Subtle human bodies and their functions. Effective methods of self-management

The etheric body consists of light lines that are conductors of prana flows that nourish the entire human structure. The ethereal body exhibits vortex rotations of the chakras, and projections of physiological organs are clearly visible. Character subtly energy connections indicates the primacy of the etheric body in relation to the physically visible body.

The organs of the physical body depend on the state of their etheric matrix. The etheric body is a template for the dense body and forces it to grow in accordance with a given program of characteristics; the etheric body determines human genetics.

The etheric body plays a significant role both in modeling the physical body and acts as a protector of the dense body from negative impacts environment, as well as from the energetic aggression of other people. It has been established that during strong attacks of rage, a person throws out emotional clots of a certain hardness, which can leave dents or even make tears in the energy body of the interlocutor. The etheric body serves as a kind of screen that absorbs and reflects the energetic influences of the environment and directional influence.

The etheric body protects the physical from negative influences from the subtle worlds. It tends to recover quickly, however, if the etheric body for a long time negative impact is produced, for example, electromagnetic smog from household appliances, this can lead to deformation of the etheric body. In such cases, if emergency measures are not taken to quickly restore the etheric body, a person may become seriously ill physically.

There are methods of energy vibration therapy that allow you to quickly restore the etheric body and heal energy diseases by influencing the etheric organs.

In addition, the etheric body is a reserve storehouse of a huge amount of energy; energy vibration therapy turns on this reserve and nourishes the etheric body big amount free energy from external natural structures. The result is an improvement in the qualities of the physical body, all its systems, and reduced susceptibility to viral diseases.

Ensuring a sufficient flow of energy qualitatively improves the structures of the etheric body and promotes not only good health, but also adjusts the human body system to reject bad habits. Thus, most people quit smoking, and the craving for consuming alcoholic derivatives weakens. A person develops an interest in active recreation.

The state of the physical system depends on the degree of its interaction with the subtle world, and this is the determining factor in the saturation of all human organs and systems with energy.
Based on this, an energy model was developed healthy body and a methodology was developed to increase mental, physical and energy forces through a balanced distribution of energy between the organs and systems of the body in such a way as to provide each of the components of the body with sufficient energy.

It is known from Chinese medicine that in case of illness, a weakened organ begins to intensively consume the energy of another neighboring organ, so an imbalance occurs in the body and complex diseases form in a person. In the early stages, this imbalance leads to a gradual weakening of the body's defenses, deterioration of well-being, psychological depression, and an unwillingness to live and change something in oneself. A person does not feel the strength and energy for further activity and simply goes with the flow, missing out on a number of opportunities.

Starting to take care of yourself in time means regaining your youth, success, beauty, joy, and again beginning to feel the taste of life in all its fullness.

Energy vibration therapy can make a person more resilient, strong, and confident in their abilities. The settings synchronize subtle processes in the body, nourish cells with energy and strength. By means of energy settings, influencing the etheric body, a person’s methods of self-regulation of the body are activated in which a person connects to natural areas of pure energy.

By integrated approach influencing the structures of the energy component of a person, the etheric body is provided with the parameters it needs, and the circulation of energy through the channels improves.

Cases of increased results in sports have been recorded: a person becomes faster, more resilient, his mind becomes clearer, and his reaction speed becomes an order of magnitude higher.

It has been revealed that the use of energy vibration therapy improves brain activity, stimulates hidden intellectual capabilities, and reveals a number of unusual abilities and talents in humans. There have been cases of disclosure of artistic, extrasensory, creative abilities, and the ability to count quickly.

People become more sociable, their ability to remember information significantly increases, and their desire to develop further increases. There has been a trend towards maintaining physical fitness, intellectual activity and increasing life expectancy among older people.

To sign up for sessions of energy vibration therapy of the Secret Beam ™ system you can on the forum.

