How not to be nervous at work: the best tips and tricks. Nervous work? Exercise and routine will help cope with stress

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to learn not to be nervous at work. You will learn what can provoke unrest. Figure out how to react in stressful situations. You will know what to do when emotions become overwhelming.

What's causing the unrest

You may already be familiar with the phrase “I’m constantly nervous at work.” You already understand that there will always be someone who may constantly be causing a stressful state in the body, or something, an irritating factor.

  1. Worry about the work done.
  2. For not being appreciated enough by the team.
  3. Worry about slow clients that slow down your workflow.
  4. Worry about not doing everything you could.
  5. A person becomes nervous when he is afraid that he has made mistakes in the work done.
  6. A new employee worries when he doesn’t know how he will be received in the new team.
  7. Fear of being incompetent in a given question.
  8. Increased nervousness in the presence of irritating factors, such as sound. A person cannot concentrate on completing tasks, which is why he becomes very nervous.
  9. Stress due to the fact that subordinates do not understand the assigned tasks.
  10. Worry that colleagues are starting to whisper behind their backs, discussing.
  11. Fear of competition. When a person sees that a new employee has appeared, best specialist and he is now facing dismissal. Or when another candidate for promotion appears.

How to deal with stress

The ability to start from a half-turn or remain calm in the presence of a non-standard situation directly depends on the person’s temperament and the state in which he is nervous system. You can meet people who almost never get angry. You may feel like they don't care about what's going on around them. In fact, there is simply a margin of safety. In addition, at different people Stress manifests itself in a variety of ways. If one person starts screaming when angry, then the other is constantly silent until a heart attack occurs. The problem is that even when emotions do not manifest themselves, the nervous system and the entire body as a whole still suffer.

Therefore, it is so important that a person is able to find a way out of his negative emotions. But this does not mean that, when the opportunity arises, you need to start tearing your hair out and throwing out what has accumulated on others. To begin with, a person must stop overreacting, must learn to treat unusual situations differently, and try not to be nervous. If there is a need to throw something out, then do it alone with yourself, using, for example, a pillow.

How not to be nervous

I present to your attention valuable advice psychologist regarding the problem under consideration.

  1. Every person is capable of making mistakes. People learn from them, so you shouldn’t overreact to any mistakes or failures.
  2. Plan your daily routine. This will help you stay collected and eliminate unnecessary worries.
  3. Be results oriented. If you have positive successes, you will be able to get rid of unnecessary stress. If the results are negative, treat them as a valuable experience.
  4. Don't forget about breaks, rest, proper nutrition and healthy sleep.
  5. Eat anti-stress foods such as chocolate, legumes, banana, sea fish.
  6. Make sure your work is enjoyable. Perhaps the cause of stress is that you are not in the right place.
  7. Make friends with your colleagues. Business communication and clearly demarcated responsibilities, a desire for mutual assistance will help you feel more confident. In addition, you can spend moments of peace with your colleagues, relaxing with a cup of coffee or going to corporate events.
  8. Make sure you are comfortable workplace. If you spend almost the whole day on it, it affects your psyche, making you feel either tense or, on the contrary, relaxed.
  9. Don’t forget that you don’t need to spend the whole day in the office, think about your loved ones, visit them.
  10. Don't think that this concerns you personally. Remember that other employees of the company, as well as your boss, have their own emotions and problems, which can sometimes spill out, and you fall under hot hand. There is no need to immediately take on the role of a victim.
  11. You shouldn't sit around waiting for something to happen, worrying about everything at once. It is necessary to solve problems as they arise. You must realize that most of the troubles are the work of your imagination; they are unlikely to happen in reality, but the nervous system will already suffer.
  12. Learn to accept failure as inevitable. Your task is to come to terms with this, because you are no longer able to change anything, but with such an attitude you will simply ruin your health.
  13. Analyze your stressful situations. Figure out what exactly triggers them. It is possible that after this you will be able to deal with the root cause, therefore, you will get rid of unnecessary nervousness.
  14. If trouble happens in your life, you don’t need to immediately treat it as a tragedy. Imagine that it could be even worse and what is happening now is not the end of the world.
  15. Become more confident. This will teach you to remain calm, even in non-standard situations, even if your boss yells at you.
  16. Never compare yourself to your colleagues. It is important to understand that the world is imperfect, everyone has both disadvantages and advantages. Assess the difference between your vulgar self and your current self, analyze what successes you have achieved, think about what lies ahead.
  17. Don't listen to other people's opinions, live your own life. Remember that there may be envious people among your colleagues.
  18. Don't worry about what your colleagues will think of you. Just be a well-mannered, polite and friendly person.

