Possible negative consequences of taking bca. Bcaa, what is it for, and should you drink bcaa?

One of the key roles in sports nutrition is given to amino acids. And among them, BCAA complexes are traditionally the most popular among representatives of strength sports and fitness. The main confirmation of the effectiveness of the latter is the numerous positive reviews athletes and the results they achieved. The best (according to athletes and experts) BCAA are in our ranking.

What are BCAA's and what are they for?

BCAA is a unique complex of three essential amino acids with a branched side chain structure, namely leucine, isoleucine and valine. They act as a building material for muscle tissue and more than 30% of human muscles consist of them. The term “essential” itself means that the body is not able to synthesize these substances on its own and can only obtain them from food.

What beneficial properties do BCAA have:

  • Prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism) during intense physical activity;
  • Stimulate and ensure muscle growth;
  • Facilitate recovery;
  • Provide the body with energy and increase endurance;
  • Helps improve strength performance;
  • Help fight fat deposits;
  • Enhance the effect of using other sports supplements.

Types of BCAA and release form options

The abbreviation BCAA on the package can hide either the amino acids themselves with a branched side chain structure, or a complex based on them with the addition of other auxiliary components.

Another common difference in BCAA supplements is the different ratios of leucine, isoleucine and valine. The classic version is 2:1:1, but there are 4:1:1, 6:1:1, 8:1:1 and even more. Which BCAA are better to choose? There is no clear answer. Everything here is purely individual. Many experienced athletes believe that the “classic” is better, and increasing the concentration of very effective, but not particularly expensive leucine, allows manufacturers, with the low cost of the supplement, to raise its price as much as possible.

Release forms are already familiar for sports nutrition:

  • Powder;
  • Pills;
  • Capsules;
  • Liquid.

There is no difference in terms of absorption speed. Price and ease of use are more important. The most popular option is powder. It is cheaper and usually has a higher concentration of BCAA per serving. Capsules and tablets are more expensive, but more convenient to take. The liquid form is not very popular due to its high price without any benefits in effectiveness.

BCAA tablets or capsules, about which we'll talk on this page, of course, are a transitional link between outdated food and the very optimal fuel of the future. You still have to put them in your mouth, but you no longer have to chew them. At the same time, BCAA has adherents who claim that the muscles from these pills grow faster than from the most thoughtful diet, but there are also opponents. We decided to help you figure it out.

What do they put there?

Speaking scientific language, BCAA - amino acids with branched side chains: leucine, isoleucine, valine. They are also called essential amino acids. This is not an exaggeration: neither your nor anyone else's human body produces them. And these amino acids are obtained only from food. Processing foods containing BCAA (meat, eggs) requires a lot of time and energy. To save them, BCAA complexes were invented - nutritional supplements containing essential amino acids.

Why is this necessary?

You probably know that protein is not absorbed directly by the body. First, it is broken down into amino acids and peptides, and from them muscle protein is synthesized. This process is reminiscent of building a new house from the ruins of an old one. The body breaks down protein foods into bricks and then assembles new protein molecules from them. Thanks to this, you can absorb any protein, even one that is not similar to your own (for example, the protein of nuts or mushrooms, which are not meat at all). The good thing about the BCAA complex is that it does not need to be dismantled: the amino acids in it are immediately ready for assembly.

Why not as usual?

It would seem, why save time on protein processing at all? Let everything go naturally. But, alas, with serious anaerobic exercise (aimed at growth muscle mass) BCAA reserves in you are depleted. Imagine: many other, non-essential amino acids have accumulated in your body, but you cannot start building muscles because you did not bring in BCAA. However, the process has been started, and the body begins to destroy its own protein molecules in order to extract BCAAs from them. The assembly of some muscles, therefore, occurs at the expense of the destruction of others. Therefore, without feeding with amino acids, the proportion of muscles in your body will remain unchanged. You can eat a tuna sandwich, but it's not guaranteed that it will break down quickly enough. The pills are absorbed instantly.

What do they taste like?

It is clear that any BCAA complex contains an inseparable trinity: leucine, isoleucine and valine. However different manufacturers They vary the proportions of amino acids and often add their own ingredients to the pills: acidulants, vitamins, flavors. We will not recommend any specific brands. This is a matter of taste and financial preference (some BCAA complexes are unreasonably expensive). The main thing is to make sure that the BCAA complex you like is not a fake and that it is sold in at least a couple of countries besides Russia. Famous manufacturers- Dymatize, Axis, Weider, Optimum Nutrition. Release form: capsules, tablets and solutions. Liquid complexes are absorbed better, but they usually have a shorter shelf life.

