How to improve the territory of a private house with your own hands: principles and basic elements. Courtyard design for a private house (60 photos): beautiful design ideas Various areas in the yard

Ennoble a private house with the adjacent territory is much more difficult than an apartment in a high-rise building. Beautiful yard- This is the dream of many estate owners. It seems that not everyone can afford to hire a landscape designer who will quickly and efficiently develop a suitable project. What to do in such a situation? Before you take on the task of independently improving the territory of a private house, try to imagine what you want to ultimately get, and those provided in the article practical recommendations will help you decide on landscape design.

Each person has his own ideas about beauty and comfort, which are expressed in the environment. Any little thing that makes us happy characterizes us as a person. Although landscaping the yard does not involve carrying out work using special equipment, if you first make drainage and strengthen the slopes, you can avoid many difficulties during operation personal plot.

If you are ready to attract additional labor, you can bring any of your ideas to life.

To begin, draw a plan of the site and depict on it all the planned buildings, plantings, fences and paths. After this, you can begin marking the yard and its consistent improvement. Please note, however, that the site must have both sunny and shady areas. This will diversify your family’s vacation and also make it even more comfortable.

When designing local area it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region. This affects both the choice of plants and construction work.

Home is, of course, main element plot, therefore all other buildings must be built in a style that matches it. If your estate has small size, then you shouldn’t experiment with styles. Remember also that too much decor will turn the local area into a colorful patchwork quilt.

And vice versa, if you have a large area of ​​land, then it can be zoned, bringing to life different thematic corners. For example, country style involves the use simple designs in design. It matches the decor self made, gravel paths and wooden decking.

Think about what functionality you expect from your local area? What do you want to grow on it? Maybe these will be flower beds? Or are you planning to raise fish in a pond? Or maybe you like to relax on a sun lounger? In order for this variety of activities to fit harmoniously into the yard, it is necessary to divide the space into functional zones.

If you have children, then you need a playground. So think about which areas you need, which you want and which you can give up. If you have a small yard, then try to combine some zones. For example, you can put folding chairs and a table in an area for active games, thereby converting it into a place for lunch and board games. After such a pastime, all these items garden furniture it could be removed by turning the lawn into, say, a ball field.

Zone boundaries may include hedges, bushes and perennials. Remember, the fence shouldn't become dominant, so don't overload it.

Fences can be supplemented with arches or pergolas over the paths. Such designs are especially impressive in composition with flowering vines. Garden trellises, entwined climbing plants, will create the impression of a living wall. In this simple way, you can close your yard from prying eyes, and at the same time create a shady corner.

In the front part of the yard, paving stones, cut stone and concrete slabs look best. They are often laid out so that the space between them can be filled, for example, with glass granules, sand or pebbles. Another design option is to plant unpretentious low plants, including thyme, juvenilia, saxifrage and others.

If you decide to decorate your yard in an informal style, you can make paths from wood cuts. The space between them is filled with crushed bark or sawdust. Such paths look attractive in shady parts of the local area. If you need a more restrained and elegant composition, then it is better to fill the space between the wood cuts with fine crushed stone, fine sand or gravel.

Often, narrow boards that are tightly connected to each other are used for paving paths. Such pavement is usually varnished or painted. To simplify the installation of a wooden path, you can use garden parquet, also called decking. The arrangement of paths should be carried out in accordance with the plan drawn on paper.

The closer the paths are to the house, the more discreet they should be. Therefore, for their arrangement it is better to use slabs, decking, paving stones or bricks. In other themed areas, the paths may be more informal.

Sometimes, to create comfort and coziness in the yard, you just need to choose and plant the right vegetation. If you have moved on to the stage of landscaping the local area, then start by planting trees and bushes. With their help you can make your garden more diverse. In addition, trees and shrubs will protect certain areas from wind and sun.

Do you want some brightness in your yard? Then you cannot do without planting brightly flowering plants. So, you can create a beautiful monochromatic or multi-colored landscape.

If you are landscaping a small area of ​​a private house, then give preference to plants that bloom continuously - one after another. Such a flower bed will be attractive all season long.

