How and what to make an owl from with your own hands, what kind of “owl” crafts are there? Garden figurine "owlet" DIY owl figurine

DIY garden figure Owl

Master class: DIY Owl figure for the garden

Symbol of the year 2015 according to the Slavic calendar. Feng Shui in Russian: Owl

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education for children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: work can be done with younger children school age. The material can be useful to anyone who is interested in creativity, loves gardening, and flowers.
Purpose: the work will serve as an excellent decoration for the garden plot, will decorate the interior of any home, will become a wonderful gift for family and friends.
Target: creating figures to decorate the garden from scrap materials.
- teach children to create garden figures from scrap materials: stone, wood;
-improve stone painting skills;
-develop imagination and fantasy, the creative potential of children through working with various natural materials;
- cultivate interest in design work in the design of a garden plot.
Hello, dear guests! Today I want to talk about the owl. Everyone knows that the coming year 2015 according to the eastern calendar is the year of the Goat (Sheep). But few people know that according to the Slavic calendar, the owner of 2015 is the White Owl. From time immemorial different peoples endowed the owl squad with strength inaccessible to other animals. Eagle owls and owls are the most mysterious birds, indispensable companions of fairy-tale wizards and healers. The White Owl in the Slavic calendar is a symbol of wisdom, insight and success.
If you look at the white eagle owl as the owner of the year, then he always lives according to his own regime, independent, mysterious, and a little withdrawn. In a favorable environment, he is able to miraculously open up and show himself in all his glory. In a good environment, among friends, a white eagle owl is capable of moving mountains and performing miracles. The characteristics of the white eagle owl are reminiscent of the character of Russia.

Begins Slavic year on the day of the New Year - 1st Kveten (March 22) and ends on March 15/16 before Christmastide, which does not fall under one of the totems - for this is the period of Intertime (according to other versions: on the day of the autumn equinox - September 22 or after the winter solstice on December 25 ).
On the day of the winter solstice, December 21-22, there is a holiday in honor of Kolyada and it lasts for two weeks, or even more. The celebration of Kolyada, with its fun and optimism, expressed the faith of our distant ancestors in the inevitability of the victory of good principles over the forces of evil. The name of Kolyada still sounds in Kolyadki, small songs, glorifications glorifying Kolyada, who brings good to everyone. At the same time, carolers dressed so as not to be recognized. Boys and girls “dressed up in hari (masks)” of horses, goats, cows, bears and other animals, and the mummers walked around the courtyards. They praised the owners, wished well-being to the home and family, and in return they demanded gifts, jokingly predicting ruin for the stingy. Sometimes the gifts themselves: cookies, loaves of bread were called Kolyada.

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the ancient, optimistic and life-affirming holiday of Kolyada was dedicated to the celebration of the Nativity of Christ, and the ritual custom turned into a fun game at Christmastide. The last patriarchal ban on the worship of Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684.
But the truth is not so easy to eradicate, and the ancient custom simply passed into a different form, unfortunately, having lost the true meaning to which it was originally dedicated. In ancient times, the god Kolyada gave many Slavic families seasonal time calculation system for conducting field work - Kolyada's gift. This calendar existed in Rus' before the introduction of Christianity and carries with it a huge layer of knowledge of our ancient and wise Ancestors. In Summer 7208 (1700 AD), our ancient calendar was banned by Peter the Great, who issued a decree abolishing all old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands. He introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, thereby stealing 5508 years of Great Heritage from the people.

Any calculation has a starting point from some significant event. For example, it is now 2015 AD. Of course, our calendar, abolished by Peter, also had a starting point.
The countdown began from the summer (year) called the “Star Temple,” in which our ancestors won a great victory over Arimia, the land of the Dragon (present-day China), ended a long and bloody war, and concluded - they created the world. Obviously, the event was so important and significant that for 7209 years, until the reign of Peter I, Rus' lived under the sign of the Calendar, which begins its countdown from the Creation of the World in the Summer of the Star Temple, according to which, at the time of this publication, there is 7524 Summer.
The symbol of this victory was a Russian warrior piercing a serpent with a spear, known today as St. George the Victorious. The meaning of this symbol has never been explained in the "official" history.
Ancient frescoes and engravings depict a white knight on a horse, striking the Dragon with a spear (symbol of China-Arimia). Later, the Dragon was replaced by the abstract Serpent, and the Knight-Arius, who in Rus' was called Yuri, received the name of George, the Christian holy great martyr George the Victorious.

The famous mystical philosopher N.K. Roerich argued that the owl is an ambivalent (dual) symbol. This is expressed in the fact that on the one hand there is wisdom and insight, on the other there is magic and the occult. In pre-Christian times, the owl was considered a sacred bird and was associated with reason, the secret of knowledge.
It is generally accepted that an owl figurine in a house or on a person’s body protects against evil spirits and evil spirits. The huge glowing eyes of an owl symbolize the light of the soul, so with such a talisman evil spirits are not afraid.
The white polar owl cares about family life, so it is better to place figurines or images of a white owl where all family members gather - in the living room or bedroom. An owl is able to accumulate positive or negative energy that surrounds it, and then give it to its owners. Therefore, you need to place the owl in the center of the house, where it is always crowded. And you shouldn’t quarrel in front of an owl, because all the negativity that the bird “absorbs” will be returned again. For the same reason, you should not place the owl in empty and cold corners.
The owl is the strongest symbol feminine energy. In ancient times it was called the winged cat. And the cat, as you know, is associated with affection, tenderness, softness and purely feminine cunning. This talisman will help its lonely owner find woman's happiness. You just need to carry this owl under your heart, hanging it on an elegant thin chain. An owl will help a married woman to save family relationships from quarrels and all kinds of troubles. In this case, in addition to a personal talisman, it would be nice for the wife to hang a picture or panel depicting an owl at the head of the marital bed.