Why anyway

If you want to protect your muscles from breaking down after a workout or unloading a barge of dumbbells, BCAA pills will the right choice. However, after regular sports (tennis or swimming) there is no great need for them; it would be much more appropriate to consume complete amino acid complexes, which, however, are also available in tablet form. Doctors do not recommend BCAA complexes for people with kidney disease. True, they are not recommended in large quantities. Otherwise, there are no contraindications to the consumption of essential amino acids. Moreover, leucine and valine even help cleanse the liver of toxins. But doctors believe that it is better for teenagers to abstain from such drugs until their skeleton is fully formed. The usual side effects are an unpleasant chemical burp, and that’s about it. You need to consume no more than 2 g of BCAA per day for every 10 kg of your weight. In case of overdose, stomach or intestinal disorders cannot be ruled out. Bon appetit.

BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids) is a complex that consists of 3 amino acids that are not synthesized by the body: valine, leucine, isoleucine. They must enter the human body in large volumes, especially during intense physical activity. The BCAA amino acid complex is especially in demand among athletes, because it protects against muscle destruction, reduces the percentage of fat and increases the effect of other sports supplements. Let's find out more about what BCAA is and what it is needed for.

The mechanism of action of amino acids on the body

As already mentioned, bcaa contains three essential amino acids that have a branched chain structure and cannot be replaced by others. Their effectiveness has been proven by experimental studies and solid scientific works. A deficiency of three amino acids leads to weight loss and impaired metabolism. If you regularly take the BCAA complex, the process of restoration and construction of muscle fibers starts, and the secretion of insulin, which regulates glucose consumption, increases. Mechanism of action of amino acids:

  • Valin. It is an energy source for muscles and maintains serotonin at a high level, which long time supplies energy.
  • Leucine. Responsible for the formation of protein compounds in the liver and muscles, therefore it is important for the construction and growth of muscles.
  • Isoleucine. Takes part in cellular processes, also serving as an energy source.

BCAA is the main component of sports nutrition, which normalizes overall health and improves muscle tone. But it should be remembered that taking the supplement does not provide any guarantee of muscle growth, since catabolic processes occur purely individually in each body.

What are BCAA's for?

The main effect of BCAA on the human body is to build muscles, so an athlete who takes amino acids after training gives muscles construction material, provoking them to grow. There are still plenty beneficial properties amino acid supplement, which is taken in the following cases.

For weight loss (fat burning)

Taking BCAA for weight loss allows you to saturate the blood with amino acid molecules, as a result of which muscle destruction processes do not occur during a low-carbohydrate diet and strength exercises. After all, during a diet, a person losing weight has a low level of glycogen, obtained from glucose, which causes rapid fatigue. Therefore, the body breaks down muscle fiber for energy. If you remove carbohydrates from your diet, fat is burned along with muscles. BCAA amino acids make it possible not to worry about catabolism during weight loss.

To build muscle mass

BCAA is given to an athlete to gain muscle mass necessary supplies energy that he wastes during strength or aerobic training. Also, without the required amount of amino acids, there will be no muscle mass gain, which is important for bodybuilders. Improving the training process, athletes take protein shakes, gainers and fat burners to build muscle mass on non-training days, and drink BCAA before and after training.

For immunity

BCAA is also great for boosting immunity. Every workout is stressful for the body. The more intense the exercise, the more the body needs amino acids, the lack of which reduces immunity. The BCAA complex is necessary for recovery after training, especially during mid-season weather fluctuations. Scientists have proven that taking a dietary supplement will strengthen the immune system even for people who do not exercise.

To release glucose

You need to take BCAA so that amino acids help the body produce the hormones leptin and insulin, which are involved in metabolism, control appetite, and regulate glucose levels. After amino acids are converted into glucose, they become alternative source energy. Since BCAA amino acids enhance the release of insulin, protein synthesis begins after taking them even in the absence of it in the body.

As a source of glutamine synthesis

Taking the supplement allows the body to produce glutamine, which affects anabolic processes. Without glutamine, high-quality recovery is impossible muscle tissue after strength training. Thanks to the intake of a complex of amino acids, the glutamine necessary for an athlete is synthesized directly in the muscles.

