How to properly plant strawberries in the fall, preparation and planting scheme. Proper planting of strawberries in the fall for dummies How to care for strawberries after planting in the fall

It is no coincidence that strawberries are considered the queen of berries, because they are one of the most delicious and healthy. Residents of most Russian regions are lucky because climatic conditions allow you to grow large and juicy fruits year after year. But, unfortunately, in order to grow a rich harvest, you have to work hard.

As you know, this berry possible, observing special rules , And . Let's figure out when it's best to plant and replant it.

Gardeners plant strawberries in spring or fall.

Strawberries can be planted in both autumn and spring.

Both cases have their advantages, but also disadvantages, which can be avoided only by following certain rules and technology.

Spring planting

In chernozem soil the strawberry harvest will be greater.

Many summer residents choose to plant strawberries in spring. Winter has passed, the snow has melted, frosts are no longer expected, so you can safely start seedlings, because nothing threatens the berries.

The strawberry varieties chosen are early, mid-early and late. They differ in the time of fruiting.

Strawberries are planted mainly on flat and uneven surface(slope with a slope of no more than 3 degrees). Lowlands are not suitable for cultivation; in this case, the berries will bear fruit worse. As practice shows, the yield is greater in light chernozem podzolized soils rich in humus. The plant loves a sufficient amount of moisture.

Basic landing rules

You can't plant strawberries next to potatoes.

  • the soil should be moist, not wet;
  • before planting, the soil must be harrowed and cultivated;
  • if the soil is weak, then it should be fertilized;
  • the soil should be free of weeds;
  • do not plant berries next to potatoes, as pests of this crop (, Colorado beetle etc.) also feed on strawberries;
  • soil acidity should not exceed 6.5 on the pH scale;
  • planting is carried out only on prepared soil, that is, you need to remove last year's foliage and debris that may have accumulated over the winter;
  • After planting, the berries are fed three times a year - before the harvest, after the harvest and before the cold weather.

When landing, follow the following technology

Before planting, the soil should be dug up.

  • Prepare the soil (dig up, break the tubers, level, cultivate, fertilize if necessary).
  • The holes are dug approximately 20–30 cm deep, depending on the variety, with an average diameter of 25 cm.
  • Use a one- or two-line planting method.
  • The optimal distance between furrows is 50–60 cm.
  • When planting, the root collar is placed at ground level.
  • You cannot cover the growth bud with soil, as the plant will die.
  • Sometimes used in the future, or a fungicide. Follow the indicated dose on the package.
  • The berry tubers are carefully inserted into the ground, after which they are covered with manure or humus.
  • Afterwards, the strawberry roots are buried and each bush is watered abundantly.
  • It is recommended to water young seedlings abundantly during the first 2 weeks.

Autumn planting

Still, it is worth noting that most summer residents are of the opinion that spring is not the best time to plant strawberries . Many people prefer autumn. Let's figure out why?

Despite the fact that in autumn the weather is extremely unstable, frosts may appear early, this is the optimal time for planting berries. The best dates for planting are considered to be from August 15 to mid-late September.

In autumn, strawberries are planted from mid-August.

As you know, strawberries are a berry that loves moisture.. Frequent autumn rains evenly and richly moisten the soil, so the roots take root better and grow faster.

If you are worried that frost may kill your strawberries, you can protect the berries with covering material. Today, many models of agrofibre with increased performance capabilities are sold, which will protect the plant from precipitation, while allowing sufficient air and moisture to pass through.

Landing technology

  • The berries are planted after the summer heat has subsided.
  • For planting, prepare the soil - dig it, level it, remove debris, and clear it of roots and weeds.
  • If necessary, the soil can be fertilized with manure or humus.
  • Strawberries should not be planted in frost or rainy weather.
  • Optimal temperature regime for planting berries - not lower than 10 degrees.
  • Experienced summer residents advise using a lunar planting calendar.

Manure is suitable as a fertilizer.

