Decor made of plywood walls. Plywood in the interior: the original decoration is simple and tasteful. Note. But plywood is indispensable in the construction of foundations, columns, and ceilings. In most cases, laminated plywood is used, which is treated with special

Plywood - inexpensive and environmentally friendly natural material, which does not require complex processing.

Plywood is represented by a set of sheets wood veneer, sealed with a special mixture.

The cost-effectiveness of plywood has led to its widespread use in the production of furniture, interior decoration and facades.

Painting is most often used to treat and protect slabs. Compared to other treatments wooden surfaces, painting plywood sheets is not difficult and does not require professional skills.

A simple processing method will increase the durability of the property and emphasize its natural design.


Before painting by yourself plywood, you should take care of the cleanliness of the surrounding area and nearby objects by covering them with a wide film.

Processing of plywood sheets is carried out in several stages:

  • Drying;
  • Grinding;
  • Padding;
  • Treatment;
  • Painting.

High-quality coloring of wood-laminated boards is impossible without preparatory work. The surface of the material by its nature has many irregularities and chips.

The material is processed with special care and patience.

Step-by-step technology

Initially, plywood sheets should be thoroughly dried, especially if the material was stored in a closed and unventilated warehouse. To do this, the purchase is placed in a warm, dry room for several days.

After drying is completed, the plywood is carefully sanded using coarse sandpaper in two stages. Sanding is done manually or using a special machine strictly perpendicular to the texture. During processing, the sheets must be cleaned of dust and wood debris.

Then begin sanding again along the wood grain pattern using finer sandpaper. We must not forget about the edges of the plywood.

Before painting, the edges of the material are sanded well and covered with several layers of putty.

Priming the wood board is a mandatory stage of work. It fills small cracks and effectively adheres the paint to the surface of the product.

As a result of priming, it is ensured reliable protection from cracking and drying out, the surface is leveled and the service life is increased finished product.

On sale you can find prepared plywood products that do not require the first stages of preparation. The item has already been treated with the necessary layers that protect the plywood from cracks. The disadvantage of such a product is its significant cost.

After the primer has dried, they begin to treat the plywood sheet with special antiseptics. These products protect the material from fire and.

In the case of painting plywood with transparent paint, antiseptic treatment is especially necessary against biological irritants.

Choosing paint

Important to consider operational features future product: on outdoors or plywood will be used in the room, is it necessary to emphasize the beauty of the wooden sheet.

The paint must match the class of the wood board. It is better to paint plywood sheets based on their function:

Products intended for outdoor use are coated with oil or enamel paint.

Products used for the production of furniture or home decoration are painted with paint on water based to prevent strong odors.

The slab is painted paint brush, roller or spray in several layers, paying special attention to the ends.

What the plywood will be painted with is determined by the amount of painting and the shape of the material. Each tool is almost equal.

If it is necessary to combine two or more paint colors, then paint tape is used when painting.

On sale you can find paints of any color in finished form or choose your own shade using tinting.

In some cases, plywood sheets are painted with varnish. Before varnishing, the material is thoroughly sanded and its surface is degreased.

Then one coat of varnish is applied to the product and left to dry. After the surface has dried, sanding is carried out again to eliminate hairiness and give it a matte finish.

If you need to get glossy finish, then the application of varnish is repeated. The final coat of varnish can be applied with a sprayer, allowing you to evenly cover the surface with the coloring agent.

If such a tool is not available, then varnishing is carried out with a roller, and hard to reach places lubricated with a brush.

We take into account important points

For beginners, some subtleties of work can lead to poor-quality coloring. Using some guidelines, finished plywood sheets will last long time and decorate the interior:

It is convenient to paint medium-sized surfaces with a roller.

Curly elements and corners of the material are painted with high quality only with a brush.

It is better to use for painting the product foam roller to avoid lint residue from bellows instruments.

For uniform coloring, work is carried out in longitudinal direction plywood fibers.

To obtain a rich color, do not apply thick layer coloring agent, it is enough to paint the product in two layers.

The second coat of paint is applied only after the previous one has thoroughly dried.

Find and prepare a place and tools for painting in advance.

Painting plywood is an interesting and easy task. Accuracy and patience will give excellent results.

In order to decorate your home, you don’t have to spend money on expensive furnishings and interior design, because plywood decor can be inexpensive and stylish decoration, which can be made independently using a jigsaw or ordered in workshops with special equipment.

Advantages of decorative elements made of plywood

Plywood is becoming an alternative to natural wood, which is not always affordable for creativity, and the combination of high strength and low weight allows you to create voluminous decorative elements that are easy to install without outside help. In addition, plywood can be used to decorate rooms in any style, because you can create elements of any shape - simple lines and exquisite curves can be created to suit any interior style.