These recommendations will help you understand how to stop being nervous at work. You must understand that, in addition, the general condition of the nervous system is very important. You need to avoid overload, not only in the office, but also at home, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, you will be faced with the fact that you will start to break down even because of little things.

What if emotions take over?

If you notice that the nervous tension is already strong, and you are about to explode, then you need to follow the following recommendations.

  1. Take a deep breath, try not to breathe for a few seconds, then exhale. This will saturate your brain with oxygen, you will calm down and be able to better think about your decision.
  2. Try self-massage. Massage your earlobes for several minutes, then move to the auricle. Take care of the neck, directly at the points located at the base of the skull. Sometimes it's enough to just pull your hair. This will improve blood circulation and reduce tension.
  3. If possible, you need to leave the room in which the irritant is located and go for a walk in the fresh air. If you cannot leave the company building, simply walk up and down the stairs several times.

Strengthening the nervous system

In order for your psychological state and nervous system to remain healthy, you need to follow certain rules and take care of yourself.

Sports and its manifestations must be present in your life. It is advisable that classes be held daily or at least three times a week. This could be going to the gym or running down the street, or just doing some exercise. It is important to understand that they will help defuse a nervous situation, increase your reaction and intelligence, and relieve unnecessary stress.

  1. Make sure you eat well. Pay special attention to B vitamins, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin A and trace elements, in particular magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, iodine and phosphorus.
  2. Take up meditation.
  3. Spend time every day fresh air, even if you work from home.
  4. It is better for the work process to take place in the office; there is a clear distinction between work and home.
  5. Learn to refuse even your boss. Otherwise, your compliance and kindness will be used for their own purposes by all and sundry.

Now you know how not to be nervous at work. Remember that the whole body suffers from stress, especially the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. As they say, all diseases come from nerves. Do not forget that your worries may go unnoticed in the eyes of your colleagues, but your body will suffer the consequences. Take care of your nerve cells, don’t take everything to heart, just try to be a good worker, do everything in your power.

How to stop being nervous at work, learn to adapt to any workload, rush jobs, yelling boss and much more, you can learn from this article.

It seems like the working day is over, but all the painful thoughts, like crows, continue to build a nest in my head of unspoken words, caustic remarks from the director, ridicule of colleagues, or some unfulfilled tasks that “should have been done yesterday.” It is almost impossible to stop this flow, and it is impossible to stop worrying. We bring this state of mind home and often take it out on the people we care about most.

How to stop worrying if every day at work is like walking through a minefield - you don’t know where it will explode this time?

If a person is in this condition long time, this has a negative impact not only on emotional background, but for your health. It becomes clear that something needs to be decided, otherwise being at work will be simply unbearable.

How to stop being nervous at work - simple and useless tips

The simplest way, which everyone around suggests, is to change jobs so as not to suffer and worry constantly. As if changing jobs is a panacea for all worries and fears.

It would seem that the “simplest solution” in fact turns out to be the most useless. There is no guarantee - what if in a new place we still don’t stop being nervous and feeling like we’re about to take an exam?

In order not to “break” at all from the burden of experiences, we often turn to psychology in the hope of getting answers to troubling questions. It’s like a cornucopia of advice pours out from the Internet, from acquaintances, friends, and relatives. Psychologists recommend calming down, strengthening the nervous system with vitamins, and trying to find everything in your work. positive points and learn to enjoy them rather than focus on the negative. You can also do a couple of breathing exercises, try to calm down the fuss and not think about anything.

Maybe someone can do this. More often than not, we continue to freak out at the slightest provocation at work, worry and rush around in search of a way out of the current situation.

What makes you worry and nervous at work?

We all react differently to the same event and experience it differently. Some people are holding firm. They say he has nerves of iron. And someone is constantly shrouded in anxiety, nervous at work even over trifles.

Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology” confirms that the cause of anxiety lies in the mental properties of a person, and shows in detail how this works.

How, for example, do people with an anal vector react? By nature, their psyche is created for painstaking, scrupulous work. Therefore, they strive to understand everything down to the smallest detail, thoroughly, bringing the work they start to completion. Thanks to these qualities, they make excellent doctors, masters, teachers, and analysts. These are people who have an excellent memory, where everything can fit, from the details of the storming of the Bastille to the strongest insult. Moreover, everything will be recorded in detail: who, when and how they offended.

The owner of the anal vector perfectly manifests his qualities in calm living conditions, without haste and unnecessary fuss, when no one presses or pushes him at work. But in the conditions and pace modern life it's almost unattainable.