Flowery yards are attractive, but landscapes with decorative foliage plants such as ferns, heucheras and hostas also look equally beautiful. Lawns are becoming increasingly popular. Although it seems that the grass is unpretentious, the lawn also needs to be looked after. The grass needs to be sown and trimmed regularly. In dry summers, it needs to be watered daily.

If you are doing remodeling summer cottage plot, then perhaps it would be better to make it completely paved. This type of yard is easy to keep clean. To landscape such a yard, you can use flowerpots. This will allow you to place any exotic species in your yard for the summer, for example, lemon, cypress, pomegranate, etc.

Vertical gardening can be used to create a relief volume in the garden. This is especially true in a small local area. Fences, gazebos, tree trunks and poles already erected in the yard can serve as supports.

You can create a harmonious landscape using elements garden lighting working for solar powered or from the mains. In addition to their functional purpose, they will add a special charm to the exterior of the yard.

As a rule, paths, ponds, plants and sculptures are illuminated. Floating lighting fixtures create the feeling of a blooming oasis located on the water. LED lights will help you create the effect of a starry sky under your feet. You can also use lanterns on poles to illuminate paths.

One thing is clear - well-designed and well-thought-out lighting will decorate the territory of a private home.

Garden decorations add special and unique accents to the yard and help create style direction. landscape design. Sculptures or a fountain can be placed in open areas and patios.

They are very popular in our area garden figurines, made in the form of fairy-tale characters and animals. But it’s important not to overdo it here. Otherwise, you can turn the yard into a playground.

If you care about animals and birds, you can place feeders, birdhouses and squirrel houses in your yard. If you make them original, you can use them to decorate your yard.

Ponds are intended for aesthetic pleasure. To equip them, a dug pit is laid out polyvinyl chloride film. If you want to make a pond that is as close to natural as possible, then design its banks as naturally as possible. Post them natural stones, for example, pebbles. Moisture-loving plants such as water mint, sedge, marsh iris and, of course, reeds can be planted around. You can plant lotuses, urut, water lilies and other aquatic plants at the bottom of the pond.

Ponds are often complemented by waterfalls and fountains. The sound of water calms and relaxes, promoting beneficial relaxation. Rest zone

A private house is good because it has its own yard. It's a good place to relax, you can decorate it the way you want. But everything should be done according to certain rules - landscape design of the yard, that's what it's called. The task is not as simple as it seems.

General principles

To make your yard beautiful, harmonious and comfortable, it is advisable to create a plan before starting work, and then implement this plan into reality. And, by the way, in most cases, when independent development landscape design, the result is very different from the project. Either we saw a new plant that was not on the plan, or we didn’t like in reality what looked “super” in the picture. Nevertheless, the landscaping of your home’s yard should be done according to the rules, otherwise you may end up with an uncomfortable yard and an unpresentable appearance.

Preparing a site plan

The first thing you will need is a site plan to scale. You can draw it on a checkered sheet or on graph paper. Accept a certain scale, for example, one meter is one or two cells. In the second option, it will be possible to draw out small details in more detail, but the plan will be large. The plan should indicate:

With this initial plan, you can begin planning your yard. On this plan, it is immediately necessary to highlight shaded areas (the sun appears only for a few hours), partial shade (half of the day is illuminated by the sun) and sunny areas (there is almost no shadow at all) zones. To do this, it is best to take colored pencils and shade the areas with different colors.

Large area for parking cars, a little smaller for barbecue, swimming pool and summer recreation Large or small plot- doesn't matter. Anyone can be cozy Plantings are only around the perimeter of the site, the main area is free - for lawns and flower beds

If the site has lower and higher high zones, they are also worth highlighting. It is also necessary to identify sources, springs, retaining walls or the intended location of their installation, all other landscape features. All this information should be taken into account when developing the landscape design of the yard.

Deciding on the central object

Before you begin landscaping your yard, you need to decide what you would like to focus on. Meaning large object: pond, fountain, gazebo with or without barbecue, pergola. This object is placed in the central place, and all the other, smaller ones are placed around it. Moreover, if you have chosen a pond, it does not mean that there will be no gazebo or fountain on the site, just that the main object will be the pond. It is the main “feature”, and all other structures will only play on it and complement it.