What kind of decor can be made from plywood?

There are many types of plywood that differ from each other in properties, sheet thickness, flexibility and susceptibility to different types of processing, and this makes it possible to create a variety of plywood decor, photos of which adorn the catalogs of design agencies and have wide area applications.

Types of plywood decor:

  • Decorative elements intended to decorate premises have only aesthetic value - wall panels, photo frames;

  • Decor having functional load– tables, decorative shelves, clocks, mirror frames, decorative furniture elements.

Decorating walls using plywood

IN Lately people's desire to surround themselves with objects increases natural origin at work and especially in your own home. Plywood is popular in wall decoration due to the fact that it is, in fact, a natural material, which, due to the peculiarities of production from veneer, has the texture and pattern of wood. Almost everyone feels comfortable in an interior with natural surfaces. The living structure of wood that plywood can convey is especially beneficial if varnish is used as a finishing coating.

Making decorative elements from plywood with your own hands

If you make decor from plywood with your own hands at least once, it can become a hobby for everyone. for a long time, because you can get original things that do not require significant expenses. All you need is basic drill skills and electric jigsaw, in order to make a cutout for the ceiling from FC plywood up to 10 mm thick.

Stages of work:

  • A recess of about 5 cm is made in the ceiling and lined with plywood so that the wiring where the lamp will be installed is in the center;

  • The sketch of the cutting is transferred to tracing paper. To do this, ¼ of the sketch is made in full size on tracing paper and the drawing is transferred in parts to plywood. Of course, if the size of the decorative element is small, then the entire design can be transferred to tracing paper at once;

  • Using a drill, holes are drilled in the places that need to be cut out so that it is convenient to work with a jigsaw;

  • The entire lattice is cut out as accurately as possible along the contours. After this, the ends are carefully sanded in order to remove all roughness;

  • Along the perimeter of the recess in the ceiling and in the center, lighting is provided using a flexible LED strip that does not heat the surface of the plywood;

  • At the last stage, the plywood grille is installed in its place and the ceiling lamp is connected.

The grille can be painted before installation, but usually varnish is used to make the wood texture visible. Such decoration is appropriate even in rooms with low ceilings and is quite within the capabilities of even novice craftsmen, for whom such decoration in the interior can become an effective business card.

Using plywood to decorate the garden

Consider that plywood can only be used for decoration interior spaces, would be a mistake, because moisture-resistant types of plywood can become the basis for decor that will give personal plot original look– a garden door made of plywood looks unusual, the decor of which is made in a floral style, figurines of birds or animals. Such a garden can become a favorite place for walks for children who are attracted to unusual shapes and bright colors of decorative elements.

Note! For decorative elements You can only use FSF plywood. It has increased resistance to moisture due to the fact that the glue used for its production contains phenol-formaldehyde resin.

All decorative elements for the garden are made using the same technology:

  • Having chosen an image based on which a figurine for the garden will be made, a stencil is made from cardboard;
  • The contour is transferred onto a 20 mm thick FSF plywood using a stencil and cut out with an electric jigsaw;
  • The end cut is carefully processed with sandpaper so that a perfectly smooth surface is obtained;
  • Pegs are attached to the cut out figure with self-tapping screws for installation in the garden. The larger the figure, the longer the fastenings must be to provide the necessary strength;
  • Using a stencil, the contours of the design are transferred to the workpiece, after which the painting is done with acrylic paints. Paint is also applied to the ends of the plywood figure;
  • After drying acrylic paint the entire figurine is varnished.

This method of making figurines for garden decoration can also be used for volumetric elements, but in this case several blanks are made and assembled before painting.

If your new hobby is sawing out various decorative elements, burning or carving wood, then our advice would be to start with a material such as plywood.

There are several significant reasons for this:

Plywood is quite easy to work with.

If it's in your hands good tool, and you'll start with the figures small size, then making them will only take you a couple of hours.

The material is universal in use, so you can make literally anything you want from it: furniture, toys, small decorative elements.

All this can be a wonderful addition to the interior of your home.

Features of working with the material

What does it represent plywood sheet. It consists of several sheets of veneer, which are connected to each other using glue.

Important: plywood can be different types: based on beech, birch, pine.

Not only the quality of the finished product, but even its structure and color depends on which sheet you choose.

If you are going to cut out various figures using a jigsaw, then you need to choose the highest quality types of plywood.

They are particularly durable, which ensures that the plywood will not crack, ruining the entire appearance of the product at the most unpredictable moment.

