How to install a chimney. Chimney in a private house. Types of steel structures

This is simply necessary.

Chimney in heating system plays three main functions at home. Below we will look at these functions in more detail.

1) is necessary for removing combustion products, which are very harmful and sometimes detrimental to human health.

2) The chimney has insulating properties and protects against fire.

3) A beautiful brick chimney will be a wonderful decoration for the roof of your house.

You can install the chimney yourself, you just need to follow the instructions.

Types of chimneys

Based on the type of material they are made of, chimneys are divided into: ceramic, metal and brick. The chimney is also released from composite materials and have a multilayer structure.

Choose a chimney modification that more closely matches your home.

The cheapest and most common option is metal chimney. It is ideal for installing heating systems for baths or non-residential premises. This economical approach is not advisable to use for installing a chimney in a private house. Metal constructions have poor sealing of joints, as a result of which it will be difficult to get rid of smoke in the room. Installing a metal chimney is not advisable, since they have a short service life and are not resistant to moisture.

Chimney pipes made of composite multilayer metals
more reliable and resistant to aging. A special fire-resistant material is placed between the layers of this pipe. Many manufacturers, deciding to save money, place low-quality material in the intermediate layers, which begins to crumble over time. Therefore, when purchasing this pipe, carefully study the manufacturer.

The cheapest type is construction chimney pipe made of thin stainless metal. The low weight of this pipe allows it to be fixed using minimal fastening material. In addition, pipes from of stainless steel easy to process - they can be cut with ordinary metal scissors. Installation stainless chimneys perfect for private homes.

  • Punch a hole in the pipe adjacent to the boiler. It should be located half a meter from the top;
  • Post on external wall fastening elements at a distance of a meter from each other;
  • Connect the chimney inlet to the boiler;
  • Remove the bent pipe elbow from the room;
  • Install the capacitor;
  • Fix the pipe on the wall;
  • Install the chimney head and its protection.

This completes the installation of the external chimney. We hope that our article will help you understand the installation and selection of a chimney pipe.

The chimney in a private house is most often built invisible to the eye. This can be done even at the planning stage of building a house. If there are several chimneys in the house, then they are combined into one or two devices.

Device steel chimney in a private house

The design of the chimney depends on functional features devices for which they are intended. The complexity and configuration of the chimney depends on their location and power.

Types of chimneys:

  • ventilation,
  • gas outlets,
  • smoke

Ventilation systems

Main function ventilation pipes is that they help remove polluted air masses from the room.

Originally made brick ventilation chimney

Ventilation ducts must be in those places where the room is least ventilated.

It is especially important to place such pipes in the kitchen area, bathroom, and toilet.

Gas exhaust systems Gas exhaust chimney pipes are used if the house uses gas system heating. They remove combustion products outside the room, and thus ensure the safety of using the heating system. Pipes must be able to withstand a variety of influences harmful substances

. As soon as combustion products enter the chimney, they immediately react with the moisture that is already in the pipe. As a result of this, an oxidation process occurs, which can cause destruction or internal deformation of the pipe. Also, such a chimney helps to increase draft.

Diagram of the device and design of the flue pipe of the chimney

Smoke pipes Chimneys are used when installed in a house heating equipment , which works for solid fuel

– these can be stoves or fireplaces. There are most of them in the house, which is why they are often combined into one or more.

device diagram and design of a brick chimney

Chimney pipes The chimney device is quite simple, it involves the use of special pipes

, through which polluted air or combustion products are removed from the premises.

  • Pipes are:
  • brick,
  • metal,
  • ceramic,

Distinctive features of a brick chimney

Despite the fact that today there is a very large number of materials that can be used to construct a chimney, brick chimneys have still been very popular for many years.

Brick chimney

This type of chimney has its advantages. It cannot be plastered inside, which will help save on finishing materials. It is also worth considering that the masonry of a brick chimney must have a seam of 1 cm. If indoors it is recommended to use cement-lime or mortar, then in the upper part of the building it is already possible to use ordinary concrete mixture for masonry.

Advice. In order to use a brick chimney in a house, it is necessary to make a more powerful foundation for the building - brick will add extra load to the walls of the building and to its foundation.

In addition to the advantages, there are also a certain number of design disadvantages. Brick, due to its rough surface, can accumulate dirt. That is why such a pipe becomes clogged with soot very quickly.

Since combustion products exit through a brick chimney, oxygen condensate is formed, which causes brick pipe subject to destruction. It happens that a piece of brick breaks off and falls into the pipe. All this can significantly narrow the chimney channel and make it difficult for air masses to escape.

To ensure a long service life of a brick chimney, it is recommended to insert an asbestos-cement pipe inside. The gap between the brick and the pipe is filled with concrete mortar.