For such a person, it is important that everything is laid out on shelves, both in the head and on the table. When one of your colleagues is constantly careless with documents or jerks around for any reason, this fact makes you worry. If nothing changes, gradually this state becomes permanent, exhausting a person, depriving him of joy at work and leveling professional quality. Therefore, when the time comes for submitting reports or an inspection, it is these people who will be more nervous than others, worry, fall into a stupor and not know how to get out of this state and become calm. Thus, not only performance decreases, but also overall well-being deteriorates.

Every working moment is like a disaster

Sometimes it seems that a person gets nervous over trifles, inflates a whole problem from a simple working moment and tries to frantically solve it in fear. Yuri Burlan notes that this happens if a person, in addition to the anal one, also has a visual vector.

The visual vector naturally contains a huge emotional amplitude, the ability to react emotionally to absolutely everything that happens around. People with a visual vector often overestimate the significance of a particular event at work, “making a mountain out of a molehill.” At such moments, it seems to them that this is a disaster, that they cannot cope with the amount of work that has piled up, that the boss for some reason hates them, that this “horror” will never end. A rich imagination paints endless pictures of being fired from work.

But the ability to emote and worry in this way was not given to a person so that he would fall into emotional extremes at work. Not for him to cry if the numbers in the report don’t add up. And in order to create emotional connections between people, to feel the states of others, to be sensitive and bring empathy and the ability to empathize to society.

Look at the situation with different eyes

People who have the properties of the anal and visual vector can and should not be nervous at work, but perform it according to the properties given by nature - professionally and clearly. They have all the qualities necessary for this.

Of course, it is important to understand whether we occupy our place in society? But very often it’s not even about the specifics of the work, but about ourselves, the ability to interact with colleagues. In understanding how to react to various situations with the least loss for your own psyche.

You can figure out how to stop being nervous, bring your body and psyche to a state in which such negative feelings will not arise, with the help of Yuri Burlan’s training “System-vector psychology.” By revealing our true desires, we understand our natural properties and ways to implement them, we gradually learn to understand other people through the characteristics of their psyche. Perception changes, and we begin to feel more comfortable in a team, stress resistance increases, which means there is no reason left for great worries at work.

Many have already been able to not only stop being nervous at work, but also improve relationships with colleagues and reach new heights in their professional career.

“...the tension in communication with my colleague has gone away. One of her vectors turned out to be olfactory, and, understanding the role and importance of such a person in the team, I began to look at her with different eyes. There was also a breakthrough in relationships with clients. I began to see what exactly was behind the hysterics of some clients with whom it was important to build further relationships. This helped me not to dwell on my offense, but made me want to understand this person and find an approach to him. This feeling - not to focus on oneself, but to understand another - also became a powerful breakthrough in relationships with people ... "

“...Before the training, I had terrible irritation - everything at work irritated me, everything irritated me. I had a lot of envy at work towards people whom I considered more successful than me, and this irritated me greatly. I thought that they were dumber than me, knew less and were less capable than me, and got more than me. And this injustice bothered me. This state of affairs exhausted me, and I could not work normally.
After the training, all irritation at work and at home went away. I saw many other opportunities for myself, and my anger and envy went away. I can work calmly now. It’s not even calm, but I’m just rushing from work. I have so much desire and strength to work that I complete my monthly plan in half a month, and even faster. Now I can’t sit at work for a minute without doing anything, I have to do and do. And that’s not all - one job is not enough for me, I wanted to find another additional job...”

To avoid stress at work, learn to control the situation

How not to be nervous at work if complete blockage on urgent orders, the boss often indulges in familiarity and rude remarks, the contract of the year is broken, and relations with colleagues are very tense?

We exhaust ourselves, but we ourselves can find a way out! Without sedatives, smoking, alcohol... How to do this?

How not to be nervous at work: simple steps to calm control of the situation

Forcing yourself to change your usual train of thoughts and break the chain of reactions to irritating factors is not easy. But with effort, you can move mountains! Try using simple psychological “blocks” to begin to control the situation and calm down.

Everyone can make a mistake

Are you nervous at work, afraid to let fatal error? The simplest thing is to ask yourself the question: “So what?”

What will be the worst consequences? Imagine this. There are practically no uncorrectable errors. When you look your fear in the face, you most often understand: there’s nothing to be afraid of! Have the courage to turn to your colleagues, your boss, or someone who can help solve the problem. There is nothing terrible in ignorance, what is terrible is the lack of desire to learn new things. Imagine how a surgeon coolly and masterfully wields a scalpel. Not the best simple work in the world, right? If you overcome the fear of failure, it will no longer constrain you. We will act calmly, because we are fearless!