As for the planting sequence, strawberries are planted according to standard scheme, just like in the spring.

  • Furrow spacing on average is 50 cm, between plants - 30 cm.
  • Holes They are dug up to a depth of 30 cm and a diameter of up to 25 cm.
  • Roots should be sprinkled with manure or humus to achieve optimal nutrition.
  • After the root neck carefully sprinkle with soil and water.

Closed planting of strawberries will protect the plant from frost.

A similar sequence is followed in the case also closed landing, that is, using agrofibre. 15 cm slots are made in it, where each seedling is then placed.

Usage covering material in autumngreat way protect plants from inclement and frosty weather, ensuring they receive optimal quantity moisture and air for normal growth. In addition, some types of agrofibre (for example) can protect the crop from harmful insects and weeds in the future.

How and when to replant strawberries

Strawberries are a very tasty and healthy berry with a big drawback - they need to be replanted periodically. Transplantation is usually carried out in summer or autumn, following the sequence described above.

  • In summer Strawberries can be transplanted into July-August, after completion of the fruiting process.
  • in autumn you can work with strawberries until the end of September depending on the region of Russia.

After planting, the berries need to be watered 3 times a week. To next year enjoy the new rich harvest, it is better to choose for seedlings fertile soil, by no means in the lowlands.

After planting, strawberries require watering.

Top dressing

For this, manure, humus, vermicompost, ash, etc. are used. Many gardeners have their own recipe for a “nutrient cocktail” for strawberries. For example, often added to manure or humus saltpeter, superphosphate, nitrophoska, mullein, ammonium sulfate and other components that improve plant performance and protect them from harmful weeds and insects.

You can use humus for feeding.

Every year strawberries should be fed at least 3 times a year- spring, summer and autumn. Only in this case will the plant last a long time and will delight you with a rich harvest year after year.


Properly planted strawberries will bring a large harvest.

If you don’t know when it’s best to plant or transplant strawberries, then it’s better to listen to experienced gardeners and choose autumn. If you can’t do it in the fall, then don’t worry and stop in the spring. Following simple rules landing, you are guaranteed to receive good harvest.

Video about transplanting strawberries

Strawberry rightfully won the title “Queen of Berries”. Everyone, young and old, is waiting for her, so juicy and bright. Moreover, this berry is one of the first to ripen, and along with the pleasure of taste, a person receives a lot of vitamins. But the bushes are very vulnerable, they require special care. And beginners in gardening, before breeding, should find out the intricacies of planting this crop in autumn and spring, what temperatures the crop can be afraid of and how to cover and protect it from dangerous frost.

Disputes between gardeners about planting strawberries have been going on for quite some time. Some argue that the plant will take root better when spring planting, others tend to work on strawberries at the end of the gardening season.

The main argument of the latter is the plant planted in spring will not produce a harvest. And this is true, besides, if the hot summer comes, then the young bushes may dry out.

Autumn has a number of advantages:

  • a large amount of planting material;
  • moderate warmth will allow the bushes to take root well;
  • in the spring, time is freed up for planting other crops;
  • already at the beginning of next summer you can reap a large harvest.

IN autumn months Gardeners have enough time to calmly prepare the site and plant the desired variety.

Strawberry planting dates in autumn

Gardeners can independently determine the time of planting berry bushes, based on the climatic characteristics of their region:

  1. Early deadline – from August 15 to September 15.
  2. The average period is from September 15 to October 15.

Planting later Not recommended in any region of residence, because frosts can destroy young, fragile bushes. The optimal solution will be the landing per month until the temperature is expected to drop to 0 degrees and below. You can use the hint Lunar calendar and determine the perfect day.

When planting, pay attention to weather conditions. It is better to plant in warm weather, after rain.

Preparing berries for planting

The next step after determining the landing time is preparing plants and soil. Big harvest Strawberries can be obtained if you grow the berries on sandy and loamy soil, black soil. Clay soil should be enriched with the substances necessary for plant growth contained in peat, manure and humus.

