We are studying the technology of installing PVC membrane roofing. Types and installation of membrane roofing Roofing from PVC membranes on concrete technology


In construction, new methods are increasingly appearing that simplify the installation of roof structures. Thus, the installation of a membrane roof is a technology that has a number of advantages over traditional methods, mainly due to obtaining a monolithic roofing covering with impeccable waterproofing qualities.

The installation of such a roof is carried out from special membrane materials, the range of which is constantly expanding on the market, so finding them is quite easy.

Characteristics of materials for laying membrane roofs

Roofing membranes are conventionally divided into several groups, each with its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Let's highlight the most common of them:

Experienced developers install membrane roofing using any materials, choosing for each of them suitable technology. Below is suggested detailed description some of them.

Efficiency of ballast fastening of membrane roofs

The simplest fastening of membranes is considered to be ballast, which is suitable for roofs with a slope of up to 15 degrees.

The work is carried out as follows:

Features of mechanical fastening of membranes

In case of insufficient fastening of the supporting structure of the roof for laying membranes using the ballast method, a PVC membrane roof can be equipped using mechanical means. Also, such fastening is important when gluing membrane waterproofing material to the roof structure is difficult.

As a basis in the case of mechanical fastening reinforced concrete is taken, wooden surface, corrugated sheet. To lay the membrane, additional slats are mounted on each edge of the protruding elements, as well as along their entire perimeter, onto which a sealing layer is applied from below (more details: " ").

The roof is attached membrane type telescopic fasteners, presented in the form of a plastic umbrella with a hat and a metal anchor. If the roof slope exceeds 10 degrees, you will need optional equipment for membrane roofing, in particular, disk holders.

The use of mechanical fasteners is necessary where they overlap each other (in areas of overlap). Fastening elements are located at intervals of no more than 200 mm. When the roof slope is more than 2-4 degrees, additional material is fastened next to the valleys.

Description of the technology for gluing roofing membranes

It should be noted that it does not matter what material will be used in the work, the main thing is that it turns out durable roof- PVC membrane is glued to the base quite rarely, since this method is relatively uneconomical and does not provide strong fastening of the material to the base. However, there is still a demand for adhesive joints, especially if none of the previously listed methods are suitable. It is performed using special adhesive mixtures.

Also waterproofing membrane for roofing it can be glued not over the entire surface, but in places where the material is pressed against the base, as well as at the connections of the sheets to each other and to other problem areas, which are considered to be ribs, valleys, adjacent to buildings, chimneys, ventilation ducts.

Use of heat-welded roofing systems

Connects soft roof membrane, like most other roofing structures, is heat-welded using a special welding machine, directing an air stream of about 400-600 degrees. The weld seam can be from 20 to 100 mm wide - no more.

The modern construction market is replete with proposals for roof design options. The most popular of them is membrane roofing, the installation technology of which is quite simple. It is considered the most modern method of covering roofs, being almost completely monolithic and having excellent waterproofing. In addition, high quality installed roof This type will serve its owners for up to 50 years.

Installation of membrane roofing can be carried out 4 different ways using modern technologies.

1. Ballast method.
This is the simplest method of securing roofing membranes. It works for roofs with a slope of less than 15 degrees and is performed as follows:

  • membranes are laid on the roof surface, leveled and secured around the perimeter with glue or welding at the points of contact with the vertical elements of the roof;
  • a layer of ballast is installed on top, weighing over 50 kg per square, the best options ballast is considered to be rounded gravel, crushed stone and river pebbles with an average fraction of 20-40 mm;
  • if unrounded gravel or broken stone is chosen as ballast, the membrane sheet must be protected from external influence, for example, non-woven fabric with a density of more than 500 g per square or mats;

2. Mechanical method.
It is used in cases where it is clear that the roof structure will not withstand the ballast load and/or will not allow the membrane waterproofing to be fully bonded.

Watch the video on how to install a membrane roof and its thermal insulation

This method also has features:

  • the membranes are attached to the roof with telescopic fasteners - a plastic umbrella with a wide cap and metal anchors; if the roof slope angle is more than 10 degrees, the fastener anchors must be replaced with large disk holders.
  • mechanical fasteners are installed in places where the membrane sheet is applied - the elements are placed in increments of up to 200 mm;
  • when the roof slope is greater by 2-4 degrees, another fastening line is installed at the location of the valley;
  • along the perimeter of the protruding elements of the membrane can be secured with edge strips with a sealing layer on the underside;
  • To avoid damage to the membrane, non-woven or geotextile material is installed under it.

