Installation of a soft roof in winter. Features of waterproofing in winter. At sub-zero temperatures, pay attention to

When the outside air temperature is below 5°C, waterproofing work is carried out observing the following rules:

  • waterproofed surfaces are heated;
  • when working, waterproofing compounds of higher temperatures are used;
  • hot bitumen mastics and asphalt solutions are transported in insulated containers;
  • cold bitumen and asphalt mastics, emulsion pastes, cement-sand mortars prepared with additives that lower their freezing point;
  • During storage and transportation, epoxy, furan, ethinol and other synthetic compounds are protected from hypothermia, which leads to their thickening and deterioration.

When preparing surfaces concrete bases cleared of frost, ice, snow. They are then heated with burners or infrared emitters to a temperature not lower than 5°C and dried to 5% humidity. For leveling screeds and filling depressions, cement-sand is used mortar mixtures with hardening accelerators and antifreeze additives(such mixtures do not freeze at temperatures down to -25°C). All insulated surfaces are pre-primed with liquefied bitumen and bitumen-polymer compositions with frost-resistant additives.

Painting waterproofing from hot bitumen mastics

Painting waterproofing from hot bitumen mastics is carried out at temperatures not lower than -20°C. When using cold mastics, the bitumen content in them is increased by 3...5%. Painting waterproofing from epoxy and furan mastics is carried out in greenhouses, where the temperature is maintained at 5...10°C.

Plaster waterproofing

Plaster waterproofing from solutions prepared with waterproof, expanding or non-shrinking cements, as well as with Portland cements with sealing additives, is carried out and maintained for 3...7 days at a temperature not lower than 5°C.

Cold asphalt waterproofing

Cold asphalt waterproofing is applied at temperatures not lower than -20°C. At the same time, antifreeze is introduced into bitumen emulsion pastes, which lowers the freezing point of the mixture. Horizontal waterproofing performed using the “thermos” method: the laid asphalt mastic is immediately covered with a cement-sand screed and concrete of the main structure; here it is stabilized into a plastic and waterproof coating. When waterproofing vertical surfaces, they are preheated, dried and primed with bitumen paste with the addition of latex. Then cold asphalt waterproofing is applied using conventional techniques.

Cast asphalt waterproofing

Cast asphalt waterproofing is performed at temperatures down to -20°C. The surfaces and cavities where the mixture is placed are cleaned and dried in advance. The mixtures are laid and compacted in the same way as at positive temperatures.

Adhesive waterproofing made from roll materials

Pasted waterproofing from roll materials glued with hot bitumen mastics is performed at temperatures down to -20°C in the same way as at positive temperatures. Roll materials pre-warm up for 20 hours at a temperature not lower than 15°C, rewind and deliver to the workplace in an insulated container.

Adhesive waterproofing made of synthetic film

Waterproofing made of synthetic film, laid without gluing, is carried out at temperatures down to -40°C; glued to the base - down to -20°C, provided there is no precipitation. The laid waterproofing is protected from damage by covering it with melted dry sand, without frozen clods and pieces of construction waste.

Builders practice two main replacement methods:

  • Done complete dismantling old coating and installation of a new one;
  • The update is performed locally directly on the areas where there are defects.

Roof repair winter time must be carried out taking into account architectural features Houses. For example, for industrial buildings, the roof covering must be more durable and able to cope with vibration, large temperature changes and exposure to active chemicals.

When repairing residential roofs, in addition to durability, you need to pay attention to aesthetics. Flexible roofing materials are well suited for this. A soft roof in winter is quite repairable, although many experts are trying to challenge this opinion.

Local repair or complete replacement – ​​which is better?

Almost all customers strive to spend as little money as possible and believe that in winter they can do without a full renovation. They argue that partial repairs can save the situation.

It is not always so. Numerous patches compromise integrity roofing covering and contribute to the formation of new cracks and leaks. Deformation caused by temperature changes will do its job and create even more problems.

Let's add a constant here snow load, which can reach several hundred kilograms per square meter. For this reason, in most situations it is impossible to do without dismantling the old coating.

Local repairs are permissible in the following cases:

  • The coating has no more than three damages;
  • The insulation did not begin to deteriorate due to exposure to moisture;
  • The damaged area can be dried locally;
  • A vapor barrier film was used during installation.

