What types of insulation exist. Review of types and characteristics of insulation materials, their areas of application. Liquid ceramic insulation: properties and characteristics

On the market building materials today there are many different types materials for insulation of various types of houses.

These insulation materials differ in their characteristics, types (slabs, mats, etc.) and places of application. They insulate walls, roofs, pipes (technical insulation), foundations, partitions and other elements of building structures.

By choosing the right insulation for your home or cottage, you can reduce your home heating costs in winter and keep your home cool in summer.

Which insulation is better, what characteristics should it have?

Which insulation is better, and what characteristics it should have, is the question of everyone who is going to insulate their home.

When selecting insulation for a particular surface, many are mistaken that the maximum density and thickness of the insulation will allow more heat to be retained in the house. But this is not so, because. all materials can be the same density, but different in thermal conductivity, water absorption, mechanical strength and other parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing insulation. Below are also the main characteristics of insulation materials that you should pay attention to when insulating your home.

Main characteristics of insulation:

  • coefficient of thermal conductivity of a material (the amount of thermal energy passing through units of area, thickness, time and temperature difference)
  • density
  • mechanical strength
  • water absorption
  • vapor permeability
  • fire resistance
  • low caking over a long period of time
  • harmlessness to humans (ecological qualities)
  • ease and convenience in working with the material

Main types of insulation for home

In most cases, to insulate a house they use:

Mineral wool

Mineral wool - these are various types of insulation made from mineral substances, which are divided into two groups:

Mineral wool

To obtain mineral wool, slags from metallurgical production are used, the melts of which are blown through an extruder, forming wool fibers, which are produced in the form of rolls, mats and slabs.

Mineral wool in rolls , as a rule, used for pipe insulation, industrial equipment and roofs, and mineral slabs and mats for insulation of facades, walls, floors, roofs and ceilings.

This insulation, like any other, has its pros and cons.

Pros of mineral wool
  • the ability to use it inside residential premises
  • non-flammability
  • low thermal conductivity
  • excellent sound absorption
  • Environmental friendliness
  • application temperature from -60 to 500 degrees
  • cheap cost compared to basalt insulation.
Cons of mineral wool

High water absorption and caking properties. These two indicators greatly reduce its service life.

Manufacturers of mineral wool

In the building materials market, on this moment A large amount of mineral wool is produced, with the help of which you can solve various types of problems of insulating the facade, walls, floor, roof and other structures of the house.

At the moment, the most famous leaders in the production of mineral wool are the following companies: TeploKnauf, ISOVER and Ursa.

Basalt or stone wool

Basalt and gabbro group rocks are the strongest in the world. From their melt is made stone wool , which is produced in mats and slabs, using binding resins that are harmless to human health, and therefore it is used for insulating houses in all structural elements.

pros basalt insulation
  • Does not conduct heat
  • Permits steam and does not absorb moisture
  • Does not burn
  • Not poisonous
  • Doesn't cake
  • Much denser and stronger than mineral wool
  • Application temperature from -160 to 1000 degrees
Disadvantages of basalt insulation

The only drawback of stone wool is its increased cost compared to other insulation materials.

Stone wool manufacturers

Today there are many manufacturers of stone wool, which produce it in a fairly large assortment, with the help of which you can solve any problems related to the insulation of a house, industrial equipment, ventilation and pipes.

The most famous brands of stone wool are ROCKWOOL, PAROC and TECHNONICOL.

In most cases, when choosing stone wool, they choose trademark ROCKWOOL, because this stone wool is the cheapest Among others, the manufacturer has a fairly large line of basalt mats and slabs, which can be produced in foil and wire, which is very convenient for insulating the technical insulation of pipes and chimneys.

Foam plastic (expanded polystyrene)

Insulation in the form of plates various sizes and thicknesses are produced on the basis of polystyrene. They are marked PSB-S , which means self-extinguishing self-extinguishing polystyrene foam (EPS).

Using a special technology, polystyrene granules are foamed and pressed into slabs, which are usually used for insulation of walls, foundations and attic floors with further plastering, because This material is fire hazardous and is not exposed to direct rays of the sun.

