Its shade is most often white, but sometimes other colors are obtained by adding pigments. The material can be hollow, solid and porous. If we compare sand-lime brick, its frost resistance is lower than that of ceramic products, and its thermal conductivity is higher, so a house made of such material will be quite cold. In addition, the material absorbs water more easily, but the soundproofing characteristics of sand-lime brick are much higher than those of ceramic bricks. This type It is better to use for laying load-bearing walls under cladding and internal partitions. It is categorically not recommended to be used for laying foundations.
  3. Clinker brick made from refractory clays. The product is fired at a temperature of about 1200°C. Firing at such a high temperature allows us to obtain a homogeneous product without voids, which is highly durable. Brand clinker bricks never falls below 400. The advantages of this material include increased frost resistance, low water absorption, and resistance to salts and alkalis. That is why clinker is successfully used for cladding facades, paving paths and platforms, arranging drains and objects landscape design. The material is often used in the interior. Facade clinker bricks are distinguished by a wealth of colors and textures.

If you decide to build a house made of brick, the pros and cons of which we are considering, then you should know that brick can be:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow;
  • porous.

Solid products are characterized by high compressive strength, so the bases and plinths of buildings are often made from this material, and external load-bearing walls and columns are laid out. However, due to its dense, homogeneous structure, the material has a fairly high thermal conductivity, so solid brick walls must be additionally insulated. Masonry without insulation can retain heat in a house only if the thickness of the walls is significant - from 640 mm to 1000 mm.

Hollow bricks have through holes that reduce the thermal conductivity of the material. The more voids filled with air, the higher the thermal insulation qualities of the product. The elements are suitable for laying external and interior walls Houses. At the same time, due to the voids, the thickness of the external walls can be small, while the thermal conductivity of external structures will be low, so you can do without additional insulation walls Also thanks to the voids specific gravity one element is less, which reduces the load on the foundation.

Porous products (gas block and foam block) have the highest thermal insulation qualities, but the strength of the material decreases and its specific gravity will be less. To make such elements, special clay additives are used, which burn out after firing and leave behind isolated voids. Such products have increased dimensions, which simplifies and speeds up the process of masonry work. The end parts of the elements have grooves and ridges, which increases the thermal insulation of the walls and allows you to save mortar on making vertical seams.

Important: the outside of such a house must be protected with cladding (plaster, siding or face brick), since the porous block quickly absorbs water, which reduces its thermal insulation qualities.

Advantages of brick houses

  1. Strength and Durability brick houses- their main advantage. Confirmation that brick buildings of past centuries, which still stand today and are of historical value.
  2. Brick houses are not exposed to negative factors external environment. They are not afraid of heavy rains, winds, frosts, etc.
  3. A high-quality and correctly built brick house can stand without overhaul more than a century.
  4. Since only clay, sand and water are used to make bricks, this material is considered environmentally friendly and harmless to humans and the environment.
  5. Brick walls allow the house to “breathe”, which helps create a microclimate favorable for life inside it. It is not hot in such a house in summer, and not cold in severe winter.
  6. Walls made from these products are not susceptible to rot, damage by insects and rodents.
  7. Since brick is fireproof material, one of the main advantages of such houses is fire safety.
  8. No less important advantage brick wallshigh level soundproofing.
  9. One cannot fail to mention such a plus of the material as its high aesthetic characteristics. Brick can be used to make any details of facades and bring to life even the most unusual ideas of architects.
  10. The technology for making brickwork is quite simple, so if you wish, you can master it and do the work yourself.

Disadvantages of brick houses

  1. The time spent on erecting a brick building will be much longer than on construction frame structure or a wooden house.
  2. Since the brick itself has a significant specific weight, it is necessary to build a strong, deep foundation under the walls of a building made of this material. Therefore, it will take more time and money to complete such a foundation. In addition, the base must be protected from the forces of frost heaving so that the structure is not subject to deformation and the walls do not crack.
  3. If you are going to turn to specialists to carry out the work, then the cost of paying them will also be rather large.
  4. The thermal conductivity of the product is quite high, therefore, despite the fact that the material warms up quickly in winter, the house must be additionally insulated.

Also, when choosing a brick house, you should consider how long and often you plan to live in it. For example, for a dacha seasonal residence and weekend visits, the brick is not very suitable. The thing is that in winter in an unheated house the walls are completely cooled. When you arrive and heat the house, part of the walls will inside will heat up quickly, but moisture will begin to accumulate at the border of the cold and warm parts inside the structure (the so-called dew point).

After you leave and the walls cool down, this moisture will freeze. During your next visit and warming up the house, even more moisture may accumulate in the wall. Thus, over time, the moisture accumulated in the walls will destroy the material from the inside. That is why it is recommended to build a brick house for year-round residence, and not as a summer residence.

Everyone needs a home, people and pets should live in comfortable and reliable homes. Before you start building a house, you should carefully think and weigh everything, take into account the pros and cons of the future construction. We invite you to consider the option of a residential building or cottage made of brick, and get acquainted with some of the nuances and opinions of the owners of such houses.

