Treating the walls of a wooden house to increase its service life. What are the best means to process logs? Processing stages How to impregnate a wooden house outside

In order for a wooden house to retain its original appearance, be reliable and attractive for many years, it is necessary to prepare it for long-term use. To do this, you need to go through all the required finishing stages, among which one of the main ones is treating the inside of a wooden house with special protective equipment. Many owners of wooden log houses believe that if the structure is treated from the outside, treatment of the wooden walls from the inside of the house is not necessary; the wood already has reliable protection. However, this is not the case, despite the fact that indoors the wood is in more favorable conditions, however, it can also suffer from moisture, insects and other negative factors.

Primary processing of lumber usually takes place at the production stage. If you purchased untreated logs, you need to process them yourself before building the house. For this purpose, special transport impregnations are used; usually their validity period does not exceed eight months. Thus, these means provide protection for logs only during the construction period.

After construction is completed, the effect of the antiseptic has already expired, and the house remains unprotected. This is a very difficult period for a wooden house; it will have to go through a long process of shrinkage, which lasts from six months to two years. How to protect log house in this period? At this time, a second protective treatment of the log house inside the house must be carried out. For re-processing, means are used that provide full protection from any natural factors, but at the same time do not interfere with air exchange and shrinkage processes taking place in wood.

After the structure has undergone shrinkage, the main Finishing work, including complex internal treatment of a wooden house with protective impregnating compounds. Then the treated log house can be painted, varnished, and decorated with decorative materials.

The above processing steps are suitable for a new home. As for old buildings, they must be treated at least once every five years.

Requirements for internal processing facilities

When choosing a composition for internal processing of imitation timber, eurolining, profiled timber or logs, criteria such as environmental friendliness and safety come to the fore. When choosing a drug, you need to carefully study its label. It should say on it that the product can be used for interior work. Many manufacturers indicate on the packaging detailed information about all the components included in the product.

What is the best way to protect the walls inside the house? For interior spaces it is advisable to use funds for water based. Such preparations usually have a neutral odor, do not contain toxic substances, and are safe for humans.

Indoor treatment products

How to cover imitation timber, logs, clapboard or any other lumber? There are several types of preparations designed to protect wood from various adverse factors. The products are transparent, not hiding the natural texture of wood, but, on the contrary, emphasizing its beauty. You can also impregnate wood with tinting compounds that give it a darker shade.

Wall treatment in a wooden house can be done using the following means:

  • antiseptics;
  • flame retardants;
  • biopyrenes;
  • primers;
  • bleaching compounds.

This group of products is intended to protect a house made of timber or logs from fungus and mold, as well as combat existing lesions.

Antiseptics are available in two types:

  1. Impregnated compounds that are deeply absorbed into the wood, forming a barrier in it that prevents biological damage. These impregnations can be very toxic, so before purchasing a product, you need to study its composition.
  2. Coating preparations that create a film on the surface that protects wood from water and dampness.

Antiseptics are produced on various bases, but for processing inner surface Only water-soluble and combined formulations are suitable.

Water-based impregnations are the most preferred option because they do not contain harmful components and are safe for humans. However they have one significant drawback– their protective properties decrease after a relatively short period of time. It is advisable to use these products under water-soluble paints.

Combined preparations containing oils and high-carbon components are excellent for rooms with high humidity.

There is also separate species antiseptics - biomoisture-protective, which protect wood not only from the appearance of mold and mildew, but also from the development of microorganisms and insects in its structure. This impregnation for a wooden house performs two functions at once: it protects the wood and creates a beautiful decorative coating on the surface.

Fire retardants

As you know, wood is very flammable and can ignite even from one spark. To avoid this, wood is treated with fire retardants. Wood impregnated with a fire retardant has high stability to the fire and maybe for a long time do not ignite even in the presence of an open flame.

There are two types of fire retardants:

  • Saline. Preparations containing salts, when wood is heated strongly, release gases that prevent rapid ignition.
  • Non-salt solutions block fire using foam, which forms on the surface under the influence of fire.


Biopyrenes are products that combine an antiseptic and a fire retardant. They provide protection from both biological factors and fire. These preparations can be used to cover the walls and floors of the house, and they can also be used for external treatment.

Biopyrenes are the best overall protection because they save not only money, but also processing time.


Before painting, applying a primer is mandatory. The primer is a good protection for wood from various destructive processes, and it also ensures optimal adhesion of paint to wood. For timber inside the house, it is recommended to use aqueous primers, which are transparent, translucent and opaque.

Please note that opaque primers provide a smoother surface. Transparent soils penetrate deeply into the wood without creating a protective layer on it.

If during the shrinkage process internal walls the wooden house appeared blue and dark spots, this indicates that a fungus has appeared in the wood structure, causing such manifestations. You can get rid of blue discoloration and fungal spores using special bleaching compounds.

In this case, many resort to folk remedies, such as bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and oxalic acid. These are simple and affordable drugs, but when used, there is a risk of misuse.