Pros of polystyrene foam

  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Ease of material and installation
  • Good strength
  • Does not allow steam to pass through (therefore it is not recommended for insulating the façade of residential buildings)
  • Doesn't rot
  • Does not deform or cake
  • Not destroyed by ultraviolet light
  • Cheap cost

Disadvantages of polystyrene foam

  • Flammability, although it self-extinguishes in the absence of a fire source
  • When burned, it emits a toxic odor that is hazardous to human health.
  • Poor noise absorption
Manufacturers of expanded polystyrene PSB-S

The largest manufacturer of expanded polystyrene today is KNAUF, which produces a large assortment polystyrene foam under the KNAUF Therm trademark, of various thicknesses, densities and sizes, with which you can insulate lightly loaded surfaces.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Special production technologies make it possible to obtain extruded polystyrene foam (EPS or XPS), which has all the same properties as polystyrene foam, only it is much stronger, has vapor permeability properties, low water absorption and does not burn, so it is perfect for insulating plastered facades, basements, flat roofs and floors.

Disadvantages of extruded polystyrene foam

  • Poor noise absorption
  • when melting, it emits a toxic odor hazardous to human health
EPS manufacturers

The leaders in EP production today are PENOPLEX and URSA XPS. They produce a fairly large line of extruded polystyrene foam of various thicknesses, densities and sizes, which help solve the problems of insulating surfaces with increased load.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay- this is one of the types of traditional insulation for horizontal surfaces, which are small porous balls of baked clay. Typically this material is used to insulate attic floors, foundations, basements and floors.

Expanded clay has a reasonable price and has all the positive properties. It conducts heat poorly, does not burn and is not poisonous.

Increasingly, people are resorting to insulating their homes and other premises, but the market now offers such types of home insulation that it is not immediately clear which is better.

How to choose good insulation for a house or apartment, so that it is of high quality and affordable?

Before purchasing, it is necessary to study the types of insulation and their characteristics, as well as the scope of application.

Insulation is divided into several classes: using an organic base, made from inorganic substances and reflective type insulation.

Arbolite, penoizol, fibrolite, expanded clay, PPVC, honeycomb

Organic insulation includes components that were obtained naturally (wood residues, agricultural waste, cement, and sometimes plastic).

This type of material is often found on sale and has an affordable price.

The advantages of such a heat insulator are that it is fireproof, moisture-repellent and environmentally friendly. Used in conditions where temperatures are below 150 degrees.

Most often, this type of insulation is used for houses: it is used to insulate facades or to make panels for construction filled with an organic heat insulator.

Each variety of this type insulating material is good in its own way, but thanks to this article you will find out which one is better in a particular situation.

Arbolite insulation is a new product on the market. It consists of wood waste (sawdust, small shavings) with the addition of chopped straw or reed waste.

For strength, a cement base is added to the composition, and sometimes chemical products (calcium and liquid glass). The processing process is completed by a mineralizer, which is used to process wood concrete.

The characteristics of wood concrete insulation have the following meanings:

  • density (determined per cubic meter): 500 – 700 kilograms;
  • thermal conductivity has a coefficient of 0.08 - 0.12 watts;
  • deformation and compression of this product have indicators of 0.5 - 3.5 megapascals.

Another organic insulation material, penoizol, contains an aqueous emulsion of formaldehyde resin. For strength, glycerin is added there.

Sulfonic acids, which are contained in mipora, help form a foamy consistency. You can purchase the material in the form of crumbs or ready-made blocks.

This product has both positive and negative qualities. In industry, a liquid consistency is sometimes used to fill voids, after which it hardens - this helps speed up construction.

Fibrolite is another type of thermal insulation panels. These panels are made from narrow strips of wood shavings. For strength, a cement base or magnesite building component is used.

Expanded clay is considered the most environmentally friendly insulating component. It is obtained by firing clay and has a porous structure.

Expanded clay is mainly used for floor insulation. Positive qualities Expanded clay has a lot, but there are also several negative ones.

PPVC insulation has wide application. Insulation for walls, floors, roofs is made from this material, and it is also used as a filler for entrance doors. It consists of chloride resins and can have either a hard or soft base.