To saturate the soil with oxygen, plant green manure (lupine, mustard) on the site. At the end of spring, mow them and mix them with soil when digging the area. You should not plant strawberry bushes if tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, asteraceae and ranunculus flowers previously grew in this area.

It is best to purchase seedlings in a specialized nursery. They must meet the following requirements:

  • root length – 10 cm;
  • number of formed leaves – 3-4 pcs.;
  • root collar diameter – over 6 mm;

You can, of course, try to grow strawberries from seeds. And these plants should be planted in open ground. But not all gardeners can devote enough time to caring for seedlings.

In any case, the seedlings should be placed in a cool place for several days, and immediately before planting, dip their roots in “mash” - a mixture of water, humus, soil and any growth regulator. If strawberry bushes are taken from your own beds, they should be immediately planted in a new place.

Rules for planting seedlings

The growing point of strawberries should be at ground level. Therefore, it is best to plant seedlings on low earthen ridges and spread the roots along their slopes. Afterwards, carefully cover it with soil and pour it well with warm water.

There are also several rules that guarantee excellent survival of young plants:

  1. Planting strawberries in cloudy weather or in the evening.
  2. Before planting a seedling, it is necessary to moisten the soil well, especially if there has been no rain for a long time.
  3. Bushes waiting their turn to be planted keep in a dark place.
  4. If the length of the root system exceeds 10 cm, then it can be shortened without fear.

Often used to repel pests garlic infusion – 5-6 heads of garlic are placed in a 5-liter jar of water. Insist folk remedy should be 6-7 days. This liquid contains strawberry seedlings before planting.

How to cover and protect after planting

The roots of adult plants can withstand soil temperatures down to -7 degrees; naturally, young bushes do not have such frost resistance. Therefore, immediately after planting strawberries needs to be mulched.

Anyone can use this procedure natural materialfallen needles and foliage, sawdust, spruce branches and others. You can also use straw to cover the berries for the winter. These materials will form the first layer of cover, allowing air to circulate among the plants.

The next layer is snow. This atmospheric phenomenon will not allow the soil to freeze and will preserve young plants until spring. In regions with little snow, it is better to play it safe and cover the beds with agrofibre, which allows you to protect strawberries from severe frosts with 100% probability.

To harvest an excellent harvest, protect plants from frost.

What kind of spring frosts can it withstand?

Cold spring is unlikely to harm young strawberries. Unless heavy frosts hit the soil in mid-May, when the plants are ready to flower and grow berries.

At 1 degree below zero, each bush loses up to 8% of flowers, and a temperature of -3 degrees will kill entire 25% .

After frost, a gardener should take a closer look at the plants - blackened pistils indicate that there will be no harvest. It happens that the flowers remain and even bloom. But, most likely, the fruits will be deformed and underdeveloped and cannot be saved.

How to protect from frost in spring

In the spring months, protecting strawberries from frost becomes urgent. Gardeners need to act quickly and decisively.

The main thing is to increase the temperature in the soil by 1-2 degrees.

This can be done using sprinkling - irrigate the beds with warm water as many days as the frost lasts. Also effective smoke pollution of plantings, when fires are made from brushwood and well-burning garbage near a strawberry patch. This protection method provides extra warmth young bushes, but requires compliance with safety precautions.

In order to enjoy delicious berries From your garden in the first days of summer, you need to properly plant and care for the plants. And if you also allocate more space for this crop summer cottage, then you can provide the whole family with delicious and healthy strawberry jam.

Many gardeners have had the opportunity to see from their own experience that autumn is the best time to plant strawberries. The main arguments in favor of autumn planting include:

  • strawberries planted in the fall will get stronger over the winter and will bear fruit in the summer;
  • the autumn soil has warmed up over the summer months, so it will be easier for the bushes to take root in a new place.