Rules for taking BCAA - time and frequency

Beginners are interested in the question: how to take BCAA? The rules for taking amino acids on vacation and during training are significantly different. When active physical activity occurs, the effect of BCAA sports nutrition on the body is to inhibit catabolic processes and stimulate anabolic ones. Therefore, during training, the body needs to be recharged so as not to look for energy reserves inside the body. Amino acids are included in the process of burning fat, and an active gain of muscle mass occurs. On days of strength training, BCAA intake is carried out immediately before the training and immediately after its completion. You can also take the drug during strength training.

Amino acids do not have an effect on the body on non-training days, so taking it is not necessary. But there is an opinion that athletes do not have enough protein from their diet for a good anabolic process, especially during cutting, so some nutritionists recommend taking the supplement in the morning immediately after eating. Catabolic processes are strong precisely after the rise. To summarize, we can say that the frequency of administration on training days is 3-4 times, and on rest - 1 time in the morning after sleep.

How much to take (dosage)

The optimal portion of BCAA, according to the manufacturer, is calculated as follows: 33 mg of leucine per kilogram of weight. Therefore, if you have 75 kg, then on the day of training you need to take 5 grams of BCAA. Knowing this universal formula, you can easily calculate what portion of BCAA intake you need for muscle growth, regardless of the form of the drug.

Release form

There is a myth that the speed of absorption of amino acids depends on the form of release. This is wrong. It doesn’t matter in what form the supplement is purchased, it will dissolve in the stomach within 5-10 seconds. The only difference is in the method of application: powdered BCAA should be mixed with water and drunk, while capsules/tablets should be swallowed and washed down with water.

  1. Capsules. This is the most popular form with which the release of the drug began. The main advantages are ease of use and neutral taste. They are easy to carry with you, and thanks to the packaging, you cannot feel the bitter taste of the powder when taking it. The disadvantages of the release form include the high cost of the additive compared to powder packaging.
  2. Pills. It is a compressed powder that is slower to digest than capsules but otherwise has the same benefits. It is easy to find and buy tablets at a lower price than capsules.
  3. Powder. Economical packaging, which is ideal for those who want to save money. When purchasing the powder form, you will receive 1.5 times more BCAA. The disadvantages include a specific taste, although recently a powder with a pleasant fruity taste, but more expensive, has appeared on the sports nutrition market.
  4. Liquid. Available in the form of a concentrate, which quickly dissolves in water and in monodoses. This form of release has a high absorption rate, but is also expensive.

BCAA in food

Essential amino acids are also found in foods, so if they are present in an athlete’s diet, they must be taken into account when calculating the dose of powdered BCAA. It would seem that there is nothing easier than swallowing a tablet with a portion of amino acids, but an athlete should not eat only supplements. To increase the restorative potential of your meals, find out which protein foods contain high levels of BCAA:

Which BCAA are better - 2017 rating

Choosing a BCAA amino acid manufacturer is important point at the time of buying. To help with your choice, we suggest studying the ranking of the best bcaa in 2017, according to professional bodybuilders:

  1. Modern BCAA USP Labs, available in powder and tablets. In addition to the main three, the composition contains alanine, lysine, sustamine, taurine, glycine. This supplement was also in first place according to the bcaa rating in 2016.
  2. BCAA Xtend by Scivation, which is a prominent representative of amino acids with a powerful anti-catabolic effect. It is involved in the production of growth hormone and promotes the gain of large amounts of muscle mass.
  3. Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder, each serving contains 5 grams of the purest amino acids in a traditional 2:1:1 ratio. The big advantage of the supplement is the complete absence of flavorings.
  4. Dymatize BCAA POWDER has highest level absorption. Thanks to affordable price, excellent composition and high quality, the product is mega-popular among non-professional athletes.
  5. Olimp BCAA Xplode is a complex containing, in addition to amino acids, glutamine and vitamin B. It can improve strength performance, suppress catabolic processes, and reduce fat deposits. An undeniable advantage of the product is the complete absence of sugar.

Are there any contraindications for use?

BCAA amino acids are a natural product, given that its sources are dairy products, eggs, and meat. But if the dosage is exceeded, it can cause allergic reactions, chills, intestinal upset. To avoid belching and heartburn, do not take the supplement on an empty stomach, and take it strictly according to the instructions.

Do not combine BCAA intake with alcohol, which blocks the activity of the powerful anabolic growth hormone in cells. Small dose alcoholic drink will destroy a week's gains in the gym.

The question of whether there is harm from using the essential amino acid BCAA in your diet is associated with the prevailing stereotype about the advisability of sports nutrition and side effects. The formed public opinion about the negative side effects of taking medications also left its mark on the attitude towards amino acids.