Honeycomb – based on honeycombs, which have a hexagonal shape, fabrics and paper are used. Epoxy resin used as a binding material.

The quality of such thermal insulation depends on its structure, the width of the honeycomb and the main component. This material can be used as wall insulation.

Chipboard, DFIP, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, ecowool, polyethylene

Thermal insulation material made from chipboard is quite popular today. The boards are based on wood chips (more than 90%), the rest is made up of resins and antiseptics, which serve for moisture resistance and strength.

Chipboard indicators are characterized by the following criteria:

  • the density is about a ton per cubic meter;
  • tensile strength is 0.2 - 0.5 megapascal;
  • The humidity of these slabs does not exceed 12 percent.

DVIP insulation boards resemble chipboard in appearance and composition. The only way they differ is the addition of agricultural waste (straw or corn stalks).

Synthetic components in the form of resin are used for the binder. To reduce fire, the slabs are treated with an antiseptic. DVIP is a good building material.

Polyurethane foam (polyurethane foam) is used for both external and internal work. The basis of such insulation is polyester.

Polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) consists of only 2-3% polystyrene, the rest is air, so this material turned out to be light and with good thermal insulation.

Positive qualities of polystyrene foam:

  • does not corrode;
  • has high waterproofing and sound insulation;
  • The thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam ranges from 0.03-0.04 watts.

Foamed polyethylene consists of a foam substance and polyethylene. This material is used as a vapor barrier.

Foamed polyethylene has the following characteristics:

  • density within 25 – 50 kilograms;
  • thermal conductivity does not exceed a coefficient of 0.05 watt;
  • has minimal moisture absorption;
  • has resistance to chemical and biological factors.

The next insulation material, ecowool, contains waste cardboard and other paper products.

Characteristic properties of ecowool:

  • has high noise insulation;
  • has high thermal insulation;
  • seamless laying of material;
  • high coefficient of moisture absorption.

All types of insulation from the previous and this paragraph of the article were made of organic material, and now we will consider another version of insulation and their main property.

Inorganic type of heat insulators

Slag, glass and asbestos are added to the composition of such insulation. Sometimes the composition includes rocks. Inorganic insulation materials include mineral wool, porous concrete, lightweight concrete and others.

The form of inorganic heat insulators can be different: they are produced in rolls, in slabs and in bulk form.

Mineral wool is available in two varieties: slag wool and stone wool.

The first type consists of slags that are formed during the metal casting process, and in the second case they use natural materials, such as limestone, basalt and other rocks.

The only disadvantage of this coating is its high vapor permeability.

To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to use additional materials.

Mineral wool has the following characteristics:

  • this material practically does not burn, which helps to use it in rooms for storing explosive substances;
  • noise absorption is very high. This quality allows panel houses to be insulated;
  • does not undergo deformation, which prevents the formation of cracks;
  • not exposed to chemical factors;
  • good thermal insulation.

Glass wool is also used in construction. Glass wool is based on the remains of glass products or components that are used to make glass.

Unlike mineral wool, glass wool has one feature - it has a more elastic appearance.

Characteristics of glass wool:

  • has resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • does not corrode;
  • thermal conductivity within 0.03 - 0.05 watts;
  • the density is about 130 kilograms.

Ceramic wool is another inorganic material for insulation, only aluminum or silicon oxide is added to the composition of this component.

The positive qualities of this wool are its resistance to chemical reactions, and ceramic wool is not subject to deformation.

Ceramic wool has the following properties:

  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • cotton wool density is within 350 kilograms;
  • at temperatures above 600 degrees, cotton wool has a coefficient in the range of 0.13 - 0.16 watts.

Reflective type of insulation

Reflective insulation is based on a material whose surface is capable of reflecting heat.

Such materials include silver, gold and polished aluminum without the addition of various impurities.

To keep the price of the material affordable, manufacturers use aluminum. The coating is applied to plastic film, which can serve as a vapor barrier.

This type of insulation is produced mainly in rolls with a small thickness.

With a small thickness of the heat insulator, the material has good performance.