In this case, the central zone is a recreation area and a lawn

The same rule applies if you want to make the main “theme of the yard” a recreation area - a gazebo or pergola, just a platform with sofas, benches, a hammock, etc. A pond, a fountain, and small architectural objects may well be located next to them. The idea is that this zone is the highlight of your yard, and all other objects will play off it. Because, in a usually small space, two or three competing ideas mean chaos and lack of harmony.

We find a place for everything

Having decided on the set of desired objects, take a sheet of cardboard and cut out all the objects from it. We cut it out to the scale in which the map was drawn, of the shape in which the construction is planned. You can color it, you can sign it.

We take the images and lay them out on the plan. Place the selected “main object” in the center of the composition. This does not mean that its place is strictly in the center - it can also be on the side of the site. This corner just needs to be visible from the windows and/or from the entrance. After all, you should receive aesthetic pleasure from your yard.

When we have found a place for the central zone, we begin to figure out where to put all the other larger objects. Some may be located close to each other, others at a certain distance. If everything you want doesn’t fit in your space, you’ll have to sacrifice something or downsize. Here everyone decides what is more important to him.

We lay paths and develop a lighting system

When everything you want to see on the site is placed on the plan, it’s time to lay paths and think through the lighting system. Why do these two different systems need to be planned at the same time? Because paths are usually illuminated, otherwise dark time It’s not very comfortable to walk on them for a day. So they pull the cables along them, supplying voltage to the lamps, and also extending the lighting to all key points of the yard - to the gazebo, fountain, stream, etc.

When planning paths, there are two basic rules. First, if you need to visually bring an object closer, we lay a straight path. This rule applies if the site is large in area or long and narrow. Another possible area of ​​application is a courtyard decorated in a minimalist style. Here other forms are simply unacceptable - only strict geometric forms. Although, broken lines are also welcome.

In all other cases, they try to avoid straight paths. There is no need to “loop” too much, but winding, smoothly turning paths fit harmoniously into any other yard design style.

When you have outlined it on the plan, draw the lamps to illuminate the yard. Along the paths - every one and a half to two meters, for lighting gazebos and platforms - more often. Illumination of water also looks beautiful if there are “water” objects.

Site layout from improvised means

How else, besides a site plan on graph paper and cardboard analogues of various landscape objects, can you visualize your design project? There is a simple way - using ordinary plasticine or other improvised means. It is better to make a house and other buildings from foam plastic and cardboard, and a gazebo from sticks. Lay out the paths from a material similar to the planned “original”. This will help you evaluate the invented texture and color scheme. Everything else - benches, a pond, fountains, trees, bushes, flowers - we sculpt all this from plasticine. To make it look more realistic, trees and shrubs can be made from twigs by attaching “foliage” of approximately the same shade. And yes, we do everything to scale (for example, 1 meter is equal to 1 cm or 2 cm). This is definitely a three-dimensional 3D image that will accurately convey to you the proportions, convenience and all other nuances of the yard landscape design you created.

Plasticine yard design project - excellent 3D visualization

Landscape design programs

Are you confident user PC, then landscape design programs will help simplify the task of design development. The bad news is that they are paid, but creating a landscape design for the yard of a private house will be easy and interesting. There are about a dozen programs, but here are the most popular:

  • Our garden. There is a large built-in library of plants, a planner for paving, fences, gates, etc. It is possible to load missing materials or textures, plants.
  • Google ScatchUp. This is not a specialized program, but it has a landscape planning section, which is very good - it’s full of lessons on working specifically with creating a landscape.
  • Punch. The disadvantage of the program is that it is not possible to add your own objects. You can only use those that are in the software library. Another disadvantage is that there is no way to export the results, that is, you will not be able to use the created project in other programs. But it is simple and requires almost no time to learn.
  • Sierra LandDesigner 3D. Large base plants and other objects. It is possible to enter your own data and use it in your work. Each possible action has a hint, so it's easy to figure it out as you go. The program specifies the soil type and style you want to decorate your yard. The program will automatically select suitable objects. Once the work is completed, you can print the project and receive an estimate.