In the Slavic tradition (Russian feng shui), the owl was revered as the keeper of treasures and underground wealth. The owl amulet was placed in the house to attract money.
In the Chinese art of Feng Shui, the image of an owl can often be seen in “tandem” with a money tree. This figurine represents two symbols - the money tree, which brings wealth, and the owl, which protects wealth from bad looks and careless thoughts. Feng Shui masters advise placing the bird in a room where you keep money. And remember that the owl needs your constant attention, and only in this way will it be able to give its positive energy to the inhabitants of the house. You can place an owl next to a money toad, which is clutching a coin in its mouth, in this case, both talismans will interact with each other and bring prosperity to the house.
The talisman has a beneficial effect when placed in the office, especially if they work with money there or make decisions regarding their spending or receiving. Placing an owl on your desktop helps increase your earnings. A figurine of a white or transparent owl with spread wings is a talisman for career growth, so to achieve success it is placed in the office. In order for children to learn how to spend their pocket money wisely, you also need to place an owl figurine in their room.

According to Feng Shui, the owl is a symbol of wisdom and clarity of mind. Feng Shui symbols depicting an owl are recommended to be placed in the north-eastern part of the room or on desk. It is enough to even place a picture of a bird on the wall in the children's room. The presence of an owl will stimulate the thirst for knowledge, and promote successful study and prudence. As a talisman, you can take a small figurine or decoration with an owl with you to exams. This talisman also works in the form of a keychain, pendant or bracelet, so it can have a beneficial effect on children at school.
If your school and student years are long behind you, an owl will direct your thoughts in the right direction and tell you how to properly use your accumulated experience. Place the figurine next to a safe or place where you store your savings and be sure that not a single ruble will be wasted. The vigilant guard will ensure that financial well-being never left your home. .To strengthen the talisman, you can place three owls side by side. The triad of owls will protect the house from evil and protect its inhabitants.
An owl figurine made of oak can protect you from any disease; just touch it once a day, directing your thoughts towards health.

Interestingly, each zodiac sign has its own owl.
An owl with folded wings. For men, this is success. For women, it’s sexuality.
Owl with spread wings. It will add determination to the sophisticated Taurus, which can lead to long-awaited success.
The feather of a polar owl will help sociable Geminis not to suffer from liars.
Picture of an owl on the wall in the bedroom. This will help them maintain good family relationships, which are of particular importance to them.
Amulet in the form of a brooch or pendant. This will soften the harsh power of Leo, and will add charm and sexuality to the Leo woman.
An owl amulet in the interior of the house will strengthen their family relationships, which sometimes suffer greatly due to the independence of Virgos, which prevents them from immersing themselves in family life, from which the Virgos themselves suffer.
The crystal owl of good luck and success will help Libra, who loves poise and balance, to finally take a decisive step forward in business or career.
Wooden owl figurine. It can prevent Scorpios from self-destruction and give them additional strength and energy.
An owl with folded wings, which is able to correct the swiftness and inconstancy of Sagittarius and give them wisdom and prudence.
Pendant for any owl figurine from any precious metal. She will add a little frivolity to hardworking and disciplined Capricorns.
Owl amulet in the form of a mosaic, painting, figure, panel, located above front door, will help attract love to Aquarius, who often suffers from loneliness.
Arctic owl with spread wings. She will give soft and kind Pisces the business acumen and determination they so lack.
Call this mysterious bird to be your assistant. Believe me, her help will not be superfluous.

Materials and tools:
-stone, tree (stump)
- water-based paint for exterior use
- universal acrylic varnish
-a glass for water, a cloth

Progress of the master class:

We begin work by priming the surface of the stone, covering it water-based paint and let it dry.

Then yellow draw the bird's eyes.

Then mix white and black gouache to obtain gray. We paint the owl with the resulting color, leaving the outlines of the eyes white. Since the surface of the stone has some roughness, we will create an imitation of the plumage of a bird, with uneven painting of the background. Using a brush, lightly touching the stone, we will walk along its entire circumference.

Then we will work with a thin brush, we will draw feathers in black. We draw many small arched strokes - this is the back of the bird.

Now let’s work on the owl’s eyes in detail. We draw black contours of the eyes and pupils, and make a smooth transition from black to yellow.

All we have to do is draw the bird’s beak and feathers.

We add white highlights to the pupils, cover the figure with varnish after the paints have dried and place it in the place chosen for it.

Creating owl figurines to decorate the garden is a very simple task, and you can come up with many options for implementing this idea: a plastic bottle, an old flower pot, stone. I caught my eye on the stump of an old tree with a splinter very similar to an owl. Using a saw, I just sawed off the top in the shape of a bird’s ears, peeled off the bark, this is necessary to prevent the wood from rotting, and made eyes from old cabinet door handles. This tree with an owl on top is part of alpine slide, a wall restraining the earthen layer.