Brick house: reliable and safe

You can build a brick house from a material that meets all construction requirements, that is, high-quality, reliable and inexpensive. Brick making technologies different manufacturers differ, this is due to the constant saving of components during its manufacture. Such unbridled savings reduces quality, resistance to external conditions and significantly reduces the service life of houses. The main condition for construction is to find a conscientious manufacturer, this will solve 50% of all problems.

Which brick to choose? Modern industry is developing rapidly, materials are appearing that can replace brick, but they are expensive, and their use increases the cost of construction, which is not affordable for everyone. So, let's stop at brickwork, and we will choose from what brick factories and factories offer us.

Bricks are produced by:

  • construction - they are used for internal and external masonry under plaster;
  • facing bricks - their shape is correct, without deformations or chips, with an even color;
  • bricks without voids (solid) - very durable, withstands significant additional load;
  • hollow or slotted - used for laying light structures;
  • silicate - manufactured according to special technology from sand and lime;
  • To make ceramic bricks, clay is used, then they are fired in ovens at high temperatures Oh;
  • clinker is the strongest of them, durable and frost-resistant, and is processed at ultra-high temperatures;
  • figured ones are used for laying complex configurations of openings for windows and doors, for high-quality finishing of building facades;
  • “effective” ones can significantly reduce the mass load of the masonry, but retain thermal insulation better than solid bricks.

There are more than a dozen different types of this building material, during construction you may need several varieties.

Attention! Hidden problems that arise during the construction of masonry must be resolved with an experienced mason; his advice will help you avoid serious mistakes that may appear in the near future.

Brick house: advantages and disadvantages

Brickwork has its advantages and some disadvantages (unlike houses made of wood or), let's talk about them in more detail. Positive side brick buildings consists of the following indicators:

  1. Construction time is significantly reduced, no need to wait until wooden building will give natural shrinkage, window and door blocks can be installed almost immediately.
  2. Bricks do not need special antiseptic treatment, like wood, they do not rot and are not affected by wood bugs.
  3. Construction materials can be purchased for more low prices than logs. In regions where there are few forests and cutting timber is prohibited, it is impossible to find cheap timber, and its transportation from forested areas is too expensive.
  4. Brick houses are more durable and less susceptible to the destructive effects of an aggressive external environment.
  5. Brick walls retain heat well, are safer, fire-resistant and moisture-proof.

Disadvantages are revealed only if you compare brickwork of regular size with the construction of walls made of block materials:

  • labor costs for masonry (payment for masons) and the cost of 1 cubic meter. meters of brick higher than when laying blocks;
  • cost increases additional work and costs for the purchase of related materials;
  • requires a foundation that can support massive walls, without forming cracks and shrinkage beyond the norm, which means that expensive and high-quality concrete will be required for arranging the foundation.

Advice. When starting to build a house, take into account all the pros and cons, evaluate your strengths and capabilities, and then decide what material is best to build a house or cottage from, so that it will last a long time and serve your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Brick buildings: reviews from owners

  • Andrey (37 years old, Kostroma) - “I built my brick house myself, with help from friends and a couple of hired specialists. He hired heavy equipment on the side, and in some places got by with the help of friends. Now I am proud that I was able to overcome such work. My home is my castle. By the way, I expected to spend much more, but it turned out to be more economical.”
  • Maria (33 years old, Vologda) - “When building a brick house, my husband and I paid great attention to protecting it from moisture, made high-quality waterproofing, and hired specialists for this work. The main basis of the house - the foundation - was also done by professionals. Everything else, the walls and roof, were done by my husband and father; he is a high-class mason.”
  • Sergey (46 years old, Saratov) - “We live in the city of Saratov, but country cottage area we have in the area, 3 hours drive to it. The round trip time is about 6 hours. We decided to build a brick house on the site so that our grandchildren could come and have a place to spend the night. The whole house was raised with my own hands, has been standing for 10 years, has never had any repairs done, and is not needed yet. We come in winter, we’ll turn on the stove, it gets warm, there’s no draft, it’s good.”

Building a brick house is not an easy task; it requires a serious approach, determination and perseverance. A man who built his own hearth can be proud of himself; he did not live his life in vain, he gave shelter to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We wish them good luck and happiness in their new home.

How to build a brick house: video

Nowadays, almost every person dreams of good, warm and cozy home. Many people prefer well-built brick houses, so sooner or later a person faces the question of which brick is best to use when building a house.

In fact, this is a rather serious issue that requires a lot of attention; you will need to study reviews and videos. This article will discuss all types of bricks, their qualities and advantages.

Brick production

Typically, many types of bricks are made from clay. At the same time, it goes through a number of stages that require the proper approach. All this is necessary to ensure that the brick is durable and meets all established standards.

Production stages

As mentioned above, clay is the main component in making bricks. But everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Clay goes through several successive stages of processing:

  1. At the first stage, the clay is mixed to the required consistency.
  2. Various additives and additives, water, are added to it.
  3. After all the main components have been added to this mixture, it must be formed and dried at a temperature of 200 ° C until completely dry.
  4. The final stage in the production of bricks is the final firing, but at the same time the highest temperature is already set. This is necessary so that the clay “sinters” to the state of ceramics.

