Glass design. The use of glass in a modern interior. Works made of liquid glass

How amazingly beautiful glass looks in various variations. Shop windows and shopping centers, glass furniture, doors and walls in offices - all this is so tempting that I would like to try using glass in the interior your own home. Why not? It is airy, light, divinely attractive with its transparency and magical power, with a shadow of mystery hidden in it. And if you love everything unusual and fragile in appearance, then glass will certainly take a leading position in the design of your home or office; you can not hold back and allow yourself to realize all your ideas, making the interior stylish and original.

Glass in the interior - application possibilities

Opportunities to use glass in the interior almost limitless. If you are brave enough in this regard and have the financial means to implement your ideas, then even the walls of your house can become glass. In addition, you always have the opportunity to do glass doors made from whole cloth or decorative partitions from blocks of glass similar to brick ones. Stair railings, fireplaces and any pieces of furniture can be made of glass.

Glass in the bathroom interior

Perhaps the most appropriate place to apply this magical material- glass, this is a bathroom. You can start more modestly and choose high-tech glass shelves, cabinets with glass doors, sanitary ware and stylish accessories for the bathroom, made entirely or partially using this crystal.

But if the size of your scope knows no bounds, then you can afford a shower stall made of transparent, smooth, almost weightless glass. This decision is bold and modern, and it would seem that there is nothing else that can surprise you. But we already know what they can be like modern baths, and those made of glass are becoming increasingly popular in luxury interiors. Completely immersed in glass bath, you will feel the soaring and airiness that glass conceals.

Have you ever seen a sink that is made entirely of glass?

And of course tile the bathroom can also be glass. By choosing its various shades and degrees of transparency, you can play with the design of your bathroom interior.

Using glass in the kitchen interior

Going to the kitchen, you can already imagine how beneficial glass will look in its interior. Contemporary kitchen hoods made of tempered glass, able to withstand high temperatures and expertly polished around the edges, will add elegance, style and appeal to the interior of your high-tech kitchen.

Glass can be used to decorate bar counters that are part of a kitchen with an island. An example would be modern round kitchens Ukrainian manufacturer "Elio" (, whose island inside is equipped with a work area, but on the convex round part there is a glass bar counter. Serving dishes is very convenient, just extend your hand.

Doors kitchen set, made of glass - black, frosted or colored, will also decorate any kitchen.

The kitchen apron can be decorated with glass - work zone. It can be colored, with a tint. Bright glass aprons with a beautiful tint - green, red, orange, brown, blue - look very beautiful in a white kitchen.

In the dining area modern kitchen glass ones look great kitchen tables with metal chairs. And if the table is made to be combined with wood, then the chairs can be wooden - great choice for a country style kitchen.

There are many glass accessories and utensils you can use in your kitchen. These can be jars for seasonings, vases with fruit, glass plates different colors, sugar bowls, containers for cereals.

Living room – glass interior items

If your living room is combined with a kitchen or dining room, and its design style allows the use of modern decor, then glass partitions dividing rooms into zones, lamps and chandeliers made of glass of different texture, color and design, vases with multi-colored or benzoin decorative flowers will look very harmonious glass balls. Almost every living room has a TV - the stand for it can be glass and it looks quite stylish.

Unusual ones are also suitable for living rooms. coffee tables, made in different combinations glass and other materials. It is possible to combine glass with wood, rattan, and metal, so any glass furniture can be made taking into account the style in which the living room interior is decorated.

Don’t forget also about the variety of glass shelves on which you can put books, CDs, and decorative items. Such shelves can be used in bedrooms, offices and home libraries.

Glass in the bedroom interior

If your bedroom has a wardrobe and you want its doors to be glass, then you should not choose mirror glass. The fact is that most likely the bed will be reflected in it, and this is completely contrary to the principles of Feng Shui for the bedroom. It is better to give preference to matte surfaces or multi-colored glass that matches the color of your bedroom interior. Translucent ones look pretty cute sliding doors frosted glass leading from the bedroom V dressing room.

But the bedroom with panoramic French windows made of incredibly smooth and transparent glass is at the peak of perfection. You can afford such pleasure if your bedroom windows overlook the courtyard of your private house, then no one can interfere with your privacy.

Glass in the bedroom can be present in interior items. So, for example, you can choose beautiful glass flower stands, all kinds of vases, candlesticks and even desk lamp, coffee tables from acrylic glass and various decorative items.