BCAA amino acids


Sometimes even educated people, there is a misconception about what amino acids are and what their benefits are. But these are substances without which the life of the human body is not possible; they are responsible for muscle growth. Our body cannot produce them on its own and receives them from food, in the process of enzymatic processing. Therefore, such substances come with a certain deficiency, and an irrational and unbalanced diet is to blame. In addition, the process of assimilation of such substances is greatly influenced by bad habits and stress. Therefore, many are increasingly turning to the use of BCAA in their diet to compensate for their deficiency in the body.

Essential amino acids include branched chain amino acids, which include: leucine, isoleucine, valine. Such food supplements are made from natural products through partial processing, so any harm to health from their use is practically excluded. And the benefits of a successfully balanced diet are beyond doubt even among the most inveterate skeptics.

Leucine is part of amino acids

Conditions of use

Many people, before starting to take amino acids, try to find information about whether there are contraindications for their use.
As with any other sports supplement, there are a number of conditions that must be met to maximize the benefits of its use.

BCAA is a protein product and puts a strain on kidney function. Therefore, if there are problems with this organ, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in order to minimize possible harm. This does not mean that the intake of amino acids will need to be completely eliminated; perhaps it is simply necessary to limit the amount of their consumption in order to avoid an overdose.

Although this product is a broken down protein, caution should be exercised when consuming it for those who have problems with gastrointestinal tract. Especially for those who have an enzyme or acid-base balance that is not normal. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor regarding the amount of supplements taken.

BCAA is a protein product

When taking BCAA, side effects such as stomach discomfort or even diarrhea are possible. But this is usually associated with the use of a low-quality or expired product. Therefore, before purchasing a drug, you need to make sure of its quality and expiration date.

Allergy to taking BCAA is very rare, but in order to be safe from it, it is necessary to start taking it with small doses in order to determine whether an allergy appears. Basically, an allergy to taking amino acids occurs in people prone to allergies to products containing lactose. In this case, you should pay attention to BCAA made from plant products. Another issue to pay attention to is the interaction of BCAA with other drugs, especially drugs. Although in most cases, amino acids react neutrally to their simultaneous use with medications, you should pay attention to the fact that the substances included in their composition have a slight calming effect. Therefore, you should be careful when using them together with sedatives (especially those taken for allergies), since their effect (including side effects) can be increased.

One more an important condition, on which the success and effectiveness of taking BCAA will depend, is limiting or completely eliminating the use of products containing alcohol. Of course, it is often quite difficult to completely change this bad habit. But since the use of amino acids usually occurs in conjunction with intense physical activity, avoiding drinks containing alcohol becomes simply necessary. Because alcoholic substances containing it significantly affect the processes of the entire body, including the work of breaking down and assimilating amino acids. And this can neutralize the positive effect of taking these supplements due to the fact that alcohol disrupts the production of enzymes.

Therefore, to achieve the effectiveness of taking BCAA, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, since it is it that destroys the branched side chains of amino acids, and also interferes with the normal process of protein synthesis and the construction of muscle fibers. In addition to all this, it is alcohol that often disrupts the acid-base balance, which is necessary for normal protein absorption.

Alcohol must be avoided

Many sports nutrition stores sell a huge number of different BCAAs. Of course, such stores should be trusted. But amino acids are produced mainly abroad and our prices for them are greatly increased. It is much cheaper to order amino acids on the American website iherb, where prices are much cheaper, there are always promotions and using our link you are guaranteed to receive an additional 5% discount. Therefore, if you have already decided which BCAA amino acids are more suitable for you, then any of these amino acids can be found on iherb using this link.

Myths about harm

Existing myths that the use of amino acids can harm potency have no basis. On the contrary, research confirms the positive effect of consuming amino acids on male potency, since a balanced diet can significantly improve the functioning of hormonal systems (including in the sexual sphere).

With the correct regimen of taking BCAA and rational physical activity, it is possible to increase the production of testosterone, which has a positive influence on male potency. In addition, the substances that are part of the essential amino acids have a number of properties that affect the psychological state of a person.

Consumption of BCAA improves the quality of muscle tissue

A slight calming effect, along with complete restoration of the body, allows you to avoid the dangers of sexual dysfunction. Consumption of BCAA improves the quality of muscle tissue, which in turn has a positive effect on male potency. Increasing the overall tone of the body and increasing the percentage of muscle mass and reducing fat deposits also have a positive effect on potency. Because everyone knows the fact that it is a large amount of body fat that leads to a decrease in testosterone levels. Therefore, taking amino acids has no negative effect on potency. Also, there is no confirmation of the influence of amino acid consumption on the occurrence of cancer, although researchers have repeatedly addressed this topic, but no scientific evidence has been found for the theory that taking amino acids can cause cancer.