If you are going to start working immediately, immediately on the day of purchase, then choose only dry sheets of wood.

They won't break the jigsaw blade every 10 minutes.

To work with plywood, you will need to acquire a number of tools.

In principle, they are always the same for all types of products, so you only need a one-time investment:

  • Jigsaw
  • Jigsaw files
  • Hand or electric drill
  • Ruler
  • Grinding machine
  • Burner.


If you want to beautifully decorate your home or give it to someone close to you original gift, make your own plywood frame.

The preparation process will not take you much time, because you just need to get the necessary materials.


They are standard for all cases, and we have already mentioned them before.

We will offer you master classes on light plywood crafts. You can make either a regular straight frame or plan various patterns and figures on it.

First you need to make a template, and after that you can cut it out, trace the contours with a pencil on the plywood and begin the manufacturing process.

This stage is not only the most responsible, but also the most exciting. If you put a piece of your soul into your work, everything will definitely work out. Ready design must be opened with varnish. Ready!

Doll furniture

This task will be a real test for parents.


The so-called test of acquired design skills.

Feature of creation doll furniture is that children do not tolerate falsehood at all.

If they see that the furniture is not worked out in detail, but instead kitchen stove for your favorite doll you brought an ordinary block rectangular shape, then you simply cannot avoid serious grievances and childhood disappointments.

The second feature of making such a craft from plywood using a jigsaw is that all this furniture must be carefully worked out with sandpaper or a grinding machine.

Your child will constantly come into contact with these self-made toys, and if the edges are poorly processed, they may get hurt.


Well latest feature crafts made from plywood and home is that the materials for such furniture must be absolutely non-toxic and normal for constant contact with a child, because he can drag it into his mouth or take it to bed with him.

This is not a simple applique or paper craft, so you need to take the matter seriously, following a whole list of actions that need to be completed.

Carrying out work from plywood

How simple furniture is made in detail, and then assembled into one piece of furniture, so do-it-yourself plywood crafts should be done separately.

To do this, first of all, prepare special drawings of plywood crafts, on which you will specify the dimensions of all parts and their fastenings.

Take a ready-made plywood sheet and attach a paper part template to it.

Trace the part with a pencil and plan out the outline with a jigsaw.

After this, each part must be cleaned with sandpaper or a grinding machine and only then the piece of furniture must be assembled.

When you are done with the entire set, open it up with varnish.

Below are provided different variants and photos of plywood crafts. Choose the one you like.

Photos of plywood crafts

Plywood in the interior of a house is one of the most interesting and universal materials, which can be used in various design solutions. It acts as an alternative to solid wood.

At the same time, plywood elements are easy to change in shape, move and install, making them convenient to use both in small apartments and in large offices. What can you design using this material?

Artist's studio

Thin sheets of beautiful birch plywood span the space from floor to ceiling. It is present in all elements of the apartment: in drawers, doors, cabinets and niches. Most of the elements are compactly and practically located side by side, due to which they form a single composition.

For example, sliding door hides a folding bed behind it, and built-in drawers can perfectly accommodate all the small interior elements.

Plywood student room

Affordable student housing has never been so creative and stylish. The tiny 100-square-foot laminated plywood house is perfect for a table, hammock, staircase, kitchen, and even a small bathroom.

Modern compact house

A peculiar matte black geometric cabin in the forest is one of the most unusual interior solutions. The designer used plywood for the majority of the furnishings. internal space, including a sofa and a bed (with soft mattresses, of course).

Transforming walls

An unusual wall made of plywood, proposed by one of the designers, can be changed depending on the wishes of the owner of the house. It can become a fence for the kitchen, a screen for the bedroom or living room, and a library.

Wall shelving

In a house with a non-standard arrangement of walls and a relatively small area, compositions with a variety of shelves will look great. They not only look very stylish, but also expand working space rooms.

Light and bright store

A shoe boutique can become quite a profitable business if you manage to present it to the buyer correctly. Original design with lots of light and plywood panels - a great example of how to make your business efficient. Cafe

Diagonal plywood lines will definitely prevent the cafe from looking boring or cheap. Multi-colored inserts and original location panels made from this material are, of course, one of the the most important factors popularity of this stylish establishment.

Curved walls in the office

Plywood walls that extend from the floor to the ceiling are a great way to separate one company office from another. This not only improves employee productivity, but also creates a pleasant atmosphere in the workplace.

Underground studio

This house can be called a kind of dugout.

The upper level is located above the ground and includes light roof and a staircase leading to the studio itself. Everything inside is upholstered with plywood, which creates a very warm and cozy atmosphere even at a certain depth below the ground surface.