An example of using an asbestos cement pipe

Ceramic structures

Ceramic pipes are ready-made structures for constructing a chimney. They are for sale modular design. Her inner tube made of acid-resistant, heat-resistant and durable ceramics.

Ceramic chimney pipes have a number of advantages and are very smooth surface. Thanks to this, soot does not accumulate on it, which is formed as a result of the passage of contaminated air masses formed during the combustion process.

Installation of a ceramic pipe for a chimney

Like brick chimneys, ceramic chimneys are quite heavy. It is for this reason that it is worth using a foundation for the structure.

Metal chimneys

As for metal pipes for chimney construction, they have recently become very popular due to their lightness. They also have a smooth surface, which eliminates the accumulation of soot. Accordingly, the air will flow much better.

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Wiring diagram two-pipe system heating of apartment and private buildings

High-quality thermal insulation is quite simple. For this, basalt wool is used, which is laid inside the pipe. It will only be necessary to correctly determine the thickness of the material, since a large thickness can completely or partially block the pipe and air masses It will be very difficult to get out.

Installation of a metal chimney pipe

Usually, metal chimneys are made of stainless steel, which is very resistant to all climatic, weather and other influences.

Modern chimney pipes are polymer structures. The pipe itself is very soft and has quite a small weight. The chimney will be distinguished by its practicality and durability. You can install the pipe yourself, and any beginner can handle it.

Modern polymer chimney

Most often used polymer pipes if the house has a gas heating system (boilers or water heaters). Such pipes can only be inserted into a chimney that is made of brick.

Types of chimneys

Today there are two types of chimney structures: a structure located inside the building and a chimney outside the house. They differ not only in the materials from which they can be constructed, but also in size and type.

Drawings and design of internal and external chimneys in a private residential building

Typically, to build a chimney inside a house, brick or ceramic pipes. It is more rational to use metal chimneys outdoors, as they are resistant to temperature changes and are not exposed to moisture.

A chimney inside the house can also be made in two ways, more about this in the video

The chimney can be used in both brick and wooden building. Only the chimney in a wooden house must be properly constructed, since wood chars very quickly. Eat special technology construction of a chimney in a wooden building.

Construction of a chimney in a wooden house

Most often, there are several chimneys in a wooden house. But the number of such structures largely depends on the amount of equipment used in the house. The house must have a heating system with a separate chimney and may have a fireplace, which also has a separate chimney.

All chimney structures in the house must be installed on the roof of the building and made in compliance with all norms and standards.

Chimney in a wooden house

In order to properly build a chimney in a wooden house, you need to draw up project documentation and contact specialists in this field who can correctly draw up a chimney project.

The life safety of everyone living in the house depends on a properly built chimney, and the equipment itself will work better. The latter applies to gas heating boilers and pipes for fireplaces.

The chimney in a wooden house should only be in a vertical position. Of course, there is an exception to the rule. You can build it with a deviation that is no more than 30 degrees from the vertical position. If it is necessary to bring the pipes outside, and this cannot be done without moving the chimney pipe, then the size of such a transfer can be no more than 100 cm.

Options for building a chimney in a wooden house made of timber

As for the removal of the chimney on the roof of the building, it will largely depend on the type of roof and the type of roof itself.

Advice. When building a chimney on the roof, it is worth considering the direction of the wind, which is most common in this region. This is necessary due to the fact that if the chimney pipe is connected to a heating boiler, then wind masses can enter the pipe and thereby cause intermittent combustion of the fuel substance.

If there is, then the smoke exhaust pipe must be constructed with high quality. This will prevent smoke from entering the room and allow it to escape outside.

Recently, a chimney for a fireplace in a wooden house is quite complex design, which uses pipe-in-pipe technology.

The chimney itself consists of three components:

  • stainless steel pipes;
  • layer of thermal insulation material;
  • steel pipe.

Initially, the stainless steel pipe is wrapped thermal insulation material, which can be secured to it using wire or any other material. After that finished design inserted into a metal pipe, which will have a larger diameter than the inner one.

Methods for installing chimney pipes in a wooden house

In addition to this method of constructing a chimney, there is another way; a plastic stocking is used for this. Its main advantage is that it heats up very quickly and cools down quickly. It can also be used when it is necessary to make a fairly large number of chimney passages.

IN last years More and more chimneys are being made from sandwich pipes. The point is the relatively low price, long term operation, quite attractive appearance. It is also important that it is possible self-installation sandwich chimney. This is not a very simple matter - there are many nuances, but you can do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

What is a sandwich pipe and what are they?