Our craftsmen work with the material at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees cold. During the company's work, we have completed many orders for roof repairs in winter, receiving positive reviews from clients.

We are ready to answer your questions and help solve any problems with roofing materials, even if the temperature outside is below freezing and everything is covered with a thick layer of snow.

Sometimes it happens that you need to start installing a roof, but as luck would have it, winter suddenly comes. Of course, such cases happen in life: the duration was not calculated correctly construction project; cold weather arrived earlier than predicted; untimely acceptance design solutions; the exceptional need for the construction of any structure.

And if several decades ago construction works stopped with the onset of cold weather, the properties of modern roofing materials make it possible to install the roof even at -10-15°C. You just need to take into account that in winter period The time frame allotted for roofing work can be “adjusted” by weather conditions. Snow, wind, and a strong drop in temperature cannot facilitate the rapid progress of roofing work. In addition, under unfavorable weather conditions it is much more difficult for people to work. Specialists, no matter how hardy they are, must periodically interrupt their work to warm up, and daylight hours are much shorter in winter than in summer.

In addition, it will be necessary not only to wait out the bad weather, but also to eliminate its consequences: clear the work area from snow, make sure that the snow does not lie on the insulating layer, otherwise the insulating material will lose its qualities due to compaction under the influence of moisture. Often there will be a need to clear the corresponding areas of the roof from ice, icicles, and so on.

Before working with roofing materials, placing them on the rafters, it is necessary to dry them (the rafters) and, following the installation technology, heat them up. Any roofing materials should be stored in a warm warehouse and should be moved upstairs in small quantities.

In order to somehow protect yourself from unnecessary waste of time, and also not to overpay builders for downtime, you should take care of creating a single safety awning that would cover the structure being built from the harsh winter vagaries of the weather. The only thing is that installing an awning over the entire building area is not always a feasible task. You can, of course, make a canopy that will hide only some part from precipitation roofing structure, but this will only briefly postpone the need for preparatory roofing work related to eliminating the consequences of bad weather.

Materials that are preferable to work with when installing roofs in winter

So, we found out that it is advisable to organize an awning over the entire building area. This may not be a cheap pleasure at all. That is why many refuse the dubious advantage of building a house earlier, and postpone the construction of the roofing structure until the official construction season.

If, nevertheless, the need for roofing is urgent, and carrying out this work is urgent, you will have to follow some tips for organizing roofing work in winter. And the first of them is to use products that can be worked with at low temperatures. Information about temperature conditions, in which installation can be carried out, you will find in the instructions for using the roofing material, which you can ask the seller if it is not in the package.

Soft roofs

It is extremely undesirable to install a roof at significant low temperatures if you are going to use soft roofing materials based on bitumen. Lowest temperature level for installation flexible tiles is +5°C. Besides, she needs Sun rays, under which the self-adhesive layer remains soft, in a “melted” state.

When there is not enough sun, which is obvious in winter, and the desire to have a roof made of flexible or soft tiles is great, it is necessary to use construction hair dryer for heating shingles. Its use will make it possible to make high-quality roofing and in places where it is necessary to bend the roofing material. The rest of the time, products should be stored in a heated room, and outdoors do not bend to prevent deformation at the bend points. Only then can you ensure a tight fit of the shingles to the sheathing, as well as the tightness of the layers.

Metal roofs

The construction of seam roofs involves the use of metal sheets. Working with zinc-titanium is only possible at a temperature of +5°C, otherwise the roofing material will break, will crack. Widely used. And yet, their use is not advisable at temperatures if they drop below -10°C. Those who decide to apply metal roofs With polymer layer must be prepared for cracking and peeling of the polyester or plastisol layer. Therefore, the use of metal tiles with these coatings is not recommended.

But if you decide to use copper roofing for your roof, then even the frost drops to -15°C, the copper will still not lose its qualities. And don't forget that metal roofs usually have large area sheets, which increases their windage and makes working with them in windy weather extremely dangerous for the life of installers.

During preparatory and auxiliary work, various mastics, adhesives, antiseptics and other materials are used that are made on water based. At low temperatures their use becomes impossible. But you can always find a recommended analogue that you can work with in winter. This becomes possible thanks to the manufacturing technology of these materials, which involves the introduction into the composition of paints, varnishes, glues and mastics of various plasticizers and other special additives that increase stability roofing sheet to the frost.