Examples of local area planning

Independent landscape design of the yard of a private house is not an easy task. The difficulty is that often what looks good in a picture or “in your head” turns out “not so good” in reality. Therefore, it is easier to rely on photos of real objects. At least you can see what happened there. The idea can be taken “entirely”, or it can be partially adapted to suit own desires or conditions.

Example one - with water bodies

For example, center - . Do you also want to have a gazebo, a fountain and a stream, flower beds, benches? In this case, this option would look good:

The option with a “real” stream is easily implemented if there is at least a slight difference in height on the site. The fountain is then placed at the highest point, the pond at the lowest. With this arrangement, water flows by gravity; you just need to organize its supply from the pond to the fountain (using a pump of a certain power and a pipe system).

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house with a swimming pool opposite the doors

If there is no height difference, there are two options - to do it artificially (a very large amount of work and significant material costs) or make two autonomous water bodies- a fountain and a pond, and make a “fake” stream out of stones. Another option is not to make a stream at all. The unconnected pond and fountain are also very viable and nice option design of the local area.

Example two - in the center there is a recreation area

If the pond is usually located at some distance from the entrance to the house, then a recreation area is often made nearby. But the “recreation area” can be perceived in different ways. For some it is comfortable sofas, benches on which it is convenient to read, for some - a platform with a gazebo and a table, a barbecue located next to it.

Recreation area - everyone understands it differently

Depending on your wishes, a recreation area of ​​any type can be close to the entrance, or maybe at the opposite end of the site. And near the same gazebo there may be a pond or fountain. But not a gazebo near a pond, but a pond near a gazebo. This is the difference. The path from the entrance leads to the gazebo, and from it you can get to the pond.

Near the gazebo, covered or open area for relaxation, flower beds, rock gardens, and rockeries can be located. Along the path there are flower beds, taller plants - bushes and trees, in the shade of which it is reasonable to place benches. But no matter what you plant along the path, the main object should be visible in perspective - a gazebo or area with sofas.

Photo ideas of beautiful corners of private courtyards

Landscaping a yard is not an easy task even for professionals, and even more so for amateurs. There are too many nuances to know. It’s much easier to find a design you like and then reproduce the photo on your site.

Front garden

A front garden is a small part of the area between the facade of the house and the fence. Not everyone wants to place a house close to the sidewalk, just as not everyone wants to move it far into the interior of the site. So you end up with a narrow (a meter or two meter) strip of land in front of the house, which cannot be improved in any way except with flowers and shrubs.

No matter how narrow the strip between the fence and the house is, it is advisable to divide it into two zones - a flower garden and a path. A path is not necessarily a continuous tile or other covering. It could be lawn grass with tiles laid in random order (with gaps).

A path is desirable - you will need to take care of the plants once again without worrying about the cleanliness of your shoes

If the climate is hot, the area is dry, or there is no desire/opportunity to tinker with the grass, you can replace the grass with mulch or fine gravel. An excellent composition is obtained from painted colored gravel and several beautiful plants.

Pay attention to the location of the plants - it depends on the type of fence. If the fence is solid, you need to develop a planting plan so that they look good from the windows. In this case, the tallest plants are located closer to the fence, the shortest ones - closer to the house. If the fence is sparse, more decorative, and you want it beautiful view opened from the street, we change the planting plan exactly the opposite: the tallest plants are along the house, the shortest ones are closer to the street.

If the “face” of the front garden is facing the street Flowers or plants of approximately the same height - if you need everything to look decent from all sides An interesting option - convenient, beautiful and unusual Traditional design of the area in front of the fence

If you want a beautiful view from both sides, there are two options. First, we plant small and medium-sized varieties of flowers and greenery in the flower garden. Secondly, we divide the front garden into several zones, make separate flower beds or alpine slides/rock gardens that look good from any point.

Entrance/entrance group

The entrance group is the area near the porch, the entrance group is near the gate. As you understand, the design is different, although there is common features: all “decorations” should not block the view. You should be able to clearly see whoever is entering or entering your territory. Therefore, mainly medium-sized and low-growing plants are used.