The sandwich pipe was named so for its multi-layer nature: there are two layers of metal, between which there is insulation. This structure solves many of the problems that were inherent in a simple chimney made of a metal pipe. Firstly, the insulation layer does not allow the outer metal casing to heat up to critical temperatures, and hard radiation does not emit from the pipe. More comfortable conditions are created indoors. Secondly, the same insulation significantly reduces the amount of condensation that forms when the pipe is brought outside. Thirdly, since the outer casing is no longer at such a high temperature, it is easier to make the chimney pass through the roof or wall.

A sandwich pipe is two metal cylinders, the space between which is filled with insulation.

What materials are they made from?

Sandwich pipes are made of galvanized or stainless steel. Galvanized sandwich pipes for chimneys are rarely used. Perhaps for the removal of combustion products of a low-power wall-mounted gas boiler or gas hot water heater. Can be used for insulated ventilation. They are unsuitable for more serious heating devices - at high temperatures, zinc burns out, steel quickly rusts, and the chimney becomes unusable.

Sandwich pipes for high temperature flue gases made from stainless steel. Moreover, stainless steel is used in different grades - from alloys with a small content of alloying metals, to highly alloyed heat-resistant. The thickness of the metal can also be different - from 0.5 to 1 mm, as well as the thickness of the insulation - 30 mm, 50 mm and 100 mm. It is clear that the scope of application will be different, and so will the price.

The main grades of steel that are used in the production of sandwich pipes for chimneys, their purpose and main characteristics are summarized in the table.

Stainless steel gradeMain characteristicsApplication area
AISI 430It has sufficient resistance to atmospheric influences, but does not tolerate high temperatures wellUsed for outer casings of sandwich pipes
AISI 439Contains titanium, which increases resistance to elevated temperatures and aggressive environments.Suitable for gas boilers, low-power solid fuel units (up to 30 kW)
AISI 316Alloying additives - nickel and molybdenum - provide high resistance to acids and increased heat resistance.Optimal for gas boilers of any type.
AISI 304More cheap option AISI 316 with less alloying additivesEconomy option for gas boilers of medium and low power
AISI 316I, AISI 321Withstands temperatures up to 850°CCan be used for heating solid fuel stoves
AISI 310SIncreased heat resistance - up to 1000°C (and price)For sauna and pyrolysis solid fuel stoves

As is clear from the table, different brands stainless steel have different purposes. Cheaper alloys are used for the outer casing, more heat-resistant and expensive ones for the internal casing. This is necessary to reduce the cost of products, and high resistance to temperatures outside the chimney is not needed. There are even more budget options— the outer casing is made of galvanized steel. Externally, these products are inferior to stainless steel, but serve normally (with normal insulation and its thickness).

Insulation and its thickness

There is insulation between two layers of metal. Most often this stone wool. The thickness of the insulation varies from 30 to 100 mm:

  • With 30 mm thick insulation, the flue gas temperature should not exceed 250°C. Such temperatures are only given gas boilers small and medium power.
  • A 50 mm insulation layer can withstand temperatures up to 400°C. Scope of application - any gas and liquid fuel boilers, wood-burning, provided that the chimney is vented to the street (through the wall).
  • A 100 mm layer of stone wool can withstand temperatures up to 850°C. Such a sandwich chimney can be installed on any type of solid fuel boiler, in fireplaces and hearths.

In addition to the thickness of the insulation, you need to pay attention to its brand, or rather, to the temperature range in which it can operate. Not every stone wool can withstand heating up to 850°C, but only some special brands. If you need a chimney for a solid fuel boiler, you will also have to take into account the heat resistance of the insulation.

Connection types

Sandwich chimney elements can be connected to each other in two ways: with sockets and corrugated edges. A socket connection requires a slightly wider chamfer on one side. With this design, a high degree of chimney tightness is achieved. This type of sandwich pipe is well suited for gas boilers, where it is important to prevent leakage. There is also a minus: installation requires high precision.

The corrugated edge of the sandwich allows you to assemble the chimney without problems. The disadvantage of this solution is that to ensure tightness, a significant amount of high-temperature sealant is required, and it costs a lot.

It is also worth paying attention to the longitudinal seam. It can be welded or folded. If the seam is welded, it must be made in an argon protective environment (so that alloyed metals do not burn out). This type of connection is necessary for solid fuel boilers, sauna stoves and fireplaces. For all others, you can use a seam connection.

Installation methods

There are two ways to vent the chimney outside. The first is to run the pipe through the wall, and then raise it along the outer wall to the required level. The second is up, through the ceiling and roof. Both are imperfect.

If the chimney is outdoors, condensation actively forms in it due to temperature changes. Therefore, a tee with a condensate collector (glass) and a cleaning hole must be installed in the lower part of the chimney. This unit allows you to maintain the chimney without much difficulty: the glass is unscrewed and the condensate is drained. Also, soot periodically gets knocked off without any problems - you can run a special chimney brush through the cleaning hole.

If the chimney will be discharged through the roof, several passage units will be needed - according to the number of ceilings. If the house is one-story, you will need one passage through the ceiling, and a second through the roof. You will also need a flash master or an apron for round pipe made of galvanized steel.

Installation of a sandwich chimney on the street requires only one pass-through node- through the wall. But it will be necessary to attach it to the wall every 1.5-2 meters. If the walls of the building are flammable ( wooden house or frame), the walls are necessarily protected with a non-combustible screen.

By smoke or condensation

As mentioned above, one side of the sandwich pipe is slightly wider, the other is slightly narrower. Due to this difference in diameter, the modules are connected to one another. If the wider end is turned upward (in the figure on the right), the assembly is called “condensate”. With this installation method, drops of condensate flow down unhindered. The disadvantage of this method is that if the joints are not properly sealed, smoke can leak into microcracks. This type of sandwich chimney installation is used when the pipe is routed through a wall. This is where the free drainage of condensate is required, and small smoke leaks are not scary - they are not critical on the street.

If the narrower edge is turned upward, the second element is put on top of it with the wider part. This type of assembly is called “by smoke” (in the picture on the left). In this case, condensate flowing down the wall may leak through a joint that is not sealed well enough. But the smoke passes freely. This type of assembly is used if the pipe goes indoors (out through the roof). Condensate flowing through the pipe, of course, spoils appearance, but it is not as dangerous as flue gases leaking into the room. Moreover, if the joints are well sealed, condensation will not leak out.

In order for the connection of the sandwich chimney modules to be reliable, each of them is usually coated with a heat-resistant sealant and then tightened with a clamp.


Sandwich chimneys are good because they have a modular structure, which allows you to assemble any configuration, with any parameters. Before you go to the store, you need to know the required chimney diameter, pipe height, and those additional elements that will be needed.

Chimney diameter

When choosing the diameter of a sandwich pipe, a simple rule applies: it cannot be less than the diameter of the boiler outlet pipe. If your outlet pipe is 120 mm, then inner diameter

the sandwich should be the same or larger. It may be wider, but definitely not smaller, and the narrowing cannot be done along the entire length of the chimney. If the chimney is slightly wider than the pipe, an adapter is purchased, which is placed directly at the boiler outlet, and then the working size comes next.

  • If you don’t have a boiler yet, but you know its power, you can choose a chimney based on these data:
  • boiler power up to 3.5 kW - internal diameter of the sandwich - 80 mm;
  • from 3.5 kW to 5.2 kW - at least 95 mm;

But it’s better to buy (or at least choose) a boiler, and then decide on the chimney, because many manufacturers insure themselves by making the outlet pipes wider to improve draft.

Pipe height

The height of the chimney above the roof surface depends on the location of its outlet, but its minimum height should be 5 m. That is, if the height of the house is small, in any case, install the pipe to a height of 5 meters. If the height of the house is above 5 m, then the pipe should rise above the roofing material to the following height:

  • Should rise 50 cm above the ridge if it comes out at a distance of less than 150 cm from it.
  • If the distance from the ridge to the pipe is more than 300 cm, then the pipe may be lower than the ridge level, but the angle should be no more than 10° (see figure).
  • If the chimney exits at a distance of 150 to 300 cm from the ridge, its height can be at the same level as the ridge element or higher.

Under such conditions, normal traction is ensured. The smoke will go away normally regardless of weather conditions. To prevent leaves from getting into the chimney, they install special umbrellas, weather vanes, and in windy places - deflectors, which further improve draft.

If it is not possible to bring the pipe to such a height, they install a smoke exhauster - a forced draft is obtained. A fan will not be needed all the time, but in some conditions, when natural draft is not enough, forced exhaust saves the situation.

Installation of a sandwich chimney through a wall

When venting a chimney through a wall, there are two ways. The first option (pictured on the left) is to raise it in the room closer to the ceiling and take it out there. The second is to draw a conclusion at the level of the smoke pipe from the boiler. In this case, almost the entire chimney ends up on the street.

The second option is preferable - it has only one knee, which means, under equal conditions, the traction will be better. Also, with this structure there is less chance of soot plugs forming.

If the outlet of the smoke pipe is located not at the back of the stove, but at the top, the installation diagram changes slightly - a 90° elbow is added, then a straight section for passing through the wall, and then the same as in other diagrams.

The stove itself is placed on a non-flammable base, and the wall behind the stove is covered with a non-flammable screen. The easiest way is to fix a sheet of metal to the wall. It can be mounted on ceramic insulators 2.5-3 cm in height. There will be a layer of air between the sheet of metal and the wall, so the wall will be safe. The second option is to put heat under the metal insulating material- for example, mineral wool cardboard. Another option is an asbestos sheet (as in the photo).

A hole is made in the wall. Its dimensions are determined by SNiP - the distance from the pipe to non-combustible walls must be at least 250 mm on all sides, and to combustible walls - 450 mm. It turns out to be a solid hole, especially if we talk about walls made of flammable materials. There is one way to reduce the size of the opening for the passage of the sandwich: make the dimensions according to the standards of non-combustible walls and sheathe the opening with non-combustible material.

The opening can be round or square, as long as fire safety standards are met. Square holes are easier to make and cover, which is why they are made more often.

A passage unit is inserted into this hole - a box made of non-combustible material. The sandwich chimney pipe is inserted into it and fixed in the center. All gaps are filled with heat-resistant insulation, the hole is closed on both sides with non-combustible material. This is usually a sheet of metal.

One important point: the chimney must be designed so that there is no junction of two pipes inside the wall. All joints must be visible and serviceable.

Next, you need to make or install a ready-made support bracket that will support the entire weight of the pipe. The design may differ in details, but the main idea is the same - a support platform, which, with the help of stops, transfers weight to the wall.

Homemade support platform for an external sandwich chimney from corners 50*50 mm and 40*40 mm

A similar structure can be welded from a profile pipe of small cross-section 25*25 mm or 25*40 mm.

As you can see, a tee is connected to the pipe that goes through the wall. At the bottom there is a removable glass in which condensation accumulates. Some models have a fitting at the bottom with a small tap. This is even more convenient - you don’t need to remove the glass, you can connect a hose to the fitting, drain it into some container (it is very toxic, so there is no need to drain it near the house) and drain it by simply turning the tap.

Next, the tube is brought to the required level. Since in this case the distance to the ridge will clearly be more than 3 m, it is possible that the height of the chimney should be slightly lower than the ridge - no lower than 10° relative to the horizontal line drawn from the level of the ridge.

But since this house is located in a low area; to ensure traction, the pipe was raised even higher than the ridge. It was attached to the wall with stainless steel clamps, in increments of a little more than a meter. The roof is equipped with guy wires made of steel rods with a diameter of 6 mm. To install guy wires, there are special clamps “with ears” to which the guy wires are attached.

Attaching guy wires to a chimney from sandwich tubes

Another important point that many people forget: at the place where the pipe is installed, a snow retention section must be installed on the roof, otherwise in the spring the pipe may be blown away by snow (if the pipe is not routed towards the gable, as in the photo).

How to install a chimney through the roof

When venting a chimney from sandwich pipes through the roof, it is necessary to take into account the location of the floor beams and rafter legs on the roof. It is necessary to arrange it so that the pipe passes between these elements. The minimum distance from the outer wall of the pipe to the combustible element must be at least 13 cm, and this is provided that the combustible element is protected by insulation. To meet this requirement, the pipe often has to be displaced. This is done using two 45° angles.

Please note that the installation of a sandwich chimney from a solid fuel boiler begins metal pipe without insulation. In the photo above it is black. After this, an adapter for the sandwich is placed, and the passage unit is already chimney with insulation.

A hole is cut in the ceiling that meets fire standards - 250 mm from the edge of the pipe, if the ceiling is protected by thermal insulation material. Having cut a hole, its edges are covered with non-flammable heat-insulating material. Minerite is best suited for this (it is nailed or secured with wood screws).

The gray material around the perimeter of the hole is mineralite

The sandwich chimney pipe is inserted into the resulting box. It should be directed strictly vertically, without the slightest deviation. You can’t fix it rigidly, you can only give it direction by installing several bars that will hold it, but it can move up/down without difficulty. This is necessary, since when heated its length increases significantly.

The remaining space is laid basalt wool(check temperature range). Another option is to pour expanded clay or granulated foam glass. Previously, sand was still poured in, but sooner or later, it all spilled out through the cracks, so now this option is unpopular. On the front side, all this “beauty” is covered with a stainless steel sheet, under which a non-combustible material is placed (between it and the ceiling). Previously, it was an asbestos sheet, but since asbestos is recognized as a carcinogen, mineral wool cardboard began to be used.

There is another option. Trim the edges of the hole mineral wool, and then insert the finished stainless steel ceiling-passage assembly. It immediately contains both a box and a decorative stainless screen.