People who spend a long time in the gym know that BCAAs (branched amino acids) - sports nutrition, reviews of which are mostly positive. But for many it remains a mystery what this mysterious product is.

Amino acids – component any protein. There are everything - and their content is different in different products.

What are BCAAs needed for?

BCAA- These are amino acids with branched side chains. This generalized group includes three substances: valine, leucine, isoleucine.

  1. Valin

    One of the most active components in the regeneration of damaged muscle fibers. If you train intensely and with high load, then fiber tears occur in the muscles. When these tears heal, muscle growth occurs (). Additional intake of valine reduces the healing time of such microtraumas. In addition, taking valine regulates protein metabolism and significantly improves nitrogen balance, which also accelerates muscle growth and prevents protein destruction.

    The most important function of this amino acid is that valine prevents the decrease in serotonin levels! But in the article we explained why a lack of this important neurotransmitter can lead to problems! We need it, so to speak, to sparkle our eyes.
    A couple more important functions of valine to impress you:

    It is a complete source of energy for muscle cells;

    Thanks to valine, vitamin B3 is synthesized;

    Valine is responsible for the absorption of other acids of the proteinogen group;

    Increases muscle coordination and reduces the body's sensitivity to cold, heat and pain;

    Valine is essential for maintaining normal nitrogen levels in the body.

    Valin is integral part natural proteins, which must constantly be supplied to required quantities into the body through food. Among the animal products richest in valine: cow's milk, beef, salmon, eggs, chicken fillet. Some plant products are also rich in it: peas, wheat and corn flour, porcini mushrooms, cherries, wild rice, millet, buckwheat and pearl barley. If a food lacks valine, it becomes protein deficient and leads to nitrogen imbalance.

    Highest concentration substances - in cottage cheese, natural yogurt, in cheeses (Swiss, processed, goat, edam), as well as in milk and eggs. Among the seeds and nuts, the most beneficial are pistachios, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. The choice among fish varieties is better to choose salmon, trout, halibut, and among protein-rich legumes, choose beans, lentils or chickpeas. But still, perhaps Valine is most easily absorbed from quail eggs and walnuts.

    Our body needs about 2 - 4 grams of valine every day. A more accurate individual dosage can be calculated using the formula: 10 mg of amino acid per 1 kg of weight (or 26 mg of the substance per 1 kg - when it is necessary to increase the dose).

    Pay attention to the fact that valine is an essential amino acid, the content of which in food is quite high. That is you can easily reach your daily requirement of valine without the use of supplements! It is enough to eat up to 300 grams of beef or up to 400 grams of chicken. And by consuming dairy products and eggs, it’s easier to get your daily dose of valine.

  2. Leucine

    Reduces blood sugar levels, promoting increased production of growth hormone. How important growth hormone is for increasing muscle mass and restoring muscle fibers after heavy training probably shouldn’t be said. Leucine is also actively involved in the restoration of muscle tissue, skin and bones.

    Scientists have identified one of the reasons for the problem of excess weight. There is such a hormone - leptin. Its action is based on the regulation of metabolism, appetite and, as a result, body weight. The secretion of this hormone directly depends on the amount of fat in the human body. We discussed this problem in the article, we recommend it for study. The higher the weight, the more actively leptin is produced. When we diet and lose fat reserves, the concentration of this hormone decreases. The body gets used to a certain level of leptin, which nutritionists call a control point. To replenish its concentration and accumulate the previous fat reserve, the body begins to whet the appetite. Leucine can balance leptin concentrations and moderate hunger. As a result, a feeling of fullness appears when eating a small amount of food.
    A couple more important functions of leucine, again to impress you:

    Creates conditions for nitrogen balance and lowers sugar levels;
    participates in protein synthesis;
    is a significant element of normal metabolism;
    protects cells and tissues from decay and aging, serves as an inexhaustible source of energy for them;
    strengthens and restores the immune system;
    prevents fatigue due to overproduction of serotonin;
    accelerates the regeneration of muscle tissue and skin, recommended in the postoperative period.

    On average, the body's daily requirement for leucine is healthy person is only 2-4 grams. But depending on lifestyle, strength loads and many other factors, these numbers may change.