The traditional way to design an area near a porch or gate is flower beds or flower beds. They can be of a standard type - only plants of different species that create a constantly blooming or green carpet.

Dwarf trees - unusual and beautiful

You can also follow the latest trends in landscape design - occupy most of the area decorative crushed stone or mulch, plant plants at a distance from each other. In addition to the modern look, this option is good because fewer plants require less care, and it will also cost you more to purchase less funds. This will really help you get by with “little blood” if you have just started to implement the landscape design you created for the courtyard of a private house into reality. Buying and planting too many plants at one time requires a lot of money and time. And so, you can add plants step by step, at the same time adjusting the plan along the way.

Path design

Having planned the paths, you still need to choose the material from which they will be made. The standard approach is paving slabs, but it requires a lot of money, although the coating is reliable and comfortable. If finances are tight, you can temporarily. Some of them require little money, but they look great and are good to use.

You can plant low-growing shrubs along the edge of the paths - make it low-growing. If you have no time to wait for the shrub to grow, plant low-growing varieties colors. They are different heights, flowers and flowering times.

The second often built-in design option for places along paths is flower beds. And, again, they can be made “in a modern way” - against the background of backfilling with crushed stone or mulch. This cannot be called a rockery, although the idea was taken from there.


All theoretical calculations about landscape design of the yard were, in fact, about how to arrange the backyard. It is this part of the courtyard that is closed from prying eyes and it is here that you want it to be beautiful, cozy and comfortable. We won’t talk about planning again, but we’ll talk about how and what is the best way to pave this area.

If you are planning to backyard paradise - you have no problems. Plants, lawns, paths, everything will be described, how and what to do is clear. But if you want to make a recreation area here so that you can put a table for the summer, lounge chairs to lie in the sun, maybe install a pool? What should the backyard cover be like then? There are options:

  • Lawn. This great option, if the level groundwater low, the soil drains water well or the site is well-drained. If not, there will be puddles, mud, problems with the grass.

    For some, comfort comes from tall grass. A barbecue area at the far end of the yard is reasonable. In the backyard of a private house, you can arrange a waterfall, and also a brick barbecue. Maximum natural landscape- this is also possible

  • Lay down paving slabs or pave everything with flagstone - a good option even for clay soils with a high groundwater level, easy to maintain. But he is too “urban”, tough and unforgiving.
  • Combine lawn with tiles. Very the right approach. It’s comfortable, and beautiful, and there’s not much dirt, and there’s room to walk around barefoot.

As you can see, there are three options, but there are thousands, or even more ways to implement them. Different styles decorations, various plants, combinations of materials, furniture, decorations, ponds/fountains/benches/swings. It’s impossible to count everything. All this allows you to create your own yard. Individual and different from others.

Just a photo

Fence off the rest area - perfect solution for many

Rules for selecting plants: the highest ones are near a wall or fence, further away - lower

The courtyard of a private house with a fountain and a stream - stylish and beautiful

Beautiful paths are not always difficult and expensive

Recreational flooring can be made of planks or planken, a polymer similar to wood.

Retaining walls - difficult and expensive, but unusual and beautiful

If you are the owner country cottage or a private house located within the city, you understand perfectly well that the matter does not end with arranging your home. A lot of time, effort and money goes into effective and beautiful design the area adjacent to the house. Nowadays, landscape design has been heard of even in the most remote villages. But not all of our compatriots will agree that the time for beds laid out throughout the entire plot of land has passed, giving way to alpine slides, fountains and artificial ponds in the oriental style.

Most owners of private houses (both within the city and beyond) choose the option of decorating the area adjacent to their home, but with a functional background. So that your work is translated into a harmonious, beautiful and practical landscape design that will delight you and your family all year round, planning must be taken seriously. Fortunately, there is now more than enough information on this topic. Equip private territory It is possible with a minimum of financial costs, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. To maintain the beauty of your site, you will need to find opportunities and pay attention to plants, buildings, ponds and even garden furniture.