Piece materials

Piece roofing materials can be laid at any temperature indicators. However, it is worth remembering that when laying cement-sand, ceramic tiles, asbestos-cement sheets, flat tiles and prefabricated panels for roofing must be laid on a base in which there are no gaps or cracks. It is not recommended to carry out compaction work using mastics, putties and special solutions in winter. If compaction measures have been implemented, then before installation begins, the base must be freed from snow and ice.

Mineral wool or polystyrene material - best options choice of insulating layer. In winter, the roof is divided into sections and limited by watersheds. Thermal insulation installation work is carried out on each site separately in the shortest possible time.

All materials are pre-prepared in a specially equipped workshop near the work site. Only installation is carried out on the roof.

What do we do in winter if we can’t start installation?

So, the winter season is not the time for editing soft roof, and the use of rolled materials is also unacceptable. If you are determined to cover your roof with them, then wait until the start of the construction season. True, in winter you will be able to implement measures to prepare for the installation of a soft roof - mount the base in the form of a rafter system or a solid wood flooring, lay layers of vapor barrier, as well as waterproofing. During these works, cover the products with roofing felt or plastic film so that snow does not fall on them.

And, of course, in winter you can easily install products using copper, natural tiles and metal tiles.

|| Thermal insulation materials. Purpose and classification || Materials for leveling screeds and protective layers of roofs || Painting compounds and putties. Drying oils || Mineral binders. Purpose and classification || Construction solutions. Types and classification of solutions || General information about roofs, roofing and the organization of roofing work. Roof classification || Preparation of foundations for roofs. Substrate surface preparation || Installation of roofs from roll materials. Preparation of roofing materials || Installation of mastic roofs. Roofs made of bitumen, bitumen-polymer and polymer mastics || Installation of roofs using prefabricated coating panels. Complex panels || Construction of roofs made of piece materials. Roofs made of small-piece materials || Metal tile roofs. General information || Roofing made of sheet steel. Preparatory work || Roof repair. Roofs made from roll materials || Safety precautions

General requirements. Roofing work is carried out at outdoor temperatures down to -20°C, and in the Far North, as an exception, down to -30°C. For conditions of the Far North at temperatures below -20°C, it is recommended to use rolled polymer materials in the form of prefabricated carpets or to make roll-free roofs from cold polymer mastics Roofing, Venta-V on solvents. Restrictions when performing roofing work at subzero temperatures are mainly that it is not allowed to perform roofing work during icy conditions, snowfall, fog, or strong wind.

When the outside air temperature is negative, roll materials may be glued to the following substrates: asphalt concrete - immediately after laying the asphalt concrete, any prepared at a positive temperature; prefabricated slabs with a factory-made single-layer rolled carpet (the seams between the slabs are sealed with cement-sand mortar with the addition of potash - 10% by weight of cement); cement-sand with expanded clay filler with a fraction of up to 3 mm (cement:sand ratio - 1:2 parts by weight) with the addition of potash to the solution (10...15% by weight of cement). Roof structures for construction in the Far North have features at junctions, on eaves, overhangs (Fig. 87, a) and in places where water intake funnels pass (Fig. 87, b). It is recommended: the first layer of roofing felt on the eaves 3 should be laid dry with the topping facing down; arrange thermal insulation liners 4; cover the cornice with additional layers of roofing carpet 5.

Rice. 87.
1 - cleaver; 2 - aprons; 3 - a layer of roofing felt (dry), laid with the topping down; 4 - liners; 5 - additional layers of roofing carpet; 6 - main roofing carpet; 7 - covering panel; 8 - water intake funnel; 9 - cement-sand mortar; 10 - galvanized steel pallet

The main roofing carpet 6 (Fig. 87, a) is made stepped and is not brought up to the eaves by 350 mm, the main thermal insulation is laid along the vapor barrier on the covering panels 7. The entire eaves section is protected with an apron 2 made of galvanized roofing steel, secured with clamps 1. At junctions layers of additional roofing carpet 5 are laid to the funnels on the covering panel (Fig. 87, b), which are brought close to the water inlet funnel 8, just like the main carpet 6. The thermal insulation layer is laid on a galvanized steel pallet 10. The funnel is secured with bolts embedded in cement-sand mortar 9. Applying a primer and gluing rolled materials is not allowed if the base of the roof is covered with snow, frost or ice. Frost in the form of a crust of frost or ice is sprinkled with technical table salt(at the rate of 150 g/m2), then after 6...7 hours the base treated with salt is sprinkled with sawdust, and after 2...3 hours the sawdust is swept away and the moistened base is dried using portable heaters. The suitability of the base is checked by applying a test sticker to the rolled material.