3. Pasting method.
This method of fastening roofing membranes is considered the most expensive and unreliable: there is no guarantee that such fastening to the roof base will be strong. This method is used only if other methods are inappropriate, or rather, unfeasible:

  • membrane roofing is installed using adhesive mixtures;
  • when checking the tensile strength, it must be greater than the mating strength of the contacting layers of the roof.

Important! Using the gluing method, you can save a lot of money. Typically you need to use glue mixture only in the most necessary places: along the perimeter, in problem areas(valleys, ribs, points of contact of membranes with chimneys, ventilation ducts and other protruding elements) and there, the panels overlap.

4. Heat welding method.
This option for connecting roofing membranes appeals to many developers. It is reliable and gives the building a fresh, modern look.

This is done this way:

  • a special welding machine produces a stream of hot air (400-600 degrees);
  • for better fastening, the width of the welded layer ranges from 20 to 100 mm;
  • as a result, the membrane fabric after welding provides a particularly ideal sealed surface, which, by the way, is not affected by ultraviolet radiation, unlike glued membranes;
  • The only thing is that this process is quite complicated to complete independently.

Membrane roof installation

If the construction of such a roof does not include, for example, snow guards or drainage systems, it will consist of the following layers:
  1. Vapor barrier. In turn, this layer makes up a vapor barrier film that prevents steam from entering the insulation.
  2. Bottom layer of insulation. Often it is mineral wool, less often - extruded polystyrene foam or glass wool. However, all these materials are resistant to harmful influences and have optimally low thermal conductivity.
  3. Top layer of insulation. It can be polystyrene foam or mineral wool, as well as polystyrene foam.
  4. Separating layer. It is represented by geotextiles or fiberglass.
  5. Roofing PVC membrane.

Flat roof installation

There is no roof slope of this type or a maximum of 3%. Flat roofing is used in the following buildings:

  • production facilities;
  • agricultural buildings;
  • “protrusions” of residential buildings - terraces and verandas;
  • roofs of urban high-rise buildings;
  • garages and outbuildings.

Device flat roof as follows:

  • load-bearing plate;
  • leveling layer;
  • vapor barrier;
  • heat insulator;
  • waterproofing agent;
  • “finish” - sprinkling with sand or gravel (with paving slabs top), geotextiles with a soil layer, roll roofing or concrete screed.

Installation of a flat roof, in fact, involves the installation of the above layers:

  • installation is carried out on load-bearing base as reinforced concrete slab or steel profiled sheet;
  • Waterproofing plays an important role in such a roof - if you do not provide high-quality sealing of the joints, the roof will not be able to retain water.

Important! Membrane roofing is installed on flat slopes when the use of other roofing materials is not feasible (except for bitumen-polymer, mastic and roll roofing).

Materials for membrane roofing

This type of roofing is installed using membrane materials, of which there are a huge number on the market today. If quite recently membrane roofing meant PVC membranes, today several more materials have been added to them, with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Important! Despite the laboriousness of installation and, accordingly, the high price, TPO membranes are still considered the best: for quality roofing Possible leakage of EPDM membranes or release of harmful substances PVC membrane roofing.

Membrane roofing cost

Prices for materials for installing membrane roofing vary depending on the manufacturer and material of manufacture.

Approximate prices for materials.


  • PVC membranes for mechanical fixation – 390-800 rubles/square;
  • unreinforced PVC membranes for junctions – 500-890 rubles/square;
  • TPO membranes for fixation using the ballast method – 450-520 rubles/square.


  • laminated tin – 1200-1600 rubles/square;
  • PVC overflows, funnels - 900-6000 rubles / square;
  • TPO overflows, funnels – 800-5200 rubles/square;
  • vapor barrier – 39-85 rubles/square;
  • adhesives, solvents – 1000-34000 rub./piece;
  • fastening elements - about 140 rub./linear meter.