Today, modern industry produces the latest and very effective bleaches that provide a high degree of lightening and protection of wood. The products are produced in one- or two-component versions.

Treatment of wooden surfaces indoors begins with the lower elements of the house, which are more susceptible to moisture than others, since they are in close proximity to the ground. First of all, logs, subfloors, and lower floors are treated. Then they begin to process the main parts of the wooden structure: walls, ceiling, interfloor ceilings, partitions, etc.

Before processing wooden lining, timber or logs, it is necessary to prepare the surface. If the walls of the house have old paint, it must be removed. To do this, first the surface is heated until the paint softens, and then it is removed with a scraper.

Next, the wood is sanded and polished using a sander or grinder. Sanding is necessary for any lumber: logs, lining, imitation timber, etc. After sanding, the pores of the wood open, which better absorb processing agents.

An antiseptic is applied to a dry and previously dust-free surface. For interior spaces, one coat is sufficient. But for a bathhouse or an unheated house, one layer will not be enough. Such premises are treated twice.

The next treatment is carried out with fire retardant impregnation. Internal elements It is better to cover houses with a non-salt fire retardant.

The last stage is priming the surface, after which any decorative coating can be applied.

The company "Master Srubov" accepts applications for professional processing wooden houses. Protective treatment inside the house is carried out with certified preparations that are completely safe for humans.

You can check all the details of your order with our specialists at the coordinates located on the page.

A wooden house is environmentally friendly and safe housing, and will always be popular. Natural wood, compared to other building materials, does not emit toxic hazardous substances, promotes the rapid exchange of oxygen in the room and simply has a pleasant forest aroma. Always in a wooden house Fresh air, it is warm in winter, and cool on hot summer days, a comfortable environment and cozy atmosphere will delight you for many years.

The ease of assembly of factory-made elements from logs or profiled timber significantly reduces installation time. Due to relatively light weight walls of a wooden house, you will not need a deep, expensive foundation. And also, thanks to the beauty and unique patterns of wood given to us by nature, the aesthetics of the materials does not require serious and expensive finishing.


However, despite everything positive features, wooden houses also have a minus. Wood as a natural material is subject to negative influence environment. Sun rays (ultraviolet), moisture in the form of precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material can gradually darken and collapse. Mold, cracks and fungus may also appear, and the structure may subsequently lose its original appearance. But in modern world These problems can be avoided through the necessary treatment of the log house inside and outside using various means.


  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • Retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or house made of logs or profiled timber for a long time;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Prevents insects and moisture;
  • Increases the service life of a wooden house or bathhouse;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs; if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, obtain the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is required for log house, since fire is a significant threat to wood.


Today, the market offers a lot of different products for treating wooden houses, both outside and inside. It is very important that the products you choose for processing are environmentally friendly and preserve the natural properties of wood. Also, the means must fulfill protective functions wood from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Of great importance are also decorative properties. There are four main groups of products that will be needed to treat the outside of your home:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into wood, increasing the resistance of wood to moisture and microbes. Among the antiseptic agents, wax is distinguished, protective varnish and oils. They destroy mold and blue stains.
  2. Fire retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperature the composition of this product comes out and forms protective film on the surface of the wood. This product prevents instant ignition and resists open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations maintain wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials maintain the smoothness and evenness of the wood surface and prevent cracks. And film-forming compounds additionally create a water-repellent barrier, which prevents the wood from absorbing excess moisture and, accordingly, prevents the creation of a damp negative environment in the wood. A primer or wood oil is suitable for these purposes.
  4. Protective and finishing agents are largely intended for decorating wood, in other words, for creating and long-term preservation of the aesthetic appearance of a house or bathhouse. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect the wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will prevent the wood from darkening over time.

You should not choose one product that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while also performing decorative functions. Practice shows that such impregnations are not very effective and will not give the desired result. To achieve high-quality and durable results, it is better to use fire retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately, since each of them will give a more significant effect in the area of ​​​​its intended purpose.


and their characteristics




Senezh (Russia)

High-class, difficult-to-wash compounds in 20 types, including whitening and renewing compounds, antiseptics for baths, homes and gazebos; protect from fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years!

from 380 rubles (5kg)

Belinka (Slovenia)

Natural and safe means high efficiency, protect from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products

from 400 rubles (1l)

Pinotex (Estonia)

Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for external treatment

from 280 rubles (1 l)

Neomid (Russia)

Effective impregnation for home, bathhouses and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, they produce special products for treating the ends, good combination price quality

from 200 rubles (1 l)

Tikkurila (Finland)

Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection from precipitation, differ high quality and positive reviews

from 250 rubles (1l)

Aquatex (Russia)

Available in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted versions (15 colors), protects against fungus, ultraviolet radiation and moisture, suitable for middle-class wood

from 200 rubles (1 l)

Sitex (Russia)

Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, preserves appearance buildings for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors)

from 200 rubles (1 l)