Like any material, wood requires care and protection, so I covered it with stain.

Then we paint the owl’s figure on all sides with water-based paint, and when dry, we begin painting with gouache. Let's start with the bird's eyes.

Use brown to draw the beak and sketch out the eyebrows of the owl. We draw black contours of the eyes.

We outline the beak in black.

And while the paint is not dry, we make a smooth transition from black to brown, adding white highlights to the beak. Then brown We begin to draw in detail front part owls.

We draw brown contours, wash the brush, and with a clean, semi-dry brush we make a wash of brown - a smooth transition from brown to white

Using black color we make the eyes more expressive and add shadows to the eyebrows.

Inside the eyes we make “little things” using white and green colors.

All we have to do is draw the feathers on the bottom of the owl figure, draw brown triangles.

Then the wavy outlines of feathers.

Add some gray shadows to the surface of the bird, and once the paints have dried, be sure to varnish it.

My owl will be unusual, as if carrying two essences at once. Now we paint the figure on the other side, draw round eyes and a triangular nose.

Using brown color we outline the silhouette of a bird.

Good afternoon, today we will make an owl with our own hands - in a variety of techniques. This article is the largest piggy bank, where owl crafts are arranged according to themes and materials from which they are made. You will see simple crafts for children in kindergarten or junior schoolchildren. You will also find ideas for adult crafts on the theme of an owl, worthy of decorating the interior of a house or apartment.

  • DIY owls made from natural materials.
  • Owl leaf appliques.
  • Owl crafts made from felt and fabric.
  • Owls from kitchen utensils.
  • Owls using quilling technique
  • Owls - crafts made from paper and cardboard.
  • Mosaic owls made from buttons and tiles.

Let's start making an owl with our own hands.

Craft owl FROM WOOD.

Very beautiful owls can be made using thin cuts of logs. Ordinary firewood and a hacksaw in the determined hands of a designer can create a charming owl craft. As we can see in the photo below, we will need one large cut (here you will need to work hard with a hacksaw) and several smaller cuts (this work is already quick).

The large saw cut will be the basis of the owl's body, and the smaller cuts will serve as the eyes and plumage on the owl's chest. They can also become wings. Or the wing can be made from a pine cone or a piece of bark, birch bark from the same firewood (trim the bark with scissors, giving it an oval wing shape).

If you don't have large cuts, you can use small cuts and make a beautiful little owl with your own hands. Eyes can be made from buttons (as in the photo below). Draw the wing pattern with a felt-tip pen or regular pharmaceutical iodine. Or the design of the wings can be made with a burning device - the legs are molded from plasticine, fluffy wire, birch branches or cut out of cardboard.

Wood logs can be used to make tall owls. With large eyes and a bumpy nose. Such owl crafts will decorate your country cottage area. Or they can become part of a festive autumn composition to decorate a celebration - a wedding in the yard, for example.

Owl craft

from tree bark.

Even regular pieces barks can become a craft in the form of an owl. You just need to give a piece of bark the outline of an oval with two pointed corners at the top (to create the contours of the ears). And then we make the eyes and nose. The eyes are large and the nose is small, pointed downwards. Eyes can be made from acorn caps, from cuts of a thick branch, from buttons, or from round slices of apples dried in the sun. From two large flowers (for example, asters). From any natural material that has round shape or round cut.

The wings for this bark owl craft can be made from ordinary leaves or paper (fabric) cut in the shape autumn leaf. As we can see in the photo of the craft below.

Crafts-wreaths with owls

with your own hands.

We have already said what beautiful autumn compositions in the form of wreaths you can make with your own hands as a craft for a school competition. In the same way, we can design our autumn wreath in the form of a large owl. And do all this from autumn natural material.

All we need is large leaf cardboard (from pizza or from a packaging box from household appliances). And we will also need a glue gun (sold in very cheap craft and construction departments of the store - it costs a couple of dollars).

Cut out a donut ring from a cardboard box. This will be the basis for the future owl. And now we attach pieces of natural material to this cardboard ring with a glue gun. In the woodshed there are always a lot of logs, chips, bark and birch bark - all lying around idle. And we will put everything into a craft. We attach this natural debris to our cardboard ring. Add bright circles of eyes from colored cardboard, a beak, elements of wings (optional) and legs.

Eyes can be cut out in the shape of flowers. You will find how to cut beautiful paper flowers and many templates for them in the article “Paper Flowers”. Wings can become oak leaves– real or also cut out of cardboard.

A variety of dry leaves, herbs and flowers can become a source of owl crafts. You can cut out a solid circle of cardboard (without a hole in the center) and fill the entire circular space with natural material. You will end up with a rich autumn DIY owl craft - which will decorate any exhibition in a school or kindergarten.

Crafts-owls from cones

with your own hands.

Beautiful pine cones - large and small - can become the source of a beautiful owl craft. We take a large fir cone (or even better, a cedar one, but it’s not so easy to get in the city) and a small pine one. The fir cone will be the body, the pine head.

Using a glue gun (or plasticine) we attach a small bump to a large one - at an angle. Don't worry if the gluing area is sloppy - it will be covered with the owl's large eyes. Next you need to put the craft on the paws - we make them from dried bean pods(we also attach it with glue from a gun or plasticine). Next, we cut the sides of the cone-body with a knife, take out a row of ingots on the left and right, or push the scales apart, and into this gap We insert bunches of thin birch branches onto the glue gun.