Approximate prices for installation work:

  • roofing carpet laying - from 150 rubles/square;
  • vapor barrier - from 20 rubles/square;
  • corrugated sheeting – from 120 rubles/square;
  • thermal insulation – from 20 rubles/square;
  • separating layer of geotextile – from 30 rubles/square.


This video discusses the features of a flat roof, as well as the process of installing a membrane roof from a group of professional roofers.

Membrane roofing is one of the the best ways design of the roof of any building, due to its durability, aesthetic value and cost of materials and installation work.

The content of the article

membrane roofing

Today, membrane is the most modern type of roofing covering. The technology for installing membrane roofing allows us to provide a seamless (seamless) coating that has unsurpassed waterproofing characteristics.

In modern technical literature It is customary to designate 3 types of soft roofing, which differ in the composition of the waterproofing coatings:

  • membrane (PVC, EPDM)
  • Mastic (liquid) roofing materials

They all differ from each other in their physical, mechanical and operational characteristics.

Sometimes we can find texts where bitumen-polymer materials are called membrane materials. This is due to the fact that in English technical reference books the term membrane is applied to all types of rolled roofing materials.

All membrane roofs should be divided into three types:

PVC membrane

It is made from polyvinyl chloride (plasticized polymer) and is reinforced with ether fiber to give it special strength. To make elasticity resistant to wide temperature ranges, about 40-45% plasticizers are added during production.

What are the benefits of such membranes? Of course, the simplicity and speed of installation (one team can install up to 1000 sq.m. per shift), resistance to ultraviolet radiation(bright sunlight), elasticity and good fire resistance.

Are there any disadvantages to membranes? The disadvantage of this roofing coating is its low resistance to solvents, organic oils and bitumen-based materials. Today, the main types of membranes can be distinguished on the market: Ogneizol, Alkorplan, Krovlelon.

EPDM membranes

EPDM membranes are a modern roofing covering with a high degree of elasticity, which is made on the basis of rubber fabric and reinforced with ether fiber for strength.

The main difference from the previous type of coating is that EPDM membranes are an absolutely environmentally friendly product that is not afraid of contact with bituminous materials.

Disadvantage: adhesive joints are required, which reduces tensile strength compared to welded joining methods. Main manufacturers - foreign companies Genflex, Firestone.

A separate group is multilayer membranes based on composite material, Where upper layer is made of rubber, and the bottom is made of bitumen. Fiberglass is used for reinforcement. To install such material you can use bitumen mastics. The most famous representative of the composite EPDM membrane is Foenix.

TPO membranes

The basis of this type of roofing coating is thermoplastic olefins. Polyester and fiberglass are used for reinforcement; there are options without additional reinforcement.

TPO membranes are absolutely environmentally friendly (there are no volatile components in the composition), durable and do not lose elasticity, provided low temperatures, however, they are inferior in elasticity coefficient to PVC and EPDM membranes. Installation is carried out by welding using a jet of hot air. The main representatives on the market are Sarnafil, Genflex, etc.

Where is the membrane used?

This type of roofing material is widespread in the domestic construction market I received it relatively recently.

And today, the share of coatings such as membrane roofing does not exceed 1.5% of total number soft roofing coverings.

A slightly larger percentage falls on mastic and bitumen roll roofing. Compared to the prevalence in European countries, it is worth noting that the share of membrane roofing there averages 7-8%, which is significantly higher than in Russia.

In most cases, this type of roofing is used to cover roofs with a slight slope, most often on flat roofs. It is not surprising that a flat roof is often lighter than a pitched roof, and is also relatively cheaper and easier to use. Flat roofing allows for additional roof space that can be used for a variety of purposes for recreation and entertainment. Particularly popular in Lately acquires a roof covering with vegetation, it is in such cases that a membrane roof is simply irreplaceable.

Membrane roof installation technology

The thickness of the membrane ranges from 0.8 to 2 mm. The average weight of 1 m2 is 1.3 kg. Upon approval experienced specialists, if all conditions are met, the installation process is not a complicated procedure and takes almost 2 times less time than installing a roof made from materials of the bitumen-polymer group.

For example, a team of construction workers can cover more than 600 m2 of roofing during one shift.