Walls in the shape of a barcode

The partitions between the rooms in this house are, of course, extremely unusual solution. Use similar design convenient, for example, for a bathroom and a toilet to separate them from each other without additional redevelopment.

The same idea can be used in the kitchen, bedroom, office and other rooms.

Geometric origami

Non-standard office design using thin stripes on the ceiling is a bright and memorable solution. Upon entering the office, a unusual look with hanging 10-20 cm from the ceiling plywood construction. Unexpected and original.

Horizontal lines

The walls of any home can be decorated not only with wallpaper or paint. You can install plywood strips along their entire length. Moreover, such a design can serve not only as decoration, but also as the wall itself.

It is even easier to create a partition using the material in question, so they resort to the idea quite often.


Even classrooms at a school, as well as auditoriums at a university or academy can be made from plywood. At the same time, it is important that such a room gets into natural light, since this is extremely important for the learning process.

For these purposes, you can use, for example, shutter doors, which, of course, are made of plywood.

Office building foyer

Another work of art is a composition of plywood boards placed on top of each other in a somewhat chaotic order. Such elements may be different heights, due to which they can be used as benches, shelving or reception desks.

Vacation home

The natural patterns of plywood contrast perfectly with the white and gray shades that are most often used in the interiors of country houses.

The material in question can be used both for entire walls or partitions, and for individual elements, for example, beds, cabinets or fireplaces.

The reality of our life is such that it is almost impossible to invent something new, and that is why designers and decorators find interesting ways exploitation of seemingly ordinary materials. Today there is a lot of artificial stuff around us, therefore, natural raw materials are valued higher than 20-30 years ago, but it’s even better if natural materials are available, which is quite rare.

So, if for some reason you are not ready to purchase, for example, natural wood for interior decoration, you can use a more budget-friendly option, which in many respects is not inferior to its older brother. Plywood is a material with great potential, environmentally friendly, pliable and versatile; it will certainly make the interior interesting and unusual, even a little futuristic, in our opinion.

Special characteristics of plywood

Plywood – multilayer construction material, which is made by gluing specially prepared natural wood veneer. The number of veneer layers is most often odd (3 or more). A notable feature of plywood, which makes the material durable, is that the layers are applied so that the wood fibers of one sheet are strictly perpendicular to the previous and next ones, due to which the material is strong and slightly deformed.

Plywood is used in electrical engineering, the aviation industry, shipbuilding, house construction, interior cladding, furniture and decorative objects.


There are two main types of plywood: FK (moisture-resistant) and FSF (increased moisture resistance), in turn, they can be processed by lamination for greater durability and resistance to deformation.

Plywood can be made from both hard and soft wood, and is produced in several types and grades, differing in purpose, service life, cost and appearance. A more expensive option for plywood are sheets of birch veneer, but plywood made from coniferous species(pines, spruces, larches, fir).

The use of plywood in the interior

Also in early XIX centuries in our country, plywood was considered a cheap and therefore low-value material, synonymous with mass production and the absence of any taste. And yet, some objects made from plywood back in the 50s of the last century are today considered examples of high object design. A striking example of this design is an armchair with an ottoman. Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman, created by outstanding American designers - spouses Charles and Ray Eames.


Gradually, plywood is becoming a sought-after, popular and very fashionable material, used by designers on an extraordinary scale - from surface cladding large areas floors, walls and ceilings, to the creation of furniture, decorative elements and accessories.




Strengths of using plywood in the interior

  • Environmental friendliness

Since the material is environmentally friendly, it can be used in any room, even in a children's room. Furniture made from plywood is much lighter than items made from natural wood, does not emit toxic substances and, in general, looks very organic.


  • Compliance

Plywood is used to make objects of the most bizarre and unexpected shapes, from rectangular to complex bent silhouettes. At the same time, their strength and durability do not change, and the space of the room becomes more original. Today, even in luxury housing you can find plywood used as facing material for large surfaces, since the owners of such housing want to get a current designer interior.




  • Aesthetics

Light wood with beige and golden veins will not leave even the most fastidious customer indifferent, but if your funds are limited, then plywood will be an equally worthy analogue.

The setting in which plywood elements are used is marked by a special aesthetics and warmth, and the restraint and simplicity of the material create visual lightness and purity



  • Versatility and functionality

Lightweight and durable material - plywood will serve perfectly in the kitchen, hallway, living room, and even in the bathroom (if the material has been properly processed beforehand). You can make a variety of objects from plywood sheets: chairs and stools, cabinets and racks, shelves and consoles, tables and drawers, lamps, screens, table tops and much more. This material is worthy of your attention in all respects, so we, in turn, are happy to recommend using it in the interior of any room!




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