  • Immediately after assembling a wooden house or bathhouse, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptics inside and out for the first time. We recommend paying special attention to the processing of ends and elements in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics must be applied in at least two layers;
  • Primary processing cannot be carried out at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next treatment is done after the log or beam has completely dried and the log house has completely shrunk. This takes 12 - 18 months if the wooden house was made from materials with natural moisture. This finishing implies a final complex and multi-layer treatment of the house, which will ensure the protection of the log for long term. It is also important to apply antiseptics to a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, additional grinding of the log or timber is necessary to remove the top layer, in which fungus and microbes may have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove defects in the log and level the surface. Sanding wooden walls is absolutely necessary for an old house, since it is important to completely remove the previous coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will be of the highest quality, effective and durable. To speed up the process, spray guns are used. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, antiseptic agents are applied in two or three layers. After drying, the wood is treated with fire retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is primer. It will protect the wood from cracks and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others and are therefore more susceptible to rotting. To avoid this, each end treatment is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sun rays. With the help of colored paint and varnish materials achieve a certain color or shade, matte or glossy shine. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints and varnishes.


Painting is the final stage of processing a log house outside and inside. Today there are a lot of different paints and varnishes. For exterior painting, choose rough and persistent compounds. Let's consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Opaque topcoat varnishes will help achieve the desired shine and shade, protect against insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deeply into the structure of the log, keeping the surface from moisture and dirt. But they take a long time to dry (two weeks) and lose color over time!;
  • Acrylic paints and water-based varnishes are natural, safe products that provide a dense, elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to “breathe”, but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and smooth surface, retain color for a long time and provide protection from moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to “breathe,” which over time causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and large amounts of precipitation. This reliable protection from moisture, which is not affected by weather and temperature changes. This varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of the wood, but when painted it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Stain is an affordable and cheap way to finish a log house inside and out. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the wood grain and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and wax are environmentally friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. The wax will give the surface a translucent matte shine.

To properly paint a log house, wait until the primer is completely dry. Stir the mixture thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. Use a roller for painting, and a brush for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends.

When using a spray gun, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, there may be unpainted areas. Last layer Apply paint in a thin layer from top to bottom.

After the paint has completely dried, apply varnish in two or three layers. For an even coating without layering, allow each layer to dry and apply the product in long, even strokes. For decorative covering You can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the service life of the wood.

In this article we have described to you in detail the TOPICS:

For high-quality processing and painting, we recommend contacting specialists with experience and relevant skills.

VEKODOM company in the construction of houses produced at own production, carries out processing only with proven impregnations, varnishes and paints, taking into account the opinions of our customers.

Look in the catalog on this website for our finished constructed objects OUR WORK, and also read the reviews of our clients

Based on statistical data, country houses are mostly built from wood, despite the existing a large assortment others building materials. From logs in a short time you can build a beautiful and cozy home any sizes and shapes. But we should not forget that natural wooden material is subject to various destructive influences from biological agents and nature itself, which it cannot withstand alone. And to protect the logs, it is necessary to carry out step-by-step processing using chemical protective impregnations, which will significantly extend the life of the log house.

Photo: log houses require protective treatment with impregnations, fire retardants and antiseptics.

Expert opinions

The log frame should be processed in the following order:

  1. An important and first stage of processing a log house is to clean the crowns. Their surface should be thoroughly sanded and free from debris and dust, because... they can prevent penetration protective composition into the structure of wood material
  2. Then treat the logs with an effective, high-quality antiseptic composition that can protect the material from the formation of biological agents and insects. Apply the product to a wooden surface at least 3 times, allowing each previous layer to dry thoroughly.
  3. The next stage of processing is carried out using fire retardants. They need to be applied to the walls of the log house inside and outside in several layers. Depending on the composition used, the wooden surface will become non-flammable (acquiring fire resistance group 1) or difficult to ignite (acquiring fire resistance group 2), i.e. the material may ignite, but the fire will not be able to sustain or spread. In the event of a fire, a wooden frame treated with fire retardants will turn black, the protective layer of fire-retardant impregnation on the surface of the logs will char, but it will not burn. Such wooden material is easier to restore than a completely burnt structure.
  4. Then the log structure must be treated with water-repellent compounds. Wooden material absorbs moisture well and retains it.
    and from excess moisture, the logs begin to deform, cracks form on their surface and, most importantly, there are great chances for the formation and further dangerous development of putrefactive processes. During processing, special attention should be paid to the ends; through their open longitudinal fibers, moisture is absorbed more easily and in large quantities. The water-repellent composition should be applied to the end part of the log at least 4 times.
  5. The next stage of processing is the application of a primer. This is, in fact, the final protection of the material from biological troubles. The primer penetrates well into the wooden material and eliminates all cracks in the structure. Its main purpose is to ensure good adhesion of paints and varnishes to wood.
  6. The final stage processing wooden log house is the transformation of its appearance. There are special paints, varnishes, etc. for this. Compositions with a bleaching effect are often used to eliminate darkening of wood.