I would also like to note the fact that membrane roofing has high elasticity and high puncture resistance. Possesses high resistance to the effects of ultraviolet rays and aggressive environments, and are also highly resistant to frost.

Installation of a membrane roof is not a complicated procedure, but it can still be completed better for professionals. If the installation process is carried out on an old roofing covering, then there is no need to remove the old waterproofing layer. They can be laid on any base, which in turn is one of the advantages of such a roof.

Installation using heat welding

Today, there are several ways to connect roofing strips. One of the most common methods is hot air welding, which guarantees the strength of the seam. The installation of a membrane roof in this particular way involves welding the edges with a special welding machine that is capable of maintaining optimal temperature air (air supply from 400 to 600 0 C), pressure, as well as standard speed of movement along the seams. The width of the weld seam can be adjusted from 20 to 100 mm.

IN hard to reach places, such as holes, corners, roof access, it is recommended to use manual welding.

The installation of a membrane roof provides another way to connect the rolls. Is concluded this method using special tapes that have double-sided adhesive bases. I would like to note that mechanical strength with this type of connection is significantly lower.

Ballast mount

membrane fastening methods

This method is used when the roof slope is no more than 15 degrees.

The ballast fastening method is the most economical for flat roofs. This method consists in the fact that the membrane roof lies on the base and is fixed exclusively along the perimeter, and in places adjacent to vertical surfaces. And to prevent the canvas from being blown away by the wind, it is attached to the base using ballast. The mass of ballast must be at least 50 kg per 1 m2, and it is recommended to use as cargo:

  • large pebbles or crushed stone (20-40mm);
  • concrete blocks;
  • paving slabs;
  • any other massive objects.

Undoubtedly, this method requires the presence of a sufficiently strong roof, which is designed to withstand the total load.

Important! If a load is used as ballast that can damage the surface of the membrane (broken stone, gravel), it is recommended to lay it on top non-woven fabric or swearing.

Mechanical fastening method

fastening with umbrellas

Concerning mechanical method, then it is recommended when additional load on load-bearing structure and when there are no drains or parapets on the roof.

Construction technologies and trends in roofing are constantly changing, barely keeping pace with the emergence of new materials and production methods. It is not surprising that those roof coverings that were considered practical and reliable just a few decades ago are now fading into the background, giving way to more technologically advanced, durable solutions. Thus, membrane roofing has practically replaced the old-style rolled materials used to cover flat or low-slope slopes, due to its strength, elasticity, and tightness. In this article we will talk in detail about characteristics of PVC, TPO and EPDM membranes, as well as the technology of their installation.

Membrane roofing – modern way installation of flat and low-slope roofs using modern polymer roofing materials, the multilayer structure of which qualitatively distinguishes them from roll coverings last generation (roofing felt, roofing felt, glassine).

  • Mechanical strength. The use of more elastic polymers makes membrane materials more resistant to mechanical damage, resulting in increased service life of the coating.
  • Elasticity. Roofing membranes are much more elastic than rolled cardboard-based roofing materials, so they make it easier to install the coating on structures of complex shapes.
  • Tightness. The technology of laying membrane roofing allows you to obtain an almost monolithic, hermetic finishing layer without heating.
  • A light weight. The low weight and small thickness of the membrane allows you to repair old roofs without dismantling the structure.
  • Convenient installation technology. Roofing membranes made of PVC, EPDM or TPO can be installed at any time of the year without the use of heating equipment. Moreover, installation can occur on any type of base.

Note! The obvious advantage of a roofing membrane is the ability to cover roofs large area in a short time without reference to weather conditions or temperature environment.

Types of membranes

The appearance of roofing membranes is associated with the development of the chemical industry and the desire of construction technologists to introduce the excellent qualities of synthetic rubber into waterproofing coatings. The technology for the production of membrane sheets from PVC, TPO, EPDM allows us to obtain a sealed finishing layer of the roof with a minimum number of joints.

  1. Since the properties of the membrane are mainly determined by the polymer on the basis of which it is made, they are divided into the following groups: PVC membranes. These roof coverings are made from a durable, flexible, temperature-resistant polymer known as polyvinyl chloride. PVC-based material is cheaper than analogues based on other compounds. PVC membrane roofing, unlike its analogues, has light color
  2. , due to which it reflects more than 20% of the sun's rays and heats up less. EPDM membranes. This group of membrane sheets is made from ethylene propylene diene monomer, which is more often referred to as " synthetic rubber
  3. " They are more expensive than PVC-based materials, but thanks to the reinforcement and elasticity of the polymer, they last more than 50 years.