Make an action plan for the day

What needs to be done urgently? What else can wait? Or maybe something can be delegated? Carry out only your job responsibilities. Adequately assess your strengths and capabilities. Learn to fight back against those who like to “take a ride” at someone else’s expense.

Focus on the result

Maintain friendly connections within your team

Building relationships with employees correctly will help you avoid stress at work. Business-like, pleasant communication, clear delineation of responsibilities. The desire for cooperation and mutual assistance is highly valued. However, remember about your safety: so that no one can assign unnecessary responsibilities to you.

Sometimes you can relax: tell an anecdote, a good joke, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Pleasant conversation during a break over a cup of tea/coffee. Gifts for celebrations. Corporate party! Everything should be from the heart, without excessive sweetness.

Important psychological factors

Take care of pleasant emotions during working day:

  • . Inhale-exhale! Breathing exercises, charger. Listen to a recording of the sound of the sea, birdsong, rain, or your favorite song. Relax! Enjoy life and work! Relax! Then you won’t be afraid of any worries!
  • Cozy workplace. Office workers most spend time in a sitting position. May you have a comfortable table and chair. Surround yourself with fresh flowers. Hang a picture you like. Or put up an aquarium. We are all individuals, adjust your workplace to suit you.
  • Work is not the best the main objective of your life. How long has it been since you visited your family? Have you met with friends? Have you been to nature? Don’t bring work moments and problems home. After all, only in the circle of loved ones can you find real peace and gain strength for new work achievements. Let the thoughts of what we work for balance out the frustration of having to do routine work.

Outside the office, do what you love most, have a good time after a hard day, and be confident in your abilities. Then you will easily forget about worries not only at work, but also in life in general.

Having worked for many years in the offices of large, and once not so large, companies in the financial sector, I, like most working people, was exposed to stress of all kinds. Some of them were quite predictable: reporting periods, inspections and other deadlines, some unexpectedly “fell on one’s head” in the form of orders “due yesterday”, one’s own and other people’s mistakes, reorganizations, crises... It happened that stress became chronic, and against the backdrop of daily overwork and lack of sleep, the complexion acquired a soft green tint, at the slightest provocation I wanted to yell or cry from powerlessness, and all my ailments worsened, even those that did not exist.

The Japanese have a special word - “karoshi”, which means death in the workplace from overwork. This is, of course, an extraordinary phenomenon, but many people suffer from the consequences of nervous work. What recipes are usually offered as a panacea? They can be reduced to three groups: taking sedatives, leading healthy image life, change jobs. Sedatives may help temporarily, but the problem will not go away. A healthy lifestyle is certainly a useful thing, but it can become a source of additional stress when, having decided to eat right and exercise on Monday, you don’t do it due to lack of time and other resources, and you also blame yourself for this. Changing jobs is a colossal stress in itself, it is not always possible and suitable for a variety of reasons, and there are no guarantees that work in a new place will be less stressful.

What to do? “Nervous work,” if you look at it, is caused by many factors: from sociocultural and economic to individual psychological. First, let's look at the problem from a very utilitarian point of view: what is happening to us and what are the possible consequences work stress, what “emergency self-help” tools can be used for stress at work and more.

In simple words - about stress, its influence and consequences

Stress, in essence, is the body's response to any demands, external and internal, that throw the body out of balance - homeostasis. From this point of view, a vacation, for example, is also stressful (and I’m not talking about the vacation in which something went wrong). We are forced to adapt to new conditions and, consciously or not, we take some actions for this.

Any action normally goes through three stages: activation or preparation for action; adaptation and direct action, in which the optimal tension for the situation is observed in all body systems; braking, i.e. we relax. If the relaxation stage does not occur for some reason, we find ourselves in the zone of “distress” - what we call stress in everyday life (hereinafter). Or the body’s resources are so depleted that the activation phase fails, and then we find ourselves in the zone of “everyday depression”, when there is literally no strength for anything.

How does this affect our lives and, in particular, our work?

Physiologically. When we are stressed, we are in constant tension, which means that muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs spasm, and the nervous system suffers. As a result, we have problems with blood pressure, digestion, sleep; Incomprehensible pains, rashes, etc. may occur (you can see more details by typing “Chicago Seven” into a search engine - these are about diseases that are of a psychosomatic nature).

Emotionally. It is not necessarily expressed in coming and lashing out at loved ones, that is, in irritation and anger. These are also states of indifference and apathy, increased anxiety, feelings of guilt, constant dissatisfaction with oneself and work. At the same time, emotions in their intensity will be inadequate to the situation, but, being under stress, we, alas, cannot always track and regulate this.