Rolled materials are kept in a warm room and delivered to workplaces in insulated containers. The containers are metal boxes with lids (section 350x700 mm, height 1050 mm), insulated from the inside with foam plastic. Mastic for the roof is served in thermoses, asphalt - in insulated containers. To warm workers, as well as for intermediate storage of materials, temporary insulated rooms must be equipped on the roofs. Carpet glued in winter warm time years are inspected, if necessary, repaired, and then the remaining layers are glued according to the project.

IN winter conditions Rolled carpets, except for the top layer, are usually glued using cold mastics. Upper layer pasted in the warm season after a preliminary examination. When supplying mastics with pump 7 (Fig. 88) through pipeline 1, it must be insulated. The mastics are heated in thermos boilers. The maximum temperature of mastics is 180°C. When applying, the temperature of hot mastic should be 160°C, and cold mastic 70°C.

Rice. 88. :
1 - pipeline; 2 - clamp; 3 - weather vane; 4 - inner tube; 5 - frame; 6 - pipe for supplying mastic from a thermos; 7 - pump

In winter conditions, it is recommended to stick rolled materials only along the slope, regardless of the roof slope. When gluing rolled panels manually, the mastic must be applied in strips the width of the brush perpendicular to the direction of rolling the roll and immediately roll and lap the panels. Simultaneous laying of multi-layer rolled carpets in winter, regardless of the type of mastic, is prohibited. In low temperature conditions, additional layers of carpet are glued to funnels, junctions, valleys and eaves overhangs only with hot mastics, regardless of the material used to construct the roofing carpet. The rolled carpet at the junction of the drainage funnel must have an additional bottom layer of fiberglass impregnated with insulated mastic. The distance from the funnels of internal drains to the walls, ventilation shafts and exits to the roof should be sufficient for the connection of the rolled carpet, but not less than 1 m. For work in winter, it is recommended to use installations SO-212, SO-195A, SO-222A, as well as auxiliary equipment(Fig. 89).

Rice. 89. :
a - insulated bunker for asphalt concrete; b - insulated box for two rolls of roofing felt; c - insulated wheelbarrow for asphalt concrete; g - roof for wheelbarrow and bunker; 1 - frame made of bars 30x40 mm; 2 - slag; 3 - plywood

Thermal insulation device. The thermal insulation layer is best made from prefabricated insulation boards. To avoid the installation of leveling screeds, the slabs are sorted in a warm room by size, paying special attention to their thickness. The slabs are laid, adding a leveling layer of expanded clay underneath them if necessary. The joints are sealed with mastic from a mixture of liquefied bitumen with fibrous filler (asbestos of the 6th and 7th groups). Sealing joints with mastic allows you to get a more durable roof base. If the project provides for gluing heat-insulating boards to the base, then to the surface reinforced concrete slabs(or other load-bearing base) a primer is applied, and after it dries, mastic is applied. Monolithic thermal insulation in winter, as a rule, is not suitable, since when laying concrete mixtures with light aggregates it is necessary to use electric heating, which is quite difficult in roof conditions and takes a lot of time, and anti-frost additives can worsen thermal insulation properties insulation materials. Of the compositions for installing monolithic thermal insulation, the most preferable is bitumen perlite. It is prepared from hot bitumen and filler - perlite, served and applied mechanized way: hot bitumen through heat-resistant hoses using bitumen pumps, perlite through a pipeline using compressed air.