It is worth noting that if the last point is not fulfilled, then you can only get raw brick, which will be just an ordinary piece of dry clay.

In addition, there are other types of bricks, the main material for which is not a clay mixture, but, for example, silicate. There is also hyper-pressed brick (it also does not contain clay). However, such a brick can already be called an ordinary stone.

Many people, when the question arises about building a house for permanent residence, believe that the last thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of brick. However, it is worth noting that this is a big misconception, since the correctly selected material for construction plays a key role.

As you can already understand, there are currently many types of bricks, and each has its own advantages and properties. Therefore, for a more detailed picture, it is best to describe each type of brick separately so that you can clearly see its advantages.

Types of bricks

The material for simple baked bricks is clay. He has a habitual appearance, that is, it is a red ceramic brick. In turn, it can be single, one and a half, double in size. In terms of filling, bricks are produced both solid and slotted.

The main advantage of simple ceramic red brick is its ribbed surface. This allows you to get the best adhesion in the masonry of the house. Besides, ordinary brick affordable. So this is inexpensive option to build a house for yourself. But it is worth noting that solid brick is more expensive than slotted brick. This is explained by the fact that more material is required for a solid brick.

As is already clear from the name, this type of brick is intended for cladding the external surface of a building due to its excellent performance properties - frost resistance, moisture resistance and wear resistance. It can also be used in the construction of heavier and more complex fences, foundations, walls and for any restoration work. The brick has perfect smooth surface, smooth edges and edges. Does not fade.

During production, the firing time and temperature vary, which makes it possible to obtain different shades of facing bricks. You can also change the color of the bricks by adding additional dye. This is what allows us to expand color palette. However, it is worth noting that this is the most expensive option compared to others.

  1. Sand-lime brick.

Currently, this is one of the cheapest types of brick. Sand-lime brick is distinguished by a unique production technology - without firing. The material for it is quartz sand(approximately 93%) and lime (7%). The brick sets due to a chemical reaction - slaking of lime. In order to speed up the process, it is necessary to use an autoclave. Here the bricks are steamed at temperatures over 200°C under pressure. The natural color of sand-lime brick is white, but by adding additional dyes it can be changed if necessary. It is produced as ordinary (for laying load-bearing walls) and front (for external cladding).

This type of brick is exposed to high temperatures and contains various chemical substances. Based on this, it cannot be used for stove masonry or during construction ground floor(there is a possibility of contact with water). Sand-lime brick is inferior in frost resistance, so it is not recommended to use it as the main brick in the construction of houses. It is usually suitable for cladding.

In fact, this type can hardly be called a brick; rather, it is a concrete stone block, since clay is not used in its manufacture. The materials for such bricks are limestone (85%), cement (10%), dye (5%). The brick has a long freezing cycle, low moisture absorption and increased strength.

Ideal for cladding plinths, house facades, decorative finishing, fireplace. Facing with such bricks has a very presentable appearance. However, there is a significant drawback - this is a rather expensive option.

  1. Clinker brick.

The material for clinker bricks is special refractory clay. Brick is made at a temperature of more than 110° C. Thanks to this, it turns out burnt and monolithic. The surface of the brick can be specially corrugated. Its color is usually gradient (a smooth transition from red to dark gray). There are few varieties of clinker bricks. It can be one and a half or double.

Typically, such bricks are used for cladding a stove or fireplace. In addition, it can be used for laying external chimneys, outdoor stoves, sidewalk. Despite the many options for its use, it is a rather expensive type of brick.

  1. Kiln brick.

It is easy to understand that such bricks can only be used for the construction of stoves or fireplaces. Therefore, it is naturally not suitable for building houses. It can be fireclay refractory or stove smooth.

The first type of brick is used when installing a stove, fireplace, chimney, autoclave, gas boiler furnace and other high-temperature structures. Material for fireclay bricks are fireclay and fireclay powder. The brick has a characteristic granular structure. The advantage of this type of brick is that it can be of absolutely any shape. Kiln bricks are used for laying surfaces that are in direct contact with fire. It can withstand lower temperatures than fireclay.

Probably the most ideal of all bricks, despite its high cost. Porous brick has such high thermal conductivity that it can only be compared with wood and foam concrete. It has an excellent advantage when laying - no need external cladding walls The size of porous brick can vary.

Thanks to this, stacking huge blocks from it is not difficult. Therefore, the construction of the house is proceeding quickly. The brick has channels for pouring vertical reinforcement.

Thanks to unique technology brick has low thermal conductivity. During production, sawdust is added to the clay mixture, which burns during firing, which subsequently leads to the formation of air pores. They prevent the spread of cold in a house under construction. Therefore, you should pay attention to this brick if you are planning to build a brick house.

Currently, building a brick house is an art that is constantly evolving, and new approaches are emerging. Therefore, now there are no special problems with either the color of the brick or its variety, since more and more color additives are added during manufacturing. But it is worth noting that dyes are still not added to masonry bricks, so they only come in white.

Which brick is better to build a house from? If you are planning to build a brick house, then it is best to opt for porous bricks (warm ceramics), as this is the most profitable option.

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