The cost of one session is 10 dollars, for those living in Russia 300 rubles, the price is fixed.
Typically, three to five sessions are required for recovery and lasting positive results. Sessions are conducted using the remote influence method.

The subtle bodies of a person are the components of his spiritual essence. It is believed that the aura is permeated by 7-9 subtle bodies, each of which has its own meaning.

The physical body is the temple of the soul. In it she exists in her current incarnation. Functions of the physical body:

  • Adaptation to the surrounding world for a comfortable existence
  • A tool for acquiring life experience through various lessons of Fate and working off karmic debts
  • A tool for fulfilling the soul program, its calling and purpose in the current incarnation
  • Biological organism responsible for existence, vital functions and basic needs

In order for the physical body to exist and remain alive, it is fueled by energy from the nine chakras that make up the human aura.

Etheric body

First thin body human - ethereal. It performs the following functions:

  • Guardian and conductor of prana - vitality
  • Responsible for endurance and tone, as well as immunity. Helps resist diseases on an energetic level. If there is little energy, a person becomes tired, constantly wants to sleep, and loses vigor
  • The main function of the etheric body is to saturate with energy and literally revive the physical body for a comfortable and harmonious existence of a person in society
  • Provides connection with the energy of the Cosmos and its circulation throughout the body

The etheric body looks similar to the physical body, is born along with it, and dies on the ninth day after the death of a person in his earthly incarnation.

Astral body

The astral or emotional body is responsible for the following functions:

  • Everything that concerns a person’s emotional state: his desires, emotions, impressions and passions
  • Provides a connection between the Ego and the outside world, as a result of which a person is able to react to external circumstances with certain emotions
  • Controls the state of the right (creative, emotional) hemisphere of the brain
  • Controls the work of the etheric body, is responsible for the interaction of energy centers with the physical state
  • Together with the etheric body, it monitors the health and well-being of the physical entity

It is believed that the astral body dies completely on the fortieth day after the death of the physical body in the earthly world.

Mental body

The mental essence contains all thoughts and conscious processes occurring in the brain. This is a reflection of logic and knowledge, beliefs and thought forms. Everything that is separated from the unconscious. The mental body dies on the ninetieth day after the death of the earthly body.

Functions of the metal body:

  • Perception of information from the surrounding world and its transformation into thoughts, conclusions, reflections
  • All information processes occurring in the head - their course, sequence, logic
  • Creating Thoughts
  • A repository of all information that penetrates into a person’s consciousness from his very birth
  • The repository of information flow - that is, absolutely all the knowledge of the world. It is believed that every person has access to a common field of information and is able to gain the wisdom of their ancestors. But this can only be achieved with the help of special spiritual practices.
  • Responsible for connecting emotions, feelings with memory and mind
  • Motivates a person to act in life in accordance with his needs and needs, to benefit himself and others
  • Responsible for controlling instincts and other unconscious processes. If this control is “turned off,” a person literally turns into an animal without reason.
  • Controls all thought processes
  • Provides a rational approach to decision making

The mental, etheric and physical bodies do not exist forever. They die and are born along with the physical body.

Karmic subtle body

Other names are casual, causal. It is formed as a result of the actions of the human soul throughout all incarnations. It exists forever: in each subsequent incarnation, karmic debts that remain from past lives are worked off.

Karma is a kind of method Higher powers“educate” a person, force him to go through all life lessons and heal from past mistakes, gain new experience.

To heal the karmic body, you need to learn to work on your beliefs, control your emotions and train awareness (thought control).

Intuitive body

The intuitive or buddhic body is the personification of the spiritual nature of a person. It is by “turning on” the soul at this level that one can achieve a high degree of awareness and enlightenment.

This is the body of values, the result of the interaction of the astral and mental essence of a particular person with the analogous essences of the surrounding souls.

It is believed that a person should live and die in the place of his birth, because the purpose given at birth to the intuitive body is to complete the task necessary in that place.

Watch a video about the subtle human body:

Other bodies

The above entities are most often mentioned in the description of the “composition” of the human soul. But there are others:

  1. Atmanic - a body that personifies the divine principle that every soul has. “There is nothing but God and God is in everything.” A symbol of the unity of the human soul with the entire vast world. Provides connection with the information space of the Universe and the Higher Mind
  2. The solar is the object of study of astrologers, the interaction of human energy with the energies of the Moon, Sun, planets and stars. Given at birth depending on the location of the planets in the sky at the time of birth
  3. Galactic - the highest structure, ensures the interaction of the unit (soul) with infinity (the energy field of the Galaxy)

It is important to understand that each subtle body is necessary and important: these essences contain a certain energy. It is necessary that the interaction of subtle bodies exist in harmony, so that each performs its functions fully and radiates the correct vibrations.

Fully admitting that many people know first-hand what the etheric body looks like, I still decided to try to explain in great detail to everyone who wants to see how to see the etheric body with their own eyes at home!

I have already mentioned this in some of my courses, but I think it will not be superfluous if I once again draw your attention to this point.

It is extremely important, before starting any path, to obtain evidence of its correctness. One of the proofs of secret knowledge is the ability to see the human etheric field, accessible to everyone.

Any item, any Living being on our planet has an etheric field. But further we'll talk about the human etheric field.

Surely many people are familiar with the situation when, for example, someone holds a hand above their head, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to determine whether the hand is touching the hair or not. All this happens due to the touch of such a palm to the etheric field of a person.

The ethereal body surrounds everyone, repeating all the curves and details of the physical body.

The etheric body is the intermediate field of the aura, so to speak. The width of its “dense” structure, as a rule, is from 5 mm to 2-3 centimeters; I simply have not seen anything else, although there is an opinion that this figure could be much larger.

The size and density of the etheric body primarily speaks about a person’s physical health, about his supply of vitality. Here it must be added that the etheric field does not adjoin closely to the physical body, but has a void between the boundaries of the two bodies in the region of 1 to 4 mm. Moreover, this distance is constantly changing, depending on physical activity and energy reserves.

Anyone can calmly see the etheric body; for this you need to have just a little patience and in 2-3 days you will see everything yourself.

Extend your arm and open your palm at a distance of about 30-50 cm. It is better that the inner side of the palm faces you. Spread your fingers. The hand should be against a uniform dark background, it could be night outside the window, or a black cloth.

Place the light source behind your back so that your body does not cast a shadow on your palm. Change the light intensity. Perhaps you personally need more or less light to see the etheric body. So just experiment.

Having positioned your hand accordingly, you need to direct your gaze to the space between the fingers, you should be calm, your breathing should be even. For the first couple of minutes, you don’t need to try to see anything. Just look into this space. Your task is, so to speak, to bring sharpness to the void between your fingers.

Then smoothly move your gaze to the border of the fingers, and over time, you will notice a kind of grayish haze, a bluish or purple tint. Moreover, if you practice, you will also notice an area of ​​emptiness between the physical body and the ethereal, in which there is nothing. Its dimensions are 1-3 mm.

Continue to look at all the boundaries of your hand, and you will see that the haze follows all the contours of the body. So, this haze is your etheric body.

Attention, if you use a strong light source, look at a motionless palm for several minutes, and sharply remove your hand to the side - you will see a luminous handprint on a dark background. So, this is not an ethereal body, but just a light imprint on your retina.

The etheric body never remains; it is firmly attached to the physical, and repeats all its contours and movements. It is clearly visible, with a bluish haze; if you try to describe it very roughly, it is akin to the evaporation of gasoline. In other words, the subtlety of visibility is somewhat similar.

I say again, 3 days of practice is enough to see everything for yourself and check the existence of the etheric body for own experience! Repeat this exercise and the results will not keep you waiting!

Try it and you will succeed!

One of the subtle bodies of a person is the etheric body or the energy body of a person. It exactly repeats the physical body, or rather its silhouette, while extending beyond its limits by 3-5 centimeters, which is why the etheric body is called the etheric double.

American scientists have found that the weight of the etheric body is about seven grams. Like the physical body, the etheric body includes all its parts and organs. The etheric body consists of a special substance called ether.

This substance, in its properties, occupies an intermediate position between dense and very thin types of matter. The ether forms the bodies of many entities, which are very often mentioned in fairy tales and literature of a mystical nature.

According to psychics, the color of the etheric body varies from light shades of blue to gray. In a person with a sensual nature, the blue color of the etheric body predominates, while in people of strong physique, gray tones predominate. Disturbances in the energy body lead to various diseases. Any disease initially appears in the form of some kind of disturbance in the etheric body and after some time manifests itself in the form of diseases of various organs.


In what state the etheric body is, prevention and diagnosis of the body and diseases can be carried out. Many psychics have the ability to use their hands to sense distortions in the energy body and correct them. With the correct influence on the energy body, you can get rid of the disease or ease its progression. You can cut off the vampire channels, saturate the etheric body with the necessary energies - cleansing (upper flow), energy (sun), taking away negativity (earth flow). You can do pumping like a bodybuilder. You can injure yourself - a damaging option.

In the etheric body there are different kinds energy flows that are part of the energy meridians. It is these meridians that are affected by acupressure or acupuncture.


After death occurs, all types of subtle bodies leave the physical body; approximately on the 9th day after death, the etheric body also dies.

You can hear the expression “I have no strength, my hands give up,” this is a sure sign of a lack of energy in the etheric body. The powerful energy of the etheric body provides good protection physical body. Energy into the etheric body comes from neighboring bodies: physical and astral, from the environment, in the form of etheric bodies of products, plants, animals, water, stones, as well as the elements - Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Ether and all their derivatives.

The ability of the physical body to resist diseases and infections is also determined by the energetic state of the etheric body. By the state of the etheric body one can judge the state of the other six human bodies.


The etheric body performs several important functions: it is an exact copy of the physical body, and also reflects all the changes that occur in the body under the influence of the environment.

When a person cannot go around a table without hitting it; hold dishes and other small objects in your hands; makes awkward and clumsy movements - all this indicates that this person was unable to find contact with his etheric body, i.e. does not live in harmony with him. The etheric body has the ability to leave the physical body, to leave its limits, this is most noticeable during sudden movements.

In cases where a person has smooth movements, this indicates complete coordination of the physical and etheric bodies. In such cases, a person gains the ability to make rapid movements and at the same time the physical body does not go beyond the boundaries of the etheric. But movements are not the main indicator of contact between the etheric and physical bodies. Its absence is indicated by frequent joint dislocations.

A well-developed etheric body steadily transmits through itself streams of etheric energy, on which mental, astral and other thin types vibrations


Etheric Body the most dense of the invisible Bodies and is directly involved in the control of all elements of the Physical Body. The Etheric Body is an energetic Matrix.
The etheric shell is formed around the Physical Body during the period from birth to puberty, and most intensively between the ages of 4 and 8 years.
“His vital essence - the embryo - is located in the spleen. From the spleen the Etheric Body emerges as ghostly curls and a spiraling essence, like smoke, gradually takes shape.”
Until the Etheric Body is fully formed, the Astral Plane manifests itself more fully, since protective functions etheric energy does not apply to it. Therefore, during this period, children can see the inhabitants of the Astral Plane. When the Etheric Body is formed, most manifestations of the Subtle World are denied access to the sphere of Consciousness, but the Subconscious mind retains the ability to perceive them. The etheric body (the name comes from the word “ether,” denoting a state intermediate between energy and matter) consists of the finest lines along which energy flows spread. The body looks like a “sparkling network of light rays,” which can be compared to the glow of a blank television screen.
The network structure of the etheric body is in constant motion. The Etheric Body is visible mainly around the hands, steps, head, and a little near the shoulders. Located near the skin black field, and immediately behind it a field of bluish Light begins. This is a field of soft whitish-blue Light. Around the entire Body, it usually protrudes at a distance of 5 mm to 5 cm from the skin and pulsates with a frequency of 15 - 20 times per minute. The color of the etheric body changes from light blue to gray purple. Bright blue color is associated with a more subtle structure of the etheric body than gray. This means that a more sensitive person with a delicate body will most likely have the first layer of aura blue color, and a tougher personality, a person with an athletic build, is gray in color.
Watching a man's shoulder twilight light against the background of a white, black or dark blue wall, you can see the pulsation of the etheric body. The pulsation begins at the shoulder and moves down the arm in waves. If you look closely, you can see the empty space between the shoulder and the hazy blue light. After this comes a layer bright light, which spreads, gradually weakening as it moves away from the physical body. It should be noted that the moment you fix your gaze on this cloud, it immediately disappears, since it moves very quickly. The pulsation will move lower down your arm while you keep your gaze on your shoulder. Try again. Then you may be able to catch the next pulsation.

The Etheric Body is integral part Physical Body, and its division into parts is conditional.

- bodily nature.
“Hugging and touching erogenous zones without clothing, sexual intercourse in the ordinary sense.”
The Etheric Body is bioenergetic in nature.
“Dinner together, dancing, gentle hugs in clothes, sitting on laps.”
How is your health?
- emotional nature.
“Shared emotional experience of some situation that affects both.”
How are you?
- intellectual nature, Individual Will.
“Coordination of points of view on an extraneous topic.”
What are you concerned about?
- moral, moral nature, Intention, INDIVIDUAL LOVE.
“A joint, but non-binding, trip to the theater, assistance in repairing an iron (car).”
How are you?
- Spiritual Will.
“A heart-to-heart conversation about life.”
How are you doing?

Thin shelt– Atmanic Body, Buddhial Body, Causal Body.
Mental– Mental Body.
Tight shelt– Astral Body, Etheric Body, Physical Body.
The totality of the Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies is called the Social Body.


“The Physical Body is the container of Elementary Forces (Energy) located at the Etheric level.”

The Etheric Body is the Analytical Body, it has several directions at the same time (many sensations at the same time). Male.

Symbols of the Etheric Body:
1. Bioenergy.
2. Feelings.
3. Health.
4. Physiology.
5. Life energy.
6. Physical strength.


The Etheric Body is the densest of the invisible Bodies and directly controls all elements of the Physical Body. The Etheric Body is the energy Matrix.
The ethereal shell is formed around the Physical Body during the period from birth to puberty, and most intensively between the ages of 4 and 8 years.
“His vital essence, the embryo, is in the spleen. From the spleen, the Etheric Body emerges as ghostly curls and a spiral-shaped essence, like smoke, gradually takes shape.”
Until the Etheric Body is fully formed, the Astral Plane manifests itself more fully, since the protective functions of etheric energy do not apply to it. Therefore, during this period, children can see the inhabitants of the Astral Plane. When the Etheric Body is formed, most manifestations of the Subtle World are denied access to the sphere of Consciousness, but the Subconscious mind retains the ability to perceive them. The etheric body (the name comes from the word “ether,” denoting a state intermediate between energy and matter) consists of the finest lines along which energy flows spread. The body looks like a "sparkling network of light rays", which can be compared to the glow of a blank television screen.
The network structure of the etheric body is in constant motion. The Etheric Body is visible mainly around the hands, steps, head, and a little near the shoulders. There is a black field near the skin, and immediately behind it a field of bluish Light begins. This is a field of soft whitish-blue Light. Around the entire Body, it usually protrudes at a distance of 5 mm to 5 cm from the skin and pulsates with a frequency of 15 - 20 times per minute. The color of the etheric body changes from light blue to gray-violet. Bright blue color is associated with a more subtle structure of the etheric body than gray. This means that a more sensitive person with a delicate body will most likely have a blue first layer of aura, while a tougher person with an athletic build will most likely have a gray color.
Observing a person's shoulder in twilight light against the background of a white, black or dark blue wall, one can see the pulsation of the etheric body. The pulsation begins at the shoulder and moves down the arm in waves. If you look closely, you can see the empty space between the shoulder and the hazy blue light. After this comes a layer of bright light, which spreads, gradually weakening as it moves away from the physical body. It should be noted that the moment you fix your gaze on this cloud, it immediately disappears, since it moves very quickly. The pulsation will move lower down your arm while you keep your gaze on your shoulder. Try again. Then you may be able to catch the next pulsation.

The Etheric Body is an integral part of the Physical Body, and its division into parts is conditional.

2.1. Ethereal - PHYSICAL Body. Magnetic perception. ELECTRIC BODY (MAGNETIC) can penetrate the atoms of the Physical Body. It is a conductor of all physical energies: electricity, magnetism, heat. "The electromagnetic field has a linear structure."
Positive pole. Inside the Physical form, the positive pole of the electrical Ether, under the influence of the Law of Attraction, attracts to the Body necessary elements from the surrounding space and promotes their assimilation by the Physical Body. The body absorbs from the material substance what it needs for life. Supports growth and balance of the body (pituitary gland, thyroid gland).
Negative pole. The law of repulsion causes the removal of toxins from the body.

2.2. ETHERIC Body. PRANIC Body (LIFE) is the source of life for the Physical Body. His Energy is polarized in the human genitals.
The carrier of Prana in a person is the Etheric Body - the field of Prana (chi/qi/ki). Prana gives matter the ability to change. The ethereal sponge absorbs “life” from all the Kingdoms of Nature.
PRANA (Phenomena of Nature, life current)- vital force, the area of ​​influence of Elemental Spirits.
PRANA of bluish color - Life force energy - ECTOPLASM. Materializing mediums were placed on precision scales and their task was to project ectoplasm onto other precision scales. It has been observed that mediums lose exactly the same amount of weight as the weighed ectoplasm gains. When the mediums returned to themselves the produced ectoplasm, the change in weight occurred in reverse side. Ectoplasm is produced by the chakras. They process part of the physical mass of the medium's body into another substance - ectoplasm.
« Aruguilta Prana- an impersonal, unconscious subtle substance, diffused in our world, flowing from body to body and providing the possibility of individual organic existences.” Daniil Andreev.

Ethereal Energy there is a projection on the Physical Plane of transformation of the Image and emotions. Changes in the Image cause changes in the form of circulation (change and movement) of Energy. Yang is an excess (source) of Energy, Yin is a deficiency (receiver) of Energy.
The Etheric Double can separate from the Physical Body, this is always accompanied by danger for a person. When the Etheric Body completely and forever leaves the Physical, the latter, having lost all vital forces, “dies”. The Etheric Body, having separated from the Physical, becomes helpless and easily vulnerable to various foreign creatures. U healthy person the separation of these Bodies is difficult. In seriously ill people, the Double can separate on its own, and the Physical Body becomes insensitive.
With sudden movements, the Etheric Body can go beyond the limits of the Physical. When a person hates his Physical Body, then his Etheric goes inside the Physical and protrudes beyond its surface into selected places in the form of sharp “fangs”.
Sometimes there is a mismatch between the Physical and Etheric Body. Naked areas of the Physical Body, deprived of ectoplasm, lose their ability to function. The displacement of the Etheric Body beyond the limits of the visible Physical causes an outflow of ectoplasm and paralysis of movements. The massage is aimed at rubbing donor ectoplasm into the patient’s Body or redistributing it from other parts of the Body.
On the Ethereal Plane, active processes with the release of Energy give a feeling of fullness, elasticity, and excess. Zones of the Body saturated with Energy cause a more intense glow of the etheric part of the Body - this is inflammation. Zones of lack of Energy give a feeling of failure, emptiness, coldness, their glow is dim. The absence of an ethereal glow indicates areas of paralysis. The tumor is an area of ​​more intense cell division. The boundaries of a benign tumor are clearer and sharper, while the dark edges of malignant tumors are blurred.
The quality of the skin is determined by the intensity of its etheric protection; when the etheric protection weakens, the skin loses elasticity and firmness, becomes flabby and wrinkled.

Positive pole is in the female form, it affects all functions of reproduction. It attracts from the surrounding world that which helps to build a new body that will be born.
Negative pole promotes the production of male seed for the production of new forms, changing the positive polarity to negative during conception.

2.3. Etheric - Astral Body. LIGHT BODY (EMOTIONAL)- receiver of "EMOTIONAL WAVES".
It influences the emotional nature of a person through the emotional center in the body - the Solar Plexus ( top part liver). From it the Light Ether enters the center of the heart. It is a conductor of the energies of Kundalini ("Mother of the World"). Kundalini energy maintains physical fitness and has a formative function.

Positive pole creates HEAT in the blood. The positive pole of the Light Ether makes possible the circulation of liquids or juices in the Plant Kingdom.
Negative pole catches cosmic rays emanating from the Sun and manifests them in the Plant Kingdom in the form of color. Cold-blooded animals change their temperature depending on changes in air or water temperature.

ASTRAL LIGHT. The Ethereal Astral Body is a particle of the Astral Light circulating throughout Nature, constantly maintaining a connection with it, feeding and being supported by it.
Each organism individualizes a part of the Astral Light, which, condensing in its nerve centers, becomes Astral Body of this organism and produces its material forms. The instrument used by the Astral Body is a nervous current. In Nature, the role of nerve current is played by astral radiations (sometimes luminous), which are instruments of influence on material Nature. The development of all earthly creatures occurs under astral influence, through the medium of the astral fluid, and the speed of development depends on the amount of fluid participating in it.

2.4. Ethereal - Mental Body. Receiver.
MENTALLY - REFLECTING BODY has a variety of colors and is in constant motion. It forms a bridge between the physical brain and the Mental Body of a person. It is the receiver of the Ethers of the Mental Plane.
This Ether is distributed through the brain centers and the spinal nervous system. On this Ether all events of enormous emotional power and human thoughts are imprinted when they are produced with any emotional energy. It is a receiver and transmitter of thoughts from one person to another.
The energy field structure contains an information program for the development of the organism. This hologram is contained in the chromosomal apparatus at the field (etheric) level. The energy-information program for the development of the body can be distorted by the action of various factors. Distortions are recorded at the energy-field level of the chromosomal apparatus and are inherited.
Information carriers are primary torsion fields. Torsion, soliton, and morphogenetic fields carry information about a person’s emotions and thoughts. Laser, soliton and holographic fields are like a space-time holographic lattice in which the space-time of an organism is folded. The ethereal carrier of Consciousness is torsion fields, and Consciousness in the Subtle World is represented in the form of a torsion soliton, carrying a large amount of information. Soliton and holographic fields are perceived by the human chromosomal apparatus.
Atoms and molecules have the ability to exchange information between themselves and the environment and can react to it in a quasi-intelligent manner. Consciousness is not manifested in atomic, molecular and inanimate systems due to the microscopic nature of the elements that make up part of the whole and our inability to see it in a given system in the real light.
There is some kind of nonlocal connection between two particles that ever come into contact. There is an information connection between photons that were “connected” earlier, no matter where their fate took them, even to the opposite end of the Universe.
Each human cell, consisting of atoms and molecules, has its own Torsion Field. Cells, in contact with each other, form a common Torsion Field, which, like a magnet, attracts and orients them in a certain position in space, creating a combination of cells provided by the energy-informational hologram (matrix). Various cellular associations are formed: organs, muscles, bones, etc. The Torsion Fields of all cellular associations (organs) constitute the common Torsion Field of a person (Ethereal-Mental Body, as a conductor of the Mental Body).
The field bioenergy-informational (Ethereal) Body connects the cells of the body with energy and information into a single harmonious organism; with the help of the Etheric Body, thoughts, feelings, desires, and aspirations of a person are conveyed to every cell.
IN general field In a person, information about the fields of organs and cells that constitute it is stored.

Left Torsion Field spins the etheric flow counterclockwise, it promotes cell reproduction. Feminine Consciousness.
Right Torsion Field spins the etheric flow clockwise, it stops cell division and activates protein synthesis in cells, increases the activity of the cell genome. Male Consciousness.

2.5. Ethereal - Causal Body. Here sound creates matter. It is this type that is particularly affected by sound treatment.

2.6. Ethereal - Buddhial Body. "The man with clear conscience sleeps peacefully." The Etheric Body has a direct connection with the Buddhial. A restless conscience (an unbalanced Buddhial Body) disturbs the balance of the Etheric, as a result of which it begins to worry, and a person tosses and turns restlessly in his sleep. "Virtue is the health of the Soul, and health is the virtue of the Body."


NADI- energy channels of a living organism. In a person, there are up to 72,000 large and small Nadis, connecting the chakras with the internal organs and feeding them with Prana. Intertwining many Nadis form the Etheric Body of a person. Where the Nadis intersect 21 times are the main chakras. The smaller chakras are located at the intersection of the 14 channels. Even smaller vortices are located at the intersection point of 7 channels. The smallest chakras are located at the intersection of the 3 Nadi channels.
The axial channel (Sushimna Nadi) is the main one of the many fibers vital energy, constituting the fabric of the subtle field, or the Subtle Body.
"There are many channels in the body with rare activity. The sage must know them in order to be aware of his own body. Going down and going up, they all exist in the body like a wheel, dependent on the vital force and controlled by the breath of the body."

Energy channels- these are flows of vital energy. All energy fibers of vital energy originate from the egg-shaped “bulb” (kanda) located in the perineum.
U ordinary person the network of subtle channels is polluted, which prevents the free flow of vital energy, causing physical and mental disorders and spiritual blindness.
Along the course of Sushimna there are seven main energy centers, chakras, that determine the interaction of the body with the outside world.
Two other channels - Pingala and Ida - spiral around Sushimna, they rise up and then connect.
In the Ethereal Double general principle human energy is based on two spirals: ascending and descending, and where their turns of energy intersect, the human chakras are located.

The etheric body has chakra system.


Chakra- an energy center located along the vertical axis of the human body, along the spine and the Sushimna energy channel. This is a cone-shaped vortex release of energy, responsible for one or another psychophysical function of a person. Proper work chakras ensure spiritual and physical health. Closure or poor functioning of any chakra due to improper behavior or negative emotions person, entail psychological problems and disorder of body functions.
A person exchanges energy with the Subtle Bodies and the Subtle World with the help of chakras. Each chakra serves as a receiver and transmitter of subtle energy of a certain vibration frequency.
Each of the Seven Main Chakras “sounds on its own note,” forming an octave that characterizes the level of spiritual development.
In the process of consistent opening of the chakras, corresponding changes occur in the Physical Body of a person, in his emotional and mental spheres and within the boundaries of Consciousness. The opening of each chakra means a transition to another, higher level of consciousness and a different perception of the world around us.
The chakras are located unevenly within the pranic tube, but the entry points are scattered at regular intervals throughout the entire surface of the body. The distance between them is equal to the distance between the centers of the eyes or between the tip of the nose and the tip of the chin.

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