Please note that membrane roofing has a multi-layer structure, each layer of which gives the material a certain property. The working layer of the membrane is responsible for the elasticity and tightness of the coating, and the protective layer is responsible for the strength properties and resistance to ultraviolet radiation.

Mounting methods

Due to the composition and form of release, it is possible to install membrane roofing on roofing structures with a slope of 0 degrees. Experienced craftsmen note that this option is optimal for a flat, flat, exploitable and low-slope roof. The thickness and weight of the membrane fabric is 1.5-2 times less than that of traditional rolled materials, so their installation takes less time and effort.

  • The technology for fixing the coating depends on the type of membrane, type of base and roof structure. The following methods of fastening the canvases are used:
  • Ballast mounting. This method consists of using ballast material (pebbles, expanded clay), which is scattered on top of a membrane laid on the base of the roof, to fix the sheet on the slope.
  • Adhesive fixation. The membrane roof can be fixed using a special adhesive. The polymer sheet is glued to the base of the roof without making mounting holes, due to which the tightness of the roof is not compromised. Fastening by thermowelding method. Another way to fix a membrane roof is to glue the sheet using heating equipment. Under influence high temperature , polymer roofing material
  • soldered, forming a monolithic, almost seamless coating.

Mechanical fixation. A less common method of fixing a membrane roof is fastening with fasteners (nails, screws, staples). The use of this method is undesirable, since it involves the production of a large number of mounting holes that violate the tightness of the roof.

Important! Experienced roofers recommend installing membrane roofing using a heat-welded or adhesive method. However. It is worth remembering that the result of fixation depends on the quality of preparation of the roof base surface for work. To improve adhesion between materials, you need to clean the base from dust, dirt and grease. The roof is the most important building. Whether the conditions inside will be comfortable enough depends on how well it is made. Therefore, during construction or renovation, it is necessary to be especially careful in choosing the material for the roof. In the article we will consider a modern and high-tech method of arranging a roof from a PVC membrane.

Membrane roofing has recently become extremely popular, which is not surprising, since it has excellent technical performance and, most importantly, is easy to use and operate. The membrane was first introduced more than 40 years ago and since then has maintained a leading position in the market. In Europe, it has long been unconditionally preferred, covering almost 80% of roofs with its help, and now it is gaining trust in Russia.

PVC roofing membrane

This is an innovative waterproofing roofing material made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

The membrane itself consists of three components, which are the basis of its unique qualities:

  • The top layer of PVC is resistant to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation. It is offered in a wide range of colors, so it is easy to choose any one depending on your needs or wishes;
  • reinforcement with polyester mesh (for reinforced types of membranes);
  • the bottom layer is a darker shade. It would seem why they paid attention to this, but in fact this point is important. The fact is that if deformation appears on the roof - a dent, a cut, a rupture - then, thanks to the difference in color between the top and bottom layers, this place will be clearly visible, which will make it easier to find the leak and guarantee a quick repair.

Characteristics of PVC membrane

The main secret of the longevity of a membrane roof is the presence of special stabilizers in the top layer, which protect against aggressive environmental influences. Ultraviolet radiation is especially dangerous for it, so membrane manufacturers supply them with a layer of special absorbers that create a barrier that prevents the penetration of ultraviolet rays and the destruction of the material.

Manufacturers are not afraid to give a 10-year warranty on their material, and the service life of a membrane roof is about 50 years.

The absolute tightness provided by this material is achieved due to the fact that the sheets are welded overlapping using hot air, forming a reliable seam and the integrity of the coating. This installation method allows the membrane to be used at any time of the year and significantly speeds up the roof installation process.

In what cases is membrane roofing used?

Membrane roofing is ideal for both exploited and non-exploited flat roof, for example, in modern multi-story buildings residential buildings, at industrial enterprises, warehouses, shopping centers.