Having brought the pipe into the attic, make a hole in roofing pie. All films in the passage area (vapor barrier and waterproofing) are cut crosswise. The resulting triangles are wrapped and secured with staples from a stapler. This way the damage is minimal. The exposed sheathing is cut so that it is at least 13 cm from the pipe.

How to bring a chimney through the roof - passage of the ceiling and roof

In the right photo above, the passage through the roof is incorrect - the distance between the pipe and the boards is too small. In a good way, you need to cut them according to the standard, and cover them with the same mineralite. The result should be something similar to the following photo.

Master flash for a sandwich chimney - a rubber cap with a flexible “skirt”

The joint between rubber and pipe is sealed with heat-resistant sealant. The roof surface under the “skirt” is also coated with sealant.

Please note that each connection of the sandwich modules is tightened with a clamp. This is also true for the internal chimney.

Today almost everyone a private house equipped with a chimney. And in most cases it has a practical meaning rather than a purely decorative one. This is due to the fact that private houses are very rarely connected to centralized heating, they are heated using boilers, stoves, etc. And the chimney plays a very important role in all this important role. Steam and smoke are released through it. It helps any heating systems function properly. Installing a chimney is a very complex and painstaking process.


The chimney is a complex structure, the purpose of which is to remove by-products of heating from the stove into the atmosphere, which protects the house from dampness, burning, resins and burning of the walls. It is an integral part of almost every country house or dachas.

The operating principle of this design lies in its ability to create natural cravings, which removes steam, resins, etc. Installing a chimney is a very significant process. If you make mistakes during its construction, you may not get the desired result and end up with a lot of problems. An example is an insufficiently powerful draft for a certain type of stove, which can lead to poisoning

There are many different configurations of chimneys, which differ both in their installation price and in traction and other characteristics. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. Let's talk about what the different types of chimneys are, what tools are needed to install them, and how to install them correctly.


We will list the minimum tools that will be needed when performing chimney installation work. This set may vary depending on what type of system you are installing. So let's get started. You need to prepare the following tools:

  • Grinder (with a set of discs for working on stone and metal).
  • Grinder machine.
  • Hammer.
  • Hammer with a set of drills various diameters.
  • Construction level (for convenience it is better to have a large and a small one).
  • Bucket, trowel, square, tape measure - small accessories that will simplify the work.
  • If possible, purchase a mounting gun.

Now you can start working. Installing a chimney or constructing it will not seem such a difficult task if you have a head on your shoulders and hard-working hands.


Today there are many various types chimneys, which are constructed from different materials. Depending on the type of structure, a certain set of materials is purchased. For example, installing a sandwich chimney involves using the following components:

  • pipes of different diameters that are inserted into each other;
  • filler (insulating material) with operating temperature up to 700 degrees Celsius - this is what is between the pipes;
  • pipe fasteners;
  • metal screws;
  • clamps and brackets;
  • pipe elbows - necessary when bending pipes, etc.

For traditional masonry you need cement, a special umbrella to cover the pipe, etc. And here we already see how much they differ Consumables for one design or another. Thus, having decided on the type of chimney, we begin the search and purchase of everything necessary for its installation.

Requirements for a modern chimney

Any modern chimney, be it sandwich or brick, must meet a certain set of requirements and what are these requirements?

  • It must be resistant to moisture. The condensation process leads to the fact that the walls of chimneys, both brick and metal, are capable of self-destruction.
  • Possessing powerful traction.
  • A good chimney can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius.
  • It must have excellent resistance to chemicals.
  • Smooth inner surface(cleaning such a structure will be much easier).

By following the rules for installing a chimney, you can achieve good results and build a really good, quality system removal of combustion products.

Main varieties

There are many different classifications of chimneys, but today we will talk about the following types:

  • Brick chimney.
  • Chimney sandwich.
  • Coaxial designs.
  • Gas heat sink as a type of chimney.

We will talk about them, since they are the most popular among summer residents and owners country houses. It is worth noting that each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so only you will choose which one is right for you.

Brick chimney

Installing a brick chimney, or rather its construction from the base to the canopy, is a rather complex process, including many stages and rules that must be known and followed. Let's start with the fact that one such design is designed for a maximum of two ovens, provided that they are located on the same floor.

The rules for installing a chimney are of great importance in this case. Partly they concern the masonry. Each brick must overlap the joint below - this will avoid self-destruction. It is believed that a structure erected using this method is much stronger than any other.

The temperature at the bottom of the oven can be staggering. Especially if the house is heated with coal. To avoid damage to the base of the pipe, a special nozzle made of stainless steel, which is subsequently lined with a double layer of brick. The size of this structure depends on the height of the ceilings and the stove itself. For masonry it is necessary to use only clay mortar with the addition of cement. It is very important to make a special valve that will cover the entire hole - it will serve as a regulator for increasing or decreasing draft.