The eyes are bunches of small straws(or dried corn stigmas, or hairs from ears of corn) which were collected in a bundle - then this bundle tied with thread in the middle. And from this mid-bandaging fluffed the bun in a circle. And this circular fluffy spread was fixed with glue - pressing the eye-button on top.

Your children can also make a little owlet from one pine cone. The eyes are made of cardboard, the beak is made from dried orange peel. Wings can also be made from peels. Ears made from leaves, a forelock on the head made from a piece of moss. Moss can be brought from the forest. And plant an owl craft on this moss hummock - you’ll get a wonderful autumn composition.

Even from the most moss hummock you can make an owl. And the scales from the cone will be the feathering of the wings. The eyes are caps from acorns, the nose is cut out of birch bark, and the paws are too.

And if you have pieces of felt at home, you can make these beautiful owl crafts.

You can also gut the cone - pull out all the scales with tongs. And from these scales, lay out the outline of an owl like a mosaic puzzle. Place all this on a tinted canvas made from a piece of plywood - attach it with glue from a gun. Complete the composition with a branch with dry leaves.

You can also throw small cones, acorns, chestnuts, nuts and Christmas tree branches into a transparent glass jar (let the child himself collect whatever his heart desires into the jar). And together with it, it remains to decorate the surface of the jar in the shape of an owl. You will also get an owl craft made from natural materials.

From the leftover caps of acorns and chestnuts you can make little owlets with your children. Attach all parts to plasticine or sharp toothpicks.

Crafts-owls from LEAVES

with your own hands.

Leaf applique is another technique that is very suitable for creating any birds, including owls. The rows of leaves resemble plumage, so owl leaf appliques look very realistic and artistically beautiful.

First, you can cut out a large owl from packaging cardboard - the outline of the future craft. And then cover it with feather leaves on a glue gun.

You can make an owl applique from foliage coniferous plants- fir, spruce, pine. The base for the application can be a sheet of cardboard, plywood or a cut of a thick log. Line the edges of the applique with branches. And then in each sector of the craft - on a layer of glue - put pine needles and fir legs.

It is very interesting when an owl applique made from natural materials uses not only dry leaves and flowers, but also a more uniform filling: poplar fluff, dry grass, pieces of moss.

You can also do PHOTO CRAFTS, this is when you work with fresh material that cannot be glued and sealed for long. Perishable crafts can only be recorded using PHOTO SHOOTING. That is, we lay out our craft on a table on a white background - without glue, just like that - and then take a photo in good quality and print it out, put it in a frame and it serves as an interior decoration. Such photo crafts with owls can be used as gift pictures or greeting cards.

Household items

in making owl crafts.

Regular bottle caps can be turned into cute owls. Very cute mini owl crafts that your kids will love. They will be happy to play with them, put them in a dollhouse, and ride them in a Barbie Cadillac.

And if you cut the cork into round pieces, you can use them to make an owl like a geometric mosaic. A good and interesting owl craft for children.

Any household items that have already served their kitchen life faithfully can turn into pets - cute and cozy owls. Can and beer lids will give the owl craft expressive eyes with eyelashes. The wire wrapped around the perch will become the tenacious paws of such an original owl.

A chipped saucer that you were going to throw away, cups with broken handles, old can openers - anything can become the basis for an owl craft. Bright, beautiful and non-standard.

You can also twist it from household twine beautiful craft owl (as in the photo below). Inflate two balloon– more for the body and less for the head. We throw the roll of twine into a bowl where glue (silicate or pva) has already been poured - we wrap the threads smeared in glue onto the balloons. We dry it by hanging it on the chandelier. We burst the ball and separate it from the thread web. We get two cobweb balls - we put them on top of each other and form the remaining elements of the owl - ear ties, cotton eyes with cardboard pupils, a nose and an elegant tie on the neck with a pine cone or a sprig of acorns.

You can make an owl with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle. You need to cut off the bottom part of the bottle (this will be the top of the head) and top part, cutting off its neck (this will be the lower half of the owl). We put two parts on top of each other and paint them with paints. If you are using gouache rather than acrylic, then after painting and drying you need to fix the paint with hairspray.

Regular corrugated packaging (cardboard TV boxes, etc.) can become a source of material for a DIY owl craft. The easiest way for kids is to cut out silhouettes of owls and stick bottle caps on them. Vibrant colors plastic lids will be even more elegant than metal beer halls.

Crafts made from corrugated cardboard can be supplemented with inserts made of colored paper.

And the technique for making such an owl craft can be different - either on a flat cardboard base or using twisted rolls of corrugated cardboard, as in the photo below.

We simply cut the cardboard into strips, roll them into rolls, fix them with glue, and use these rolls to make a craft. And you can make owl legs from wire.

You can buy real children's craft corrugated cardboard and make more neat owl crafts out of it, as in the photo below. Children will love this DIY owl – it’s beautiful, quite simple and elegant. And in New Year it can be hung as a toy on the Christmas tree.

DIY owls

using quilling technique.

Quilling is a technique for making crafts from thin strips of paper that are rolled into roll-up modules. Modules are given different size and shape, and from them, like puzzles, crafts are assembled - flat or three-dimensional.