Intellectually. It becomes difficult to concentrate and make decisions, memory fails (“it’s not clear where I forgot my keys”), and negative thoughts predominate.

Behaviorally. Vanity and lack of time, an increase in the number of mistakes even in routine activities, grasping at everything in a row. The repertoire of possible responses narrows down to a few behavioral patterns that we most likely learned in childhood. Hence the actions that are inadequate to the current situation (but this is a topic for another conversation).

To summarize, we can say that in this state we find ourselves in the so-called “survival channel”: the body literally has one goal - to survive, and all the tasks that we set besides this are to work, to carry out some kind of work. social life, performing the functions of a wife, mothers are perceived as an additional burden and invariably suffer. Ultimately you can come to .

Now imagine for a moment a person who has all of the above symptoms clearly expressed, and slightly exaggerate his image in your imagination - you will hardly see the image good worker

“First self-help” for stress

So, what to do if there is objectively no way to get out of stressful situation, especially take a vacation and at least relax a little? Here are four simple ways help yourself without leaving your workplace.

Water. Make it a rule what is on your table, as well as at all meetings, negotiations, etc. you must have a bottle or glass of water room temperature. As soon as you feel tension growing inside, do some slow sips of water. The mechanism and benefits of this simple action are as follows:

  • brain neurons “communicate” through electrical impulses, water is an excellent conductor;
  • by taking a few sips, you give the body a signal that there is no need to switch to “survival” mode;
  • when you purposefully take a sip, and also feel the taste of the water, how it moistens the larynx and passes inside, you regain your awareness and the ability to think and analyze.

Why only water, and not tea, coffee, juices? Any drinks other than water involve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, for which the body simply does not have free resources under stress - everything is distributed to ensure vital functions. For many of us, tea and coffee automatically draw something sweet along with it: caffeine and simple carbohydrates quickly add energy and, it would seem, performance, but just as quickly this effect weakens. And let’s talk about the consequences of converting buns into excess weight I won't write here.

Pause. Use in combination or separately in any unclear situations. When under stress, one of the common reactions is freezing of breath. Conscious inhalation and exhalation will restore breathing and help slightly reduce the intensity of tension. Another important aspect, which I will mention here in one line: narrowing the time horizon, when you need to “faster, faster,” is often manipulation, and in order not to completely get bogged down in it, a pause is needed. This can be anything from a pause in speech to a brief physical way out of the situation: pour yourself some water, go to the ladies' room, make an urgent call, take any other action appropriate to the situation.

"Grounding". Observe the postures of your colleagues, and if possible, your own when you are stressed. You will notice that someone is slouching and somehow shrinks all over, someone is sitting on the edge of a chair, and it seems that he is about to take off, someone, on the contrary, seems to be bursting from the inside, and you can see how tense even neck muscles. These are our bodily reactions to stress, but they can be triggered by reverse side and make it work for you. If you are sitting, place both feet on the floor; if you are standing, distribute your weight evenly and feel your legs, feet and the floor underneath them. While sitting, feel the chair under you, lean on the back, feel that you have physical support - lean on it in the literal sense of the word and hold this feeling in your field of attention for a couple of minutes. Your body will relax a little and send a signal to your brain that everything is in order, you can get out of emergency mode.

Return to reality. Two other typical reactions to stress are expressed either in the fact that we focus extremely on something and literally see and hear nothing around us, or vice versa - it is impossible to concentrate, movements become chaotic, and everything falls out of our hands. At these moments we are anywhere - in the future, the past, an alternative reality, but not where we are now. To get back enough:

  • see something from the surrounding space: what is hanging on the next wall, what color it is, what kind of lighting is above you, what color the eyes of the interlocutor are;
  • hear something from the surrounding space: what timbre of a colleague’s voice is, how the paper rustles in the printer, what sounds are coming from the street or from the next room;
  • feel something from the surrounding space: what is the texture of the armrest of your chair, is the temperature in the room comfortable, is there enough air.

An important and quite reasonable question remains: how can you remember all these, albeit simple, actions when you are stressed? Let's use our imagination. Try to come up with and write down an abbreviation, some symbols, or draw a picture that will help you remember what to do when stressed, and hang it at work in a visible place. You can come up with some kind of counting rhyme, for example:

Take a sip of water, take a breath, lean on your elbows,

see the faces around you.

Or talk to yourself several times in advance and do necessary actions, while alternately closing the pads of the thumb and other fingers on one or both hands and repeat each time you remember. When stressed, close the pads of your fingers to remember what to do.

Gradually, these skills will become habitual, and self-care during stress will become the norm.

Next time we’ll talk about methods that will help you better understand the causes of your stress at work and give you tips right decisions in the long term.

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