Kitchen interior with corner sofa. Ways to place a sofa in the kitchen. Compact sofa instead of chairs

Most often, kitchens do not have enough space to accommodate work furniture and dining table. Therefore, a small-sized sofa can only fit in a fairly spacious kitchen. The sofa provides several seats for people compactly located behind kitchen table. Basically, semi-rigid sofas with drawers are installed in the kitchen, in which dishes and other kitchen utensils are stored.

A kitchen sofa can be used as the only seating at the dining table, freeing up space on the other side of the table for stools. Such a sofa most often does not fold out, because folding it out would require removing the table.

It is highly undesirable to place kitchen sofas where there are overweight people, since several such people will very quickly damage the sofa. It also needs to be taken into account that sofa cushions are not entirely appropriate in the kitchen: they will quickly become saturated with a specific kitchen smell.

The sofa can be a rectangular box with a hinged lid that opens like a sailor's or railroad chest. In this case, the backrest is made separately in the form of a long pillow, attached directly to the wall.

Upholstery kitchen sofas may be different.

Small corner for the kitchen (video)

Why do you need a kitchen sofa for a small kitchen?

For a small kitchen with cramped conditions to accommodate even necessary furniture a sofa is most often an unsuitable item. A sofa can be located in the kitchen only if conditions do not allow placing seating on the table side close to the center of the kitchen. This option is acceptable only if a dining table is still necessary, and people can only sit at it from the side of the wall, because otherwise it will simply be impossible to walk around the kitchen.

The sofa in the kitchen also performs decorative functions, combined with angular straight cabinets and a transforming small table.

There are also varieties of sofas with curved semicircular legs; they form a set with the same chairs and semi-armchairs. In this case, the kitchen table has round shape on one leg. In addition, the role of a kitchen sofa can be played by an ottoman or a seat with an ottoman. Such a sofa does not hide the space of the kitchen, but cannot be used as a chest for storing supplies.

Kitchen sofa with sleeper (video)

What does a small kitchen with a sofa look like?

Usually kitchens in panel houses They leave no room not only for a sofa, but for an extra pair of stools or chairs, and often even for a refrigerator. Therefore, a sofa in the kitchen requires a certain place.

It is needed to create some comfort and complete the furniture composition. Just as in many rooms a table is pushed up against a corner sofa, a kitchen sofa serves as additional seating for 1-3 people at the kitchen table. Apparently, such a piece of furniture is necessary if the whole group prefers to play cards while drinking coffee.

A small kitchen sofa can perform the following functions:

Small kitchen sofas serve to seat people at the dining table. Sitting on a sofa with a back, on the one hand, is more comfortable than on a hard stool, but on the other hand, it is very difficult to leave the table without disturbing your neighbors. Sofas different colors can enliven the kitchen space or balance the arrangement of furniture.

Small sofa bed in the kitchen (video)

A very important purpose of kitchen sofas is to store kitchen utensils, dishes and bulk products. A compact kitchen sofa must have a strong frame, since it must simultaneously withstand 200 or more kg of people sitting on it. Very rarely such sofas are used as a bed.

Small sofas for the kitchen (photo)

Who has encountered major repairs, probably experienced difficulties in implementing a kitchen design project, in particular, selecting furniture for the interior and finding a good location. Indeed, the premises must meet different requirements.

The kitchen should be as ergonomic as possible, because only in this case does cooking turn into a real creative process.

At the same time, the kitchen space should be beautiful and cozy, since the family needs to relax in a comfortable and pleasant environment while eating together. How to combine these requirements in one room?

No clutter, otherwise a medium-sized kitchen will seem extremely cramped.

Owners of spacious, bright rooms will not worry about this, on an area of ​​18-20 square meters. m. can fit Big cupboard, Appliances, a comfortable corner of the dining area. Absolutely any color scheme. Things are somewhat different with compact kitchens, the area of ​​which reaches only 10 square meters. m.

Bright colors for a medium-sized kitchen are acceptable. But in order for the design to be harmonious, it is necessary to correctly arrange equipment and furniture in the space.

Those who have a kitchen space of 10 square meters. m seems too cramped, they can always resort to expanding the size of this room at the expense of others. It is important to remember: any change must be approved by the city architecture department.

Today, multifunctional lighting is in fashion, and in the interior of the kitchen-living room it will only emphasize the advantages of design and layout.

There are several options to make your kitchen larger. Residents just need to decide what space they are willing to sacrifice for this.

If the kitchen space in your apartment does not exceed 10 meters, this is not a reason to be upset, since the professional approaches of designers allow you to organize cozy kitchens and with smaller indicators (5-6 sq. m.).

Even before the start project work You should find out the needs of the residents of the apartment or house. What is it for?

Each family has its own requirements for the kitchen and furniture, largely depending on the number of people living here. For example, a bachelor's kitchen looks impressive with a bar counter, which is quite enough for cooking, relaxing and even friendly gatherings. The kitchen looks completely different married couple with 2-3 children.

It should be noted that for a medium-sized kitchen, you can think through the furnishings in such a way that a small sofa can replace stools and chairs.

Advantages of kitchen sofas

Kitchen sofas look simply luxurious in a room; in addition, they can add comfort and warmth to even the most austere and prim interior. Owners of cramped apartments do not favor this type of furniture, believing that a sofa will only aggravate the lack of free space. Once you get to know the kitchen sofa better, you will certainly recognize all its advantages.

Types of kitchen sofas

Before you design a 10 sq m kitchen with a sofa, you should decide on the design, size and type of model. The convenience and functionality of the kitchen will depend on this.

According to the design, kitchen sofas come in several types.

Sofas are also divided into:

What layout is suitable for a kitchen of 10 square meters? m. with sofa

In addition to buying the right model of sofa, the residents of the house are faced with another important issue - the issue of arrangement. In fact, everything is quite simple, because famous designers have already prepared a number of tips on arranging furniture in a 10 sq. m kitchen. m.

Dining area decor

To especially emphasize the fact that the room has a working and dining area, designers use additional elements interior decor. They should be chosen taking into account the main style direction.

After reading all the recommendations experienced designers, we can come to the following conclusion: a kitchen of 10 square meters with a sofa is modern stylish solution, which will transform a small kitchen into a functional and luxurious space.

VIDEO: Kitchen design 10 sq.m. with a sofa.

Usually in the kitchen there is not enough space to accommodate the main pieces of furniture, which is why sofas are placed only in a more spacious area.

It serves an excellent function for seating guests. Most often, semi-rigid sofas with drawers are installed in the kitchen, into which the necessary utensils are laid out.

Important characteristics of a sofa for a small kitchen

A sofa in the kitchen can be either the main seat at the dining table or as an addition to other stools and chairs.

This model usually does not fold out, because you would have to move the table each time.

It is not recommended to install sofas in places where there are overweight people, otherwise the furniture will quickly fail. Also, the use of pads is also not appropriate, because they will immediately absorb external odors.

A small sofa in the kitchen can have a lid that folds back, following the example of a chest. For such models, the backrest is attached separately to the wall.

The purpose of a small-sized sofa

It is quite problematic to place basic furniture in a small area, and a sofa is a completely unnecessary item.

A straight sofa can be installed in the kitchen if other seating items cannot be placed in the middle of the kitchen.

It can be placed if a table is installed, and you can only sit at it near the wall; pay attention to the photo of sofas for the kitchen. Because otherwise you won’t be able to move around the room at all.

Also, a small sofa in the kitchen can act as decor, complementing cabinets or small table. There are options for mini sofas for the kitchen curved legs, and they come complete with similar chairs.

Note! Kitchen in modern style - we decorate it stylishly and wisely. 111 photos of exclusive design!

Such furniture requires a circle-shaped table on one stand. You can also use an ottoman or another seat with an ottoman as a sofa. This example does not “eat up” free space, but it is not suitable for storing other things.

Interior options for a small kitchen with a sofa

Most often, apartments in panel buildings do not have extra meters, not only for a sofa, but also for any necessary chairs or stools. It is for this reason that the sofa requires a certain place.

It is important for additional convenience and completion of the overall interior. Just as in some rooms the tabletops are placed next to the corner sofas, the kitchen sofa is a spare place to accommodate up to 3 guests at the dining table.

Such a piece of furniture will be indispensable, for example, if a group of friends often play and drink tea or coffee together.

The small kitchen sofa has the following features:

  • Creates harmony with the overall color palette;
  • Used for storage kitchen utensils or supplies for the winter.

This kitchen sofa is not suitable as sleeping area, because the apartment, in the kitchens of which there is a sofa, will already have enough places for daily sleep in more suitable conditions than the kitchen space.

The sofa is usually placed in the corner, opposite the sink; a corner sofa in the kitchen is perfect for this. It is better if there is a window on the side of it, because it will not be possible to covertly install lighting fixtures.

Small kitchen sofas are needed to seat guests at a table in the kitchen. Sitting on such furniture with a back is more comfortable than on any hard cabinet.

But it’s quite problematic to get out from behind the table without disturbing the people sitting next to you. Sofas various colors, can enliven the atmosphere or create the necessary balance of furniture.

As mentioned earlier, a significant role is played by folding sofas in the kitchen; they are indispensable for storing kitchen utensils, dishes, cans and other items. Therefore, the frame must have a high-strength design and the ability to withstand about 200 kg of guests sitting on it.

Quite rarely, such sofas are used as beds. If you try, you can find a sofa for the kitchen with a sleeping place or even a double. But this takes into account the fact that the kitchen has sufficient size after unfolding it.

Before purchasing, carefully decide on its size, color and purpose, so that in the end the purchased item does not cause inconvenience, but only delights its owners and guests.

Photo of sofas in the kitchen

It’s not often that you see a sofa in the kitchen, but it can be not only very comfortable, but also beautiful! We fit the sofa into the kitchen interior, consider the most interesting options. More than a hundred photos in one article!

The word “sofa” is usually associated with something bulky and quite heavy. And perhaps it seems strange to you how such a piece of furniture can be built into the interior of a kitchen, where there is already so much various kinds furniture and equipment. Some people think that this is a traditional living room item and that it only belongs there. Let’s try to convince you that a kitchen with a sofa is real, cozy and very comfortable.

This unusual combination can have two practical functions: a place to eat and a place to relax. Why not, for example, put a small sofa in the dining area instead of chairs? There will be more space and more comfort at dinner or lunch.

With the same success, the sofa can stand separately from the table and serve solely as a place to relax.

If desired, it can be used for both purposes at the same time. We moved the table and created dining area, moved aside - here is a rest and relaxation area for you.

Which sofa, where and how will fit best in your kitchen depends on several factors:

  • on the shape and size of the room;
  • from general style interior;
  • on your personal preferences;
  • and from fantasy.

Sofa in the dining area

Along one wall with a set

There are many ways to arrange. If you have a fairly long kitchen, then behind the kitchen unit there can easily be free space for a dining area. One option is to install a soft sofa of a straight configuration there.

For a long time, but narrow room, where a full-fledged sofa is unlikely to fit, there is another way to organize a dining area. It can become an extension of your kitchen set. In this design, the lower row of kitchen cabinets goes into a large cabinet, where, with the help of soft pillows, a small sofa is created.

If you have non-standard layout premises, then the design of the cabinets can be transformed into a corner sofa. A small one would be a good addition to such a corner.

The wide room allows you to capture two corners for the sofa at once. For example, between cabinets working area, a window and an adjacent wall. Great option for a family of several people.

As you know, kitchen set It comes in an L-shape, and interestingly, it does not have to be adjacent to the walls on both sides. On one side it can zone the kitchen and dining area, and thereby create a space where there is room for a large corner sofa.

Zoning with a corner kitchen unit does not necessarily require the installation of a corner sofa. You can do something original by placing a straight sofa behind the work area, the base of which is raised by . This way you will create a corner in the kitchen that resembles the space of a cafe or bar.

If you are not a fan of color variety, select the entire furnishings and sofa, including one, or maximum two, colors close to each other.

On the other hand, if the color scheme of the room is varied, the sofa can support it with the color of its upholstery. For example, be beige with similar color stripes on kitchen wallpaper.

For those who are alien to any restrictions and need to easily and freely sit down at the table and leave it, sofas without armrests are suitable.

A set of furniture known to many since Soviet times, called a soft kitchen corner, is still in use. This set standardly includes a small corner sofa and two soft stools. The corner can be placed in any position if desired. free corner kitchens.

For light interiors with a vintage touch, a sofa bench with a solid wood frame and soft seat cushions always suggests itself. The bench body is made in the same style as the kitchen set. Its shape can be either straight or angular.

At the adjacent wall

The location of the dining area perpendicular to the main working area of ​​the kitchen is possible both in spacious kitchens and in small spaces. In the latter, the sofa is most often installed against a short wall.

In a large room dining set furniture with a sofa will look original framed by an artificial niche made from cupboards.

We advise owners of houses where the kitchen has a huge window covering the entire wall to place it there. Natural light and beautiful view will contribute to a pleasant lunch or dinner. In this case, the sofa can be both straight and angular shape.

It is worth noting that a sofa in the kitchen is a priori doomed to catch something from food or drinks. Therefore, if the sofa serves as a place for dining, then it is better to choose its upholstery from materials that are easy to clean. good service In such a case, a high-quality leatherette will serve the purpose, as in the photo above.

In the bay window

If your kitchen has a bay window, then congratulations - perhaps this is the most comfortable spot, where both a sofa and a dining table can comfortably stand.

In round bay windows, semicircular sofas with the letter “C” look good and are built into them. It should be noted that very often unfinished sofas are installed for bay windows, but they are built to match the architecture of the premises wooden base like a podium. Soft seats and pillows complete the sofa look.

A C-shaped sofa-podium can only partially occupy the bay window. Part of the window area can be used as a small bar counter.

In deep bay windows lunch group consists of a U-shaped sofa and rectangular table, behind which many people always fit.

In the island part

You can also create a dining area by attaching a sofa to the island part of the kitchen. There are several options. The first of them is an option with a rectangular island and a corresponding straight sofa.

The corner design of the island will automatically create a corner dining area on the outside.

The same angular shape of the island can accommodate a semicircular sofa.

Sofa for relaxation area

There are also many variations and ways of placing a sofa for the recreation area. If there is a place right behind the headset, then you can use two methods: open and closed.

The closed method allows you to exclude the kitchen work area from view as much as possible. Build a plasterboard wall between the seating area and the kitchen unit, and place a sofa and a soft rug in the resulting niche. All that remains is to sit back and enjoy your vacation.

The open method does not require any partitions; you install a sofa and that’s it. If there is not enough space, use the same method as for the dining area - build a sofa on tables that are an extension of the set.

A sofa for relaxation can be placed in the kitchen right in the center of the room, for example, on the side of the dining table. And what’s nice is that for seating area sofas you no longer need to think so much about upholstery fabrics. It can range from the simplest linen fabrics to rich velor upholstery.

But still, and most often, it is placed against one of the walls on the side or opposite the work area. If there is a natural niche in the wall, then it will always be happy to accept the sofa into its arms, without giving it the opportunity to take up much of the main space of the room.

For a large square room, nothing prevents you from occupying two walls at once with a sofa. Or corner model standard design, or due to the podium created along the walls on pedestals.

The window from which it pours sunlight, is always attractive, so place the sofa by the window and you definitely won’t go wrong. And let the sofa be bright, for example, yellow or lavender. With its active color it will add mood and brightness to a design in neutral tones.

For owners of a kitchen-living room, the issue of placing a sofa is solved simply - very often it serves as a subject for zoning the kitchen and the living room itself. His normal position in this case, with your back to the cooking area.

In a small kitchen-studio space, a sofa can stand either facing the kitchen, against the opposite wall, or perpendicular to the kitchen work area.

At all, design idea suggests not limiting yourself and putting, for example, not one, but two sofas in the kitchen. One will be a continuation of the kitchen unit and will serve as a place for the dining area. And the second one will stand across the aisle from the first one and will serve as a place to relax and watch TV.

Style and design

The classic kitchen interior always gravitates towards sofas of pompous shapes made of genuine leather. The distinctive sign of such a sofa is the diamond-shaped “capitonné” screed.

The loft style, although it is a modern interior solution, also often suffers from the presence of a classic leather sofa. Although, as a style with a free spirit, he is ready to accept modern models, characterized by simplicity of shape and color.

Minimalistic modern interiors are friends with simple sofas rectangular shapes and discreet colors. But sometimes they allow the addition of bright colors and some delights in form.

High-tech is not far from the interior in the style of minimalism, so the sofa in its interior should also be simple in shape and color, and, if possible, should have metal fittings.

Light Mediterranean interiors love soft fabric sofas in white and blue shades. On the other hand, a sofa can be designed in the style of a wooden or sometimes metal bench, covered with a thick upholstered seat and cushions in pastel shades of fabric.

The wooden bench-sofa is also found in oriental style . However, the design of such a sofa is always richer - the pillows are more magnificent, the ornament is more skillful, and the wood is more delicate.

Scandinavian style also allows for variations in shapes and materials. From rough and substantial bench sofas to soft sofas favorite sky blue shades.

Country country style is the presence of a mandatory cell of red, green and blue tones in the interior, including in the upholstery of the sofa.

Provence cannot be confused with anything, its large pink flowers on a pale green background always accompany this style. Place a sofa with such upholstery in the kitchen, and it will immediately prove to everyone what type of interior is in your kitchen.

The chalet style is suitable primarily for country house. There is always a lot of wood in such an interior. Therefore, it is not surprising that the sofa in this case represents a serious wooden base with a set soft seats and pillows. In this style, everything is good and quite simple - solid colors and no variegation or pomp.

How to decorate an area with a sofa

And finally, a few words about how you can give the place where the sofa is located a special comfort and beauty. Oddly enough, a natural decoration for the sofa area can be a beautiful view outside your kitchen window.

Without a doubt, it will attract exceptional attention bright color wall located behind the sofa.

If you don’t want to paint the wall, then stick wallpaper or photo wallpaper behind the sofa. Moreover, they provide a wide selection of ornaments and designs.

You can borrow one of the loft style techniques. For example, in ordinary interior decorate the wall behind the sofa with a brick look, additionally placing a set of black and white photographs on it.

The photograph can be color, one and very big size. Complementing it Wall Clock, overhead lighting and floor lamp will create a unique look around the sofa urban style and, at the same time, comfort.

Another unusual way to give the sofa space in the kitchen a special charm - do it instead of the back of the sofa soft upholstery walls. Moreover, the same material as the sofa itself. To make it look even more original, the height of such a stylized backrest must be raised as high as possible above the head of the sitting person. You are guaranteed to delight your guests.

(4 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

A kitchen design with a sofa can have many different interpretations. The choice of sofa model will largely depend on the size and configuration of the room, as well as on the style. Today there are many models: corner and linear, modular, folding beds, couches, etc. Which one is better to buy for a specific kitchen layout? small sizes we will try to figure it out in this article. In the photographs in our selection you will see design options for a kitchen with a sofa.

Kitchen design with a sofa: what you need to consider

Kitchen design with a sofa can be considered for large kitchen spaces and kitchen-living rooms, and for the little ones. For large kitchens Any model is suitable, here it is worth paying more attention appearance and style matching. The design of an 8 m kitchen with a sofa will be somewhat more difficult, but quite possible. To do this, you should pay attention to corner sofas, modular, as well as narrow linear ones.

Having a loggia or glazed balcony. In this case, as we see in the photo, there will be additional space for creating furniture, in particular placing a relaxation area with a soft, comfortable sofa in this area.

Decorating a relaxation area in a kitchen design with a sofa

A comfortable sofa will create coziness and comfort in the kitchen. The kitchen design will look much more expressive if you complement it with a wall with photo wallpaper as shown in the photo. This design will add new colors to the interior and make the recreation area more cheerful.

It is quite popular nowadays to decorate sections of walls with wallpaper under decorative rock, brick, plaster or natural wood(the use of natural materials is also possible).

Various small accents, such as paintings, family photos, flowers in vases or planters, will greatly enliven the design of a kitchen with a sofa, and pillows, a bright rug and curtains will make it feel homey. It’s also a good idea to play with lighting - add built-in lighting or original lamps.

Choosing material for a sofa in the kitchen

Does not exist precise definitions what color should the upholstered furniture be? As shown in the photo below, the design of a kitchen with a sofa can have different color solutions, based on which the color is determined. It can have a shade similar to the wall decoration, or it can become an accent piece in the interior.

As can be seen in one of the photos, the sofa has an expressive Blue colour and is located on the border of the working area and the living room, separating them.
When choosing a sofa, do not forget about such qualities as material strength, soilability and ease of cleaning. The kitchen is a place where, one way or another, food particles during cooking or eating can end up on the sofa, so you should choose a material that will be easy to clean and durable. Good options There will be such fabrics for the sofa as jacquard, leatherette, flock, which are able to absorb moisture, odors and at the same time are easy to clean, as well as Scotch guard and micro-velour, which do not allow moisture to get inside the upholstery.

Design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa

IN Lately combining rooms in apartments has become quite common, as it allows you to significantly increase usable area. Let's look at photo examples of how you can design a kitchen-living room with a sofa, so that all the necessary functional areas are successfully located.

Design of a kitchen with a sofa of 20 sq. m, combined with the living room

In small apartments, even as a result of combining rooms, the resulting space may not be very large, but still sufficient for organizing zoning. For example, the design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa with an area of ​​20 square meters can be organized according to a linear principle, as shown in the photo. Here the linear kitchen unit ends with a bar counter, behind which there is a sitting area with a modular sofa and a coffee table. This leaves quite a lot of space to move. This is a fairly common option in rectangular rooms.

For square layouts a good decision will be the design of a kitchen-living room with a sofa with a dining area in the center, and a kitchen unit and comfortable sofa along the side walls (photo of a 20 m kitchen in a loft style).

Kitchen design 15 sq m with a sofa combined with a living room

Since we are talking specifically about the kitchen-living room, even in its small area the sofa should be quite spacious and comfortable so that the guests who come can easily accommodate themselves. Worth giving preference corner structures, since they are the most capacious and take up less space than linear ones. In the photo below, in the kitchen design with a sofa, a significant area is allocated for a working area and at the same time there is enough space allocated for relaxation with a soft sofa.

Kitchen design with corner sofa

The corner design will be a wonderful element upholstered furniture for kitchens of any size and layout. Kitchen design with corner sofa presented in our photo selection. Here in the interior of kitchen-living rooms you can see both large sofas and compact models. Small corner sofas are often equipped with drawers-niches where you can store various kitchen utensils.

Considering the design of a 9 sq. m kitchen with a corner-shaped sofa, it can be noted that this design is most suitable for small interior. It successfully occupies a corner near the window and frees up space for movement. Such models can have a built-in sleeping place, which is very convenient in small apartments. If the design of a kitchen with a corner sofa (see photo and our article) does not require additional sleeping space, you can purchase a soft one Kitchen Area. It is smaller in size, but the lineup there are very many of them, which will give you the opportunity to choose suitable option for one style or another.

Kitchen design with a linear sofa

Linear models of kitchen sofas are also used quite often. On small kitchens they can be installed along one of the walls. In kitchen-living rooms, a large straight model of a sofa can become a central piece of furniture, which will serve as a division of space into functional zones.

There are several types of straight sofas - folding sofas that form sleeping places, modular sofas, which can be rearranged by moving individual elements, and stationary ones.

The original design of a kitchen with a straight-shaped sofa can be seen in the example of a project developed by Ukrainian designer Alexander Chervinsky. In the photo we see stylish modern design, where a straight gray sofa perfectly complements the kitchen dining area in a white interior. At the same time, placing it opposite the work area is one of the most convenient. It is compact at first glance, but can accommodate four seats. A soft pillows give coziness and comfort to the environment.

A red straight small sofa stands out as an expressive accent, which will fit perfectly into the design of a 10 sq. m kitchen with a sofa. Against a white background brick wall it looks very extravagant and seems to take up no space at all.

Design of a small kitchen with a sofa

Even the smallest spaces can be decorated in a modern and cozy way, while placing several functional areas. The design of a small kitchen with a sofa will be most successful if you use a compact kitchen set with a built-in household appliances. In square rooms, it is most often angular, and in elongated rooms it is linear. It would be good if there was a bar counter that could play the role of both a countertop and a dining table. It is preferable to choose one style direction for small spaces minimalism would be appropriate, which will eliminate unnecessary decoration and clutter.

The design of a small kitchen with a sofa can be complemented original lamps, vases with fruit, wall decoration under white brick etc.
A good solution could be to decorate your kitchen design with a corner sofa. The photo in our article shows another example of design small space using a transforming sofa that can be folded out if necessary.

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