It is less common in low-rise cottage construction. This is partly due to the fairly high price, partly due to the traditional sloping architecture of the roofs of private households, for which sheet roofing materials are more suitable.

A properly designed and faultlessly operated flat membrane roof requires virtually no maintenance or repair, only regular monitoring for clogging of the drainage system.

  • It is light in weight and does not place much load on the building's supporting supports and foundation. The thickness of the membrane varies from 0.8 to 2 mm, on average the weight of 1 m2 of this material does not exceed 1.5 kg;
  • a wide selection of roll lengths and widths allows you to choose optimal quantity material to minimize joints and the number of seams.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

The advantages that distinguish the membrane on the market are:

  • ease of installation and speed of installation;
  • durability;
  • resistance to aggressive external environment, can withstand temperatures down to -60 degrees;
  • high strength of the coating, while maintaining elasticity;
  • vapor permeability, eliminating the appearance of moisture and condensation accumulation;
  • possibility of laying on uneven surfaces, including on the old roof;
  • fire resistance, membranes are non-flammable material and meet all fire safety standards.

The main disadvantage of a membrane roof is its price, which significantly exceeds, for example, the cost of a bitumen-polymer roof.

However, durability will more than pay for itself expensive cost material. Thus, bitumen coating becomes unusable after 2-3 years and requires repair. With a membrane, you can be sure that it will not require repair, much less replacement, for 40-50 years.

Roofing with PVC membrane

Modern roofing material, which, of course, is a membrane, must not only protect the room from rain and wind, but also retain heat in it, remove excess moisture, which will prevent the development of mold and mildew. The roof, along with the foundation, is the most important element in the structure, it is responsible for its functionality and durability.

Experts have introduced the concept of “roofing pie”, which assumes the presence of three main components: vapor barrier, insulation and waterproofing. There may be more layers, depending on the type of roof and its purpose.

Scheme for membrane roofing

1- The base is in this case a profiled sheet.

2- Vapor barrier. She represents vapor barrier film, which performs the function of preventing moisture or condensation from entering the insulation layer from the room.

3- Thermal insulation - bottom layer. The most common material for insulation or thermal insulation is mineral wool. Extruded polystyrene foam and glass wool are also used.

4- Thermal insulation - top layer. The division of insulation into two layers is not accidental; the top one acts as a load distributor and is usually made of higher density mineral wool.

5- Telescopic fastener.

6- Roofing membrane.

Roofing pie over old roof

Another undoubted advantage of the membrane is the ability to use it on almost any surface; in other words, it does not require mandatory leveling. Therefore, it is very convenient to use for repairing or updating the roof.

Below are two examples roofing pie without dismantling the old coating from using PVC membranes.

With leveling and insulation

  • Base - old roof;
  • vapor barrier;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • separation layer (geotextile);
  • PVC membrane.

Without leveling and insulation

This is only possible if the old roof is flat and has insulation.

  • Base - existing roof covering;
  • separation layer (high-density geotextile);
  • PVC membrane.

The cake for a flat roof depends directly on its purpose (whether it is used or not), however, in any case, the main layers will remain unchanged: vapor barrier, thermal insulation and waterproofing.

Technology for installing a PVC membrane roof using the heat-welded method

The installation of a PVC membrane roof must be done in dry weather, and the base on which it is mounted must also be completely dry.

It is often used on flat roofs, and the sequence of work is as follows:

  • Anything that could interfere with work (advertising signs, antennas, debris) is removed from the roof;
  • if necessary, the old roof covering is repaired or completely dismantled;
  • fits vapor barrier material with overlaps and taping of all seams;
  • Next, a layer of insulation is placed (mineral wool, polystyrene foam, etc.)

  • PVC membrane sheets are fixed onto the prepared base with an overlap of 15 cm. If fastening is required to wooden sheathing, then a telescopic fastener with a self-tapping screw is suitable for concrete surfaces the same fasteners will be required, but only with dowel-nails;

  • the required number of fastenings is calculated individually for each roof, and depends on climatic conditions region and design of the roof itself;
  • When the entire roof is closed and fixed, the joints of the material are welded with a stream of hot air using special equipment. The welding machine nozzle should be at an angle of 45 degrees;

Tip: before starting work, the equipment should be warmed up to 550 degrees. And before you start working directly with the roof, it is recommended to practice on small pieces of PVC membrane. But there are also membrane roofs that can only be connected with glue or adhesive tapes intended for this purpose.