The first advantage is decisive, because if strawberries are planted in the spring, the likelihood of the crop ripening is very small. Only special varieties can produce fruits, which can be ordered and purchased in garden stores. And after a long winter, when the body lacks vitamins, you want to quickly get a harvest of sweet and healthy berries. That is why it is better to target planting dates for autumn.

When the optimal time for planting strawberries in the ground has been determined, every gardener should remember a few important rules and features of this process. Although planting strawberries is not difficult, doing them will give better results and a rich harvest in the summer.

The best time to plant sweet berry bushes is from the end of August to the end of September. This is the period when the main summer heat is already subsiding, but the weather is still warm. After planting, the strawberry seedlings will still have time to take root in the new soil, grow stronger and gain strength for wintering.

At the beginning of August it is still too hot for planting new tubers; it will be difficult for them to adapt to this temperature, although some varieties are designed specifically for early landing. At the end of September the weather is still warm, but if you plant strawberries in late autumn period, the first cold and wind of October can have a bad effect on the seedlings, or even kill them. For late planting, only some resistant strawberry varieties are suitable, which are adapted to low temperature on the street. It’s better not to take risks or experiment with ordinary tubers.

The best time of day to plant strawberries in the fall

Most the right time The day for planting strawberries is evening. The soil must first be moistened and fertilized. The best fertilizer for the soil in which strawberries will grow is humus. Depending on the condition of the soil and its depletion, you can add up to 5 kg of fertilizer per square meter land. A larger amount of humus can negatively affect the adaptation of the root system of tubers.

The setting evening sun will not scorch the seedling leaves until the morning, and the evening humidity in the air will give the tubers an opportunity to better get used to their new location. When the bush is planted in wet soil, it should also be watered from above to compact the soil. The next time the young plants can be watered a day later, the next evening, but only if the day is hot and dry. Excessive amounts of water can cause root rot.

Rules for planting strawberries in autumn

Typically, strawberry seedlings are obtained after clearing the area where the berries previously grew. Experts recommend changing the place where strawberries are grown at least once every four years, and preferably every three. Young bushes that have grown from shoots of an old planting are suitable for planting. Having given them the opportunity to strengthen and strengthen the root system, you can dig them up and prepare them for planting in a new place. It is best if the bushes lie for several days in a cool and damp place before planting.

The ideal strawberry bed consists of three rows of bushes arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between the bushes is maintained at approximately 30-40 cm. This will not only allow each root system to grow and develop in its own earthen space, but will also simplify the care of the seedlings, as well as harvesting.

Strawberries are planted in holes at a sufficient depth to the point where a new shoot is formed. This will increase the likelihood that the roots will not freeze when winter arrives. Abundant regular watering will ensure moisture penetration throughout root system. To further help the soil retain moisture, the beds should be loosened after each watering.

If strawberries are being planted on a plot of soil for the first time, and there are no young seedlings of your own, they can be purchased at the market or in a specialized garden store. Consultants can advise when it is best to plant strawberries and give their arguments in favor of autumn planting. Experts will also advise you on the characteristics and requirements of each strawberry variety and recommend rules for caring for strawberries. Choosing suitable variety berries, you can immediately find out how large they are, when the first fruits appear, what diseases can most often affect them.

If you want to purchase and plant several varieties of strawberries, you need to understand that they will have to be planted at a distance from each other. Otherwise for year will happen pollination of plants, and next summer the berries will be the same from both areas of planted bushes.

Autumn care for strawberries after planting

To confidently leave strawberry bushes in the ground throughout the winter, you need to prepare them for the cold and help them grow strong. To do this you need to do a few simple steps:

  • firstly, strawberries should be fertilized in the fall; nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus are used for this - microelements that will help the plant to be strong and produce a good harvest in the summer;
  • secondly, strawberry bushes need to be covered for the winter with a layer of leaves or coniferous branches, this will not only protect the seedlings from frost, but will also allow more snow to remain in the garden bed and moisten the ground as it melts.