Screed device. Screeds at sub-zero temperatures are made from prefabricated asbestos-cement and cement slabs and monolithic - cement-sand and asphalt concrete. Since wet processes are very difficult to carry out in winter at low temperatures, the installation of a continuous prefabricated base in winter is preferable both in terms of labor costs and the quality of work. Prefabricated slabs are glued on hot bitumen mastics. Cement-sand screeds are made from cement-sand mortars of composition 1:2 or 1:3 (parts by weight) with antifreeze additives - potash (calcium chloride) or sodium carbonate salts. The amount of additives for the main composition is determined in laboratory conditions. In cement-sand mortars, river or mountain sand is replaced with expanded clay. The cement-sand mortar with anti-frost additives is laid heated to 40...60°C, excluding as much as possible the transfer of the mortar from one container to another. Solutions are delivered to the construction site in closed tanks (mortar trucks). When transported through pipelines, the receiving and distributing hoppers are closed with tight, hermetically sealed lids. Bunkers and pipelines are covered with thermal insulation. When supplied to the roof by cranes, the solution is delivered in insulated containers, which are loaded (from mortar trucks and other Vehicle) in insulated rooms. The solution, supplied to the roof in a container, is placed on a scooter or trolley without overloading into other containers and transported to the installation site. The roofers lay the delivered mortar in strips along beacon slats one at a time, leveling and compacting with vibrating slats, priming the mortar immediately after laying it and covering the finished strip with a continuous insulating layer of mats. After laying the solution through the strip, remove the beacon slats and fill the intermediate strips with the solution, also leveling their surface, priming and covering with an insulating layer.

Asphalt concrete screeds have an advantage over cement-sand screeds is that thanks to them high temperature at the time of laying (170°C) they are easier to level. The asphalt concrete mixture is delivered to the roof and to the roofers’ workplace in insulated containers; at very low temperatures, containers with the mixture are heated before laying using thermal electric heaters (TEHs) to operating temperature. The mixture is laid in areas of 4 x 4 m on verified beacon slats and immediately leveled and compacted with rollers. Screeds made from asphalt concrete mixture and cement-sand mortar are installed in the winter in cases where the installation of the load-bearing base of the roofs ends in winter and the date of their installation cannot be postponed. In this case, instead of monolithic screeds, flat screeds are sometimes used. asbestos cement sheets. When installing prefabricated screeds, their base (the surface of the heat-insulating layer) is carefully leveled. Prefabricated elements are primed on both sides, then glued onto 100 mm wide spacers, which are glued with bitumen mastics. The seams between the prefabricated slabs are filled with a mixture of liquefied bitumen grade BN-70/30 with a filler of group 7 asbestos. Screeds installed before the onset of cold weather, when roofing on them is carried out at sub-zero temperatures, are immediately primed (before the solution begins to set).

Gluing rolled carpet. For gluing roll materials, cold bitumen mastics with thinners (kukersol varnish or solar oil) are mainly used. When constructing roofs from fused rolled materials, installations with burners operating on liquid or liquid are used to heat the covering layer. gas fuel(propane-butane). Before gluing, rolled materials, including weld-on materials, are kept rolled out in a warm room at a temperature of 20...25°C for 24...48 hours, rolled up and placed in 5...7 rolls in a container with thermal insulation. These containers are transported to roof with lungs cranes and scooters, delivering directly to the laying area. All containers with hot mastic are equipped with electric heaters to ensure the required temperature (160...180°C).

Considering the difficulty of gluing roofing roll materials on hot mastics, it is advisable to install the roofing carpet using cold bitumen-polymer mastics. These mastics are prepared with the introduction of polymers and heated to 70...80°C before application. When gluing on cold bitumen mastics, mark the layout line of rolled materials kept in a warm, cleaned room and try them on in the laying area. A roll of cloth is rolled out over the primed base, applying with spray rods cold mastic on the base and roll material. The roofer, pressing the glued sheet to the base, makes sure that there is no mastic roll in front of the roll, which indicates the need to reduce its consumption. The panels are glued alternately, first with a transverse overlap (in width), the next row with a longitudinal overlap (in length).

Installation of waterproofing during the cold season is most often a necessary measure. But if there is a need to perform this procedure, you should carefully consider the choice of materials and technology for their application.

In winter, planned work may be hindered by heavy snowfall, which can significantly adjust the deadlines. To avoid becoming dependent on bad weather, you should proactively install an awning over your workplace. You need to remember about other winter surprises - short daylight hours, low temperature, strong wind, snowfalls. All this can lead to additional troubles (clearing snow and ice, drying the surface). Do not forget that the waterproofing device when outside temperature less than +5°C significantly affects the work result. Roofing materials must be resistant to low temperatures.