Below we see a very small owl made with our own hands using this technique. We wrap strips of black paper around a thin rod. Then we wrap these round black jackets with white paper stripes, then with blue ones - we get three-color eyes.

The body is the largest roll of white paper.

Eyebrows are round twists - first twisted tightly around a shaft, then allowed to unwind to relax, and then rolled into the shape of long, wavy modules.

The wings and nose are also round twists, which were slightly loosened and unwound and then shaped into a teardrop shape with your fingers.

You can twist an owl from oval narrow long twists as in the photo below. The ears are the same round twists that were shaped into a triangular shape with your fingers.

We can lay the quilling owl with our own hands on a cardboard base - arrange it in the form of a regular appliqué painting.

DIY paper owls.


The simplest children's owl craft is an applique made of paper and maple leaves. For kindergarten junior group This craft is the most suitable. It’s simple and quick and the kids really like it.

Silhouettes of owls can be completely undefined - in the form of a cloud with uneven edges, made of paper, unevenly torn, from fluffy scraps of cotton wool or padding polyester.

Owl crafts can be painted using paint applied using the poking method with a piece of foam rubber (photo below).

Children middle group They love to make cut-out appliqués. First you need to tear a sheet of paper into thin strips - and then each strip into paper scraps. Having made a bunch of such blank scraps, you can start making an owl with your own hands. The color can be brown, black or white if against the night sky.

Senior kindergarten groups or junior schoolchildren can make this autumn owl craft. A tree trunk is a sheet of paper that is folded in half lengthwise and in half again - only 2 times. Then they unfolded it and got a sheet of paper divided by fold lines into 4 parts. We glue the two outer parts together overlapping each other - and the two central parts end up rearing at this angle - forming a convex log. We cut out a hollow hole in it with scissors. We glue a paper spring to the bottom of the hollow (I have already told you how to fold two paper strips crosswise into a spring). And on this spring, which rises above the bottom of the hollow, we glue an owl made of paper or cardboard.

From ordinary paper bags You can make an owl very quickly. We put a lump of crumpled newspaper in a bag and tie the bag with twine. We glue the nose, eyes and paws on it and get a simple and quick DIY owl craft.

Also from regular cardboard you can make an elegant owl craft. Roll the cardboard into a tube– we attach it to a stapler (staples), because the glue will not hold. Next, we press the cardboard tube in the upper part with our finger - front and back - and we get owl ears.

All that's left is to figure out how to decorate it. The beak, eyes and paws are understandable. But you can also add wings from paper fans or from paper cupcake tins. From the same molds you can make fluffy owl breasts - as in the photo below.

DIY owls


Any fabric is suitable for making an owl. Your linen trousers. Remains of upholstery fabric. Torn floral chintz blouse. Any scraps can quickly become beautiful DIY owls.

Even ordinary socks can turn into cute owls. The toe part is cut off. And the top is cut in the shape of a triangle. This triangular protrusion extends forward and forms the ears and the tip of the beak. We sew on eyes and wings from felt or pieces of the same sock.

Flat crafts-appliques made of felt in the shape of an owl Same interesting topic for children. Here you need to carefully cut out all the details and sew them onto thick fabric stretched over an embroidery hoop.

You can make felt owls with your own hands in the most different styles. It could be a charming young lady owl - a pure organ charm - or a craft in the form of a hooligan owl.

Felt owls can complement elegant autumn wreaths for interior decoration.

Your children will also be happy to do whole tree with little felt owls.

In the shape of an owl, you can make a keychain from felt and a fragrant pendant for your car (if you fill it with the contents of a laundry sachet - dried lavender, etc.).

You can also sew a case for your phone or notebook in the shape of a cute owl with your own hands.

And even the table setting can be decorated in the theme of owls - sew covers for cutlery with owl wing pockets.

Owl drawings

Children's crafts.

You can also do it yourself craft stickers made from stained glass rubber paints. On a piece of paper, draw a rough sketch of an owl. We insert a sheet of paper into a transparent office file and trace the outlines of the picture with stained glass children's paints. Dry on the closet for one night. And we peel off the frozen dense owl pattern from the cellophane and glue it to the window or mirror. Beautiful DIY owl craft.

You can paint with ordinary paints - gouache or acrylic bright cartoon owls u. It’s very simple here - the owl can have any shape - the main thing is that it has ears, eyes and a beak. Everything else is up to your taste and imagination.

The main thing (pay attention to the photo) is each painted element of the owl outline with a separate color. Then the drawing will be expressive and not blurry.

You can draw a whole owl tree. First draw with a pencil. And then ask the children to decorate with all the colors. They will really love this DIY coloring activity.

DIY owls

Mosaic crafts.

Children love it very much play mosaic. What if this mosaic is made from colored buttons and beads. And offer them the outlines of an owl drawn on paper. Children will be happy to put together these owls. If the applique is successful, you can photograph it, then remove all the buttons and repeat the craft from the photograph already on hot glue from a pistol.

Buttons are an expensive pleasure these days. To make the craft require less money, you can order cheap sets of buttons on Ali Express (Chinese website). You can also use buttons only in some elements of the owl - and fill the rest of the space with beads(it’s cheaper this way) – as it’s done in the photo below.

You can add the outlines of such a mosaic from long bugle sticks- as in the photo of the craft below.