Autumn planting strawberries allows you to immediately provide the bushes with optimal conditions for their growth and strengthening. And correctly chosen planting dates will make it possible to calmly complete everything preparatory work by winter and get a good harvest of sweet berries in the summer.

If a gardener still doubts when it is best to plant strawberries, you can consult with experienced gardeners. Usually, neighbors in the country like to share not only their experience and advice, but also good healthy seedlings. By purchasing bushes for planting in this way, you can immediately see what kind of berries you will get in the summer harvest. Although own experience and skills in planting strawberries will be the main argument in further work gardener

Strawberries are one of the most favorite berries. Many summer residents begin planting it on their plots in the fall. How to do this correctly and in what time frame? The secrets of planting and caring for strawberries in the autumn are described in the article. How to properly plant bushes under black covering material or in open ground? We recommend reading tips and reviews experienced gardeners, watch the video and begin planting work at your dacha.

Summer residents begin planting strawberries in the fall in the second half of August - September

Strawberries: planting in autumn, how to do it correctly and when?

Summer residents begin planting strawberries in the fall in the second half of August - September. IN southern regions of our country, in Krasnodar region, on the Crimean Peninsula and Ukraine you can plant strawberries in October. The exact timing depends on weather conditions in the region. The main thing is to plant it in time so that the bush takes root before the first frost arrives.

IN northern regions, in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Moscow region, in middle lane In Russia, strawberries are planted not in the fall, but at the end of summer. The optimal time for planting is the end of July - August. If the autumn is warm, then work can be carried out no later than the first week of September.

For planting, summer residents try to purchase productive seedlings. When purchasing, it is recommended to carefully inspect each bush for damage by diseases and pests. It is important to purchase seedlings that have at least 4-5 full leaves with a well-developed root system. The length of the roots should be about 10 cm. If there are a lot of leaves, then carefully remove the side ones, leaving only the central ones in the amount of 3-4 pieces. Long roots can be trimmed with garden shears.

We invite you to find out about the most productive varieties strawberries:

Before planting, strawberries must be prepared. For this purpose, seedlings are soaked for 30 minutes in a solution of a growth stimulant, for example “Epine”, and then in any antifungal agent. You can use Fitosporin. Afterwards, prepare a solution of humus or clay with a semi-thick consistency and dip the strawberry roots in it.

In order for the strawberry harvest next year to be rich and the berries tasty, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil before planting. It is dug up and leveled with a rake so that the soil is as loose as possible. If, while preparing a site for planting strawberries, insect pests are found in the ground, it is recommended to disinfect the soil. The preparations “Confidor” and “Bazudin” are suitable for this.

Strawberries love sunny, windless areas. The predecessors of the berries should be legumes, green manure, onions, and garlic. You should not plant seedlings after tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, Jerusalem artichokes, chicory, cabbage, and sunflowers. Any crops that deplete the soil are bad predecessors of strawberries.

The key to good establishment of bushes and their productivity is mulching the planting holes with humus, compost, and peat. From mineral fertilizers use potassium, superphosphate or wood ash.

Strawberries: planting and care in open ground autumn Yu

It is recommended to plant strawberries in open ground on a cloudy, rainy, windless day or in the evening after sunset. On hot days, strawberries do not take root well, as the soil quickly dries out and the plants suffer from the heat. In the selected area, first make rows about 15 cm deep and moisten the soil well. The distance between rows should be about 50-70 cm, and between bushes - 20-25 cm.

Planting strawberries in the fall is done as follows, namely:

  1. A bush is placed in the prepared hole, its roots are straightened.
  2. The roots are sprinkled with moist soil, and the soil is carefully compacted. When planting, it is important to sprinkle all the roots, and the middle of the bush should not be covered with soil under any circumstances.
  3. The hole is watered again and mulched with humus and straw.