Thermal insulation properties of glass

Very often today glass is used in the production of doors, including entrance doors. Isn’t it cold with such a door, you ask? The fact is that modern manufacturers have the opportunity to use glass thermal insulation technology, which allows it to retain heat as well as, for example, wood. The glass is made of two or three layers, and the space between the layers is filled with an inert gas, for example, argon, xenon or krypton. Another way to insulate entrance doors made of glass and the same windows, balconies - this is a coating of glass with a thin layer of metal oxide, which retains heat in the room.

Safety glass for interior

Today construction companies They offer types of glass that are suitable for almost any purpose. In addition, you have the opportunity to order safety glass that does not shatter into fragments when broken, and even the latter happens to it extremely rarely. This type of safety glass is made of several layers and covered with protective foil, which prevents fragments from flying away. Another type of safety glass, which is also used for ground transport, breaks, but the fragments are small and harmless. They are not sharp and cannot hurt.

Both of these types of safety glass are successfully used in the manufacture of glass furniture and interior items, using which you can skillfully and elegantly decorate your home.

Jun 25, 2017 Sergey

Today, windows are not only a functional means of admitting daylight, but also decorative element premises, which can give a unique brightness to the interior. Glass decoration is taking on new forms with the development of technology. What types and methods of decorating glass exist, the WINDOWS MEDIA portal explains.

Glass decoration - areas of application

Decorating glass has become one of the means to achieve an aesthetic appearance of a building both inside and outside. Currently, thanks to various technologies glass processing, it became possible to decorate it in a variety of ways. This glass can be used in window designs, for glazing doorways, partitions, glass showers, stairs, floors and ceilings, kitchen aprons and so on. Original artistic decorative effects on glass can give the interior the missing zest.

With the development and improvement of glass manufacturing technologies and the increase in its technical characteristics It became possible to create a wide variety of patterns on glass - everything that the imagination of the designer or customer can handle.

Photo: Decorative glass as an insert on the ceiling

Technologies for artistic glass processing

The artistic processing of glass can be two options - decorating glass during its production, that is, processing it as a material, and decorating glass and its surface by applying a pattern, stencil, film, etc.

Artistic processing can be performed using “hot” or “cold” technologies. Various types of glass processing can be used either individually or together to achieve the desired design.

The use of one of the types of glass processing technologies or their combinations even at the glass manufacturing stage can give the glass surface a varied texture, for example, embossed or, conversely, impeccably smooth. To give relief during the manufacturing process, metallic or ceramic elements. Oxides of metal elements (copper, nickel, titanium, vanadium, etc.) are added during the melting of the glass mass, thereby obtaining the glass of the most different colors, the saturation of which depends on the concentration of dye elements.

Photo: Colored glass in the glazing of the building facade

Decorating glass during its manufacturing process

Decorating glass during the production of the glass mass itself consists of adding various additional components to the glass mass to give the glass a special shape, appearance and to improve it physical indicators(strength, safety, etc.)

Hot glass processing method

"Hot" technology artistic decoration Glass production involves a mandatory heating process in a furnace at the melting temperature of glass. “Hot” processing is also used to improve the strength of the glass itself. This technology with different temperatures allows you to give glass any shape - this is called the glass bending process. As a result of bending it turns out curved glass, the bending process is also used to make stained glass for non-standard window openings. The finished product is then trimmed and sanded to give it a finished look.

Photo: Bent glass

Photo: Glass table with curved glass

Photo: Shower cabin using curved glass

In addition, using “hot” technology, patterned glass is obtained. By “rolling” rollers with different patterns over the material, brought to a softened state, glass with different textured patterns is obtained. Thus, it is possible to create a pattern relief with a depth of 0.5-2 mm, and with reverse side The glass surface can remain smooth. But patterned glass will have a small percentage of light transmission, usually from 30 to 65%, so it is ideal for glazing partitions, as an element of insertion into the floor or door, decorating cabinets, tables, shelves, and also for kitchen aprons.

Photo: Patterned glass

Photo: Using patterned glass in the interior

Cold processing method

Cold glass processing includes mechanical, chemical and physical processing processes. Each of them is capable of giving the glass an unusual pattern.

First of all, “cold” technology involves the processes of cutting with a glass cutter (diamond or roller), bevelling (giving the edges of the glass a decorative bevel, which makes the corners smooth) and drilling holes for subsequent fastening of fittings.

Mechanical method of decoration

The mechanical method of decoration allows you to make a design, ornament or inscription on glass using an abrasive material by removing glass particles from the surface and, thereby, making the glass matte. This method includes engraving, grinding and sandblasting.