Planning the beauty of the yard

The yard around a city private house or a country cottage is an adjacent territory that greets not only the owners after working day(or weeks, in the case of country estates), but also their guests. We can safely say that the impression of homeowners begins to form at the first glance at the design of a personal plot or yard.

Before you start planning your landscaping, decide what a “beautiful yard” means to you? How would you like to see it? Is it important for you to amaze your neighbors and guests with the splendor of your yard design, or do you put practicality and convenience at the forefront? What kind of lifestyle do you have, do you have children and pets, do guests often gather for barbecues and barbecues, are there evening gatherings at fresh air? The set of “scenery” for your private yard largely depends on the answers to these questions. Considering on initial stage planning many nuances further exploitation your site, you will save not only money, but also time for subsequent alterations, reconstruction and corrections.

Of course, the landscape design of your yard will largely depend on its size. If the territory is large, then the flight of your imagination will be limited only by financial capabilities and features of the territory’s landscape, soil type and location in relation to the cardinal directions. But if we are talking about a small backyard of a city private house, then in this case it is necessary to set clear priorities. On a few square meters it will be difficult to place a playground, a place for barbecue, a patio for relaxation, and large flower bed with flowers.

Having worked out the optimal plan for creating a landscape design, we go to the area and mark the exact location of all objects (gazebos, flower beds, rock gardens, ponds and patios). For simplicity, experts recommend dividing the entire area into squares. Each such segment will have a key figure - a building or decorative element. This way it’s easier to evenly distribute all planned landscape design items and create a balanced appearance plot.

Before the beginning construction work(if any are planned) it is necessary to check the condition of the territory. If segments of water accumulation are found, install drainage. At the same stage, all communications necessary for watering plants and operating artificial reservoirs, fountains and waterfalls are laid.

Paths, steps and flower beds

Garden paths are an integral part of any landscape design. In addition to their main goal - organizing safe movement around the site, paths perform the functions of zoning and decorating the territory.

Garden paths can be laid out from large, but flat stones, concrete slabs, clinker or ordinary brick, cobblestones, cover with fine gravel or pebbles, fencing with special low borders. By combining track materials, you can get not only the necessary functionality, but also decorative decoration garden or yard.

Landscape design and geometry are inextricably linked. For some, harmony and balance in the environment is seen in smooth lines, rounded shapes, winding paths and oval flower beds. Some people need rigor and clarity - direct garden paths, as companions from point A to point B, strict forms of bushes, trimmed with what is called a “ruler” and an absolutely flat lawn. Only the owners know what plants and tree shapes will be able to caress their eyes and bring calm and balance to their mood.

It is better to plan the planting of flowers in flower beds or garden tubs in such a way that the flowering of some is replaced by the flowering of other varieties. In this case, your yard will be able to delight you and your family with bright colors throughout the warm season (in most regions of our country - this is approximately from mid-April to early October).

If the landscape of your site involves some hilliness, then instead of fighting nature, creating artificial embankments and leveling slopes, you can succumb to the natural arrangement of hills and lowlands and build beautiful steps that can act as a focal point, attracting everyone's attention.

Artificial ponds on the site, fountains and cascades

It’s rare that an oriental landscape design is complete without a small artificial pond or a small source of water. And as we know, all European and American landscape designers, and our compatriots, draw inspiration from the founders of the art of bringing beauty and harmony to surrounding the house territory - eastern peoples.

Japanese masters consider water not only the source of life, but also, together with the earth, a symbol of harmony and balance of all living things. Organizing an artificial reservoir on a site is not easy; you will need to contact specialists, study the features of the soil and landscape in order to choose the right place, conduct communications and subsequently tirelessly take care of the proper functioning of the fountain or cascade. But all the effort, work and money spent will pay off when you can watch the fish in your artificial pond or watch water flow into a small tank.

Efficient lighting system for a private yard

Lighting the territory of a private yard is not only a question of the possibility of extending the time of communication with surrounding nature, but also the priority of safety. Thoughtful and harmonious system lighting will allow you to calmly move around the site in the dark, be on the patio and enjoy the illumination of especially significant decorative items in your yard landscape design.