After planting, it involves watering, loosening the soil, mulching with straw, fertilizing, protecting from diseases and pests. By providing the plantings with such care, the summer resident stimulates intensive root development.

After planting, it is important to provide strawberries with regular watering. Summer residents recommend watering 3-4 times a week. During rainy periods, the frequency of watering is reduced, and in sunny weather, their quantity and quality need to be increased. Worth giving preference drip irrigation, since this will prevent moisture from getting on the leaves.

Caring for strawberries after planting includes protection from frost, especially when it comes to northern regions. Plantings should be covered with straw, covering material, pine branches or leaves. In spring, the protection is removed as soon as the frosts go away.

Planting strawberries under black covering material l

Agrofibre has long been used by summer residents when planting strawberries. It not only perfectly retains moisture under the bush, but also protects the bush from pests and prevents weeds from growing. The technology of planting strawberries under black covering material greatly simplifies care, makes it easier for the summer resident, and allows him to spend less time maintaining the strawberry bed.

In winter, strawberries planted under agrofibre are better protected from severe frosts. If black covering material is used, the roots receive more heat, which has a positive effect on strawberry productivity.

Experienced summer residents prepare in advance a bed of a size that corresponds to the width of the covering material. It is better to carry out calculations in advance so that the material lies end to end and there is no large overlap. Agrofibre is secured using special pins or wire. It is better to secure it with a board around the perimeter, paving slabs, improvised material.

At the next stage, marking begins. Chalk is used for this. Bushes can be arranged in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between them should be on average 20x70 cm. Using construction knife, cut holes in the indicated places. The corners of the material are bent outward. In these places, dig holes 15-20 cm deep and then fill them with water. A bush is placed in each hole, the roots are straightened, and sprinkled with soil. The strawberries do not need to be placed too deep. It is enough to sprinkle the roots with damp soil and leave the center of the bush clean.

How to plant strawberries in the fall, video:

Do you want to properly plant strawberries in the fall under black covering material? Read tips and reviews from experienced summer residents to avoid common mistakes. Planting strawberries in the fall under agrofibre or in open ground is not a difficult task, but it is still worth observing simple rules. If everything is done correctly, then next season strawberries will give bountiful harvest berries

Strawberries are one of the most delicious berry crops and every gardener, when planning a plot, must allocate a bed for strawberries. Its productivity depends on proper planting and care of this crop. Having planted strawberries in the fall, you can harvest the first harvest of fragrant and tasty berries the following spring.

For gardeners growing strawberries on their plot, the beginning of fruiting of this crop is the most long-awaited moment.

Strawberries planted in the spring quite often do not produce the expected harvest this year. In most cases, fruiting begins the next season, since in the summer the plants lay buds and increase green mass.

In addition, in the spring it is not always possible and not everywhere to plant strawberries. In many regions, snow melts from areas for a long time or the ground remains frozen.

When planted in autumn, the seedlings have time to take root before the first frost and in the spring, the plantation, with proper care, produces its first harvest.

The timing of planting strawberries is divided into 3 stages and depends on the climatic characteristics of the regions:

  • early autumn (August 10-September 20);
  • mid-autumn (September 25-October 15);
  • late autumn (a month before the first frost).

By wintering with such planting, the plants have time to get stronger and form fruit buds.

The highest yield is observed after early and mid-autumn planting. When planting late, bushes are often damaged by frost.

Proper planting of strawberries in autumn

Not only the health of the plants depends on the correct planting of strawberries, but also the ability to safely endure the winter and quickly grow in the spring, giving its first harvest.

The choice of strawberry seedlings must be taken with full responsibility. The yield, size and taste of the fruit depend on which seedlings are planted.

When propagating your strawberries, select the most productive bushes no older than 3 years old. Even in the summer, the 2 closest whiskers are separated from them, and the others are removed. The transplanted plants are gaining strength and by autumn they are ready to be planted in their main place.

Strawberry varieties that do not grow whiskers are propagated by dividing the bush. The bush is dug up and divided into rosettes. For planting, the strongest plants with developed roots are taken.