Full processing log house should be done after the wooden walls have dried. Until this time, you can use gentle, so to speak temporary, antiseptics with a short period of action. Over time, they are washed out by water and after a few years their protective effect is greatly reduced. But for the first time, such products are capable of protecting the structure and residents from mold fungi. These pests not only reduce the performance characteristics of the wooden material, but also cause harm to the health of the residents of the log house. Problems with the respiratory system (laryngitis, tracheitis, and even asthma) may suddenly begin, and allergic diseases often occur.

Why are the stages in processing a log frame important?

You should not neglect any stage of processing, otherwise, as a result of construction, it will not be possible to build a beautiful, durable and safe log house. To apply protective compounds, use hard brushes with synthetic bristles; natural bristles may be damaged during application. The brush movements should be clear and rigid, as if rubbing the impregnation into the material, only then will the logs be reliably processed.

Protective means for processing logs of domestic and foreign production are available for sale. They have no special differences. For example, our protective compounds from Neomid and Prosept are intended for wooden house construction The quality is not inferior to foreign imported compounds. After all, the same components and identical modern equipment and technology are used to create them.

Before implementation, specialists carry out a lot of tests, strictly monitoring compliance of the declared properties with the real ones. But at the same time, their cost is several times lower, because... There are no costs incurred for exporting the product to Russia.

Division of funds according to purpose

There are narrowly targeted products aimed specifically at combating mold, rot or insects. But there are also complex formulations that can provide protection against several types of pests at once.

Photo: Fire-retardant composition of the highest quality Neomid Super Proff 001.

For example, fire retardants from the same companies Prosept Ognebio Prof and Ognebio Prof-1, Neomid 450 and 450-1, they cope with biological pests and at the same time prevent the fire of wooden material.

Photo: Fire-retardant composition of the highest quality Neomid 450-1. It is recommended to use it for floor beams and processing of wooden rafter system houses of any design.

But it is not advisable to use only this composition. It is better to treat the log house separately with antiseptics and separately with fire retardants, thus the protection period will be longer, about 20 years. A complex means They provide bioprotection for an average of 5-7 years, so saving on formulations is not recommended.

Good antiseptics and reliable antiseptics are Neomid 400, 440 eco, 430 eco, Prosept Interior, Exterior and Universal. Each of these compositions should be used strictly for their intended purpose (indoors or outdoors). Indelible antiseptics can be used to treat lower crowns, terraces, gazebos and other structures located on outdoors and are subject to constant negative influence. Their composition is the most powerful and strong.

  • Combined. Combined impregnations are compositions that protect wood from various factors, for example, from fire and various bacteria, from water and the formation of harmful fungi. In places where humidity is high and the risk of wood contamination is very high, such impregnation is very useful.

Impregnation selection criteria

In order to choose a specific protective solution, consider some nuances. For example, if you choose a water-based impregnation, then you will need additional drying of the wood, which will lead to its deformation.

Use antiseptic impregnations, which are water-based, to treat the linings under the purlins and the purlins themselves; you can also paint partition panels, joists and beams, beams. In this way, you can process elementary lightweight structures that will not deform or bend, and which will not cause much harm or damage.

Oily compounds and oils for impregnating wood have an unpleasant, persistent odor that is quite difficult to erode, and therefore it is better not to use these impregnations for wood. internal processing wooden structures. In addition, all oil solutions ignite very quickly, releasing toxins into the air. Once you have treated the wood with oil, it will become impossible to work, paint or process. That's why, oil impregnations only suitable for wooden parts and elements located outdoors and regularly in contact with water.

You should choose an antiseptic impregnation for wood taking into account the specific type of wood, since various types have varying degrees of resistance to various biological destroyers:

- “weak” wood is aspen, linden, alder;

Low-resistant wood - oak, birch and beech sapwood, elm heartwood and maple;

Medium-resistant wood - fir, spruce, larch, cedar sapwood;

Rot-resistant wood – ash, pine, oak heartwood and larch.

Different types of wood absorb certain protective compounds differently, and this should be taken into account when making the final choice of impregnation. Three main groups of wood can be distinguished based on the difficulty of absorbing impregnation:

Difficult - spruce, ash, oak and beech;

Medium - linden, pine core, alder, aspen, maple sapwood;

Lightweight – beech, pine sapwood and birch.

The nuances of do-it-yourself impregnation at home

The price of wood impregnation will depend on its purpose and composition, but you can save a lot and prepare a simple protective impregnation for. In this case, impregnation will be much cheaper than a budget purchase option.

The basis for do-it-yourself impregnation is bitumen.

Impregnation preparation process:

  1. Pour bitumen into an unused old metal bucket or container.
  2. Place the bucket on the fire and bring the bitumen to a boil.
  3. Remove the bucket from the heat and, while stirring, pour in diesel fuel in a thin stream so that the mixture does not have time to thicken even after it has cooled.

In order to prepare a quick-drying impregnation, dilute the bitumen not with diesel fuel, but with gasoline. But in this case, do not heat the composition - the bitumen should completely dissolve in gasoline. After treating wood with this solution, it can be safely painted, coated with various enamels and primed. But under no circumstances use nitro varnishes and paints!

Precautionary measures

Impregnation for a wooden house outside and inside, fire retardant and antiseptic, contain dangerous chemical additives and substances that can... That is why during the processing process, remember your safety measures, and strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer. Before you buy impregnation, carefully study the information about the degree of toxicity of the composition and its possible use and application inside the house.

Impregnation for wood is a necessary and important protective measure in modern repairs and construction.. Regardless of the hazardous chemicals contained in the impregnation, it can significantly increase the service life of all buildings and ensure safety from fires and various atmospheric phenomena. Good luck!

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly and safe housing that will never lose popularity. Natural wood does not emit toxic hazardous substances, has a pleasant forest aroma and promotes rapid oxygen exchange. In such a house there is always fresh air, a comfortable environment and a cozy atmosphere.

The logs are easy to lay, which reduces installation time. Due to their light weight, they do not require a deep, expensive foundation. And thanks to the natural beauty and aesthetics of the materials, serious and expensive finishing is not required.

However, wooden houses also have a significant disadvantage. Wood - natural material which is exposed to negative environmental influences. Sun rays, moisture and precipitation, insects lead to the fact that the material gradually darkens and collapses. Mold, cracks and fungus appear, and the structure loses its original appearance. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to treat the log house inside and outside using various means.

Why do you need to treat the outside of the log house?

  • Protects wood from destruction;
  • Retains the original appearance of a bathhouse or log house for a long time;
  • Prevents the appearance of fungus and rot;
  • Prevents insects and moisture;
  • Increases the service life of a wooden house or bathhouse;
  • Improves the aesthetic qualities of logs; if necessary, you can change the appearance of the facade, obtain the desired color, shade or shine;
  • Fire retardant treatment is mandatory for a log house, since fire is a significant threat to wood.

Which means to choose

Today the market offers a lot of products for treating a log house outside and inside. It is important that they are environmentally friendly and preserve the natural properties of wood. In addition, the products must perform the protective functions of the tree from moisture, insects and other negative factors. Decorative properties are also of great importance. There are four main groups of products that will be needed to treat the outside of your home:

  1. Antiseptics are deeply absorbed into the wood, increasing the resistance of logs to moisture and microbes. Antiseptics include wax, protective varnish and oils. They destroy mold and blue stains.
  2. Fire retardants prevent the spread of fire. At elevated temperatures, the composition of the product comes out of the log and forms a protective film. Such products prevent instant ignition and resist open fire for several hours.
  3. Preservative solutions and impregnations keep wood in good condition. Special impregnating materials maintain the smoothness and evenness of the surface and prevent the appearance of cracks. And film-forming compounds also create a water-repellent barrier. A primer or wood oil is suitable for these purposes.
  4. Protective and finishing agents are mainly intended for decorating wood. These are paints and varnishes for wood. They protect the wooden surface from fading and dirt. There are also special bleaching compounds that will prevent the wood from darkening over time.

Do not choose one product that will immediately protect against mold and rot, insects and fire, while also performing decorative functions. Practice proves that such impregnations are not very effective. To achieve high-quality and durable results, it is better to use fire retardants, antiseptics and decorative paints and varnishes separately.

Top best products for external wood treatment

Brand Characteristic Price
Senezh (Russia) High-class, difficult-to-wash compounds in 20 types, including whitening and renewing compounds, antiseptics for baths, homes and gazebos; protect from fire, pests and moisture, provides protection for more than 10 years! from 380 rubles (5kg)
Belinka (Slovenia) Natural and safe, highly effective products that protect against ultraviolet radiation, moisture, insects and fire, a wide range of products from 400 rubles (1l)
Pinotex (Estonia) Polymer-based products protect against mold and moisture, fungus and insects, withstand sudden temperature changes, therefore they are optimal for external treatment from 280 rubles (1 l)
Neomid (Russia) Effective impregnation for home, bathhouses and wooden floors, protects the surface from moisture for 5-7 years, they produce special products for treating the ends, a good price-quality ratio from 200 rubles (1 l)
Tikkurila (Finland) Moisture-resistant products, create a thin protective film and provide reliable protection from precipitation, are distinguished by high quality and positive reviews from 250 rubles (1l)
Aquatex (Russia) Available in the form of a primer and impregnation, colorless and tinted versions (15 colors), protects against fungus, ultraviolet radiation and moisture, suitable for middle-class wood from 200 rubles (1 l)
Sitex (Russia) Suitable for any type of wood, protects logs from moisture, preserves the appearance of the structure for 10 years, colorless and tinted options (12 colors) from 200 rubles (1 l)

How to properly treat the outside of a log house

  • For the first time, the log house is treated with antiseptics inside and outside immediately after assembly. Pay special attention to processing the ends and logs in contact with the foundation. Antiseptics are applied in two layers;
  • Primary treatment should not be carried out at temperatures below 10-12 degrees!;
  • The next treatment is done after the log has completely dried and the frame has shrunk. This takes 6-12 months. This finishing involves the final complex and multi-layer processing of the house, which will ensure long-term protection of the log. It is important to apply antiseptics to a dry and clean wood surface!;
  • Before processing, the logs are sanded to remove the top layer in which fungus and microbes have accumulated during shrinkage. It will remove defects in the log and level the surface. Sanding wooden walls is a must for an old house, as it is important to completely remove the previous coating;

  • Processing with a brush will take a lot of time, but it will be of the highest quality, effective and durable. To speed up the process, spray guns are used. But for processing ends, corners and hard-to-reach places, take only a brush;
  • First of all, antiseptic agents are applied in two or three layers. After drying, the wood is treated with fire retardants in one or two layers and also left to dry. The next layer is primer. It will protect the wood from cracks and level the walls;
  • Carefully process the ends. These parts of the logs absorb moisture faster than others and are therefore more susceptible to rotting. To avoid this, each end treatment is done in 4-5 layers;
  • The final stage is a decorative coating that will preserve the appearance of the house and protect the surface from sunlight. With the help of colored paints and varnishes, a certain color or shade, matte or glossy shine is achieved. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, use transparent paints and varnishes.

What and how to paint the outside of a log house

Painting is the final stage of processing a log house outside and inside. Today there are a lot of different paints and varnishes. For exterior painting, choose rough and durable compounds. Let's consider the popular types of funds:

  • Glazing transparent varnishes will retain color and emphasize the texture of wood, protect the surface from moisture, mold and rot;
  • Opaque topcoat varnishes will help achieve the desired shine and shade, protect against insects, high humidity and ultraviolet radiation;
  • Oil paints penetrate deeply into the structure of the log, keeping the surface from moisture and dirt. But they take a long time to dry (two weeks) and lose color over time!;
  • Acrylic paints and water-based varnishes are natural, safe products that provide a dense, elastic coating. They protect against moisture, cracking and fungus. Such compositions allow the tree to “breathe”, but are expensive;
  • Alkyd varnishes form a hard and smooth surface, retain color for a long time and provide protection from moisture. However, such products do not allow the wood to “breathe,” which over time causes the log to dry out and crack;
  • Yacht varnish is suitable for places with high humidity and large amounts of precipitation. This is reliable protection against moisture, which is not affected by weather and temperature changes. This varnish does not fade and prevents yellowing of the wood, but when painted it emits an unpleasant odor;
  • Stain is an affordable and cheap way to finish a log house inside and out. It protects against fungus and pests, does not disturb the wood grain and makes the color more saturated. However, stain requires subsequent varnishing;
  • Oils and wax are environmentally friendly, safe products that are deeply absorbed into the wood and protect the logs from moisture and dirt. The wax will give the surface a translucent matte shine.

To properly paint a log house, wait until the primer is completely dry. Stir the mixture thoroughly before painting. First, paint is applied in two or three layers. Before applying each new layer, wait until the previous one is completely dry. For painting, use a roller; for hard-to-reach places, corners and ends, use a brush.

When using a spray gun, it is not always possible to achieve an even and smooth coating. In addition, there may be unpainted areas. Apply the final coat of paint in a thin layer from top to bottom.

After the paint has completely dried, apply varnish in two or three layers. For an even coating without layering, allow each layer to dry and apply the product in long, even strokes. For decorative coating, you can use only varnish or only paint. However, the use of both means will consolidate the result and enhance the effect, enhance protection and increase the service life of the wood.

If you don’t know which product to choose for treating the inside or outside of your home, contact the MariSru b company for help. The company's craftsmen will help you choose the right materials and will quickly and efficiently process and paint your wooden house or bathhouse!

Covering walls inside a house with clapboards and other methods of using natural wood in decoration are quite popular today. Naturally, the question quite naturally arises of how to treat the lining inside a wooden house in order to protect it from moisture and other factors.

In our article we will try to analyze in detail the features of the compositions used, and also provide recommendations for painting and varnishing wooden surfaces.

Review of materials

Why do you need wood protection?

Internal processing of a wooden house is included in the list of mandatory measures for finishing the premises. Indeed, the importance correct selection and the application of a protective composition for wood is difficult to overestimate.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, with a long stay in a humid environment, wood fibers swell, and all the parts from which the finishing is made increase in size. As a result, the wall cladding becomes deformed, which can lead to cracks and other defects. To avoid this, the lining and other finishing elements are impregnated or coated with compounds that minimize contact between wood and water.
  • Secondly, a humid environment together with high temperature creates an ideal environment for the development of microorganisms, including pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The only way to prevent this is to use antiseptic compounds that have bactericidal and fungicidal effects.

Very often, beginners are interested in whether it is necessary to treat wood with an antiseptic indoors with a normal level of humidity.
In principle, this is not necessary, but in any case, antibacterial or antifungal impregnation will not harm.

  • Thirdly, the internal treatment of the walls of a wooden house also performs a design function.. Modern compositions for the most part or contain pigments in finished form, or allow the introduction of colors, so that if necessary, we can simultaneously provide moisture protection to change the shade of the finish.

Concluding a brief analysis, it should be noted that the price of high-quality products for protecting wood from moisture and microorganisms is quite high. At the same time, their use significantly extends the service life of the finish, so ultimately, treating wooden walls inside the house is completely justified.

Compositions used

To solve the problems we described in the previous section, today we use the most different compositions. You can analyze their features using the table below:

Means Composition and application
Antiseptic primers
  • Used for preliminary application to wooden surfaces for varnishing or painting.
  • They include bactericidal and fungicidal components that prevent the development of bacterial or fungal colonies.
  • Most are either colorless or give the surface a slight yellowish tint, which is why they are used in combination with other compounds for decorative processing.
Scuba diving
  • As a rule, they are a varnish on acrylic base.
  • The coating is easy to apply, quick to dry, and environmentally friendly.
  • Since organic solvents are not used in Aqualak, it can also be used indoors - it still does not produce a pungent odor or toxic fumes.
  • When (for example, if you are looking for how to treat the inside of a wooden bathhouse), you should give preference to aqualas with water-repellent additives - then the wood simply will not get wet.
Varnishes for wood
  • When finishing walls sheathed wood panels, more traditional varnishes such as those used, for example, in the furniture industry can also be used.
  • Varnishing allows you to create a dense inert layer on the surface of the wood, which will prevent the penetration of moisture.
  • Varnishes used for processing wood at home can be transparent or tinted, matte or glossy, etc.
  • The main advantage of the oil is that its components penetrate deeply into the wood structure, saturating its fibers with organic compounds and protecting it from moisture.
  • As is the case with scuba tanks, the oils do not contain toxic substances and do not have unpleasant odors.
  • Wood wax is a fairly viscous organic compound that is applied to the finish to give it a characteristic shine and prevent swelling.
  • Very often, wax is used in a mixture with decorative oil - then it also gives a tinting effect.
  • As an alternative, you can choose different interior paints. Unlike varnishes and oils, they form opaque coating, because with their help you can disguise the texture of wood.
  • Most often, non-toxic acrylic and latex water-dispersed paints are used to treat rooms. Alkyd enamels and oil compositions are used much less frequently.
Complex decorative and protective compositions
  • Optimal choice To process wood while maintaining its texture is to use a complex coating.
  • Such compositions are usually used to impregnate wood with simultaneous tinting, as well as to give it additional characteristics, for example, reducing flammability.

As you can see, there is a lot to choose from on how to treat wooden walls inside the house. However, it’s not enough to choose – you also need to apply the composition correctly.

Work technology

Preparatory work

If you decide to paint or varnish wooden wall cladding, then the instructions given in this section will help you understand the nuances of the technology.

Work must begin with surface preparation:

  • If the boards were previously painted or varnished, then the old coating must be removed. We soften the painted layer with warm water or a stream of hot air from a hair dryer, and then remove it with a spatula.
  • Remains of paint and varnish are removed using grinder.
  • If we process new wood, then it all the more needs to be polished. To do this, we successively use several abrasive materials, gradually reducing the grain size - this way we get a perfectly flat surface.

If there are defects on the sheathing, then before sanding they must be masked by using a small amount of wood putty.
After waiting for the putty to dry, we clean the area with sandpaper, and then sand the surface.

  • Afterwards, it makes sense to treat all surfaces with a penetrating water-based antiseptic primer.
  • Apply the primer in one or two layers, making sure that the wood does not get too wet.
  • After the primed surface has dried, the lining inside the house can be painted or varnished.

Application of the composition

Both painting and varnishing can be done with your own hands.

The process itself is not complicated, but there are still a few recommendations that are worth listening to:

  • Having decided how to treat the wood inside the house, it is worth purchasing the selected composition with a small margin. The thing is that the shade of paint or tinted varnish may differ in different batches, so it is better to paint everything with one material.
  • Before starting work, mix both paint and varnish thoroughly. This is done in order to compensate for the separation of components that occurred during storage.
  • To apply the composition, use a wide flat brush. We will also need a narrow brush on a long curved handle - we will use it to penetrate hard-to-reach places.
  • We apply both paint and varnish in several layers. The more layers and the smaller their thickness, the better the result.
  • The direction of the strokes should be perpendicular. So, for example, we apply even layers vertically, odd ones horizontally, or vice versa.
  • After applying each layer, you need to dry the surface. Drying time depends on the type of composition used, so you need to plan the work individually.

And most importantly, during drying, the fresh layer of finishing should be protected from exposure to drafts and temperature changes, otherwise the coating will quickly begin to crack and peel off.


When choosing how to treat the inside of a wooden house, you need to analyze which properties of the material will be your priority. Well, information materials, including a very informative video in this article, will help you understand the intricacies of applying paints, varnishes and impregnations.

Building your own wooden house is a pleasant and important event. A wooden house is environmentally friendly and unity with nature, the best choice for those who care about their health and the health of their loved ones. However, this is a very big responsibility. After all, wooden structures require where more care and attention than, say, stone buildings. Anyone who has built their house from wood, or those who are just planning to do so, are thinking about how to treat a wooden house outside and inside in order to protect it from negative external influences and make its operation long and comfortable.

Why is it important to protect wood?

Natural wood has its own specifics, like other materials, so they must be taken into account when using them. In addition to a number of advantages, natural wood has a number of disadvantages, for example:

  • Flammability;
  • Possibility of rotting;
  • Susceptibility to the negative effects of certain insects;
  • Drying out over time;
  • Cracking;
  • Dependence on ambient temperature.

These factors necessitated the need to protect the wood from which a wooden house is made. Firstly, the wood is natural natural material, which easily absorbs moisture. Any slight fluctuations in air humidity can lead to swelling, cracking and rotting.

Secondly, various microorganisms become another enemy of natural wood. This can be mold, a large number of varieties of fungi, insects and algae. Fungal spores, which are especially abundant in humid air, enter the tree and germinate in just a few hours. The main signs of such an infection are blue spots, darkening, plaque and high humidity. There are also types of mushrooms (for example, white brownie) that can “eat” a thick 40mm. oak board within one month!

Another danger that owners of wooden structures are exposed to is fire. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure maximum fire safety in such a house and minimize any risks of fire.

How to properly protect wood

To protect wood from damage by microorganisms, various methods are used.

Wood protection methods:

  • Methods of a structural nature - insulating wood from the ground, stone and concrete, installing special ventilation channels, protecting the building from rain, fog and moisture;
  • Chemical methods that involve treating wood with special protective agents. These include antiseptics and fire retardants, which protect wood from germs and fires, respectively. This is the most common method, and also the most inexpensive and effective.

Protection of a wooden house is achieved through the use of special water-soluble agents, compositions based on volatile chemical compounds, oil antiseptics, special pastes and other means. On modern market Antiseptic and fire-bioprotective solutions made on a water basis are the most widely used.

It is worth noting that water-based antiseptics for wooden houses are environmentally friendly and non-toxic materials, which is very important, especially for internal processing. The treatment of a wooden house to protect it must take place in several stages - from its construction to finishing. At the same time, protecting it from the inside and outside has certain differences.

How to treat the outside of a wooden house - the main stages of processing

External processing of the log house takes place in several stages:

  1. 10-14 days after placing the structure under the roof. If the house was built in warm time years, then after 2 weeks it is necessary to carry out treatment with special compounds - first with antiseptics, and then with fire retardants, or with complex fire-bioprotective agents. It must be processed in 2 stages, applying antiseptic in two layers. If the log house was erected in winter time, then you should wait until the temperature rises to +10-12 ºC, after which they begin impregnation using a spray gun. However, this will only protect the house for 3-5 months;
  2. 3-5 months after the initial treatment with an antiseptic and fire retardant, it is necessary to use a final color coating, which will provide additional protection against rot and insects, and also preserve the primary layer.

Internal processing of a wooden house

Inside such a house, treatment is carried out with water-based solutions and it must be done at the same time as the first external treatment. After this, after 14 days, the finishing stage of coating is carried out.

What we need for this:

  • Thin brush;
  • Natural bristles;
  • Final protective varnish, for example, Capacryl Impragnier - Lazur from the German company Lacufa.

Recommendation. If blue or gray spots or darkening begin to appear, they should be treated with special means for wood protection, made on a chloride basis, for example, Pinotex Wood Oil. The product is applied to the affected areas in a thin layer, and within a few minutes the wood will return to its original appearance.

Wood house processing technology

The described stages were considered in general outline, and much more difficult. If you want to treat a wooden house in winter , then you should choose materials with a wider operating temperature range, but in general the technology will differ little:

  1. The first treatment is with special compounds that provide deep antiseptic protection and penetrate deep into the wood structure. It is produced to protect wood from mold, mildew and rot. Here you can use Pojuste from Tikurilla or Teknol Aqua 1410 from Teknos;
  2. Next, it is necessary to treat the ends to protect them from moisture. By applying a special moisture-protective agent, you stabilize the moisture balance of the tree, thereby slowing down the drying process of the tree. It releases moisture gradually and evenly, without sudden changes in humidity and, accordingly, cracking. It's better here suitable material Teknol JRM;
  3. Primer deep penetration, which fills microcracks in wood and ensures a reliable level of adhesion of subsequent layers of materials;
  4. Finishing – several layers of surface materials (paint and varnish or others) are applied. They form the finishing coating and provide maximum safety and performance properties, as well as imparting a finishing color.

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