  • after the roofing material is caught by hot air, it must be immediately rolled with a silicone roller;
  • There is no need to rush, and after the first section of the connection is made, you need to check its quality. When trying to rip a seam by hand:
    • the material has torn along the seam - this means that too high a temperature was used;
    • no seam - temperature too low;
    • the rupture occurred near the seam - the work was done efficiently.

For clarity, below is a video about laying a PVC membrane roof.

Ballast method of installing a PVC membrane roof

This method is only applicable on flat roofs with maximum inclination to 10 %. It consists in the fact that the membrane fixed to the fasteners is covered with geotextiles and evenly filled with ballast. The material used is gravel or greenery.

Fastening a PVC sheet roof with glue

This method is reminiscent of a mechanical one, with the only difference being that no material is used to seal the joints. welding equipment, but a special construction adhesive.

Manufacturers and prices

Russian manufacturers

Manufacturer TechnoNIKOL

LOGICROOF. A three-layer PVC membrane is produced. A special layer is created on its surface containing a high concentration of ultraviolet ray absorbers.

Manufacturer Stroyplastpolymer

Roofing. Waterproofing material is available in two types:
A - two-layer very durable film with reinforcement, used as roofing material;
G - has 2 layers, suitable for waterproofing work.

Plastfoil. This is a membrane consisting of three main components:

  • stabilizers, plasticizers and flame retardants;
  • fabric with a complex weave of polyester thread;
  • PVC dark color.

Plastfoil is highly flammable and prevents the spread of flame over the roof surface; it is used on roofs with increased fire safety requirements.

Foreign manufacturers

Manufacturer: Renolit SE (Belgium)

Alkorplan. Polymer roofing waterproofing material based on PVC. It is characterized by high strength. It is not flammable, does not rot, and is not exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Service life - more than 50 years.

Manufacturer Sika (Switzerland)

Sikaplan. A reinforced PVC membrane made of several layers, resistant to UV radiation, excellent for waterproofing roofs.

Manufacturer ICOPAL (Netherlands)

Monarplan. A modern material consisting of a single layer of PVC membrane, designed for waterproofing flat roofs in any climate zone.

Manufacturer Ruvitex (Bulgaria)

Ruvimat. Polymer waterproofing material based on PVC. Highly durable, UV stable, fireproof. Service life - more than 50 years.

Approximate price for square meter PVC membranes foreign manufacturer ranges from $15 to $25 per square meter. Russian manufacturers They offer a lower price, about $8-10. This cost does not include installation work, as well as the cost of other materials for the roofing pie.

Selecting a contractor

Membrane roofing is an innovative product and requires certain knowledge and skills when installing. Therefore, it is not recommended to install it yourself. This work is best left to specialists with experience and the necessary tools.

Considering the fact that the membrane is a material that has recently appeared on the Russian market, and is not yet as widespread as, for example, in Europe, there are few companies that can truly professionally install PVC membrane roofing.

When choosing them, you should pay attention to:

The price for installing a PVC membrane roof cannot be low; it is also an indicator of the professionalism of the contractor. It varies between $3-15 per square meter, and depends on the complexity of the roof structure, time of year, surface condition, selected material, etc. Experienced work producers can cover up to 1000 sq.m. in one working day. roofs.

The table, for clarity, shows the cost of work by one of the construction companies.

One of the advantages of working with a contractor is full support: the performing company takes all measurements, advises on materials, and gives advice on its design. And most importantly, the contractor provides a guarantee for his work, and, if necessary, performs warranty and post-warranty service.

Possibilities of PVC roofing

In addition to high technology, membrane roofing provides an opportunity for creativity and the implementation of interesting ideas on the roof.

For example, you can put an advertising slogan or company name on the membrane if the roof is being manufactured for an industrial enterprise or warehouse. Thus, the roof will become not just a reliable protector from the weather, but also a place to express individuality.

Or, instead of ballast, use turf, which can create a beautiful “green” roof.

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Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become a dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
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Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Minced meat for beef and pork cutlets: recipe with photo
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat.  But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them.  In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites