Modern small bathroom design. Choosing tiles in the design process of a small bathroom. Smart solution for narrow spaces with windows

When solving the issue of visual expansion of space, most designers agree on one opinion: it is necessary to remove all unnecessary things. What extra things can you find in a small bathroom? At first glance, nothing. There is a sink, a bathtub and a shelf with shampoo... However, this is at first glance, but if you take a closer look, in every bathroom there are many things that visually “eat up” meters. Organize your space correctly, remove items that you use at most once a month, hide cosmetics, etc. in specially designated places. Washing powder and it is more advisable to store cleaning products in the pantry, and cosmetics in the bedroom dressing table.

Special products for showering, water procedures and after them are best stored in a special wall cabinet in the bathroom. What else can you find in our baths? Of course, a basket for dirty laundry. Not only does this piece of furniture significantly reduce the space, but also storing dirty things in the bathroom threatens them with “rotting” from constant contact with moist air.

To make a room functional and comfortable, you need to think through the design down to the smallest detail. What else can be achieved? visual increase square? Of course, due to light, color and shape.

How to make a small bathroom functional and comfortable. Recommendations

There is a global option for increasing the space of the bathroom, but not everyone decides to do it. We are talking about a combined bathroom. By removing just one wall, we get a huge amount of additional space to realize our design solutions, however, from an aesthetic point of view, not everyone agrees with such a combination, and even more so if we are talking about a family in which more than 3 people live.

Following simple rules will help make the room functional and comfortable.

1. Avoid a lot of dark colors in your bathroom design. The lighter the walls of the room, the larger its visual area. As for design, a minimalist style is ideal for small rooms. No frills, complex curls on the tiles, ruffles on the shower curtain - this will only make the room smaller.

2. A good way to visually enlarge a space is large wall mirror with clear lines and shapes. Decorative details are acceptable, but in limited quantities, since in conditions of high humidity bacteria will develop on such items and mold will multiply, and this is unacceptable. Whatever bathroom design you choose, it will be beautiful only under one condition - the cleanliness of the room.

3. The bathroom is a place where light colors need to be diluted with bright colors. In addition, this option will allow you to avoid troublesome and painstaking care of the walls. If your goal is to make the bath wider, use finishing materials with horizontal stripes and patterns, vertical stripes will help visually raise the ceiling.

4. An excellent solution for storing necessary personal hygiene products would be wall-mounted or built-in cabinets (the latter option is the most advantageous, since they visually form a single whole with the design of the walls). The fewer free-standing parts there are in the bathroom, the wider and more spacious it will look.

5. Another option to increase the area of ​​the bathroom is to install a shower cabin instead of the usual bath. This solution has a number of advantages. First of all, this is an aesthetic aspect, a shower cabin is stylish and elegant, and secondly, it has high performance characteristics. For those who like to soak in a warm bubble bath, we can recommend replacing the usual model with a corner one. By installing such a bathtub, you will not only visually enlarge the room, but also free up space for the washing machine. Buy a compact cabin: stationary with fully equipped or a regular tray with a special screen.

6. Another popular option for increasing bathroom space is to remove the washbasin. However, such radical method not suitable for everyone, but modern technologies production household appliances and bathroom furniture make it possible to place necessary items directly under the washbasin (including a washing machine).

7. Use of installations. If in the bathroom it is possible to allocate 20-30 cm behind the toilet, then hanging model will ideal solution. By carving out this space, the owners immediately “kill two birds with one stone.” Wall-hung toilet more compact than its “brother” of standard models. It makes cleaning easier and is located close to the wall. The space at the back, not occupied by communications, is used to place cabinets and shelves.

8. Correct placement of the mixer. Most the best option counts side installation. Practical solution will save a lot of space in the bathroom. If the sink has a standard width and is located near the bathtub, you can choose a universal faucet with a long spout. It will cover both the bathroom and the washbasin.

9. The play of light largely depends on the material used to decorate the bathroom walls. Glossy tiles in warm light colors will help to visually expand the space. Avoid colorful patterns, contrasting joints and oversized tiles.

Lighting in a small bathroom

The bathroom is a soft place diffused light created using spotlights or LED strip placed around the perimeter of the room. When choosing lighting devices, you should remember that high humidity negatively affects their performance; choose special models of lamps.