You can make an owl mosaic with your own hands from a bat ceramic tiles . Regular facing tiles break it with a hammer (wrapped in a towel so that the fragments do not fly away).

Prepare a flat tray. Place cement or gypsum mortar– the mixture for laying tiles is suitable. Using this wet solution, draw the outline of an owl with a sharp stick and lay the mosaic.

Very good to use in such applications old CDs- they are simply cut into fragments with scissors. It turns out very beautiful (photo below).

You can also use large beads, rhinestones and glass decorative stones from a decor store in this mosaic appliqué.

For such a mosaic craft, you can make a backing from a kitchen board. And then this DIY painting can decorate your kitchen.

And you don’t have to throw away the broken set, but use it to make your own owl craft.

Here is a collection of ideas for those who want to make a real beautiful owl with their own hands.

Happy crafting this season.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site

The owl is a mysterious bird that is nocturnal and can navigate well in the dark. The forest dweller is wise and elusive. Only an owl can appear unnoticed and disappear just as quietly. The mysterious bird is revered as a symbol of wisdom and the owner of secret knowledge. But what does the owl talisman actually symbolize, and what effect does it have on a person?

Some peoples believe bird of prey a messenger from the other world. It is believed that she serves demonic forces and is a conductor of human souls from the kingdom of the living to the kingdom of the dead. Therefore, a bird flying to the window or house of a sick person is considered a bad omen and prophesies death.

It is also considered a bad sign if an owl sits in the yard unmarried woman. Knowledgeable people interpret such a visit as a sign of the young lady’s unenviable and lonely lot.

  • IN Slavic culture The owl was considered a traditional female talisman and amulet. The night bird symbolized an old maid, a widow or a dissolute girl.
  • It was believed that if an owl flew over the house of a lonely woman and screamed, the girl would quickly give birth to an illegitimate child.
  • In Europe, it was believed that if a pregnant girl heard the cry of an owl, she would certainly give birth to a girl.

In Ukrainian wedding rituals, the bride was called “owl” and songs were sung to her on the evening before the wedding night. To this day, the owl figurine has retained its feminine energy of the Moon, symbolizing grace, sexuality and wisdom.

Now many Old Slavonic prejudices have sunk into oblivion, and the symbol is no longer considered something vicious. And in order to preserve their femininity, girls must definitely have such a talisman with them. It does not have to be a large and voluminous figurine. A small metal clip on your hair or a wooden keychain on your purse will be enough.

From time immemorial, the owl has been considered the embodiment of wisdom. In modern esoteric science, the symbol of this bird is often used to attract good luck to the home, increase wealth, or as an amulet against evil forces.

Symbol of knowledge

In ancient times, alchemists and magicians used a stuffed owl. It was believed that the mummified owl helped to open the door to the unidentified world of spirits. Many healers also kept an owl in their home as a pet in order to gain secret knowledge and develop intuition.

To improve memory and observation, small ceramic or wooden figurines were made and placed under the pillow. The amulet was also placed on a book that had been read, so that the knowledge from it would be remembered for a long time.

Nowadays, many students preparing for exams use a small pendant with the image of a night predator. They say that the talisman helps to better assimilate educational material.

The talisman will also come in handy in houses where schoolchildren live. Many parents note that an owl figurine on the desk helps their children learn. Children show greater diligence and interest in knowledge and science. They begin to memorize poems and formulas better.

Owl as a protective amulet

The owl figurine is also used as a talisman against bad eyes, bad thoughts and evil spells. The bird's large luminous eyes act like a mirror, and with their magical glow they reflect all sorts of dirty tricks from a person.

When choosing a protective amulet, you should give preference to a bird with open eyes. It would be good if the patroness’s eyes were made of semi-precious or precious stones. You don’t have to worry too much about the shape of the bird itself.

If in a person's life there comes black line, the owl is capable of dispelling dark clouds over the head of its owner. The bird is very wise and perspicacious and will definitely show the owner the best way out of the current circumstances.

But in order for the talisman to start working, it is necessary to perform a ritual:

  1. In the evening, when the moon has already appeared in the sky, hold the amulet in your palms and ask the winged helper for protection.
  2. There is no need to read prayers. Ask for help in your own words, the main thing is to put as much energy into the request as possible.

But what is important is the material from which the figurine is made. The most powerful are talismans made of metal, wood or ceramics. But plastic figures can only become decorative elements. Unfortunately, such owls do not have protective functions.

Three owls sitting nearby will be able to protect your home from evil spells and all evil spirits. However, you need to know that birds do not like quarrels and scandals in the house. And in order for the amulet to fulfill its functions, try to minimize all family squabbles.

Symbol of wealth and prosperity

To save family budget and not waste your finances in vain, place the owl next to the place where your savings are located. The wise bird will take care of your savings, and not a single coin will be wasted.

In Eastern teachings, the owl is revered as one of the symbols of wealth. But the most powerful amulet for attracting and maintaining wealth is considered to be an owl sitting on money tree or wooden platform.

And also to preserve and increase wealth, you can put a pendant in the shape of an owl or a coin with the image of a night bird in your wallet.

Symbol of fortune and good luck

In the offices successful people You can often spot a figurine of a flying owl. This is because the figurine of a night predator with spread wings symbolizes climbing the career ladder and success in business.