It is also allowed to build chimneys inside external walls, with one condition, of course: if they are made of non-combustible materials. Recently, most of these systems are made on the basis of a steel pipe, which is subsequently insulated and lined with brick.

Chimney installation: sandwich technology

Sandwich technology is a complex and expensive structure that can withstand high temperatures no worse than brick. A huge advantage of such a chimney is that it requires virtually no maintenance. The only thing that is necessary is to clean it periodically.

A sandwich chimney consists of three main elements. First, there are inner and outer pipes that fit into each other. The seams of each of them must be well welded and wrapped with protective fire-resistant fabric or fiber. The gap between the pipes is filled with a special fire-resistant and heat-resistant material, which does not allow the outer pipe to heat up too much. This is the third element.

Installing a sandwich chimney will take a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it. The final stage of the work is to secure the structure to the outer part of the wall of the house. This process carried out using special clamps, fasteners and brackets.

Coaxial chimney

Installation coaxial chimney Most often it is carried out on steam generators, gas boilers, etc. This technology is somewhat similar to a sandwich, however, instead of a seal, spacers are simply installed inside, which do not allow the pipes to touch. Such a system, unlike other varieties, can be displayed in a horizontal position through external wall. The installation is very popular today, and the coaxial type is the most used.

You ask: “Why are they installed only on gas boilers and generators?” The answer is obvious. The thing is that the outlet temperature in such boilers is much lower than that of real furnaces. That is why this type not used anywhere else. Installation gas chimney similar to the work on installing a sandwich type system.

Modular ceramic chimney

Today, modular ones are in great demand, despite their sky-high prices. This is due to the fact that such structures carry two very important key qualities for a person - they are very easy to install and quite reliable. Such chimneys can even be laid inside wooden walls, you only need to maintain a gap of 5 cm between the wall and the ceramics. In addition, they have a very attractive appearance.

Installation of such a chimney is very simple. To do this, you need to connect ready-made pipe sections (modules) together, fasten them well and fill the seams with a special sealing solution, after which this entire structure is secured to/in the wall.

Chimney for a bath

Almost any owner suburban area dreams of having a sauna or bathhouse in or near the house. The most important element of the latter is the stove. After all, it is she who creates high temperatures in the steam room. And for this it is necessary quality installation stove and chimney, which will work, so to speak, in tandem. It is best to use traditional brick structures for this purpose.

We have already discussed the rules for installing such a chimney above. So there shouldn't be any special questions. As for everything else, installing a chimney in a bathhouse is possible both inside and outside the room. It's up to you, as always, to decide. But experienced specialists It is advised to build the structure inside. The walls of the chimney become very hot and can increase the temperature in the room. However, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is best to entrust such work to professionals who will do everything efficiently and quickly.

Problems when installing chimneys

The chimney may be accompanied big amount problems, and an incorrectly built system will simply negate all efforts and add headaches. Various difficulties may arise. One of the reasons may be incorrectly selected material. For example, if you place a bad brick at the base of the stove, you may be left without a chimney, as it will quickly crack and crumble. In addition, it is necessary to know the design features of such a system in order to prevent the loss of traction. For example, the height of the pipe above the adjacent part of the roof should be at least 0.5 m, and for houses with a (flat) roof - at least 2.0 m. And one more important point. Mouths brick channels to a height of 0.2 m should be protected from precipitation with a layer cement mortar or a cap made of roofing or galvanized steel.

Of course, it’s best to learn from other people’s mistakes so as not to make your own. And mistakes in this case are fraught with major troubles. The wrong chimney can ruin your entire home. For example, burnt walls can easily cause a fire. Therefore, before you start anything, you need to carefully plan and think through everything. Consult with knowledgeable people, re-read the specialized literature, in the end play it safe and entrust the installation work to such important systems professionals. This will result in fewer problems, and you will get the job done faster.

No heating device can operate without a good gas exhaust system. Often, when building a country house, they forget to include a chimney in the project. In this case, you have to lay it directly through the wall. Many people decide to make a chimney with their own hands. This problem can be solved in several ways. Starting from classic and built into the main frame of the house, and including complex or other modern materials. All options differ in complexity, materials, labor and time costs, efficiency and heat capacity, and the ability to increase the efficiency of the heating installation.

Most suitable option is a design made of steel pipes– chimney sandwich. Do-it-yourself installation, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties if you understand the structure of a sandwich chimney.