Usage LED strips in wall cabinets and under them will allow you to create comfortable lighting, in which it will be pleasant to soak in a warm bathroom. As for the number of devices and their placement, it all depends on your preferences. The main thing to remember is that there are no clear shadows and always a well-lit mirror (especially if a representative of the fairer sex lives in the apartment).

We hope that our ideas and the photos we presented will encourage you to make radical or more modest changes in your interior!

In the design of small bathrooms important point– proper decoration of the room. It is quite difficult to place everything that is necessary for comfortable life It would seem that a modern person does not even have to think about beauty and comfort. However, there are simple design techniques, which will help make the plumbing room not only convenient, but also cozy.

Design of a small combined bathroom: increasing the space

There are several general rules for decorating small spaces. If they are followed, even the smallest room will look much more spacious and bright. Do not neglect these rules when creating the interior of your home bathroom.

  • Use light colors for decoration. The design of a small bathroom is bright and too dark colors can only be used as accents.
  • Use mirrors - they can visually double the area of ​​a small bathroom. At the same time, do not hang mirrors opposite each other, so as not to create a “tunnel” effect - it is better if one wall is mirrored, or two walls converging at right angles.
  • Use glossy surfaces in your bathroom design - they create a play of reflections, thereby complicating the interior and adding light to it. For example, a glossy stretch ceiling would be appropriate.
  • Provide good lighting- how brighter room, the bigger it seems. In a small bathroom, ceiling mounts are required. Spotlights and desirable additional sources Sveta.
  • Partitions and even individual pieces of glass furniture will “dissolve” in the air and make the space larger.
  • There should be little furniture, and it should be multifunctional so as not to “eat up” the space of an already small bathroom.
  • Consider installing a walk-in shower instead of a standard bath - it will make a small room feel much more spacious.

Moreover, in bathroom design small size You can also use other “little tricks”, for example, installing a washbasin on a long countertop, part of which will extend into the space above the bathtub. In this case, the countertop can be used to store shampoos, conditioners, shower gels and other bathing items.

Important: Don't forget that corners can be used rationally. A corner bath or shower takes up much less space than ordinary straight ones, in addition, you can place a sink in the corner and hang special “corner” shelves.

Remember that hanging plumbing facilitates not only cleaning, but also visual perception small room.

Tiles in a modern small bathroom design: the right choice

  • Color

According to the basic rules for decorating small rooms, the tiles should have light colors. Do not forget that cool shades (blue, turquoise) visually “pull back” the walls, and a small room seems larger. Warm tones, on the contrary, “bring the walls closer to the viewer,” thereby making the room smaller.

  • Size

The best design option is small tiles. Large-format visually will immediately make the room very small, and may even upset the proportions. Part of the walls can be tiled with mosaics.

There is a general rule: A person is impressed not by the size of each of the tiles, but by their total number, which he estimates by eye, by the number of seams between the tiles. The more there are, the larger the room according to the psychological perception of space.

  • Texture

In the design of a small bathroom from large images, popular in Lately It is better to avoid 3D designs and shiny rhinestones. Follow the rule “the simpler the better.” Even better if finishing material It has natural origin or classic texture. Traditional “hog” tiles, calm patterns, tiles inspired by natural materials, such as marble, or natural travertine are an excellent choice for a compact bathroom.

Usage wooden surfaces or wood-look tiles enhance the design of any room, including those for plumbing purposes. Tiles with small patterns are also allowed, but it is better that they are directed vertically. Mirror tiles in bathroom design it will help to give “extra volume” and looks very aesthetically pleasing, although it requires more complex care.

  • Laying

When designing a small bathroom, avoid dividing the walls horizontally. It is better to direct colored or ornamented stripes from the floor to the ceiling, highlighting, for example, the toilet installation area or the “wet” area. You should not lay out large patterns - this will visually make a small bathroom smaller.

Important: In design, glossy surfaces have a mirror effect, so their use in small rooms is encouraged.

Design of a small bathroom with toilet: choosing furniture

The principle of minimalism, according to which small rooms are decorated, says: there should be as little furniture as possible, and it should be multifunctional. It’s even better if the same piece of furniture can perform several functions at the same time.