Sandblasting has now gained the greatest popularity with the development of technological capabilities. The essence of this technology is that a pre-prepared pattern with slots is glued onto the glass, which is subject to the action of abrasive materials. They form microscopic chips on the surface of the glass at an arbitrary angle to it, which gives a matte, opaque tint to the glass. Thus, using several templates at the same time that cover a design or ornament in different ways can create a relief image. The sandblasting method is used mainly for decorating glass partitions in offices, bathrooms and showers, wardrobes and doors, and store windows.

Photo: Sandblasting three-dimensional drawing

The engraving process can be performed physically using laser engraving and ultrasonic engraving.

Photo: Example of laser engraving

Chemical method

The chemical method of artistic decoration allows you to create a pattern of varying depth and complexity, as well as give a shade from slightly matte to deep opaque matte. It is considered the most labor-intensive and expensive decoration method.

The etching (or matting) method involves applying special pastes containing hydrofluoric acid to the glass surface, which reacts with silicon dioxide, the main component of glass, and destroys its surface, thereby creating a pattern.

Photo: Wardrobe decor using chemical etching

Etching is a rather lengthy and expensive process, especially multilayer etching. Chemical decoration, performed by etching in one step, that is, using one stencil and without applying a protective coating to the glass, is one of simple ways etching. Etching, performed in several layers (multi-layer), is a long and complex process. Its essence is that laminated glass is etched to different depths, thereby achieving the effect of a watercolor image. Moreover, it is applied to glass protective covering wax composition, which does not allow acid attack. Multilayer etching allows you to achieve the most relief and three-dimensional image of the design.

Photo: Glass decor by etching

Methods for decorating the glass surface

The decoration of the glass surface, regardless of the methods used, does not violate the internal contents of the glass, that is, the decoration occurs only on the surface. These methods include glass printing and painting.

Painting is the most labor-intensive process, which requires mastery of technology from a specialist. Special paints are used for painting on glass, since glass has rather low adhesion. After applying the design with special inks, the glass is placed in an oven for firing and fixing the paints. Painting is often used to make stained glass.

Photo: Painting on glass

Stained glass is the most common type of decor. The classical technology of making stained glass is a rather complex and painstaking process. First, a sketch of the future stained glass window is created, then it is transferred in full size to a template with all the details drawn, then the glass is cut various colors into small pieces, from which the stained glass window is subsequently assembled. Glass parts are inserted into a brass or lead U-shaped profile, and its joints are sealed. This is a very long, labor-intensive and expensive process and therefore is used only in the restoration of historical objects or individual order. The cost of a classic stained glass window starts from approximately 800 euros per 1 m2.

Photo: Traditional stained glass

Photo: Classic stained glass

Therefore, stained glass imitation technology (film, printed and flooded stained glass) is currently popular.
Film stained glass is one of the technologies for simulating classic stained glass. This technology consists of applying a film similar to colored glass to solid glass. The image applied using film is framed with self-adhesive lead broach of various widths and colors. From a short distance, film stained glass looks just like the real thing.

Photo: Film stained glass

Filled stained glass is a popular and “author’s” manufacturing process. The drawing is applied manually by a specialist. First, a sketch is created, the colors of the future drawing are selected, then the contours of the future stained glass window are drawn using special contour lines polymer paints, then the contours of the picture are filled with paints, and then the finished stained glass window is sent to the oven and dried at a temperature of 200 C˚.

Photo: Filled stained glass window

Printed stained glass is the most common option for producing imitation stained glass. The application of an image that copies an authentic stained glass window is carried out with special paints using a UV printer. The main advantages of this technology are fast production, the ability to choose absolutely any stained glass pattern and low cost of execution. Printed stained glass can be classified as a glass printing technology.

Photo: Printed stained glass

Photo: Stained glass in the interior

Glass printing is the most popular type of decoration due to its characteristics and reasonable cost. Printing on glass can be done by applying a polymer film to the surface of the glass, with a design or pattern pre-printed on it, and printing on the glass itself using a UV printer.

Photo: Printing on glass

Films – simple and inexpensive way glass decoration. The application of films allows you to achieve visual similarity with other methods of glass decoration, for example, matting, painting or stained glass. In addition, films can provide additional security glass, because if it breaks, the fragments will simply “hang” on the film without causing harm to others.

Photo: Decor of glass partition with film

UV printing allows you to decorate glass with a full-color image using special UV-curing inks that form a polymer image. Glass for UV printing can be any type - transparent, translucent, colored, matte and triplex.