If strawberries are planted for the first time or the gardener decides to start a new one, then a variety or varieties are selected.

For planting in different regions, the most suitable varieties are: Tsaritsa, Festivalnaya, Gigant Jorneya, Yubileynaya Moskovskaya, Gigantella maxi, Corona, Alba, Elsanta, Everest, Divnaya, Albion, Ruby Pendant, Marshall, Asia, Bogota, Elan F1, Brighton , Zenga, Queen Elizabeth II, Bereginya, Victoria, Holiday, Clery, Cardinal, Honey and others.

Strawberry variety Alba

To extend the fruiting time of strawberries, different beds you can plant varieties with different terms maturation. For example, early-ripening Julia and mid-ripening Elephant or Lord. You can choose remontant plants, for example, Albion, Vima Rina. Or take the fast-growing and disease-resistant varieties Chamoru Turusi and Clery.

All seedlings must have at least 3 leaves, a dense core and a well-developed root at least 5 centimeters long. If the strawberry roots are longer than 10 centimeters, they can be trimmed.

When purchasing a small number of bushes and when planting plants in late dates It is better to opt for plants sold in pots with a closed root system. In this case, the strawberries will quickly take root in a new place and will not freeze in winter.

When choosing a bed for planting strawberries, you need to consider several factors:

  1. The soil on the site should be loose and fertile. Strawberry roots must be provided with access to nutrients, moisture and air.
  2. The bed should not be shaded. Strawberries, with the exception of shade-tolerant varieties, do not like close proximity to trees, overgrown shrubs, fences and buildings.
  3. The area where strawberries will grow should not be located in a low-lying area and should not be flooded. It is better to choose a place for the beds on a slope or hill on the south or southwest side.
  4. Previous crops affect the composition of the soil, often depleting it or infecting it with diseases and pests. The susceptibility of strawberries to diseases and pests depends on what plants were grown in the selected area before the strawberries.

And in place of carrots, beets, greens, radishes, green manure, bulbous crops.

After peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, eggplants and cabbage, there is a risk of strawberries being damaged by viruses.

The beds for strawberries need to be prepared in advance, 1.5-2 weeks before planting.

In clay soil, the crop will grow poorly, which will affect fruiting. To plant in such an area, the soil must first be prepared. To improve air permeability, coarse soil is introduced into the ground. river sand or steamed sawdust and rotted humus. A bucket of sand (sawdust) and 2 buckets of humus are added per square meter of land.

Humus, rotted manure or compost are added to loamy soil to increase fertility. If they are absent, they are replaced with double superphosphate with potassium sulfate (35 grams per square meter).

On a turf plot, 3-4 kilograms of sawdust are added per square meter.

On sandy soil rotted manure, compost or peat is introduced (a bucket of raw materials per square meter of soil).

Clay soil is often combined with deep peat. Such land has increased acidity. To reduce it, wood ash is added to the soil (1 cup per square meter).

If the soil has low acidity, add ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.

On alkaline soils, rotted pine needles or peat (10 kilograms per square meter) are added.

The area is cleared of weeds and dug up. For each square meter of beds, 10 kilograms of organic matter, 20 grams of potassium sulfate and 60 grams of superphosphate are added.
The earth is dug up to the depth of a shovel.

The day before planting, the soil is dug up again and loosened with a rake.

To rid strawberry beds of weeds and provide them with sufficient moisture access, it is recommended to plant the crop under agrofibre.

This material not only protects plants from weeds and helps retain moisture in the soil, but also easily allows air to pass to the roots of the plants. Agrofibre maintains a higher temperature in the ground and allows you to harvest strawberries earlier in the spring.

Agrofibre simplifies plant care and improves conditions for strawberry growth. More heat under the material protects plants from freezing, which is also an important factor, especially in places where there are long, cold winters.

It is better to choose a cloudy day or evening for planting strawberries. If the strawberry has a large number of leaves, they are torn off and no more than 4 are left. The seedlings are placed in a container with a biogrowth stimulator 1-2 hours before planting.

Several pins are made from wire to fix the agrofibre to the ground. A canvas is spread over the bed and secured with pins around the perimeter. If several strips of agrofibre are taken, the studs are installed along the connection line. In this case, the material is laid out in an overlap. Additionally, the material is pressed down at the edges with bricks, boards, reinforcement bars or sprinkled with earth.

Marks are made on the agrofibre with chalk in the places where the seedlings will be planted. The distance between plants should be 25-50 centimeters (depending on the varietal characteristics of the strawberries).

At the marks, cuts are made crosswise with a knife or garden shears. The resulting corners bend outward.

Shallow holes are made under the cuts and filled with settled water. The corners of the agrofibre are bent inside the holes. The seedlings are laid out in holes. The roots of the plants are straightened, sprinkled and carefully pressed with earth.

The soil should not cover the cores of the plants, otherwise they will start to hurt!

Planted bushes are watered and mulched with peat, humus or dry soil.

In order to simplify caring for strawberries, many gardeners plant them under black film. With such planting, water evaporation is reduced, which reduces the need for frequent watering. The soil structure also improves and the berries ripen faster.

The bed for strawberries, which will be covered with film, is first loosened and leveled. If there are several beds, then the gap between them with a width of 80-90 centimeters is taken into account.

Along the perimeter of the edge of the spread black film fixed with stakes or sprinkled with earth, pressed down with bricks. Markings are made on the film in increments of 25-50 centimeters with chalk.

Using garden shears, X-shaped holes with a diameter of 15 centimeters are cut into the covering material. The edges are folded back. Holes are made in the ground with a depth of 15 centimeters. The edges of the film are folded inward. The holes are watered.

After this, bushes are placed in the soggy soil. When filling with soil, there is no need to bury the plants. After planting, the strawberries are watered with settled water. The soil around the plants is mulched with a layer of dry soil or rotted humus.

From proper care for planted strawberries, it depends on how easily they will survive the winter and how they will bear fruit in the future.

Immediately after planting, the ground around the young bushes is mulched with rotted humus or peat. With the coming winter period additional mulching of plants with peat and pine needles is carried out.

The first week after planting, strawberries are watered daily. Then watering is reduced to 2-3 times a week.

When the bushes take root, watering is reduced, but the soil must always be kept moist and loose.

Watering is carried out in the morning. Water is poured so that drops of moisture do not fall on the foliage. At first, the bushes are watered from a watering can, then you can use a garden hose for this.

Top dressing

10 days after planting the bushes, the bushes are fed with urea (30 grams per 10 liters of water). Each strawberry bush requires a liter of this solution. The fed plants are watered with plain water. After 2 weeks, feeding is repeated.

Planted bushes with 3-4 leaves are not pruned for the winter, but, on the contrary, are left to grow leaves. When whiskers appear, they need to be removed, as they interfere with the plants’ full development.

Preparing strawberry plantings for winter

With the onset of cold weather, strawberries need to be prepared for wintering. To late autumn and in winter the plants do not freeze, and to retain snow cover, the beds are covered with a layer of dry leaves, straw, spruce branches, corn stalks or peat. The thickness of the protective layer should be 5-10 centimeters.

When snow falls, the beds are additionally covered with snow.

When the first warm spring days arrive, the cover is removed, the mulch is removed, the ground around the plants is loosened and covered with a new layer of mulch.

Overwintered plants quickly grow and begin to bear fruit.

Planting strawberries in the fall. The secret ingredient for a great harvest: video

It is rare to find a site without strawberry beds. Almost every gardener plants this crop on his plot. Autumn planting of strawberries minimizes labor costs for care. If the strawberries are young, provide them in the fall good care, in the spring it quickly grows and produces a rich harvest.

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