The main advantages of sandwich chimneys

  1. Metal pipes are a long-established and widespread element of smoke exhaust ducts. This is due to a number of reasons.
  2. The pipes have round section, through which gas exchange between the furnace and the environment occurs more easily. This is important for organizing the movement of air flows inside the chimney.
  3. Only pipes allow you to arrange smooth and even surface, on which combustion products do not settle, and even if they do, it happens evenly and is easily removed by cleaning.
  4. Installing a chimney with your own hands is much easier compared to similar brick chimneys.

The gases passing through the smoke channels are saturated chemically aggressive impurities, therefore, they cause metal corrosion that occurs against the background of temperature fluctuations, changes in humidity and other conditions. In this case, the service life of the chimney is reduced by ten times, so more resistant substances, for example, stainless steel, are added to the pipe material. Except corrosion phenomena, some other difficulties also arise.

  • High metal conductivity in a short time it reduces the temperature of the gases passing through the pipes, as a result it turns out that the sandwich chimney, starting from the place where the bracket is attached, cools down, most of heat is retained indoors.
  • As a consequence, a significant temperature contrast at different ends of the pipe simultaneously provokes linear expansion of bodies under the influence of fuel combustion energy, and is formed on the surfaces.
  • The outer wall of the pipe heats up to a temperature dangerous for objects environment, therefore, an additional thermal insulation layer is required that does not allow excess heat to pass out.

The creators of sandwich chimneys managed to solve these problems.

Read also: Ceiling cutting for chimney

Sandwich chimney device

Thanks to the English, who like to call anything that consists of two layers and a filling a sandwich, the chimney acquired this name. The sandwich consists of two pipes of different diameters (internal and external metal contours). Inside, between them there is a powerful insulating material, which is usually made from basalt rocks.

A chimney consists of many parts. Firstly, this pipes, Secondly - bracket, thirdly - other details: clamps, adapters, tees, pipes with inspection, providing correct work designs and efficient use construction materials. The bracket allows you to comfortably attach the chimney to the wall with your own hands.

The meaning of such a device is efficient work, in particular, removing products from the firebox. The external circuit is reliably protected from overheating, and the internal circuit is protected from temperature contrast. The layer between them reliably protects against the appearance of moisture, condensation and efflorescence on the surface of the pipes; the draft that should occur in the air flows works properly.

Inner pipe always thicker and covered with a thick layer of stainless steel, which has enhanced properties against corrosion and burning. External contour, as a rule, are made more economically, at lower costs, from ordinary galvanized iron. The installer must choose between price and quality, since the difference between stainless steel and galvanized iron is very large. Inner contour material should be chosen based on knowledge of its resistance to thermal contrasts and high humidity, and corrosive properties. External pipes must be rigid because they are the skeleton of the structure.

Preparation for installation

When installing smoke channels using sandwich pipes with your own hands, you do not need to build an additional cement foundation, as required by a chimney made of brick or ceramic masonry, because thanks to low weight the design acquires another advantage of a metal installation over ceramics and brick. But don’t underestimate the task ahead of you, because you need to do more than just secure the bracket, although this is really easy to do with your own hands.

Read also: Chimney weather vane

Do not forget that there are a number of rules and recommendations that need to be understood and thought through at the stage of selecting tools and materials. Please note that the ability to draw a diagram of the designed installation, defining all the dimensions on it, will play into your hands. Experienced specialists, who probably know how to install a sandwich chimney, often advise paying attention to such points as floors, etc.

Sometimes the boiler or furnace firebox is mounted on a subfloor. When making such calculations, it is necessary to calculate thickness of all floor layers, not forgetting about installation floor surfaces, and install the heating appliances on the stands so that the installation ideally fits the opening for the exhaust of combustion products.

Chimney installation

Sandwich chimney installation start from the exiting end of the heating equipment pipe. The first part of the chimney looks like a piece of pipe not covered with insulating layers. First, the bracket is attached, and then the pipe is attached to it. If you start installing the structure from a solid sandwich pipe, the insulating material will melt, forming a stone formation that will destroy the chimney. For this The bracket must be installed at a height protecting against overheating. The result of improper installation most often is a defect in heat-generating equipment, and even the ignition of flammable materials.

The part is driven into the socket, fixed by installing a bracket, and closed with a plug. Then the parts of the chimney structure are connected to each other in order, securing the pipe joints with clamps.

If there is a possibility of a noticeable increase in pressure in the channel, the connection points are also closed, just in case. special couplings. Often, when installing steel pipes, heat-resistant sealants are used to cover the joints. The more insulated the chimney, the more correct the draft.

Despite the excellent insulating properties of “sandwiches”, some risk of overheating and fire materials adjacent to the pipe. To guarantee a certain level of fire safety, it is recommended to increase the thickness of the thermal insulation layer at the joints.

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