When organizing work during the cold period, you need to place it as close to the workplace as possible. warehouses, as well as equipment for the production and preparation of materials and semi-finished products. In addition, components, containers and transport should be adapted to difficult operating conditions. It is required to build greenhouses and isolate open areas object from external aggressive factors environment(wind and precipitation). The production of cement-sand, lining and cold asphalt can be carried out at a temperature of at least +5°C. The installation of paint waterproofing is permitted in the temperature range down to -20°C.

When precipitation occurs, it is necessary to stop the work being carried out, otherwise loss of quality cannot be avoided. On the eve of painting waterproofing, you need to warm the surface to positive temperature values. It is strictly not recommended to use mastics and primers, as well as gluing roll materials to unprepared and wet surfaces.

Cold mastics can be used when sub-zero temperatures taking into account several important factors– the material must contain an increased (by 3-5%) amount of bitumen and have greater mobility, equal to 13-15 cm of immersion of the cone standard.

The table below contains information on the temperature of waterproofing mixtures during their manufacture and application in winter:

Mix type Manufacturing temperature Application temperature

Bitumen mastics

220°C 180°C

Tar mastics

160°C 140°C

Asphalt mixtures

200°C 170°C

Waterproofing performed on inclined (less than 25%) and horizontal surfaces using hot mastics and mixtures, if it is impossible to thoroughly dry the surfaces, it is carried out on a mastic base at a temperature of at least 5°C.

Shortly before use, rolled materials are placed in a warm place and stored until a positive temperature is reached, after which they are treated with a slightly volatile solvent. Waterproofing coatings must be covered with thawed fractions of the soil mass with maximum layer-by-layer compaction.

Technological basis for waterproofing in winter

  • Carrying out work under open air possible at temperatures above 5°C (except for installing metal insulation).
  • Workplaces must be isolated from aggressive environmental factors.
  • The surfaces of insulated structures must be cleaned of dirt and precipitation, and then blown with compressed air.
  • The temperature of the insulating materials must correspond to that specified in technological map face value
  • Surfaces must be heated until they reach positive temperature values.
  • Synthetic compounds (furan, epoxy, ethinol) during transportation and storage must be carefully protected from hypothermia, which can lead to loss of beneficial properties.
  • Emulsion pastes, cement-sand mortars, cold bitumen mastics should be used with frost-resistant additives.
  • Inside the premises in which work is carried out, it is necessary to maintain heat in the range from +10 to +15°C.
  • The protection of waterproofing coatings is covered with well-thawed soil or dry sand with maximum layer-by-layer compaction.
  • At negative values temperature (below -5°C), work to protect structures from water penetration must be carried out in a greenhouse, the temperature inside of which should be above +5°C at a height of half a meter from the floor surface. When heating temporary construction structures When using binding materials of organic origin, the use of open fire is not allowed. If painting and adhesive waterproofing is carried out without a greenhouse, the insulated objects under mortars and bitumen mastics must be dried and heated to a temperature of at least +5°C.
  • The insulated surface must be thoroughly dried and heated to +10-15°C.
  • Leveling screeds are made exclusively from asphalt concrete heated to high temperatures.
  • The operating temperatures of hot asphalt mastics should be +160-180°C, cold ones +60-80°C.
  • Before use, roll materials are placed in a warm place (+15-20°C) for at least 20 hours.
  • Transportation of work site materials should be carried out in insulated containers, and insulated containers should also be provided for hot mastic and solutions. Rolled materials require heating to +15°C, after which they are used in rewound form.
  • During preparation concrete surfaces remove snow fractions, heat to +5°C and dry until humidity reaches 5%. Surfaces intended for waterproofing are pre-primed with liquefied bitumen-polymer agents with anti-frost components. With help cement-sand mixtures with frost-resistant additives and hardening accelerators (does not freeze down to -25°C) the depressions are sealed.
  • Painting waterproofing is carried out at sub-zero temperatures on a hot bitumen mastic. In addition, it can be used for gluing one layer of adhesive waterproofing. It is possible to carry out hot asphalt insulation provided that frost-resistant additives are used.

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