The main area where the reflective type is used is interior decoration. The effective area would be the ceiling and walls.

All this is explained by the fact that the warm air flow is directed upward, and the reflective insulation will help push the flow back and keep the room warm.

In construction, it is possible to use a combined type of insulation, which contains mixtures of asbestos and additional composites.

Additives include mica, diatomaceous earth and perlite. This mixture has a dough-like mass, which is directly applied to the insulation areas, after which it is expected to completely harden.

The only negative is that this method of insulation is impossible without an additional layer of waterproofing.

For safety reasons, it is necessary to use protective equipment when working, because asbestos dust has a detrimental effect on humans.

Positive qualities are determined by high heat resistance and low thermal conductivity.

The article provided a description of the most common materials for construction, types of insulation materials that can now be purchased on the market at affordable price, their characteristics.

The use of all types of insulation is suitable for a house or apartment, but it is better to choose a complex material that will not only help retain heat, but also help eliminate extraneous noise.

A good indicator will be not just insulation, but also protection from wind flow.

From year to year, energy prices are rising inexorably, while the level of income of the population remains almost unchanged. Looking at the unaffordable bills for heating a house or apartment, you come to the understanding that the problem needs to be solved on your own - by insulating residential premises.

For this purpose, various types of insulation can be used for the walls of the house from the inside and outside.

Let's take a closer look possible options materials for insulation, their advantages and disadvantages.

Insulation works best done in summer period when air humidity is minimal.

The walls for insulation in the room must be perfectly dry. Dry them after additional plastering, finishing works for leveling surfaces using construction hair dryers and heat guns.

Stages of surface insulation:

  1. Cleaning the surface from decorative elements- wallpaper, paint.
  2. Treating walls with antiseptic solutions, priming the surface with deep penetration into layers of plaster.
  3. In some cases, when installing polystyrene foam and electric heating elements, the walls are pre-leveled using waterproof plaster for bathrooms.
  4. must be carried out in accordance with the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer for this type of material.
  5. Mounting a protective partition for application final finishing, or surface coating construction mesh, her plastering.
  6. Creating a single composition with overall design premises.

Insulation of walls inside the house is one of the most effective ways protect your home from the penetration of cold and negative influence condensate, the main thing is to follow the technological sequence of stages. You can read more about the technology of insulating a home from the inside in

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Modern types of wall insulation, properties and characteristics:

Tips for insulating walls in an apartment - analysis of common mistakes:

Insulation of the house, performed using even not the most expensive materials, – the pleasure is not cheap. There are now many types of insulation available for interior work, which are presented in a wide price range. Therefore, choose an inexpensive and quality material won't be difficult.

Warm home in winter period and comfortable coolness during the hot season, as well as a reduction in bills for public utilities will show that the thermal insulation of the room is done well and of high quality.

What material did you use to insulate the walls of your house? What guided your choice and are you satisfied with the result? Please tell us about it in the comments section. There you can ask a question about the topic of the article, and we will try to answer it promptly.

The market for building materials intended for thermal insulation offers a wide variety. Choose among it suitable insulation it can be difficult. To purchase the best products, it is necessary to take into account its main characteristics and application features.

What you need to know about insulation?

The main task of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss in winter and reduce heating of the structure in summer. Also thanks to the insulation bearing structures will be protected from negative external factors. This will help avoid deformation of building elements, which will have a beneficial effect on the service life.

It is important to remember that all types of insulation must have certain characteristics.

  • Thermal conductivity. If this coefficient is small, then the room will be quite warm. Thanks to appropriate materials, heat loss can be almost completely eliminated. It must be remembered that different types of insulation have different coefficients. If it is minimal, a small layer of thermal insulation will be required.
  • Moisture resistance. Thanks to thermal insulation characteristics the material will not absorb moisture.
  • Non-flammability. This property ensures that the product will not burn.
  • Vapor permeability. Using a layer of insulation helps remove water vapor.
  • Dimensional retention and strength. Due to the lack of shrinkage, the performance properties of the selected insulation will remain for quite a long time. Moreover, there will be no cold bridges at the joints.
  • Environmental friendliness. All thermal insulation materials must be environmentally friendly, due to which, during the execution of work and operation of the structure, the release of harmful substances will not be observed.