  • With her widely spaced wings, the feathered helper seems to push away all indecision and fears.
  • And at the same time, it helps to make the wisest decisions and not make hasty conclusions.
  • To attract good luck into your life, you should always carry the owl symbol with you or place it next to your workplace.

However, this amulet cannot be presented as a gift. Of course, an owl will bring prosperity to its owner, but the giver can suffer all kinds of failures and misfortunes.

By the way, in some nationalities it was customary to put the owl symbol on the body in the form of a tattoo. It was believed that, in this way, a person takes upon himself all the wisdom and insight of the mysterious bird.

How to predict the future with an owl amulet

The mysterious bird is able to look into the future and predict what a person's married path will be. It is believed that an owl figurine helps its owner to comprehend secret knowledge and develop the gift of clairvoyance.

  • To look into the unknown, you need to put an owl figurine under your pillow, after asking it a question that worries you.
  • On this night, be extremely careful, because the secrets of the future will be revealed to you.

It is also important where you place the forest dweller. The owl does not respect dark corners, so it is better to place the talisman in a visible place in the house. In addition, the owl mascot needs constant attention. From time to time the amulet needs to be stroked and thanked for any assistance.

The fortune teller owl will also help in amorous matters. To do this, the bird must also be placed under the pillow, having previously asked the question of interest.

For example: “Does this or that person love or not, and is it worth spending time on her?” The next day, when the sun has already hidden behind the horizon and the moon begins to dominate the sky, take the figurine and a deck of cards.

Hold the talisman and the deck of cards in your palms for a while and begin the ritual:

  1. Remove the 7 of spades, 7 of hearts and the Ace of hearts from the deck.
  2. Take the cards in your hands and hold them in your palms along with the amulet for several minutes.
  3. Then shuffle the cards and turn them face down.
  4. Lay the cards out on the table and turn to the amulet and say the following words:

“Just as you are filled with wisdom, owl, give me knowledge - show me whether he loves or doesn’t love!”

  • Ace of Hearts - the intended person has sincere feelings for you and can be trusted.
  • Seven of Hearts - indicates a lack of special affection for you; you will not succeed in anything serious with the person you have in mind.
  • Seven of Spades - the person you are bewitching experiences complete indifference towards you, bordering on hostility.

"Owl" signs

Both everyday and weather signs are associated with the night bird:

Despite the fact that progress has stepped far forward, and numerous ancient symbols have sunk into oblivion. The talisman in the form of an owl has come to us through the centuries and has not lost its sacred meaning.

People are increasingly beginning to reach out to their origins and traditions. Of course, we can no longer afford to worship any symbol in public, and we probably no longer need it. But we can quite afford to put an owl figurine on the table to attract success or buy a protective keychain in the shape of a miracle bird.

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Board games provide fun and colorful entertainment for every family. Don’t rush to buy games in stores, but try to make them yourself, this will help you create a special gaming style. In this article we will look at: how to do Board games with your own hands.

Everyone knows this game from school. However, you thought that it needed a pen and a leaf, but it can be made from wood, fabric, magnets, stones, buttons and other figures. Just get creative and create a playing field, for example, on the refrigerator or pieces of fabric in the shape of a heart.

Travel around the world walking game

This game can be played by 2 to 6 people. You will need a "card", a die and chips. Each player rolls a digital die in turn, gets a number and makes a required quantity steps on the map. The winner is the one who gets to the finish line first, and the catch is that there are numbers on the map that return the player a few steps back, or move him forward.

The main process is to create a map. Lay out 8 A4 sheets in 2 rows, leaving half a centimeter gaps so that you can fold the card later. Place a weight on each sheet to prevent it from moving, then tape the sheets along each row. Draw a route of moves with a pencil and arrange stops, for example (1-60 or 1-90), between each stop, make a distance of 2-3 cm. Mark bonus and penalty steps, indicate the direction with arrows. Fill with drawings empty seats on the map. A digital cube can be purchased at an office supply store or made from cardboard. For chips, use small Kinder Surprise toys, buttons, small cookies...

You can create a geographic puzzle to explore the country. Buy or print contour map, paint each area with a separate color (in addition, you can indicate clues - sea, mountains, attractions...), then glue the map onto a thick sheet of cardboard, cut it into squares or other figures.

It is also very easy to create another puzzle. Collect 7-10 popsicle sticks and cut out a suitable picture from a magazine or draw it yourself. Place the sticks on a flat surface next to each other, stick the picture, wait until the glue dries and cut the sticks. WITH reverse side Attach Velcro to each stick so that you can later attach the puzzle to the felt.

Another name for the game is “say otherwise.” The idea is simple: from 4 to 16 people play. Participants are divided into teams. A team can have 2,3,4 people. One of them pulls out a card on which 8-10 words are written, each word must be explained in other words, you can use sounds (for example: woof-woof, meow...) you cannot show and use words of the same root. You are given 1 minute for 1 card, you need to quickly guess as many words as possible. You can make add-on cards on which emotions or instructions will be written. During the explanation, the person must be happy, or vice versa, sad, and the team must additionally guess the emotion and action that the explainer is doing. The team with the most guessed words wins. This game is great for developing logical thinking and increases vocabulary.

Cut out cards from cardboard and beautifully write commonly used words, for example: soup, ice, monkey, enemy, sweet, photograph... There should be at least 30 cards with 10 words written on them. Words should not be repeated.