When decorating triplex, the design is placed between the glasses, thus it is even more reliably protected from influences external environment(rain, sun, temperature changes), which is great for decorating translucent structures located on outdoors. In addition, using a UV printer you can create a three-dimensional image of a drawing, ornament or photograph. The use of UV printing allows you to apply your favorite images to any piece of furniture, be it a closet, partition, shower cabin, glass table or kitchen apron.

Photo: Image of Marilyn Monroe on a cabinet using UV printing

Photo: UV printing of photographs on glass

Printing on glass is one of the modern methods glass decoration, which is becoming increasingly widespread. In particular, because automated printing allows you to quickly create identical images for serial production, as well as for the production of a unique single design. Using printing, you can decorate any interior items with your own photographs from vacation, family photos, images of your favorite actors, or capture your favorite painting by the artist in own home. In addition, the cost of printing on glass makes it one of the most affordable technologies for glass decoration.

Glass decorating techniques are improving every year, and new methods of applying designs to glass are emerging. By combination various types decor, you can create completely unique images by combining, for example, sandblasting with film or stained glass, each time achieving a different effect. The image can become incredibly realistic or similar to classic stained glass, even to the touch. Everything depends solely on the customer’s imagination and the competence of a glass decorating specialist.

Now glass decoration is an indispensable element in the design of the entire building. Developed technologies, a variety of methods and affordable prices for artistic glass processing make it possible to give a unique, inimitable image to each interior, bringing to life the most bold ideas designers and architects.

Glass plays an important role in the interior of an apartment and performs several functions. The design, made with glass elements, looks elegant and gives the apartment a special charm.

However, when choosing a material for interior design, fewer people are inclined towards glass. This makes them wary, because everything new is not accepted immediately. The question arises of the practicality and resistance of the material to any influences on it.

Glass in the interior

Glass floor in home interior design

Glass in the interior

A variety of objects and decorative elements in glass interiors surround everywhere: showcases, windows, glass walls, furniture and doors in shopping centers, offices.

The use of such material in public buildings has already become a classic. What if you use glass in your home? You can add a glass partition or coffee table, chairs, cabinets, or even dare to use a transparent floor. This will create an atmosphere of mystery and make the inhabitants of the home and their guests look at it differently.

Glass house in winter

Glass doors in the interior

Designers liked this material for its naturalness and aesthetic appearance. In the interior it is used in the most various subjects, starting from lamps and ending with the most daring decorative items. It all depends on financial capabilities and taste preferences.

Products with glass inserts

To separate one space from another, while making the most of the room’s natural lighting, use frosted glass in the interior. For example, they install transparent walls with matte inserts. This provides the room with privacy and sufficient sunlight from the windows. Some transparent elements of furniture and decor can expand the space of a small room and make it more spacious.

Glass floor in the interior of the house

Chic apartment design with glass furniture

Glass walls

Glass partitions and floors

High partitions are popular and are used to separate zones in large rooms. It is recommended to install dividers with patterns or metal inserts in the apartment. Semicircular partitions are perfect for a bedroom or bathroom.

Glass table in the interior

Glass House

For small apartments, glass walls are a way to provide a feeling of lightness. In a studio apartment, if necessary, to separate the living room and kitchen areas, the same partitions are used. To separate the bathroom and bedroom, turn to matte or tinted dividers. This allows:

  • protect personal space;
  • maintain a sense of freedom and unified space.

Glass can also play a role flooring in a two-story apartment or used to style the interior. The hardened material can withstand enormous loads. This addition looks exotic and gives the room a special luxury.

Transparent glass in apartment interior design

Glass in the interior of the apartment

Transparent glass with patterns in the interior

Glass in the bathroom interior

The bathroom is a place where you can give free rein to your imagination and resort to glass objects. For example, to high-tech modest options:

  • shelves;
  • cabinets and doors;
  • plumbing;
  • bath accessories.

Glass furniture

Big glass bowl in the interior

For creative personalities For those who prefer a non-standard interior, the following options are suitable:

  • transparent bathtub and shower cabin with matte finish;
  • floating shell;
  • tiles of different shades.

With the help of such innovative solutions you can plunge into a state of weightlessness.

Glass with patterns in the interior

Glass bathroom

Black glass in the bedroom interior

Glass in the kitchen interior

Introducing glass into a kitchen design means making it stylish and modern. There are a huge number of options for using this material:

  • hoods (resistant to high temperatures, add elegance and beauty to the interior);
  • aprons (they come in different colors and patterns);
  • bar counters (look interesting, practical to use);
  • kitchen set (transparent cabinet doors will decorate any kitchen);
  • dining tables (look interesting with chairs with elements of wood or metal).

In addition to bulky items, there are smaller accessories that can give the kitchen a special look, these are all kinds: vases, bread bins, jars for seasonings, cereals, sugar bowls and plates.

Glass in interior design

Glass table in the interior

Living room – glass interior items

The material is also widely used in the interior of the living room. For example, a transparent door to a room will create a feeling of spaciousness and add light. A wardrobe with glass inserts and a matte ornament or pattern is appropriate to use in living rooms that act as bedrooms.

Emphasize modern style Any glass decorative items will help the room:

  • vases, candlesticks, photo frames, figurines, souvenirs;
  • lamps, chandeliers, lighting built into the floor or walls.

Blue transparent glass doors

Transparent furniture in the interior

Multi-colored glass in the interior

Glass furniture

Glass furniture is becoming increasingly popular in modern apartments Oh. Usually, the use of such material is expensive, but you can find an alternative and use low-cost options.

Glass elements can be found in the following furniture:

  • coffee tables, computer tables, TV stands (made in a combination of glass with metal, wood);
  • shelves (perform a decorative and practical function);
  • beds (framed with glass look elegant and bold);
  • cabinets (with frosted doors and glass shelves brighten the room).

Glass in the interior of the house

Glass walls in the bedroom interior

In what interiors is it used most often?

Glass - universal material, suitable for many styles and will highlight the interior of every room.

  1. Classic. Glass tops of carved tables, chandeliers and figured transparent candlesticks will soften the severity classic style and will give the room lightness and elegance.
  2. Eco style. Interior items with glass elements emphasize the environmental components of the style and highlight natural materials: wood, stone.
  3. High tech. This implies the use of glass in unlimited quantities: walls, doors, ceilings, panoramic windows, steps and stair railings, kitchen panels and all kinds of decor.
  4. Minimalism. Glass of different colors sets accents, does not overload the space, and correctly uses zoning to divide the area.
  5. Eclecticism. The style is characterized by combining several types of interior together. This is typical for most modern apartments. Glass is used for lighting, division and decoration.

When selecting glass elements, it is necessary to take into account the style and capabilities of the room. Now the capabilities of this material allow it to be used in any interior items.

Thanks to glass decoration, you can create real masterpieces in your home that will attract a lot of attention.

There are many techniques, some of which require the purchase of fairly expensive equipment, while others require standard items.

In this article we will figure out how to make glass decor yourself.

Features of decorating glass surfaces

Glass - natural material, we meet him everywhere during the day. There are different types of glass, the main ones being:

  • artistic;
  • liquid;
  • construction;
  • porous.

IN in capable hands glass becomes a beautiful work of art. The material can change its shape depending on temperature and harden as it cools.

You can make many crafts from glass. It is also possible to combine it with different materials.

We want to offer you a couple of options for decoration:

Making a candlestick

You will need: glue, sea ​​salt, coffee beans and a glass object similar in appearance to a candlestick.

First, you should glue the coffee beans in any order you want. Then paint the free parts with paint and, without waiting for it to dry, sprinkle with glitter.

Decorating glass with sea salt

In this case, it is best to take a frame:

Lubricate the front side with glue and dip the object in a container with salt, after drying, remove the excess.

To prevent the frame from deteriorating after a while, cover it with varnish or liquid glass.

Decorating with plasticine

This method is perfect as an activity for children. You just need to print a stencil and then select the shades of the material.

Then each shade of the material is glued onto parts of the picture and the result is excellent work. The main thing is limitless imagination.

Option with broken glass

To do this, you need to break the glass and then glue it together. Only here you need special glue.

To complete the work, do the following:

Take paint, broken glass and glue. Glue the glass onto the jar, creating different compositions and wait until the materials dry.

Works made of liquid glass

A very common option used by designers and simply creative individuals.

Liquid glass is an easy object to work with. You can buy it at hardware or construction stores. Silicate glue can be used instead of this material, but it is harder and more durable than glass.

In order to decorate the surface under the seabed, you need: a deep plate, liquid glass, shells and others nautical decorations, fish, paints.

First, the bottom of the container must be painted blue so that it looks like water. Next, after drying, place foil on the bottom and place all kinds of decorations on it. Finally, fill the entire container with liquid glass.