First of all, think about it functional lighting– illumination of the facade of the house and additional buildings, the entrance to the garage or parking lot, the main entrance. Experts recommend placing lighting fixtures in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of your yard are visible and possible paths of movement around the site are highlighted - garden paths, steps.

Next you can start developing a plan. decorative lighting. You can create lighting near a flower bed, garden sculpture, rock garden or pond. By using LED strips Trees and shrubs are illuminated using the so-called “illumination without lanterns.”

Lamps can be built into the spaces between the degrees, but this point must be considered at the initial stage of designing the location of landscape design objects. Currently, there are many lighting devices that operate on miniature storage batteries that draw energy from sunlight. You will not have to spend money on electricity bills; the dim light of energy-saving lamps will be enough for safe movement along the paths of the site.

Even in a small area you can find a corner for organizing a relaxation area with the possibility of cooking over an open fire. Agree, it is unfair to deny yourself the opportunity to invite friends for a barbecue while living in a private house with a yard, even if it is located in the city center.

A round hearth serves as an excellent focal point, around which garden furniture (chairs or small sofas) is placed, paths are formed and plants are planted. Beam system layout in this case will be most advantageous.

An outdoor fireplace or large stove made of stone will not only be a functional embodiment of cooking various dishes over an open fire, but will also form a relaxing place where you can simply relax, watching the flames in the hearth.

Outdoor or covered dining area

For installation lunch group Very little space is needed. You just need to purchase a table and chairs (or mini-chairs) to be able to dine outdoors.

But if you have the opportunity to organize covered canopy For dining area on the site, then in this case your plans will not be affected by bad weather conditions. In hot weather, you and your family or guests will be protected from the sun; in rainy weather, you can safely continue lunch or dinner.

How to Design a Small Backyard

Very often, urban private houses cannot boast of having a large surrounding area. Usually in front of the house there is a place to park a car or arrange a garage, and all areas for recreation, games and cooking in the fresh air have to be moved to the backyard, the size of which is very limited.

In this case, it will be effective to place a wooden platform or deck as the basis for arranging a patio or outdoor dining area. Perennials in bulk flower beds along the perimeter of the territory or near the fence will not only decorate your backyard, but will also hide your area from prying eyes.

Next, all you have to do is choose garden furniture that will serve as a place to relax or eat outdoors. Outdoor furniture can be portable or stationary. Usually, solid stone or wooden furniture is used as stationary furniture, but for small courtyards without awnings this option is not the best option. It is better to give preference to folding furniture that you can hide in the pantry or attic when cold weather sets in.

Currently, there are many options for garden furniture to suit every taste and wallet size. The most popular among our compatriots is outdoor furniture made of plastic (affordable price and ease of transportation) and artificial rattan(looks respectable and expensive). But there are many models made of wood, forged metal, stone and even bamboo. The choice of furniture for a private patio will depend on your financial capabilities, frequency of use and ability to care for the furniture. For example, plastic furniture can be washed with a hose, but rattan products are very dependent on moisture. Forged chairs and tables need to be tinted every 2-3 years, and wooden furniture needs to be impregnated with oil and coated with varnish or protective antiseptics.

A hedge can be a decoration for your backyard. In addition to the main purpose - fencing the territory and protecting against the entry of strangers, the fence can also serve a decorative function. Its frame can serve as a basis for the arrangement of weaving plants, forming a combined hedge, or the design of the fence itself can stand out against the general background of the landscape design.

Unusual fence design or bright color will bring positive mood not only in the recreation area, but throughout the entire backyard. Furniture or soft fillings matched to the color of the fence will create a harmonious patio with an attractive appearance.

The backyard area, in addition to the option with a wooden platform, can be laid out with concrete or stone slabs, covered with fine gravel or decorative pebbles, delineating the boundaries with low borders or metal (polycarbonate) boundaries. But in the case of loose flooring, you must be prepared to constantly add material and level it over the area.

Organizing a dining area on a wooden platform is one of the most common options for using a small backyard area. What could be better than a meal with family or friends and family in the fresh air? In such an environment, the appetite is better and the food tastes better.