  • Cabinet furniture

Conventional “column” cabinets should give way to built-in storage systems, light shelving, and niches. Storage systems can be closed with doors, or they can be open. For furniture design, a light tone or the color of natural wood is preferable.

Important: If you equip storage systems with glass or mirror doors, a small room will seem more spacious. In this case, labor costs for cleaning increase slightly.

  • Laundry basket

This is an essential element of bathroom equipment, which, in addition to a purely utilitarian function, can also serve as a decorative element in the design of the room. However, in small bathrooms, such a basket takes up a lot of space and can attract too much attention. Therefore, it is better if it is put away in the pantry, or “merges” with overall design walls Space for a small laundry basket can be provided in the built-in storage system, and you can also hide it there. washing machine.

  • Mirror

In small bathroom design, mirrors are of utmost importance. They not only provide comfort when performing hygiene procedures, but also affect the perception of the size of a small room, increasing it significantly. The choice should be a simple mirror; the larger it is, the better. A small cabinet with mirrored doors above the sink is inappropriate - it dramatically reduces the volume of the room. A more radical design option is a mirror wall behind the washbasin.

Design of a small combined bathroom: styling concept

Minimalism is the style that can be considered the most correct for the design of a small bathroom. Its main principles: light colors in the design, using only the most necessary furniture and a minimum of decorative elements. The dimensions of bathroom furniture should be small.

Additional elements in bathroom design, such as soap dishes, holders toilet paper and toothbrushes, bottles with liquid detergents should not stand out from the general color scheme. You can use live plants, small paintings or sea shells as decoration.

Compact bathroom: standard bath

The bathtub is the most bulky item in the plumbing room. As a rule, it completely occupies one of the walls. If you love taking baths and can't imagine living without one, consider upgrading your standard bathtub to a corner or compact one. This will help save scarce space and install a small washing machine or storage system in the free space.

Compact bathroom: shower cabin

To save vital space, consider replacing your bathtub with a walk-in shower. This will not only visually, but also actually increase the free space of a small bathroom and make it possible to equip it in the most efficient way. If the bowl size of a regular bathroom starts from 170 cm, then the size of a small shower cabin (minimum) is only 70 cm. Those who think that it is impossible to do without a bathtub can choose a shower cabin model with a sitting bathtub below.

Important: In a small bathroom the best solution There will be a shower stall with transparent doors installed; it will not clutter up the room. The cleaner and more transparent the glass of the doors, the stronger the effect of visually “dissolving” the cabin in space.

Designers consider shower stalls ideal option for placement in small bathrooms. Preference should be given to small ones corner models– they take up less space and, with the same dimensions, are more functional and convenient to use.

The main advantages of shower cabins over traditional bathtubs:

  • Space is saved significantly;
  • Save money water resources and the financial means of the family, since when washing in the shower, water consumption is much less than when washing in the bath.
  • The shower cabin can be equipped with a hydromassage device, which increases the comfort of use and has a positive effect on well-being;
  • The bathroom design looks more modern and stylish.

Important: There is no need to turn a small bathroom into a warehouse; it is best not to occupy the space freed up after installing a shower stall, if possible. Follow the laws of ergonomics and place only necessary items in the bathroom. For example, a washing machine can be installed in the pantry, if there is one in the apartment.

The bathroom is a place for relaxation, a room in which you can take water procedures and conduct a weekly spa course. In no other room is functionality and design so closely intertwined, which should create a cozy and relaxing environment while taking into account all the necessary storage spaces.

«Iuliia Bondarenko/»

A modern bathroom is characterized by a small area, the presence plumbing equipment and compact storage systems. Design, as they say, is a purely individual and personal matter, and it is given separate and special attention, depending on individual preferences, in order to create an intimate and comfortable environment for a particular person.

Modern bathroom design

Modern bathroom design is characterized by functionality, laconicism, and the use of modern materials such as glass, chromed metal and plastic. It has already become a tradition to use ceramic tiles for cladding, which ensures absolute resistance of walls to moisture.


« Pavel L Photo and Video/»
« yampi/»

Manufacturers have offered dozens of collections that help property owners decorate their bathrooms in the same style.


In modern bathroom design, a special place is given to appearance plumbing, fittings and water supply taps. Sinks can have different shapes and can be equipped with waterfall taps for design and functional purposes.

With the help of functional interior items, you can achieve additional design effects that will make your personal relaxation room a little paradise where you can forget about the worries of the day.

You can choose furniture from the proposed assortment or approach this issue with imagination by organizing convenient systems storage for small items, bath towels, household appliances and other household supplies.


Bathroom design with shower

A shower stall in a bathroom can complement or replace a traditional bathtub. Which is better, a bathtub or a shower, depends only on personal preference. But, as a rule, shower cabins are installed in small rooms, since a compact arrangement of plumbing fixtures can save a lot of space.

An alternative to a shower room with a medium-sized plumbing room can be a bathroom with a hydromassage shower.

"Maxal Tamor/"

You can imitate a shower stall using special glass screens. If you like to take a bath, a hydromassage stand can replace the cabin.

Bathroom combined with toilet

This layout is very compact and allows you to place all the necessary plumbing fixtures, freeing up more free space.


Many owners of apartments with separate bathrooms and toilets have combined them into a single space, making the bathroom more spacious and comfortable. This solution makes it possible to install couches and additional furniture in the bathroom, which are necessary for storing things and relaxing.

"kittirat roekburi/"

Which color suits you best?


A bathroom decorated in white turns out to be very bright and visually large. Usage LED lighting and ceiling lights help to significantly improve this impression.

"alexandre zveiger/"

Light floral decoration, ceramic decor with a combination of colors to match are allowed. A good example there will be elite collections of Rosa Portugal tiles from Ibero Ceramicas, jacquard Ajanta from KERAMA MARAZZI and Melange Jade from Ceramics.


Keep in mind that in practical design examples you can rarely see a bathroom decorated in one color; most often, combinations of 2 or 3 colors are used.

"El Greco/"


A purple bathroom is very picky about the color shade. If we are talking about a rich color, you will need to hang mirrors in the room and provide good lighting. Such techniques will expand the space. Visual expansion The room can be achieved with a white ceiling and light floor.


You can also choose a collection of ceramic tiles for the walls and borrow ready-made design episodes in purple shades. An interesting option would be Next tiles from Ibero, Azalea from Berezakeramika or Domenico tiles.

Purple, emerald, and deep gray shades of design are typical for fusion-style bathrooms. This is the direction decoration implies a mix of styles using deep and noble shades.

When choosing dark shades of tiles, it is better to buy super-glossy tiles. Despite its relative impracticality, such a surface will reflect light well, which will give the room additional volume.

Purple color promotes the production of serotonin in the body, which significantly improves mood and immunity. This color helps normalize the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as quality rest.


Black and white bathroom

The black and white bathroom is a classic of the genre. Such interiors are classified as expressive designs that will look best in rooms with more large area. However, when purchasing tiles from expensive brands, the problem of “narrowing space” is partially resolved.

"Credit: fotoplan/"

Manufacturers carefully select shades, patterns, and finishes so that it looks elegant and appropriate in any interior. Such collections include PORCELANOSA SAIGON tiles, Bolero Jade Ceramics, as well as the already mentioned Ajanta from KERAMA MARAZZI.



A brown bathroom is suitable for owners who prefer classics. A completely brown bathroom is rarely made, most often in combination with light tiles. Bathrooms in brown shades can be made in a wooden house, as well as in interiors where wood imitation finishes are used.


For finishing modern interiors you can choose Bali tiles from Golden Tile or Dante Chocolate and Dante Mix.




If you choose a green bathroom from all the options, most often it is made in light green shades. We will be talking not only about a “light” solution, but also about a combination of colors of tiles made in white and light green. This could be Birch Ceramics Style or Flora Green tiles from Opoczno.

« Andrey_Kuzmin/»

Green color has a positive effect on health and mood. In addition, the presented collections in green tones are varied in shades; you can choose even the most unexpected combinations that will look very natural and original.


Red and white

Red and white bathroom tiles are definitely an extraordinary bathroom design for people who lack energy and want to wake up immediately in the morning. Red color is stimulating and activates energy processes in the body.

« alexilena/»

The red trim looks beautiful on a white background. In this case, the interior does not make an unpleasant impression.

It will look interesting to decorate the red wall above the bathtub or sink. Red tiles look good on the floor and create a so-called compositional base, as if saturating the apartment owners with energy from the inside.

« Stelmakh Oxana/»

Exquisite red ceramics are presented in many Italian collections, the use of which in interior design benefits not only because of the color, but also the texture.

« Kalakutskiy Mikhail/»


Let us characterize the most popular styles that are used to decorate bathrooms. If you want to do something original, you can deviate from the standard by offering an alternative vision for your bathroom.

Modern style

Modern style in the bathroom can be represented by separate artistic styles like minimalism, urbanism and industrial style or a combination of them. Each of these styles involves the use of different color combinations and modern forms plumbing and furniture.

« foamfoto/»

Modern bathrooms can be designed in brown, deep gray or all shades of beige. This style is characterized by noble restraint and neutral colors, complemented by ultra-modern accessories.

"Arsel Ozgurdal/"


Provence style is also called rustic style or the “farmhouse” style, however, city apartments are often decorated in the Provence style. This style is characterized by the presence of various attractive decor and accessories with ceramic stands and ornaments, trimmed with gold inserts.


A Provence style bathroom is designed in light colors, often in white or its halftones. IN in some cases, especially in individual houses, such bathrooms can be partially tiled, and the remaining walls and floors are often decorated with wooden paneling.


Provence is characterized by the use of curtains, numerous shelves, wicker accessories and furniture, and wood trim.

Classic style

For a classic style they often choose natural shades. Often in such bathrooms you can find the use of tiles imitating natural stone. You can make the interior more modern using designer plumbing fixtures and glass design elements.

«Arsel Ozgurdal/»

A classic bathroom is often made in all shades of beige, which gives it a special flavor of antiquity and reliability.



It is impossible to do without furniture in a bathroom. The stores offer a fairly wide variety of furnishings, but these are all more or less standard solutions. Key Feature these products - resistance of materials to high humidity.


At the same time, there is always the opportunity to contact a furniture workshop and order comfortable and functional systems storage that will not only improve the interior, but also make it more convenient.


Wall cabinet

A wall cabinet is a natural piece of furniture in a standard bathroom. It has several compartments for storing household appliances and hygiene items. Widely available for sale wall cabinets and cabinets with mirror and lighting, providing full-featured storage systems for standard baths.



Depending on the interior, a mirror in the bathroom can be a separate piece of furniture or combined with a special cabinet and cabinet. The combined option is more preferable, as it saves space.

«Arsel Ozgurdal/»

Good idea for small baths A flat shelf cabinet 15-20 cm deep with a large mirror as the front door panel is considered. Large mirror Can be placed on the front of a utility cabinet, washing machine and laundry basket.


Laundry basket

The laundry basket is also a natural part of the bathroom interior. There is a wide range of plastic, wooden and wicker models on sale, as well as special storage systems in which the laundry basket is built into a separate closet or niche. In some cases, a pencil case with a built-in laundry basket can be combined with an ironing board.

"Africa Studio/"


Bathroom lighting is a complex issue that requires highly professional installation. All lamps must be placed in accordance with construction requirements, installation is carried out at a considerable distance from water sources.

"David Papazian/"

When installing lamps, it is necessary to take into account the level of illumination. Electrical sources must not be placed within 60 cm of the bathroom. To install sockets near water sources, closed sockets and low-voltage lamps are used. The level of protection of all electrical appliances must be in the range IP44–IP45.


A chandelier can be used as a decoration for a bathtub only in rooms with a large area.

« Mark Breck ANDRII/»

In some cases, a small LED chandelier can be installed in small bathrooms, but this is usually replaced with ceiling spotlights to create overhead lighting.



For the bathroom, choose LED spotlights with closed wiring with water protection level IP44–IP45. It is recommended to avoid installing light sources directly above the bathtub and in the shower area. A great idea is to use crystal models that create an interesting play of light in the room.



Sconces are usually used in bathrooms for local illumination of the area near the mirror. Typically, protected hidden wiring and low-power LED devices are used for their installation. High-voltage lamps can be installed in large rooms at a considerable distance from water.

«Irina Borsuchenko/»

If your bathroom is modest in size, do not be discouraged: there are at least several technical options to expand its space. Firstly, by actually increasing the bathroom space through redevelopment. This method gives a significant increase square meters by combining, for example, a bathroom with a pantry or - the most popular move - a bathroom with a toilet. Beautiful modern small bathroom designs - 50 photo ideas.

A less radical than redevelopment, but nevertheless an effective and successful way is to expand the space due to the optical effect created by light colors. It is light and cold shades that help visually expand the space of a small bathroom; the main thing is to choose them correctly. Making a few bright accents is not at all forbidden, but you should avoid using contrasting colors, especially on one wall. The same rule must be followed when choosing furniture - it should visually merge with the walls and match the tone of the ceramic tiles. Modern small bathrooms design photos:

In addition to color, other qualities of objects will come to the rescue - for example, the ability to reflect. In addition to the traditional mirror above the sink, you can choose cabinets with mirrored doors, tiled floor use decorative elements with a mirror effect. A good option for a small bathroom, you will choose a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface - it will reflect light and expand the space, and will also save you from the consequences of flooding.

Design of a small bathroom without a toilet photo, if allowed technical capabilities, then instead of one of the walls you can put frosted or stained glass, which, allowing light to pass through, will undoubtedly become the highlight of the interior. We should not forget about the benefits of bright lighting; it is better if there are several light sources and the light is saturated. Small bathroom in Khrushchev design photo:

Interior design for a small bathroom

One of the main secrets - rational use the entire space of a small bathroom. This mainly means that you cannot afford anything extra. Leave the sink, cabinet, heated towel rail, shower and possibly washing machine. If possible, it is better to hide all pipes and communications in niches or walls, select furniture of small sizes and with rounded edges, and remember the advantages of a corner location.

Decorating a small bathroom with tiles photo design. Rational space planning, good layout, compact equipment, light, mirrored, transparent materials– the key to success in the design of your small bathroom. Modern small bathrooms design photos:

Small bathroom design project - the artist's secrets

The design of the bathroom and toilet is an unplowed field of opportunity for experimentation. If you have had nowhere to apply your inspiration and artistic taste for a long time, translate it into bathroom design: tiles, mirrors, shelves, various shapes and sizes of plumbing fixtures, in a word, a lot of opportunities for a creative person. Your own bathroom and toilet design is no joke; there is something to be proud of. How many of your friends can boast of this? Most likely, the majority preferred to leave the bathroom design project to professional craftsmen. And you can do it yourself!

Interior design of a small bathroom photo - and even if the area for experiments is not particularly large, it does not matter. The design of a small bathroom can be no less, if not more, creative and original than the design of a huge one. The main thing is not to be afraid to make your own bathroom design project.

Bathroom design: what color tiles are best? If you are faced with the task of designing a small bathroom, and you do not want to visually shrink it even more, then choose light colors. Any bright or dark tile you like can be used for the toilet - who said that the design of the bathroom and toilet should be the same? Your bathroom design can be built on contrast. Decorating a small bathroom with tiles photo design:

If you want to maximize visual perception, minimize the design of the bathroom; the tiles will work to increase if they do not have patterns, ornaments, “grain” and other small details. It should also be as large as possible. When creating a bathroom design project, remember that White color basically increases. The combination of white and metal also works well. Look at the photo for the design of a small bathroom without a toilet - built-in lamps will also complement it well - they save space and look very modern and stylish.

How else can you improve your bathroom design?

What aspects are included in the design of a bathroom: tiles, plumbing and much more. Speaking of plumbing! How modern man When designing a bathroom, you can’t help but think about a fashionable achievement of progress - a compact shower stall. The design of a small bathroom with a shower will look even more elegant, and there will be even more space! A shower cabin can become a bright detail that will decorate your bathroom: the glass doors can be covered with film with a pattern - bright or sophisticated. Interior design of a small bathroom photo:

Thanks to the shower cabin, you can also link the design of the bathroom and toilet together: the pattern on the film can repeat the pattern on the tiles, wallpaper or borders in the toilet. In addition, the shower cabin is much easier to clean: as a creative person who does not like routine, you should appreciate this! Modern small bathrooms design photos:

As you can see, designing a small bathroom is a non-trivial task, but also a very interesting one. A creative mind can handle it without difficulty and turn the design of a bathroom and toilet into a work of art. Small bathroom in Khrushchev design photo:

Can a small bathroom make you happy and give you the opportunity to relax? Maybe!!! And this will be confirmed by numerous photos of the interiors. The variety of styles and the possibility of combining them allows you to find the most unexpected, practical and interesting solutions.

Small bathroom– this is not a reason to give up convenience and stylish design. But just such a room, measuring only a few square meters, was considered normal according to Soviet architects. In this regard, modern owners of such housing are tormented by the question of how to enlarge the bathroom? What design style is suitable for this small and often tiny space? Designers thought for a long time and looked for answers to these questions.

As it turns out, the possibilities modern design are endless and you can decorate a small room in almost any style. Proper arrangement of plumbing fixtures, furniture, thoughtful decoration and lighting, careful selection of each element - these are the main secrets of turning a small bathroom into a comfortable and stylish room. What can designers offer to those who are forced to huddle in a small Khrushchev-era bathroom?

Design styles for a small bathroom

There are many ideas for decorating a small bathroom! Majority modern styles fit perfectly together. Therefore, we have the right to borrow something interesting from different styles. The difficulty of working with such a room lies not so much in the size, but in the filling of the bathroom, because there are only plumbing fixtures, furniture and decorative items. It is important to choose the right color scheme, use mirrors in the interior and take into account a lot of other little things.

Always and everywhere appropriate classic design, the bathroom is no exception in this case. Classics will look expensive, noble and beautiful. But designers do not recommend using modernism in its pure form. However, you can borrow such features of this style as zoning and a clear layout. The country style will also give many interesting ideas; you cannot ignore the SPA style and certainly deserves the attention of the marine one.

Classic design

Classic style always associated with luxury, wealth, elegance, grace and practicality. Classic - it is always relevant and popular. With the advent of new technologies, it is improved, transformed, and adapted to the new rhythm of life. Classic style is always pleasant textures, calm colors. Traditional arrangement of furniture, plumbing and accessories. In such a room there are no flashy designs, contrasts, trendy gadgets or non-standard items.

You should choose a bathtub that is unusual, original in shape, interesting in color, but it’s still better to choose traditional version light shades. A bathtub would be appropriate carved legs. A shower stall with transparent or matte partitions does not burden the space. Even one glass is enough to make the interior sparkle in a new way - lightly and weightlessly. In conditions limited space Most likely you will have to give up the bathtub in favor of a shower. Another interesting option– bath and shower in one place for glass partition, and a mirror will help visually enlarge the room.

The color palette is white and all its shades. Light colors visually “push the walls apart” and relax. Woody shades inherent in natural materials are appropriate. Tiles or wallpaper with a pattern will add variety to the room.

Country style

A small city apartment can easily accommodate a piece of rustic comfort and unique harmony with nature. Country style is perfect would be better suited wooden bath, however, it is very expensive. The characteristic features of country can be called rough plaster, stucco, stone, imitation of natural wood. The color scheme is light natural shades; rich coffee, brown, and green are not alien to it. In a small room, it is better to stick to white and beige shades as a background and use more saturated colors in accessories and small details.

Furniture should be quite simple, preference is given to natural materials or, in extreme cases, their imitation. Wicker items, such as a laundry basket, will fit perfectly into such an interior. Trendy and modern materials(glass, chrome, plastic) are absolutely inappropriate.

Plumbing fixtures are best made of brass. A bathtub with elegant legs, faucets made of copper, stainless steel or bronze will look beautiful. By the way, the use of ball valves is undesirable, because valve valves (typical of the beginning of the 20th century) will fit in organically.

Plumbing fixtures made of clay or wood will look great, but it is not always possible to purchase them. It doesn’t matter, because it’s quite acceptable to choose something from more available options, only in the desired color.

Accessories in country style are given great importance, because they are the ones who create that unique comfort and feeling of home. You should immediately abandon bright colors, as they will look ridiculous. Soft accents will help create waffle towels, wicker items, wooden items, open shelves with bottles. If there is a window in the room (and most often there is in typical Soviet-type buildings), then it can be curtained with a colorful curtain made of chintz or linen. Flowers will not be superfluous. The preferred lighting fixtures are antique chandeliers and even oil lamps. Fans of bright lighting can install additional LEDs. A few design tips will help you get the desired effect:

  • Fabric curtains at the bottom of the bathtub or washbasin will be very useful;
  • There may be fabric canopies above the bathtub itself;
  • Open shelves will complement the interior.

SPA style

The SPA style is characterized by many accents and details, and every little detail is of great importance. You can implement this style in your bathroom using the following design solutions:

  • Zoning a room with a white curtain;
  • Terry towels - there should be a lot of them, both hanging and folded in wicker trunks;
  • If the size of the bathroom allows, then it would not be a bad idea to put a wooden high chair;
  • Massage, pebble woven mats are an integral attribute;
  • Advantage for light shades.

Marine style in the bathroom

Marine style in last years attracts more and more attention and is chosen for arranging a miniature bathroom. The interest in this style is explained quite simply - the association with the huge bottomless sea gives a feeling of freedom. The lightness allows you to momentarily forget that this is just a bathroom in a city apartment.

Usually, when decorating an interior in marine design, they resort to using blue and blue shades, interspersed with white and green notes. Light-colored tiles are usually laid on the floor, and a carpet or rug is placed on top of it. There is a more interesting solution for the floor - to make it in the form of a plank deck.

Create sea ​​style in your bathroom you can use these simple design techniques:

  • A mirror and/or glass shelf should be decorated with seashells;
  • A sea green mesh curtain will literally help you transport yourself to the warm sea;
  • A window can be made with a “sea view” using a little imagination and paint;
  • A glass sink with fish swimming in it will look interesting;
  • Towel hooks in the shape of shells, thematic drawings on the walls - these are the details that set the overall mood of the room.


Minimalism is the style that was created for opponents of everything superfluous, unnecessary, pretentious and useless. It is ideal for a small bathroom, because a minimum of things gives maximum space and air. The design is characterized by clear, straight lines, and it is better to give preference to rectangular-shaped bathrooms. The color scheme is monochromatic, no more than 2 colors are allowed. Simple shapes and light shades create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. The combination of white and black in the interior looks amazing. You need to be careful when choosing plumbing fixtures - they cannot be the central element of the room.

Bath or shower? Here the issue is decided solely on the basis of personal preference. If there is a shower, then it is not bulky, but the best options are those with glass and metal edging. Designers advise:

  • For a bathroom in a minimalist style, it is better to choose wall-hung sanitary ware; this will not only provide more space, but will also make cleaning easier;
  • You can play with textures using matte and glossy surfaces.

Japanese style

Japanese style is characterized by such features as calmness, moderation, simplicity of lines and shapes. In conditions ordinary apartment you can recreate both the classic version of the Japanese bath and add some traditional elements. If possible, it is better to install a real wooden Japanese ofuro or limit yourself to more familiar options. The main feature of the room is its zoning and there must be areas for showering, bathing and changing clothes.

The styling of the bathroom is based on the use of calm tones (beige, brown, sand, shades of white), simple shapes and clear lines. In this case Japanese design has quite a lot in common with minimalism. Materials that can be used are ceramic tiles, moisture-resistant paint, and suspended ceilings. All elements must be designed in Japanese style. And a few more useful tips from the designer:

  • Entrance door. Why not make it stylized as suji?
  • Diffused light emanating from small lamps will emphasize the laconicism of the design;
  • Items must be put away closed shelves, in bedside tables;
  • A niche in the wall will be very useful with practical point vision and looks aesthetically interesting;
  • Even such a small thing as towels will become one of the important elements decor for a small bathroom, because in the Japanese style there is no room for trifles.

Let's sum it up

A small bathroom can be interesting if you approach the design of its interior thoughtfully and carefully. Designers have developed and implemented a lot of interesting solutions. It is better to combine styles with each other, borrowing interesting solutions and ideas. Even the interior of a very small bathroom will become colorful and bright if you arm yourself with a sensible design project.

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