    In order to gain 4 grams of leucine, you usually need to eat at least 30-50 grams. protein from foods rich in...um, butter, but oh well...protein, including. Pay attention to the fact that leucine is an essential amino acid, the content of which in food is quite high. That is you can easily reach your daily requirement of leucine without using supplements!

  3. Isoleucine

    — Ensuring hemoglobin synthesis.
    An essential amino acid in the production of hemoglobin. It also stabilizes blood sugar levels, increases the overall endurance of the body and accelerates the recovery of damaged muscle tissue.

    — Regulation of blood sugar levels.
    For the body, excess glucose in the blood, as well as its deficiency, are very harmful. Essential acids are the basis for hormones that regulate sugar levels. With a lack of isoleucine, this hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, which disrupts carbohydrate metabolism.

    — Stabilization of energy supply processes.
    The amino acid promotes rapid tissue healing and. It is necessary for athletes because it increases endurance after physical activity.

    — Strengthening and restoration of the epidermis.
    Essential amino acids in the blood help speed up metabolic processes. The faster they happen, the sooner the epidermis is restored.

    In addition, isoleucine is required for mental illness; if it is deficient, symptoms similar to hypoglycemia may appear. With a lack of isoleucine, people experience headaches, irritability, fatigue, and sometimes even depression.

    Since isoleucine is an essential acid, its consumption is necessary to ensure the health of the body. At the same time, digestibility of isoleucine depends, first of all, on whether a person has liver and kidney damage. Secondly, absorption of isoleucine depends on accompanying acids such as valine and leucine. Only in the presence of the above acids does this amino acid have a good chance of being absorbed.

    By the way, the isoleucine content in food products changes under the influence of their preparation process, just like in other amino acids. So, Fried and raw meat contains less of this essential amino acid than stewed meat. A baked in meat, fish and seafood products, isoleucine is significantly less, rather than stewed or fried. As for plant raw food, then its content 25% more than in cooked.

    Daily norm of isoleucine:

    1.5-2 grams per day – with a low-active lifestyle and not experiencing severe stress.
    3-4 grams per day - with normalized bodily and intellectual activity.
    4-6 grams per day - with excessive mental and physical stress.

Attention, question:

Why should we spend money on these amino acids if nature has already carefully presented them to us in ordinary, not some super exotic, but simple products food?

Early answer, Mr. Presenter:

In fact, the high-quality protein that we supposedly consume during the day consists of 18-26% BCAA, so there is no reason to absorb them additionally.

By the way, if you exceed the norm of what you need daily protein If you also add BCAA, then there is a possible excess of calories (leucine – 6.5 kcal/g, isoleucine – 6.5 kcal/g and valine – 6 kcal/g). On the topic of “” By the way, it is likely that the efficiency of assimilation and use of amino acids entering the body will decrease.

Okay, you retort to me that you don’t have time for these troubles and it’s easier for you to buy yourself a ready-made, balanced product. Actually, that’s what you’re doing, you’re already drinking protein.

Then we are ready to shock you: the BCAA content in proteins of animal origin (whey, egg, casein, milk, meat) is approximately 16% - 20%. What about proteins (soy, rice, wheat)? It contains BCAAs 13% – 15% . That is, a little less, but still quite decent.

For the same amount of BCAA in protein and in a BCAA product, you will pay approximately the same amount. But, in the BCAA preparation you will receive only BCAA, and in the protein you will also receive a full spectrum of all the amino acids that the body also needs.

Aaaand...one more thing. BCAAs will only work well if your body really lacks isoleucine, leucine and valine. Or maybe the body lacks other amino acids more than these? You'll never know. Only experimentally. And when you drink protein, which contains all the amino acids, or just eat well, you will never miss the needs of your body.

Do you need BCAAs?

Who's too lazy to read:

Who cares:

Due to the global hype (very developed in the fitness industry), many people talk about protein, BCAAs, pre-workouts and other squiggles as something required to achieve results. Everyone around has already turned to the beauty of the body and the “high” purpose of bodybuilding. No, really, look around, every second lady no longer just wants a beautiful figure - she wants to MAKE A SHAPE. That's right, in big letters and with big buns. Saleswomen, a hairdresser, an accountant, a schoolgirl - everyone rushed to make a uniform and whine about their smooth path.

But let's get back to the good stuff. The inconvenient truth is that you don't need any extra protein from outside at all with a properly designed nutrition plan. Because you will already get enough protein.

BCAA (as explained above) are simply 3 of the 20 amino acids that exist in all animal products.

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