For an outdoor dining area, it is better to use light but stable furniture that you can bring under a canopy or even indoors and store in winter period time. But in addition to the design and material of garden furniture, the design of the products, their color and texture also matters. If the entire composition of the dining area is designed in similar colors, the place for eating will delight and soothe, creating a peaceful atmosphere. If you decide to use bright, accent pieces of furniture or decor, then the decor of the dining area will become tonic, charging with optimism and good mood. It all depends on the temperament of the homeowners and the result they want to get from their stay in the backyard.

In addition to organizing a place for relaxation or a dining area, you can place a segment for preparing kebabs and barbecues in the backyard. Whether it will be a stationary fireplace, a portable grill, a real Russian oven or just a large grill - it all depends on your preferences and the size of the yard. But in any case, you will need to take care of seating near the fire and a table that will serve many functions.

The presence of a personal plot opens up ample opportunities for the implementation of different ideas. In a beautiful frame the main thing will look impressive. The territory can be marked for recreation and recreation for adults. Qualified landscaping of the territory of a private house will help increase the level of comfort and successfully solve a number of practical problems.

Read in the article

Landscape design of the courtyard of a private house: photos and comments

To make it easier to formulate your own wishes and prepare terms of reference, you need to familiarize yourself with implemented projects. The following examples in the photo are accompanied by comments that explain individual solutions.

This technology allows you to create a reliable coating with your own hands that provides good protection of the foundation from moisture. Install behind the outer edge. Reinforcement is used to strengthen the structure.

Reinforced concrete products are durable. They are able to perform their functions for decades without damage. But over large areas such coatings do not look expressive enough. We should not forget that this technique involves “wet” labor-intensive processes. To provide high quality you will have to carry out work at air temperatures above 0°C, in dry weather.

For your information! Yard surfaces made from asphalt mixtures are not recommended. Vapors from petrochemical products can have a negative impact on human health.

For your information! To figure out how to garden house plot That’s right, in addition to plant parameters, additional important factors must be taken into account. You should consider the location of flower beds and the design of relevant structures, the laying of water supply, drainage, electrical networks. Complex preliminary analysis will help optimize the design of a summer cottage and accurately calculate cost estimates.

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An ideal solution for fencing an area that will not only serve protective functions, but also to delight the eye with its beauty and shape. How to choose plants, what are the nuances in planting and caring for them - read in our article.

Flower beds in the courtyard of a private house: photos and examples

You can create a documentation package yourself. In any case, it should contain answers to the following questions:

  • How to beautifully plant flowers in your yard so that they look good from important vantage points ( entry group, recreation area, from the windows of a residential building).
  • What to plant to ensure uniform flowering succession and create expressive compositions throughout the season.
  • Which flowers suit the overall design style.
  • How to arrange network engineering, passages for relief.

Plants for the yard in a private house are selected taking into account the exact planting location.

For your information! To study implemented ideas, use thematic photos that are not difficult to find on the Internet. When studying different options the complexity of the work and the reality of repetition should be assessed technological processes on our own without unnecessary labor and money costs.

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Photos and other materials from this article will simplify adoption right decisions. They will help you accurately implement the most daring ideas, eliminate mistakes and not exceed the established budget. A photo of a garden on a private plot demonstrates zoning using green spaces. The passage is decorated with an arch. This design is not difficult to make from metal or wooden parts. To create a beautiful private garden, sufficient space will be useful. Original flower beds can be made from old ones. car tires with your own hands. This material is easy to process, so the garden design can be diversified without unnecessary physical effort. Finished goods long time keep consumer characteristics in good condition. Furniture for the yard and garden. This figure shows the initial stage of documentation preparation. It must be supplemented with the sizes of individual elements and parameters of parts. Next, they make a list of what is needed to build a nursery in the yard. playground shopping, Supplies, tools.

For your information! If you don’t know how to build a yard or individual structures correctly, contact the specialists. When placing an order with them, specialized enterprises themselves prepare a package of project documentation without additional payment.

Construction of a gazebo in the courtyard of a private house, photo

For your information! The final price of arranging a yard in a private house depends on the cost of parts and materials, transportation costs, and the cost of reproducing technological operations. An attentive owner also takes into account the total costs of repairs during future operation.


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