Modern thermal insulation materials are conditionally are divided into several groups:

  • cotton wool - mineral and glass wool, as well as mineral wool blocks and slabs;
  • sheet - extruded polystyrene foam and polystyrene;
  • foam - all materials that are usually sprayed onto the surface using appropriate equipment;
  • others - we are talking about such rare exotic insulation materials as cellulose, flax, etc.

Mineral wool insulation

Such soft insulation materials usually include mineral and glass wool. Similar materials They are very popular due to their affordable price and good quality. Products are produced in slabs or rolls. In this case, the products can be cut using a regular knife.

The main disadvantage is considered to be insufficient moisture resistance, due to which the heat-protective characteristics deteriorate. Accordingly, such insulation materials are used for thermal insulation of structures where a waterproofing layer is provided.

Glass wool is most often used for insulation pitched roofs. A material with a density of 35 kg/m³ is suitable for this. Modern manufacturers do not always indicate this parameter on the packaging. They usually write that the material is intended for pitched roofs. When using such products for roof insulation, it is important to remember that if there is a leak, moisture will get even onto wooden rafters. For this reason it is necessary take care of reliable waterproofing. Mineral wool is not suitable for a flat roof, because it can be difficult to waterproof such a surface.

Other applications:

  • using glass wool you can insulate walls under cladding or plastering;
  • For floors, thermal insulation with a minimum density is suitable.

Foam glass

This type of insulation is produced based on broken glass and quartz sand , as well as a foaming agent. Using appropriate installation results in a durable porous material with increased thermal protection indicators. The product is not afraid of fire and moisture. It can be cut with a simple hacksaw. TO important characteristics refers to frost resistance and the ability to withstand high pressure. The material is produced in blocks and granules.

Most often, such products are used as fill insulation during well laying of walls. But if you comply frame technology foam glass is not suitable due to its heavy weight.

This material is used to insulate the facades of brick houses. The material is fixed with tile adhesive, and the process itself resembles bricklaying. After this, the coating is plastered or tiled.

Other applications:

  • since the material is moisture-resistant and can withstand increased loads, it can be used to insulate flat roofs, but it is not suitable for pitched roofs;
  • insulation is performed using foam glass interfloor ceilings, as well as the floors of the first floor;
  • foam glass is a good option for thermal insulation of blind areas, foundations and basements, since the material has a higher density.

Foamed perlite

This building material has recently appeared on the market. For its formation, frozen volcanic lava is used. First, perlite is crushed and then impregnated with special protective compounds. Products Available in slab form. For this purpose, the finished granules are mixed with cellulose and pressed. Properties finished material similar to the characteristics of foam glass. In general, foamed perlite is easy to process and is resistant to mold, moisture, and high pressure.

Application area:

  • the material is intended for insulation flat roofs, and in the case of thermal insulation pitched structures a significant load will be placed on the rafters;
  • when finishing walls, foamed perlite acts as a backfill insulation;
  • perlite in the form of granules is suitable for floors, as well as foundations and blind areas.

Expanded polystyrene

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this type of thermal insulation. Some believe that the material is harmful because it emits toxic substances, while others admit modern views polystyrene foam is more environmentally friendly.

Naturally, technology is constantly evolving, and manufacturers want to improve product quality. Exactly because of this reason modern varieties materials are often used for external insulation of housing.

Application area:

  • Most often, walls are finished with polystyrene foam;
  • thermal insulation the material is suitable for installing floors on concrete or soil, it is necessary to select the correct density;
  • A good option for using polystyrene foam is to insulate the foundation, but you should first ensure that there is reliable waterproofing.

On the building materials market you can find a lot heat-insulating materials, which lose their relevance or appeared not so long ago.

On sale today big choice insulation materials. They all have advantages and disadvantages. To decide on the right option, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the application. Thus, lightweight insulation materials, including ecowool or extruded polystyrene foam, are optimal for roofs. Last option will do and for thermal insulation of the foundation, but when finishing the walls you can use almost any materials.

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