We decorate the door

To make this desire come true, you should use one of two methods, which we will reveal below:

We print stencils - the main thing is that the images fit into the overall interior. We apply it to the surface of the door and apply paints for painting on the glass.

The choice of color should be approached responsibly; it is best to have one.

Another, simpler way is to cover the doors with a specialized film for decorating glass. Films come with different images, pictures, colors, shades.

Besides everything, this method is very economical, fast and beautiful.

In general, in this article we got acquainted with some ways to decorate glass objects.

We hope we helped you choose suitable option. Feel free to experiment and bring something new into your interior.

Photos of ideas on how to decorate glass in the interior

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Glass can be incorporated into your home design in various forms: architecturally or superficially as decoration. There are many various types glass that can be used for a variety of purposes and effects. The fact that glass is fragile is no longer an issue as it can be strengthened for use in any part of the home from walls to floors and furniture.

In Milan there are houses built entirely of glass. In such houses there are no barriers with outside world and the people living in them are in full view.

Glass lets in more light and spreads it around. Tinted glass filters and diffuses light, masking anything unsightly or adding intimacy. It casts interesting shadows and produces impressive effects in both daylight and artificial light.

If you are planning to add glass to your interior, consult with experts on glass strength and wall loads. Use the services of builders with experience in this field. Also, some layout changes require official permission.

Railings and even staircase steps can be glass.

You can use textured glass bricks to build a wall inside your home to create a transparent separation that doesn't block light from entering.

To achieve an impressive result, replace the solid inner wall glass made from thick reinforced sheet glass or glass blocks. You can also make glass inserts in a solid wall - along the entire top or bottom to maintain the intimacy of the room, or in the center to attract the eye.

The most common are glass doors. They transform dark rooms, letting in additional light.

The boldest and most expensive step is to remove the solid external wall and replace it with a sliding/folding glass door design.

You will need to consult with a structural engineer and building authorities regarding planning permission, but the investment of time, effort and money may well be worth it in the end result - an abundance of light and increased space.

Glass furniture creates a futuristic look and is ideal for small rooms, as it allows the eye to look through it, creating more space. Paired with leather, glass furniture can be quite minimalist, but if you use glass in other decorative elements as well various materials and textures, you can balance it with some crystal vases or sculptures.

Furniture can be made partly or entirely from glass or acrylic in various colors or clear. These include chairs and tables of all types, from coffee tables to dining tables, which can be on metal or wooden legs. The styles are also different: from modern to traditional.

Cabinet doors or cabinets made of glass will protect from dust and dirt, allowing you to see what is in them.

Glass is easy to clean and looks elegant, so it can replace tiles in the kitchen or bathroom. Glass is especially popular for showers, sinks and bathtubs. Glass shelves look great not only in the bathroom, but also in any other room.

Glass is also used in accessories: lamps with glass stands, crystal finials on curtain rods, door and cabinet handles, glass vases and bowls that match the interior solution that increases space.

The main thing is to choose correct type glass

Types of glass

In everyday life the most common is the so-called float glass— it is made from hot glass melt in a shallow bath of molten tin; the result is a large sheet, flat and without defects. Sheets of float glass can be thin, up to 0.4 mm, and thick, up to 2.5 mm, transparent, tinted or coated, as well as shaded with a texture on one side or with a pattern etched with acid or created using sandblaster, - all this changes the level of transparency.

Where the glass area is large or the risk of damage is high (doors, shower enclosures, low windows or glazed balustrades), it is necessary impact resistant glass(and often this is a legal requirement). It is five times stronger than regular float glass or stacked glass. plastic film between two layers. Some double glazed windows are fire resistant, for example reinforced steel mesh, which is fused into them during the manufacturing process. In some places, usually in the bathroom or toilet, it may be useful smart glass, which changes from transparent to opaque when passed through it electricity. That is, by turning on the light, you can simultaneously “turn off” the glass so that you can’t see what’s inside.

As an alternative to sheet glass, you can use glass blocks- walls are built from them, as from ordinary bricks, but the wall should not be load-bearing or under load. Obviously, the blocks create a certain pattern and due to this they produce a completely different effect than sheet glass; in addition, they transmit much less light, but a wall made of glass blocks provides good sound and thermal insulation. Blocks come in a variety of shapes, colors and textures; You can use them to lay out even planes and create interesting curves. They are most often used in showers or bathrooms, although they can be used in staircases and in hallways, for insertion into solid walls for practical and/or decorative purposes.

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