You can create a playing field for aliases. Mark the steps on it and make chips. The principle of creation is described in the game trip around the world. However, you can play without a field, just appoint a referee who will count the points and record the time.

This is a very fun game played by 2 people. I press the edge of the bean with a coin and it jumps like a flea. The main task is to hit the enemy's goal with a flea, then you get a point and the flea is removed from the field. If a flea lands on your field, you can pick it up and use it next time; if a flea lands on your opponent’s field, the point is not counted and it simply remains lying there until the next turn. If the flea hits its own goal, the point is awarded to the opponent. The game continues until someone runs out of fleas.

To make a playing field, take a candy box, colored paper and thick fabric. Cover the inside of the box with colored paper and make fabric sides to prevent fleas from flying away. Use beans as fleas and don’t forget about large coins.

This game involves from 2 to 10 people. 16 cards are produced. Every two cards contain the same images. One person lays out the cards in a square in a chaotic order with the pattern facing up, while at the same time the person who will play stands with his back turned. He turns for exactly 5 seconds and tries to remember the images. It is turned away and the cards are turned over to the other side. Now he must turn over the cards and find pairs within a minute. The person who guesses the largest number of pairs with the same pictures wins. Cards can be made from cardboard and any drawings can be drawn.

To create this game you will need a cardboard candy box, cocktail straws and a small ball, you can use a bead. Think over and draw a labyrinth. Glue the cocktail tubes. Place the ball and start the game.

You can use lids, buttons, sewn circles of fabric, various figures and even plasticine as checkers. Fantasize and surprise everyone with your creativity!

Create original chess that will not walk, but jump. Make 16 white and 16 black jumping frogs and draw the titles. Detailed master class how to make a jumping frog out of paper, described

For dominoes, create 28 pieces, they can be made by coloring pebbles, ice cream sticks, sewn from felt...

When creating this game with your own hands, you can use your city - it will be more interesting. Think about the colors of the districts, print out almost “real” money and come up with realistic tasks, for example: paying utility bills. Create your own exciting original game.

Almost everyone knows this exciting psychological game. It's perfect for big company. Make cards by drawing them yourself, or simply print them from the Internet, then cut them up.

An owl figurine in the garden is not superfluous - firstly, this bird symbolizes wisdom (and this quality will not hurt anyone), and secondly, you can appoint it as the night guard of your estate.

There are many ways to create this colorful bird, let's look at just two of them. We will choose plastic containers as the material.

Owl from a plastic bottle-canister

Materials and tools you will need:

  • Plastic bottle canister;
  • 2 small metal lids from jars - for the bird’s eyes;
  • 2 metal lids the bottles will become the pupils of an owl;
  • 2 aluminum forks - for paws;
  • The paint is white;
  • Paint black;
  • The paint is yellow;
  • Plastic from bottles - for the wings and hat of the owl;
  • Brush for painting bottle;
  • Brush for drawing details of the figure;
  • Fasteners for owl eyes - glue for plastic or just wire.

Various construction fluids are sold in plastic bottles with handles, detergents or milk. An owl based on such a bootle will turn out to be quite large - if you attach it to a tree branch, it will be clearly visible from below and even from afar. The bigger the bootle, the bigger the owl.

This plastic canister for creating crafts is especially convenient because it has a handle - a ready-made owl beak.

Paint the bottle canister with white paint. We use either acrylic or spray paint. Learn more about what paint is best for painting garden figurines made from plastic bottles. The canister can be painted both outside and inside (pour the paint into the bottle and shake it so that it spreads). The second option is good because the paint layer will last longer. But if you paint the outside, the paint will last a season or two, and then the craft can be renewed.

We prepare the plastic for the bird's hat. By the way, such a hat is called an academic or confederate hat. We have a very serious and learned owl planned! We cut out a square of plastic for the confederate and two oblong wings. We also paint these parts with white paint.

We attach the covers to the owl's head (on both sides of the handle-beak). This requires a powerful construction adhesive. For example, glue with funny name, which is capable of gluing almost any materials.

If our fasteners are wire, we will have to first make holes in all the covers. It is not necessary to drill (although this is possible), it is easier to pierce the lids with a nail using a hammer - the lid metal is soft.

We make slits on the sides of the canister and attach the wings in them.

We attach the academic cap - also with glue or wire.

We bend the aluminum forks and paint the “legs” with black paint.

We fix the legs in the holes that we make in the bottom plastic canister. However, an owl for the garden can do without legs - in this case, we’ll simply sit it on a branch, pretending that it has tucked its legs and they are not visible from under the plumage.

When ready, use a small brush to draw the feathers.

Owl from a plastic shampoo bottle

You will need:

  • Plastic bottle for shampoo or other detergent;
  • Lids from small jars;
  • Toy eyes. You can get by with homemade eyes - as in the first version of the owl from a bottle canister;
  • Paint suitable for painting crafts. But you may not need it - most shampoo containers are made of high-quality, evenly colored plastic;
  • Felt or other dense material for the owl's wings and legs. But the wings and legs can also be made from bottle plastic; this is even preferable for the garden - you don’t need to worry that the fabric used in the craft will get wet from rain or fade in the sun. But little material will be needed for the parts and it won’t cost much money, so replacing the elements over time is not a problem.

We cut in the wings and legs of the bird and secure them with glue or wire.

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